tv WGN Midday News CW March 2, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CST
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[ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. a 15 year-old girl at gunpoint on the city's south side. good afternoon i'm steve sanders' >>and i'i'didi b br. w w welcome rr viewers whohorereatching us around the country on wgn america and on the internet. randi belisomo has an exclusive interview with a man who stepped in to help this young victim >>standing at each corner of 95th and michigan the guardian angels are watching for
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suspicious activity and there are offering to help children get to school safely what happened here wednesday has everyone on the lookout >>she was crying so i stopped and i asked her what was wrong >>she said that she was raped >>this man said he only wants to be referred to as " mr. white " >>he saw the child in distress he called her parents he put her in the back seat of his car and they waited until her father arrived, i offered to call her mom and father >>but she was still crying shoes very upset it it's just unbelievable >>the unmanned struck up a conversation with the girl pulled a gun on her border into neighboring yard and raped her ... >>the girl's father was
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extraordinarily grateful for the good samaritan mr. wyatt ... >>the officers told me that you would never believe how many people never stop to help the young lady like that who was upset walking down the street >>another woman was sexually assaulted inside of a vacant train car on the cta redline i am man with a knife ... on the 21st a 13 year-old was walking north of here at south wood at 9:00 in the morning a man similarly engaged her in a conversation and pulled a gun on her before he raped her when i leave from school i leave with a group of kids ... >>the guardian angels are holding a rape awareness seminar at harper high from 12 to 2 tomorrow where afternoon for young women
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>>police are warning parents to not allow their children to walk alone and to seek out safe havens along their route to school >>we're following a developing story is a tornado has destroyed several homes in northern alabama ... there is no word of injuries but ambulances are responding to neighborhoods near huntsville it's the first reported tornadoes a new storm system trends regions of the southern states and already ravaged midwest forecasters said it severe storms will develop throughout the day with ternate quinn's most likely in late afternoon they're warning that dispatch a possible tornadoes could even be more dangerous than those that hit earlier this week a threat of more severe weather also hangs over the midwest
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where people are still cleaning up from this week's deadly storms tornadoes and damaging winds storms killed 13 people hardest hit was the southern illinois town of harrisburg where six people had died the storm flattened several homes and buildings and walls and windows of a medical center killing a nurse >>he has been working in the cook county court system for years but the chicago crime commission has them listed as a gang leader and police are worried that he meant the mall marcella raymond is live at the county court house in may would with the story >>there are worried they want him removed from this position, the president of the west suburban chief of police association says its outrageous that a top man and a chicago gang has access to critical and sensitive information that could
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put police in jeopardy, maurice henderson as listed in the chicago commission crime buck as a leader of a notorious gang he has been working as a clerk to dorothy brown in the circuit courts here in maywood he has access to search warrants and arrest warrants and other sensitive information mainly involving gang members he could temper with documents and he could tip off suspects in this unique position he has ... >>he should no more contact with law enforcement at least in these felony and misdemeanor court rooms where sensitive documents are transferred and signed by judges maurice henderson is a union employees so there is protocol to follow
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he told the sun-times that he used to be in the gang at the age of 13 he denies any involvement now and says he has a career and is a family man trying to keep his life as normal as is possible >>cook county commissioner william beavers will be arraigned today on tax evasion charges. federal prosecutors say that beavers took more than to enter thousand dollars in campaign funds for his personal use without reporting it as an come he insists the only reason that he's being prosecuted is because he refused to help the fbi investigate fellow commissioner john daly, chicago police have arrested two teenagers under looking for a third suspect in connection with a violent robbery and bucktown 17 year-old travion lockett along with a 16 year-old and another person are accused of robbing a woman just after 10:00
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yesterday morning in the 1500 block of north leavitt police said that lockett hit the woman in the face and he stole her purse officers in the area chest teenagers on foot and arrested two of each police still looking for the third suspect >>a professor at wheaton college will appear in bond court today on child pornography charges 6 year-old donald ratcliff carol stream teaches christian education at the college he has been there since 2006 carol stream police say they found images of videos and child pornography in his possession along with two handguns and ammunition he has been placed on administrative leave from win college his next court date is the eighth of march >>a cook county sheriff's files a federal lawsuit against the sheriff's office over his experience investigating the scandal at bur oak cemetery robert carroll claims that the gruesome scene gave him psychological problems he said the work triggered posttraumatic
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stress disorder from his service in the persian gulf war he also said the sheriff's office refused his request for desk duty and retaliated by trying to stick with patrol duty on the midnight shift but the sheriff's office said that he started having problems after he was accused of using the n word in front of a colleague he denies using such a racist slur >>a ruling is expected today on illinois strict eavesdropping 8 law ... an attorney representing a chicago artist argues that the law as unconstitutional the law is meant to prevent people from secretly recording private conversations but the attorney argues it's not designed to protect police officers working in public the case involves an artist who secretly taped police while he was being arrested in 2009 for selling art on state street without a street he was charged with eavesdropping on a public
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official which is a felony and illinois cook county judge stanley sacks has said that he would rule with a written ruling [ male announcer ] you never know when, but thieves can steal your identity. turning your life upside down in a matter of seconds. hi. hi. you know i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. you just read my mind. [ male announcer ] just one little piece of information and they can open bogus accounts stealing your credit your money and ruining your reputation. that's why you need lifelock. lifelock is the leader in identity theft protection. relentlessly protecting your personal information to help stop the crooks in their tracks before your identity is attacked. protecting your social security number, your bank accounts even the equity in your home. i didn't know how serious identity theft was until i lost my credit and eventually i lost my home. [ male announcer ] credit monitoring alone is not enough to protect your identity,
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and only tells you after the fact sometimes as much as 60 days later. with lifelock, as soon as we spot a threat to your identity within our network our advanced lifelock id alert system directly notifies you, protecting your identity before you become a victim. identity theft was a huge, huge problem for me. and it's gone away because of lifelock. [ male announcer ] while no one can stop all identity theft, if the criminals do manage to steal your information, lifelock is there to help fix it with our $1 million service guarantee. that's right. a $1 million service guarantee. don't wait until you become the next victim. call now to try lifelock risk free for 2 full months. that's right 60 days risk free. use promo code: norisk. if you're not completely satisfied notify lifelock and you won't pay a cent. order now and also get this document shredder to keep your personal documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value, free! get the protection you need right now. call or go to to try lifelock risk free for a full 60 days.
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use promo code: norisk. plus get this document shredder, free! but only if you act right now. call now! lifelock service guarantee cannot be offered to residents of new york. the first time since a deadly campus shooting. 17 year-old t.j. lane was officially charged with murder and attempted murder yesterday afternoon. there are no class's on thursday, but students walked to the campus holding hands and a show of solidarity. if a coach who is being held a hero for chasing the gunman out of the school, said returning today's important to show that evil will not win. school administrators say that the coming weeks will be about healing >>pish federal investigators may be looking into the possibility
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of bribes, fraud and cover-up in connection with the sex abuse case against former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky. and newspaper in harrisburg pennsylvania asked some former federal prosecutors to look at the subpoena against jerry sandusky who is accused of abusing boys over several years for the express cuter say that the subpoena appears to be exploring whether or not there was any institutional awareness of jerry sandusky alleged crimes the pennsylvania attorney general just released document that says eight of those boys were molested right on the penn state campus shoot jerry sandusky denies the allegations and is under house arrest >>the united states coastguard is searching for a woman from canada who went missing while on board a carnival cruise shicelebration cruise line ship her name has not been released the woman's boyfriend reporter missing wednesday morning when the ship arrived at
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palm beach he said he last saw her tuesday night when the ship was still in the bahamas the cruise line said that she was on board when the ship left those islands officials are investigating whether not she fell off of the ship or was the victim of some kind of foul play the philadelphia international airport was shut down for half an hour yesterday when a cheap and it up on an active runway police say that this man kenneth mazik was drunk when he crashed through the airport fence he led police on a chase that eventually led to the runway no plans were taking off at the time to passenger jet was forced to pull up mere seconds before scheduled to land the man was caught he was charged with d.u.i. and reckless endangerment he may face additional charges
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later in the lunch break we're making a one bowl recipe [ male announcer ] in her natural habitat the tissue monster was quite mild. achoo! [ male announcer ] but when she used tissues, she went crazy wild. tissue after tissue, she always took a ton. until mom explained with puffs ultra soft & strong you only need one. two times stronger than the leading value brand they always win this test. soft non-lotion pillows, they're sure to impress. now the tissue monster had gone away, and puffs ultra soft & strong saved the day. a nose in need deserves puffs ultra
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so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. that's my tide. what's yours? with a look at today's business headlines stocks are falling back from a four year high as disappointments sets and are very european slowdowns in economic growth ... or less at $106 a barrel ... retail losses are dragging stocks down as well ... today at&t faces thousands of angry customers who are taking to social media and the internet to protest the new policy about on limited data restriction and the slowdown of
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speed for customers to consumers over 3 gb per month of data on its services ... at&t said it too many people are now using smart phones hogging up bandwidth ... the wall street journal said the bank of america will be testing fees on its basic checking accounts around the country ... the bank in a statement said it is not planning to hike fees it is just testing on new accounts only ... in spite of the improving economy more americans are replying onrelying on food stamps 46 and a half million americans
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receive this aid that's up from one year ago the rival to groupon loving socialist turning up the competitive heat offering its first credit card with no annual fee ... it is designed to help merchants attract repeat customers >>some residents of milwaukee wisconsin are outraged over a recent offering by groupon ... it is a tour of the jeffrey dahmer hunting grounds the notorious serial killer met many of his victims at a local bar which is where the tour begins jeffrey dahmer killed 17 men and boys he was eventually sentenced and later murdered in prison by fellow inmates these
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walking tours are sold out and families of victims are extremely upset jeffrey dahmer's fourth victim was this woman's brother >>groupon has since pulled this deal but the tories are continuing with an independent company up in milwaukee >>if you have ever sent twitter message marketers may want to know about this and twitter seems more than willing to oblige them if the social networking services opening its archives and selling old twitter messages to a media monitoring companies a company called it davis sift has teamed up with twitter to get access to tweets dating back more than two years if the company emphasizes that it will not have access to deleted twitter messages or
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users direct messages legal experts say that privacy advocates may have a hard time challenging the partnership because twitter is a public forum >>the speaker of the house is condemning controversial comments made by talk-show host rush limbaugh who made comments on his radio show responding to the debate over contraception and whether insurers should be required to cover it ... rush limbaugh's comments followed his attack on law student sandra fluke someone he called a derogatory name for testifying on capitol hill in favor of the idea center fluke called statements made by rush limbaugh and attack on all women a spokesman for the speaker of the
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christ the king where his picture hangs in a classroom at the parish school >>we pray for him a lot >>st. patrick's day cards sit in a box to be mailed to him today >>he was a handsome kid tall beautiful blue eyes he commanded the room when he walked down ... we're just heartbroken it is hard to catch up to this right now, there was a surge of violence against u.s. forces following the accidental burning of religious material at a base their ...
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faculty and staff informed parents and told students this morning about the death of corporal lowry ... >>we are trying to be a supportive community right now ... he was a marine he was a good marine he loved his country he left his family and that's what it is all about >>in this sixth grade class the students plan to send their cards to the family the school will be holding a prayer service in his honor ... he recently got engaged and he was set to be discharged in june the mayor of the nation's three largest school districts got together in washington for meetings ... mayor emanuel and
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jean-claude brizard of the school system here in chicago met with the mayors of new york and los angeles ... education secretary arne.duncan addressed dropout rates: >>for your university's two-year colleges and vocational training has to be aspirations for these young people out of high school >>a tax hike won't be necessary to clean up the chicago river ... newly revised cost estimates for the project sharply lower than the original figures the
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metropolitan water reclamation district audit would cost a billion dollars for equipment to disinfect waste water from the river instead it will cost of $140 million about 1/7 at the original estimate operating costs will be half of the original estimate and the project will be finished in three years as opposed for many,
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advisories are extending into chicago city metropolitan area this storm is running from northwest to the southeast and shifting into snow ... it will start happening around rush hour here in town ... heavy rain has been happening in the southern suburbs ... there's a 150 mi. our jet stream ripping into the area causing all of these disturbances ... snow will be heavy in the north and the northwestern suburbs it could hit the city for a short. this evening the most of the snow has been falling on fridays this winter
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season that's an interesting fact ... it is worn down state and very cold up to the north cole there with warm air and the powerful jet stream running in between sets up quite a windy conditions and other elements in the storm formations will fall into place from there ... the wind will pick up later this afternoon the storm will be deepening rapidly ... the lending is northeast at 14
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mi. per hour the committee about 80% ... we have a lot of wind with this system and take a look at this jet stream pattern ... thunderstorms begin to rotate as it collides with the wind from the jet stream and you get tornado action ... here are the weather advisories for wind and tornado watches ... this is all downstate champagne indianapolis lewisvillelouisville
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and into the northern midwestern states heavy snow is forecast nashville chattanooga heinz fell are all lookinghuntsville alabama all looking at a threatening conditions on still has a ready scene tornado action this morning here is the band that will convert to snow setting up through the western suburbs and traveling north toward wisconsin we will sit between three and 6 in. of snow in our northern suburbs tonight.
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over 1 in. of rain has thus far accumulated downstate ... kankakee is looking at stormy conditions right now it's currently 37 degrees out o'hare airport 37 at midway there is lots of rain and the model forecast very heavy and heavy snow west ... by the evening around 615 the snow will go down to our aurora from waukegan
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winter storm conditions are developing quickly ... the high and the city today is 42 degree falling into the mid thirties later 3-6 in. of snow will accumulate to the north between 1 and 3 in. will accumulate here in chicago blustery with snow flurries tomorrow and you might see some lake effect snow showers in the evening it's a cold opening weekend to march but by midweek we could be looking at temperatures in the mid-60s we are bouncing around between warm and cold fronts >>happy friday
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that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ♪ ♪ ah. [ female announcer ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. chance to make the n.c.a.a. tournament but it is looking more like they are headed for the nit bruce weber may have coached his final game at assembly hall michigan led by 13 at one. illinois only down four in the second when myers leonard sai lays it in.. michigan polled away and
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illinois lost 72-61 the regular- season finale is sunday up in wisconsin still no jonathan toews when the blackhawks visit ottawa tonight he is still recovering from an upper body injury and did not travel with the team for this three game road trip ray emery will get the start in goal tonight corey crawford has been polled twice in the last two games coach cusec he needs to fight through the slump and find the confidence he once had >>we are fighting for a spot in the playoffs and i have to find ways to make things happen the bears have released offensive lineman frank omi yale he signed as a free agent from the panthers back in 2009 and played 48 games over three
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seasons with the chicago bears he shifted to several positions on the offensive line during the time the bears are officially announced the release of defensive tackle anthony adams as well by cutting them to the bears save more than $3 million in salary cap space that's a look at sports your live illinois lottery drawing is next ... here are the winning pick three numbers: 040 here are the winning pick four numbers: 4 5 5 7
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the b strains of this flow one of the strains influenza b tiffintypically affects children and a nasal spray vaccine carries weakened it strains of the virus shark fin soup may come with a side of toxins and a study by university of miami researchers found shark fins contain high levels of neurotoxins these toxins are linked to alzheimer's and lou gehrig's disease researchers say that the finding suggests that people who each shark fin soup and shark cartilage pills may be at a significant risk for these diseases they also hope the findings will help discourage the practice of shark fan coaching from which as many as 70 million sharks die every year and here's something to look for to about aging getting a good night's sleep and a study in the
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sleep journal finds that the quality of sleep actually improves with age researchers surveyed more than 150,000 people they found those in their 80s reported having the best night's sleep people in their 40's did not do as well and those between [ male announcer ] you never know when, but thieves can steal your identity. turning your life upside down in a matter of seconds. hi. hi. you know i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. you just read my mind. [ male announcer ] just one little piece of information and they can open bogus accounts stealing your credit your money and ruining your reputation. that's why you need lifelock. lifelock is the leader in identity theft protection. relentlessly protecting your personal information to help stop the crooks in their tracks before your identity is attacked. protecting your social security number, your bank accounts even the equity in your home. i didn't know how serious identity theft was until i lost my credit and eventually i lost my home. [ male announcer ] credit monitoring
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alone is not enough to protect your identity, and only tells you after the fact sometimes as much as 60 days later. with lifelock, as soon as we spot a threat to your identity within our network our advanced lifelock id alert system directly notifies you, protecting your identity before you become a victim. identity theft was a huge, huge problem for me. and it's gone away because of lifelock. [ male announcer ] while no one can stop all identity theft, if the criminals do manage to steal your information, lifelock is there to help fix it with our $1 million service guarantee. that's right. a $1 million service guarantee. don't wait until you become the next victim. call now to try lifelock risk free for 2 full months. that's right 60 days risk free. use promo code: norisk. if you're not completely satisfied notify lifelock and you won't pay a cent. order now and also get this document shredder to keep your personal documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value, free! get the protection you need right now. call or go to
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to try lifelock risk free for a full 60 days. use promo code: norisk. plus get this document shredder, free! but only if you act right now. call now! lifelock service guarantee cannot be offered to residents of new york. high-protein pot of chili chef johnny prep from zoup! is here with us ... >>and i must say you are
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extremely organized today ... this is a zesty black bean chili which has a foundation of aromatic herbs we're going to put this in the pot and get this going next week at the flavors add flavors.. thyme bay leaves chili garlic pepper .. it's kind of jamaican and kind of southwest in flavor ... and it's perfect for this black bean base ... this is 160
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are what the "the lorax" aims to save in that classic story. >>this evening in the city we will see snow. 1-3 in. more to the north and west suburbs downstate very turbulent weather with rain and thunder and high wind answered your weather warnings tornados have already occurred in huntsville alabama
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... the model puts down 4 in. down in the northwest side of the city by up in mchenry and northern lake county near kenosha were looking at maybe up to 7 in. of snow the red area on the map high- risk the yellow moderate ... we are taking a look at these doppler radar rotating thunderstorms ... still worried about tornadoes ... huge thunderstorms ... the snow is coming together to the west of chicago ... that's
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what's on the way into the northwest suburbs ... rain will be changing to snow later in the day here in the city between three and 4 in. in the northern suburbs we will see a giant wind shear happening and will be windy into the weekend ... 35 degrees with flurries right through to monday morning the wind will pick up and we will have a big bump in the temperature for tuesday and wednesday conceivably upper 60 degree temperatures it will turn colder later next week ... have a nice weekend thank you so much for joining us today we wish you all a good
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