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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  January 4, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CST

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after finishing last in a six candidate race and i a lot michele bachman and her presidential bid. but another candidate says that he is staying in the race. good afternoon i am steve sanders. >>and i'm dina bair. we welcome our viewers who are watching a ceramic country on wgn america and on the web. >>michele bachman announced today that she is suspending her campaign for the republican presidential nomination her withdrawal from the race is a blow to many die-hard tea party conservatives bachman has often led the charge against president barak obama and his agenda she said she will continue fighting
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to repeal obama care and for the conservative causes and not as a presidential candidate. >>i believe that we must rally around a person that our country and our party and our people select to be that standard bearer >>front-runner mitt romney won the iowa caucuses but by the slimmest of margins he had just eight more votes than second place finisher rick santorum and ron paul came in third romney is looking ahead to the next gop presidential contest the new hampshire primary now just six days away if he said that he knows people will ask about those differences between he and rick santorum but he believes he needs to focus on his differences with the president >>his entire investment his entire entrepreneur his anti small business and he's got an anti jobs and strategy
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philosophy the worst we've ever seen in this country and i will be all about enterprise and jobs growth texas gov. rick perry finished fifth in iowa and he announced today that he will be continuing his presidential campaign perry told his supporters on twitter that here we come south carolina >>president obama is wasting no time after last night's iowa caucuses he is in cleveland today to discuss his strategy for reviving the economy and creating jobs although his visit is not a campaign trip the buckeye state is considered to be crucial to the president's reelection chances this trip begins an effort to spotlight his administration's push to create jobs while charging that republicans have stood in the way. >>we're joined now by political analyst and host of politics tonight on c ltv paul lisnek ... >>rick santorum really soared mitt romney spent millions
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santorum spent $30,000 on tv ads and only about a hundred thousand on the iowa strategy >>it was a good old-fashioned grass roots campaign in all 99 counties for santorum >>the style was very important if the voters are going to be impacted by a style of a candidate people will see what i mean look at santorum and mitt romney >>all i could think was that man's hands meant freedom >>we may be led by a a president
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who seems to be a pretty nice guy but he is an over his head >>santorum was really reaching the working person when he talked about his grandfather is working hands ... everyone relates to their immigrant ancestors and working-class roots he was reelected in pennsylvania for the u.s. senate and a difficult time for republicans in that state mitt romney is rather robotic and wooden ... i give points to rick santorum >>but romney is already campaigning against president obama with his eye and the general election and obama is responding ... he may not be as emotional as rick santorum but i find him to be strong and
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forward thinking >>but there's a combination of what he says and how he says it he has had his mind in the general election not dealing with the primary competitors ... it's the greatest thing for mitt romney to have all these conservatives remaining in the race it's divide and conquer ... >>but the money has benefited mitt romney and the campaign ground organization any indications on the best competition against him in that regard >>that would come from rick perry a southern governor who was looking forward to the stretcher primaries in the southeastern states >>michele bachman could not pull up the money and santorum may get some more >>electability is very critical
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and that's what everyone's talking about in the republican party ... most believe that on that basis mitt romney is the most electable one ... but if rick santorum can't kettle little bit more center-righmanages to get a bit more center-right because that's really where this country seems to be going ... >>ron paul finished a very respectable third-place >>he has no chance of getting the nomination but he is garnering that role of the spoiler ... he's very
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isolationist and it really bothers conservatives and republicans to hear his views on foreign policy but he is a quintessential libertarian or third-party candidate type and that will make him a spoiler ... >>he declared they had the money and the resources and he's gonna arrive thisride on this iowa momentum. >>thank you very much paul let's take a look at the upcoming primary calendar ... the next race is to stay in new hampshire followed by south carolina january 21st in florida january 31st super tuesday's march 6th which has contests in 10 different states
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the illinois primary is march 20th >>a woman was dragged out of her car sold in robbed on the city's far south side marcella raymond to set little company of mary hospital with more details >>this is what happened ... a woman was in her car this morning she works overnight ... not clear what she was doing in her car outside her home a man came up smashed her window director out of the car here's the rest of the story >>it's so frightening this happen next door to my home >>she was in her car at the 8000 block of mozart a man broke the window she was raped and beaten
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after trekked into a gang way ... >>instead of going into the home where she lives with her son and her husband she drove her nissan with flat tires where she flagged someone down to ask for help >>this is a tight neighborhood where a is looking out for one another it is shocking to hear something like this happened >>the neighbors tell me that the 40 year-old woman works nights and sometimes sleeps in her car when she arrives home is very disturbing for them especially for this woman with a teenage daughter >>whoever is better now we are watching >>so far police say nobody is in custody, from evergreen park by marcella raymond >>as many as eight people may
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have been involved in a sexual assault in logan square on new year's eve and 18 year-old girl from the suburbs went to the neighborhood to catch performance at the congress there but ended up going to restaurant across the street meeting several people after she left that restaurant she was attacked and left unconscious near milwaukee and rockwell the victim's father said she is now home and recovering no arrests have yet been made authorities are waiting for results of dna evidence >>chicago police still looking for four suspects in a west side carjacking it began monday night little village neighborhood with a four-man shot the victim least three times in the chest and threw into the trunk of his own car the drug for several blocks before the 24 year-old victim was able to escape from the car trunk his hospitalized in critical condition the stolen car was found later on fire in a parking garages in the 4100 block of west harrison >>if fire killed a man and said
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his apartment just one day after he moved into the studio nancy loo is live in rogers park >>there seems to be a focus on these smoke detectors in this building and whether or not the studio unit was working properly in apartment no. 607 with a man moved in yesterday the fire did little damage to the seven story apartment building but it was enough to be deadly in spite of the quick work by the chicago fire fighters took but the blaze out in 10 minutes >>we knocked the fire down in apartment 6 07 and during the search we located a body inside the apartment door >>the man killed was set to of moved into the unit just yesterday not clear yet what sparked that fire at 3:00 this morning it was contained in that single studio apartment as a precaution the residents of the upper two floors were evacuated
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for several hours one dozen of them remained on the warming bus parked nearby as the firefighters gathered evidence on the scene many were relieved to have made it out safely >>because of the tragedy that italian crews spent the morning handicap smoke detectors in the building speaking to the residents there are about fire safety the deadly unit did have a fire detector with a battery but it is under investigation >>the identity of the man that was killed has not yet been determined he may not have thought to check on the smoke detector since he just moved and >>coming up next at noon the man suspected more than 50 arson attacks in l.a. may also be under investigation in his native germany for a fire over
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there and later why one state lawmaker said that he won't be seeing a statewide ban on cellphone use during driving any time soon >>
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responsible for a house fire and his native germany. harry burkhart was arrested monday and has been charged with all-in-one count of arson so far the first of over 50 fires began the day after his mother's arrest last week she is wanted in germany on 19 counts of fraud dating back to 2004. now he is also being investigated for a fire at a family house in germany which he
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filed an insurance claim for afterwards he will appear in court today >>a queens man has confessed to a string of new year's day arson attacks at an islamic cultural center and four other sites in new york city the man was arrested last night on charges including one count of arson as a hate crime four counts of arson and five counts of criminal possession of a weapon police said that he appeared to be motivated by personal grudges against five sites attacked a cultural center nobody was injured in the fire in a separate incidents though a private family home was destroyed by the flames >>a man accused of killing a nine year-old girl from indiana and dismembering her body will appear in court today 39 year- old michael plumadore is charged with heading a allianna lemmon and the head with a brick wiley was babysitting her on december 22nd investigators say he
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admitted to dismembering her body with a hacksaw and starring parts in his freezer if convicted he faces 45 there 65 years on a murder charge alone police have not given a motive for that murder >>fetch police believe a chinese billionaire died from eating poisoned cat meat stew and a local agricultural official in southern china is accused of poisoning the food police say the two men were involved in a dispute after the official allegedly embezzled money from the teichman iran forestry business while they were eating the cat meat stew a local delicacy in southern china the official allegedly added a toxic plant to that-the billionaire died later in the hospital >>a form your executive of the church of scientology has issued a sharp indictment of the church in a new e-mail sent to thousands of scientology says debra cook takes the group's leadership to task for which she calls heavy handed fund-raising
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tactics she said the church is hoarding more than a billion dollars and she urges members not to donate any more money alice's the donations can be justified by the writings of founder l. ron hubbard scientology officials are labeling former executive debra cook a disgruntled defector you wouldn't want your doctor doing your job. so why are you doing his? only your doctor can determine if
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your persistent heartburn is actually something more serious... like acid reflux disease. over time, stomach acid can damage the lining of your esophagus. for many, prescription nexium not only provides 24-hour heartburn relief but can also help heal acid related erosions in the lining of your esophagus. talk to your doctor about the risk for osteoporosis-related bone fractures and low magnesium levels with long-term use of nexium. possible side effects include headache diarrhea and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. let your doctor do his job and you do yours. ask if nexium is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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today's business headlines yahoo gets a new ceo vowing to revamp the company rather than take it private ... investor reaction
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has the stock down 2% ... it looks as though all of those holiday discounts brought shoppers into stores in droves retail sales gained more than 5 percent last week compared to one year earlier deep discounts after christmas have been offered and on-line sales jumped after christmas to $29 billion of 6 billion from last year ... there was a drop in grain prices last year ... cocoa and sugar coffee soy boynesand wheat were also declining ... dunkin' donuts is looking to expand it signed a
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long-term deal with one simple food supplier allowing the company to streamline expansion of a the next 20 years >>there's very little movement in stocks and current trading the dow is down about 12 points just under 12,400 are you saving for retirement >>if you're like many americans is not at the top of your priority list but here's some advice on how to change that in the new year we have jennifer weigel of trib-u >>our experts julia valentine got into the advisory business because her parents lost all of
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their savings in a pyramid scheme ... many people want a quick fix and have their head in this santa ana comes to saving so it's time for a reality check ... we can be in control of what happens with our money for the future >>many people are afraid ... >>what it takes is wrapping your head around the emotional side of your investments and spending >>there are five basic questions about retirement and some people higher experts to help them through that >>one is to get a visual it's not a number but a picture ... take a look at retirement
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communities or places that you envision yourself living in and see what the money will buy you and what you need to get theirre.. and secondly people need to automate ... with savings accounts with your 41 k contributions ... with your budget and bill paying ... you need to think about what you're really passionate about that keeps you motivated every year for lots of things and be sure you appropriate funds to make sure you can do these things ...
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designing your destination creates opportunities. more people are starting their own businesses over the age of 60 said they do not have to deal with that age discrimination issue that's prevalent out there right now in the business world we need mandatory financial education in the schools to read more at over 2 chicago tribune .com/trib-u later in the medical watch the study that is proving that it's not what you eat but how much when it comes to dieting and the bulls managed to get a win over
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atlanta but
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responsible for a hit and run that left a man with brain and lung damage, and three broken bones in his spine. julian crews has more on how police and the victim's sister are asking for help in solving this case >>merrillville indiana police are candid in their admission that they don't have much to go on in regard to that new year's day hit and run that left the highland indiana man in critical condition >>we're looking for a vehicle with front and damage we don't know the make or model >>merrillville please make your help they're looking for the driver of a hit-and-run vehicle that left 24 year-old mitchell harangue got near the point of death >>his family is cautiously
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optimistic as the 24 year-old hit and run victim slowly begins to recover at merrillville is methodist hospital loved ones say he was at a new year's eve party at the radisson hotel in merrillville when he stepped out of a news noisy ballroom to make a phone call walking along the service road near the hotel at 2 in the morning that's when investigators say that he was hit by a motorist who did not bother to stop and help >>somebody has to know something someone must of saw or heard something if you have a conscience please come forward >>one person can keep a secret but their conscience must bother them >>if you believe you know who is responsible your asked to contact police >> illinois may not see a statewide ban on cellular phone use while driving any time soon ... state
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senate president john cullerton has said that the ban might be inevitable but it would not have the support needed to pass the general assembly. this follows the national transportation safety board's recommendation last month to ban all use electronic devices behind the wheel it is already legal in illinois to text and drive and talk on a hand-held phone in school and construction zones chicagos had that ban on hand held cellphone usage while driving and a proposal to ban cell phone use while driving has been put on hold in lake forest councilman there could not reach a consensus on the proposed distracted driving ordnance last night the town's aldermen are considering a broader measure to ban other distractions while driving that would include a ban on adjusting the radio evening reading or applying makeup officials fear banning all of those actions would be difficult to enforce the may take
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are bracing for potential damage to crops temperatures are expected to drop from 80 down to 20 degrees in three days in an attempt to avoid freezing damage to crops the farmers there pumping warm water out of the ground to spray on those trees fact they hope this fogging action will raise temperatures inside of the orange groves and prevent major damage to the crops overnight temperatures are expected to rise above freezing by this weekend >>already some of those florida regions are feeling relief ... a number of records have been set but it will be called in many areas there tonight there's a
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freezing morning on still ... nothing exciting here in the chicago area blue sky a great day to be out in joining the milder weather we will see some clouds later this afternoon ... no chance of any snow. temperatures suggest rain if temperatures were to get any higher >>38 degrees right now at o'hare airport 39 at the lakefront and midway airport we made an c 40 in the next hour ... after a gusty beginning to the workweek the wind is dying down ... those wind chill numbers reflect that weakness in the wind ...
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connection wisconsin as in the upper 20s but most of the region as and 30 degree temperatures ... we see 50 degree temperatures in the south of the southwest ... kankakee at this hour is 41 degrees nothing to complain about there. we're looking at the cold air moving to the east coming behind that and nice warmup by friday may be warmer than we expect tomorrow to be maybe 47 degrees more call they're coming for the weekend we will warm up briefly once again and then get hit with another batch of cold air we're seeing this happen in today intervals2-day intervals ... back to florida the state is suffering with freezing
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temperatures in the teens ... 22 in jacksonville tallahassee 18 degrees milburn 33 degrees very chilly conditions in florida ... this afternoon we see clouds increasing late in the day the high temperature may hit 39 degrees wind is west southwest 17 mi. per hour 23-28 degrees overnight with breezes at 10 to 14 mi. per hour temperatures will be 15 degrees above normal tomorrow i would say they're more like 29-33 actually into the 40's by thursday ... it will be a very
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nice day compared to what you typically expect this first week in january we have been extremely fortunate we will see 40 degree temperatures, next two days ... it's time now for today's trivia: which president said that " it is not best to swap horses while crossing the river " ... the answer is still ahead3q
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if you have high blood pressure, like me, and get a cold... need a cold medicine with a heart. only coricidin hbp has a heart, right here. it's the only cold and flu brand that won't raise your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. powerful cold medicine with a heart. 3q of the season and only shot nine% in the second quarter but reigning mvp derrick rose took over when it mattered ... the hawks led by as much as 19 points in the third quarter the bulls rallied in the fourth quarter down one in the final
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minute and rose put them up one point he scored 17 in that quarter. the hawks would tie the score and in the final seconds joakim noah found luol deng for the go ahead lay up the hawks missed a three-pointer at the buzzer so the bulls won 76-74 they visit detroit tonight the bears have quite a few vacancies to fill in the off-season and lovie smith will have his say and all of those general manager jerry angelo was fired yesterday and offensive coordinator mike martz resigned over philosophical differences with lovie smith so quarterbacks' coach shane day was also let go while rod marinelli and mike tyson will stay lovie smith will not only fill coaching vacancies but also offer his input on the search for the new general manager >>blackhawks wayneinger daniel
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carcillo has been suspended indefinitely for his illegal hit on tuesday he hurt his knee during that had said his disciplinary hearing is on hold he could get a link the suspension because he has been suspended six times in his career the blackhawks are in philadelphia tomorrow >>that's a look at sports your live illinois lottery drawing is now ... >>here are the winning picked three numbers:k three numbers: 7 8 0 >>here are the winning pick four
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numbers:3 2 1 4 the power ball jackpot is up to $30 million good luck
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[ dentist ] people refer to jill as "that woman with the great smile." i refer to her as "that woman with the great gums." as jill's dentist, i know that her gums are a foundation of a healthy smile. jill knows that, too -- so she uses crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gum line, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. crest pro-health clinical gum protection. because healthy smiles are built on healthy gums. life opens up when you do.
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the city's investigation into several cases of alleged police abuses. man mayor leon rockingham
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jr. announced the decision to put mike newsome on paid leave yesterday a retired illinois state police official a look into those cases of alleged abuse the decision to place new some on paid leave comes six weeks after the death of darrin hanna the officers are accused of beating him and shocking him with a taser ... >>since 2005 there have been at least 16 claims of excessive force by police officers of those accusers 10 have become lawsuits >>and army ranger is taking off his combat boots and lacing up his sneakers for the run of a lifetime corporal corey smith was based in fort benning georgia and now he is going to run 5 in just 65 mi. home to
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indianapolis he will make all- in-one scheduled stop for a job interview along the way he hopes to reach some home home sometime in early february he spent four years in the army and hopes that his run will bring awareness to what military personnel faces when they leave the service >>it's cares a lot of people lot of people cannot handle rejoining the civilian workforce >>after two deployments to the middle east he said he looks forward to spending time with his daughter as soon as he arrives home >>in a medical watch when it comes to weight gain the scale can fully of researchers studied healthy adults who are overfed by 950 cals a day for eight weeks some cut those extra calories from a low protein diet others from a normal or high- protein diet all three groups
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gained about the same amount of body fat but those on normal or high-protein diets gained about twice as many pounds it is because those in the low protein group lost lean body mass muscle and organ tissue the researchers say you need to eat enough could lean protein to maintain your lien mass >>parents who are anxious to find out the sex of their child may soon be able to take a simple blood test south korean scientists say they've had success using a blood test in the first trimester markers that can get close to fetal dna which terms whether the baby is boy or a girl parents usually have to wait until the second trimester for an ultrasound when the baby is more fully developed that blood test could also replace more invasive tests which carry the threat for miscarriage >>children in day care spent lots of time sitting and very little time getting vigorous
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exercises and new study published in the journal pediatrics finds outdoor physical activity amounts to only 3 percent of the time for the average preschooler researchers say that the fear of injury and parents desire to have children begin academic learning leave little time for running or jumping about three- quarters of american children ages 3-5 for and some sort of day care >> ♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪ ♪ ooh baby (what) can i do for you today? ♪ [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance.
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try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. ♪ ♪ [ woman ] i was ready for my trip, but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment for a transformation that's hard to believe. ♪ ♪ wow, that's you? [ female announcer ] new intensive professional effects whitestrips. and try 3d white toothpaste and rinse. from crest. life opens up when you do....
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>>chile and sea bass with a jalapeno saucean sea bass with jalapeno sauce.. white wine lime juice garlic salt pepper ... we are sauteing the fish red onions in the pan and we are reducing the remnants with white wine we are adding half a cup of heavy cream to that reduction it will summerimmer... we
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slowly add some butter to finish our plate ... we have a generous piece of chilean sea bass which we have started this is a wonderful fish with sweetness and tenderness and it takes on great flavors ... we have a great house bland fish seasoning with some salt and pepper but it is a secret recipe ... we also have
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zucchini in a special blend of seasoning with some rest and willroasted red bell peppers ... we played this with some of our home made rice ... we pan-seared that sea bass by the way ... when we are finished with the sauce, we strain that and add roasted seeded deveined jalapeno pepper and finish with some fresh tomato and cilantro ...
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we played the sea bassate the sea bass with the vegetables and rice and topic with that jalapeno sauce we are very happy to be in chicago ... we have a very well- trained staff in the kitchen can't cantina laredn at cantina lorettaedo
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they are very consistent. regardless of the time of day you will get the same great meal and dining experience a fantastic time. it's everything you expect from a great mexican restaurant and more like our great deserts and our cocktails and our main dishes with fresh ingredients cantina laredo is open for lunch, dinner and for sunday brunch you can find them at 5 08
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north state street right here in chicago and for more information on today's recipe or to watch this you want to hear you've done a good job. that's why i recommend a rinse like crest pro-health multi-protection. it helps you get a better dental check-up. so be ready for your next dental check-up. try any crest pro-health rinse. ou
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who said; " it is not best to swap horses while crossing the river " ... >>is it ok to relish in the knowledge that it is colder in florida and it is here in chicago? >>well it will improve for those folks by the weekend ... but looking to the west from here temperatures are very nice and we will be the recipients of this warming. over the next couple of days ... 43 today 47 tomorrow perhaps 45 degrees on friday and we will be dropping chillier over the weekend
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looking at monday and tuesday we will be back into the 40's and not a snowflake in my 7 day forecast dry with occasional overcast skies ... not much happening but very comfortable weather considering its the first week of january ... >>that's great thank you jim ramsey >>and that you for joining us today we hope you have a great afternoon. remember we are back with the news at 5 and again at 9 this evening


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