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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  July 3, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT

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with just two pills. good eye. this neighborhood has ben buzzing all day and unfortunately that's the generators ... we saw lots of
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doors and windows open this morning to let the cooler air into the homes ... after cleaning up storm debris just the hub of the generators is floating through the streets ... temperatures were well over 80 degrees by 9:00 this morning so the order of the day is the quiet effort to keep cool ... this man chose to stick it out in the heat to help his neighbors >>i can run the air-conditioning because it's too much on the generator i am letting my neighbors have access ... >>the generators are crucial across the western suburbs ... >>this man has lived here 20
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years and calls this the worst storm he has seen ... >>my neighbor was nice and let us run a power cord to his generator ... officials say will be wednesday or thursday when power will be restored to the hardest-hit areas like elmhurst ... officials say could be as late as thursday ... it's dangerously hot out here this afternoon if you or someone knows where the cooling centers are you can access that information also at the wgn website ... >>slowly but surely com-ed crew
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members are restoring power to customers in the past hour alone more than 2000 residents saw their lights go back gone ... dupage county is still the hardest hit area with more than 38,000 customers without power in cook county more than 8000 homes and businesses are still on the dark kane county 99 will county 101 and lake county just 10 customers still waiting for their power to go back on as amy said com-ed is hoping to of all power back on line by tomorrow night ... the suit in wheaton is open today without electrical power that sue was closed on sunday and yesterday to clean up debris from those weekend storms officials are still waiting for power to be restored they say it's not a major problem for the animals however they're taking heat precautions the animals are getting plenty of water frozen treats and ice generators are keeping the animals food from spoiling
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for a five year-old girl was killed in a hit and run accident and now police are looking for a suspect tonya francisco has that story ... >>a man in his 20s was driving a green four-door pontiac grand am last night when he killed the little girl ... the family of monee robinson as upset and not talking ... but the neighbors are and they're upset as well >>they describe the little girl as a happy and smart little girl she was visiting family last night and witnesses say that she darted across the street to play with a friend that's when she was hit by a car that was speeding on the 1500 block of self millard around 8:00 last night >>she was trying to get across the street but the car had just
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left and it kind of flu and she got hit ... >>the impact through that curled down the street the driver stopped looked out the window of the car and then took off ... >>i'm mad she was my best friend ... last week patricia hayes was talking about speed bumps on the block ... >>i called the alderman's office the other day they were saying something about there not being enough revenue generated in the area? well we just have to keep trying ... the neighbors say that the cars are racing up and down this block constantly >>anyone who can help us with the speed bumps and the lighting on this block ... we need more lighting and camera is for that matter to stop bullish shooting in the killing as well ...
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>>the alderman has only been back for one year in this ward but he assures me that the speed bumps will go on this block this year ... he tells me his office is offering a $1,000 reward leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for this ... they want him dead ... he's a man in his 20s driving a green four- door pontiac grand am ... there should be extensive damage on the passenger side of the vehicle ... any information call chicago police ... from lawndale tonya francisco for wgn news ... a 16 year-old boy who fell from the second floor of a vacant building yesterday has died jose morales was inside the former
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ravenswood hospital complex with two friends yesterday morning the teenagers got inside the building through a window after climbing a fire escape police at once inside morales fell from the second floor and landed on concrete he suffered sever internal injuries and died yesterday afternoon the building's owners have been cited for failing to secure and maintain that building the chicago police department will hire as many as 500 new officers this year police superintendent garry mccarthy told the show sun-times that it's the number that the department needs to maintain its current strength 46 police academy graduates from april of already been hired another 43 began trading yesterday the superintendent says that the new hires will not increase the police force but merely replace officers who are retiring
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the storm damage in wieden has forced officials to cancel the town's independence day offense a fireworks show was scheduled for tonight and parade set for tomorrow no makeup date has been announced the mayor there said there are still too many trees and power lines down in that city to have a safe celebration also most dupage county government offices will reopen today after being closed yesterday that the dupage county health department will not reopen until thursday beside sweden fireworks are canceled and carry antioch mandolin waconda and round like beach ... we will haveot sfilodour
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television icon -- actor andy griffith...has died. wgn entertainment reporter dean richards joins us now... there are only a handful of tv shows that have been on the air continuously since there original runs in the 1960's. the andy griffth show is one of them. today, we lost a legend. with it's familiar whistled- themed song, the walk down the dirt road in the fictious town of mayberry, north carolina is
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where america fell in love with andy griffith. this morning at 7am, he died at his home in dare country north carolina. andy griffith was the straight man to the likes of don knotts, ron howard and a beloved cast of regulars, noted for it's homespun humor and small town values that was a hit for 8 seasons on the network and in reruns ever since....for the last 41 years, here on wgn. he began as a singer....but took his down-home humor to comedy albums, on broadway, and in the movies. his character as a small town sheriff was first introduced on the old danny thomas show that was spun off and became a tv classic. from 1986-1995, he starred as the southern lawyer who always outsmarted his opponents in his 2nd tv hit, "matlock." in an interview with the archive of american television griffith talked the amazing longevity of the original series. >>all of those fine comedic
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actors like don and howard and jim ... all of them made it. they represented that little insane border that was made very rfk ..yberry.. wheaton realize how we had such an impact we're just trying to do a good show ... in 2005, when receiving the presidential medal of freedom then-president george w. bush said tv shows come and go, but there's only one andy griffith." there was no cause of death given. andy griffith was 86 years old. >>he seemed to really be the character that he played on screen ... >>he certainly seemed that way i never interviewed him but in every interview i ever looked at he seemed to be the rock in the
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center of the madness ... you could still watch these shows and laugh your head off here on wgn ... attorneys are back in court today, as the judge in the drew peterson murder trial hears more pre-trial motions. wgn's julian crews is live at the will county courthouse with the very latest. >>could afternoon the judge cleared the courtroom of reporters and public just a short while ago to your legal arguments ... obviously those that are deemed to be sensitive what is being discussed in the courtroom is not entirely clear at this point they will county judges hearing a variety of defense motions to day motions that drew peterson and his defense team hope will limit prosecutors' ability to introduce certain pieces of information to the jury the peterson murder trial is set to
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begin july 31st with the opening arguments ... earlier today the prosecutor struck back at a defense motion ... alleging mail tampering ... well county jail has a written policy to be able to open the inmate mail to keep contraband out of the prison ... the defense reserve their right to bring this issue up again during trial ... and a former peterson girlfriend someone he had an affair with while married to kathleen savio his third wife who was found dead in a bathtub in 2004 prosecutors say that drew peterson told susan macaulay who was the girlfriend that kathleen savio was crazy ... and there is conflicting information with what peterson
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told the detectives given her testimony ... there's more to come in the pre- trial motions the murder trial is set to begin in 20 days ... from they will county courthouse i'm julian crews for wgn news ... next, another use for botox plus... how a lucky pup dodged rush hour traffic on the stevenson... we have his rivetting rescue.
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many of us fudge the facts every now and then...even if it's just a little. here to explain how to cope with the fibbers in your life trib u's jenniffer weigel. >>apparently it is as common as taking a shower everyone lies once a day at least ... >>that's how it is?
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>>absolutely it ranges from little complement's to better fit thisbbing kids do this all the time ... there are all kinds of categories ... there is the omission ... commission and denial the lies we tell about ourselves ... and lots of motives for that in all these things come into play and there are times when lying can also be good ... if there has been a tragedy and
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you don't want to disclose everything to small children or when you are trying to spare or help someone's feelings ... you have tips on how to cope with flying in your life ...liars in your life ... >>of people could have low self- esteem there could in tragic circumstances where they had a rough life ... >>do you call them out? >>if it's small white lies no ... you just have to make sure you don't set a bad example to your kids
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>>then there is another pernicious kind of lying ... the kind people tell to hurt others ... demo that's the worst when it's vindictive and then there's the whole sociopath side of things ... those people like without thinking about consequences ... and that's when you need to confront a liar that's what the experts say when it's vindictive absolutely call them out ... the really major allies setter hurtful and vindictive you have to face that had on the ...head on >>said told the truth it's easier to keep the story straight ...
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to read more ... head over to chicago staking out their space for tomorrow's parade... next at noon... ...evanston residents get ready for the fourth of july holiday! and live music this midday from rock band "taproot." they're performing at the thrid annual "rock, white and blue" show at the grat lakes naval station.
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the city of evanston is getting ready to celerate fourh of july with its annual parade. bob jordan is live in evanston where parade goers are staking out their spots. >>this time tomorrow thousands of people will be lining central street here in evanston getting ready for the big fourth of july parade so many people will be out here as a matter of fact days ago residents began staking claim along the sidewalks for prime real estate ... >>the city decided they have to establish a date when you could do it it got silly with all
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these chairs ... >>it's evanston's version of don't take my spots ... lawn chairs rope anything they could think of to hold a space for the prime positions for parade viewing on the fourth of july ... >>our place was taken the same place we were sitting in 30 years we had to go next to that it was horrible ... >>crafty residents of a evanston had begun to stake their claim on coveted shade areas along the parade route to watch the bands and floats and the marchers going by ... >>we went out 1130 saturday night got the flags the rope the chairs it's fun the kids get
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excited we get excited i do it because it gets really crowded out here and we like our shady spots ... >>some evanston residents are pretty sophisticated with tents and color signifying certain family gatherings ... they're all kinds of chairs ... and they worked just as well ... >>lets the people take pride in saving these spots ... but i don't want to be here for the duration it's too hot i like to move around ... >>part of the parade tradition is putting the stairs out two weeks early ... at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon with 100 degree temperatures forecast
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you can understand why a shady spot will be important from evanston robert jordan for wgn news in case you missed it, a dog was loose on the stevenson expressway this morning.. skycam nine followed his journey from i-55 to a neighborhood on the southwest side. we spotted the dog running along the side of the stevenson near harlem avenue. he narrowly escaped cars and was almost rescued; but this little guy just kept going. he ran along harlem, across archer and ended up in the garfield ridge neighborhood. some wgn viewers saw the dog on t.v. and eventually caught up with him. jose terriquez and ed kostro rescued the pup and took him to an animal hospital. vets say- the dog appears to be about 2 years old and a bichon frise-poodle mix. he was tired, dehydrated and had some glass in his paw- but other than that, vets say he is healthy! and he's got a nickname. "rags" has a microchip, but it's registered to a puppy mill in
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iowa. he apprears to have been on the streets for a month. for now, he's resting comfortably at the animal hospital and is expected to be just fine! they'll keep him for observation then chances are he'll be available for adoption. another scorcher out there today... tom skilling is next with the details. i was living with this all-over pain. a deep, throbbing, persistent ache.
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my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now i can do more of the things that i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. with less pain i'm feeling better now that i've found lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain.
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>>it has been 65 years since we put three consecutive 100 degree days together ... we are pushing for so we're flirting with another record ... that's according to the state climatologist this has been the warmest opening six months on a statewide basis exceeding 1921 which was the previous warmest on record that's quite interesting ... as haiti is polluted ... the epa say it is polluted out there according to the ap and na epa
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this blazing heat wave is continuing ... washington dc 95 degrees phoenix arizona into the nineties ... we have thunderstorm's coming at us from wisconsin but they are breaking up ... here we are looking at these heat index readings across the midwest ... the air aloft is warm ... that inhibits and emotion crossing
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cooling and thunderstorm formation ... much of the region is crying out for rain ... we had scattered storms downstate and in wisconsin not much here in chicago ... the heat and humidity is expected to last with four consecutive hundred degree temperature days ... normal precipitation is expected in that varies widely ... the weekend could get interesting and here in the midwest in terms of the thunderstorms ... we have several above normal day's end had ... 16 states surrender heat
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advisory and 23 are also under heat and wild fire danger warnings ... there is a slight chance that some of the thunderstorms will grow severe but that lobito the east ... the fact that the readings are where they are it's because we have some outflow from the wisconsin storms ... it's 97 degrees at woodstock ... the wind is moving west 8 mi. per hour ... the mold count is high the grass is moderate and the other pollen factors are low ...
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no peace heat index readings all flirting with 100 ... it's 91 at the university of chicago ... we have a big hot air dome with the jet stream traveling will north in the next 10 days the heat will remain when these thunderstorms can reach up into a jet stream bringing the wind energy to the self they cause a lot of damage
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... we will the into the hundreds ... 106 at o'hare will be the heat index that's dangerous ... we're looking at those on the map look at the scope the east of the iraquis ... this is quite a spell ... record proportions ... look at these records from yesterday ... here is the
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chicago forecast ... the high will be 99 degrees at o'hare ... the heat will get pushed right up to the lake front today ... tonight evening thunderstorms hazy and warm ... tomorrow a sun and cloud mix intensely hot and humid we have a friendfront generating beggar's thunderstorms do so is the possibility the heat is back thursday and friday ... it will be 100 degrees for those days ... no
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northeast wind. warm weather. >>big numbers to >>its the warmest year to date across the country ... we have kicked into something ... this is the ninth consecutive month if we hit 10 we will tie the record if we stay above normal temperatures ... it's time for today's trivia ... the thousand mile-long river separating texas and oklahoma has which colorful
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here are the winning pick three numbers: 3 6 6
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here are the winning pick four numbers: 1 0 2 6 the mega-millions jackpot is now $86 million balloon
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ot sfilodour
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in medical watch.. why more doctors are recommending that women delay giving birth until 39 weeks -- if they can. a new study finds that children born too early show lower reading and math test scores in school. the researchers report even babies who are technically born at term.. 37 or 38 weeks.. do worse than those who are delivered later. although a pregnancy is considered full term at 37 weeks.. doctors are increasingly recommending that women wait until they're 39 weeks along to deliver.. because babies do a lot of critical development in those last two weeks.
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it's best known for reducing wrinkles.. but botox may also ease tremors for patients with multiple sclerosis. researchers randomly gave botox or an inactive placebo by injection to 23 ms patients with tremors in their arms. 12 weeks later, they reversed the injections so each arm ultimately received both botox and placebo. after the botox injections the patients had "significant" improvement in tremors.. as well as in drawing and writing ability. the treatment requires several times the amount of botox used for wrinkles.. and it's not yet approved by the fda for this use. but ms patients can still legally get the treatment in the united states. lunchbreak is next. we're learning recipes from the vegetarian blog!
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i stepped on the machine, and it showed me the pressure points on my feet and exactly where i needed more support. i had tired, achy feet. until i got my number. my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotics number. now i'm a believer. you'll be a believer, too. learn where to find your number at it's time for a lunch break ... michael natkin joins us he is the author of a great vegetarian cookbook and the b log
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>>it's really important that your entree be satisfying ... >>this involves tofu it's a love-hate thing with people i am asian ... there is a lot of it in our cultural diet but i never cook with it! >>whenever i do tofu i like to get really try tofudry tofu ... i like to get extra firm tofu you want to get the one with the latest expiration date that is the freshest ... for this dish you want something extra firm the softer ones are good for things like soup or some kind of sauce ... we're
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going to get this pan very hot we're going to chop green onions ... you want a good sizzle in that panned to get a good crust on the tofu ... that is key we will basically brown mess ...this... there's lots of protein it's very nutritious and it's pretty tasty when you learn how to make it well ... we will begin with some romai lettuce and noodles ... this is a light on tray kind of
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like a salad these are wider reforms are rice noodles ... these are party noodles you want to cook them nice and tender ... you just pour boiling water over these and you can serve them with just about any dish ... we're getting a crest on the tofu in the pan. you can do a lot of the preparation in advance.
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i have my own spend on this sauce its ginger and grapefruit ... we also have papaya and shallots grapefruit juice soy sauce sugar fresh ginger you want to greet the fresh ginger and some lime juice ... you can go to our web site for this recipe
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and now the answer to today's trivia question: the thousand-mile long river separating texas and oklahoma has what colorful nickname? a.) blue bayou b.) red river c.) yellow river the answer: b.) red river that's my favorite color ... >>90 degrees right now it is warm out there there is no question about that. the thunderstorms have fallen apart but scattered clouds and this guy now ... let's look at the temperatures this is the amount of thermometer readings for this afternoon here are the highest for tomorrow into the hundreds and the same thing on thursday the models are showing pretty high readings ... we are in the
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hundreds of up to the twin cities and green bay wisconsin and all the way down to texas ... widely scattered thunderstorms are not out of the question but less likely ... there is a lake breeze that may come tomorrow and give us a thunderstorm ... but it will get very hot and if we put four of these hundred degree-days together we will break the big record ... look at those thunderstorms firing of north ... 98 greece yesterday at o'hare airport the second highest of the season ...
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101 degrees tomorrow 100 thursday 100 friday and then hopefully down to the '80s over the weekend when we get the eastward wind and some thunderstorms to cool things down ... we will get rid of the committee for next week humidity for next wek thanks for joining us today. we hope you have a great afternoon. remember we are back at 5:00 and 9:00 this evening. we leave you with more music from rock band "taproot".


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