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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  March 26, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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most americans do not want this law. we love obama care. loud and emotional on an issue that affects every single american. demonstrators turn out in force as the supreme court considers the fate of the healthcare act. good evening, i'm micah materre. i'm mark suppelsa. our top story seen around the country tonight on wgn america. the justices don't care about the protests either way, but gaynor hall is here with the debate inside the high court. passing healthcare reform was a signature accomplishment for president obama. repealing it is a top priority for conservative critics. but is the core provision of the affordable care act constitutional? after two years of fierce public
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debate the supreme court will get the final word. outside the supreme court dueling protests with supporters and opponents of the "affordable care act." this law is here to stay. this is clearly unconstitutional. inside, the courtroom was packed for the start of the historic proceedings. the big question is, can the government require people to get health insurance or pay a penalty? first up though... arguments today focused on whether that penalty should be considered a tax. if so, the court would delay a ruling until the individual mandate actually goes into effect in 2014. the obama administration and 26 states challenging the law want the supreme court to move forward on the healthcare issue now. and justices appeared ready to do that. listen to this courtroom audio. "all this talk about tax penalty it is all beside the point because this suit is not
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challenging the penalty. this is a suit that is challenging the must-buy' provision." president obama signed the act into law in march 2010. parts of it are already in effect: people with pre-existing conditions are guaranteed coverage. and young adults under age 26 can stay covered under their parents' medical plan. the government argues everyone needs healthcare coverage and paying for the uninsured leeaves the financial burden on taxpayers. but conservatives say the mandate tramples on individual rights. so-called obamacare is a hot topic in the presidential race with all eyes on the supreme court deciding on the divisive issue in an election year. president obama did follow mitt romney's lead and adopted as david plouffe said yesterday the blueprint for obamacare which was romneycare. the way they went about it with
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their 2,700 page bill and trillions of dollars in new spending is absolutely wrong. the lawsuit challenging the legislation was filed by 26 states, including indiana. this was the first of three days of arguments in front of the high court. tomorrow the focus is on the critical question. the constitutionality of the individual mandate. a ruling is not expected until june. it is three days before the court. all lot to digest. to break it down with us is our political analyst and constitutional lawyer paul lisnek what happened today. . > what happened today. this would have been the day when the court if they had won a two. they could have punted. the law requires us not to do with the tax until it is implemented and collected in 2014 and beyond.
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one of the justices raised that question. they dealt with it as a fine. as you heard justice ginsberg say they are not concerned about it. the court is ready to deal with the issue on the merits. the reason i suggest this is a lose lose for the president. if they pass this here is a concern. does it fire up republicans more than ever to say oh my goodness look what happened here. polls show many people do not want this and we have to get rid of him because we will get this in the future. you guys hate predictions on these kinds of things. you never know what the justices will do. who is falling one way or the other and what is the likelihood this will pass? most people will say it will be 4-4 conservative
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liberal and anthony kennedy in the middle. look for justice kennedy but i will put a couple more people in that questionable spot. justice scalia is a strict constructionist. if the farmers did not want it he does not want it. keep you look at past cases involving interstate commerce this justice has recognized congress's power to do to regulate interstate commerce. he could support it. i believe justice roberts looks at this as his legacy. the biggest case being biggestv gore. he likes to gather everybody together. it is a split court. it does not happen. he understands what this means to the country. by the way with all this publicity these justices are paying very little attention. justice thomas said this is like the free throw are on the line in basketball.
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people are billing and yelling and he is focusing on the shot itself. they will pay no attention to the media hype. hundreds of nato staffers are visiting chicago this week in advance of the may summit. as many as 800 staffers from nato's 28 member countries are expected. they'll be getting familiar with the city's layout -- and mccormick place -- as they plan logistics. meanwhile mayor emanuel assured journalists today that no reporters would be handcuffed during the nato summit. whether i like what they're right or report there a central role is to tell the truth and to have a democracy and freedom we need a press and i do not believe in handcuffing reporters. the mayor's remarks were prompted by an incident involving our dan ponce as he waited with other reporters outside mount sinai hospital while covering the killing of six-year-old aliya shell. wmaq- tv cameraman donte williams also was handcuffed and detained. with 25-hundred
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reporters from around the world descending on chicago for the nato summit, the last thing emanuel wants is another such embarrassing confrontation. they've literally cleared the runway for expansion at the airport. gary's mayor announced a deal today that removes the last roadblock to the 162- million dollar project. the city and the canadian national railroad have agreed to relocate cn tracks allowing for a runway to be extended by 19- hundred feet. gary officials consider the hub to be chicago's third major airport. chicagoans are paying the highest gas prices here in history. wgn's sean lewis has a live report. it doesn't take long to find a higher price in the city. $4.67 is the average in the city but look behind me. $4.84 for
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regular and $5.14 for premium gasoline. some people filling out tonight joking that they while they are filling up their tank they're going inside to buy a lottery ticket to pay for it. as people make their way home tonight, i cannot believe that, he did a double take at the pump price. $5.14 per gallon. did you ever think you would live to see this? no. it is the highest we have ever paid for gasoline in chicago according to the triple a. because we had hit the record high so early almost six weeks earlier than last year, the situation has become untenable and we have seen talk at the highest levels to correct matters. perplexing to say the least. demand in the u.s. is down for oil and the expense of
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chicago summer gas plant has not arrived yet. mechanics say there are some things we can do to get the most out of that record- breaking budget breaking gasoline. air filter and a tuneup. that can only go so far as people look to outsmart big oil on a smaller scale with small will spirit or use a few dollars he has left to win big. " yes. this is the lucky number. thank you. you did it. we did mention that demand in the united states is down for oil but we are not the only consumers in the world. china is paying a big role all for what we are paying because demand there is so high. cracking down
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on gangs in chicago. police take bold new action to curb the violence, taking dozens of alleged gang members off the street. may be yours go on display. find out how you can get it back. back to reality. temperatures close to the norm. but tom skilling tells us much warmer weather is on the way.
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sometimes she lets us pick out stuff we love, like sunnyd. she likes that it has 40% less sugar than most regular soda brands. we just love the taste. ♪ make today a sunny day. ♪ out to dinner with your husband. garage door? is not the time to wonder if you left your garage door open. with the craftsman assurelink garage door opener you can check your garage door and open or close at anytime from anywhere. exclusively at sears. craftsman. trust. in your hands. people really love snapshot from progressive, but don't just listen to me. listen to these happy progressive customers. i plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later, i was saving big on car insurance. i was worried it would be hard to install. but it's really easy. the better i drive the more i save. i wish our company had something this cool. yeah. you're not... filming this, are you? aw! camera shy. snapshot from progressive. plug into the savings you deserve
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with snapshot from progressive. chicago's top cop and mayor emanuel want to show the city they are putting heat on the gangs. just a week after a child was killed while sitting on her own staircase, police release video of their undercover operations. wgn's robert jordan reports on what police call "operation triple threat." we are going to fight not just to reduce crime but to fight the fear of crime and the perception. the perception is that the breads are not safe and such changes a priority. to do that police release that undercover video of an open air drug operation. business so brisk that traffic jams at times block the intersection. police had to blur the faces of suspect but the blatant activity is
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still obvious. this drug gang operation was subsequently taken down by police and the e a agents. we are conducting gang audits in virtually every district of the city and we'll get those two officers on the street to met identify the members and factions and conflicts on the ground today. operation purple and threat targeted members of the west side gang recovering narcotics and firearms. mayor emanuel hopes that law-abiding citizens will now reclaim those streets. and once again we take that quarter. we take that area. the first line in protecting a neighborhood is a community. mccarthy announced a new strategy will be employed to keep the gangs from reclaiming territory that they once had lost to police. the idea is to fight this like a ground war. you take it spot by spot by spot
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and hold onto it and fill that void with police and community and resources to prevent the backslide of that community. mccarthy says the way to retain control of the area is too once the games have been rooted out then it becomes a job of community groups and block clubs and groups to work with police to retain controls of the gangs to not move back in the and life for citizens returns to normal. a suspected thief gunned down late last night on the west side by police. it happened in the lawndale neighborhood just before midnight. officers say they were patting down the suspect when he went for a gun in his waistband. locals who knew the man don't buy the story, saying he was homeless, wasn't violent, and wouldn't have been carrying a gun. there were out here for hours. they would not let people come out of their house or stay in their house spirit they were out
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there covering up their tracks. i know they have a tough job but to kill somebody that they say had a gun. rickey did not have a bad bone in his body. no officer was injured during the incident. the shooting is being investigated -- as all police shootings are -- by the independent police review authority. prosecutors say a woman accused in the hit and run death of a northwestern law student had a blood alcohol level twice the legal limit. bianca garcia is being held on $400,000 bond. the 21-year-old is charged in the hit and run killing of jesse bradley early saturday on the near north side. 32-year- old bradley was run down at lasalle and division after stepping out to get a snack. police arrested garcia a few blocks from the scene. if you live on the northside and have been the victim of crime, you may get your stolen items back. the items include bikes, flat-screen tv's, golf clubs, baby strollers, and laptop computers. they were recovered from two locations this month -- one on west fullerton and the other on north elston. one of the burglary victims said he's recovered a bike, some strollers and other items.
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they called me and said they had might read wearing boots and come down and we just got some stuff in over the weekend. golf clubs and all of my stuff out of the garage was pretty much there except for a road bike. the items are now on display through saturday the 19th police district lobby at 850 west addison. to claim your items you need a receipt or some other proof of ownership. debates rage jon about what actually happened the night and on armed florida teenager was killed by neighborhood watch volunteer. more about the shooter's version comes out. and president obama caught on open mike. what he told russia's president that has his critics pouncing. and what caused rick santorum to swear at reporter on the campaign trail. i've seen and been a part of many comebacks in my career. to come back and win you can't lose hope.
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these things in one place. maybe in vegas if you know where to look. and us. so come on, give us a whirl. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ dog barking ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] life is full of little tests but your basic paper towel can handle them. especially if that towel is bounty basic. the towel that's durable and scrubbable.
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in this lab demo bounty basic is stronger than the leading bargain brand. everyday life. bring it with bounty basic. affordably priced. tested by everyday life. it's been eight years since the nephew of former mayor richard m daley got into a fight that led to the death of a man, but the legal wrangling continues. a new development in the courts today. wgns tom negovan is live from the newroom with those details tonight. yet another court filing. this one blasting a call for a special prosecutor is saying that is largely based on erroneous reports in one local media outlet. they have been running story after story for the last year. they have reference to those stories that are absolutely on true. at the
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gist of those stories is that somehow there is collusion between the family and the police and prosecutors at western and the belmont in may of some eight years ago. that is absolute nonsense. not mincing words. talking about an appearance by his client at a police station in 2004. the nephew of former mayor richard taylor daily until for cheerfully admitted involvement in the death of a 21 year-old following a drop in altercation. not true says terry gillespie in fact he says he never left side and his client that day. for a police lineup at which not one witness pointed to him as the aggressor. papers filed at the county courthouse today called reports of any confession while
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the contra puree and unsubstantiated media reports are behind the push to have a special prosecutor examine the case and whether he got special treatment because of who he is related to. the last tory i saw i nearly fell out of my chair. my client was in her room babbling like a baby and tacitly confessed to doing something wrong. absolute nonsense. total fabrication. if that newspaper bothered to pick up the phone and call me, they knew i was there, they knew i was present the entire time he was at the station, if they would have bothered to spend the 20¢ if the cost 20¢ to give me a call, i would've told them they are not. nothing like that even came close to happening. in asking for special prosecutors lawyer for the 'the sun-times has been running story after story for the last
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family accused the chicago police of deliberately falsifying reports. coming up... new details emerging about the events leading up to the death and the benefits of raisins. how they can help lower your risk of developing heart disease.
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in your medical watch tonighta popular weight loss surgery might do even more than help people shed pounds. the associated press reports that gastric bypass surgery might reverse, even cure, type 2 diabetes. a pair of studies show that the stomach-reducing operation helped patients reach normal blood sugar levels better than taking madications alone. doctors may begin offering the operation sooner rather than later -- and not as a last resort. an experimental drug is showing huge promise in lowering bad cholesterol levels. researchers say amg 145 slashed cholesterol levels an additional 66% in patients already taking statins. the impressive findings were seen in those getting injections every month. the 51 patients in the study saw dramatic results after just two months. the drug is made by amgen. scientists presented their data at the annual scientific sessions of the american college of cardiology being held in chicago. eating raisins and soy products can help ward off one of the key risk factors in heart disease. a handful of raisins three times a day helped people with slightly elevated blood
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pressure lower their numbers after several weeks. researchers think it might have to do with the high level of potassium in the raisins. another study found that daily intake of tofu, peanuts, and green tea helped lower blood pressure in more than five thousand people aged 18 to 30. wireless companies may be rethinking the way they do business. that's because the average cell phone customer now switches carriers as soon as their second two-year contract is up. the rapid decline in loyalty is shaking things up. increasing smart phone use is also cutting profits for the carriers who have to expand their data networks. some solutions mentioned are pricier hardware, dropping contracts altogether, and even leasing handsets to customers. a chill in the air tonight but it won't last for long. tom skilling has details of a warm up the rest of this week.
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living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection.
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ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. picking a wireless network is a lot like picking a team. you could go with the fastest, most reliable, and at the very least, talented at what they do. or... you could go in the other direction, and see what happens. pick the right team. with over 6 times the 4g lte coverage, verizon is the obvious choice. ♪ spread a little love today ♪ ♪ spread a little love my way ♪ ♪
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spread a little something to remember ♪ [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream makes philadelphia and the moment a little richer. this is like roller-coaster whether. isn't that true? we were celebrating whorf a week ago. tonight the fruit farmers in michigan are worried about a frost. apples and cherries and peaches and apricots. they're right dust storms and fires and record warmth and deeply in states including the front
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range of the rockies. in our area beautiful scenes of spring. look at these reflections of clouds all the water. jong of lake forest capture these beautiful flowers and trees. hasn't this been an amazing year? i was told by applied expert that sometimes these buds a come out in bursts of warmth. they all came out at once because of the length of that worked last week. beautiful displays. and a gorgeous sky until it turned great this afternoon. some sleep in western suburbs this morning. tonight we are eight degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. tomorrow we will start cool with winds off the lake after a chilly night. we will warm up to the '70s tomorrow. into the 60s wednesday, until another cold day thursday and the warp and
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returns on the weekend. the wharf returns for the weekend. look at the temperatures. in south dakota 76 degrees. the wind chills half the apparent temperature in the 20s in michigan. there are some wins in chicago but the costs will let up of it. the stubbornly high tree and wheat pollen continues as this
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early allergy season continues. in south dakota thunderstorms rapidly developing and headed towards north dakota. these move over the ridge and come south east word. look at the storms firing of ride at the apex of this war. where the strongest push of that front goes into the plains. this is the area where there will be support for thunderstorms that will come in here tomorrow afternoon. the storms may be instructive because that may be what happens in our area. it takes advantage of moisture coming from the midwest. you see the storms and icons representing the storm's circulation and even hail in that region. the forecast is for temperatures to stay cool
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tonight and warm tomorrow after 44 degrees today. the fact that most of these are above freezing means temperatures will not drop much. look at michigan where temperatures are well below freezing. you can see why farmers are concerned there about their fruit trees. 48 degrees in geneva. 41 degrees at soldier field in chicago. there were 40 mi. an hour winds blowing in off the lake and it was cool today. look at the highs in kansas. that is the air mass feeding us the weather. look at the blowing dust as the chinook winds come out of the mountains. some of wild fires spreading in that area. denver
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has had the driest march on record. when 100 of an inch. temperatures stayed above normal for the next week or two but more moderately than last week. here is the forecast. mostly cloudy breezy and chilly tonight. maybe a brief shower in spots. southeast winds at 12 to 24 mi. per hour. partly sunny tomorrow and turning warmer in the afternoon. possible thunderstorms and possibly severe. a high of 71 degrees. a
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few evenings storage and then windy milder and 51 degrees tomorrow night. partly sunny windy and milder on wednesday. the high of 67 degrees. we will all shall show you the warm up later in the weekend.
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out to dinner with your husband. garage door? is not the time to wonder if you left your garage door open. with the craftsman assurelink garage door opener you can check your garage door and open or close at anytime from anywhere. exclusively at sears. craftsman. trust. in your hands. new details coming to light about the killing of that unarmed florida teen exactly one month after he was shot. justice for trayvon martin rallies took place across the country today. the largest, a march through the streets of sanford florida where the shooting happened. the teen was shot by neighborhood watch volunteer george zimmerman. now the orlando sentinel reports that zimmerman told police martin punched *him* repeatedly. friends say zimmerman is in hiding. also martin's family confirmed he'd been suspended from school for marijuana but saying the information was leaked to muddy up trayvon.
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if he and his friends experimented with marijuana and is completely irrelevant. george zimmerman killing on that night. it is one of the things that family said what does it have to do with killing my son. civil rights activists al sharpton and jesse jackson led a town hall meeting calling for the arrest of zimmerman, who has claimed he fired in self- defense. the pope makes an histortic trip to cuba. pope benedict xvi arrived today in santiago and will spend three days in cuba. he was greeted by cuban president raul castro and the country's clergy. the pope told the cubans that he'll be emphasizing the importance of the faith. this is the second leg of a trip that started in mexico where pope benedict blasted cuba's communist government, saying it no longer corresponds to reality. it's only the second time a pope has visited cuba. an open mic at the highest levels. president obama apparently did not know a microphone was picking up what
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he was saying to russia's president at a nuclear summit in south korea. after my election i will have more flexibility. mister obama also said he needs incoming president vldimir putin to give him some "space" until after the election. medvedev said he would relay the message to putin. some u-s republicans accuse president obama of being too easy on russia on defense issues. rick santorum is taking pride in cussing out a reporter with a swear word. santorum lashed out when a new york times reporter asked him to expand on his comment that mitt romney is the worst republican to put up against president obama on health care. the you think he is the worst republican to run? on the issue of health care because he fashioned a blueprint. i have been saying it at every speech. quit distorting my words. it is
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total bowl that was yesterday in greenbay. wisconsin holds its primary next week. today on fox news santorum declared, "if you have not cursed at a new york times reporter during a campaign you're not really a republican." doctors say it's unlikely that former vice president dick cheney got special treatment when he was given a new heart. cheney is 71 and some people think that's too old and thousands of younger people were in line to receive a heart transplant. as it stands now time on the waiting list, medical need, and where you live determine the odds of getting a new heart. not how many years you'll live to use it. cheney received the transplant saturday after waiting 20 months on the list. coming up. the final frontier. oscar winning director james cameron taking a deep sea dive to the bottom of the earth. and some signs of improvement for jonathan toews. we'll hear from the blackhawks captain later in sports.
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. she can be silly which embarrasses my sister, but i love it. sometimes she lets us pick out stuff we love, like sunnyd. she likes that it has vitamin c, b1 and 40% less sugar than most regular soda brands. my brother doesn't care about that. he just loves the taste. ♪ make today a sunny day. ♪ drink up and download. win 1 to 100 songs. find out more at kekekekekekekekekeke
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[ music box plays ] multi-policy discount. paperless discount. paid-in-full discount. [yawning] homeowner's discount. safe driver discount. chipmunk family reunion. someone stole the nuts. squirrel jail. justice! countless discounts. now that's progressive. call or click today. hollywood producer james cameron visits the bottom of the deepest abyss in the pacific ocean, and says it is desolate and moon-like. cameron was the first man ever to make a solo visit to the spot seven miles below the ocean surface yesterday. he called his trip surreal. cameron says he saw various shrimp-like organisms at the bottom of the mariana trench.
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the man who brought titanic to theater screens spent three hours at the bottom. he said he felt as if he'd visited another planet. back here above water tom has a forecast for us. maybe another 70 degree temperature in there. we like it so much last week. we will check that out. but look at this. this patchwork is under freeze and crossed the advisory's for tonight. as close by as indiana but all of michigan under those advisories. the red brown and purple or all four wind. a rapid spread of wildfire caution area. and a thunderstorm watch covering about 300,000 people in the dakotas until 2:00 a.m.. it was that big storm that produced all
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that wind. in eastern colorado. dust storms through iowa. that storm lifts up to the canadian border and brings the wind and worked here tomorrow. we had mid '80s in nebraska to yesterday and today. will have that tomorrow. winds turned northwest which cools off a bit. and we will do exactly what we did today. look at this wind field in the morning in the purple area. it will get windy as we born pop. we will warm up again late in the seven day period. after a cool down thursday. and a day when clouds come in with an increasing chance of showers friday. we go to 70 on sunday
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and 76 monday. we may also see a 71 degree temperature tomorrow. that is for you michael because i know you like that. thank-you tom. one minute you're just another metra commuter. the next minute you're a millionaire. that's how today went for bill kirkpatrick of northbrook. he got off the 9:22 metra train at union station and was met by the chief executive of discover card. kirkpatrick had won the grand prize in the credit card company's annual sweepstakes. he got a check for one-million dollars and a serving of cake. kirkpatrick says he'll use the money for his 14-year old son's college education. the family knew they'd won something and so the whole family was there. at the end of the month, wgn
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will not be available on directv anymore. wgn's parent tribune company, will stop providing programming to the satellite company at the end of this month because the two sides couldn't reach a deal on payment. this affects all tribune programming carried on directv, including wgn, wgn america and antenna tv. directv issued a statement saying they will continue to negotiate and believe tribune's programming is important to the public. tribune says its programming on directv ends march 31st at midnight. for more information visit coming up the bulls performance tonight against the nuggets leaves their coach in a less than pleasant mood and with opening day just 10 days away robyn names
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buying this juicer online was unbelievable.
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what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the clean picker upper. [ engine revs ] what makes us number one in motorcycle insurance? we love bikes. we love riders. and most of all, we love to ride. perfect hair every time. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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dent with an ugly one tonight. bulls were on thin ice the other night against toronto and were able to bail themselves out... that was not the case at the u- c tonight... denver's fighting for a playoff spot, and the nuggets looked like it... bulls kind of took the night off....
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carlos boozer in the pregame he didn't sign up for this... although in the first two minutes, boozer drained three shots, ronnie brewer dunked one, it was 8-0 bulls... and that was it-- denver caught up then scored sixteen straight points this is early in the third off luol deng's turnover ty lawson... he had 27 former depaul star wilson chandler finds javale mcgee, who stayed with it and finally scored... denver out-worked the bulls all night long, thibs couldn't believe what he was seeing.... the nuggets beat up the bulls on the inside and the outside aaron afflalo with the fallaway three and it's denver easy, 108 to 91... coach thibs not happy... we let our guard down and you cannot do that and so we never got established defensively. hard rebounding effort was pour from start to finish so when we
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started missing some shots we had nothing to fall back on. illinois may be closing in on its new basketball coach... we're hearing tonight that ohio coach john groce has been offered the position and that an announcement could come as soon as tomorrow... groce is four years the head coach at ohio u, before that associate head coach under thad matta at ohio state... others are interested, most notably duke assistant chris collins and former chicago bull reggie theus, but it sounds like groce is the man.... women's elite eight, tennessee and baylor mixin' it up-- literally... odyessy sims in the final minute of an easy baylor victory... getting manhandled there by shikeena stricker of tennessee-- they're up in each other's mugs-- but what complicated all this was baylor star brittney griner-- and others-- coming off the bench, not necessarily to get involved but you're supposed to stay on the pine... there will be no suspensions, though, and baylore wins, 77-58... still with a chance to be the first division one team, men or women, to go 40-0 in a season...
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the blackhawks laid a fat egg at the united center last night-- their 6-1 loss to nashville helps nail them into the number six spot in the western conference playoff grid... but things are looking up.... the only way they had to go after last night... corey crawford's back in goal tomorrow, ray emery is injured... but marcus kruger will play in new jersey, steve montador is travelling and jonathan toews was out there at practice again today, doing more and more each time he steps onto the ice... not ready yet, but the day is coming.... every day i'm pushing myself harder. the harder i got the better i feel and saw that gives me a lot of confidence knowing that there is not much i can do to make it worse right now. every day seems to be a step forward. in watching and talking to him there is progress. i feel better about where he is going and he does more each and every day. he feels stronger and his body is good. he is getting
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closer and we will keep saying getting better every day and we will have a better idea. cactus league this afternoon, the sox and the dodgers-- co-tenants at camelback ranch going after each other... john danks will be your opening day starter for the sox, and he was terrific today, seven innings, five hits and two earned runs.... offensively, good to see dayan viciedo get on the board, this is his first rbi of the entire spring-- gotta start somewhere... brett morel and gordon beckham also drove in runs but the sox lose to l-a, 4-3... cubs split their squad today the home half played san diego at ho-ho-kam park... nice to see bryan lahair get on one, to the gap in right center, an rbi double... after a slow start lahair's up to .288 for the spring... paul maholm threw six scoreless innings and carlos marmol was back in there today a strong inning from him after an injury scare... cubs beat the padres, 2-0..... tim tebow takes the big apple-- a media explosion in new york
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today as the jets introduce their new backup quarterback to the masses... that's a lotta juice for a backup qb, but then again it is tim tebow, who is generically thrilled to wear the green and white.... looking forward to my time here in new york and my time as a jet and i am so honored and humbled to be a jet and thankful they wanted me and excited about meeting my teammates. good luck to tim tebow and good luck to everybody. that's the news for this monday night.
9:58 pm
[ male announcer ] you've never tried miracle whip but one thing's for sure -- you don't like it. but you've never tried it? see the problem here... ♪ ♪
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