tv WGN Midday News CW April 13, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT
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financial experts warn hundreds of thousands of homeowners who have not been making mortgage payments may soon be targeted for for closure good afternoon i am steve sanders >>and i'm dina bair the government's mortgage settlement with big banks could unleash a flood of home seizures marcella raymond is live on the south side with details on why the foreclosure dam may burst >>people who would like to stay in their homes might be forced
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to work with the banks more to keep them ... many of us know this could happen to anyone you can lose your job or not get financially in a bind and all of a sudden you cannot pay your mortgage ... the $26 billion mortgage settlement between dozens of states including illinois and the top five banks, bank of america j.p. morgan chase citibank wells fargo and allied financial is expected to speed up the foreclosure process by providing spit stricter guidelines for the banks to follow when repossessing homes. millions of homeowners have had to make these tough decisions between bills and mortgage payments ... many have been able to stand their homes in spite of default ... this couple hopes
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they will lose their home of 47 years ... we now have the sound back here you go ... i guess we do not ... this ellis family is very distraught ... a representative of the chicago realtors association says that they're trying to work with nonprofits to help keep people in their homes nancy and james ellis worked all their lives to raise their children in this
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home they bought it 1965 and paid it off their two sons borrowed money against the home one lost his job the other is in financial difficulty and they are unable to pay affecting the parents. the bank was not willing to refinance the loan ... which could cap the meant the househave kept them in the home ... you see these families to have done the right thing for some many years and now they're strapped they felt they bailed out the banks with the government bailout and now they're not seeing anything in return. there's a big battle happening between the banks in
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the homeowners >>2 children were shot and wounded in separate incidents in chicago yesterday both are 7 years old judy wang is live and oak lawn with the story crime overall is down but the numbers of homicidal shootings are of in the city for the first three months of this year to children were shot after the mayor defended his strategy for fighting crime one child is here crest medical center >> >>if anyone knows somebody please call the authorities this young boy and an 18 year- old man were shot on the 6100 block of south maple with the
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shooter left heading toward western the 18 year-old was shot police suspected he was an intended target and that child was a bystander the 7 year-old girl was shot and a apartment complex on the southwest side during a basketball game two men argued pull that guns and miss their targets hitting a 7 year- old girl there were children on the playground when it happened >>something needs to be done out here so many kids are getting hurt the come out to play something needs to be done we need help. >>the 7 year-old girl was taken to metro self hospital the 7 year-old boy at christ hospital and another one year-old girl a victim of a drive-by shooting
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are recovering here at this hospital in serious condition police in romeoville looking for the burglars who invaded the home of a 99 year-old woman. anna budzinski has been living in this home for more than 50 years on wednesday three men posing as water department workers showed up at her front door when she would not let them and they forced their way inside the men take ana and her 62 year-old son to chairs for nearly 20 minutes men ransacked the home looking for valuables they said they want money and the one jewelry when i told them i did not have any they slapped me across the face they threaten to kill us the line the man got away with $50 and some cotton tulare please have a descriptions of the suspect's but they may have been driving a black ford f 150
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pickup truck 18 horses are dead after wednesday night's massive barn fire and mchenry county the death toll is expected to rise as officials sift through the rubble at the black-tie stable to horses are still missing there were spotted by helicopters but rescuers have been unable to catch them the horses that were rescued were taken to various tables in the area to recover the cause of the fires still under investigation but fire crews suspect that a barbecue grill or open burnham have sparked those flames for now they're calling in an accident a jury has acquitted and elgin homeowner of manslaughter charges in the shooting death of a teenager 18 year-old guillermo pineda was killed last summer while he and some friends were outside the home of donald rattanavong police say that rattanavong stepped outside his house and fired three warning shots at the teenagers because he thought there were planning to break into his family's cars
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in the air was shot had been dyed rattanavong said it was an accident the jury did convicted of reckless discharge of a weapon he faces a one-three years in prison but the judge could sentence him to probation stacey peterson has been missing for four and a half years now better words will be used his testimony against her husband in court drew peterson is charged with murdering his third wife kathleen savio was found dead in her bathtub eight years ago before stacey peterson is fourth wife vanished she told him minister that petersen killed kathleen savio and made it look like an accident a state appeals court ruled that will county prosecutors may use that hearsay evidence in court the ruling means that the drew peterson trial canal began as early as this summer the brother for rod blagojevich will meet with congressional leaders as part of their investigation into congressman
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jesse jackson jr. and the case against rod blagojevich in the selling of the former senate seat of president obama the chicago white sox have their home opener today rich king is live at u.s. cellular field they were three and two on the road and now their home to open the season i'm excited about the effort of these players they are fighters. as a general manager that's what i'll look for their running out every ball working hard on the field and in the pre-game and in practice they have lots of attention to detail. i sent
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robin ventura a message after the texas game saying that even if we lost every game there i was liking the effort of those players ... this club is confident and professional just like robin ventura as example they have a commitment to the grind and when you have that ... win.. they pay attention and the focus is on the fight every game.
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adam has shortened his stroke is a strong player he will be hitting his fair share of home runs. in texas he hit one into the third deck. a heck of a teammate and cheerleader for the other teammates. glad to have him. my girlfriend is in town i had to step up the wardrobe with a tie for the opener today it's a good day sunshine warm let's hope the rain hold off till after the game ...
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next in the noon hour north korea makes a very rare an embarrassing admission about its rocket launch but its leader is not giving up >>a democratic strategist with the white house makes an apology to ann.romney and others after setting off a twitter firestorm and the mayor of newark is treated at a hospital here after he rushes into a burning home to save his neighbors
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[ female announcer ] with swiffer dusters a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back.
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north korea's long-range rocket ends up being a dud. the missile broke up soon after launch today in fell into the ocean. no footage of the doomed launch has been released, but north korean tv announced the embarrassing failure... a rare moment of candor for the communist regime. the united nations security council will meet today to discuss what it considers a
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provocative violation of u-n resolutions. an obama administration official says the launch prevents the u-s from providing food aid to north korea, which had been agreed to in february. diplomats from the u.s. and five other world powers aren't expecting a breakthrough this weekend in talks with iran about its nuclear program. but they hope tehran will continue to hint at a compromise and keep negotiating. the meeting in istanbul was in doubt until a week ago... so the fact that it's going forward may indicate economic sanctions are having an impact on iran. a failure to make progress this weekend could push the pentagon closer to military options to stop iran's uranium enrichment program. a democratic strategist has apologized for criticizing mitt romney's wife. earlier this week ... hilary rosen said that ann romney has "never worked a day in her life." the remark was meant to criticize *mitt* romney for taking economic advice from his wife. but many .. including members of rosen's own party ... saw it as an attack on stay-at-home mothers.
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many women do not have the choice of a luxury of being a stay at home mother, that is my only point is not an attack on ann.romney i apologized for that i am not going to grovel again when i feel like we need to get back to the issues >>those of us in public life are fair game of our families are civilians who do not to bedeserved to have comments directed at them ann romney tweeted that it was her choice to stay home and raise her five sons. but rosen says most women don't have that choice because they're not wealthy like the romneys. jury selection contunues today
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john switched and saved $263.00! drivers who switched to allstate saved an average of $336 a year on car insurance. and allstate will send you two bonus checks a year every year you stay accident free with our safe driving bonus. when i switched to allstate my savings amounted to $436 a year. when i switched from my old insurance company to allstate i saved over $800 a year. want more? call now and get one hundred dollars off your deductible the day you sign up with deductible rewards, and another hundred off every year you don't have an accident. down to zero! you'll be dancing too! let the good hands people give you great protection and a great rate. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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are failing to keep up with inflation. something else cutting into the budget are beef prices ... up 6% from one year ago analysts warn that prices will continue to rise and new cars cost more than $30,700 up 7% from last year ... experts say new car prices will rise and then level off next year you can look for small increases once again the chairman of goldmansachs sees his compensation decrease the bank saw a big decrease in profits and cut 2400 jobs last year stocks are currently trading in
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the red over concerns about a slower growth in the chinese economy. j.p. morgan and wells fargo is making record money on mortgage fees posting a profit this quarter a heated protest over the closing of a south side mental health center has ended with several arrests. mental health advocates and patients are angry about mayor emanuel's plan to shut down six clinics nancy loo has more from the woodlawn neighborhood 23 people were arrested overnight half of them are said to be released in particular those with mental health issues ... police took action just after midnight making two dozen arrests and ordering the
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dismantling of all barricades and tents in and around woodlawn clinic that is slated for closure this month on the 30 f it's saving the city money but critics say that it will endanger public safety and these patients who rely on the treatment and the medications here city officials said that mental health services are actually getting expanded in spite of these closures organizers know there were willingly arrested because the clinic closure devastating as it is may also put them in jail >>this clinic has helped to support me and keep myself on the right track.
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>>the city met with protest organizers over one dozen times it does understand their concerns but they claim the protesters refused another meeting last night the police are maintaining a presence outside of the clinic coming up next he considers himself white trash with a ph.d. others see him as one of the founders of the occupy movement author brad blanton joins
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it's time to get going. to have the energy to turn a "to do" list into a memory. to put more giddy-up in our get-along. to keep stepping up even in overtime. it's time to start gellin' with dr. scholl's... ... and mix a little more hop in our hip hop. thanks to the energizing support and cushioning of dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles, your feet will feel so good... ... you'll want to get up and go. you have heard a lot about them
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in recent months members of the occupy movement ... their protest sites have cropped up in all major cities our next guest is considered the philosophical father of the occupy movement. some believe that his book radical honesty is the path to changing the world ... welcome. >>both of these titles make me a little bit uncomfortable ... reticle honestyradical honesty is a bit unsettling ... should we be upfront with everything? >>do you want intimacy or do want politeness if you one
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politeness you won't get to the heart of the matter i was a clinical psychologist for a 35 years in washington d.c. and my clients taught me that that city is the best place to study lying in the entire world. i saw more lawyers as a therapist over those years. the primary cause of it anxiety disorders and depression and all that stuff is being trapped in your mind and lying is at the core of this. how can you teach people to do this? >>well we need to undo some of the teaching that our society dishes out ... we are told we
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are as good as our performance by teachers and the like but unfortunately this is not true. who we are is the person we are at this moment right now. instead of having your mind getting in the way and confusing newyou.. always wondering about how well you are doing ... your taking power away from yourself. explain your background and your connection to the occupy
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movement >>i have been an activist all my life because i care deeply about people. i wrote this book and have run workshops on honesty to help thousands of people over the years to be less hurt and have powerful intimate relationships instead of phony ones. the people in the occupy movement by those who have worked hard and have faced losing everything. their hundreds of ways that the 99 percent are getting screwed by corporate capitalism or as we know what the 1%. this newest
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book is self published by the way i've had plenty of big time publishers and i fired them i was tired getting $1 while they got six of every book we sold ... and now this second title ... trailer trash. >>this is a story about my transformation from a tough kid with an alcoholic parent and left him a 13 a had a rough life but at the same time i believe it's not how you start out it's about getting some distance from who you are. i was a hippie for
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a long time involved in many social movements and i was a psychotherapist for a long time and i did well at that because i learned a lot of my identity from what my culture has talked aught... so your brutally honest how did i do in this interview? >>i like you steve your real down-to-earth hometown guy the books are available now ... ok! who gets occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend
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against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wet cleaning better doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops swiffer can maneuver into tight spaces without the hassle and its wet mopping cloths can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. mom? ahhhh! ahhhh! no it's mommy! [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. that was me the day i learned i had to start insulin for my type 2 diabetes. me... thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir flexpen. flexpen is prefilled. doesn't need refrigeration for up to 42 days. no drawing from a vial. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button.
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flexpen is insulin delivery my way. levemir is long acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not take if your blood sugar is too low. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. with flexpen, say good night to vial and syringe. ask your doctor about levemir flexpen. covered by 90% of insurance plans including medicare. find your co-pay at
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we were celebrating the weather for the white sox home opener >>it will give cloudier as the day goes on but we only will it be thinking about sprinkles later we have some interesting whether go for the weekend we may see 80 degrees on sunday but there may be a major severe weather outbreak looming for the central united states one of the guests we have from the storm prediction center will be on a teleconference when we are finished with hour later segment about this severe weather ... we may see some of it here in chicago later in the weekend but right now we have a beautiful day happening for the white sox home opener. it will
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get cloudy as the day moves on the cannot rule out a sprinkle this afternoon we have a 65 degree temperature with a southeast wind ... the first pitch will be thrown at 10 minutes after 1:00 this afternoon 78 degrees and little rock arkansas 71 degrees in oklahoma city ... but we have what it takes for some thunderstorm development throughout the central united states we have moderate values of grass and tree pollen today it has been a bad allergy season so far temperatures in the our immediate region are in the '60s we have gusty winds going
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at the moment ... 60 degrees at midway airport ... the wind is beginning to blow here in the windy city we have had thunderstorms flaring in the plains states. more storms will develop as the weekend continues. we've had an incredibly dry month of april thus far but we expect maybe two and a half inches of rain and the next several days sporadically. amounts will vary widely across the area it will be all about these clusters of thunderstorms and where they
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sunday morning: the wind will be roaring with warm air and we will see a storm cluster around noontime ... it will be one of those weekends where you might want to get your emergency weather radios going. you can buy one of those radios at walgreen's. increasing cloudiness this afternoon perhaps a sprinkle by 74 degrees ... tonight mostly cloudy and windy 40 percent chance of thunderstorms tomorrow cloud and son max with scattered thunderstorms the high temperature will be 74 degrees.
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the high will be 77 degrees on sunday with scattered thunderstorms ... we will drop in temperature monday but cycle back up into the warm weather by the end of the week. people love been wondering about the crazy whether and are concerned about deadly tornado outbreaks will find out more about that and the forecasting efforts later on in the broadcast it's time for today's trivia who scored the only run in game 4 of the 2005 world series it was like a red rash... very sore looking kinda blistery. like somebody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck. i was a firefighter for 24 years. but, i have never encountered such a burning sensation
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until i had the shingles. i remember it well. i was in the back yard doing yard work. i had this irritation going on in my lower neck. i changed shirts because i thought there was something in the collar of the shirt irritating my neck. and i couldn't figure out what was going on. i had no idea it came from chickenpox. i always thought shingles was associated with people... a lot older than myself. i can tell you from experience it is bad. it's something you never want to encounter. for more of the inside story visit
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i'm carol, and this is my cvs pharmacist. i had to switch my insurance plan. but then my prescriptions got more expensive. i felt helpless... frustrated. it was very frustrating. then john... maurice... jill stepped in... made some calls... and saved me hundreds of dollars. that's a lot. it meant a lot to me. taking the time to help you with insurance questions. another reason to transfer your prescriptions today. ♪ i'm carol, and i bring all my prescriptions to my cvs.
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it doesn't chip.. it dries instantly-- but what may sound like the perfect manicure, may be increasing your risk for cancer. a study published in the archives of dermatology says repeated exposure to the u-v lamps used for gel manicures can raise the risk of skin cancer. the study observed two women who developed skin cancer on the backs of their hands. the nail industry defends the u-v lights saying the exposure level is too low to be a risk. but dermatologists recommend wearing sunscreen before a gel manicure to block the u-v light from damaging your hands.
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time for sports. jonathan toews missed 22 games with a concussion, but he returned just in time for game- one of the playoffs in phoenix. he actually scored just four minutes in. but the coyotes lead 2-1 in the final seconds... hawks with the empty net, and brent seabrook knocks in the rebound to tie it. in overtime... hawks can't clear it, and martin hanzal redirects the shot past corey crawford to win it. hawks lose 3-2... game- two in phoenix tomorrow night. derrick rose scored a career- low two points in his return. the heat lead by three in the final seconds... c-j watson fakes dwyane wade and nails a three to tie it. bulls outscore the heat 12-2 in overtime... on the fastbreak after a block, and taj gibson dunks it. the bulls bench outscored miami's bench 47- to- 7. bulls win 96-86, and lead the heat by four games. cubs trying to avoid a sweep against milwaukee. they're up in the sixth...
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alfonso soriano singles in two more runs... cubs scored six runs in the inning. garza nearly pitched a complete game shutout. cubs win 8-nothing, and salvage the fourth game of the series. they visit saint louis this afternoon... and you can see it right here on wgn. coming next tom skilling has a preview of his annual tournedos seminar
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i stepped on the machine, and it showed me the pressure points on my feet and exactly where i needed more support. i had tired, achy feet. until i got my number. my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotics number. now i'm a believer. you'll be a believer, too. learn where to find your number at [ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ]
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you remember these scenes of one week ago with the tractor trailers flying through the air and dallas tx it was an exceptional year for these tornadoes last year... there were more deaths that happened last year than those of the cumulative totals years before ... you are invited at noon and 6:00 tomorrow we will be streaming mess on the wgn website. i don't think any broadcast facility has hosted as many weather professionals of the stature ...
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american meteorological society, director nws- nat'l centers for environmental prediction. dr. russell schneider, director, noaa-storm prediction center. ed fenelon, meteorologist in charge, national weather service-chicago. jim allsopp, warning coordination meteorologist national weather service- chicago. brian smith, warning coordination meteorologist
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national weather service-omaha. brian and i started this a while back we have been seen multimillion and billion dollar weather disasters ... and we have a recurring start to this year these have been devastating events and they have done and protected with stunning accuracypredicted with stunning accuracy. the ability to forecast these extreme events days or weeks in advance is really a remarkable achievement this is related to basically three advances the
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global observing system for one, the annette zero a a satellites and aircraft and plans we get sophisticated numerical models running on the fastest supercomputers working at 73 trillion calculations per second. we will transition over to the next generation of computers computing at a hundred and 40 trillion calculations per second and that and enables us to run sophisticated weather forecast models. the nature of these forecasters themselves are highly educated with lots of experience working with the new radar and models and data.
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combined with the work of the emergency management communities where you will be able to become more critically prepare than never ever.. we have a dedicated staff at the national weather service with very top professionals. we're at the center of tornado activity worldwide right here in the central united states. >>we have a major weather system we are looking at this weekend tomorrow we are focused on the great plains of kansas oklahoma and nebraska it will start with thunderstorms that will pack a wallop and and by sunday we will
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see it move toward the chicago area hopefully there will be lessening severe conditions by then that april 21, 1967 such mission influenced you to get into this business it was a tragic day where i was in barrington and belvidere ... it was redding and i have to say i was listening to wgn radio ... add to your on the front line
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we have done service assessments after the her effect mayhorrific tornadoes the little ones have the impact vedder equivalent to severe thunderstorms and we want to refine the warning systems to distinguish between the two people are not reacting as well so we want to work on the nature of the way we work these warnings and get them out to the public you train spotters all over the
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area and you will discuss this in your chart tomorrow. what i will speak of tomorrow is the vulnerability of the people outdoors at these concerts and fairs and sporting events. so many people exposed to these elements so i want to discuss what to do in that situation. i remember that wrigley field incident years ago ... it keeps a lot of us up overnight brian you worked with the famous tornado researcher out of the university of chicago we have heard horror stories about being in public buildings ... especially the box stores like
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the home depot variety in line auditorium's gymnasiums and those places as well are dangerous places to be ... these big box stores are difficult for people to find safe locations to take cover and we are going to talk about how we rethink the way to a better situational awareness on the part of the public >>it's wonderful to have all of you with us and we will see you tomorrow at fermi lab we are inviting people is free to the public that will be streamed live on w g n
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