tv WGN News at Nine CW July 9, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT
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time it will work. white sox first baseman paul konerko foster children. berwyn top story of around the country tonight. second case of animal hoarding berwyn in one year animals checked shelter neighboring cicero. latest >> animals are alive more than 30 cats and three dogs, many are now looked at animal shelter in cicero berwyn police questioned the family responsible. down the you may never know look at
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this house but the owner cully different. lives behind the home smelled the trouble in the air for months >> all of the neighbors complained. >> complex monday afternoon what they found >> orders house with several animals down about 33 cats and three dogs with many more inside. tonight to the animals all of which are alive cicero animal shelter checked by veterinarians. still in the
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house traps are set to capture them safely in the next few days. bellmont treating at the scene as a biohazard retreated to the animals and deeming this in habitable for the next few days >> on pleasant discovery cannot stay say a thing about the neighbors lived here the last several years down what she was very nice. now not certainly mental illness and golfed getting the mental health services and bald to assist the citizens >> besides the animals in the house three people adult man adult woman at teenaged daughter we believe that the woman in the
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house the mother might have been a volunteer at chicago animal shelter number of years ago right now no charges filed. live tonight >> search for a northwest indiana teenager who drowned in lake michigan why did down seven year-old corey mcfry swept into the lake swimming with friends on that rescue teams used helicopters hoping to find his body this afternoon underwater effort was called off surface operation will continue tomorrow. south side church broken into as many as 10 times hit again. area south police headquarters with more police investigating another robbery.
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just last week everything taken not bolted down. about 10 of the churches air conditioning units stolen. sound system this time as well as computers even the food being set aside to prepare meals for the port. or. the ministry says the pastor dealing with medical issues barely able to deal with the latest break- in talking to wgn placing her
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faith now someone stepping forward to help. police catch up with the culprits. , a man serving a life sentence tonight 1995 murder fedell caffey convicted of killing and deborah evans killing her other two children lawyer fedell caffey said it right to put on a defense happen but prosecutors failed to disclose one of the members was allegedly buying drugs from a key witness in the case. state attorney declined to comment. calling this strike to taxicab drivers refusing to take fares for several hours celebrating a victory tonight the city agreed to hold fare increase hearing second monday morning jobs action. new
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industry guidelines went into effect july 1, 1910% raise for leasing caps leaving fares in tact. mayor rahm emmanuel called the strike premature. >> have been asking for seven years read history and to know that the drivers it deserves hire wage >> job actions until a fair increase. going after gang hangouts not necessarily action but strategy the mayor hopes will go a long way in bringing down violence in the city. >> distortions of atom skilling says more heat in the future. wgn news @ 9
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>> she knows living and her englewood neighborhood crime and violence everywhere has made her a virtual prisoner at her home was not that her son play and the park up the street because of trouble >> to not really want my son outside too much happening shootings innocent people drug dealers every corner >> right across the street from a popular ogden park on marquette road. would not take too much for street gangs to come into this building and to set up business. mayor rahm emmanuel announced increased efforts to take down abandoned buildings sometimes havens for cain's. >> these and vacant buildings where it gained bankers are handing out and drug dealers. operating from the buildings
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down by a vacant building serious public safety risk. create the environment that allows criminal activity to take place. >> city has identified 200 a vacant apartment buildings to be demolished or boarded up five wards across the city. >> south side aldermen say not anything to they like the idea. >> 1500 officers on the street superintendent and mr. mayor need to support the officers here. highly trained well organized and we need supervisors alderman cochran says there needs to be comprehensive business plan with short mid term and long term goals to fight the violence also thinks it'll take everyone politicians school leaders and the entire community to make a difference. ward and customers
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to be aware of utility scams on its last week's heat wave and storms increase company com ed scabs could cost personal money and information com ed says to always look for the employees proper identification to verify com ed crews are at the home call the number _ and to double check internet doomsday virus scare turned out to be nothing today online scam allowing the post to take control hackers more than 1 million servers broken up by the fbi since last november the fed set up clean servers affected computers to maintain internet access those servers shut off after midnight at not too many problems. major internet providers set up their own servers as well allowing customers to keep and to access. high profile democrat calling on congressman jesse jackson jr to give constituents more answers
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every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ [ feedback ]
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attention, well, everyone. you can now try snapshot from progressive free for 30 days. just plug this into your car and your good driving can save you up to 30%. you could even try it without switching your insurance. why not give it a shot? carry on. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today. wgn news @ 9 3 of victims and for suspects in jail a result of wrigleyville flight racial tension was this a mob attack? >> the victim's in the allegedly mob attack all complaining of sore backs and exit bonds and
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bruises one has a fractured jaw might have to get that wired shut couple of days. at home tonight trying to understand how his friend's birthday party saturday landed him in a hospital on sunday happened in a instant also granted a four suspects in jail rented a limousine for the night to music video on the north side when they were hit with racial slurs fists began to fly. 27 year-old kyle schacke to figure out how he left a restaurant near clarke and cornelia ended up with a fractured jaw busted lip and 3 teeth relocated in his mouth these four men were the culprits running wild sunday at 130 a m to 32 year-old corry simmons 31 year-old donald robinson 32 year-old alvin goffin and the 31 year-old edward robinson. all charged
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with mob action criminal history for all of that >> not alone kyle schacke to other victim's claim to be blindsided one man was hit walking with six friends >> walking group of guys passing by punched in the face hit the ground caught up shocked at first they were all running down the street >> another worry about safety asked not to be identified attacked not once not twice but 3 different suspects. walking home alone 6 ft. two and 200 lbs. back about miti's second guy did not have a t-shirt on started throwing punches at me with anchor. at one point after
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a minute or two thought he would shoot me in the middle of clark street >> brother and mother of edward robinson claim troubled past is a thing of the past seven counsels young men who need direction make a music video some of them with the message like this one about drinking and driving. edward robinson and the other suspects all fathers all live on the west side and remain in jail tonight mother says people and wrigleyville were launching racial remarks even grabbing one of them. fortensions were high note mob attack the other calls it nothing more than a fist fight. >> it was only the black guys that work arrested kind of strange to me >> disturbing painted as the guys it was those guys. have to pin this on somebody. make an
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example of those guys. >> high bond to set for all suspects $400,000 for three at $250,000 for the fourth man all have criminal histories drug and gun convictions couple of them on parole. back in court july 16th when edward robinson mother tells may videotape of the alleged mob attacks will be presented hopefully clear her son of any charges. senator would like congressman jesse jackson jr come forward about his absence and the public eye sen. dick durbin conversejesse jackson jr announced medical leave only offering a vague description suffering from a physical and emotional ailments privately 0.1. of time sen. dick durbin talked about this during transportation news conference today at his father added a little bit during appearance
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this afternoon the pgm midday news >> health is the number one priority. as a public official reaches a point responsibility to tell people what you are facing and how things are going down of medical attention regaining his strength. we continue to pray that the >> governor pat quinn just signed a tax incentive for hiring veterans. >> want to encourage employers to hire the veterans of they are disciplined to patriotic the dothey know how to work best of the best >> illinois employers tax credit up to $5,000 for hiring a veteran in addition to additional tax credits. veterans
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jobs fair will be held thursday at university of illinois chicago forum at 9:00 a.m.. president obama calling on congress to pass extension of the bush era tax cuts but not to get rich. surrounded by people described as working americans president wants to tax cuts extended for people earning less than $250,000 each year republicans want to extend it for everybody. president obama says the wealthy do not need a tax break. >> republicans did not want to raise taxes on the battle class i did not want to raise taxes on the battle class but we should all agree to extend tax cuts for the middle-class let us agree to do what we agree on. >> talking about one year extension of the tax cuts set to expire by the end of the year mitt romney campaign statement suggests the president doing damage control after a gloomy jobs report this week. president
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obama response to even more bad economic news massive tax increase just proves again the president does not have a clue how to get america working again and help the middle class. nasty ugly fight between parents caught on camera little league parents. according to the local paper columbus georgia fight broke out parrot started to play loud music fans demand that he turned it down turned the volume down turned up the trash talking police broke up the fight to arrested two people charged with disorderly conduct league officials condemned the accident embarrassing to players and the entire city of columbus. coming up the white sox superstar with a big part looking at paul konerko work off of the field and at helping foster children and medical watch. benefits of having a dog with your new born and a tightrope walker takes unexpected plunge. hastily he
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tired ira might be their way to recover iron supplements a valuable for women sluggish even if not on the back. increasing i 12ron weeks boosted energy level by 50% for study participants ages 18-50. for children protection colds and early on us as can come from pat's first year of life fewer respiratory and ear infections when they did get sick fewer medication necessary. 400 children followed a 30% increase infection free days or pet owners animals branch dirt into the hall helped boost child growing amid system. circle of friends can impact the size of your waistline. choose friends wisely better chance of staying slammed according to researchers. studied the students and found it more likely to gain weight if they
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have friends heavier than they were conversely students went down obesity social networks friends and influence behavior including eating and exercise back to you >> tom skilling says temperatures might be on the rise again forecast next. >> with hotwire's low prices i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ female announcer ] over the last ten years your mouth has sipped, snacked ...yellowed... giggled, snuggled ...yellowed... chatted, chewed, ...yellowed. and over all those years your teeth...have yellowed. fact is, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest 3d white whitestrips remove over ten years of stains by going below the enamel surface. and,
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tonight great weather pictures. what these clouds look like as they bubble up couple of them produce showers over 20 percent of the area still enddesperate shape. very poor about half of illinois crops same situation. one of these days electric bill by our calculations temperature information twice of air- conditioning since june 1st at 67 percent more the last year. hottest july opened at 101 years nearly 12 degrees above normal. wednesday thursday and friday of last week saturday at 98 degrees sunday down to 85 degrees a lovely went off of the lake resumed this afternoon tomorrow
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and wednesday the heat is backed up and the country out of this area hot to the south but look at the temperatures out west. one hundreds into montana taking the heat wave in north eastern united states pushing westward temperatures today up to over 110 degrees salt lake city and the west will continue to bake. back to the east again warming up later this week let us enjoy this down to 70 at the lakefront northeast wind blowing off of the water. east-northeast wind do point comfortable 57 degrees mold and grass will with weed pollen immoderate high temperatures today the affected near the lake. waukegan
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temperatures in the '80s. 75 degrees tonight willow springs. current temperatures. pretty nice day. buckled at st. cooler air eastern part of the country big hot dome of the public to the west forecast for this to stay in place we think this will build into next week again. you can see them moving southward.
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thunderstorm watch is severe weather or other big storms and the plain states all on the perimeter of the cool air leading edge right there south toward breaking up the heat in many areas remain welcome relief. forecast for lake breezes next couple of days. moderate humidity later in the week. nine days later this week with water temperatures 77 degrees. talking more about
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rainfall prospects on many people's minds widely scattered thunderstorms southern sections lie down. clouds scattered temperatures '60s lakeshore 65 in the city. tomorrow partly sunday seasonably warm. 90 degrees forecast of credit by thursday at the lake the numbers will go up after that. later on not done with this yet. one for the books. >> one of the best in baseball ticket his actions off the field come about paul konerko it will work to help kids at high wire stunt gone wrong.
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[♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day.
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well-known one of baseball's best might not know all-star actions off of the field. the story >> the face of the chicago white sox one of the best players and baseball were paul konerko well liked on and off of the field friendly to reporters after games and in general easy to talk to white sox superstar also has a big part when it comes to foster children >> makes you think that day or something not going right somebody looking for somebody to a family a serious thing >> chicago white sox bring me home campaign raising money and awareness for foster care >> takes a very special person
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to open their home and their heart. to somebody and not their own >> more than 7000 teenagers who live in foster care mandate without connection to a family member nearly half will not graduate from high school only 6 percent go on to earn a college degree last year over 30 percent of foster kids did not live with their brothers or sisters >> how many are taken care of? huge lopsided thing the numbers do not add up down and started paul konerko the bring me home campaign 2007 with jim thome he was with the white sox after he left the team paul konerko to l2 gordon beckham >> stepped in when jim left told him no choice but to win this >> and buy it for kids to come to the field to hang out
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recently got to meet their favorite white sox players up close >> we saw some of the things they did we stretched with them >> brothers live with family in elk grove >> wonderful somebody of his stature at playing ability takes time out of his own life to help these kids and to promote family homes down by two boys would never put at the day they got to hang out with paul konerko at the white sox >> very good person doing this for us >> helping foster families inspiration from his wife's family fostered hundreds of children over the years even adopting five says many people did not understand the level of care involved in becoming a foster parent >> no timetable they call you in
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the middle of the night usually a crisis situation. child taken from the environment try to be placed into a home that's not family says the ultimate goal to recruit more foster parents but realized not for everybody plenty of ways adults can help foster child without having him or her move and with them >> taking a kid to see a movie or taking them to a game something they cannot get to do hardly ever >> addition to raising awareness the campaign has raised more than $350,000 for foster families. hopes to keep the momentum going and looking forward to hosting many more kids at the ballpark >> kids always in good spirits they are the tough ones when it comes to this. >> learn more about the bring me home campaign visit the wh
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website and as we mentioned paul konerko pretty good at baseball later in sports here from all of the chicago all stars kansas city tomorrow's big get and tom and kate to divorce final details of the settlement coming up. i cannot wait. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac.
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[ bell tolls ] so, why are we up here? because farmers offers a new-roof discount? [ thudding ] oh, boy. yep. and it's an agent's job to help people find new ways to save. there's some cool stuff up here. there sure is. [ man ] look what i found. it's a fiddler on the roof. ♪ [ up-tempo country ] what are the chances? [ announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip.
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because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ every load of laundry is worth about $200. really? one cap of downy protects $200 worth of clothes. prove it to me. ultra downy softeners protect fibers. there's no comparison. nice downy's pretty much saving our clothes. yeah, ultra downy saves loads.chinese
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it tight rope walker suffered only minor injuries after 200 m fall into a ravine. china's state media says try to walk across backwards blindfolded yesterday he has done this before not wearing a safety harness almost made it stumbled toward the end got dizzy kept calling and fell. minor injuries. amazing. at tom skilling we have been successful with nice weather lately >> yes spotty showers here and there would like to see more of that but yes it cool today plenty of warm weather lovelace's 77 degrees but look at the western temperatures the
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heat has taken up residence a good part of the week eastward look at this award are up and northern british columbia tonight that here in chicago warmer up and the northwest territories of canada temperatures tomorrow back to the 90's 100 and eastern montana and western sections of the dakotas. 83 degrees in chicago with northeast wind and '90s plains states on wednesday and thursday the same thing. 90 degrees poking into this area on thursday or around chicago closer look at how temperatures are held up tonight. 80s tomorrow and close to 90 star of the day on thursday looks like around here. watch what happens over the next 10 days warm colors not going to get cold out west over the weekend don't of heat on the east coast and want
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it to the west what might be called a weakness of the atmosphere in between area flooded with humidity might give us scattered thunderstorms over the weekend before the hawks don't develops from the west next week looks like going to be warm all so even with the thunderstorms temperatures will get up to the low 90s on friday saturday sunday and monday. could be cooler with a minor lake breeze on the shore line. slight chance of widely scattered much needed thunderstorms friday through monday not until the end. tomorrow northeast wind something you might call of duty as. see you later >> tom cruise and katie holmes a marriage officially over. divorce settlement signed less than two weeks after katie holmes filed for divorce working on the arrangement their daughter would live in new york
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at tom cruise generous visitation rights. tried statement. committed to the daughter's best interest hollywood couple married five years. for many worth the gamble for a chance to win big bucks these people attended auditions for television show who wants to be a millionaire rivers casino quite contestants hopeful interview with one of the show's producers. that's not a general knowledge of pop culture sports history to not have to be a rocket scientist. bartenders bus drivers and regular people who know a little bit about of lot of things >> multiple choice test fighting against the clock. clock is ticking for future stars of chicago hockey. blackhawks dropped the puck on the west side and inside the ropes with the united states open champ and talking with one of the brightest young max.
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interest. especially tonight. always chicago flagrant at the all-star game no difference tonight kansas city for players from the white sox 2 more from chicago cubs a big game tomorrow night all-star game worked out this afternoon kauffman stadium adam dunn, chris sale, and jake peavy from the sox and starlin castro and bryan lahair from the cubs paul konerko says most happy playing the game in kansas city. >> great place to play great feeling out there definitely enjoy coming here always looking forward to this one out experience down not most excited person to be here. totally
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incredible for me to be here with the legends and all stars and future hall of famers. just unbelievable >> tonight to the home run derby cano picked american league team looking pretty good carlos beltran late national league player to make second round did not make the final and neither did mark trumbo of the anaheim angels and the finals prince fielder vs jose bautista, fielder comes through to win. also wrapped up last draft pick no. 1 pick albert almora out of florida bonus the blast for the chicago cubs.
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>> realized probably nervous. >> i think could webb simpson handle on his nerves the winner of the united states open first major championship of the p a field today it for a walk clinic something different tremendous treat for the fans who came out to sea at down not really rare to have professional sport were guys can come out to get in the mind of a guy who gets on tort regular basis i think the block and clinic makes special basically getting inside my mind on sunday. talking about different shots elite interactive for the guys to ask any question. a lot of fun >> top prospect of the blackhawks hit the ice at johnny's tayvo teranivein no. 1 pick showing off their brandon sodd also ended mixed as wake
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chance for some of the kids in the system to open the guys that really count kevin hayes the brother of current hawk jimmy hayes trying to do. dwight howard to the brooklyn nets looks more and more likely process to facilitate a trade finally noisy twins rangers cam dallas lightning bolt combination enough to get knocked down player at first base everybody sprinting to the dugout covered the field some of
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i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. whoa. right? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] hey! there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. indescribably good. [ bell tolls ] agents, say hello to the biggest hailstone in u.s. history. oh, that will leave a dent. which is exactly why we educate people... about comprehensive coverage. yep. the right choice now can pay off later. looks like a bowling ball. yeah. oh! agents, say hello to the second-biggest hailstone in u.s. history. [ announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bu
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