tv WGN Midday News CW May 1, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT
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the tax may double on soda and other sugary drinks under a proposal from a chicago alderman good afternoon i am steve sanders. >>and i'm dina bair we welcome our viewers who are watching us around the country on wgn america and on the internet tonya francisco is live at city hall with details on that tax- cut proposal the question is will it be 15 or 35¢ ... the aldermen meeting as to whether not this is a good way to address the of the city epidemic in this country ... >>we want to hear what this is really about and why are they saying there needs to be a tax- free want the other side of the argument sugary drinks have been linked
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to all kinds of health issues including child of obesity diabetes and shifting k proponents claimed that a 1¢ per ounce tax could bring in millions for the city of chicago alone money that can be used toward health programs to prevent these issues ... government is bearing the cost of the of the city crisis it's a lot like cigarettes we know that these are unhealthy and killing people and we need to make sure that the government is job is upheld to protect the public ... others argue that this creates an unnecessary economic burden on people >>we've had a tax on beverages and i'm not sure if that's helped chicagoans be healthier this is ben britax and 1993 ...
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there has already been attacks but it's at its limit in order to raise the limit has to go before the state legislature and right now there is no proposal before them to raise that tax ... many say it's about obesity and ways to try to solve the problem for the future. all sides agree that people need to get more active the family of a four year-old girl who was killed in a hit and run accident near the lincoln park zoo has reached a settlement with the city. lawyers for the city in family of maya hirsch came to an agreement just as a civil suit was set to begin today the girl was hit back in 2006 while crossing the street at lincoln
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park west and belden avenue her parents sued the city claiming the traffic markings at the intersection or improperly placed or had faded the driver who struck the girl died in prison in 2008 while serving an eight year sentence for leaving the scene of a fatal accident contract talks between caterpillar and its union members have broken down after workers rejected the company's latest proposal 800 workers at the company's manufacturing facility in joliet are now on strike their contract expired at midnight and no new talks are scheduled union member said that they rejected the deal because it did not include sufficient perret's this and call for higher health-care costs a caterpillar spokesman says that we are going to continue to run our business as normal meat production levels and provide uninterrupted service to
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customers " com-ed wants to hike your bill beginning next year the company says that the price hike is needed to finance local power grid improvements if approved by the illinois commerce commission the average electricity bill would increase nearly $1 every month com-ed said that the rates on average household bill will not go up more than $3 over the next 10 years the occupy movement is calling for a general strike across country in honor of mayday here in chicago organizers are marching to federal plaza amy rutledge is live is a rally with a march into downtown this year it is proving to be a test run for the protesters for the nato summit ... people have been lining up since 1030 this morning dozens of groups are expected they are protesting on behalf of workers
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rights and against big business and big government ... many anticipate large group numbers and a bigger police presence as the city and the protesters prepare for the summit in a few weeks >>the more the merrier we need people to stand up to say enough is enough we need to and corporate greed >>we know the risks ahead of time most of us are levelheaded people we're not going to seek out a violent confrontation ... >>they are reacting to the increased security presence expected downtown on the group arrives this afternoon today is the first day of enforced security in the loop ... it's all ahead of the nato summit ... we did not see evidence of increased police presence or any battle gear on them but it will
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likely happen as we get closer to the nato summit we did see a large police presence here before the event started today but they are keeping a good distance from the crowd letting those marchers get into their rally and work through their day at 1:00 they will make their way into the loop downtown coming up next it new in the first anniversary of the osama bin-laden death comes without warnings and in britain a government report determines that rupert mu ok! who gets occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me!
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[ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] the vertical chair-climb. it's not an olympic sport, but it takes real effort and it takes a diaper that fits their every move. pampers cruisers with 3-way fit adapt at the waist, legs and bottom for up to 12 hours of protection and all the freedom to play like a real champion. pampers. proud supporter of babies' play. ♪ ♪
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five men were arrested- in an alleged plot to blow up a bridge near cleveland. the f-b-i says, three of the suspects describe themselves as "anarchists..." who wanted to send a message to corporations, the u-s and the government. they had reportedly been trying to recruit new members at local homeless shelters. officials say- the men conspired to acquire c-4 explosives. and their plan was to build improvised devices; which they would detonate with remotes. the plot was *not* tied to international terrorism. the f-b-i says, the public was *never* in any danger from the explosive devices because an undercover agent was involved and the explosives were inert. today marks the one-year anniversary of the death of osama bin laden. a navy seal team shot and killed bin laden during a raid on his compound in abbottabad, pakistan. the al qaeda leader was hunted for nearly a decade after the september 11th terrorist attacks. photos of his body have never been made public. the obama administration says their graphic nature would only incite more violence or be used for propaganda. homeland security officials say
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they've seen no specific, credible threats or plots against the u-s linked to the anniversary of bin laden's death. secretary of state hillary clinton and treasury secretary timothy geithner will lead the u-s team this week at a meeting in china aimed at broadening ties between the world's top two economies. but the high-level meetings could be over-shadowed by a blind chinese rights activist the u-s embassy. chen guangcheng escaped from house arrest last week. he was jailed, beaten, and locked in his home after campaigning against alleged forced abortions. secretary clinton is pledging to press china's leaders on the issue of human rights. rupert murdoch is unfit to run his news corporation media empire. that's part of the findings in a new report from several british lawmakers. a bi-partisan parliamentary committee looked into his role... in a phone hacking scandal. the 85-page report was approved by a six to four vote. the legislators say murdoch, his son, and his company showed
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willful blindness about the hacking at the "news of the world" tabloid. that tabloid is now gone. the wife of john edwards former aide is expected to continue her testimony today- in the edwards' trial. cheri young is married to former aide; andrew young. yesterday in court, young broke down as she described how she allowed her husband claim rielle hunter's child as his own- in order to protect john edwards and his presidential campaign. at one point, young was sobbing so hard, the judge ordered jurors out of the courtroom. today, she is expected to give details today about her role in helping conceal edwards' affair with hunter. edwards is charged with mis- using campaign money to support his mistress and their baby. if convicted, he faces up to 30 years in prison. starting today, a new task force in florida will begin to review the state's "stand your ground" law. the law makes it legal for a person to use deadly force ... if they believe another person poses an immediate threat to their life or safety. but it's been drawing national
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criticism, ever since neighborhood watchman george zimmerman shot and killed teenager trayvon martin. zimmerman claimed he acted in self-defense, because martin attacked him and repeatedly slammed his head on a sidewalk. the days top business stories next. and later in the medical watch -- the latesting effects pesticides may have on the brains of children. and later in lunchbreak, we are making a canadian comfort as i get older i'm making changes
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to support my metabolism. i'm more active, i eat right and i switched to one a day women's active metabolism, a complete women's multivitamin, plus more -- for metabolism support. and that's a change i feel good about. [ female announcer ] from one a day. [ female announcer ] with swiffer dusters, a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags swiffer 360 dusters extender can clean hard to reach places in less time. swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back.
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it's time to get going. to have the energy to turn a "to do" list into a memory. to put more giddy-up in our get-along. to keep stepping up even in overtime. it's time to start gellin' with dr. scholl's... ... and mix a little more hop in our hip hop. thanks to the energizing support and cushioning of dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles, your feet will feel so good... ... you'll want to get up and go. we are live from the new york stock exchange with her bloomberg on the money report automobile sales are in for april and chrysler is the big stand out with better than expected sales ford's sales fell 5% and lincoln lead as well ... gm fell less than
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expected samsung is wiping out nokia has the biggest mobile technology seller ... it shipped 45 million smart phones in the first quarter of 2012 ... it is based on the google android operating system and mayor prize financial found that more than half of baby boomers allowed adult children to move back and rent-free according to the survey many have helped aging parents with groceries medical bills and utility bills ...
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nationwide juppe compensation is three unemployed person for every one person who is fully employed you have no doubt heard the old cliche that " it's not you, it's me"when it comes to relationships this could actually be the case here to explain is jennifer weigel from trib-u we have a unexpected but unrealistic expectations ...
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they all come from these popular magazines giving us ideals and advice that's hard to live up to ... >>also in the movies unrealistic notions about romance ... >>the cliche really is true very often ... there are 101 mathsyths.. but we will discuss only a few today ... >>the first is don't take a partner on if you believe they are all work and progress what you see is what you get ...
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once the physical attraction wears off your not left with too much you need to have matching core values ... >>you have to be the partner you seek and beef self fulfilled don't look for a partner to do that for you ... >>u.s. yourself have you ever sat on the couch alone with yourself and banned ok with that >>many psychologists ask you how good you are at being healthy with yourself in a good relationship with yourself? the
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relationship can be successful if you don't have the specter of forever hanging over you as well ... >>if you and your relationship it does not necessarily equal failure people do grow up part. a child in a broken home is worse than a child from a broken home ... >>but that is a whole other, i write >>that is it one separate conversation ...
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to read more go to the chicago website ... coming up next los local restaurant operators are being briefed on how the upcoming nato summit will affect their business and her videos on you tube helped to land her in a recording deal with live music this midday from kina grannis... she is performing tonight at the park west here in chicago
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♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ ♪ it goes something like this ♪ ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans, brightens and fights stains. pop in. stand out. uncover stronger younger looking skin. [ female announcer ] new aveeno skin strengthening body cream helps transform dry, thinning skin, by strengthening its moisture barrier for improved texture
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and elasticity in 2 weeks. reveal healthy, supple skin. aveeno skin strengthening. we have an update to a story that we told you about earlier: five men were arrested in an alleged plot to blow up a bridge near cleveland and may have been planning to to carpet chicago the fbi says that three of the suspect's describe themselves as anarchists who wanted to send a message to corporations the united states and the government the group had been under scrutiny since last fall reuters is reporting that they considered coming to chicago for the nato meetings the fbi says that the public was never in any danger from the explosive devices because an undercover agent was involved in the explosives were inert the nato host committee is
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setting up a new websites specifically for nato organizers robert jordan is live at the illinois restaurant association with the latest on a nato summit preparations >>today it was their turn to speak to the membership to answer questions so that all restaurateur's would understand what to expect that weekend of the summit >>there will be 21,200 visitors lots of hotel room 434 is and many many jobs affected here ... >>we are telling people to stay open there will be plenty of business opportunities >>it sounds good but the restaurant owners are not sure the customers will appear ... they're not sure what to expect from the local crowd or the international visitors that weekend they are scratching their heads wondering what to prepare
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>>many people talking about not coming to worker coming downtown that day ... people of being encouraged not to stay downtown and that's not good news for us. >>they are predicting that may will be a busy month with a huge convention jump-starting activity >>there's a national restaurant association show coming to town many more people are coming in for that the month of may the restaurants will be busy here in chicago with extra help >>the nato said it is something that's difficult to plan for >>you can really depend on the delivery trucks getting to the security >>i am more concerned about the crosstown series that weekend
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overlapping and being prepared for street closures i just wanna be informed that's the main thing >>many say it will be a great weekend for chicago >>i hope the lines here at my restaurant >>city officials are hoping that the dignitaries stay here will be so enjoyable they will consider returning someday in new wgn chicago tribune investigation has revealed that chicago aldermen can earn millions of dollars in pensions after they retire even though the job is technically part time at their pension benefits are
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higher than other city employees in the investigation also reveals when the extra pension burke was created you can see the full investigation on our web site we will be back with the tom skilling fu [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. that was me the day i learned i had to start insulin for my type 2 diabetes. me... thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir flexpen.
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flexpen is prefilled. doesn't need refrigeration for up to 42 days. no drawing from a vial. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. flexpen is insulin delivery my way. levemir is long acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not take if your blood sugar is too low. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. with flexpen, say good night to vial and syringe. ask your doctor about levemir flexpen. covered by 90% of insurance plans including medicare. find your co-pay at
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and the disappoints are in the '50s we have cooled the air ... but the big story is the warm-up on the way it is raining heavily downstate we may also seashores and thunderstorms producing local heavy downpours appear in chicago but will not be as significant ... temperatures are beginning to warm up to the west of chicago ... we are still cool along the lakefront ... we are watching the temperatures ... these of the high temperatures today we will get
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into the low 60s with '80s downstate. but watch how these a degree temperatures will be spreading happened to chicago tomorrow in march we had eight days above 80 degrees it has never happened before ... there is a sprawling canadian high front that will close off but look at the high temperatures tomorrow going all the way to the lakefront here we jump ahead to another day ... some areas will flirt with 90 degrees but there will be thunderstorms going by ... temperatures will drop but the readings will be brought back
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up. we are in the new month of may it's the third fastest warming month. in chicago not a single 80 degree day in april for the first time in many years ... this year the month of march turned out to be warmer than april was that has not occurred since 1907 this is a formidable group of thunderstorms we have here ... there is fog along the lake ...
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we are looking at all this humidity ... waukegan and gurney 100 percent humidity ... we are 61 degrees out at o'hare 55 degrees at midway here is what happens when the thunderstorms' start flirting with our it area ... we have a few thunderstorm clusters here by morning some will go through tomorrow throughout the day. we will be
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warming up the temperatures in the process '70s today '80s tomorrow and friday should be about eight degrees above normal. here is the jet stream pattern ... clusters like these will be happening over the next couple of days but in between temperatures will be warm. the northwestern part of the united states will remain cool most of the united states will be at above normal temperatures
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this is a severe weather prepared this week on wgn in prime time we will be talking about tightening safety thursday night in the 9:00 newscast ... today chicagos warmest spell of whether in six weeks gets under way ... tomorrow will be breezy and warmer and land ... tonight we will be warm and humid with a potential for showers and thunderstorms temperatures tonight will be in the '50s down to the low 60s ... tomorrow will be warm and human with a very bleak cloudy skies some thunderstorms passing it will be windy we will reach 86 degrees thursday with scattered showers and thunderstorms ...
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>>this is kind of screwy it will begin to feel like march those thunderstorms will be gyrating and bopping all over the place just like elvis presley it's time f i'm tom... i'm sue... i'm carol. and this is my cvs pharmacist. i found out i had cancer. diabetes. i had a heart attack. so, i needed help with my medications. because mixing them... can be dangerous. not with maria around. not with pete. not with nakea. alerting you to potential drug interactions. another reason to transfer your prescriptions today. ♪
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tw time for sports: the bulls begin life without derrick rose tonight, and will try to go- up two games to none. rose visited bulls practice at the berto center yesterday to boost his teammates spirits. it's unclear if he'll be on the bench tonight, but he likely won't travel to philadelphia for game three. the bulls are still expected to win the series with c-j watson starting. game two tips off at the united
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center at seven tonight. >>i don't know one good sports movie where the no. 1 seed boozes the championship ... it will be harder we have to pull together and play better and we can cubs going for their second straight series win. philadelphia is up 4-2 in the eighth... cubs with a man on, and brian lahair ties it with his fifth home run of the year... he's hitting .390. in the bottom of the inning... placido polonco doubles to deep left and drives in two runs. cubs lose 6-4, and split the series. they finished april with a record of eight- and- 15. paul konerko has been named the a-l player of the week. konerko hit three home runs last week, including the 400-th of his career. he also batted .435 with three doubles, and four r-b-i. konerko is the second member of the sox to win the award after phil humber's perfect game.
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have brain abnormalities after birth. researchers report m-r-i scans show elementary school children with the highest prenatal exposure to a certain chemical in the pesticide "dursban" had structural changes in the brain five to ten years later.. compared with those who had the lowest exposure. but a spokesman for dow chemical.. maker of "dursban".. says those children considered to have a high exposure actually had levels much lower than doses shown to cause no effect in lab animals. the number of babies born addicted to painkillers has tripled in the last decade. a new study shows about one baby every hour is born with a drug withdrawal syndrome called neonatal abstinence syndrome. the syndrome was most common among babies born in poor areas and covered by medicaid. researchers noted the use of painkillers by mothers-to-be increased five-fold. babies with neonatal abstinence syndrome tend to be jittery cranky have diffulty breathing and a hard time sleeping. notice something different when you logged onto facebook today? you now have an option to share whether you're an organ donor. facebook is adding the option in an effort to raise awareness.
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creator mark zuckerberg says he got the idea through dinner conversations with his med- student girlfriend and his friendship with apple founder steve jobs, who had a liver transplant. more than 100-thousand americans are waiting for an organ right now. the company hopes its power of sharing and connecting people around the world will make a real impact. we are going to be making a canadian favorite today in the lunch break as i get older i'm making changes to support my metabolism. i'm more active, i eat right and i switched to one a day women's active metabolism, a complete women's multivitamin, plus more -- for metabolism support. and that's a change i feel good about. [ female announcer ] from one a day. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ]
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mops can be a hassle but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. ♪ ♪ [ dog barking ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] life is full of little tests
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but your basic paper towel can handle them. especially if that towel is bounty basic. the towel that's durable and scrubbable. in this lab demo bounty basic is stronger than the leading bargain brand. everyday life. bring it with bounty basic. affordably priced. tested by everyday life. it's time for a lunchbreak...
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tom kern is the chef and owner of the badhappy poutine shop. welcome. it's an interesting name because your note you have done something bad but you are so satisfied as i was describing earlier this is a canadian redneck dish ... in line but i also grew up in north carolina and grew fond of barbecue and mac n' cheese but in canada ...
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>>we're taking a mature flavors and putting them into a dish that every kid in of any age would love to eat ... everything that we do it the restaurant is house made it ... we have everything from pepperoni toppings to salmon toppings and the north carolina chicken liver pat tate topping >>you will not get these players anywhere else in the city of
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with a local soda company they have been making group beer since the '20s ... and have other wonderful flavors ... all remind you of when you were a kid. we have had a great time here in the chicago community people have really supported us. we have been open a little over one month we are located at 939 north orleans.
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alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! and now the answer for today's trivia question: which was the first state to allow women's suffrage? and the answer wyoming. >>we are going to see some warm and humid days coming up ... it will get nice andf the plains states ... we have clusters of storms on the way. we have one models estimate of rainfall to be significant with the wind ...
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we have a gush of southerly wind on thursday. that will be the warmest day ... we have a wide range of real estate under the threat of severe weather for the next couple of days these can be heavy or severe rain producers depending on where you live ... we have towering thunderheads and warm humid air in place downstate these clusters will venture up to our area and the next couple of days and there will be lots of lightning downstate and we will see some of that as well here in chicago ... wednesday morning scattered
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thunderstorms mixed sunshine by evening ... thursday a gusty southerly wind will bring us warmer temperatures we will be into the mid-80s ... hopefully the concerns about the drought situation will not be something will have to worry about as much now ... tomorrow will be 83 degrees the highest it has been in six weeks ... 86 degrees thursday warm humid wendy ... 72 degrees saturday turning cooler especially by the lake front ... much cooler sunday and monday ...
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