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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  May 18, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm CDT

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nurses from around the world are in chicago -- they are rallying for a robin hood tax to help health care. good afternoon. i am steve sanders. and i'm dina bair. nancy loo is live from daley plaza ... >> i am in the effect of this rally ... this has been more like a dance party. we are going to step through you can see a mix of people in this crowd here is someone from the national nurses united organization ... what do you think about the turnout and what is the plan
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for today? >> the plan is for nurses to help heal the world along with all the other community supporters with us today we are promoting the robin hood tax which is a small tax 50¢ on every hundred dollars of financial transactions ... >> there are lots of police and secret service here at daley plaza does it bother your group? >> no. we think this is over protection nurses are all about healing not harm >> there are other groups here however is their concern for something getting stirred up a question mark, off certainly not nurses promote nonviolence in their actions ... we will turn around and get back into the crowd ... later on we
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expect a performance by the former guitarist from rage against the machine ... because of his performance police were concerned that the crowd would be growing and wanted to get this moved over to the band shell but the nurses prevail to keep it on daley plaza ... erin mcelroy is live in skycam 9 it's always a different perspective from up here in the helicopter ... this rally looks quite peaceful and organized from up here you can see is a dense crowd of those red t- shirts there are over one dozen bicycle officers there is temporary fencing on the
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adjacent corners of the plaza we are also seeing lots of buses from the air those are used as movable barricades' they have not been moved as of yet. it is amazingly quiet here for friday afternoon with businesses closed and commuters avoiding the city. there is some traffic near lakeshore drive because of the cross town classic over at wrigley field ... this rally is expected to close around 2:00 ... the city wanted a peaceful rally and thus far it seems to be working well president obama's first meeting at nato will be with the president of afghanistan. the weekend summit will approve a formal shift in military --
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to afghanistan leading its own security. the us is to pick up between a half to three-quarters of the costs. before world leaders come to chicago many are attending the g eight summit in cannes david maryland with the president and was originally planned to be held in chicago but president move did to camp david ... government security forces will be monitoring the security situation surrounding the nato summit this is the multiple agency communications center at an undisclosed location fbi officials say that the summit could make chicago a target for
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an attack but they say that there are not any credible threats at this time 43 state local and federal agencies and utility companies will staff this room 24 hours a day beginning today hospitals in the chicago area are also preparing for the nato summit the university of chicago medical center is setting up a plan to make sure that their staff can get to work the hospital leaders are also making sure that they're ready for some of the worst case scenarios as such as a chemical or biological attack their decontamination trailer is in place and train staff members will be standing by to page police will have to borrow interoperable radios from the other agencies in order to communicate with the emergency departments for the nato summit the emergency telephone system
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says that this should have never happened they say that the sheriff's department waited over one year to sign an agreement that would have given them over $3 million and radio equipment to page police could not give a direct answer on while the agreement was not signed earlier but they insist they are well prepared for this weekend chicago's police union is trying to capitalize on all the attention of the nato summit to press its demand for more police officers the fraternal order of police has posted billboards like this one on the kennedy expressway smaller posters now appear on dozens of cta buses fell in a handful of el stations and on digital billboards the fraternal order is trying to pressure mayor emanuel to make good on his promise to put more than 1000 new officers on the street state to into wgn for coverage of the nato summit our special
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reports kickoff saturday morning with the wgn morning news at 6:00 on sunday will have special editions of the morning news from six in the morning until 9 as well as a midday news from 11 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and expanded edition of the wgn isspivanpaon
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lots of buzz at today's crosstown classic at wrigleycubs pitcher kerry wood is retiring. w-g-n's judy wang is live at wrigley, and spoke with fans. we have learned that no news conference is planned for today and that he will pitch sometime this weekend before retiring fans tell us they are sorry to hear the news but known health
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issues have no one's surprise too hear of this retirement ... he is best known for his play during his rookie of the year season ... he has played for the cleveland indians and for the new york yankees returning to the chicago cubs' organization in 2011 ... >> i think it is his time. he hurt his arm. they played him a lot. >> i am not surprised his arm is not what it used to be and has not been for a long time ... it's a shame that he could not have had a longer and healthier
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career >> he is a big part of the cubs legacy it is sad to see him go. >> 14 years in the majors most of it with the chicago cubs' organization he is retiring at the age of 34 years old if you're going to any of the crosstown classic games, you'll notice extra chicago police officers... since the rivalry is coinciding with the "nato" summit. the cubs have not announced any additional security measures inside the ballpark. k-9 teams from the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives have checked out the ballpark. the top u-s commander in afghanistan will throw out the first pitch at saturday's game. nato says it isn't aware of any dignitaries that might be attend any of the games. we're learning more about the injuries suffered george zimmerman on the night trayvon martin was shot and killed. and the facebook frenzy is underway... find out how much shares have jumped in just the first hours of trading.
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not once in my life did i ever think i would have heart disease. she just didn't fit the profile of a heart event victim. she's healthy, she eats properly. i was pushing my two kids in a stroller when i had my heart event. i've been on a bayer aspirin regimen ever since. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i know if i take my bayer aspirin i have a better chance of living a healthy life. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook.
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four of the nine protesters, arrested earlier this week in bridgeport have been released from jail. but five remain... and police have not yet filed charges against them. all are members of the occupy movement. their attorney claims they are being targeted un-fairly. >> we believe they have been targeted for their political action ... there were protesters that came here from out of town part of the occupy movement no comment from police so far. but the national lawyers guild refutes claims by the chicago police department that molotov cocktails were recovered in the raid.. of an apartment in bridgeport. the attorneys claim, police
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confiscated home brewing equipment -- not molotov cocktails. a press conference is scheduled to take place.. about a half hour from now. we'll have more on the wgn news at 5. we're getting a new look at trayvon martin; hours before he was shot and killed in fabruary in florida. surveillence video featuring martin, was released yesterday as part of the discovery phase of george zimmerman's murder trial. there are also new photos of zimmerman's injuries. the evidence includes: a police document, saying that zimmerman could have avoided the encounter if he had stayed in his car and waited for police to arrive, after he called 9-1-1. zimmerman's attorney claims the incident could have been avoided if martin was not in the complex. the f-b-i has issued a federal warrant for the arrest of arnoldo jimenez. jimenez's, new bride estrella carrera was found murdered sunday at the couple's apartment in burbank. police say, jimenez called his sister, and told her he had a fight with his new bride and left her bleeding. the f-b-i tracked cell phone calls by jimenez, and concluded he made a run for the mexican border after his wife's murder. drew peterson will finally stand trial for the murder of his third wife. a will county judge has set the date for july 30-th, with jury selection to start a week
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earlier. peterson is charged with the murder of kathleen savio.. who was found dead in her bathtub in 2004. her death was ruled a homicide. peterson is still the only suspect in the disappearance of his fourth wife stacy peterson. but he has not been charged. released its first ad of the genereal election today. the commercial, titled "day one", details what romney's first day of his potential presidency would look like. the ad promises romney would immediately approve the keystone pipeline, introduce tax cuts and reward job creators. it shows videos and photos of the candidate with u-s workers. the ad will run in the battleground states of ohio, north carolina, virginia and iowa. facebook users are "liking" this: the company's stock is now public. c-e-o mark zuckerberg rang the opening bell for the nasdaq market today... from his headquarters in menlo park, california. the company priced its i-p-o at 38-dollars a share.
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that price jumped by 13 percent to 43 dollars at one point but that quickly fell. there were so many last-minute orders that trading, initially set for ten o'clock this morning, was delayed nearly 30 minutes. tom skilling as coming u [ female announcer ] research suggests the health of our cells plays a key role throughout our entire lives. ♪ ♪ one a day women's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. ♪ ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants to support cell health. that's one a day women's 50+ healthy advantage.
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. ment there is a warm weekend happening but rain is coming >> most of the hours this weekend will be nice ones until the storm centers the area.
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temperatures have been in the warming mode for some time now. we have a 60 degree lake michigan and temperature that is amazing that usually doesn't happen for another three weeks that's what happened last year anyway ... the lake level is down 2 in. from one year ago as well that is the product of a lighter than average precipitation over the lake michigan water basin. storms are developing to the west that is a factor as the weekend continues but not until sunday. there are strong southerly winds blowing through the united states from the gulf of mexico all the way
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to the canadian border. we're on the 13th day at or above 80 degrees in the chicago area ... some of the plains states have seen 98 degree temperatures are real heat wave. there is a big dome of warm air pushing temperatures into the 80s this morning to states west of illinois ... the beach communities will be a bit cooler.
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humidity is 30% we have a dry air the do point is only 42 percent and the pollen counts are low. sunburning times are 20 minutes at 1:55 minutes at 4:00 p.m. you want that sunscreen. is currently 78 degrees university park in wrigley ville people are getting ready for the crosstown classic ... we're in the mid-70s pretty much all around the metropolitan chicago area. that will be the case for a while today. there
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are some wild fire watcherss in michigan there is a continuing risks of wild fires we're looking at the wind ... out west in colorado. that means we will be windy here tomorrow and on sunday and it will grow more humid. over 1 in. of rain may come down sunday into monday morning at rochelle
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the headline is the warm weather in will be the warmest weekend so far in 2012 lakefront areas will cease and cooling today and tomorrow. here long-term temperature readings ... first five days big departure the next five days 10 degrees above normal ... we have a warming trend happening. i think we will have a warm summer here in chicago.
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we are looking at what is going to happen on sunday late in the day a formidable shower the highs tomorrow will go well into the 80s ... the north shore communities will be the coolest. high-temperature today will be 84 degrees tonight scattered clouds and windy and warm the low temperature will be 58 degrees ... tomorrow hot and sunny and seasonably warm up to 90 degrees west of chicago ... we will have waves of to-4 ft.
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on lake michigan ... 87 degrees on sunday ... there will be a dip in the temperatures monday and tuesday and we should get back up to 90 degrees by late next week into the following weekend. there is a 50 percent chance of showers sunday afternoon into evening there could be downpour's when they arrive. >> lots of stuff happening here in chicago have a great weekend. >> remember stay attuned to wgn
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for nato coverage we will have the morning news at 6:00 tomorrow morning and sunday will have special editions of the morning news as well as the midday news cast you can also follow a son wgn us on wgn ... stay tuned for some baseball we have the crosstown classic coming up
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[ male announcer ] research suggests the health of our c throughout our entire lives. ♪ ♪ one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. ♪ ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants to support cell health. that's one a day men's 50+ healthy advantage.
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