tv WGN Midday News CW May 31, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT
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uld've had a v8. one day after a cargo jet's wing clipped the tail of a passenger plane.. there's been another incident on the the ground at o'hare airport today. nancy loo is live at the airport ... >>those passengers to this took off on another flight to tulsa none seemed to shaken up about that mishap on the landing this morning ... passengers are praising a female pilot of that
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flight >>she landed the plane everyone walked away it was great nobody was hurt >>28 passengers and three crew members were on that flight that reported mechanical problems soon after taking off from tulsa as they awaited their bake-of flight ... >>it seemed like a normal landing but when we did it hit the ground and id veered off and bounced we narrowly missed a bunch of stuff on or near the runway >>we landed we could not stop we tried to turn and went off into the grass >>we saw the engine's reverser
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very hard we stopped just short of the barrier at the end of the runway yesterday there was another incident involving an american eagle commuter jets ... that was a collision with a cargo jet that nicked the tale of a commercial flight ... they are investigating taking a look at the defective landing gear and the passengers are finally back on their way to tulsa the fraternal order of police is accusing mayor emanuel... of avoiding to pay overtime to chicago police officers... who worked during the "nato" summit. wgn's frank holland has more.
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the city said that it will make cash payments to officers working overtime during the nato summit but there is still a dispute as to how much time they are owed ... they handled protesters and traffic and other duties and the city received high praise for its handling of the international event but the police union says that the city mishandled the scheduling of the officers ... the union also says the collective bargaining agreement was violated restricting officer vacations during the month of may and not allowing for compensatory time ... officers will be given the option to get
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that time ... the officers put a statement on the web site that seem to complain about the short changing from the mayor ... these issues will likely be on the table during the ongoing negotiations between the police union and the city the contract expires at the end of june a man who spent nearly 25 years behind bars will be released from prison.. now that prosecutors have unexpectedly dismissed the charges against him. 46 year-old james kluppelberg was convicted of setting a fire that killed a mother and her five children back in 1984. the cook county state's attorney's office was challenging appeal efforts in its case.. but after a new investigation, prosecutors decided to drop the charges. kluppelberg was connected to the deadly fire by a friend who later admitted he lied because he was facing his own criminal charges.
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a horse was found dead on a farm in indiana one day before it was scheduled to race at balmoral park. lady may-z... an 8year-old trotting horse was found by her owner with a gunshot wound between the eys. she was scheduled to race on wednesday in crete. police believe the shooting happened when may-z's owner was training another horse. wednesday's race was scheduled to be a "practice run" for may- z to qualify her for future track events. a neocropsy is scheduled for today. the archdiocese of milwaukee admits it had a policy of paying suspected pedophile priests 20-thousand dollars to leave the ministry. the policy was created under then-archbishop timothy dolan... who is now a cardinal and head of the archdiocese in new york. a group representing survivors of priest sex abuse claims the payments are payoffs and bonuses to men who molested children. the archdiocese says the payments were the quickest way to move accused priests out of the church. some testy moments today in springfield as lawmakers try to work out a deal to reform the state's under-funded pension
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system. {***dina***} and the clock is ticking... the legislative session ends at midnight. wgn's tom negovan is live in springfield with more. >>lawmakers are actually about to read and tear the senate side they want to events the illinois budget and a bill for pension reform the second is the most contentious ... there is a packed house in this executive committee hearing this morning it was a bit contentious ... this will move forward with an amendment that will take some of that pending functionpension funding
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pressure off of the house lawmakers >>to characterize this as everyone working together, we are not sure that that is exactly what went on >>with all due respect your position and title you could have called meetings at any time with any one person and they would have come to your office ... >>we're all tired and short tempered and i believe that there is a policy disagreement on how to proceed ... in defense of the state lawmakers they were added into the wee hours of the morning and back again this morning for the hearings to work out some of the
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wrinkles ... the feeling right now is that even if they can get passage on a pension reform bill perhaps our framework can be worked out well enough to avoid a downgrade in the state's bond rating a bizarre story out of canada involving body parts sent in the mail... and the manhunt for a porn star. an appeals court in boston finds the federal defense of marriage act unconstitutional. and later, we are talking with actor matthew modine about his role in the new batman movie.. we'll be right back [ crack of bat ] ball. ball. [ crack of bat ] [ male announcer ] hanging out with cal has its benefits... so does taking one a day men's. go to to enter for a chance to meet me and watch the 2013 mlb all star game.
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in a move that will likely put the issue squarely before the u- s supreme court... a federal appeals court in boston today declared the "defense of marriage act" unconstitutional. the 1996 law defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. justices said it discriminates against gay couples because it doesn't give them the same rights and privileges as heterosexual couples. the appeals court did not address whether gay couples have a constitutional right to marry. canadian authorities are searching for a man accused of killing an acquaintance, cutting up the body, then mailing the
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body parts to political party headquarters. the suspect is 29 year-old luka rocco magnotta... a self- described porn actor. police say he sent a foot to the conservative party headquarters. he also tried to send a hand to the liberal party, but the package was intercepted at a post office. a torso was found in a suitcase behind an apartment building. officials claim they discovered a video on the internet of him committing the murder. at least one death is reported, as syrian troops shelled the central region of houla again today.. the same area where more than 100 people were masscred last week. the latest shelling came as the united nations secretary general called on syria to stop its attacks. secretary general ban ki-moon said u-n observers monitoring a cease-fire were not there to watch the killing of innocent people. the houla massacre was one of the dealiest incidents since the uprising against syrian president bashar al-assad's regime began in march of last year. the first privately owned speship to dock with the international space station is
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back on earth. the capsule.. called "dragon".. splashed into the pacific ocean about an hour ago. the spacecraft docked with the i-s-s last week, on a test flight for nasa. it delivered more than one- thousand pounds of cargo-- including food clothing, computer equipment and supplies for science experiments. the successful mission has opened doors for commercial firms seeking a role in space travel. jurors for the john edwards campaign corruption trial began their ninth day of deliberations this morning after failing to reach a verdict. the judge in the case held a closed-door meeting yesterday after receiving a note from the jury. it's unknown what the note said but later, the judge dismissed the four alterante jurors for the case. one analyst says this could mean the jurors are making progress or are deadlocked. edwards is accused of using donations to cover up an affair in 2008. he faces up to 30 years in prison, if convicted. president obama is coming to town on friday to attend three campaign fundraisers. the first will be at the chicago cultural center.
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then, he'll attend two dinners at private homes. the cost of a ticket for one of those dinners: 35-thousand 800 dollars. the president will leave the city at about noon on saturday. the cta is trying to raise a little money by selling naming rights to some of its el stations. that story next. and white sox legend frank thomas will join us on the anchor desk. and later in lunchbreak, we are tasting some of the new foods onthe menu at u-s cellular this year.
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progress in the job market may be stalling ... the private payroll company adp said that the country has added 130,000 workers in the month of may that was a short of what economists had predicted ... stocks are responding we have seen a bit of a turnaround of the doubt and to the s&p is a bit higher than the nasdaq ... 401k fees could reduce savings considerably that's the news ... a report shows the average american couple could pay nearly $155,000 in fees for a 401k planned throughout their
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careers ... there is a debate as to whether this is overstated said the government is requiring further disclosure the fda is rejecting a request by archer-daniels midland and others to call their processed product anything other than high fructose corn syrup ... stadiums do it.. so why not train stations? the c-t-a is getting ready to sell naming rights and sponsorships. the c-t-a is offering businesses an opportunity to get as rail station named after them. it's the latest move to generate
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more revenue from non- traditional sources and help head more threats of fare hikes and service cuts. the stations up for naming rights are addison belmont, fullerton, north/clybourn, chicago, grand/state, 79th and 95th on the red line.. ashland/63rd on the green line.. ohare on the blue line.. and midway on the orange line. new york city is poised to take the gulp out of those giant sugary drinks. but first, we are talking with actor matthew modine about an event he's involved with this weekend.
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[ sponge ] this season's new beauty trend? hands that feel soft and silky smooth! ooh...she's got the look. what's her secret? the gloves? dawn? i don't believe it. [ male announcer ] it's a dishwashing sensation... dawn hand renewal with olay beauty. it contains revitalizing proteins to help smooth skin on hands -- improving their look and feel in just five uses. [ sponge ] soft, smooth... fabulous! you're quite the trendsetter. [ male announcer ] for money-saving coupons go to
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it doesn't look like there will be much peace in gotham city. the finale of the batman trilogy.. the dark knight rises... hits theaters in july. and joining the cast.. actor matthew modine. matthew is also the founder of bicycle for a day and he joins us now. welcome. >>i always love coming back to chicago. >>how cool is this you on a back and posterbatman poster ... >>they have made one for all of
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the characters in the past ... i was told that they felt i deserved my own poster and this one was created by a fan ... >>this has to be pretty special >>i am so happy to be invited to this party ... so many great actors ... it is wonderful to be invited happy to be part of it >>what can you tell us? christopher and no land probably hasnolan probably has the plot under tight wraps ... >>we filmed in just about everywhere ... what i can promise is that this will be the
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most unbelievable finality to a film franchise anyone has ever seen >>what is the christian bale experience like? everyone thinks he is not so ... >>not at all he has a tremendous integrity a great sense of humor ... he physically invests in his roles a very passionate actor ... think about that incident on the set of terminator and you would get that impression but he is a great actor great to work with
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>>vision quest ... full metal jacket the list goes on how does this experience compare with your achievement portfolio >>this is very special. so many people compare this director to the late stanley kubrick. christopher and his own right is great ... stanley kubrick taught me a lot about everything in the business and in life ... i cannot compare him to anyone but christopher is someone who stands by that camera he doesn't sit in those video villages ...
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no chairs on the set he participates with the actors in every aspect of the filmmaking and he makes all of the hiring decisions right down to craft services he has nobody on that set that does not want to be their participating >>you are big-time into cycling ... >>i don't race at live in new york city but i just thought this was a good way to help the environment. if we can just raise the percentage of cyclists here in america we would save so much energy ... and people would be all lot healthier three hours
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a week will really seriously lower people's risk of heart disease ... i can be followed on twitter and areas in website ... this event this weekend is open to everyone in glen covecoe... matthew will be serving as the grand marshall at the glencoe grand prix. this saturday from 8:00 a.m.- 10:00 p.m. in downtown glencoe. thank you for coming matthew modine. >>my pleasure aspirin, for pain? can't remember the last time i took aspirin. i don't think aspirin's for body pain. aspirin is just old school. people
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have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 92% of people who tried it said they would buy it again. what's different? it has micro-particles. enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of pain. visit today for a special trial offer.
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we need this rain so desperately i have been getting so many comments from people about how dry things were ... there are big rainstorms on the way in affecting the entire area we have a shot here from a viewer while driving through iowa of these clouds thank-you jeffrey and thanks to everyone who shares their photography with us ... this will be the rainiest event around here in three weeks ... we can use the rain at things
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are dry ... this is less to have made a last day of the meteorological sprang ..ring we have had the sunniest spring on record. and the sunniest month and over a decade this has been the warmest spring we have had the closest we came was 1977 but in 142 years of weather record-keeping we just haven't seen anything like this ... we're going to see the rain coming for quite some time over the next 48 hours ...
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here are the heavy rain showers in the current and the yellow on the map you see these icons flickering those indicate the storms producing the heaviest rain ... it is cool we are in the april level temperatures ... 46 degrees right now it's soldier field that's showing that temperature reading we have some pretty considerable wind gusts happening ...
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we have a cool and windy rain going through the area we are well below normal and temperatures ... we may see some thunderstorms saturday afternoon ... things could be nice by sunday ... we may see six tenths of an inch to 3.5 in. in some of these models around metropolitan area by 4:00 this afternoon we will see downpours in the southern suburbs. the storm will lift through the area tonight but tomorrow morning will have to a steady rain falling right through the lunch hour ... over 1 in. is expected to be accumulated across the entire
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chicago much pollen and areametropolitan area we will see at tapering to sprinkles and showers by late tomorrow afternoon the wind will be a factor through 6:00 this evening ... and they will pick up over 30 mi. per hour maybe 40 mi. per hour at the lakefront overnight ... we will be in the low to mid '50's may be down to the 40's in some places ... we will get
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warmer tomorrow afternoon. in sunday's temperatures we might just reached the low 80s heavy rainfall, abnormally chillly april type temperatures ... tonight the rain will be heavy at times an increasingly windy the low will be 46 degrees ... the rain will diminish to letter more sporadic showers tomorrow the winter will be back around the northwest it may reach 60 degrees scattered afternoon showers may be a thunderstorm ... that's
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saturday we may see a high temperature of 73 degrees. these are the april showers that were not seen in april wgn has launched its largest- ever ticket giveaway in partnership with the white sox! now through labor day, we're giving away four tickets-- every inning-- to an upcoming white sox game at u.s. cellular field. 700 tickets will be given away... but you have to watch the sox on wgn for your chance to win! for more information,check out: [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take
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because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. ahhh, now that's a clean mouth. i just wish it wouldn't fade away so fast. let me show you something. [ dr. rahmany ] as soon as you leave here... plaque quickly starts to grow back. but now there's a way to keep the clean longer. introducing new crest pro-health clinical rinse. it's a clinical breakthrough that actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque at 2 months after a dental visit. plus, it gives you these key benefits. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. crest. life opens up when you do. also try new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste.
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i always thought shingles was associated with people... a lot older than myself. i can tell you from experience it is bad. it's something you never want to encounter. for more of the inside story visit in medical watch.. new york michael bloomberg takes another step to fight the obesity epidemic. bloomberg will propose a ban on sales of large-size sugary beverages by new york city restaurants, mobile food carts movie theaters, and delis. it would include sweetened drinks sold in containers larger than 16 ounces.. with more than 25 calories per 8 fluid ounces, and less than 51 percent milk or milk substitute. sales of diet soda or dairy- based drinks would not be
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affected. statistics show 58% of new york city adults and nearly 40% of public school students are obese or overweight. we've been told over and over about how exercise is good for our health.. but now, a new study may show otherwise. a group of researchers have found that exercise can increase the risk of heart disease. the study examined more than 1,500 people and found that exercise increased the risk of heart disease for about 10% of them. the study also showed good results for about the same proportion of people who showed good responses to exercise. researchers say they don't know what links exercise to increased risk of heart disease. your live illinois lottery drawing is next. please stay with us good afternoon here are your midday winning lottery numbers for thursday may 31, 2012 ...
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>>... here's an umpire in the american leave and news nothingleague who knows nothing about baseball ... that's robin ventura's first ejection as a manager. but the sox are up in the fifth when alexei ramirez drives in another run... he was two-for- three. the sox win their eighth in a row... 4-3. they're now a game- and- a half ahead of cleveland in the central division. joining us now is the white sox all-time home run leader and five-time all-star... frank thomas. thanks for being here! >>my pleasure. robin ventura is so passionate about that team he
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knows the game ... i was also shocked there was no warning ... i don't know if he was ejected because the manager and the pitcher went at the same time that i didn't really get anything he said that what got him ejected his typically even tempered i am not sure ... >>this team is no. 1 in the division what are they doing right and what advice do you have going into this next month of june >>robin ventura is so cool is rubbing off on his team but it is a talented team ... the pitching has been outstanding the betting is good they have powerful players is coming together at one time this is a
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team with a purpose ... i think it death of kevin hickey per has brought the team together ... they have been on fire ever since ... >>and in that moment yesterday you saw the anchor and the eyes of robin ventura when you have all these people coming together isn't it a galvanizing moment? >>i believe he had a right to be met yesterday ... but he said i don't know what i'm doing but it's all happening ... these guys are playing out of their minds excellent ... the experts are keeping quiet right now and the fans are happy.
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>>he is getting close to your record ... >>it's about longevity if he breaks the record more power to him ... >>what advice would you give him >>keep doing what you are doing. he is a great leader. with this balance in the lineup and these power numbers ... no one can take them out so easily ... paul is the catalyst in that lineup but there are some great young talented superstars in the making ... it goes to show you that they're happy as a team together playing >>you have lots of power and you
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spoke out against the use of steroids ... you speak out about drug testing but to instill the message in the younger players ... >>there are no short cuts at this level. an unbelievable job has been performed in cleaning things up ... and these guys are working hard at the game. they are doing the right thing they're spending the extra time in the weight room ... >>frank thomas you have given us many wonderful memories from the south side of chicago it's nice to have you here ...
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to get your feet moving to a different beat. to step up to a new challenge. it's time to start gellin' with dr. scholl's and feel the energy from your feet up. thanks to the energizing support and cushioning of dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles, your feet will feel so good you'll want to get up and go. 3w@%zu@s÷÷h7?/pç@? ;p,?#? uxçñxúpqpñxñófú]pkpvsó+wpo÷iáñ÷pí÷]x÷n0to ñxlñó?ç@@÷/÷p]@zw@o@í@ñxu÷s ó@ñ:o?çwfuxó(wo3÷?lñú:p>ó÷w?÷ow@>nógçñxy
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put onions on this one ... we can also add a fried egg ... you can also put some cheese or barbecue sauce on top as well ... the burger barn is where it's at at the field. we have loaded baked potato offerings ... some traditional some with regional flavors ... >>to get out to the game and enjoy it all of this great food
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in. in wilmettte ... 48 degrees in chicago right now it is cool ... what a change from this past weekend in the upper 90s. the winner will become more of a factor later this afternoon overnight ... we have high grass pollen ... here's the 74 test: 73 degrees saturday 80 degrees sunday and into monday 81 degrees ...
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