tv WGN News at Nine CW November 16, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm CST
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was not the hospital that serving saving so many taking you to africa where chicagoans are on a life-saving mission. wgn news @ 9 guilty verdicts and jail time against the owners of the infamous e 2 nightclub all tossed out 21 people crushed to death in 2003. good evening top story around the country tonight e 2 nightclub court reversal a win for the club owner live outside the club tonight >> 24th and michigan building used to be e 2 nightclub two- year sentences for all nursed
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tossed out today families of victims still wondering if anyone will be held accountable for what happened here. february 17, 2003. panicked crowd that made a mad rush out of e 2 nightclub police say security guard released pepper spray to break up a fight inside patrons jammed in a stairwell behind the locked door 21 and died and 50 people were injured co owners found guilty in 2009 of violating a judge's order to close the second floor. each sentenced to two years they were free on appeal to the appeal successful today. >> had the city moved in and did what they were supposed to do quickly broken legs and that kind of thing but nobody would have died >> says he and his partner targeted by the city slow and disorganized response by rescue groupscrews contributed to the death
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toll disappointed with court decision that the city response. the appellate court ruled the order was ambiguous on clear >> i feel the saddest mostly he is not going to walk through this door >> police on moved by the appeal court's logic wondering if the lives of their loved ones will ever count for anything >> 21 people died. my brother was a good guy all because some people did not do their job. did not do what they were supposed to do. >> prosecutors argued the owners of e 2 nightclub motivated by greed packing the club with too many people appellate court saw
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the other way city looking to review the appeals court ruling. >> we have breaking news newsroom tonight guilty verdict high-profile day care case and lincolnwood minutes ago a jury convicted 25 year-old melissa calusinski first-degree murder in the death of 16 month old benjamin kingan prosecutors claim slant in benjamin kingan to the ground at the minee subee daycare two years ago since closed melissa calusinski did not testify in her defense but prosecutors played a videotape confession for the jury faces life in prison. major victory chicago mayor rahm emmanuel as the city council passed first- ever municipal budget unanimous the however full of fee increases service cuts and layoffs live now with details >> always some people are not going to win that this is only the third time in 22 years city
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council unanimously approved the budget huge victory for the first time mayor but a victory opponents say will be short decided. part of the budget city will close half of its mental health clinics like this one at woodlawn and 53rd street consolidating with the remaining clinics. but leaves many like herself will not get the care they need >> less than $4 a month for each taxpayer to keep all 12 clinics open fully operating and fully staffed >> mayor and 50 aldermen approved the budget admits it will be painful for many many but think it is a fair budget >> $6.3 billion budget sending the city down a path of fee increases of layoffs and belt tightening to get the city back on sound financial footing some and planted immediately cuts include closing three police stations starting to collect
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garbage based on price not political maps and working on modernizing old water and sewer lines creating 18,000 jobs. using more competitive bidding to ensure taxpayers get the best deal working with unions on wellness plans to improve health of employees and stop robbing rainy day fund as the mayor calls it can't build it up accounts. city budget director alexandra holt is the budget pivotal model for years to come >> to take the initial series of cuts that will make future budgets not easy but substantially easier than this year on the right fiscal footing going forward >> henry bayer executive director says 200 members losing their jobs this is a short- sighted budget >> cutting services cutting taxes for business if we are having tough times the mayor
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could have and should have planned to make this payroll tax in place and cut that >> would launch facility more than a decade calvin mccloud use this facility every year city threatens to close, calvin mccloud says the fight is not over yet >> the fight is still going on you have to think of things positive or positive things will not happen >> meeting with mayor emmanuel first thing tomorrow morning to start implementing the new budget. former first lady maggie daley apparently killed in out that her job is to daughter moved her wedding day tomorrow. supposed to be new year's eve seem elizabeth daley here wearing pink scarf and white sweater will be marrying tomorrow first former first lady the maggie daley idling breast cancer for more than nine years.
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former teacher schaumburg christian school accused of fondling himself in front of students in jail $40,000 bond, paul laduke arrested monday allegedly touching himself during math class last friday police said admitted fantasized about students. also claims acknowledged he fondled himself several times a year in class over the past 10 years. lawyers questioning says is showing signs of dementia. police say no evidence and improperly touched or physically physically harmed any student. cars parked near lake shore drive missing yours laptop cellphone to chance to get them back chicago police uncovered stolen goods dozens of items after blood on a car led them to suspect 46 year-old chicagoan and the least on bond anyone whose vehicle was broken into along the way welcome to come down and make a claim items on display fbi building west
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roosevelt road and a picture this is what 9 and a half million dollars looks like stacked and wrapped confiscated during ongoing drug bust drug enforcement administration and the fbi people charged five of them expected up ties to the zeta drug cartel out of mexico 12 people arrested yesterday pile of cash around 3800 block west 44th street also found guns pearland and cocaine and. rare scare at the white house gunman helpless adopted getting serious damage and facing a firestorm over a video posted online karen lewis chicago teachers union president defending herself and tom skilling says tonight's first area wide freeze hello tom skilling.
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this saturday only. from 8am til noon... all toys are buy one get one 50% off. the season's hottest toys- including cookie, nerf, even let's rock elmo... are all buy one, get one half off! now that's kmart smart. i've seen this before -- the old "impromptu in-law visit." look at mom whipping up some kraft homestyle mac & cheese. sure it's easy to make, but it looks like she's been busting her hump in the kitchen. [ doorbell rings ] let the fireworks begin. [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it.
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isisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisis never out-of-reach. the next generation craftsman autohammer. a new articulating head. superior access. only sears has over twenty five nextec tools, now all on sale. craftsman. trust. in your hands. wgn news @ 9 behind bars since teenagers tonight opportunity to clear their names for good for men cleared of rape and murder in mid 1990's >> becoming more and more common
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dna evidence a convicted killers a given a second chance in this case took years of work dozens of attorneys and volunteers paid off in the andes form and getting a day in court again. vincent thames embraced swept out of the courtroom today after 17 years finally another chance to clear their name >> tragedy but i have been through but i am still here today is a good day >> convicted in 1994 for the break and murder of the 30 year- old nina glover in englewood two of the men michael saunders and harold richardson still incarcerated mother and daughter spoke after the ruling >> want them to come home with family 17 years >> joined in court today swift currently on parole because of the rape conviction register vincent thames sex offender "
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said ron paul convictions have prevented them from finding jobs >> putting in applications but no job >> dna evidence uncovered a plan to to this man johnny douglas shot to death in 2008. johnny douglas extensive criminal background arrested 83 times and convicted of burglarizing another woman judge judge paul biebel agreed with attorneys representing the four men said trial back in 1994 would have ended differently had dna evidence been available then. many tears after the judge read the position >> extremely emotional again a step in the right direction we have been fighting or 17 years finally the judge started to acknowledge that. >> plans to return to school had a degree in criminal justice. the two men still in prison expected to post bond waiting for a new trial to begin >> 10 year-old illinois girl
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believed to have killed herself over bullying laid to rest. the least bollands services fuel palm moved to church because of large large turnout content and closet on friday mother said upset about being bullied and bullied >> to find the chicago teachers union president says she will not quit trying to set the record straight after her remarks mocking the education secretary hailing from chicago after the video went viral >> this guy has the nerve to stand up and say education is a civil rights issue of our top you know he went to private school because if he had gone to public school he went head the list next karen lewis the tooling and the list of arne duncan standup comedy routine at teachers conference last month in seattle apologized would like
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to move forward >> some of what i said inappropriate and insensitive. nobody should resort to personal attacks i will not step down from my office i am a fighter in this for the long haul >> during the controversial speech karen lewis so joked about smoking pot in her college days. said not sending any message just telling you is about her past. new study out of notre dame economic impact of latino community and chicago area financial contributions of the latino community area people findings of direct contrast procession latino community represents a drain on the economy study found 22 percent population can be classified latino. judging estimations latinos making 25 percent of the area work force
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next four years and report found hispanics directly contribute $4.3 billion yearly in local taxes study found cost of public services like education and health care to latinos cost $3.9 billion. talking a thief out of his theft how one woman got her car back and shock value today is just silly latest attack on thanksgiving dinner by peta. [ male announcer ] humana and walmart have teamed up to bring you a low-priced
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medicare prescription drug plan. ♪ ♪ with the lowest national plan premium... ♪ ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ♪ ...saving on medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details. it's game day, buddy, and, boy, are we in for a doozy. oh man. mr. clean is dominating the competition! mr. clean is tackling mess like some sort of mess tackler. oh, and what's this? [ sniffs ] that's the scent of gain original fresh. that counts as a performance enhancer. i am complaining to the cleaning products athletics board. did you just make that up? yes, i did, and i'm the president. you're losing it, buddy. maybe you should hit the showers. mr. clean already did. they're spotless. i bet. [ male announcer ] introducing mr. clean with gain original fresh scent. victory over dirt's never been easier or smelled so great. [ husband ] sarah. every day spent
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with you has been a gift. so here's a gift for our new life together. [ male announcer ] with over 165 years of experience new york life can help ensure your loved ones are always taken care of. it's the most selfless gift you can give. hey! you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat [ cellphone rings ] hey honey! mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls. wgn news @ 9
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arrest made in connection with shots fired at a white house last friday night a man identified as oscar ramiro ortega hernandez kutcher today near the town indiana pa. 75 mi. east of pittsburgh to bullets found white house yesterday at one hit a window stopped by bulletproof glass and other white house grounds car was found near the white house the weapon inside registered to oscar ramiro ortega hernandez. thursday and australia president obama address to parliament new agreement with australians expanding military cooperation with longtime allies and boost american presence in the region first visit to australia as commander in chief 250 marines sent to the northern region expanding 2500 over the several years full marine task force time a military expansion
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driving factor in the asian pacific. judge and penn state sex scandal removed after revealing later she made contributions to jerry sandusky charity house for boys. oscar ramiro ortega hernandejerry sandusky accused of raping young boys says new judge no connection to the charity or penn state jerry sandusky next court appearance preliminary hearing december 2nd. peta campaigned for a beacon that skipping mess and with town in texas wanting to turkey taxes to change its name. >> changing the name to tofu the stupidest thing i have ever heard >> being treated as a turkey of an idea in the small town of 500 they say they like eating turkey and selling turkey trinkets one man's response to not mess with turkey texas. vehicle stolen and return to earth did this month monica
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salazar a curried left the keys in her 2004 scion x-a the thief and drove off with monica salazar cellphones inside monica salazar sister sent angry text message and thief responded, monica salazar learned thief like her recently lost a mother causing monica salazar to soften up >> i hope weber took my car is okay. and that he gets the help he needs >> monica salazar spoke to the thief and a telephone 3 * spending more than an hour talking bump the car for her at kentucky fried chicken california nothing damage or taken monica salazar try to keep in touch with used invitation to dinner. new sexiest man alive who coming up sexy the last word you would use to describe tonight's weather but tom skilling says look forward to the weekend and medicine in remote kenya out in chicago when
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capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain.
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x@?is never out-of-reach. the next generation craftsman autohammer. a new articulating head. superior access. only sears has over twenty five nextec tools, now all on sale. craftsman. trust. in your hands. ♪ ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours?
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to find some new decor. your house will be so bright. all lit up on christmas night. no one does christmas, like you do christmas. you find the perfect toy. that fills their hearts with joy. the gifts that make their day. got it all on layaway. no one does christmas, like kmart does christmas. kmart. smart tom skilling frosty tonight? >> for sure, across the area for the first time freezing temperatures across the city tonight, what a day this has been whether or across the country chilly in chicago lost about 20-25 degrees on the
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temperature column a beautiful day high clouds on the north end of the system producing an outbreak of tornadoes in the southeast looking like a spring day from a florida through parts of georgia and alabama carolina's today 1320 reports in the meantime we were chilly like winter in the northern plains all parts of half a foot of snow tonight felt in parts of montana, high clouds from below the big thunderstorms erupted today in the southeast roaming the area tonight. last vestiges of a tornado watch series of them starting in the atlanta area are around noon and tonight thunderstorms produce and hail detected by the doppler radar in that area and there they are moving up toward the atlantic coast with a three- dimensional overlay power rent cumulonimbus clouds this is where the cold air we are in now bumps into 80 degree air with a
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lot of peabody and topcoat the thunderstorms pretty mild. quieter one not see severe weather tornado report southeast today we have cold weather in fact it cold weather on the way and failing to hit 40 degrees tomorrow since april 41st time to get the coldest night in eight months since late march with 18 degrees in the suburbs 30 in the city high-temperature 39 tomorrow of 51 degrees ahead of the howling wind during the day on friday a buckle in the jet stream brings the cold air in about a big drop settles into the best turning people in southwest stays midwest with warmer weather and that may break late in the weekend or the next week could occur again for thanksgiving given us mild weather. high temperatures today alaska and where the air came from pushing temperatures already down to 28 degrees and
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27. 34 degrees midway and 32 degrees at o'hare wind chill taper off to the northwest closer to the snowpack which feeds the cool air in the lower 48. amazing double digit 24 our temperature drops. at one point today for the the only state with weather stations registering a temperature drop over the last 24 hours. mammoth topic of cool air covers a good chunk of real estate. they do point telling you where the air came from, single digit wind chill do points earlier today that means virtually no moisture in the air only place and airbus like that originates from is in the arctic do not have open water 2 ft. deep moisture into the atmosphere, 20s this morning harvard-whitewater wisconsin and island lake look at the
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temperatures: into the north dakota. high temperatures this is where the air is coming from. we will have thirties' tomorrow instead up in the teens and idea of the area what is going on as far as weather 34 degrees in midway 28 degrees at mccaffrey and to some temperatures across the metro area and the wind chill or around this area. storms georgia big rainfall parts of georgia over 2 in. some of the wind gusts in alabama and georgia extreme, one made it up to 74 m.p.h. during a thunderstorm down there. we are watching a new storm and arc of clouds coming in from the west began with three blast of weather in northern rockies turning wed to the southward and
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us up anticipation of the wind until watches on the great lake tornado watches eastern and southeastern states frost and freeze advisories of a variety of winter weather warnings and watches snowfall in the west storm gets going. high-pressure wind blows it clockwise west- northwest wind tonight and tomorrow isobars pact costs of up to over 1,000 mi. of terrain puppet air into central united states. snowstorm sent up into the rockies streak of measurable snow could run up into the upper midwest and northern and wisconsin minnesota opera michigan in line for sticking snow this weekend even as we warm to near 60 by saturday with a scattered clouds tonight will list temperature and seven and a half months low temperatures 18 degrees and that the coldest locations and 30 degrees in the loop. we expect about 24 degrees
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at o'hare tonight mostly sunny cold tomorrow first day and up 40¢ tomorrow way below normal about 90 degrees about 9 degrees below normal. cold and breezy tomorrow with few clouds temperature drops still chilly at 28-36 degrees. hi 50 degrees on friday. the wind will cancel out the field of the temperature increase. looking at thanksgiving on the update. >> thank you tom skilling. fuld modern hospital remote section of kenya how a generous chicago and helped make it all work. usa prime credit... this peggy... hi, i'm cashing in my points... peggy? no more points - coupons now.
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and take your blindfolds off. oh my goodness. are you serious? [ male announcer ] febreze air effects eliminates tough odors so you can breathe happy guaranteed. i've seen this before -- the old "impromptu in-law visit." dad's a real cleaning machine. and look at mom whipping up some kraft homestyle mac & cheese. sure it's easy to make but it looks like she's been busting her hump in the kitchen. [ doorbell rings ] ♪ ♪ let the fireworks begin. hi it's so nice to see you. something smells good. [ male announcer ] kraft homestyle macaroni & cheese. cheesy noodles topped with golden-brown, breadcrumbs. you know you love it. [ female announcer ] among marie claire's top 25 beauty products that will change your life... for the first time ever... a toothpaste. crest 3d white. if beauty editors notice, who else will? crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. carry on you gazers... you grazers...
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you thieves... you spill-prone, and thrill-prone... and refusers to be fully-grown. we get it. after all, kenmore is in the lives of over 100 million americans. that's why, with 31 cubic feet, no fridge in america has more capacity. we put more in so you get more out. kenmore. not far from the base of mt. kilimanjaro 125,000 mi. south of nairobi kenya the boldness out of dusty plains most modern hospital and clinic surprisingly like any hospital ever seen corner of most of the world most will never see a
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final installment chicago philanthropist and clinic founder ann lurie let us chicago care a continent away. injured patients arrive locals of racing victims of accidents to aid village clinic teens jumped into action just like in any center around the world. this is what we get with the new highway they built regular occurrence people can drive fast a lot of accident victims >> group of church friends rushing an elderly woman ill with hiv aids to hospital when their vehicle rolls over on the highway five injured people one
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day later we learn from this wreckage a more devastating accident >> test on the crash blood used pressed against the bleeding head of another patient >> a piece of cloth where she was coughing up blood and that is what they used to control the bleeding did not occur to her badly injured but aware of the brisk agreed we should test her >> deep head would with 10 stitches now at risk for a life- threatening disease. this patient will take anti retro viral medications undergo blood tests. from uncertainty to life
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of ferment moments later a birth 10 minutes old. this is the rhythm of the hospital. doctors and nurses orchestrate care in numbers learning from each other and from those who visit and share their knowledge like northwestern dr., dr. robert murphy even the tiniest patients most complicated medical problems this 9 day old infant fighting a serious infection just like her mother >> the baby will stay more questions to be answered. lying next to her asap of twins want to ride in the other struggling.
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a set of twins. unthinkable that is why the hospital is here. >> if we were not there where would these people go for treatment? >> like the car accident victims without hospital perhaps a different outcome for some. after taking preventative medications are the blood tests show she does not have hiv. as in any hospital there is triumph and disappointment. when this tiny twin struggles to brief not eating his mother sat by his side 24 hours a day wondered what was wrong. ultrasound showed a missing lung and kidneys covered even with modern
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test no cure could save the baby. nothing easy about maintaining a full-service hospital role kenya each day presents a different challenge but ann lurie entertained refused to give up on the patients they serve and their hope to treat even more people in need around the world. >> if it is possible and area here where there is no running water and electricity no sanitary facilities almost no roads it is possible anyplace. >> that is a call to action sustaining the clinic with operating costs up to $8 million a year and duplicating the village clinics and other parts of africa and beyond to learn more and get involved log onto the web page for a link to
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clinics amazed clinic the moment i looked at the wed page wanted to tell the story so i need to say thank you for allowing us to tag along she went on her most recent trip to africa but the one thing i came away from seeing you really can make a difference when you just care and she amassed all these other people to help out as well >> finance to the doctor is going across how long did they stay? >> it depended on how what they wanted to stay somewhere there for months some four weeks dr. murphy only there for one week and coming back and the other interesting thing she is funded by doctors from their to come over here and to train at northwestern children's memorial so they can learn and go and help their people. >> is it baby or not? case against justin bieber quietly
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disappearing into sunday another good chance for chicago bears secondary to come up with big takeaways next in sports. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies with hershey's chocolate chips. for a moment of warm gooey, togetherness. chocolate chip cookies... from pillsbury. [ woman ] day party idea
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pillsbury crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels just unroll, add ingredients, roll and bake. and the crowd goes wild. crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. game day ideas made easy. [ bell tolls ] ah, agents i don't know if you've heard but our training organization was recently named the "best in the world." nice little pat on the back. ahhhh! [ chuckles ] ah...that's good that's good. that's, uh, that' it is, after all a celebration for all of us. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ you know when you push your hair to the breaking point? pantene said, "breakage and split ends? get pantene breakage to strength." [ female announcer ] the keratin protection pro-v system helps prevent then repair split ends. zero fear of breakage, 100% more strength. pantene. is never out-of-reach.
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who claimed he was the father of her young son the 25 year-old mariah yeater 20 role to play and had sex with him after a concert last year gave birth to a boy back in july justin bieber denied the claims agree to take dna test to prove it dropped lawsuit and two of attorneys quit for mariah yeater those, still attorney jeffrey leving represents mariah yeater says lawsuit technically dropped but still pushing a dna test. people magazine announced its sexiest man of the year for the honor goes to actor sir bradley cooper tore off a hangover and romantic comedies and action films the 36 year- old says it is very cool a guy that does not look like a model can have the title sometimes i look horrifying also said title will make his mother happy. previous winners include actors ryan gosling/brad pitt >> we hear the beach and think people got it wrong, tom skilling too sexy for his shirt
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tom skilling and the weather center >> clearing their throats to the side but thank you for the thought guys. maybe in another life. " tonight i will tell you that we have temperature readings in the teens and led 20s at the lakefront looking at the computer there you go 32 degrees the forecast temperature at the moment dropping down into the low 20's and lead and rising to the mid 30's during the day tomorrow about midnight tomorrow night uprising after that and we can up to 50 in the afternoon hours on friday and well into the fifties if not near 60 during the day on saturday. high pressure covers the area tomorrow storm coming and into pieces but both of them producing a wind field lines
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together into a strong. a southwest wind up friday and saturday and there is moisture coming up in those wind may not lead us to showers until perhaps during the night time. on saturday. and the snowfall streaking into the plains states snowfall upper midwest. a look at the seven day temperatures from 39 degrees tomorrow to 50 degrees on friday 60 saturday 49 degrees for the chicago bears game saturday perhaps a shower of monday afternoon tuesday-wednesday in the 40's but could have 50s coming in here by thanksgiving. as we pointed out earlier could be a mild thursday-friday time friend not a forecast but if we hit 63 degrees could be the warmest thanksgiving in 45 years how is that? not totally out of the brawl allrealms of possibility. pretty nice.
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9:50 pm , a top the list of chicago cubs and managerial candidates decreases by one who will not be the chicago cubs next manager and six takeaways against the lions chicago bears d prime before another big day sunday against san diego sports next. [ male announcer ] whether over a cup of maxwell house, or a can of paint, you turned millions of votes and hundreds of volunteer hours into a real difference for over 100,000 people. what's next?
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tell us on facebook. this saturday only. from 8am til noon... all toys are buy one get one 50% off. the season's hottest toys- including cookie, nerf, even let's rock elmo... are all buy one, get one half off! now that's kmart smart. hey guys what can i get for you? i would like a decaf 360 calories please. and for you? i'll have a triple iced 410 calories please. you want the 40 whipped calories on that? uh, you know what... i'll have this instead. [ female announcer ] swap one thing a day for a yoplait light. with 33 flavors all around a hundred calories, a swap a day adds up to amazing. now you can add some crunch to your creamy. yoplait light with granola. try it today. ♪ round, round, get around i get around ♪ [ female announcer ] new and improved swiffer dusters with dust lock adhesive can clean virtually every surface in your home. ♪ ♪ its thousands of fluffy
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fibers pick up dust here, there, pretty much everywhere. and swiffer dusters traps 3 times more dust than a feather duster. and locks it away. ♪ ♪ swiffer cleans better or your money back. ♪ get around ♪ [ orange ] i'm not going over there. look at me: one. we're a salty sweet snack. two. salty sweet snacks get eaten. and three. i'd prefer her versus "hungry eyes" over here. ♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ covergirls -- set your lashes free. new natureluxe mousse mascara! we took out a heavy synthetic and put in a light touch of beeswax. up with the volume down with the weight. new natureluxe mousse mascara. easy breezy beautiful covergirl. sears super saturday starts at 9am. get 50%-60% off fleece for the whole family and all tvs are on sale. shop early on preview friday. sears super saturday.
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real deals. real savings. sears why settle for a one-note cereal? ♪ more, more, more... ♪ get more with honey bunches of oats 4 nutritious grains come together for more taste, more healthy satisfaction. get more with honey bunches of oats. other big test for chicago bears san diego messing up problems today offensive line good news at chicago bears change conferences for the next month moving to the anc blast might be toughest next four weeks might be if chargers can heal up something between now and the weekend chicago bears more worried about their own business four straight games against chicago bears against
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the afc west, jay cutler against his old rival san diego chargers philip rivers >> the running scheme kansas city does a little bit of both santa it will air at out then burger not know what they are doing any more but polite to push the ball that is what san diego does best prepare for how they are >> chargers are 4-by philip rivers having simply a horrible year picked up 15 * san diego bottom of the league in turnover ratio still chicago bears are well aware could be a trap can >> of a persistent and of the quarterback statistics say he has 15 interceptions but all 15 are not his fault. tipped passes on route running
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something like that great quarterback keeps his team in the game >> i think all of their losses coming out definitely going to have our hands full >> except for the turnover ratio chargers' lead the bears in quite a few statistical areas but saying that about opponents all year long chicago bears to keep on winning >> in the meantime it managerial search rolls on without former red sox skipper terry francona pulled himself out of the market out of the picture not managing in 2012 at least five candidates gm jed hoyer is to not go to sleep on any of that it sounds like mike maddux and dale sveum remain the front- runners, dale sveum it appeared with boston and no job offer in fact they are widening their search and report gm jed hoyer deadly says mike maddux wrestling with family issues
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dragging on but not to chicago cubs detriment yet. >> obviously having a manager is important players may look at that having the right guy they can cite that to go to chicago but right now i do not feel like we are late in the process or anything urgent in that regard >> circus trip under way for the blackhawks came one of six away from the you see all of last chance for payback in vancouver against the canucks who roughed up the hawks in chicago 10 days ago, coaching 11 tie the game in the nfl nhl vancouver pressing the attack with corey crawford standing tall metal chances for either team in the first date are scoreless after one and then covert at college hoops notre dame victorious uic roosevelt and eastern defeated loyola, joe maddon and kirk gibson managers of the year and astros moved into american league and last
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night another northern illinois and nail biter tied with ball state from 34 into the crosswind for a 41-38 lead with 8 seconds left and post camp fireworks went off eight seconds to soon, the game was not over paucities kicked off a deep red declare to kill off the rest of the clock shore of the opposition coach was thrilled to death with the fireworks going off tied the score at the end tried to. every game averaging 41 batt but that is the news have a good night. it's new! ahhh-ahh-ahh! it's nice 'n easy colorblend foam! permanent color with tones and highlights. now in a delightful foam. just three shakes, foam it, love it! it's foamtastic! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. [ male announcer ] cookies with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ ♪ hmm twix. also available
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