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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  May 16, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT

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several miles of fencing is going up around mccormick place as chicago prepares for the nato summit ... good afternoon i'm steve sanders >>and dine jeanette i am dina bair we welcome all our viewers on wgn america tonya francisco has the top story these men are enjoying one of the last few days before super tight nader restrictions began putting this south loop neighborhood on lockdown that live on those high rises near
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mccormick place the building has notified the residence i didn't even read the my know i am leaving town >>i don't wanna be around the mess with a traffic i don't think it's a bad thing the security but i don't want to be here ... crews hired by the city put up highwalls security fencing surrounding mccormick place to ensure a security bubble for the dignitaries and the president while the meeting takes place >>i wonder if garry mccarthy or rahm emanuel didn't have someone driving around if they would be bothered by this to ... would want to do this to themselves? it is frustrating for the rest of us >>a salon on the 1100 block of south wabash decided to abort
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its windows and put the pampering on hold until after the summit was over ... street crews were beautifying the neighborhood ... this woman says she's looking forward to all the extra security and the ceremonial aspect ... >>i am proud of the neighborhood and the president and i know chicago will be well represented >>lake shore drive will be closed from bell bowed to the 35th street area ... protesters angry about the housing crisis are marching downtown today demanding a moratorium ... robert jordan is live
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>>just to give you a scene of what it's like here in the loop we had an opportunity to go around this morning there is a much heavier security presence in all the office buildings especially the ones in the financial district ... the city is much more fortified ... with nato beginning this weekend we are already beginning to see protest marches nearly every day this week today under the watchful eye of the chicago police department these have become dress rehearsals if you will for the bigger event schedule for the weekend >>we want tom darfur to impose a one-year moratorium on economically motivated foreclosures that includes public and residential housing
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to accomplish that goal 200 demonstrators marched to locations in the loop to make noise and draw attention >>no political changes have happened in the housing crisis ... we see the moratorium as a way to pressure the banks and the politicians to do the right thing it's a moral imperative communities united against foreclosures and evictions say that they have an effective once before in getting the cook county sheriff's to announce a moratorium ... so they are calling for another ... >>we want people to get the same treatment that the banks to adjust or bailed out have received ... these hard working people did not cause economic presence ... tom dart has the
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power to enforce the moratorium on foreclosures >>we are here to demand this moratorium so that families can negotiate with banks and stay in their homes some members of the coalition will have an opportunity to meet but the sheriff to pitch their idea for the moratorium on evictions ... speaking with hillard heintze the private security consulting firm we need to be prepared for some violence ... >>there are three types the obedient ones, the ones to are
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participating in civil disobedience and the anarchists who are the violent ones he also read that both police and demonstrators have stepped up their game monitoring social media ... metra riders will be able to board at the 95th street station on the last day of the nato summit. the station was one of the five stops along the metra electric district line that was set to be closed monday. the agency says it will have enough security in place to keep the station open. the other stops between 63rd and 107th streets will be closed25 metra stations in all will be closed monday, including the entire blue island branch. the closures could affect thousands of commuters. the downtown illinois secretary of state's offices will be closed during the nato summt.
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the secretary of state's facility in the thompson center on randolph will be closed friday and monday. also shutting down for the summit are "drivers license facilities" at 17 north state and 69 west washington. all other locations will be open friday and monday. some workers in downtown chicago are being told to stay home during the days of the nato summit. boeing is now added to that list. a spokesperson for boeing says employees who work out of the chicago headquarters--will be allowed to work from home on monday. wgn will have complete coverage of the nato summit this weekend. our coverage kicks off saturday morning with the wgn morning news at 6 am. on sunday, we will have special editions of the wgn morning news from 6-9, as well as the midday news from 11 to one. you can also catch an expanded special edition of the wgn evening news following the cubs- sox game. we'll also have all day coverage on, and cltv. an arrest warrant has been issued for a man ... whose bride was murdered, shortly after their wedding. 26-year-old estrella carrera was found stabbed to death in a bathtub sunday morning. she was still wearing the dress that she wore to her wedding
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reception friday night. burbank police suspect her husband, 30-year-old arnoldo jiminez killed her. he is also the father of carrera's youngest child; a 2 year old son. jiminez was last seen driving a black, four-door maserati with illinois license plate l-6-4-1-4-4-1. carrera's family say she hid her engagement from them until after the wedding. day here at this elementary school ... jordan oliver was set to finish fifth grade in a few weeks and instead her family is preparing for funeral. classmates are honoring 11 year- old jordan oliver with flowers
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and memories in the neighborhood where she grew up there is heartache >>she does everything a little girl her age would be doing she was an angel >>and a pond behind the elementary school she and her friends played a daring game. >>she couldn't swim she jumped in for a second round ... a friend jump in the water to try to save her but it was too late >>divers found her 12 ft. under cpr was performed in she was rushed to a hospital but doctors couldn't save her ... there are crisis counselors available throughout the bolingbrook school system she is being remembered as a sweet outstanding student. >>she was wonderful excited to
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be here a pioneer elementary school interested in going forward to middle school this would have been her last year here >>she was the youngest of four children within the family >>she was a beautiful good hearted little girl and angel >>they'll over family is well known in this district to older still dumplings aresiblings are outstanding athletes ... we spoke to the father but he was too distraught to comment chicago police are looking for two men who stabbed several members of the guardian angels volunteer security patrol overnight. the guardian angels were attacked when they tried to stop a robbery on the c-t-a red line.. at the clark and division stop. they were standing on the platform, waiting to get on a train, when they saw a man
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pistol whip a passenger and take his i-phone. when they intervened, a second man pulled a knife and stabbed the four guardian angels. one was stabbed in the head the heather has 11 stitches in the arm >>i have 17 stitches in my arm another received four stitches in the lower rib >>the attacker came out and started pursuing ... there could of been a shooting or a murder but there wasn't ... >>coming up next new information about the extent of the injuries that george zimmerman suffered on the night he shot and killed 17-year-old trayvon martin. the defense team rests its case in the corruption trial of john edwards without calling edwards or his mistress to the stand. and rumors swirling about the upcoming iphone 5 and the larger feature it will have.
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a medical report shows the florida man charged in the death of an unarmed teenager was injured in that fatal confrontation. george zimmerman is accused of killing trayvon martin last february.. as the teenager walked from a convenience store back to the house where he was staying. zimmerman's family doctor did a medical exam the following day. sources tell cnn zimmerman was diagnosed with a fractured nose, two black eyes, and two lacerations on the back of the head. martin's family and supporters have said zimmerman unfairly profiled martin as a troublemaker. john edwards defense team has rested its case, in his corruption trial. the former presidential candidate did not take the stand, neither did his former mistress, rielle hunter. his daughter, cate edwards upham was expected to testify today but she also, was not called. edwards is accused of accepting nearly one million dollars in campaign donations to cover up his extramarital affair. he has pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. closing arguments are set to begin tomorrow. the long awaited war crimes trial of the former bosnia serb commander is underway. ratko mladic is accused of orchestrating a horrific campaign of ethnic cleansing... during the civil war that ripped apart yugoslavia in the early 90's. in court today ... he appeared to threaten victims in open court.... drawing a hand across his neck as if cutting a throat. 8-thousand unarmed muslim men
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and boys were slaughtered in 1995 in the former yugoslavia. greece will have to hold new elections next month. the next round of voting will take place on june 17th. the last election that was held ten day ago... didn't produce a clear winner. voters punished politicians at the polls... angry about tough budget cuts. a so-called caretaker administration will run the country until the new election. facebook to offer more shares during its initial ipo. the days top business stories next. and later in the medical watch too much sugar wont just make you fat.. it will also make you dumb. the findings of a new study. and later, we are making an italian-style flat bread sandwich in lunchbreak.
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i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle.
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that's why i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips throat or tongue stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer.
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live from the new york stock exchange we have a new sign today that the housing market is stabilizing more ground was broken on new home construction ... cheaper homes record low mortgage rates are helping to lift demand ... the low mortgage rates are leading statistics and refinancing ... facebook is on its way to being the second largest initial public offering in history ... it will surpass that of general motors and trail visa as the largest of all time. oil prices will be falling to the lowest level in six months as u.s. supply grew to its
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largest since 1990 ... and government talks in greece have fallen once again ... we have a bit of a mixed trading session here at the new york stock exchange the government negotiations in greece are affecting things ... and the new i-phone may have a larger display ... 4 in. diagonally compared to 3 1/2 inches currently ... that production will begin next month on the new i-phone it will be available in the fall. coming next we are speaking to a defense and security expert
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about the role of nato and why the international organization is still necessary and later and over the counterl,b8b8b0axbxb0apb
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nato was created more than 60 years ago to preserve the stability and prosperity of western europe.
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but since nato's mission has changed. joining us by phone to talk more about the role nato in the current global world is stephen flanagan... a defense and international security expert with the center for strategic and international studies... a bipartisan nonprofit organization. good afternoon it is nice to be with you ... >>in your role you deal alot with those homeland security and global security challenges lots of people are worried about this weekend ... do you have any advice for the police or the people of chicago? >>i think that there has been an enormous amount of planning going into this effort and the recognition that it would be a major national security event ... and that triggers prudent preparations i have not seen any signs that there is any concern about major disruptions being
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planned or any direct security threats but in today's date and age you can never be sure washington went through this in 1999 without any incident i remain optimistic. chicago will come through this unscathed. >>what will be discussed and what should be discussed? >>there is a three part agenda the first the afghan commitment. the kind of support there will receive after 2014 ... and at a time of tight fiscal conditions in canada the united states and europe how do you maintain the stability required so there'll talks about the value out of existing defense resources otherwise known as smart
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defense. and discussions about countries that have worked closely with nato and current operations and how we can continue to work with them to it vance our mutual security. >>we had a poll question about the protesters message being cohesive most people feel that it is not but there is overwhelming protest against nato ... why is nato important? >>is there to protect the democracies and free markets we share as allies in the western countries ... that is the fundamental mission an attack against any of us is an attack against all of us we have to come to one another's mutual aid and we have common economic interests ... we also see them
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making contributions to international insecurity is or instability like libya >>americans have picked up a disproportionate share of the bill for running nato and one could argue that the europeans have been enjoying generations of prosperity since the big war ... is this a reality since there has been acceptance? >>this is not the reality ... the congress is frustrated that there has not been shared burden with the european allies ... former secretary of defense
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william gates noted that during the cold war era europe was sharing 50 percent of the total nato defense spending now is only 25 percent the united states is carrying an in equitable burden ... there's also sharing risk and responsibility in operational missions ... with the summit is aiming to do is to get their rectification of the imbalances and get commitments ... especially with afghanistan insuring that it does not revert to that law less space that becomes the launching pad for terrorism >>coming up next a cooler day today.. but summer like warmth is set to return.
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crowd goes wild. [ imitates crowd cheering ] we have a real episode of heat coming next week. it could be a very warm summer. we are still way above normal at this point in may 6th decreased to be exact ... it will be born this weekend we have more on the win next week we will discuss that in and moment we are taking a look at these great shots: that's in the rockford area.
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look at those bumpy clouds on the underside of the thunderstorms ... this is from mount prospect: a beautiful shot of some of these clouds ... this is another of one of those rainbows. quite a display by mother nature ... some of those thunderstorms were 43,000 ft. tall thick produced gusting wind of 43 mi. per hour ... there are calling temperatures but with a gorgeous day here in chicago ... this is the first to
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unhealthy warm spells ... the first will put us close to 90 degrees this weekend. the other will happen next week the plains states are warming with those southerly wind gusts. 62 degrees right now in chicago. there are weather watches in new england for big thunderstorms at the lakefront there's a 25 degree temperatures drop over 24 hours since yesterday. we were at 46 degrees a year ago compared to 86 degrees yesterday seen here in the chicago area
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86 degrees at o'hare yesterday. all areas up to the lake front will be warm this weekend. let's enjoy the cool wind and the flow humidity for today the winds are north northeast at 13 at o'hare low mold spore counts the grass pollen is i other pollen counts are moderate and we are looking at this morning's temperatures on the map
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there is the view from northwest suburban harvard. we will get into some really warm air. it will be warmer tomorrow but it will be down right up over the weekend with high humidity and nearly 90 degrees. we will be about seven degrees above normal over the next several days. looking at friday and through
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the weekend ... monday we will have a cooler air flow with some showers possibly ... and then this has heatwave written all over we will get a warm air down later next week is not unheard of but it is early for all this warm weather. we have a lovely cool night for a sleeping tonight. scattered clouds cool tonight mid-40s 51 degrees at o'hare.
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thursday will be warm and lots of sunshine ... into the '70s. the high will be 85 friday near 90 saturday and sunday with the humidity coming. summer overtones ... this is the eighth consecutive month we have been way above normal temperatures >>time now for today's trivia how many countries are part of nato the answer is still my mother
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and launch their dreams. go to legalzoom today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. time for sports. the bulls announced they will pick up the option for coach tom thibodeau, and work on a long- term deal. management also wants to talk to luol deng about his injured wrist this off season. the biggest update was on derrick rose, after his successful knee surgery over the weekend. rose's doctor says he'll miss eight- to- twelve months, and it could take even longer for him to regain his explosiveness. our very own frank holland throwing out the first pitch at the sox game. they led the tigers six- nothing in the sixth... but jake peavy gives up two home runs to migeul cabrera and ryan raburn ...peavy did not make it out of the inning. sox still up a run, when austin jackson homers to cap off an eight- run inning for the tigers. sox lose 10-8... wasting a five- for- five day from a-j
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pierzynski. the sox visit the angels tonight, ahead of this weekend's cross town classic at wrigley. cubs going for the two- game sweep in saint louis. they're down a run in the ninth and alfonso soriano hits his first home run of the year to tie it... ending a drought of 119 at- bats. still tied in the bottom of the inning... when yadier molina wins it for the cardinals with a walk- off single. cubs lose 7-6, though bryan lahair hit his tenth homer. the phillies visit wrigley tonight. your live illinois lottery drawing is next. good afternoon ... here are the winning pick three numbers: 8 3
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9 here are the winning pick four numbers: 9 3 4 3
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and there's lots of cool stuff happening with progressive mobile. great! tyler here will show you everything. check out our new mobile app. now you can use your phone to scan your car's vin or take a picture of your license. it's an easy way to start a quote. watch this -- flo, can i see your license? no. well, all right. thanks. okay, here we go. whoa! no one said "cheese." progressive mobile -- insurance has never been easier. get a free quote today.
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[ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. aspirin, for pain? can't remember the last time i took aspirin. i don't think aspirin's for body pain. aspirin is just old school. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 92% of people who tried it said they would buy it again. what's different? it has micro-particles. enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of pain. visit today for a special trial offer.
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state lawmakers have approved a ban on the possession and distribution of shark fins in illinois. shark fin is considered an asian delicacy.. and lawmakers say chicago's chinatown is a hub for its sale and consumption. sponsors of the ban say it's intended to prevent the practice of removing the fin, and then releasing the shark back into the water. shark finning is already illegal in u-s waters.. but so far, only a few coastal states ban shark fin possession.
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in medical watch... you may soon be able to test yourself for h-i-v and quickly learn the results... in the privacy of your own home. an f-d-a advisory panel voted yesterday to recommend the agency allow the at-home h-i-v test to be sold in stores. it's a simple mouth-swab test with results in about 20- minutes. f-d-a officials say the benefits of the test outweigh the potential risks of false positive and false negative results. they also say it would encourage more people to get tested. about 20-percent of h-i-v positive people are unaware of their status. scientists are testing a pill to see if it can help people stay sober when drinking alchohol. the researchers say the drug "iomazenil" may negate some of the effects of alcohol on the brain. using driving simulators.. volunteers will be tested to see if they function more safely behind the wheel when they take the drug before drinking. the researchers say a medication with the potential to block alcohol's effects in the central nervous system could
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become a unique treatment for intoxication and alcoholism. there's another reason to cut back on sweets. a new study find too much sugar is bad for your brain. researchers at the university of california los angeles found that rats who were given high- fructose corn syrup had a hard time finding their way through a maze. rats who were also given omega- 3 fatty acids navigated through the maze much faster. researchers say the findings illustrate that what you eat affects how you think. health officials say the average american consumes more than 40-pounds of high-fructose corn syrup a year. the sweetner is commonly added to soda, processed foods and condiments. lunchbreak is next: we are making a prosciutto and fresh cheese sandwich. ok! who gets occasional constipation,
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diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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it's time for a lunchbreak... jonathan fox, executive chef at la madia.. is here with us today. we are going to make a sandwich and some salad ... >>we are a pizza and it one place serving lunch and dinner ... today i thought i would bring some lunch items that are popular at the restaurant the first is the arugula salad
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... it's made with organic ingredients... i am thinly slicing some apples toss back in with the greens and then we have roasted grapes we roast those with fresh thyme and a sweet white dessert wine. we ed spicy wiladd spicy toasted walnuts ... walnut dressing toss the
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salad and plate it with grated parmesan. and flat sandwiches.... the bread is made from the pizza dough. what we have done is taken our special pizza dough and we have made these smaller breads ... they puff in the oven and then when you go to cut them they will be crispy and inthin.
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these are light and healthy and fresh. we take more arugula some olive oil, some fres lemon juice and then a slice of tomato we use barrato a special mozarella from italy very fresh and creamy. a
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slice of this on the sandwich and then my favorite pro sciutto. very thinly sliced. it needs to be transparently thin. we slice it and serve it with our salad.
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and it one more la madia is open for lunch dinner and late-night dining. they are located at: 59 west grand avenue in chicago. this is a great fresh chicken salad with organic chickens lettuce sweet currants and a mustard dressing....and for more for months, i had this deep pain all over my body. it just wouldn't
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go away. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now i can plan my days and accomplish more. lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. with less pain i'm feeling better now that i've found lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain.
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if you're one of those folks who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... well, shoot, that's like checking on your burgers after they're burnt! [ male announcer ] treat your frequent heartburn by blocking the acid with prilosec otc. and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. are members of nato.
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all nato all the time. we have high pressure in the area ... we are getting a cool down today but we are expecting a strong southerly flow from the plains states and the gulf of mexico pumping up the temperatures and humidity. the southerly wind will overcome the cooling effect of lake michigan this weekend ... looking at the map we see what's coming up from texas ... the weekend is when it will begin to
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get humid. and in new england we have the thunderstorms reaching that region from what we saw yesterday. rain is all around us but not here in chicago. we will be dry through much of the weekend there is a slight chance of a thunderstorm to the west of us on monday possibly sunday evening ... 76 degrees tomorrow 85 degrees friday 89 degrees saturday and sunday ... and thank-you tom


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