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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  January 30, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CST

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not rocky, it's newt walking in to that famous theme suburban chicago man who wrote this wants him to stop using it and immediately. top story or around the country tonight. presidential candidate being sued for a sot the composer of "eye of the tiger" tonight >> frank sullivan a musician and songwriter best known for hits sot in 1980's said "eye of the tiger" as a the lawsuit not about politics about music and protecting what he has. that is the iconic sot performed by hit rock that survivor back in 1982. frank sullivan now 56 years old
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found big member of the survivors at says newt gingrich does not have the proper license to use the song he co-wrote and owns the copyright to. lawsuit filed today rude music inc. alleging newt gingrich 2012 ink illegally using rocky 3 anthem and not only not licensed but authorized. on authorized.un authorized. >> protected the legacy of "eye of the tiger" and deserves to be protected somebody has to put their best investment forward and protect this. >> frank sullivan through rude music inc. asking for damages lawsuit however not saying what they are actually asking for in the way of damages. not the first time we have seen
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something like this during a political season. jackson browne 2008 said john mccain was using to be sot running on empty illegally at stop also michele bock and 2011 using tom petty sot american girl michele bachmann. >> senator mark kirk upgraded to fair condition tonight doctors at northwestern memorial says swelling on his brain has stopped and alert talking responded to questions. suffered a stroke last saturday and ordered by the two surgeries to reduce the swelling in his brain had expected to make a full mental recovery. well this promote jobs? lawmakers indiana pushing it through a bill making it right to work state and a decade first how the bill will affect unions and businesses. >> indiana "right to work" bill
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inching closer to becoming law. passing sometime this week what happens in india and that could also impact economic climate in illinois. right to work legislation to allow union workers to opt out union dues. >> i think we have a bright fact they're not particularly care for ready money goes >> curious reinforced unions forced to provide representation poor people who did not put money in the pot >> hearing boycotted democrats
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like portage state state senator karen tallian >> the purpose i believe union busting >> effort to silence protesters at the state capital indianapolis >> colossal mistake for people to do anything to ensure it would backfire badly. >> indiana gov. mitch daniels says brightwork more jobs to the state but opponents say we didn't you get bargaining power resulted in lower wages. any move like this will have impact no doubt about it. >> present jerry roper debt of chicago land chamber of commerce says "right to work" worst taxes neighboring indiana and illinois it needs to get serious about putting up finances gov.
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quinn giving state of state address on wednesday offers resolutions to stay competitive and keep businesses from leaving illinois >> what we need to hear from the governor cap on spending. indiana state senate expected to approve the measure on wednesday and governor mitch daniels has said he will sign it quickly making indiana the right to work state #23 other states and the south and west. >> federal officials said the shutdown of nuclear reactor at the by render nuclear plant not too concerned about 100 mi. west of chicago near rockford. reactor number two lost power and backup jetta rgenerators cooling it release of tritium - a radioactive isotope but spokesmen for nuclear regulatory commission says the amount is harmless.
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>> removing heat with a condenser with power we can do that lost up outside power using >> nobody had to be evacuated or injured not clear when you get to local back on line but engineers are working or round- the-clock. new chicago bears general manager meeting of the press. it looked at the new boss and what he plans to do. >> phil emery somebody that has been in the trenches as a scout and a scouting director phil emery says himself of a sieve with the media but pulling the entire organization together in pursuit of the only goal that matters. >> phil emery says he learned backbone toughness from blue- collar chicago bears intense grinder and impeccable character stand it out to the man who interviewed them and it may be higher. >> it is clear that he is a leader with a vision and plan
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for chicago bears. organizational skills. attention to detail. all very impressive. first interview i got a sense that he had special qualities about him. a tough guy. and convicted guy at high character. we want to do our job and within that shot we want to reach the goal and the other thing we want to help one another. we have to be in this thing together. that is how we will achieve success. batt but phil emery says he " beef up the sound system and built the team from the nfl draft and matt forte non- committal if it was signed to long-term contract. phil emery says great respect for lovie smith no issue with using him as head coach for one more season >> ability to meet the expertise
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the standard argue an expert in your role? are you helping advance the group? the goal of a championship? i am about it on that at coach lovie smith understands he has dealt with on that are trainers at scouts. everybody involved understands the standard will be >> just as formerly expected not expected media leaks higher produce superable if he does that legacy will be assured. >> we all hope he has better luck at the top of the draft than his predecessor did. also interesting to see who actually runs the show up there phil emery or lovie smith? will not make any difference. if they are victorious. >> your thoughts on facebook tonight to weigh in on the new
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general manager if they are headed in the right direction. if that is the goal somebody fire lovie smith. please fire lovie smith. does not get any love in facebook postings. one man says hopes somebody else from retirement. lovie smith comments on facebook. major warning tonight about state financial system civic federation says state will be many billions of dollars in debt if it does not act soon and judge unusual punishment for a man who failed to complete jury duty and today's weather forecast tom skilling says 50 may be even higher '50s.
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wgn news @ 9 tonight another warning illinois and port on natural disaster. public financial watchdog group says the $35 billion unpaid bills and the next five years. newsroom with reaction across the city. >> keeps getting worse. report says illinois has $9.2 billion unpaid bills and he did with 65
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percent income-tax rates from last year barely making a dent. long road ahead and somebody will lose. >> many areas the state needs to focus of all of that are painful. all of them are politically less than attractive. >> most dire of all civic federation and will report a non-partisan watchdog spending months snapshot of state budget scenario eventually has the state $35 billion in the hole. largest fiscal challenge pension and medicaid programs. >> any new revenue has to go into the pension program. any new revenue into the medicaid program because we have not slowed down the growth of the programs. >> medicaid costs increase 6% per year at the state owes $2 billion in unpaid bills another
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example of health care cost as the cost of group health insurance state employee rising 39% over five years about 91% of 82,000 state retirees do not pay premiums for coverage. report also states the cost of funding pension system exploded from 8.9% 2008 to a projected 21.6% in 2013. suggesting long overdue pension reform. >> everything is on the table now members from both business and labor organizations >> state senator state sen. heather steans says gov. quinn already working on pension reform in place by the end of legislative session in may and it knows deep cuts are necessary but cannot be to core programs and a white resident count on. >> protected the neediest
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resident said in a priority for funding with education social services provided a safety net in these tough economic times. >> says there must be radical change in how the state does business. >> no longer a funding of priorities how to cut priorities and eliminate all over programs state government. >> definitely a bad situation problem did not happen overnight legislators have waited too long to fix this gov. quinn likely address and the topic state of the state address on wednesday >> civic federation also putting pressure on chicago alderman currently given themselves pay raises. report found 19 of 50 aldermen cost of living increases past four years of thousands of city workers forced to take unpaid furlough days. 19 alderman celeries topic out
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$115,000 a year. three aldermen declared race. still ahead occupy g8 and nato summit protesters calling for chaos not seen since the demonstrations in 1968 democratic convention. one day to go and mitt romney has florida breeze at his back and crucial sunshine state primary
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[ woman ] i was ready for my trip. but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment. wow, that's you? [ female announcer ] new intensive professional effects whitestrips.wgn news @ 9 10 people northeast florida killed massive pile up on i 75 yesterday morning it looked like the end of the world according to witnesses. brush fire
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created thick smoke cosmic blinding conditions on the highway. smoke finally cleared. one lucky survivor described what happened. >> i could hear thoughts and crashes the smoke was so thick i cannot even tell where it was coming from slowly after that started hearing what i thought were explosions >> officials believe the fire was intentionally set no controlled burns or lightning strikes in the area. occupy protesters nation's capital tend standing firm noon deadline passed today protestors have erected a huge tarp over statue of civil war civil war general. calling it a "tent of dreams" continuing their fight to restore social and economic justice. chicago history
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repeating itself scenes from 1968 protest outside democratic national convention ad busters magazine: 40,000 occupy protesters to descend upon chicago in may. they want people to fill the streets during g8 and nato summit. tomorrow for but pivotal republican primary for president tonight mitt romney dominates the polls winner-take-alll contest preview tonight. >> mitt romney surging in the polls one day before a florida goes to voting booths. " p at university survey released monday former massachusetts governor 14 point lead over newt gingrich former house speaker still confident over prospects beyond florida. argument mitt romney is to moderate to defeat president obama in november.
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state hit hard by the housing crisis mitt romney continues to attack newt gingrich for involvement with mortgage giant freddie mac. >> huge bubble erupted people got hurt and the idea somebody running for president was getting paid by freddie mac time it was going on at $1.6 million hurts people >> called a barrage of attack advertisements mitt romney campaign airing in florida dishonest. >> mitt romney might think campaign promises to build a colony on the mood.n >> the idea of the moon as the 51st state does not come to my mind as a campaign basis here in florida at >> rick santorum missouri and
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minnesota and ron paul taking campaign to call robert tuesday. colorado tuesday. >> how music can alter the aging process and sneak peek at top super bowl advertisements before sunday's big game. and correct six of eight * nfl video game predicts the winner of this year's super bowl. will it be right again?
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tonight's medical watch man giving insight environmental factors but archaeologists unearthed 2700 year old man and found evidence he had prostate cancer. no possibility of consuming process food or and helland modern day pollutants researchers say concluded and genetic calls for the disease.
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call a brain milk and milk drinkers or better on brain function test. enjoy a glass a day to boost mental performance. researchers university of maine studied men and women 23-98 and found adults with higher intake of milk score higher on visual and spatial memory tests. well established as bulb protector. when it comes to brain and body health a study of music to your ears. altering agent process. musical sound impacting central nervous system literally protecting speech processing and communications. people with intensive musical training best advantage but picking up instrument learned music later in life helps with brain power. still ahead flirting with 50s fled with the '60s tom skilling a full forecast coming up. fo i used
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to not travel very much, but then i discovered hotwire. now, i use all my vacation days. i can afford to visit my folks for the holidays. and reconnect with my girlfriends in vegas. because i get ridiculously low prices on all my trips. you see, when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them so i get 4-star hotels for up to half off. now i can afford a romantic trip to new orleans. hi honey! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ elstarting to get worried. good reason to be concerned some of the biggest snowstorms could be somewhere? maybe somewhere down the road. 53 degrees at midway
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and the lakefront. and the sunshine warmest weather in three weeks tomorrow. picked up 48 minutes of daylight. and 75
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minutes more daylight and to play it by end of february. 29 days in february. high temperatures across the continent today look at the cold up north. lower 48 and southern canada incredible warped and incredible cold to the north of alaska and uconn. average temperature 18 degrees below normal. and the demarcation between the arctic air much of northern canada and unseasonably mild air united states look at these high temperatures today. the board is spread. this is remarkable of the wind is blowing picking up again tomorrow propellant temperatures
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warmer than 53 degrees. talking 57 degrees tomorrow. pushing temperatures up. average temperature today equal than the normal high temperatures april 1st. south-southwest wind at 13 with the humidity at 66%. and the jet stream blowing from west-east. keeps the mild oceanic air from coming across buckling here could develop a wet storm later in the week talking more about that soon. and racing in north worked 1,000 mi. of southerly wind producing thunderstorms moisture within them moving it north through texas tonight. this is what will cloud us over during the day tomorrow light rainfall and the area general precipitation
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element drifting north still a long way away with sunshine expected tomorrow morning. high temperatures across the network today. at this hour of 47 degrees normal high temperature is 32 degrees. warmer here at 9:30 p.m. that typically during the heart of the afternoon. 44 degrees hide led indiana and mccaffrey at 45 degrees with wind gusts way up today and beautiful skyline we feel like the sun came in this afternoon with other high temperatures across the metropolitan area. watch these counties to the north through the night with low clouds and fog for men with started with a mix of sunshine and clouds clotting over quickly after that with sprinkles and a drizzle, and through tomorrow night bigger ring into wednesday
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morning big story packed isobars 1,000 mi. of southwest wind still mild pacific air on wednesday-thursday. falling back to the mid-40s february new month under way we acknowledge the one-year anniversary of the super blizzard groundhog's day last year. broadcasting the blizzard special on this broadcast 9:30 p.m. wednesday night back to 50 again on thursday it pretty nice. partly cloudy hazy and seasonably mild tonight fog north with low 36-40 across the area stand up all night. mixed sot giving way to clouds windy unseasonably mild 57 degrees of achieving that equaled at normal high- temperature april 14th. 25 degrees above normal. tomorrow
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night fog and drizzle and light ran low temperature 35 degrees and started that way cloudy and drizzle sun breaking out modestly cooler 35 and get it up to 50 degrees again on thursday. 84 percent of winter days above the normal. 51 out of 61 of meteorological days more than normal. you wonder if the other shoe will drop at some point but was not dropped enough to offset the warmth. not to want to make up all of the ground we have gained at this point this winter. >> great. thank you tom skilling. revolutionized publishing woworld receiving an honor if you americans have received and find out how a juror was forced to march in front of the courthouse.
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♪ it's the way you bring out the sun. ♪ sunny d! ♪ it's the way you make it all fun. ♪ know who makes the day sunny? my mom and sunny d! i love the taste. mom loves the vitamin c. and now it has 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands! sunny d! ♪ make today a sunny day! ♪ find out more at
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the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. we don't win unless we work together. it's how we play our best. it's how we survive on the field. now that same teamwork can save 13 million people... affected by the famine, war, and drought in the horn of africa. go to this site... and forward the facts to everyone you know.
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the more people who know... the more money we can raise. and the more money we raise... the more people we can help... because saving lives doesn't take a lot... it just takes a lot of us. it added states postal service honoring a man who left in mark on the industry african- americans' month frank holland has the story >> began with a dream john h johnson never imagined starting
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and magazines as successful as ebony and jazz rock the faces of black america to the new stands now is to face on a postage stamp. thinking of which picture of john h johnson hardest part to use on the step. daughter agonized over the decision had to be just right >> all of the work he put it throughout his career has come to fruition here with this kind of honor. built an empire from the ground up. changed out african american scene and america recognized by numerous precedents. final interview before death 2005 pioneer past a lot of words to those hoping to follow in his footsteps. >> you can achieve a small dreams confidence determination >> johnson writes step conveys a
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message and more batt but want them to think about aspirations and inspiration and that is what my father built this off of. it really was a dream. to have a publishing company and to be able to bring recognition to the topic in american market. battling racism prejudice and stereotypes john h johnson drained a fulfilled decades later cobbers of magazine reads like a pulse of america. proud moment tense moments moments that make people smile. standing on south michigan stands like a monument. for a man of great accomplishment with big ideas small picture might be the most fitting tribute can be used for ever. in honor of the man known for intellect integrity and in sight forever. >> shows you that with hard work and intelligence and diligence you can rise up above
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any obstacle >> john h johnson app officially unveiled during a special ceremony johnson publishing tomorrow 35th on a rate of postal service black heritage >> coming up best advertisements before the big game preview of super bowl commercials and sports chicago bulls showing no ill effects and over getting back on track tonight in washington. [ male announcer ] when you're a coach in the nfl... ♪ ♪ ...there are no sick days. ♪ ♪ vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. [ snoring ] [ indistinct talking on tv ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ so every year my family throws this great reunion in austin. but this year i can only afford one trip and i've always wanted to learn how to surf. austin's great -- just not for surfing. so i checked out hotwire. and by booking with them, i saved enough to swing both trips. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. that's how i got a 4-star hotel on the beach in san diego for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ we are the house when it comes to the big game. yeah. it's his thing. i don't even participate. boom! here it comes! bring it back! bring it home! [ male announcer ] when you combine creamy velveeta with zesty rotel tomatoes and green chilies you get a bowl of queso that makes even this get-together better. [ british accent ] i host a book club. so sexy... vaga had no tolerance for such dastardly deeds. finally...
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[ male announcer ] when you combine creamy velveeta with zesty rotel tomatoes and green chilies you get a bowl of queso that makes even this get-together better. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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man from indiana skipped out jury duty on the wrong judge servant to extra days of jury duty 22 year-old justin humphrey courthouse after a lunch break and never returned. order to justin humphrey to stand in front of lake county courthouse with a sign that says i failed to appear for jury duty second time punishment by the same judge. batt but tom skilling and knocked it out of the park before now how about the seven day forecast? >> 58 degrees for tomorrow. might see a 60 degrees and a spot or two depending on how quickly the clouds will the land. arctic air you can see
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hold up no. 54 degrees below sections of the yukon. the only snowfall to the north through the rocky mountain states in the short term white and pink areas barely cold arctic air no. but here is what we watch dark blue air coming south like meter
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logical narbonne up with high fifties drop the week. february starts wednesday 22.3 in. of snow and 70 mi. per hour wind last year in the debacle we lived through and show you the specials we covered last year 14
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hours in some cases more on that on wednesday. >> thank you tom skilling looking forward to that. sports fans and advertisers and counting down to the big day. money going into generating commercials for the big day. entertainment reporter dean rector's showing you some of these. dean richards. just a few of the commercials during of the week that began about 111 million people estimated to be watching advertisers do not mind paying 3.5-$4.5 million for 42nd commercial. is this worth it? c
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e l fork retail first corp. advertising agency says yes >> when you think average television show with 14 million viewers spends $275,000 for 32nd spot makes it 2¢ per viewer to buy the equity and really when you talk about $3 million for 111 million people you talk just under 3¢ a person that you are spending. they are the doritos commercials and bringing back the ferris bueller memories but favorite of what we have seen chevrolet college graduate. you can see more on my page of the website. >> new york giants will win the
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super bowl on sunday so says madden again which has correctly chosen the winner of six of eight super bowls simulation has the patriots losing 27-24 and a close game. the giants storm back and last possession kicker lawrence tynes 40 yd field goal as time runs out with the game. we will see on sunday. coming up chicago bears' new general manager of the talent how to turn chicago bears back into a playoff team and chicago bulls' chairman tells us what has his concern 23 games into the nba season sports next. of
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. hey, it's me -- water. when i think about how lucky i am that i've had a pur water filter remove 99% of lead and microbial cysts... [ sniffs ] and then i think about the water that hasn't. [ whimpers ] i-i don't know. it doesn't seem fair.
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it's such a tough... yeah. the spectrum is from lg. and the r2 unit is from... from naboo. naboo. yeah.
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the spectrum's got a 4.5" screen, fits nicely in your hand. r2-d2 needs a starfighter. starfighter ? that's like a million dollars in gas. yeah, it's pricey. it's got verizon's 4g lte for lightspeed downloads and a true hd screen to watch movies. i'm going to go with the... ... phone. it's a good choice. the lg spectrum powered by verizon 4g lte, for true hd mobile entertainment. sports thendan roan awarded sportscaster of year >> the guys suggested i bring it out here to hit you in the head with it. give me that guy's name at the end of the show. moving on >> let me say this i would not
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pay a nickel to watch the washington wizard supply. chicago bulls yes. probably going to keep winning despite a tough loss yesterday easy victory tonight in washington despite the absence of richard hamilton and luol deng. after the jump ball derrick rose distraught after a miami game and doing whatever he wanted tonight. and joakim noah kyle korver huge, kyle korver dumping it down to joakim noah, kyle korver starter for the first time tonight and the leopard. five out of 12 from downtown and the 17 points and 45 minutes. derrick rose had 35 points and carlos boozer had 18 points nice connection there as they lead start to finish defeating washington wizard's 98-88 at on to philadelphia on wednesday. chairman of chicago bulls
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keeping a close eye on injury list jerry reinsdorf talking sox fest this week watching players go down a daily basis lately with luol deng and rip hamilton tonight and derrick rose earlier in the month and the boss is worried. , so far so good but concerned about everybody concerned about injuries. short season and compact season we have played nine games in 12 days 20 days 14 games you have players getting hurt and keep waiting to the next injury. the way other players talked about every team injuries great job building a team with that. starting 5 but not be the best starting five in the league but enabling us to get over injuries
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also during this time played bad teams have not played premier teams fortunate when derrick rose was out not playing the front line teams. >> c.j. watson can barely play tonight and with phil emery knout in the house spending time to get to know each other chicago bears of knuckling down to the draft and free agency first opportunity for phil emery to make his mark as a general manager hire the three weeks to give chicago bears to the new guy phil emery at the knee today does not plan to share plan with the public but producing victories i am sure it will not be an issue from ideas coming in. >> we will emphasize ballots meeting our needs. the goal and orientation building the team continuing to at good players to be dropped we want to raise our
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own and we want people to have a passion for chicago bears. >> raised and developed. >> what process of talking to other head coaches and the general managers personnel people nobody had a negative thing to say i became intrigued early on >> talking about strengths people talking the team a 40 not going to wield the authority for the sake of doing so going to make sure that everybody is moving forward. how good is the food when greater chicago led the italian association gets together? tommy lasorda the guest of honor at function held at national italian american sports hall of fame also beneficial rate of the bad tonight at black caucublackhawks late
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in vancouver patrick sharp game time decision jonathan toews will play tomorrow. >> that is the news have a good night. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation.
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