tv WGN News at Nine CW December 16, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm CST
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wgn news @ 9 small town murder family of five found shot to death outside of their downstate home. it is top story a around the country small town stunned in illinois. emington 50 mi. southwest of joliet live near pontiac tonight when they say not looking for a gunman at this time. what does that mean? >> not getting into specifics
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about a motive or whether they have somebody in custody but they assured the town of emington there is no danger to the community. small-town everyone knows everyone especially tragic. three people small children and two other adults found shot to death. all signs pointed to murder suicide call came in after 2:30 p.m. this afternoon reports of shots fired at a home and emington illinois about 90 mi. south of chicago. northeast livingston county. first responders got to the home and 100 block of south street found five big dumps all dead reportedly from gunshot wounds. community brought to a standstill this afternoon watching the town's mayor put up crime tape around the home.
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white adds town treasurer secretary confirm with us tonight a baby under the age of 1 years old. sheriff's office in illinois state crime scene services livingston state attorney's office still on the scene. more and permission of billable at this time the names will be policed after it next of kin is modified. scherf of livingston county want to make sure everybody is safe deputies are looking for no persons of interest at this time. >> we are told a baby along with a girl believed to be in the second grade both found with mother in the backyard of the home. a boy and the woman's son
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believe to be a kindergartner was found with him and elsewhere. the sheriff said the town of emington not in any danger tonight they do plan to hold a press conference tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m.. after they have learned possible motive live in livingston county tonight >> former chicago bears receiver sam hurd out on bond out of a job tonight chicago bears fired him today charges purchasing a large amount of cocaine from undercover agent. >> sam hurd home tonight with family facing a very serious charges convicted looking at serious time in prison. in a few weeks down to texas to face even more charges. sam hurd appeared in federal court today wearing orange prison jumpsuit with legs in shackles. hearing before the now former chicago bears
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receiver lasted three minutes united states judge young kim least about $150,000 cash bond. attorney from los angeles spoke to reporters >> sam hurd father was dead a good teammate a good friend. and the past: to the future family has had a good past family will have a good future >> future not with chicago bears but attorney says hopes another team will pick him up assuming of course he is cleared. yesterday charged with accepting a kilogram of cocaine from undercover federal agent. case is shocking even to the most veteran sports analyst. >> has always been stories of professional athletes involving drugs but never at the wholesale dealer level somebody who thinks he is going to move half a million dollars worth of product every week. this is on a scale beyond anything we have seen in sports. >> also attorney denies allegations sam hurd tester
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beating cocaine or other drugs to fellow nfl players. >> out of respect to the nfl and teammates to other players that nice publication patently and totally false >> attorney declined to comment about the charges not going into detail how to mount a defense >> do not try this in the media sam hurd does not want to try this in the media in texas next month to make an appearance at like i said yesterday it step by step and day-by-day appropriate investigation >> sam hurd waived his right to preliminary hearing state goes to a grand jury assume it does not violate any conditions of the bond next appearance in court in dallas tx hearing scheduled after indicted in texas. >> chicago bears responded quickly on the football standpoint the word
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>> the board is that sam hurd is out not a surprise chicago bears cut ties to sam hurd gm jerry angelo announced released the wide receiver the right thing to do. hurd least one day after word of the arrest chicago bears insist no prior indication of any trouble involving cam sides to a three-year deal before the season according to gm jerry angelo chicago bears did due diligence had no way they could have or heard the alleged involvement in drug trafficking >> the one thing that we have done we have acted we did not justify bronx and we have acted a track record of doing that fortunately unfortunately a situation comes that caught us off guard not to the point where we are not born to do the right thing to do right thing is to cut him sam hurd
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>> gm jerry angelo declined to comment on any other nfl players associated with the arrest of sam hurd, hurd is gone >> former penn state assistant football coach mike mcqueary says he is one of a percent short that he saw former coach jerry sandusky molesting a boy in that locker room in 2002. start with this today in a preliminary hearing for two of former bosses said mike mcqueary first told his father it then told head coach joe paterno. a week later told athletic director tim curley and university president gary schultz both men have been charged with perjury and failing to report suspected child sex abuse. home run king barry bonds were not spent any time in prison for his role in baseball's doping scandal fans shouted support for the major league baseball legend today leaving court in san francisco said bids for two years probation 30 days house arrest his mansion and community service. a jury convicted barry bonds of giving each case of
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testimony to a federal grand jury investigating steroid use by professional athletes. >> black caucus chicago city council redrawing political boundaries of the city's 50 wards. 32 aldermanic sign on to the proposal a day after the latino caucus filed its own map matching population growth at three more predominately hispanic wards and eliminated two predominantly african- american wards if alderman cannot agree it voters have the final set or can go to the court. sear's and cme group illinois tuesday. moments after gov. quinn signed tax breaks but the companies today both major employers announced staying put. hotly debated legislation now the law of the land kids confront $100 billion in corporate tax cuts to keep them from moving to lower tax states. cme employ is couple hundred thousand employees and sear's.
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who is on the pension dole now? private workers and organizations? the wgn-tribune investigation tonight and the layaway angels secrets that this panel of experts and extended loans to chicago stores so families can take home christmas for the kids talking to the families and final full shopping weekend before christmas tom skilling forecast.
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let me get you a free tank of gas -- how's that sound? progressive saved me money and i'm saving you money. [ chuckles ] now these guys are protected with progressive. come on around. we'll fill up your tank for you. free gas! 5 more inches. now you're lined up for some free gas and savings, eh? [ horn honks ] hey, we're trying to save here. i came in for this. yeah, fill it up, too.
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thank you. don't thank me. i'm just the messenger. wgn news @ 9 if you have been watching have not showed you enough money trouble for illinois private workers for years at the association's the big on the public pension dole. tonight tribune investigation taxpayers getting school. redbird pride is everywhere in normal illinois. town university of illinois state boasts a fine athletic department top-notch teacher education programs and the number one campus for place and private contractors on the public pension dole. pensions for people who cannot actually work for the school. a webbie g n
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tribune investigation about illinois state for decades opening public pension board too many public groups. private associations for principals middle school association and the 41 employees of the special olympics. >> one couple group special olympics but, does that make it right that we formed this 40 years ago therefore we need to keep this going? >> the question spokesman for illinois state university seems only fair way that the state university pension system now has less than half of the money it needs to pay the pension obligations. yet it says the university encourages the arrangement >> organizations were a perfect fit affiliation with the university we want that for the mentoring we can drive not all the students and alumni but administrators similar private employees and in to get adopted
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public pensions and with the special olympics employees in michigan note university pension private workers are getting the pension through the state university retirement system. employees can collect up to 80 percent of the last two years of celebrate with a 3% increase every year after they retire. not just at what the state added to the financial burden on this former employees of other colleges jacked up the pension just by going to work for unions. marietta miller worked as university secretary for $20,000 a year to drop the illinois federation of teachers now state pension is five times the and original salary. former senate staffer michael monaghan last work on the pension committee making $42,000. now he gets his own pension of nearly $200,000 because he bounced to the illinois community college trustee association. next year add up to the state to pay more
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than university more for university pensions that actual education at state schools. >> a frightening thought the pension funds are in danger of running out of money >> government financial expert at the civic federation says it decades old decisions are haunting every public pension today. >> the process is one of which there is not transparency and in which the people making the decisions of the legislators are not accountable for what the financial applications are because most of the cost of these legislative changes are not known or unknown publicly until years down the road >> illinois state of reduce the number of private people the school is about to get a public pension is a drop in the bucket compared to the thousands of university employees in the system >> what to make short given a simple math equation >> from the president of the special olympics illinois david breen not try to hide anything about the non-profit group's
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relationship that should connection very proud of their relationship marietta miller did not respond to calls michael monaghan and arky said the affiliation does not burden the pension system in his words because pays the employer amount assessed by the state in contrast to the state and neglected the full payment says if everybody were to pay to the system as his trusty association does that would be no retirement issue read more and sunday tribunate follow up to my story last night showing what happens sprint cup lawmakers have and try to be pension system to near dead last in the country. try to talk to powerful house speaker mike madigan who called a rare sunday hearing last week never got to speak with them. in the here and the team argued pension abuse reform bill from republican tom cross shepherd to the governor's desk is unconstitutional taking pensions away from the abuses we suppose
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exposed not stand up in court and great tom cross told us tonight despite the sunday hearing that michael madigan called the before bill still stands and should be signed by gov. quinn soon. >> up next what is better at kmart than a blue light special? the layaway angels some chicago calling christmas miracle. >> a year where so many have so little very special chicagoans try to make this a very happy holiday for others and what not to wear in the cold probably think you have it down by now but what about your kids? special considerations. and sherlock holmes the book to the big screen dean richards latest version measures up?
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x]xçz=zz@ú ?@?ú70ó40o÷úl@w@pnp9úñpñxtp>úwxpuçúmúñú]@@>xo@mxk@=ú?@çxú7oúu@wúopm@'8? ñúp@/úó w?pí ñ.ñ,g>nnoúytoúwñwhwú/ú>÷óú=÷%@÷@wúg@t÷.pk wojypñnplx/÷o@çpó@k@> m=óopoú[@dw÷oún = @gp?úi the droid razr by motorola. the droid that wirelessly pulls files, music and movies, all at 4g lte speeds. and introducing the droid xyboard. with an 8 inch hd screen and adaptive surround sound, a home theater for your hands. powered by verizon 4g lte, these droids are too powerful to fall into the wrong hands. buy a droid razr and get $100 off a droid xyboard. put a little more k'ching in your christmas! shop last-minute and save big! this week...
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team sportswear is buy one get one 50% off... family outerwear and cold weather accessories are 50% off... and joe boxer sleepwear for the family is also 50% off! now that's kmart smart wgn news @ 9 some folks not revealing the identity with hearts of gold. kmart wicker park reported on the layaway angels explain >> kind of hard to believe but we have just over a week until christmas. people who have things on layaway kits for christmas run out of time to get them home for kids. lucky and the needy shoppers came here today to find not worry about balances touched by it layaway angel >> unemployed grandmother upset at what happened today nothing short of a christmas miracle.
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for $95 k mart layaway bill paid in full but a complete stranger was going to pick that up today but he called me no kidding i screamed into the telephone at my lucky day >> called the layaway angels anonymous donors marching to kmart counters and clearing account balances. so shoppers who had hoped to finish off paint chips and time for christmas had a happy holiday it wished for. the liberal good news today >> called back and was wondering if it was courtroomtrue it is a blessing keeping the total sum she paid today a secret, cleared the account of four families >> on a daily basis we go out and spend money on things that we do not really mean that much but this means a lot christmas for a family making somebody's
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day making people believe that there are good people out there >> 12 oz paid at this store alone this week doubled the entirety of last season unidentified crutch which do that left all that she could $25 heartwarming gesture to those who would otherwise face a bleak, day >> very grateful i appreciate everything surprised very very grateful very very grateful people are struggling and i can feel pretty lucky to have a job and be doing ok >> some heard about the move on facebook immediately came to the store this morning convinced the best offer family to donate at other stores as well, originally wanted to stay anonymous but thought if she can forward helping to convince other people to give as well >> up tom skilling says tomorrow could be quite chilly make sure your address for the cold and in tonight's medical watch special consideration for
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medical watch the chill of winter coming parents are often caught off guard and kids left out in the cold as you consider holiday gifts try the right material to protect your little ones from the elements. genes seem like a warm option but not the case. >> not ideal if plant sliding for at log. of time you would rather have a police layer underneath followed by warm snowpack's >> fleece and wool help retain body heat but later appropriately is the key >> kids can get hypothermia when temperature drops to 90 can happen quickly
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>> but kids are not quick to come and they play and get to feel. they need to be able to feel toes and fingers wiggle >> people overdo it with too many layers if you cannot wiggle your toes that more prone to get a cold injury >> not too many pairs of socks and that tends not clubs kids prefer glubb's can use their fingers but not as warm as of mid 10's. >> why all the pediatrician and knows what works because she has seen all too often the results of not protecting kids appropriately in the cold. kids with frost that 10 to lead sensations numbness and their fingers and the comedies can be to frostbite tissues >> layer that up with the right materials get help if they show signs of cold damage >> good idea to keep things on hand in cold chicago winters
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hats and sox never to have in case stuck for a long time have a kit >> ready to go out and be outside for 45 minutes and put a brake >> and get a timer about 15 minutes indoors can be charged the body after 45 minutes outside. doctors say when it is to call to market to cold more cases of the flu be sure to bundle of >> coming up bitter start to the weekend put the gloves on and tom skilling says it gets better by chicago bears game time node on sunday
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[ indistinct conversations ] [ hissing ] agents, what did we learn here today? that lint balls are extremely flammable! well, yeah. and that 15,000 dryer fires happen every year! that's why it's important to regularly clean and inspect your vents! correct. where did you get that?! i built it. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ hi, could you read my list? it's all crossed out... it's 'cause i got everything on it. boom! thank you! [ male announcer ] the big christmas event is here. 8 a.m. saturday. with our lowest prices of the season on select toys electronics and more... the only stop for last minute gifts is walmart.
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you said you were hoping getting to the end of the year at least without snow fall tonight some certainty the biggest snow of the season it is coming. before you get too worried about that half an inch of snow this season at age makes it the biggest snowfall of the season but it is comic three-quarters of a mile visibility rochester minnesota has half a mile visibility. snow coming down and
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that area beautiful sunshine clouds burn off at the lake. coldest day in chicago in six days but what we are watching snow system you can see towards the end of the loop what we have been watching this thing is spreading out pretty formidable system passing to the south. keeping our eye on this one 1 mi. visibility a couple of miles hours ago spreading northeastern iowa heading for chicago area showing you a table of snow numbers two and a half inches spring valley minnesota 1.9 in..
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1.9 in. of snow. what has come down so far you can see what the headline is snow shower on the way have not had too much about this looks pretty dramatic. turning a mild and windy getting into the 40's with sunshine again for the chicago bears' camp on sunday half of an inch and shed half of snow fall on spots. the next system is not just a red ball system may be a mix of looks like target and downstate with heaviest precipitation swiping us on tuesday with self after a monday like braniff smell coming inf 4:00 in the morning falling in many parts around chicago area 715 in the morning 9:00 in the morlock by noon the last flurries are leaving the city might be a flurry in the afternoon still smelling and parts of northwest indiana and clouds and a smile every now and that before we clear out tomorrow night. everybody asked
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how much snow fall? the best estimate of the weather service high resolution model. about half an inch to 1 in. of stovall, across the area. part of an area extending from minnesota and to the no. indiana lower michigan region. a better view of the snow area. fast mover but in a season without much fairly dramatic. writing a jet stream from the north but i want to show you something else in the jet stream dominates the weather this weekend to keeping us cold tomorrow: pacific air during the day on sunday. add to this thing is waiting in the wings ready to lift out kicked by this system upstream in the west coast spending back lifting ports the midwest monday- tuesday started to rain on a slightly on monday a timid little snow from the plains states into perhaps parts of downstate illinois might be
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brushed by that we have to watch that in the next couple of days. nowhere is their barbaric get it out into the arctic regions of canada to see the really cool stuff. and that has been the trend this year last year a big greenland to block pushing the cold air into the lower 48. do not have that this year. nothing like that showing up this year. such a different winter might not be the barbaric 1 expected. having said that some years with respect of amounts of snow final tally is not as big as some of the ones we have seen in recent years, some weather to come for sure you can see it dormant going to the west humidity at 66%. coming back and looking back at that next week's arrest of the weather is leading up to christmas day looks a moderately
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cold and of the month going to be warm overall next two weeks above normal temperatures forecasted chicago area. tonight clouds continue to thicken with snow developing. northwest wind, or robbs to the southwest at 2-9 mi. per hour. tomorrow mostly cloudy and cold morning snow showers given way to more sporadic flurries and at times in the afternoon. slushy and the afternoon. clear and later tomorrow night evening wind subsided below 25 degrees at the beautiful day on sunday back into the week mostly sunny crazy milder chicago bears kickoff at noon and above normal high of 34 degrees. december 50 degrees warmer than a year ago 7% of last year's now used about 64 percent of home heating saving energy. lubbock to save money
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news @ 9 attorney for the family of a woman struck and killed walking on the eisenhower expressway after released by illinois state police as the victim had a blood alcohol level almost two times the legal limit. 25 year-old diana paz killed on the morning of october 2nd began when she was pulled over by state police after driving the wrong way on the ike. police arrested her after failing a sobriety test dropped her off at a gas station mannheim road, from there it onto the expressway cook county medical examiner still and toxic it when she died. questions why she was released from custody still under the influence.
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>> animation tells us that diana paz impact intoxicated contrary to what the illinois state police provided to the media >> family filed a motion in cook county court requesting information on the investigation. no comment from police and a couple manage to escape a carjacking but crash car in the process of the west side of chicago police say a man tried to steal parked car west gladys the male driver thought he was shot to try to drive himself to the hospital hitting several cars on monday way female passenger and two others had had non-life threatening injuries. holiday homecoming for two heroes, from iraq and afghanistan private private 1st class kurt scapardine and sgt. jesse lopez rousing welcome back and live today they're broke and a retired army jeep in a parade
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led by motorcycle riders to come by three tours of duty action gave each a proclamation huge crowd turned out to say thank you for service. it feels good to be back home not expecting anything like this a big surprise first time ever did something like this very cool military career to more years to serve. family friends showing gratitude come up a blockbuster weekend at the movies and deen ventures checks out the new mission impossible with tom cruise straw we do. madison heights from west side blackhawks take on the ducks.
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have outdone himself with the rales great story and the most spectacular visuals i have seen and felt in years especially imax screen next wednesday opened everywhere ethan hawk agent is back initial mission goes bad this about by the agency he and his team are suddenly broke with the permission barred unofficial mission has to be completed old school to save the world from nuclear annihilation. complete spectacular entertainment of the best words to describe one of the best films of the year mission accomplished dean's list a +. big weekend robert downey jr sherlock holmes sequel game of shadows continuation of robert downey jr first dive into the world of famous british salute offbeat clobbered more prominent role for scientist dr.
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watson played by jude law conspiracy to set off a work-for military industrialist will prosper interested enough well acted by it to be actors but just like the first movie i find a director guy ritchie over use of special effects and quick cuts distracting takes heart out of the movie for me still above average dean's list b and finally a programming note if you loved gospel music culmination of a nationwide search for the best that america verizon experience how sweet the sound one-hour explanation greatest voices and gospel church music including some of chicago's anze this sunday at 5 wgn television always take a look at current and past three years along with interviews with the stars on my page of the website if you like to send it weekly text message with dean's list review greats text the word and deed toan to
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97999 >> tom skilling with the forecast >> ever heard and a + on the dean's list right kids. have to check that out. north and west we think this will start in the city not all reaching the ground on the front that but we think coming down to the ground somewhere in need vicinity of 4:00 by the way another model take a look at the range of models in house model take on how much snow may come down out of the system over an inch in some parts of the chicago area. quite interesting be biggest snow we have had so far this season passing by when the west
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of the pacific air comes at sunshine during the day on sunday look at the clouds coming up storm looks like track and just south of chicago perhaps so on tuesday the bulk fairly substantial accumulation in the plains states and heavy rainfall downstate weekend forecast on wgn more and more bank tomorrow and sunday jet that out photos of the day politics fourth graders at christmas tipsgifts
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as you saw the bee gees and it came time derrick rose and the bulls take the court for the first time in preseason action and more chicago bears cut ties sam hurd with sports next. how's it going? good afternoon. don't feed that meter. this meter's on me. with all the hundreds i've saved at progressive, this meter's on me. thank you. de nada. with all the hundreds i've saved on car insurance this year this meter's on me. there's a catch? there's no catch. nothing but savings. thank you very much. have a great day. you, too. you're sexy. [ laughs ]
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helps you get a better dental check-up. because not all rinses provide all these benefits. so be ready for your next dental check-up. crest pro-health multi-protection rinse. [ male announcer ] try any crest pro-health rinse. complete satisfaction guaranteed or we'll buy it back. packers. vikings. packers... vikings... red state. blue state. vegan. carnivore. announcer: we come from different places. uptown. downtown. optimist. cynic. announcer: we come to different conclusions. half-empty. half-full. announcer: but when we live united, we create real, lasting change in the building blocks of life. the education, income and health of our communities our families, even the person next to us. both: live united. announcer: real change won't happen without you so give. advocate. volunteer. live united. sign up at liveunited. org.
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casual chicago bears and did not know the name sam hurd certainly know it now just about everyone else after arrest on federal drug charges how the now former chicago bear will be remembered career came to abrupt end chicago bears released sam hurd day after word came that federal authorities tapped him on charges of conspiring to distribute cocaine. general manager says the chicago bears caught off guard by the arrest taking issue with those who say chicago bears should have known >> no system is foolproof but for me to sit here and say that we should have known something. that we did not know. cannot tell you in this case dealt audition for anybody to say that no fax no flags nobody could present tangibly to say we should have known otherwise i want to make that critical clear
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to the public to the fans >> after waiting five months for the nba lockout to end the chicago bulls fans had to wait longer to finally see the heroes in action chance finally came tonight wgn chicago bulls played the first of two preseason games against the indiana pacers tom thibodeau said in his guys to the floor put the first time this year, they sluggish start for the chicago bulls down by 11 points but two men get taj gibson to noah for dunk rip hamilton did not play but rookie jimmy butler did the first nba pocket derrick rose the assist scores eight points. second quarter nice passing derrick rose to pile corporatandkyle korver to omar osik and rose gets it going coast to coast basket and foul 16 point back gpacers granger
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triple 71-66 bulls trolled the fourth quarter cj watson bullseye top of key defense of clamps down when the preseason opener beating the pacers 95-86. john scott front muscle around for the black hawks tonight against anaheim ducks solid camp first. behind the net slips and a backhander 1-0 blackhawks and early in the second patrick sharp takes it away ahead to marion hossa trickles past hillar 2-0 and late carries down ice finds dave boland for power play tally hawks up 3-0 sharp scored 4-0. the kids at
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elementary school in georgia welcome football team from chicago south side. there to play for the naia championship tomorrow against defending champion carroll college from montana cougars first appearance in the title game going in at 13-1 are they excited? >> knocking on the door three times before this semifinals falling a game short everytime at this point if we did not know what we are doing we are going to be in trouble not want to change we are at i know not want to change what they are >> to great football teams collect at it with the entire thing >> good luck to the coopers college hoops tonight uic to central michigan a 70-67 and chicago bulls roster moves they waived keith bogans and jannero pargo and barry bonds sentence to 30 days house arrest at two
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[ bell tolls ] ah, agents i don't know if you've heard but our training organization was recently named the "best in the world." nice little pat on the back. ahhhh! [ chuckles ] ah...that's good that's good. that's, uh, that' it is, after all a celebration for all of us. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪
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