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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  January 19, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CST

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our top story: the pastor for stacy peterson tells us what he thinks about that new made-for- tv movie about drew peterson ... good afternoon i am steve sanders ... and i'm dina bair we welcome our viewers who are watching us around the country on wgn america and on the web ... marcella raymond sat down with the confidante to stacy peterson ... >>he told us that stacy peterson told us how drew peterson may have killed his wife kathleen savio ... and he says that the
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movie focuses too much on drew peterson and not enough on kathleen savio and stacy peterson ... >>we focused too much on the perpetrators and not enough on the victim's that's what's wrong with the media when it comes to these dramatizations ... >>he wants to help women who have been abused find their voice he has created a website known as document the abuse .com >>texas gov. rick perry has stepped down from the race for the republican presidential nomination ... he made his announcement from south carolina say he will return to texas proud of his accomplishments and giving himself fully to the race he took a shot at washington
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insiders saying that we need smaller federal government and a humbler washington apparatus ... >>i believe newt gingrich has the ability to rally the conservative movement with the courage to tell those washington interests to take a hike if that's in the best interest of america ... >>newt gingrich said that he was humbled by the endorsement from rick perry ... heading into saturday's primary the cnn poll has rick perry and last place with 6 percent of voters with a 10 point margin between mitt romney and newt gingrich this percentage could dramatically change the race political opponents are calling on mitt romney to release his
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tax returns he said he will release them in april by then he hopes to wrap up the republican nomination details about his charitable giving could reveal more about his total net worth he gave the mormon church according to records substantial equity in at bain capital ... his campaign confirmed that he made unspecified donations >>nightline plans to air an interview with newt gingrich ex- wife marianne ... the former wife of new gingrich will have explosive revelations that are poised to rock the campaign trail ... the daughters of newt gingrich said the woman is trying to rehash the past to derail his campaign ... >>rick santorum won the iowa caucus ... that's according to
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state republican officials who say he was ahead by 34 votes at the final accounting ... the results of eight precincts are still missing so they will not officially close the tally on the race and rick santorum embraced this information saying that voters do not have to settle for mitt romney ... >>president obama has new campaign advertising out that focuses on energy policy and ethics ... >>a campaign official said the commercial is in response to an advertisement launched by a republican conservative group attacking the president for his ties to the failed solar energy company solyndra that went bankrupt after receiving federal
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loans ... he is airing these in iowa and michigan ... david axelrod will head an new institute of politics at the university of illinois it will be non-partisan with aims to train students to take part in public service and civic life david axelrod will take over as director early next year following his official announcement this afternoon there will be a panel discussion about the 2012 presidential race moderated by abc's george stephanopoulos and participating will be mayor rahm emanuel ... >>police believe 22 year-old darrion grossley is responsible for a string of armed robberies happening near madison and pulaski last year they say that he threaten someone with a hand gun and threatened to victims after robbing them he is charged
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with aggravated criminal sexual assault and armed robbery ... >>the beating of a high-school senior maybe in retaliation for cyber bullying ... robert palomino is charged and a bond hearing was set with $100,000 ... the boy's father says that it all began with a bullying incident ... >>it was a teenage dispute that escalated to a physical altercation in october and a subsequent revenge altercation this past week >>i think this reflects on all of us as a society and not just on what happens between teenagers in chicago >>a chicago police officer can
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face years in prison after being convicted and a hit and run crash that killed a 13 year-old boy ... the officer was found guilty of the dwi reckless homicide and leaving the scene of an accident in may 2009 he struck the boy riding his bicycle ... it's alleged he received preferential treatment from arresting officers one has testified that she was told by a commanding watch officer to hold off on that officers sobriety testing ... >>coming up next we have an update on the rescue efforts from that grounded the italian cruise ship ... >>we will be right back
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i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips throat or tongue stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor
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and go to for a free trial offer. italian authorities are caring and toxicology tests on hair samples taken from the cruise ship captain of the costa concordia ... capt. francesco schettino is under house arrest facing possible manslaughter charges. the capt. claims that he tripped and fell into a lifeboat while the ship was sinking ... and he says he did not abandon his post. in the meantime divers are resuming their search for more victims today ... a new tape was released where you can hear the captain denying the magnitude of the crisis as the coast guard officers confronted him ...
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audio is in italian ... >>in the meantime divers are resuming their search for more victims today. so far 11 people are confirmed dead and 21 others are missing ... >>manvel scott is 44 years old 5 ft. 7 in. tall with 200 lbs. investigators would like to question him about the death of
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42 year-old deshawn carradine who was found stabbed to death in her south bend indiana home the neighbors are terribly frightened >>it's too close for comfort ... i am very concerned >>her car was found abandoned last night in a drive-through lane at the highland community bank near 87th and would chicago police later searched for the man at his home and a seventh in winchester and then they collected evidence from a nearby motel ... a recent pit bull attack has a chicago alderman proposing an overhaul of the city's pet policies that could include licenses for owners second ward alderman bob fioretti says that requiring licenses for runners would help keep track of how
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many dogs each donor has and that the licenses would be issued by the city clerk's office for the department of revenue bob fioretti said the regulations were not specifically target pitbull honors but the proposal comes after a man was nearly killed by two pitbulls earlier this month near rainbow beach >>bob fioretti is also calling for hearings where experts can recommend ways to reduce the number of animal attacks the aldermen also says that he is open to the mandatory spaying or neutering of dogs and cats >>we have nancy loo live at city hall with details on those ward maps just approved by the city council >>this is the process that has been nasty at times it came to a quick end to this morning with approval of the compromise plan the 41-8 vote averts the need for a costly referendum ...
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>>ahead of today's special council meeting the alderman were eager to take a closer look at the re-mapping of the wards >>not one alderman is 100% satisfied with the final mapping but everyone had to give them >>the plan as a result of weeks of haggling between a number of council factions including the black and latino caucuses the number of spanish majority awards will jump and the black wards will drop the changes are linked to the recent census data showing a surge and hispanic population and a drop in the african-american population by 180,000 people the re-mapping process has been painful >>it is always difficult to give up something when you have been representing and helping to build a community for a long time but it is a fact of life
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... >>8 alderman voted against the plan >>this matter is such a merging of opposing neighborhoods and interest ... >>the mayor urged the alderman and the city council members to focus on the future and not the political boundaries but rather what schools will look like for the next 10 years so that children can have a great future here in chicago ... >>as a result of the vote the boundaries of every single chicago ward are about to change that is all 50 wards ... the democrats in the state legislature in indiana are facing steep fines ... the gop
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lawmakers are pushing a bill allowing people to work it unionized companies without having to join a union or pay union dues ... if the democrats continue hold up the legislation they may be subject to fines ... >>governor of wisconsin scott walker faces a recall election with nfl at signatures that are mounting ... he became a target when he stripped collective bargaining rights from state workers after signing labor legislation ... there's more coming up in this hour of the midday news stay
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with us for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. osteoporosis-related bone fractures and low magnesium levels have been seen with nexium. possible side effects include headache, diarrhea and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. talk to your doctor about nexium.
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chicago with today's business headlines ... things are looking better for sears today the stock is gaining nearly 7% apparently sears suppliers will receive approved loans ... over the past three days the stock has risen 25% ... bank of america sees its stock climbing higher today after reporting fourth quarter profits it has been selling assets in order to raise cash it has set aside billions more to deal with the mortgage
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liability issues ... yahoo is on the verge of possible layoffs they put in place a hiring freeze and are considering cutting its workforce ... earlier this week jerry yang step down from the board of directors at the company ... crain's chicago business said the state lost more jobs than it gained ... most of the jobs left illinois to go to texas oklahoma arkansas and louisiana according to dun and bradstreet data ... however that statistic was eased by the number of small start-ups in the state ...
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after months of bankruptcy rumors eastman kodak makes it official ... they are filing for bankruptcy but have not kept up with technology in the digital age of photography ... they're hoping that a million dollar line of credit will help them to reorganize ... for $2 delivery charge burger king will test delivery service to homes in the washington d.c. metropolitan area they are the no. 2 fast-food hamburger chain behind mcdonald's wendy's is also thinking of ways to secure its position ...
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coming up new information on how often women need to consider getting bone scans ... mike and the union are performing tonight at space in evanston we have live music here in the studio today from mike and the union that was me trying to be discreet with my vial and syringe. me, drawing my insulin dose. and me the day i discovered novolog flexpen. flexpen is pre-filled with your mealtime
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insulin. dial the exact dose, inject by pushing a button. no vials, syringes or coolers to carry. flexpen is insulin delivery my way. novolog is a fast-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject if you do not plan to eat within five to ten minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. with flexpen, vial and syringe are in the past. ask your doctor about novolog flexpen, covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare. [ dentist ] people refer to jill as "that woman with the great smile." i refer to her as "that woman with the great gums." as jill's dentist, i know that her gums are a foundation of a healthy smile.
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jill knows that, too -- so she uses crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gum line, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. crest pro-health clinical gum protection. because healthy smiles are built on healthy gums. life opens up when you do. fukushima daiichi nuclear
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reactors. they had not seen inside the facility since a devastating earthquake and tsunami last march ... workers used an endoscope to capture those images the photographs confirmed stable reactor temperatures and showed no major damage or ruptures they did show steam and rusty metal surfaces scarred by 10 months of exposure to heat and humidity three of those six reactors if the fukushima plant melted after an earthquake knocked out three of the plant's cooling systems ... rupert murdoch's news corp. reaches a deal with 36 victims of a phone hacking scandal the company acknowledged in court today that reporters checked into people's voice mails to generate stories and then they tried to cover that up the scandal brought down the news of the world tabloid the victims are expected to receive around
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$46,000 actor jewitt lot is among those who will get financial payout the news corp. has received 60 claims and police say there are almost 6000 potential victims google is proving just how powerful it can be millions of people signed its anti sopa petition to oppose the anti-piracy legislation pending in congress the bills so but and pipa came to block illegal access to copyrighted movies music and television shows internet companies argue that those bills are vague and language could lead to censorship it seems lawmakers are getting the message several key proponents of those bills are now changing their minds >>apple introduces today new tools designed to improve learning the company unveiled on books to buy books author and i tunes you the tools will help
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users take notes create steady cards take quizzes and full on- line courses all the products will be free on the app store ... beginning tomorrow facebook is releasing 60 new applications for its new timeline format the apps will let users tell friends what they are currently doing online from listening to music to reading news analysts say that's good n
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another week, another storm ... >>this one could be bigger than the last one that we had ... it may be the biggest since last february's blizzard ...
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>>these clothesclouds are departing ... we're headed for zero in the northwest suburbs ... this arctic air mass has brought temperatures below zero and northern minnesota ... the big weather story will be that big storm coming there are gayle storm warnings on the lake ... and interstate 80 north including southern wisconsin have winter storm warnings in that region 20 states are under one form of winter weather advisory ... we have an active storm pattern moving from the
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pacific northwest across the country ... we're looking at the leading edge of the cold air mass ... and michigan and parts of indiana we see the lake affect snow happening let's take a look at what abouburied the seattle area and the cascades ... this makes our snowstorm look minor on friday ... there are some accumulations of about 2-3 in. along the eastern lakefront ...
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we're looking at the boundary between the warm and the colder air this will open up the moisture which will produce snow. it is 14 degrees at o'hare three below zero in minneapolis right now ... and it is windy 25 mi. per hour gusts here in chicago there will dissipate but they are pumping in that cold air. it will get downright better as the afternoon continuous ... 13 degrees midway 14 degrees o'hare single digits in the northwest suburbs ... one thing about the storm coming tomorrow and
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friday ... we will get between six-8 in.. let's take a look at the temperatures ... we dropped to single digits to zero may be below overnight when the snow begins tomorrow morning ... 14 degrees o'hare 13 midway 3 at mchenry ... we seek a bubble of arctic high-pressure driving
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the lake front snows ... this is where we will be at 915 tomorrow in the neighborhood of lunch time we will see the snow accelerate to give us significant precipitation in the evening rush-hour ... we have an array of models to predict the cumulations ... there are pretty healthy amounts expected woodstock 9 in. waukegan 8 1/27 at o'hare and midway airports another model tells us more putting down 16 in. in dubuque
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and close to 10 in. coming down in the city of chicago ... so we will average that we come out with six and a half inches of snow maybe 8 in. maximum in the greater chicago metropolitan area we will update this data as more information comes in but so far it will be the biggest snow of this winter season ... we of the coldest afternoon temperature regime and months ... wind is northwest around 25 mi. per hour bringing a big wind chill factor ... we will say seven degrees overnight below zero in the western suburbs ...
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clouds will thicken and the snow will develop becoming heavy at times through friday afternoon into the evening totals we believe will be between 4-9 in. across the chicago metropolitan area ... temperatures will rise into the 20s overnight tomorrow. it will remain cloudy saturday high 26 degrees. it will not be quite as cold going into sunday where we expect some sleet or freezing rain. >>you need to bundle up and get
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your shovels ready ... it's time now for today's trivia question: yale university is ♪ ooh baby, looks like you need a little help there ♪ ♪ ooh baby (what) can i do for you today? ♪ [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis a patented
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probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align.
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time for sports a number of rookies are making the most of their opportunity to fill in for some injured chicago blackhawks ... the black hawks scored four unanswered goals ... the buffalo sabres were visiting the united center last night ... neck ladynick leddy
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and andrew shaw and jumaane hayes world big players last night ... dave bolland made the game- winning goal ... derrick rose is sitting out today's practice and may not play in cleveland tomorrow he is still suffered from a sprained big toe and he has not played this week coach thibodeau said the decision on whether derrick rose will play is a collaborative effort ... baseball commissioner bud selig will finally stepped in to figure what the chicago cubs 0 the boston red sox for signing away theo epstein after months of on-again off-again negotiations the red sox requested that the commissioner settle the compensation issues sources said that boston has asked for pitcher matt garza but it is more likely they will get a top-level prospect from the chicago cubs
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>>that's a look at sports your live illinois droughlottery drawing is ... >>here are the winning pick three numbers: 577 here are the winning pick four numbers: 5464 ... $60 million is the mega- millions jackpot ... have a
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great afternoon [ woman ] for months, i had this deep pain all over my body. it just wouldn't go away. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now i can plan my days and accomplish more. lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness,
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weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. with less pain, i'm feeling better now that i found lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. hey kev, how about a bike ride? huh? you're not my dad ahhhhh!!! hey honey, back feels better little dancing tonight, you and me? hey boy, you wanna go for a walk? dr. scholl's pro inserts with shock guard technology relieve different types of lower body pain by treating at the source so you're a whole new you. where is everybody? that's not your dad. go pro with dr. scholl's.
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nearly 50 million people. its survey by the substance abuse and mental health services administration found that women were more likely than men to have experience mental illness. the mental illness rate among people in young adults aged 18- 25 was twice as high as among people 50 and older the survey also found that nearly 9 million american adults had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year and over a million attempted to take their own lives. >>many women who get screened for osteoporosis may not need to osteoporosis is a loss in bone density that can lead to fractures in injuries the u.s. preventive services task force
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recommended a bone density test every two years but a study in the new england journal of medicine suggests a healthy results at age 65 probably means that women can wait at least 15 years before being tested again because of how slowly the disease develops the researchers report that osteoporosis develops and fewer than 10% to women at the age of 80 if they had normal bone density at the age of 65 >>head injuries and excess weight may be hazardous combination for n.f.l. players a new study compared a group of overweight retired nfl players to those at normal weight the study published in the translation all of psychiatry journal found that overweight players have less blood flow to key areas of the brain and greater caulk much of problems than others researchers say that this is a message for everyone to watch their weight but especially for those whose job puts them at risk for brain damage >>the lunch break is coming
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time now for the lunch break ... we have two different chefs here with us today the established jon carl lachman the executive chef and owner of the hb home bistro and the other in newcomer who is the winner of the public
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greenough almost famous chef contest from the chicago region ... >>i was the first winner of the pellegrino contest and can hearkim here was our big winner this year ... >>chef jon carl gave some great advice in the mentorship program.. >>some of the subtleties of how
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a chef/business person needs to conduct themselves in the kitchen and with the public were some very key lessons for me in this program there were so many big-name shapchefs ... these guys are fantastic to be able to cook for these michelin raided andted and zagat recoommended chefs was an honor. today i like to show people how
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easy it is to cope shellfishok shellfish.. we have some clams in a champagne broth with some crushed tomato and some broth of the clam ... maybe some fish stock ... we are adding some schrempphrimp.. in our business we tended to season and layers so we are seasoning the schrempp before adding to the mixture ... we preseason to the garlic
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and the tomatoes a separately as well ... you had some green herbs or chopped vegetables you can use any stock ... i prefer to use vegetable stock it's the most natural for all palates ... you want to ensure that your clams in your muscles are cleaned very well and very fresh ... you want those shells to be sealed tightly when you purchase them to ensure the freshness ... after we saute
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... and we simmer we squeezed some fresh lemon juice cover the pan and we let this steam until the shellfish begins to open ... we then pour this over the couscous. >>if you like more information about this very simple and delicious recipe you can go to our web site wgn tv
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is where you can find yale university. >>i just had a phone call from
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one of our wgn america viewers in fort myers florida who said things look very cold from where he is reviewing our newscast we are looking at the storms out of the pacific northwest which is making its way to chicago giving us the biggest storm of this winter season thus far this will happen on friday ... we are looking at the forecast models for the accumulations here we have had forecast from anywhere from 4 ft.
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inches to 1 ft. of snow ... ... let's look at the origin that pineapple express that has brought much snow to the seattle area it is pushing eastward it is moderating that cold air making things cooler but not bitter cold next week but for tomorrow we will see snow beginning around the lunch hour and getting heavier through the rush-hour ... we will average approximately six or 7 in. across the metropolitan area we are looking at between four and 9 in. ... 19 degrees tomorrow
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with rising temperatures into the '20s through the weekend up into the 30's by early next week with some i see precipitation sunday and monday ... >>it sounds like it is much better and fort myers florida it was good to hear nonetheless thank you for joining us today we hope you have a great afternoon we will be back here at 5 and again at 9:00 p.m. with the wgn news ... we leave you with mommy's sicmore music from mike and the union they are appearing tonight at space in evanston.
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