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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  January 18, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CST

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robbery of another teenager is in court this hour. he is one of seven people charged in the attack. good afternoon i am steve sanders. >>and i'm dina bair. we welcome our viewers who are watching us around the country under lichee and america and on the web. >>17 year-old raymond palomino is charged as an adult with robbery and aggravated battery. police say that he and six others punched kicked and dragged a high-school senior and a south side alley on sunday ... those six teenagers are
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charged as juveniles ... the victim suffered cuts and bruises ... people who saw the video on you tube posted comments that helped police to identify the suspects police have not said who was recording the beating as it was happening >>friends classmates and teachers are remembering a suburban teenager murdered along with three family members randi belisomo reports from willowbrook high school in villa park >>candles are at the campus and a rock was painted red and memory of the slain students ... >>he would come to school early he would drop his backpack and we'll have a discussion on how the day would go he was one of those kids with a huge personality he would go out to the hallway and meet his " public " >>he was killed with his mother
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his cousin and his brother officials say that the mother's boyfriend killed the family before setting fire to their house he then killed himself at his parents' home ... students are taking advantage of counseling services here at school since the murder of their classmate >>he will have a big impact for a long time moving forward we will never forget him we will deeply miss him. >>he was on the football and wrestling teams has coaches described him as goal oriented >>he brought passion to the wrestling program he built bridges with all of his teammates from the freshman level to the varsity level >>the teachers say it's a tough tragedy to explain to the teenagers who lois believe they
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are invincible >>if i were having a bad day as soon as the door would open we would see him and his beautiful smile and all go away >>today is just day one of the grieving process and the counselors plan to be here for as long as they are needed >>the brother of a cook county judge charged with shooting to death his sister and his brother-in-law will face a judge today 50 year-old kenneth rhodes is accused of murdering them friday at a home at 193rd and oakwood in country club hills. the city's mayor said that his mother recently passed away and he killed his siblings said he could have sole ownership of that home he has a long criminal record and is the brother of cook county judge james l. rhodes. >>a woman was seriously injured after jumping from the top floor of a burning building the fire
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brokerage shirley before 10 in the morning in the three story building in the lawndale they read those flames spread to to surrounding buildings according to fire officials on the scene the roof was one of those buildings was beginning to collapse the woman was taken to mount sinai hospital as and is in serious to critical condition >>the mother of a woman killed in a fire at a lake shore drive high-rise is suing the building's management 32 year- old shantel mc coy died earlier this month the sun-times reports that her mother believes that she would still be alive if a sprinkler system had been in place the building was built before 1975 and is exempt from a city ordinance requiring sprinkler systems that lawsuit also says the building management failed to warn the woman about the fire and allowed her to use the elevator she died instantly when those elevator doors opened on the floor on
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fire >>illinois attorney general lisa madigan is exceptgetting ready to file lawsuits against it for-profit career college west would college has four campuses in the chicago area including this one in the loop. the lawsuit accuses the college of misleading students enrolled in its criminal justice program which is not accredited in illinois the attorney general also says the price of a degree of more than $71,000 is too high. she wants all contracts between west with an illinois consumers rescinded and tuition fully refunded the suit also seeks to revoke or suspend the criminal justice program at that west would college >>the chicago city council opens its first session of the year today ... there were able to agree on tributes to maggie
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daley ... but community and labor groups expressed concerns about municipal ordinances to deal with the nato and g-8 summits and the issues of free speech ... one iraq war veterans thinks that he fought the wrong war >>my fight is here at home for democracy and civil rights >>i've been to these protests before i see people getting swept off of the streets they come here to express their rights we need to strengthen that right >>the matter is expected to come up for vote shortly >>coming in next at noon rescue efforts are suspended as the crippled the italian cruise ship chefs endangering the safety of the diverse still
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searching for the people on board >>wikipedia and other web sites will go dark in protest of anti- piracy bills moving through congress >>and mitt romney comes under fire for acknowledging that his tax rate is lower than what many middle-class families pay
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if you have high blood pressure, like me, and get a cold... need a cold medicine with a heart. only coricidin hbp has a heart, right here. it's the only cold and flu brand that won't raise your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. powerful cold medicine with a heart. 3q costa concordia accident off the coast of italy. authorities say at least 11 people are dead and about two dozen are still missing after the ship ran aground and capsized freddy najera tuscan island. rescue accusedparties stopped the search today when the ship began to move in the cold and choppy water the
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captain of that ship remains under house arrest and may face charges of manslaughter and abandoning a ship when passengers were still on board. the capt. first told investigators that he left the ship catapulted into the water when the ship hit a rock >>more than a dozen websites are dark today in an anti-piracy bill protest wikipedia and craig's list are just two of several websites that shut down for a 24-hour internet blackcap the two bills known as esso croupier and pipa woodblock overseas sites that allow users to share illegal downloads of movies music and other content the internet companies argue the bills will sensor the internet and make it nearly impossible for some web sites like wikipedia to continue >>this race is really serious first amendment issues >>took all day internet protest
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is expected to block or detour tens of millions of internet users today ... >>republican presidential hopeful mitt romney has an estimated net worth up to a quarter billion dollars mitt romney is not ready to make his tax returns public however he has revealed his tax rate and may be a lot lower than yours >>it's closer to the 15 percent raise because in the last 10 years my income has come overwhelmingly from investments that have been made in the past >>ordinary income is taxed at a higher rate than investment in com summit rummies tax rate is lower than what many middle- class families pay opponents have called on mitt romney to release his tax records before the primary in south carolina this saturday he said he will release a list is 2011 returns but not until april by then he
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may have clinched the nomination >>private sector bank and investment fund negotiators begin a new round of talks with the greek government today. at issue how big a write-down of the greek that they're willing to take >>at the same time 24 hours strikes are under way increase about 12,000 strikers are protesting a new wave of salary and pension cuts and tax increases if the austerity measures are part of a deficit- cutting plan needed to secure bailout loans and overcome the debt crisis greece is trying to head off a possible default >>we have the day's top business stories next plus have a mentor might help you get ahead even if you are established in your career and later the queen of southern cooking is under fire for disclosure about her h
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that was me trying to be discreet with my vial and syringe. me, drawing my insulin dose. and me the day i discovered novolog flexpen. flexpen is pre-filled with your mealtime insulin. dial the exact dose, inject by pushing a button. no vials, syringes or coolers to carry. flexpen is insulin delivery my way. novolog is a fast-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject if you do not plan to eat within five to ten minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. other possible side effects
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include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. with flexpen, vial and syringe are in the past. ask your doctor about novolog flexpen, covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare.
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chicago with a look at today's business headlines more job cuts in the pipeline ... northern trust is eliminating more than 700 jobs worldwide profits are reduced ... sears stock is rising again today 3% on top of yesterday's 10% gain that's on speculation that the company may go private to have a better position to restructure ... ahead fund majority stake owner bought up lots of stock as its rumored last week ... the
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national association of home builders says that sales and buyer traffic is getting better coupled with price decreases and lower interest rates lots of foreclosures hitting the market will also drop those home prices even more >>the international monetary fund is trying to come to the rescue posting the european bailout fund by $500 billion but europe will need one trillion dollars in bailout money in the coming years according to the imf this is all in the effort to avert defaults right now the dow is up 70 points ... maybe you are taking stock this
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new year especially when it comes to your position at work you have an established career but you are looking to reach more goals have you considered a mentor? here to tell us why they are important at every stage of a career is jennifer weigel of trib-u ... >>the more successful you get the more people will not tell you the truth ... a mentor can shed some light on how you are perceived ... >>it's still very useful when you began your career but it any stage in your career mentors are very helpful ... >>we have tips ...
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>>these can be mentors from a junior level ... think of radar and colonel potter from the mash television series ... these should not be people who will pat you on the back but are looking out for your back and will level with you about the environment you are operating and and how you are perceived ... >>some mentors get paid others prefer to give back ... it is up to them whether or not they choose to be compensated and it
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is proper to make that offer ... >>asking for help from a mentor sometimes is not always easy ... but you should just consider doing it especially if you are further along ... >>to read more and you can head over to the chicago tribune .com/trib-u web site ... coming up next we are speaking with the daughter of the late robert f. kennedy ... kerry kennedy is here to tell usididide? you're not my dad
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ahh!! hey honey, back feels better little dancing tonight, you and me? dr. scholl's pro inserts relieve different types of lower body pain by treating at the source so you're a whole new you. go pro with dr. scholl's. id
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president of the robert f. kennedy center for justice and human rights and co-chair of the world summit of nobel peace laureates host committee. kerry kennedy joins us now to tell us about a special summit happening in chicago this april ... welcome. >>this is the first time in north america that chicago has been chosen for this event >>this is an opportunity for the general public to come to hear these great leaders of peace talk about what individuals can do to make a difference in the world today >>i love the message of empowerment for young people what they can do to promote peace >>we have this piece to power
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education curriculum being taught in public schools in chicago we hope to spread that two different parts of the country students are learning about the lives of the nobel peace prize winners and how they can create teams in the classroom and communities facing basic human rights issues ... >>what are some of the events? >>this will be based at the university of illinois chicago campus. we have a web site where you can get information on getting tickets there will be three days of panel discussions and workshops for people learning how to promote change and peace
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>>how well attended? >>these are always packed what is wonderful is that this will not be so much about the nobel winners but people in the audience and what they plan to do to create peace and change within their communities ... we have led:lech walensa to people from northern ireland jody williams the founder of the personcampaign
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to abolish land mines mikhail beaux bridge ofmikhail gorbachev will be participating as well along with mayor emanuel ... and the chicago community trust is taking the lead in sponsoring these efforts >>are you kidding able to give people a way to go beyond this summit? >>we are bringing in 70 social studies teachers from around chicago who will be at the summit they will be able to go
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back to their classrooms after the training we provide to continue implementing these social justice curriculum's for many years ... >>we're very honored to have you on the midday news we know you are hard wired by birth for public service >>thank-you
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for what could be one of the largest snow falls there since the 1940's. the national weather
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service is predicting between 5- 10 in. of snow to hit the seattle area today. for an area that is more used to rain ... heavy snowfall is rare and could potentially paralyse that city. but seattle officials say they are prepared ... >>keep in mind seattle seized about five and a half inches of snow every year this single event will produce more than what occurs throughout one winter there ... if you take a northeast wind from the rockies combined with a pineapple express laden with moisture this is what you get ... and that
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will affect chicago as well we are currently and a cold air mass after yesterday's snow fall ... we had four tenths of an inch at o'hare airport typically we have 14 days of measurable snow by this time of the winter ... there was an inch and a half and the rockford area yesterday and three and half inches west of milwaukee wisconsin the heaviest snow fell to the north ... we see vigorous wind in the plains states there are a wind chill and winter at whether advisory's their ..ere..
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we are six degrees colder than yesterday at this time ... we may see some substantial snow friday evening enough to be shoveling we could get up to 10 in. of snow that's the extreme i expect we'll see something in the middle ... let's check the temperature tomorrow morning ... during the day we will hover in the single digits may be 10 degrees at o'hare the readings tomorrow night will be back into the single digits it will warm as the snow arrives friday afternoon ... humidity right now is 55% ... around the suburbs
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here this morning we were in single digit temperatures the wind chill is five below ... rockford 16 degrees with a 4 degree wind chill factor ... it is 22 degrees right now out o'hare 20 degrees at midway ... there is snow on the ground in the northern suburbs more so than here in chicago ... there are gayle storm watches on lake michigan
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there are winter storm warnings to the pacific northwest ... during the day the wind chill will not get above 20 below zero in the upper midwestern states. looking at the national map we see this no forming in seattle and some of the mountains the cascade mountains and possibly the rockies will be getting quite a lot of snow. here in chicago the clouds will increase today with a polar front forming ... the sun will be out during the day tomorrow. the snow will begin friday after
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nine oon continuing into the evening ... today the afternoon high will be 27 degrees the southwest wind is strengthening we woke up to single digits but temperatures ... blustery cold some flurries are expected this evening ... we will be at about 12 degrees much of the day tomorrow sunni and cold with subzero wind chill it will be cloudy and breezy friday with snow developing in the afternoon into the evening we will see an accumulation between six and 10 in. depending where you are i will have more
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on that forecast and what's up for the weekend later in the broadcast ... it's time now for today's trivia question: which wheat bread from italy literally translates to slipper bread
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with a sprained toe. but in contrast to the big loss to memphis the bulls to display their depth against phoenix ... rip hamilton scored 11 in his first start in eight games. the bulls led the suns early c.j.
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watson made the start for derrick rose and he buries a three. shocked he scored 23 points. carlos boozer was the high man still up in the second quarter when he posts up and it drains a fadeaway jumper he had a season-high 31 points all five starters scored in double digits as the chicago bulls beat phoenix 118-97 they are 6 and 0 at home and off until friday. mike tice has not even settled in as the bears' offensive coordinator and he is already up for promotion ... the oakland raiders have requested permission to interview him for their head coaching job. according to nfl rules the bears must grant permission and sources say that mike tyson will interview tuesday he spent four seasons as the vikings head coach and the last two as the bears' offensive line coach they
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have retained a special teams coach dave toby with a new two- year deal >>the chicago cubs avoided arbitration with six players including geovany soto they agreed to one-year deals before last night's deadline matt garza was the lone holdout he is seeking more than $10 million while the cubs have offered 8 million the two sides could still agree on a deal before the case is heard and the blackhawks will be without daniel carcillo for the rest of the year he underwent successful knee surgery yesterday and will be out for six months he has a one- year deal and scored two goals in just 28 games this season the blackhawks recalled ben smith from rockford and they face the buffalo sabres at home tonight that's a look at sports your live illinois lottery drawing is next
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afternoon here are the midday winning lottery numbers for wednesday january 18, 2012. here are the winning pick three numbers: 6 3 8 here are the winning pick four numbers: 8 9 9 0
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join us tonight for power-ball that is an $80 million jackpot.
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♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪ ♪ ooh baby (what) can i do for you today? ♪ [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. seven teenagers charged in a beating that was caught on video and posted on it you tube.
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17 year-old raymond palomino is charged as an adult in the attack. prosecutors said that he and five other male teenagers convinced a girl to laura the teenage victim into a south side alley way with the others punched and kicked and dragged him the victim suffered cuts and bruises those other six suspects including that girl are charged as juvenile it's ... an alleged mobsters pleading guilty today to plotting an armored car robbery and a break- in at the home of a deceased mob boss. outside court today joseph "the monk" scalise told the chicago tribune that " you just have to be realistic " his co- defendant robert pullia is also expected to take the deal from the prosecutors however another alleged mobster arthur rachel said he will go to trial jury selection was abruptly halted yesterday one last-minute plea negotiations resumed all three men are now in their 70's >>adult obesity rates in the
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united states had been on the rise for decades but researchers say that rates may have leveled off. a study in the journal of the american medical association compared obesity rates going back to 1998 year after year the percentage of obese adults increased but from 2009 to 2010 levels of u.s. obesity did not significantly change for men were for women however nearly 17 percent of american children and teenagers were obese in 2010 compared to 40% in the year 2000 >>a new study found that gastric bypass surgery provides better results than gastric lap band surgery researchers evaluate the best opinions or options for weight-loss procedures and found that gastric bypass patients lose more weight and keep it off long or all of the complication rate was higher for that type of bypass immediately following surgery for a lap
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band patients had more long-term complications the study is published in the archives of surgery >>chinese researchers are offering more evidence that heavy coffee drinking may help lower the risk of diabetes prior studies have shown the people who drink four or more cups of coffee each day have a 50 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes the chinese study cites protective compounds of coffee that inhabit a substance that has been linked to diabetes health experts still recommend drinking no more than two or 4 c. a day they say more than that can cause insomnia upset stomach and anxiety >>celebrity chef paula deen is under fire for nasa in which she has had type 2 diabetes for three years while at the same time promoting the diabetes medication the queen of southern cuisine is teaming up with drugmaker novo nordisk eventshe takes
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a non insulin injectable medication made by that pharmaceutical company and she is the drug official spokesperson she also has a new web site diabetes in a new light she is known for her overindulging recipes including a bacon and egg and a burger between madonna
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] little owen wanted to play but his nose was raw and sore. achoo! [ male announcer ] and common tissue made it burn even more. ♪ ♪ puffs plus lotion is more soothing than common tissue, and it delivers our most soothing lotion for every nose issue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus lotion indeed. to give your cold a comforting scent try puffs plus lotion with the scent of vicks. when i inspect homes i can't be in an allergy fog. so i get claritin clear for strong, non-drowsy relief of all my allergies
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like dust mold pets and pollen. looks good. thanks. i live claritin clear. ... we are making a venice and- and you have a special event tonight that i would like to
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talk to you about >>when you cook venice and it is a lean cut and you need to marinate this ... we do this with 2 cloves of garlic and shallots and some kind of citrus i like tangerine juice. >>to make venison flavorful can be a little bit intimidating >>allot to depends on the temperature ... i am adding a few sprigs of fennel to the marinade ... ideally this should sit between four and six hours ... it would be too much
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to leave it overnight ... another thing is that you want to ensure that you get cornfed of venison ... we will season the meet with salt and pepper ... that goes into a nice hot frying pan with just a bit of oil. you want to cook the meat to medium the ideal temperature for this
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it will remain nice and tender. after searing gaswe will put that in a roasting pan into the oven ... i am preparing some root vegetables to include in the roasting ... with the magic of television once this is fully cooked ... tonight we are making something original we call it the nep and the pint dinner
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we are right combining handcrafted beer and whiskey and pairing it with the milleal.. a nip of whisky.. >>the venice and smells just great coming out of the heaven here ... son smells great coming out of our oven here ... you can review this segment
12:54 pm and glenview house is located at 1843 glenview road in glenview tomorrow you can go to this event.. nip and a pint dinner it begins at 6:00 p.m. it is a four course dinner that is paired with a hand selected choice of whiskey and craft beer ... we will be right back
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that was me trying to be discreet with my vial and syringe. me, drawing my insulin dose. and me the day i discovered novolog flexpen. flexpen is pre-filled with your mealtime insulin. dial the exact dose, inject by pushing a button. no vials, syringes or coolers to carry. flexpen is insulin delivery my way. novolog is a fast-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar
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in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject if you do not plan to eat within five to ten minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. with flexpen, vial and syringe are in the past. ask your doctor about novolog flexpen, covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare. known as " slipper bread " in italian ...
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>>we have ourselves a beautiful afternoon the clouds will arrive later we will have some snow flurries tonight it will get even colder tomorrow with an accumulation of snow friday night ... tomorrow will be the coldest day of the season thus far ... we will be down to 12 or 15 degrees tonight in the city colder in the suburbs tomorrow the temperatures will cover in the low teens in the suburbs and single digits of north ... the low twenties will be the high temperature in the city friday before the snow ... we are taking a look at that pineapple express blowing across the
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pacific heading for the pacific northwest ... that will bring a lot of snow to seattle and a jet stream that will show us some remnants by friday ... you will seat 5 ft. of snow or more in the various mountain ranges to the west ... taking a look at that weather map ... we see the bitter arctic lobo of air coming tomorrow ... by lunchtime on friday it will be snowing into the evening we can even on the back and end up with some lake effect snow by saturday. we are
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right in the main corridor of this pineapple express as it moves across the country ... we are watching the accumulation numbers expect to be shoveling a little bit of snow come friday evening ... we expect some mixed precipitation sunday may be monday as well and then we will be in for a warmup sometime next week >>thank you for joining us today we hope you have a great afternoon remember that we are back here at 5 and at nine.


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