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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  July 4, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT

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a dangerous heat wave hovers over chicago this fourth of july. and there's no sign of a let-up ... as temperatures creep up into triple-digits. good afternoon. i am steve sanders. and i'm nancy loo in for dina bair. an excessive heat warning is in effect until 6 pm cdt friday. but despite that people are at the beach... along with wgn's robert jordan and he has more on how people are handling it all this holiday. within the last hour that we have been here two people have gone down one was taken by ambulance the other treated at
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the lifeguard station where she was rehydrated ... if the temperature reaches 103 degrees today we could break an all time record only two times before and the last 142 years have we had the temperatures hit more than 100 degrees for three days in a row so the secret is to remain hydrated drink as many fluids as you can non alcoholic ... the chicago fire department has already put on the additional personnel expecting they will receive more calls ... >>what we have done is in anticipation of the heat we put up to an additional ambulance companies ... it's brutal for the fire crews out there because
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of the hot weather and the committee it takes its toll with the humidity ... we have extra crews available to rotate ... we set up rehabilitative areas for the fire crews to get breaks ... the hydrants can be dangerous of people open them on the streets kids play in the water and that's a distraction and causing some accidents you should be checking on the elderly and neighbors and the
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infirm to who are vulnerable ... for cooling centers you can go to there you will find locations of all the cooling centers around chicago area ... it will not just before today this is going to have a cumulative effect it is imperative you don't get overheated these next 24-48 hours ... speaking of those open hydrants... a 10 year old was just trying to beat the heat when she was shot while playing in an open fire hydrant. as wgn's tonya francisco tells us.. the little girl is recovering from wounds today at stroger hospital. latest report from the hospital
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is that the girl is in stable condition ... doctors have told her family that she will be okay and recover ... the 10 year-old was just trying to beat the heat last night by playing in an open fire hydrant when shots rang out before 1130 ... a neighbor said he had just gone inside when it happened ... >>there were shooting fireworks and a fire hydrant was on ... and the next thing i knew i heard a little child was shot ... >>she was hit in the stomach and the left wrist ... the mother's boyfriend who was outside watching her was hit in the right hand ... a friend brought them to west suburban medical center in oak park because of the severity of the injuries to
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the child she was transferred to stroger hospital she is expected to be ok ... she was one of 15 people shot since 5:00 last night ... back at the scene the hydrant is off the water has dried and the only sign something happened is all the crime scene tape hanging out of the garbage cans ... >>the shooting in this neighborhood is common all over the world ... the mother's boyfriend remains at the west suburban medical center to be treated for the gunshot wounds to his hand ... no arrests have been made nor has a motive been given for the shooting as of yet hundreds in chicago's western suburbs are hoping today's the day.. they finally get their
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electricity back on. more than 11,000 homes are were still without power. the continuing heat wave has presented a challenge for utility crews. but they're still working around the clock --- and as a result more than 95% of the outages fromhe weekend storms have been restored. in des plaines, the independence parade has kicked off -- and organizers are taking precautioins by having the elderly lead the parade so they can beat the heat sooner. and the governor showed up to get some work done ... parade organizers asked participants to wear loose clothing. they also have thosuands of bottles of water to help people stay hydrated under the hot sun. those lining the parade route are getting a bit of releif, they say, because the route is tree-lined. governor pat quinn was at the parade -- he took his work with him, signing three bills. >>today i wanted to make sure that we signed a bill in fact we
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signed a three that have direct impact on helping returning veterans ... one of these included the identification cards to include veterans service ... if you're grilling in the parks or forest preserves this holiday .... keep a few safety tips in mind. fire officials say stay away from trees and playgrounds ... and only grill in open, grassy areas. also make sure you dump your coals in hot coal cans. dumping coals at the base of trees could kill them. officials say you should be especially careful about grilling now because of the hot, dry conditions. people trying to escape the heat by hitting the beach can luckily do so today. the chicago park district has issued the green light for all 25 beaches so far this summer. last year, swimming was banned more than 35 times due to e- coli levels in the water. but officials say they've chosen
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a new approach. if levels of e-coli are too high.. they simply issue an advisory. it's then up to the swimmers to decide if they want to take a dip. even though the city of chicago has cancelled their fireworks display this year... you can head over to navy pier for their display tonight at 9:00 wgn is re-broadcasting those fireworks at 9:30 p.m., following our shortened newscast. and if you head to the pier, all active members of the military ride the ferris wheel for free tomorrow. coming up: a new theory in the death of a palestinian leader. we'll tell you why eight years after yasser arafat died - some believe his death may have been a crime. and there's a new weapon in the battle against mosquitos. plus...scientists say evidence of the so-called "god particle" could unlock some of the universe's deepest secrets.
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ot sfilodour
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man, chanting, snapping fingers: oh, those boys are much too much! those boys are much too much! we got the spirit we're hot, we can't be stopped! we got the spirit! we're hot! we can't be stopped! we're gonna beat 'em and bust 'em... announcer: the smallest moments can have the biggest impact on a child's life. both chanting: let's...get... a little bit rowdy. r-o-w--whoo!--d-y. announcer: take time to be a dad today. one more time. call or visit to learn more.
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the pakistani taliban is threatening to attack nato trucks along a reopened route that carries supplies to coalition forces in afghanistan. the crucial supply route was shut down in november after coalition forces mistakenly killed 24 pakistani troops. pakistan agreed to reopen it yesterday, after secretary of state hillary clinton apologized for the attack. the taliban says transporters who resume carrying supplies into afghanistan will face the consequences. the taliban has attacked nato supply trucks in the past.. killing drivers and other crew. five nato soldiers-- believed to be americans-- were shot in an attack in afghanistan. it happened at a nato base in wardak province. a man wearing an afghan army uniform opened fire on the soliders. there's no word on the extent of the soldiers' injuries. it's the latest in a series of attacks by afghans in police or army uniforms. the widow of yasser arafat will ask that her late husband's body be exhumed and re-examined after a new report suggests arafat was poisoned.
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the palestinian leader died of an unexplained infection in 2004. an inquiry found no evidence of cancer, aids or poisoning. but "al jazeera" reports traces of radioactive polonium were found in arafat's underwear. and conspiracy theorists suggest, arafat may have been poisoned by palestinian rivals, or by israeli agents. a jetblue pilot whose bizarre behavior forced a plane to make an emergency landing has been found not guilty by reason of insanity. 49-year-old clayton osbon was charged with interference with a flight crew after a meltdown last march aboard a jetblue plane flying from new york to las vegas. witnesses say he had to be wrestled to the floor after he began running down the aisle and yelling incoherently. osbon will now be sent to a prison in texas for a mental examination. a judge will decide his fate at a court hearing on august 6th. a remarkable discovery in switzerland: scientists say they are one step closer to unlocking the mysteries of the universe -- possibly discovering a new particle -- called the higgs boson.
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>>my congratulations to everyone involved in this tremendous achievement ... for me it is really an incredible thing that it has happened in my lifetime ... the particle is named after professor peter higgs, a theoretical physicist -- who predicted its discovery. some call it the god particle. scientists say the particle could help us uncover how man was made and how the universe began. today's announcement in geneva is based on data from the large hadron collider. the announcment comes just two days after sceintists at fermilab near batavia said they were getting closer to proving the existence of the particle. coming up...american heros getting a paw up in life... how pups are helping veterans. what congressman joe walsh said after a recent campaign appearance.
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and, cook and writer shares how to get kids in the kitchen with some hands on meals. [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption.
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[whistle blowing] visit and let the journey begin.
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a one thousand-dollar reward has been posted, for the driver who die. witnesses saw a vehicle that looks just like this one -- an older dark green pontiac grand- am g-t -- possibly with collision damage to the front bumper and grille. five-year-old monet robinson was killed by the speeding car as she ran across the 15-hundred block of south millard avenue onthe driver stopped only briefly, then drove away. neighbors say, this would not have happened if their street had speed bumps. alderman michael chandler says speed bumps will be installed later this year. a fire escape where a teenager fell to his death will be secured or taken down soon. the owner of the old ravenswood hospital building got a permit yesterday.. and says a the permit today. 16-year-old jose morales and two friends used the fire escape to sneak into the long vacant building early monday. morales fell from the second floor to the concrete below, and later died. the building owner has been cited twice for violations.. including leaving the building open without a guard. congressman joe walsh was caught making another controversial remark. at a recent campaign stop, he appeared to question tammy duckworth's military service. walsh made the statement in elk grove on sunday. he criticized duckworth by saying other war heroes were uncomfortable discussing their service.
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duckworth lost both of her legs while in combat in iraq. her camp said walsh's words were an insult to veterans. two groups have started petitions against walsh for his comments. walsh responded saying he has called duckworth a hero hundreds of times, and the controversy is a ploy to distract voters. peterson murder trial will not be allowed to bring into court the bath tub where his third wife, kathleen savio, was found dead. but the jury might still be allowed to see it. the judge left open the
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possibility that jurors could visit savio's former home.. and might see the tub, if authorities re-install it. the tub was removed after savio's body was exhumed in 2008 death to be a homicide. a prosecution expert is expected to testify the injuries she suffered could not have been caused by slipping and falling in the tub. we have music this midday from the group the royalty
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ahh, now that's a clean mouth. i wish i could keep it this way. [ dr. rahmany ] you see, even after a dental cleaning... plaque quickly starts to grow back. but new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste can help. it not only reduces plaque... it's also clinically proven... to help keep plaque from coming back. plus, it works in these other areas dentists check most. ♪ ♪ new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste. life opens up when you do. for extra plaque protection try new crest pro-health clinical rinse. hmm. [cell phone beeps] hey! [police whistle blows] [horns honking] woman: hey! [bicycle bell rings] turn here.
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there. excuse me. uh. uh. [indistinct announcement on p.a. system] so same time next week? well, of course. announcer: put away a few bucks. feel like a million bucks. for free tips to help you save, go to ♪ feed the pig ♪
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veterans with post traumatic stress disorder say they often feel like they are at the end of their rope. but wgn's dina bair shows us when they pick up a leash.. they have a new lease on life. >>was then i iraq >>he was in the cockpit of navy aircraft ... and with every assignment he was heading down a path that would diminish his physical and mental health ...
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>>in all my 17 years of the service my lower back deteriorated >>and so did his mood ... what he needed was out of reach ... >>the stress got so intense ... we had a guy we knew hung from a softball cage ... we stopped a guy who was cutting himself and painting a room with his blood ... >>something would set me off and i would yell at people ... >>and affected the children and me and the marriage never knew if i was responsible >>the p t s d was so bad strangers felt his wrath ... >>and was turning into a parking
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spot and a girl cut in front of me and i started yelling ... and this dog just pulled me away ... cody was a shelter dog who is in training for the war dogs homecoming program ... >>they don't have a chance for public adoption they are helping the men and the men are rescuing the dogs ... >>once the dog is trained as they go home with their assigned veteran ... >>they wake them up they calmed them down and provide the focus and distraction the dogs are with them 247 ... they go
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everywhere and are with the metal times ... this dog instinctively carries his companion away from his aggression ... >>i have a small apartment he is a big dog he needs exercised i have to be forced to go out ... by taking good care of the dog he takes better care of himself ... looking into the dog's eyes erases painful images for some of these veterans ... one of the vets could not handle interaction without a lot of medication but the dog came along and changed all that ... >>she helps me with anxiety ...
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i'm not afraid during the day not looking for hidden enemies anymore ... she has saved my life ... they are considered service dogs.. and therefore.. can go with their vets anywhere and everywhere. the war dogs program at morgans is not for profit... all volunteer. to find out more information... log onto our website: great program coming up next to the hot tom skilling forecast
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i'm on break sweetheart. [ woman ] you know you don't have to put up with this. those annoying period symptoms. general pain relievers like advil, only treat cramps, but midol has three active ingredients to take care of that... and fatigue and bloating. because you deserve better. ♪ [ geese honking ] think you've found every hazard out here today? think again. the spot you missed could be a killer. that spot on your skin could be skin cancer. fact is, if you're a man over 50,
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you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer including melanoma the kind that kills one person every hour. one in five americans is likely to develop a form of skin cancer during their lifetime. that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. it's easy -- follow through and check your skin. yeah! it could be the save of a lifetime. go to to find out how. a message from the american academy of dermatology.
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all we are talking about is the heat ... >>the hottest summer in 42 years the first time in 65 we will put three straight hundred degree-days together ... we had one of the warmest winters the warmest spring on record and now the hottest summer so far ... will lollipop that cap or shall i say the layer of warm air that produces this thunderstorm clouds will it weakened enough to allow those thunderstorms to form ... the hot air mass is hot because of this cap ... it is shutting the thunderstorms to the north from northern wisconsin through michigan ... let's take a look at the heat 98
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degrees in chicago by 11:00 this morning we had 100 degree temperatures in certain parts its 100 in st. plus ...louis we're looking at the high temperatures yesterday 2000 records have been set in the last week around the country ... when the index reaches 1058 gets very dangerous you have to be careful. drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated. the
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we have been six degrees above the long-term average ... you see on the map we have excessive heat warnings around the country we are included. 97 degrees right now at midway 99 degrees at o'hare the heat is pushed to the lake front thanks to the wind not much cooling along the lakefront tomorrow and also friday we expect to reach 100 degree temperatures
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there is a son advisory this is intense heat the water temperature at the shoreline is 75 degrees 76 yesterday at navy pier that's about two weeks early from last year ... and now for the heat index ... lincoln park is at 1 01 degrees
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99 degrees elk grove village ... behaves is symptomatic of pollution and we are feeling the residual effects of the atmospheric smoke plumes from those of color on a wild fires ... we're at the epicenter of the heat wave here in chicago expect high temperatures for the next 72 hours ... there is cooler air
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to the north that will settle and over the weekend and take us into next week ... there is about an inch and a half of rain forecast but it will not fall evenly there have been two periods and 142 years of weather history where we've had three consecutive 100 degree-days ... there was a time in 1936 where we put together seven consecutive 100 degree-days but it's not on the official record keeping that was out at midway there is an air pollution warning out as well the illinois
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epa has issued this ... tonight it will remain warm the may be an isolated thunderstorm tomorrow a overcast day the highway is predicted at 101 degrees expect intense heat friday as well the heat index will be 107 degrees and 100 degrees on the actual thermometer friday ... not a whole lot of relief at night these warm temperatures and humidity are hanging in through the overnight periods ... more than any other natural weather disaster or occurrence
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heat is the biggest killer ... in europe and then in russia in 2010 many people died from a unprecedented heat wave ... how many people signed the declaration of independence on july 4th? a.) 11 b.) 9 c.) 4 d.) 2 the answer still ahead ....
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[ female announcer ] over the last ten years your mouth has sipped, snacked ...yellowed... giggled, snuggled ...yellowed... chatted, chewed, ...yellowed. and over all those years your teeth...have yellowed. fact is, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest 3d white whitestrips remove over ten years of stains by going below the enamel surface. and, they whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. life opens up when you do. aspirin, really? i haven't thought about aspirin for years. aspirin wouldn't really help my headache, i don't think. aspirin is just old school. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. what's different? it has micro-particles. enters the
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bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of pain. visit today for a special trial offer. in a moment, cancer changed our lives forever. we were told nothing could be done, to enjoy these final moments together. but in that moment when all seemed lost... st. jude children's research hospital gave us hope. announcer: because at this moment st. jude children's research hospital is saving lives with pioneering research and care. we're changing the way the world treats childhood cancer by sharing our discoveries with doctors and scientists everywhere. and we'll never have to pay st. jude for anything, ever. at this moment, she wants to be in her own bed. i want to be back schoo with my fries. i want to be outside playing.
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announcer: please take a moment and join st. jude in finding cures and saving children. visit time for sports. rangers manager ron washington had the opportunity to add a.j. pierzynski to the all-star team, but he didn't. last night at the cell, he had a front row seat for what he was missing. the "take jake" campaign in full swing on the south side. kevin youkilis in his first at- bat with the sox at home... and it's a 2-run homer to left.. he was 3 for 6 with four rbis. very next batter is adam dunn, and he hits a solo shot for his 25th of the year... he was 2 for 2 with 2 walks. it's already 13-0 in the fifth and fresh off his all- star snub, a.j. pierzynski caps off a 9 run inning with a 3 run home run... his 15th. sox win 19-2, for their largest margin of victory since 1987. chris sale earns his tenth win. before the game... peavy talked
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about his bid for the final all-star spot. >>that's the only way ... to have fun with it i'm not going to promote myself there are lots of deserving players ... it's an overwhelming sport when you see friends come forward when they are not asked to to offer help it's amazing ... cubs going for five in a row in atlanta. it's tied at one in the third... first-time all star bryan lahair singles to right, and fellow all-star, starlin castro scores. it's 3-1 in the fifth with the bases loaded for the braves, and michael bourn triples down the right field line to clear the bases. chris volstad gave up 6 earned runs in 4 and a third... his winless streak is now 20 games. cubs go on to lose 10-3. that is your look at sports we have the live illinois lottery drawing coming up next
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here are the winning pick three numbers: 4 6 8 here are the winning pick four numbers: 5 9 8 7
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for months, i had this deep pain all over my body. it just wouldn't go away. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and
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for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now i can plan my days and accomplish more. lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. with less pain i'm feeling better now that i've found lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain.
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how many rounds of constipation do you have to go through... before you do something different? when you feel your first signs, try miralax. unlike other laxatives, miralax empowers the water you drink to do more. drawing water into your colon to unblock your system naturally. which gets you back to being you. don't wait to feel great. miralax.
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the f-d-a has approved the first ever over-the-counter hiv test. the test-- called "ora-quick"-- will allow people to test themselves in the privacy of their own home. it uses a cheek swab to detect the prescense of the virus that causes aids. test results take about 20 minutes. the fda said it hopes the new tests will provide another option for people to get tested. "ora-quick"-- will be available in stores and online in october. dry weather has made the mosquito season -- bearable. but mosquitoes carrying the west nile virus are still a threat. now-- the people who go to war against the pests have a new weapon to use. products that are naturally derived, and more earth friendly. >>this is a naturally derived herbicide that when diluted lasts 180 days ... ... this
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actually comes from the chrysanthemum flower it's very effective ... this goes right into the water ... we are working with existing science and going a step further and they're using that new product in three communities in lake county... as a pilot program. lunchbreak is next. we're learning how to get kids to the dinner table with tasty kid-friendly meals.
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kitty workman is the author of the mom 100 cookbook ... she's here with some tips on bringing your kids to the table with some kid from the mills ...friendly milleals... we are making some macaroni and cheese with hamburger ... we are browning the meat in a skillet with some olive oil ...
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we toss in the onions the carrots the bell peppers the garlic ... a good way to get vegetables they're built right into this dish ... >>the more colorful the yellow and the red peppers are a bit more palatable for the kids because they are a bit mild and sweet ... we add some garlic ... you will cook until tender and the ground beef goes back again that you have browned we will add crushed tomato ... we will add basil and oregano and worst
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share sauccestire sauce... >>if you are using turkey or chicken you can season a bit more ... to this mix i will add 2 c. of water and this will summerimmer.... now we will add the pasta ... you will put the lid on your skillet and cook it for approximately 10 minutes
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everything will get absorber you put 2 c. of cheese onto the cooked meat and posture with the vegetables ... don't put the cheese on to early in the cooking ... >>now we are making an all in one pot brownie recipe ... i am melting chocolate with butter together ... add to this the sugar and the cocoa powder and a
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bit of salts and some and alot extractvanilla extract... you will add the flour and put that in the pan and cook for 28 minutes kitty workmen thank you for joining us... you can "go-to" mom 100 .com for
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all the recipes and for more information
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[ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption.
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and now the answer to today's trivia question: how many people signed the declaration of independence on july 4th? a.) 11 b.) 9 c.) 4 d.) 2 thanks for joining us today. it is official we have had 100 degrees out at o'hare ... the wind will turn northwest ... and the jet stream will push the
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heat away from us and we will get more seasonable air conditions over the weekend into next week for the moment there is no rain there are big storms up by the jet stream ... that is affecting northern minnesota and ... that's taking advantage of the heat conditions ... here are the short-term forecast readings ... we will think we will have similar conditions tomorrow ... we have a sprawling
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canadian high pressure system to the north ... that will close down for the weekend and we expect some rain at some point by early next week here is the seventh day forecast we will be into the 100 degree temperature area for the next couple of days through friday ... showers and thunderstorms develop in clusters ... the humidity will drop by sunday ... the 80's might feel like a cold front ... we leave you with the indy-pop band the royalty. their album "lovers" is out now. we hope you have a great 4th of


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