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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  May 24, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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hinks about his prosecutor stepping down. wgn news @ 9 wgn news @ 9 3 teenagers to go swimming and the only to make get out of lake michigan heartbreak at the beach one the girl has yet to be found. top story around the country tonight. the search continues live at the lakefront and near a green leaf avenue >> very sad scene at the beach not looking good it diapers and the water almost three hours to get to find the missing girl. dozens of witnesses here at the beach and three friends teenage girls swimming along the break wall at loyola park. because of the current eight smooth side and a choppy side in the water swimming into the shopping cart
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before 6:00 p.m. at people heard screaming rant towards a the break wall swam over and pulled one of the girls to safety. the third friend went under and never resurfaced chicago police and fire teams deployed immediately we are told as many as nine and divers looking for the third friend the other girl pulled to safety third friend still missing at this hour at one point in the mother showed up at the beach hysterical had to be taken away by chicago police fire medical paramedics. the other girl left about an hour ago we spoke to the man who jumped in to help save one girl stuck against the brick wall. >> she was under a strong current and i was on this side trying to get to her. when i got
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to her she was out of breath helped her swim back to shore warm today but the water is still 60 degrees coldwater waves produce large waves on one side of the brick wall is pretty flat and the other side dangerous waves. >> no lifeguards on duty at the time of the incident one girl st. francis hospital where she is treated the other girl left the scene and hour ago at this hour to chicago police divers looking until the third victim is found. back to you >> who will blink first? showdown between the mayor rahm emmanuel at private company that operates on popular parking meter program the city owes them tens of millions of dollars with the mayor today letting the company know what he thinks of the plant. multimillion dollar standoff between mayor rahm
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emmanuel and chicago parking meters llc >> does not mean going forward it will operate >> the bill is climbing to 500 million dollars not a dime has been paid they need to get paid for money lost due to free parking at spaces out of service for various reasons >> i do not agree with the bill material to do not believe we have the material necessary i have said no to can say that in many languages if required >> the deal of bad from the get go pay more for bad service >> sent a letter for the company asking more information in an antelope but no shaq >> very clear not ambiguous needs interpretation i will send somebody to read that. >> it makes sense to dukedue
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diligence before paying a bill like that >> pushed to city council when mayor daley was an office 75 year deal gave the city $1 billion of most has already been spent tribune reports chicago parking meters $108.5 million gross increase of $36 million from 2010. >> plenty of money already >> joining us to talk about the showdown between the city and the company managing chicago parking meters program is andy shaw president of better government association great to have you here difficult situation for mayor rahm emmanuel. to not draw attention to the man who made the deal with the predecessor of mayor daley
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>> this was a legal agreement outside law firm in a vault happens to be the firm the next mayor " is now working for. you can't at the end of the day it comes down in the fine print. nice that the mayor is fighting but that does not mean it will end >> can they sue us or the city? >> i looked at the tribune website this afternoon when the story broke 242 people weighed in on this and no single issue no single city deal has stirred up more anchor of the public so the mayor of course should be fighting for taxpayers. to his
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credit fighting for us a lot of this stagecraft not real life >> given us a sense of perspective it taxpayers often did not seek pay the park and that one good thing shed light on questionable deals take part of what this tried to do >> mayor daley back and thinking of running for reelection facing several hundred million dollar shortfall either raise taxes or cut a bad deal no time to put this together this is what you get when you rush biggest objection parking privatisation deal it was done in three days without public hearings and we pay the price why we have to fight all of the time transparent and accountable process because when you rush to judgment you paid the price
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later that is what this is about to late the mayor can fight them in court but subject to the small prism of the deal has to eventually go along with that >> how will he pay up eventually it >> $27 million in net profit last year they want to basically a man up in this deal and conceivably cut the city some slack. whether they will or not private business they do not tend to do that enormous profits on this they will for the next number of decades maybe they will negotiate a better deal will not give up all of this money. when you close streets for the nato summit and you lose a parking revenue they argued they should have had that the last thing i will say the city braced $36 million private sector for nato you might argue it mayor rahm emmanuel should tap some of those private
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dollars to settle the parking deal rather than go back to taxpayers because and nato was not supposed to cost us anything. >> meet in the middle somewhere. united states attorney patrick fitzgerald sent politicians from the white house to jail stepping down after 11 years in office suggested time for a change. >> sublette and bat out and in my mind desire for myself to sort out what ever i do next and the office change the right time. >> does not know what his next job will be but what not to run an office he says he is not wired for that asked if he would like to be the head of fbi he has said made for public service joked about rumors he could be, baseball commissioner.
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patrick fitzgerald feels blessed to be top federal prosecutor thanking his team wife at the tujunga children plan to take the summer off what to do next. robert blagojevich speaking of patrick fitzgerald critical of the high-powered prosecutor and the legal system spent $1 billion to defend himself corruption case against his brother tried to regain a reputation after charges against him were dropped. >> civic lesson different from what i learned in school >> robert cloyd once a fundraiser at the brother of powerful governor at a later a defendant today freedman charges dropped from 2010. today two
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years later room full of lawyers at the day the center trying to get his reputation back ad in a perfect world million dollars he spent to defend himself >> if the government brings charges to any of us at the abuse, they should compensate the defendant for what it cost them >> 95% success rate prosecution's robert blagojevich says his idea is not far-fetched paying back the other 5% get and reputation back no dollar that can't do that. talked about media blitz to clear his name 2010 at trial tactics the day his case was severed from his brother's suspicious of government motive turn to the deal down next day prosecutors dropped charges altogether. robert blagojevich claims credible witness in the first trial. also talked patrick fitzgerald force behind the
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charges in front of cameras december 9, 2008 the day the feds taken down a standing governor told the world that not conduct would make a link in the role over in his grave >> reflected on those words. seemed like a good idea at the time. which tells you in all seriousness probably could have had a cold shower sleep add decaf >> allows a prosecutor unbridled power with no accountability >> back to tennessee and looking forward not back for other people's sake advocate for the little guy could fight against government and able to walk away. >> always willing to give the government the benefit of the doubt and anything not anymore. >> did not want to speak about his brother serving time in colorado present at a recent appearance before united states
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house ethics committee launched content congressmen jesse jackson jr. much bigger 2008 pursuing barack obama united states senate seat. >> tragic accident in the south suburbs semi truck plows into a house killing one person in during several more and warning to residents and businesses lincoln park robert rips off several stores and damage control chicago cubs owner try tom ricketts and to mend fences with chicagoans upset campaign pitch by father's super pack and tom skilling forecast sizzling summer weekend.
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and there's lots of cool stuff happening with progressive mobile. great! tyler here will show you everything. check out our new mobile app. now you can use your phone to scan your car's vin or take a picture of your license. it's an easy way to start a quote. watch this -- flo, can i see your license? no. well, all right. thanks. okay, here we go. whoa! no one said "cheese." progressive mobile -- insurance has never been easier. get a free quote today.
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wgn news @ 9 harwood heights police looking for armed robber cigarettes from harlem avenue tobacco store travel to other suburbs to do the same thing. surveillance tape from old chicago tobacco showed a gun and demanded money suspect ran south believed the
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same man struck again at this time with an accomplice. they tied up the store clerk. new tonight police awarding of robberies chicago north side surveillance video caught a crook salon on webster and lincoln park. five businesses hit this small cash taken from the register and leaves described male white 25-30 years old. sometimes wearing black sunglasses or a white woman long blond hair. sounded like a bomb how the owner of a calumet city house described an accident late yesterday semi truck plowed into her home driver of the truck
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loaded with florida oranges was killed 11 year-old daughter survived truck across center line hitting the car on their way home from bible study mother calls survival a miracle. >> amazing to see the car and note the two kids are in their ad did not get hurt at all. >> 37 year old joseph foster pronounced dead at the scene his daughter and two passengers all suffered only cuts and bruises. still ahead chicago cubs owner reaching out to chicagoans controversial had by his father's super pack and a great residents wrigleyville have their say. neil
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[ bell dings ] when it comes to home insurance, surprises can be a little scary. and a little costly. that's why the best agents present their clients with a lot of options. because when it comes to what's covered and what's not, nobody likes surprises. [ click ] [ chuckles ] we totally thought -- [ all scream ] obscure space junk falling from the sky? we cover that. moving on. aah, aah, aah, aah. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪
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[ sponge ] this season's new beauty trend? hands that feel soft and silky smooth! ooh...she's got the look. what's her secret? the gloves? dawn? i don't believe it. [ male announcer ] it's a dishwashing sensation... dawn hand renewal with olay beauty. it contains revitalizing proteins to help smooth skin on hands -- improving their look and feel in just five uses. [ sponge ] soft, smooth... fabulous!
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you're quite the trendsetter. [ male announcer ] for money-saving coupons go to wgn news @ 9 $300 million deal to renovate wrigley field on the line chicago cubs chairman and still tom ricketts on damage control after catching slack. tom ricketts check out to chicago went defendant father's political pack would pitch campaign that would smear president obama fallout could affect wrigley makeover from chicago taxpayer >> super pak that is founded by my father was given pretty controversial racially insensitive material and that.
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tom ricketts noted sister big supporter disclosed registered republican thinks president obama has done a good job. city hall rezoning and development meeting did not even involve the chicago cubs angry over a proposed building of a twin tower developments for senior housing 3600 block of north halsted 270 unit complex on wanted traffic problems to the neighborhood will rent property values. other concerns
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significant increases in congestion and higher tax rates for water sewer and electric infrastructure still ahead warning about what a detergent growing kids are mistaken for candy. new program given a new lease on life for jailed drug addicts. natural bridge one of the few in north america coming up cruisin
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or the most part in jail drug addicts bleak future. this story earlier today how the rap program is changing lives. trials and convictions of violent criminals out about good
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news? unbelievable rehabilitation program designed to to break off of the streets save taxpayers a lot of money at the same time. >> something in the public rarely gets to see hon. judge charles p burns my leg and giving hugs and no-nonsense judge in the court room over tough cases most recently a high-profile trial of william balfour convicted of killing jennifer hudson family members had been out to pull us today judge judge charles p burns down what they have done everything that were supposed to do completed treatment they have been cleaned at least six months program completed >> presides over the rap program which stands for rehabilitative alternative probation talk to your program keeps drug addicts out of jail and on the right path >> this is what the right to
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criminal justice system is all about too much tragedy and despair and failure to date success inspiration rehabilitation >> program started in 1998 more than 1100 men and women have successfully finished but rewards are huge jobs and families back some even have convictions wiped from their record. tyrone evans lives on the west side addicted to heroin >> driver's license 20-30 years to your program not easy of support therapy and community service required to check in with judge judge charles p burns once or twice a month. many have been in and out of present for most of their lives. also lives on the west side >> actually the beginning because no blogger in the program. stepping out on my own
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>> wgn the legal analyst terry soledad >> this program keeping them out of jail saving the taxpayer money but end result putting these people into productive places in society. from the south side graduate today mother of 13 children. >> i have been down knocked out so long and so bad. grateful got another chance. >> we heard many similar stories this afternoon all graduates we push them their best. so successful coming up may 24th record number last number that i hotel california at number one and the charts tom skilling says
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forecast next.
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spivanpaon auto-bliss. with rent2buy from hertz car sales you skip the lots... and pushy sales people... it's a fast, easy way to buy a used car. three days to try. zero pressure to buy. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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i used to only wear sun protection on a beach day. now, i wear it every day. because damaging uv rays are everywhere with olay daily complete uv, its possible to block 92% of harmful rays for naturally beautiful skin in any light. olay daily uv. hot off the presses dust storm tonight. feeling like i am doing the weather in phoenix tonight they have those all of the time the dust storms in the southwest and the deserts' beautiful shops. this really is something
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in traffic accidents stretches of road shutdown from hebron illinois fields have been plowed you run a 50 mi. per hour wind over this and the dust goes airborne at the first time this has happened but major problems today look at the wind blowing over the lake moving offshore as these gusty wind flew into the area you will see the dust lifted off of the beaches sad and so forth by powerful wind producing in the third and 90 degree day of the year and tonight happy to report wild weather to the west storms losing strength at least those in our direction tornado reported last couple of hours not far still a thunderstorm watch wisconsin with a gale wind
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warnings on the lake frost and freeze warnings if you can believe north dakota look at these red flag warnings risk of wild fire about ready to introduce a minor cool down 64 degrees at the twin cities rainfall today numbers in a moment '70s alaska's yukon border days are much water that here the warming is pretty complete we are at 84 degrees right now only 51 degrees and 37 degrees north dakota up into northwest territories mid-60's at this hour. hot weather down in texas expected to their 14 degrees warmer than 24 hours ago. temperatures in backing off corridor of strong southerly wind shifting east and the wind coming down during the day tomorrow costing over 20 mi. per
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hour by morning they will be gone turning easterly and the afternoon. picking up again heat returns late saturday or sunday. temperatures at the momence south wind sustained 18 m.p.h. o'hare and humidity 41 percent we might still fuel a thunderstorm only certain areas shall do that in a moment. rockford hit 93 degrees tied a record. third today above 90 degrees that is the most nineties to this point in the season since 197735 years. still
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82 degrees on the lakefront tonight. you can see it flags extended powerhouse wind. forecast lower in humidity tomorrow but the memorial day weekend rolling hot and record at that on sunday after day of scattered thunderstorms temperatures saturday. some models for estimated rainfall. how much above normal and how much it drops. warming up again after that you can see the key to tomorrow on saturday expanded north or in our direction 100 degree plus heat index to the southern suburbs late in the day on saturday and sunday probably underdone we think 100take hot air
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don't expand after a brief cool off tomorrow powerful jet stream of big storms in the western midwest tonight you can see frequency of the light and fade into the west hall has opened up powerful storms producing tournedos still wisconsin refigure 20 percent of the air thunderstorm tonight out of the area by mourning computer playback the timing of the showers went out tonight redevelop tomorrow and saturday. southwest-west went by morning coming down. during the day tomorrow partly sunny not as hot and less humid cooler by the lakefront and afternoon.
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rainfall is over cooling off nicely next week breaking up these temperatures battle out of the reach of children awarded from parents about new laundry detergent to pack it looks like candy and rooftop pastor purpose gets to thank the celebrity help in the first phase to build a committee center.
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heart attack stroke and other elements. instead of taking calcium supplements get calcium and the diet those who consumed in foods and low-fat dairy drinks no threats. back to you >> new warning laundry and dish detergent poison control experts children swallowing it packets look like candy packet bursts can cause vomiting and problems breathing can require hospitalization. still ahead not natural bridge and sports one of the white sox most durable starting pitchers on the disabled list. [ bell tolls ] agents, say hello to the biggest hailstone in u.s. history. oh, that will leave a dent. which is exactly why we educate people... about comprehensive coverage. yep. the right choice now can pay
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adventure begins with the drive could not be alarmed when you wrote it turns to grapple off the beaten path traveling through illinois deep into ancient forests of oak and hickory. quick descent to the bridge one of the prettiest and nature trails and the state only takes 10 minutes to reach the destination. expanded 90 ft. engineer in marble carved out by the hand of mother nature at its highest point bridge stands 30 ft. over the forest floor stand underneath one of the most curious landmarks of the midwest all in all relatively
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easy hike. walking across amazing middle of the shawnee national forest. cruising the pummeled not natural bridge julian crews cruisin illinois watch newt exclusive
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best water falls southern illinois. i want to go there. tom skilling seven day forecast >> tomorrow warming back up and said the low 80s wind turns to the east looks on target based
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on everything tonight. have a good evening >> the hotel and out demolished
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pastor corey brooks planning to build a community center. thank and. tyler perry coming up white sox take advantage of good hitting conditions miami heat putting the racks on the pacers sports next. pergo has two times the durability of ordinary laminate flooring. to test it, we gave the folks at best friends animal society a makeover. but can pergo stand up to these guys? in the end pergo passed the test. if it looks good here, imagine how it'll look in your home. sears memorial day sale is on... with 60% off swimwear, a craftsman mower for just $199.99 and save $400 on this patio set.
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who threw out the first pitch. the >> trying series at home for the first time this month white sox chance against the dreaded minnesota twins trying what ever it takes to get the south side mojo in the pregame what ever the recent swing it tonight down a 5-4 paul konerko second night and air row leading off the inning tied the game at 5 blown a big lead early alex rios but behind this is deep into the bleachers to back-to-back home runs 6-5 at the same inning loda debases makes the minnesota twins pay the ultimate price grand slam home run to take it
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away on a replay earlier in the game white sox 10-6 lead about to make it 2-3 against the twins. out for awhile sound like a precautionary move >> nothing serious. nothing we want to mess with this early in the season soreness i have never had before which is why i mentioned it bombed about it at the same time looking forward to getting healthy. maybe i did not know well rested. second part of
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the season >> indiana pacers getting a lot of love for not backing down aggressor in most of the game in the series pcs that is over. larry bird called his team out game 5 loss 10. the lead early tonight later in the first half 26 at halftime miami heat had a two-point lead. lebron james off of the bounce hook shot 10 point lead and that more wade write down central an incredible adjustment at the rim 41 points and 10 rebounds tonight i guess he is back advancing to the eastern conference finals chicago sky got off on the right foot of the w nba season now his zeroth in on the home opener against indiana fever nice to pile up momentum early trying to become the first playoff team in
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franchise history brick by brick. batt but first one on the road eastern conference build from this. only one game long way to go growing pains of course i always say if you keep winning doing something right. new york giants receiver al hakeem nicks to three months with a broken foot and britains roger chapman shot lead after senior pga championship and to harbor michigan the pga boys at colonial kyle reifers boom and another 300 yd tee shot if that looked funny here is why the head can write off of the driver on contact still went 315 yds reminded us of another professional at the same thing happened. there goes the club
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head. we love theme parks but with four kids, it can just be too expensive. yeah, so to save money we just made our own. oh no! what could be worse than ninety-foot swells?! typhoon! first prize! it's a cheese grater. wooooo... this isn't scary. are you kidding me? look at that picture of your mom's hair from the '80s. there's an easier way to save. wooohooo... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. did you know when heartburn it's
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