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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  March 19, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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and an emotional reunion as a soldier returning from afghanistan surprises his son. illinois voters will have a voice tomorrow in helping nominate a presidential candidate. tonight we hear from the front-runners. good evening. our top story seen around the country tonight on wgn america. the two front-runners spent the daymark and micah, the two frontrunners spent the day criss-crossing the state.. winding up within miles of each other. the latest polls show mitt romney with a double-digit lead. we need a man of action and we need a man who has a track record of ilementing those
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conservative principles and mitt romney is that guy. he was in peoria tonight have brings the home the message she pushed statewide. for the president is attacking economic freedom. never having had a job in the private sector he doesn't know what he is doing is hurting thing so badly and harming families. the morale of the romney team posted by polls showing him well out in front here. and by last night's overwhelming primary win in pr. 83 percent. he campaigned for most of the day against the president directly. including this speech on mr. obama's old stomping grounds. the university of chicago after spending three years attacking business he hopes to erase his record with a speech. we fought the our spirit
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we have been a campaign that has been out there with no teleprompter. i know you folks in illinois are not used to candidates running for president without a teleprompter. also the man from the calls and economic light weight. pushing back in the boy could home of ronald reagan. don't make it about who can manage washington. or the ceo of the economy. we need somebody who can talk and strike blows with big things like reagan did for freedom and for america. despite where he is in the polls he says do not count him out. newt gingrich basically
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throwing in the towel here in illinois and spending the whole weekend in louisiana instead. that state's primary is next saturday. ron paul made one brief stop in champaign last week and is scheduled to be a guest tomorrow on the "tonight show" with jay leno. while the republicans are duking it out in their costly primary campaign, president obama is raking in campaign contributions. his re-election campaign hauled alone. his team reports 348- thousand people donated. 105-thousand were first-time contributors. 98-percent of contributions were $250 or less. during the 2008 campaign obama broke all fundraising records by bringing in nearly 750- million dollars. former gop presidential candidate, arizona senator john mccain, was in chicago today trying to get out the vote for mitt romney. mccain said the campaign is more nasty now than it was in 2008 and he blames the superpacs. it has injected a level of the
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outside on regulated money which then in many ways undisclosed which is increased the negative attack ads which then of course law worse the esteemed if that is possible that the american people told us in politics for. mccain said he's watching the illinois election very closely because he says what happens here tomorrow will be pivotal in how the gop primary plays out. the chicago tribune's rick pearson joining us for what we can expect tomorrow. hello. a cnn poll has mr. romney up 14 percent in illinois. i have heard about that and another poll an automated paul with double digit lead spirit one thing to keep in mind is that the polling done in previous states has under counted the support of rick santorum and
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over counted the support of mitt romney. we note turn it is going to be like tomorrow. predictions of a blood are premature. who will hurt from the low turnout? it depends where it comes from. here in the chicago area among republicans that is not good for mitt romney. downstate that is not good for rick santorum. santorum needs a big turnout downstate and a low turnout in the chicago area among suburban republicans to have a shot at illinois. can you explain the idea of the beauty contest the popular vote could be won but delegates lost. you have winner take all states and proportional states. where the number of popular votes and they get a percentage of delegates. illinois is unique. we have what
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is called the presidential preference. the top of the ballot. you are asked we want to support as a nominee but that has no bearing on the a electing delegates. you will see to three or four candidates are delegates associated with a candidate. those are the delegates that count. as we know in this race with romney trying to amass the 1144 magic number and santorum try to keep her from that, it is about the delegates, not about the beauty contest. the beauty contest though it is what gets all the attention. there are some other key races to take a look at. democrats have the right to draw a new line for the legislature. we have a lot of congressional races in this state. those are the the next big things on the ballot.
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democrats want to reverse the gains republicans made. they drew lines favoring democrats. we have jesse jackson jr. against albertson's. and duckworth and morrissey for the right to take on the parties joe walsh. and a couple other primaries including the 15th. the only republican on republican incumbent matchup. rockford against cans in europe. we will see you tomorrow. thank you. . > opening at six tomorrow morning, we wanted to make sure everyone was clear on what is and isn't allowed in the voting booth. we spoke with cook county clerk david orr at five o'clock for the definitive answer on that electronic device rule that was and then wasn't. the long ballot is ok if you take in cheat sheets or applications or whatever. you may not remember who the judges
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are. it is ok to take that in there and vote. we just do not what you filming will you vote. mr. orr also explained how it's possible for republican presidential delegates to actually win the popular vote, but not win the delegate count. the democratic primary race for a west side state senate seat is a contentious one. the candidates faced off in a debate on cltv's politics tonight. incumbent sen. annazette collins faces a challenge from former mayoral candidate doctor patricia van pelt watkins, in the remapped 5th district covering the west loop, bucktown, wicker park, east garfield and north lawndale. senator collins has denied knowingly giving out legislative scholarships to students outside her district. it is not unusual that one of our constituents would move. the scholarships would follow the constituent and we have also presented legislation to allow that scholarship to follow the person. every district has its
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own scholarship and so if we pass them out to place people in it in other places what would happen to people on the west side of chicago? van pelt watkins called for a federal investigation of collins alleged abuse of the legislatie scholarship program. collins has the support of governor quinn, state senate president john cullerton and congressman danny davis. tomorrow's election will be big on wgn. our special coverage begins at 6pm on cltv with "politics tonight." at 7pm on cltv, micah materre and i start our decision 2012 coverage when the polls close. we'll also be streaming results live on and look for the winners and race results on the wgn news at nine, on channel nine, and on wgn america. coming up. dozens of people shot in a wave of violence across chicago, over the weekend. tonight the city's top cop responds with talk of retooling the department's gang strategies. also, demolition day for an abandoned motel one pastor hopes to turn into a community center. plus, another shot a record breaker. tom skilling tells us
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how many more 80 degree days we could see in the near future. whoa! i'd love a set like this... ...well, i'd like a pony. yeah, we used kmart layaway - paid it off over 8 weeks. shop your way rewards members who start layaway this week earn 5% back in points when payments are complete. only at kmart.
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tonight, a stand against gangs and gun violence in chicago. parents who've lost kids condemning more than 40 shootings and 9 murders over the weekend. they gathered at st. sabina's memorial wall at 78th and racine. wgn's sean lewis is there covering the terrible toll and what police plan to do about it. sean. superintendent gary mccarthy admits that the gang problem is unique. larger gangs are fracturing into younger groups that are harder to control. new technology may be the answer to this problem but it comes too late for the family of this weekend's youngest victim. the mother of the dead child inconsolable. today the alleged gang members and 18 year-old and 16 year-old appeared in court
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charged as adults in the drive- by killing. she was an innocent 6 year-old and a beautiful girl. the six year old was the youngest victim of violence from the weekend. police superintendent gary mccarthy late this afternoon saying that the overall crime is down in chicago but murders are up 30%. shootings up 27%. most of it is gang related. we happen to know that they do not see the consequences of their actions. that is something we need to do to change the culture. he highlighted the gang unit targeting gang activity. that will give information faster about when and where retaliatory shootings will take place. we need to sit down and do an audit and what hurts they claim as
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theirs and who are the feuding with the police union president tells us tonight that the intelligence strategy so far has not worked. we welcome any technology that will enhance and officers' ability to detect criminal activity however that does not replace the necessity to hire more police officers. others say more police alone is not the answer. there has to be this massive outrage. we are waiting for the answer. there is snow and the answer. what am i doing and what is the next person doing? everybody has to do something. it is an answer coming too late who thought for this mother who thought she was protecting her girl on a sunny afternoon at home. i was just holding her holding her. i failed. i failed. there are a
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number of groups trying to come up with money for the girl's funeral. the family cannot afford it. you can make donations at chase bank branches. and online at our web site. it's coming down. pastor corey brooks and his volunteers began demolition this morning on the blighted motel that became a crusade to transform woodlawn and englewood. brooks spent 94 days on the motel's roof raising awareness and money to buy the abandoned building that became a drug den. college kids from all over the area have volunteered to help over their spring breaks and brooks is thrilled to have their help. a lot of people think that people don't care. there is no compassion in the world. i believe in a lot of compassionate people. but they have to be brought to awareness of the situation. when people
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are made aware they jump to the challenge to get involved. hollywood star tyler perry kicked in cash to put the fundraising over the top to buy the motel. brooks plans to build a community center in its place. video of a three year old being patted down by t-s-a officials goes viral. why this is sparking some controversy tonight. also, a swimsuit model caught up in an international drug sting. buy one spectrum by lg and get one free ? with verizon 4g lte and a 4.5" true hd display it's great for watching movies and sports a true hdtv experience right on my phone. i'll get one for me and one for my wife. i'll be like [manly voice] "a phone, my sweet" and she'll say [swooning voice] "oh, my hero ! did you remember to pick up milk, my hero ?" and i'll say "whoops." hopefully the spectrum phones will make up for that. behold the power of two 4g lte smartphones. buy one spectrum by lg at $199.99 and get one free. verizon.
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eat good fats. avoid bad. don't go over 2000... 1500... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. (laughs) i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. mmmm. great grains. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. you can't argue with me. we're cracking down on medicare fraud.
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the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. buying this juicer online was unbelievable. [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal isn't such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. new bounty. a horrible accident earlier this evening. a child is run over by
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her own mother. we are talking about and 11 year-old girl who passed away this afternoon at a local hospital. this entire block rattled by it because there were about a dozen kids out here playing and enjoying the nice weather when they saw the accident happened. this is at 154th and dorchester. the 11 year-old girl got indycar but decided to jump out of the vehicle and according to police is run over by her mother who is behind the wheel. why she jumped out of the car is something that investigators are trying to figure out. this may have stemmed from a fight at the elementary school and the girl may have been scared to be punished by her mother. there was an altercation at the school. the 11 year-old left the school. parents were notified and the mother found the child in this area and put the child
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in the van. the child exited the event and the mother ran her over. i went out to check and she see if she had a pulse. i keep seeing it right now. neighbors say this was clearly an accident. at the mother was upset in yelling and screaming when she saw her daughter lying on the pavement. police are questioning the mother. she is cooperating. whether there will be charges that they do not know. perhaps they will have more information sometime tomorrow. that is the very latest in dalton. a video of a t-s-a pat down has gone viral with more than 100,000 views. the question is why was it
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released now. the subject of the pat down. a 3-year-old boy in a wheelchair. the tsa searched him for explosive residue while he was headed to disney world back in 2010. as the boy got more and more upset, his father captured the search on video. he decided to post the search on youtube after watching the video again this weekend. since that search, the tsa has changed some of their rules and i felt exactly the way i felt in the moment. i was angry and frustrated and my son my oldest asked me a question and i did not like my answer. and i didn't like the way i felt about my answer. so he posted it. since that searched the tsa has changed some of the rules and procedures. they now have a "pre-check" screening in place at nine airports where passengers can keep their shoes, belts and jackets on. they've also made some changes to their screenings of children and the elderly.
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it's not real marijuana. it's making lots of people sick. coming up, the dangers of synthetic pot. no tall skinny lattes here. starbucks branching out and squeezing into the juice bar market. are you ok chris?"give him a hug chris." and a national guardsman surprises his son at a local school after returning from afghanistan.
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under study by northwestern university shows that attention deficit hyperactivity is going up. and doctors identified 10 million people. an increase in the last decade. the patients are being seen by specialist. not just primary-care physicians. a d h d symptoms symptoms include. looking to ray not for diagnosis but for preventing a debilitating eye disease. targeted x-ray treatment offers protection against glaucoma. the study was
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performed in a laboratory with my spirit those susceptible to glaucoma received lifetime protection. radiation to the high for human glaucoma. it affects 4 million americans and is the leading cause of blindness. there have been a rash of emergency room to its four children teenagers complaining about many symptoms. urine tests showed no drugs. doctors say that synthetic versions of marijuana can be dangerous. the use is on the rise and because of its strong impact on brain receptors a smaller amount is more potent than naturally grown marijuana.
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tom tells us that we could see a return to the spring like weather soon. living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections,
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including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. ♪ ♪ so every year my family throws this great reunion in austin. but this year i can only afford one trip and i've always wanted to learn how to surf. austin's great -- just not for surfing. so i checked out hotwire. and by booking with them, i saved enough to swing both trips. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. that's how i got
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a 4-star hotel on the beach in san diego for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it was the best day ♪ [ whooping ] ♪ it was the best day ♪ ♪ it was the best day ♪ ♪ it was the best day ♪ ♪ 'cause of you ♪ we make a great pair. huh? progressive and the great outdoors! we make a great pair. right, totally. that's what i was thinking. all kinds of vehicles, all kinds of savings. multi-policy discounts from progressive. call or click today. big hug. thank you. it is amazing. this is quite a
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greeting. with greetings like that i should bring this all the time. it is amazing. stunning. what is nice is that we have to days of nice weather to come that will be the warmest weather yet. in this record- breaking warm spell. beautiful pictures resulted. this comes from randy who moved to arizona to get away from this and look what happened this morning. it snowed. tracy captures flooring plants and they are out everywhere. the pollen is running about six weeks ahead of time. the hell over the weekend captured. and our viewer from woodstock measured the hell and about 1 in. across. powerful storms socking the southern
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united states. we had some showers today. also blocked the sun for a while. but we still managed to tie the record. they have pretty well, moved on and the focus will be in the plane's and look at the storms erupting there. they will do so over and over again in texas and oklahoma and arkansas and parts of louisiana with violent consequences for some storms. all of this with a powerhouse jets dream. the biggest dip representing with three cold in the west and thunderstorms and some of them rotating super cellular rotating at this boundary. lookit how this is cut off from the main flow as the week goes on. this just sits there and keep the focus of the rain to the west and allow it warm air to fled up into the chicago area. there is the
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corridor of showers and storms tonight. each of the icons represents a stormed with hail or downpours. there is some three-dimensional built to the clouds in iowa. at the same in kansas and parts of oklahoma but the big ones are down here in taxes and they have been producing are reportedly tornados and damage. look at those towering thunderheads that reach 40,000 ft. into the atmosphere. they are along the jets dream which spins them and adds to their severity. more of them to come in the southern united states as they move through that area. a camera view of the west side of this. of this weather system. snow in arizona. some mountains nearby had snow that accumulated. you
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can see the camera view from utah and some of the white snow- covered mountains there. same true for the higher mountains of arizona. this is in new mexico with the snow in the mountains. look at the rain in oklahoma today. this is in the heart of trout country. tulsa, oklahoma. here are some kids is rain totals. over an inch or 2 in. in some spots. that is an area plagued by drought. in our area it was a degree temperatures. tonight is still 72 degrees in the geneva. some of this note numbers in the mountains. at 53 in. in the mountains of arizona near flagstaff. 29 in. as
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record-breaking it warmth spread of the west side of this system. a messy winter weather weather in the mountains from arizona onward. we have a 70 degree temperatures on the east side of that from all the way down to the gulf coast. record highs of 82 saturday and 81 sunday tied a record for today. march is the warmest record march on history. never before have we put together this string of 80 degree-days early in this season. there have been 10 months of march with a degree temperatures and eight of the nine had gone on to produce snow flurries after this point. it can get cold. but in the next
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two weeks as we move through the next two weeks we do not see a cold snap. scattered clouds tonight and unseasonably mild. another record breaker tomorrow. gusty south winds. and july temperatures. high of 83. the record high set in 1920 at 76 degrees. mostly sunny wednesday and another record high 83. there is a possibility of cooling along the beaches and at the lakefront. we have seen that but most of the area will be incredibly boring. warm. still ahead. a
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chicago firefighter rescues a dog who wandered onto a ledge. tonight that firefighter talks about the experience. she dazzled the world on the catwalk. now a supermodel is accused of running an international drug ring. so then i said, mister prime minister i'm flattered that you love chocolate [ laughs ] but i'm here strictly in a professional -- what's wrong with him? he thinks you're naked. my shell is brown. it just looks like my milk chocolate is showing. only a fool would think i'd actually show up naked. so it's that kind of party...hit it! ♪ i'm sexy and i know it ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ girl, look at that body ♪ ♪ girl, look at that body ♪ ♪ girl, look at that body ♪ ♪ i work out ♪ ♪ wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah ♪ i remember the day my doctor told me i have an irregular heartbeat, and that it put me at 5-times greater risk of a stroke. i was worried. i worried about my wife, and my
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family. bill has the most common type of atrial fibrillation, or afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. he was taking warfarin but i've put him on pradaxa instead. in a clinical trial, pradaxa 150 mgs reduced stroke risk 35% more than warfarin without the need for regular blood tests. i sure was glad to hear that. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding, and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition like stomach ulcers, or take aspirin, nsaids, or bloodthinners, or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all medicines you take, any planned medical or dental procedures and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctor's approval as stopping may increase your stroke risk. other side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. pradaxa is progress. if you have afib not caused by a heart valve problem,
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ask your doctor if you can reduce your risk of stroke with pradaxa. ♪ it's the way you bring out the sun. ♪ sunny d! ♪ it's the way you make it all fun. ♪ know who makes the day sunny? my mom and sunny d! i love the taste. mom loves the vitamin c. and now it has 40% fewer calories than most regular soda brands! sunny d! ♪ make today a sunny day! ♪ find out more at this wasn't your usual rescue operation in lincoln park, today. chicago firefighters made it happen and a young married couple is grateful. wgn's gaynor hall joins us with this story. a dog on the ledge. onlookers in suspense.
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firefighters to the rescue. and it was all caught on tape. the doggie drama developing around noon today at a building at the corner of menominee and cleveland. maggie a 4 year old terrier(?) somehow crawled out of a cracked window. there she is teetering on the ledge. five inches wide and four stories up. on the ground the crowd grew, wondering, what would she do? would she jump? would she stay? it was scary. you don't want to see a little cocky jump. firefighters quickly set at a park just in case she felt. she was shaking. the little legs. i tried not to scare him. rolle raced up to the fourth floor and peeked out the window. he was afraid the noise from the fire trucks had scared her so
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carefully inch by inch the dog back up. i scooped him and put him inside the apartment. the owners were both at work when the property manager called with the news. the reaction. i need to get home in two seconds. but it was all resolved by the time she got there. tonight she took maggie to engine 22 to say thank you. this firefighter says he's never had a rescue like this. now hit something to help him remember his new friends. we are grateful to have him around the corner. a second away and we hope to not need them again. as for maggie she is fine. and from now want when she is inside those windows will be closed. chicago fire officials say that
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they tried to stay away from calls involving pets. animal control is supposed to handle them but that can take awhile for our response so when ever they can't firefighters like rolle are always willing to help out. still ahead. a national guardsman reunited with his son. that is ahead. and the chicago bulls take on the magic. we will have our report. ors
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[ bell dings ] agents, when it comes to insurance, people feel lost. that's a dead end. don't know which way to turn. this way. turn around. [ woman ] that's why we present people with options to help them find coverage that fits their needs. almost there.
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whoo! yay! good work. that's a new maze record. really? i have no idea. we don't keep track of that kind of stuff. well, you should. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores.
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you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. martin was shot in the chest minutes later. the shooting has cast a spotlight on florida's so-called 'stand your ground' law. that law allows the use deadly force as self-defense in public places. something wrong with him. he is coming to check me out. he has something in his hand. i don't know what the deal is. the 17 year-old was shot in the chest minutes later. he was walking
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home after buying candy from a convenience store. the shooting has put scrutiny on the so- called stand your ground law. that allows self defense in its third case is. florida. apparently, swimsuit modeling doesn't pay what it used to. simone farrow, an australian bikini model and pin-up girl was arrested last week, accused of padding her income by running a worldwide drug ring. she's been on the lam since skipping out on a 150-thousand dollar bail in february. australian police caught up with her in queensland and extradited her to sydney. farrow reportedly arrived at the airport crying and saying she only did what she did because someone was trying to kill her. a happy surprise for a joliet first grader. while he was out of his classroom, his dad, a soldier just returned home after serving in afghanistan since june 2011, sneaked in to surprise him. he talked a little bit about why he became
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an army medic. i love my job being in the front lines is something i enjoy doing to help out that requires it from the soldiers to the locals. christopher baker has been worried the whole time his dad has been away, always asking about when he'd be home. after a welcome home donut feast, the family headed home for a more private reunion. that is a great story. and that little dog being rescued. we have some great weather coming in the next couple days. storms to the west and temperatures are 73 degrees. at this hour. the forecast is for the warm weather to continue for two or possibly three more days. 80
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degrees until thursday when we begin to cool off. we were above normal for recent weeks. the '80s were bumped out of here and some areas it did not manage it. we tied the record in some areas and we will break the record in other places. there are all kinds of spots south of the spirit flood watches and tornado watches and the beijing area is a window advisory. clots in the rockies to. severe
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weather breaking out. here's our animation for the next several days. the squall lines just sit there feeding rain in louisiana and arkansas. could be some huge totals for rainfall in that area. we could have ranged later in the week. but not until then. 72 degrees friday with '50s on saturday and 62 sunday. then we warm up to the '70s from all indications next week for a day or two. nothing quite like this in the next two week period. but people stay on the warm side. starbucks is moving beyond the coffee cup. as they open their first evolution fresh juice bar in washington. the juices are
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made using a technique that retains more flavor of vitamins and nutrients. even if you do not live near the new evolution fresh locations starbucks promises to bring them later this year. after weeks of speculation the payton manning saga could be coming to an end. what uniform will the hall of famer be plsu the good and the bad from spring training with rotation spots on the line. dan roan has the highlights, next in sports. sky hook ! guys, check it out. household bleach. no. nah, it looks good ! i know, right ! i'll tell you what saves gas money. my kids hitchhiking to school. ( guys ) great call, oh yeah. no, no, no, no, no. don't lift with your knees lift with your back. feel the difference ? yeah ! you know where surgery is dirt cheap ? so verizon 4g lte is like, 6 times bigger but i'm going at&t ! there are good ideas and bad. with over 6 times the 4g lte coverage,
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verizon is the good idea. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, nana, hey, nana ♪ ♪ hey, nana, hey, nana ♪ ♪ hey, nana, hey, nana ♪ ♪ hey, nana, hey, hey ♪ ♪ i've got a little secret, too ♪ ♪ i've got a mad little crush on you ♪ ♪ i wonder if you notice wonder if you see ♪ ♪ i wonder if you ever want to dance with me ♪ [ female announcer ] it's always better when there's a little more to love. introducing our silky smooth dove chocolate bar.
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[ female announcer ] with swiffer wet cleaning better doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops swiffer can maneuver into tight spaces without the hassle and its wet mopping cloths can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. mom? ahhhh! ahhhh! no it's mommy! [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back.
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miami in philadelphia tonight. orlando on the road. don't look now but this is carlos playing tight defense. he stole it and he got it back. the bulls had the lead early and spent the rest of the evening extended. unbelievable. he came in early tonight, shot eight of 13. eight
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double digit halftime lead and then in the fourth quarter right in howard smog. 44 points. and four steals. then to finish at lucas. big baby davis put the poster. the bulls win 83-59 just a way thibs loved it. the lowest scoring game by umbels opponent in franchise history. college basketball tonight. depaul and tennessee in the second round of the n.c.a.a. women's tournament. pat summit and crew at allstate arena and the paul is hanging around. britney finishing on the break the demon started poorly now they're planning the balls to a standstill. in the second half 39-27 tennessee playing on the lead. north carolina point guard kendall marshall had surgery on his broken right wrist this morning. doubtful he
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will be able to play in the tar heels sweet 16 game friday peyton manning about to find a home in denver. his agent negotiating a five-year deal expected to be worth $95 million which is a good nice neighborhood. the broncos won the afc west last year at 8-8 with tim tebow at quarterback as soon as mannings deal is done tebow will be on his way out of denver. cactus league today. castro got one of the fence to score david de jesus. but seven were not enough. travis would have horrible outing. give up the home run to ichiro. to plus innings. seven earned runs. pitching himself out of the competition for the rotation. cobb's come back to win 12-7. a big outing for sox starter chris sale who had given up eight runs
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in less than eight innings so far this spring but today he showed the reds what is up. still retired 18 of 20 hitters he faced over six innings with two singles and that was it. struck out joey blotto and scott roland and that is what robin had been waiting for some consistency from his left- hander. i wanted to finish this spring strong. it is where i want to be and it was nice to go out there and do what i did today. eight days ago tiger woods was limping off the golf course at doral. today he is driving down the fairway at tavistock cup matches. tiger paired up with just and rose and made six birdies in 18 holes and then shot - 9 as a team and that is a pretty good team. black hawks had the day off and they are at columbia's tomorrow night edging
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us toward no. 5 spot in the western conference finally tonight there was some nhl mayhem tonight at madison square garden. this is right off the opening face-off between the rangers and new jersey. three separate fights all the same time. the one that drew the most attention was the devils' brian carter against stu bickell of the rangers. carter got a few ones the blood flow was considerable. seven guys into the penalty box and only three seconds into the game. that is the news for this monday night. perhaps you shared time with us. whoa! i'd love a set like this... ...well, i'd like a pony. yeah, we used kmart layaway - paid it off over 8 weeks. shop your way rewards members who start layaway this week earn 5% back in points when payments are complete. only at kmart. living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage.
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