tv WGN Midday News CW May 4, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT
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the company that runs the controversial parking meters in chicago collected $80 million last year now is demanding millions more from the city. good afternoon. i am steve sanders. and i'm dina bair. we welcome our viewers for watching us from the country on wgn america off and on the internet. the mayor just wrapped up an event here and says that the past is the past and there is a new way of doing things at city hall that was his message to the ship park chicago parking meter company wanting all that money from the city the answer is no ... >>there is a new day here i don't know who they think they're dealing with. the deal was dead for this city of chicago. under the terms of the contract the parking meter company gets to set the rates ... and the
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city pays the company for the money the company loses when the meters are taken out of service ... that happens during festivals and street repairs ... the company claims that the city owes $14 million for 2011 and the administration is disputing that figure in a letter a city official calls those amounts legally and factually erroneous ... chicago parking meters collected $80 million from city meters and the financial records exceeded the profits that wall street's projected ... >>i sent that letter back and in the envelope there was not a check because i am not doing this ... just because you send
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an invoice assuming i am going to have these taxpayers fork over money for you ... they can assume all they want but they have another thing coming ... the mayor says he has a team of legal experts examining the deal for loopholes for the city to get out of that business ... chicago parking meters limited liability company also wants money as compensation for providing free parking to the handicapped ... drew peterson found out this morning which judge will reside over his murder trial is the first time we have seen him since the last court appearance nearly two years ago nancy loo reports from joliet ... in the courtroom he appeared comfortable and jovial at times.
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both sides are eager to go to trial. he wore a blue jail jumpsuit he was ushered into the will county court quickly he was bearded with that rare hair shackled and with handcuffs he was smiling and at these this is a status hearing edward burmila will be the judge ... prosecutors are praising that selection ... drew peterson is charged in the 2004 drowning death of his third wife kathleen savio our body was exhumed ... after a two-year delay ... attorneys are happy to see is the trial finally here ... >>my client feels people will
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realize that there's no evidence he did anything wrong his wife died in a tragic household accident and he wants to go home to his children >>we are ready for trial. no trial date has been set because a number of motions are being filed one of them regarding hearsay evidence to be admitted ... ahead of today's hearing peterson was joking with people in the courtroom and was reprimanded by a bailiff who told people not to speak to the defendant to which drew peterson announced " that would be me! " the investigation continues today into a small plane crash that killed two men near lake in the hills yesterday. hugh scott
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clark of lake forest and paul.sanfilippo of grayslake were killed when their single- engine plane crash yesterday it is unclear which man was the pilot the crash happened just east of the lake in the hills airport authorities said the plane had tried to land in a strong wind but crashed quarter of a mile short in a marshfield the faa and national transportation safety board are looking into that crash >>a strong round of spring storms brought heavy rain and hail stones to the chicago area overnight it caused extensive damage and flooding in some parts these pictures are from the northwest suburban niles the rain caused flooding in parking lots lawns and streets some of the northern suburbs cut as much as 2 in. of rain just a few hours and in some areas residents reported hailstones the size of golf balls here's how it looked and sounded in northwest suburban harwood heights is rain and hail storms
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pounded neighborhoods people there also reported hailstones the size of golf balls as did some residents in the northwest side of the chicago the bulls and the philadelphia 76ers' playoff series resumes tonight and joakim noah and company have to find a way to win without derrick rose ... dan roan is live in philadelphia ... >>to come back and reassert control of the series the team will have to make changes before game 3 tactical and emotional >>with or without derrick rose seeing the bulls get run out of their own building was a stranger took everyone by surprise especially the team ... >>i don't want to take anything away from the philadelphia 76 years they played a good game they came out with a good plan they did a good job we did not.
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but honestly that is over we have to focus on tonight's game and put all of our energy into how we will win tonight's game >>if you put the effort and ... you get what you put out ... we're not gonna go in and reinvent the wheel ... we will continue to do what we do better and harder ... it is the same stuff that won 50 games in the regular season ... >>defend rebound keep the turnovers down when you look at those three things if you don't defend and you do not rebound your chances of winning are not good ... offensive way we have a good shot
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>>the second half was admirable ... >>trust in repip there was a residual hangover from the derrick rose injury ... this will be a tough game for either team to win here in philadelphia this evening ... we will be back with more on the 5:00 news and again tonight at 9:00 hopefully will have a victory to report for the chicago bulls coming up next at noon of possible breakthrough for the blind chinese activist >>and scientists will examine the brain of the former nfl star
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i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips throat or tongue stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision
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so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer. the alleged mastermind of the 9/11/2001 attacks will be arraigned tomorrow at guantanamo prison. khalid sheikh mohammed will be joined by four fellow detainees. they are accused of terrorism hijacking aircraft, murder and destruction of property. if convicted of the most serious charges, he could receive the death oenalty. mohammed was moved to gitmo in 2006. he actually tried to plead guilty to the 9-11 charges in 20-08... but the supreme court struck down the rules for his trial.
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a possible breakthrough in negotiations over what do do with chinese dissident chen guangcheng . the state department says he could be coming to the u-s afterall. the blind activist has been offered a fellowship from a u.s. university. right now, he's in a hospital after leaving the u.s. embassy in beijing. president obama has been criticized over how the dissident was treated. china says chen can apply to study abroad. but they add -- "like other chinese citizens." the san diego county medical examiner has ruled junior seau's death a suicide. seau played in the n-f-l for 20 years. and his family has agreed to allow researchers to study his brain for signs of damage.. sustained from concussions. researchers at boston university have already discovered evidence of brain damage, in former bear, dave duerson. like seau; duerson also shot himself in the chest. but duerson left a note saying he wanted his brain studied post-mortem. seau did not leave a note behind. a college student will sue the drug enforcement administration for up 20 million dollars... claiming agents put him in a nearly five days. the dea arrested daniel chong
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during a raid at a home in california. chong's lawyer claims he was cleared of doing anything wrong and agents told him they would put him in a holding cell just for a minute and then take him home. but, that didn't happen, and he fell into deep despair. chong says he had to drink his own urine to stay alive, spent two days in total darkness and even ate a powdery substance that turned out to be meth. he also tried to commit suicide. the dea has acknowledged chong was left in a holding cell by accident. a pilot in canada will appear in court today ... charged with swallowing key evidence in the death of one of his clients. william orders flew the plane for a hang-gliding lesson saturday, in which a student lost her grip on her instructor, and fell to her death. her safety line to the glider wasn't attached. investigators say, the plane's video camera recorded the whole thing ... but the pilot removed a memory card and swallowed it. there have been a series of x- rays taken we have confirmed
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this but we're in the waiting process. investigators want to know if pilot error or equipment failure were factors in the woman's death. former presidential rivals, mitt romney and rick santorum will meet in pittsburgh today.. as a sign of republican unity. they're planning a closed-door meeting. it's their first, since santorum suspended his campaign last month. and now that newt gingrich has dropped out of the racel; only romney and ron paul remain. yesterday in virginia, santorum was in virginia.. to accept the endorsement of michele bachmann. coming up: more financial trouble for oprah and her own network. that story next. could helmets help avoid injury during tornadoes? what the cdc has to say. and later in lunchbreak, we are learning how to make mole poblano for your cinco de mayo celebrations.
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ok! who gets occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. it's time to get going. to have the energy to turn a "to do" list into a memory. to put more giddy-up in our get-along. to keep stepping up even in overtime. it's time to start gellin' with dr. scholl's... ... and mix a little more hop in our hip hop. thanks to the energizing support and cushioning of
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dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles, your feet will feel so good... ... you'll want to get up and go. let's recap the cleaning games. [ bottle #2 ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power was 3x faster on permanent marker. and he didn't stop there. aw, he never stops. i-i can't watch. cut to commercial. yeah, this is a commercial. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power.
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we are live at the new york stock exchange with your bloomberg on the money report we got the big jobs report today it's not looking good we saw only 115,000 jobs added in april according to the labor department that was far short of expectations the jobless rate declined to 8.1% but that's because many people quit looking for a job. stocks are trading sharply lower because of this report ... this is the worst week on wall street so far this year especially the big losses that we are seeing today. facebook is targeting a share price between 28 and $35 valuing the company at $96 billion the company will hit the road to drum up investor interest new york first followed by boston ... the initial public offering
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is targeted for may 17th on the nasdaq ... mark zuckerberg irk at 27 is one of the world's richest men after this ipo ... those limited edition treats and mcdonald's are becoming more common ... they want to stay a step ahead of rivals coming up with new menu items ... oprah winfrey may be tarnishing her name with the own network reputation the network may have lost as much as $330 million it is hitting discovery communications pretty deep in the pocket they put up some
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money for that own network they are attracting less than one- tenth of the audience her television show once had ... we are just learning about the death of an influential rapper. beastie boys co-founder adam yauch has died, the rolling stone is reporting. it says yauch had been in treatment for cancer since 2009 -- after he discovered a tumor in his salivary gland. the beastie boys had not performed live since the summer of 2009. the rolling stone says yauch's illness prevented the group from appearing in music videos. yauch was also known as "m-c-a." he was 48 years old. may the 4th be with you. you may have heard that greeting several times today. that's because may 4th is "star wars day" around the world. it's a holiday because today's date, sounds similar to the famous jedi catchphrase: "may the force be with you." so don't be shocked if you see princess leia at the local starbucks, or chewbacca riding the "el" on your way home from work.
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the official star wars website is offering several free games for fans to play online. other folks are hosting star wars movie marathons. so... may the force, *and the 4th* be with you. still ahead, a bionic eye is helping a man regain some of his sight. also ahead a video on the nato channel promoting the summit in chicago had a few goofs in it! he's probably best known as the organist for chicagos ides of march. live music this midday from scott may and his one-armed orchestra.
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a former jewelry store manager is charged with stealing more than 200-thousand dollars worth of solid gold. daniel knaack is accused of taking the gold from costello jewelry in glen ellyn. he allegedly stole 15 gold bars... totaling about nine pounds. police believe he sold the gold. he's being held in jail on 15- thousand dollars bond. back in 1998, he pleaded guilty to stealing 500 dollars from a jeweler in lombard. a handful of south side residents and business people turned out last night, to hear how the upcoming nato summit will affect their lives and livelihoods. at the dusable museum, people questioned a panel of security officials about how the summit, on may 20-th and 21-st will affect traffic, transit and tourism... and how chicago's heightened security may restrict their movements. the city will finish its series of neighborhood meetings next week.
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a church in bronzeville will play a supporting role in the summit, by offering its front lawn as a campsite for protesters. trinity episcopal church at 26-th and michigan, is just a few blocks from mc-cormick place, where world leaders will gather. the church is just outside the main security perimeter. it will allow about 40 cyclists from madison, wisconsin, to use its property as a base during the summit. the secret service will spell out its official security plan for the summit in the coming the the days. the plan will set the borders of the mc-cormick security perimeter, and outline the traffic patterns to and from the convention center nato may want to read up on its chicago facts before holding its summit here in a couple weeks. a video promoting the meeting isn't exactly accurate.
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of course, president obama didn't grow up in chicago. and though a lot bigger than springfield... chicago isn't the capital either. the video has been airing on the nato tv channel. the error about the capital was corrected yesterday. last night's stormy weather has moved out... but a cold front is now moving in. tom skilling is next with details.
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look at this shot ... with the lightning coming through the towering thunderhead and this is looking southward from gurnee toward chicago ... these are great shots we have posted all of them on the web site for everyone to see ... what a difference with the wind blowing northeast now ... we are 30 degrees cooler or so than we were yesterday ... but we were
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20 degrees above normal then ... we are making a dent in that drought with all of this rain it's 21 degrees cooler than yesterday milwaukee is down 32 degrees ... tomorrow the wind turns ... the suburbs will get in on the 70 degree temperatures ... but there is another storm coming later sunday into monday. we have
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fifties' along the lakefront ... the north end of the city was hit hard with flooding last night but the southern suburbs were hit as well evanston had nearly two and a half inches last night and hear some of the others: overnight the wind gusts were 64 mi. per hour just after 1:00 this morning in pontiac ...
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78 percent humidity at o'hare airport right now there is a high mold spore count higher wheat pollen count here is the jet stream ... thunderstorms will begin to run back into the area sunday night into monday ... pull the lines of thunder or traversing southern illinois the next week will see upwards of 2 in. of rain or close to it ... we might avoid that drought we
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were so concerned about. 50s at the lakefront '70s in london right nowland right now ... tonight cloudy hayseed drizzle in some spots in the low 50s. tomorrow clouds sunbreaks wide temperature spreads from 61 along the lakeshore to 73 degrees further and ... sunday mostly cloudy may be sprinkles in the morning better chance of '60s to the west and '50s by the lake front
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thank-you tom skilling time for today's trivia: the battle of puebla which was fought may the 5th, 1862 took place between mexican forces and the who? a) french. b) spanish. c) americans. some constipation medications can take control of you. break free. with miralax. it's clinically proven to relieve constipation
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i want to be a pediatrician. i was hoping to become a chef someday. as long as there is someone behind you pushing you and supporting you then you feel that you always have the strength to keep going. so get involved and do your part, invest in the future mentor a child. time for sports. carlos marmol is out as the cubs closer. manager dale sveum made the decision this morning, though he has not picked a *permanent* replacement. first time two opposing, starters pitched on their shared birthday. cubs up in the fourth.... bryan lahair hits his seventh home run of the year... starlin castro and ian stewart also homered. marmol in for the save in the ninth, when stewart's error leads to a run... and then marmol walks in a run with the bases loaded. cubs go on to lose 4-3 in ten innings. ryan dempster leads the majors with a point- nine- five e-r-a,
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but he's still winless. cubs host the dodgers this afternoon. sox trying to win the series against the indians. they're down three- nothing in the fifth... alejandro de aza singles in a pair to pull within a run... he was three- for- five. still down a run in the seventh, when danks gives up his second home run... this time a three- run shot. danks allowed six earned runs and nine hits over seven innings. dunn hit his seventh homer but sox lose 7-5. they visit detroit tonight. marian hossa says "he's still not feeling like himself," but he is making some progress since a vicious hit knocked him out of the playoffs two weeks ago. hossa is recovering from a concussion at his home in slovakia. he says it will be awhile before he resumes hockey activities, but he should be ready for training camp. the coyotes' raffi torres called to apologize for the hit but hossa says it was a short conversation. torres is appealing his 25- game suspension.
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the baseball that once symbolized the curse of the boston red sox... is up for grabs today at an auction. the ball slipped through bill buckner's legs in game six of the 1986 world series... giving the new york mets the win. the mets went on to capture the world series title. the ball's expected to sell for more than 100-thousand dollars today. the current owner is songwriter seth swirsky. he bought it from charlie sheen for 93-thousand dollars in 1992. that's a look at sports. your live illinois lottery drawing is next.
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active, i eat right and i switched to one a day women's active metabolism, a complete women's multivitamin, plus more -- for metabolism support. and that's a change i feel good about. [ female announcer ] from one a day. i'm tom... i'm sue... i'm carol. and this is my cvs pharmacist. i found out i had cancer. diabetes. i had a heart attack. so, i needed help with my medications. because mixing them... can be dangerous. not with maria around. not with pete.
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not with nakea. alerting you to potential drug interactions. another reason to transfer your prescriptions today. ♪ i'm sue, and i bring all my prescriptions to my cvs. on the medical watch-- a bionic eye implant will allow a man see his wife for the first time. doctors implanted a three millimeter microchip into the head of chris james, who lost his sight 22 years ago. the sensor has 15-hundred electrodes that detect light in the eye, and transmit electronic signals to the brain. james and his wife were married seven years ago. so far he can only see shapes, but doctors say he'll soon be able to recognize her face as his brain re-learns how to see.
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consider adding a helmet to your storm survival kit. federal health officials say although finding shelter quickly is most important having a helmet might also help. the centers for disease control and prevention reccomend people protect their heads because head injuries are common causes of death during tornadoes. researchers at the university of alabama agree... citing when a tornado ripped through alabama in 20-11... eleven of the 21 fatalities resulted from head and neck injuries. a new product promises to get you "instantly drunk" with just one spray. it's called "quantum sensations." basically, you use it like a breath spray.. only it doesn't freshen your mouth, it gets you buzzed. the maker says side effects are brief.. and the drunk feeling wears off in moments. in fact, you would need 1- thousand sprays to equal the level of one conventional drink. the spray sells for 26-dollars a bottle. it was unveiled recently at an exhibition in paris. but there is no word.. when the spray will be avaialble in america.
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it's time to get going. to put more giddy-up in our get-along. it's time to start gellin' with dr. scholl's... ... and mix a little more hop in our hip-hop. with the energizing support and cushioning of dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles ... you'll want to get up and go. it's time for a lunchbreak... chef patricio sandoval from mercadito is back with us today. we are making a great mole sauce
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the original recipe consists of 32 ingredients ... it is a process it takes about six hours to make we fry everything in pork fat and make three different purees... in working with the chili peppers you do not want to burn anything becomes better.itter. you want the royal to be very hotoil to be very hot. and then you make three different purees the chilies
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is a secret ingredient in this mole garlic raisins plan taine's bread and tortilla ... i adapted my own recipe >>i had no idea this was so diverse with ingredients ... you use chicken stock to loosen the puree ... once all of these pastes are made ... you friday puree of the chili peppers you want to get all of the liquid and out is that like a paste
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... this is a very long arduous process ... everything is cooked in pork fat. you had the rest of the ingredients after 20 minutes of the chili pepper puree frying ... then you mix everything well adding the rest of the ingredients you cook it for another hour. you have to keep steeringtirring the pot... after an
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additional half an hour you ed the mexican chocolate. the traditional dish we serve with this is chicken with rice mercadito's cinco de mayo celebrations kick off tomorrow at 11:30. they are locatd at 108 w. kinzie in chicago. and for more information on today's recipe or to watch the segment again.. log on to as i get older i'm making changes to support my metabolism. i'm more
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active, i eat right and i switched to one a day women's active metabolism, a complete women's multivitamin, plus more -- for metabolism support. and that's a change i feel good about. [ female announcer ] from one a day. [ water ] hey, it's me water. does this faucet make me look fat? probably because of the lead i can pick up in your pipes. luckily, pur water filters remove 99% of lead. ahh, now i can fit into my skinny glass. hello. i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder
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with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips throat or tongue stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer.
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and now the answer to today's trivia question: the battle of puebla which was fought may 5th, 1862 took place between mexican forces and the who? a) french. b) spanish. c) americans. the answer: a) the french. it's the fog he windy and cool along the lake ... tomorrow will dry up a bit but we will have showers sunday into monday ... we are 20 degrees cooler than we were yesterday ... it will remain in the '50s that the lakeshore this afternoon ... tomorrow we will get into the '70s but in the fifties and low
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67 degrees tomorrow to the low '70's for the west ... showers sunday and monday we have video of the school safety during tornadoes tonight thanks for joining us today. we hope you have a great weekend. we leave you with more from scott may and his one-armed orchestra.... performing next saturday at the montrose room at the hotel intercontinental rosemont.
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