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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  July 13, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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ng about the ordeal tonight. 1,000 mi. down and 2,000 mi. to go the rooftop pastor stops in chicago continuing his cross-country walk wgn news @ 9 for @9 wgn news @ 9 mother jacqueline jackson of congressman jesse jackson jr sharing her feelings today about a son's treatment for a mood disorder top story around the country tonight. we began the first time that matriarch of the jackson family has spoken about her son congressman jesse jackson jr office issued a vague statement treated for mental health issues specifically mood
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disorder tonight congressman jesse jackson jr mother asked audience of mainly women to be understanding. rainbow push coalition women's luncheon founded four years ago jacqueline jackson appeal from one mother to the others in the audience asking for prayers and privacy >> difficult time when something is wrong with your baby something is wrong with you. >> jacqueline jackson talking about her son congressman jesse jackson jr inpatient treatment for doctor and family call mood disorder. expected to recover >> told lunch crowd encourages
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him to hold onto god and not politics politically the past few years a very disappointing >> he thought he'd have a chance to run for mayor and young people to not bounceback with disappointment like my husband and to me >> time and families like momence dealing with everything taking a deep wearing sunglasses every day down by no idea i was wearing them because did not want to to look in my eyes at to see my pain >> husband reverend jesse jackson sr. women's luncheon that's secured alluding to his own family with an answering
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questions about his son and while red jackson his wife sang about drawing strength from jesus. family not saying much congressmen medical condition democrats including senator dick durbin says served more information demanding more information they want to know what is happening story not going away facebook going crazy
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adamant about no one more regardless they wanted to now he works for that we will see. chicago police officially hand in hand with anti pilots group cease-fire controversial strategy targeting gangs by let's kick off today details. >> working in the third district and the 10th district in chicago our job highest risk and the business to mediate conflicts to change mindsets and the behaviors associated with violence cease-fire he says it can work has worked across the city at a dance of last night dramatic surrender 18 year-old double shooting suspect engineered by at the roseland chapter of cease-fire mediator says no doubt games were going to retaliate against teenage suspect not the shooter and has an alibi community has to trust
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somebody these conversations >> talking chicago gangs and police distrust runs deep no secret of distaste for negotiating or even dialoguing with known criminals with aggressive crime fighting strategy includes demolishing 200 abandoned buildings across the city magnets for crime in chicago mayor says reaching into the tool box looking for new ways to reduce the killing cease-fire leader knows house to approve all will work top police brass including superintendent karen mccarthy. >> hopefully we can make the superintendent a believer in cease-fire is the plant. all police superintendent mccarthy understands plays a role chicago
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optimistic he will come around a >> positive worst-case cannot hurt. willing to try >> written statement chicago mayor rahm emanuel says reducing gang violence requires every asset every approach west side. >> not everybody on the plant on board with his anti-crime plan action now members say want to rebuild the city without demolishing the building they say the problem is the eyesores once gone 0 rebuilding city neighborhoods left city hall
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infrastructure problems to rent the building to the people who performed the rehabilitation. tragic discovery recycling plant near rockford body of baby boy on a conveyor belt winnebago county. several employees umbilical cord still attached. autopsy scheduled for tomorrow. young west side boy shielded a friend of gunfire this week coming to terms with the word hero if he had to do this again he would. recovering from multiple gunshot wound more than any young person should.
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>> i looked at myself >> 3 entry wounds and exit wounds on rony monzon 13 year- old body wall and the bullets took him wednesday alarmingly close to his heart opened fire gunmen at close range rony monzon what he could build out of the way to the house in front of his friend saved her life >> what have right to me i would have been dead >> crowds of friends there are bullet holes in the house and the porch where rony monzon sat eating pizza and a few nights ago looking at those today both realized how easily this story could have been so much different. >> if i did not move on what happened shot in the head you can see on this side of the
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bullet shots out it damaged the porch >> and the mother rony monzon feeling the same thing any mother would ban all family of one rony monzon to be clear to not think targeted no affiliations to any gangs chicago police tell us still looking at what percent could did the shooting. heavy rainfall high wind fast and hard this afternoon thunderstorms running through the city and suburbs locking down trees and power lines thousands left without power afternoon commute miserable. when it split trees and the kid park area 2 in. per hour huge puddles maybe not done with the rainfall yet tom
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skilling in the weather center >> after a 93 degrees today he did the atmosphere storms developed they can do that again tomorrow ahead of a near record heat satellite into the area sunday monday and tuesday near 100 degree temperatures possible. how long will that last? weekend forecast and storms coming up. at chicago pastor mission to build a youth center makes a pit stops at his own church. at tracking down on rogue drivers state police program going after motorcyclists to gauge dangerously drive dangerously on expressways.
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[♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day.
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eprooftop pastor back chicago
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passing through lagered journey first leg of reverend pastor corey brooks raising money and awareness in the books shortstop at home tonight. south side temporary homecoming. after nearly 40 days of walking a to- 10 hours a day with a bomb they pastor corey brooks says it feels good to be home. small
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crowd of cheers tonight 79th and stony island. pastor corey brooks finally making it back on home turf. says 1,000 mi. down at 2000 more to go cross- country trek from new york-los angeles stopping just for the weekend where his heart is a chicago. down what i love the diversity of chicago just glad to be home town bought three months living on the roof of vacant motel across the street from his would log church raising enough money to purchase the church and buy it down donations are coming in slowly to build a community center only 50,000 even so says pastor corey brooks his we dolph resolve has strengthened every young person killed >> i think what he is doing is
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just remarkable tears continued tonight pastor corey brooks made his way back to a church the first time in more than a month >> the violence the same way he says he will finish the walk one step at a time. >> i will die on the road before i quit. if i have to go and a wheelchair i will make it through the neighborhoods all i will do pastor corey brooks says tempted to have a chicago style pizza but opting for healthier food instead dropped about 10 lbs. building and muscle mass worn out several pairs of shoes and huge a weekend ahead in chicago coach at fast side of propose to make
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the center tomorrow and a city- wide walked to navy pier joined by mayor rahm emmanuel and governor pat quinn. >> illinois state police teaming up with local cops to combat reckless motorcycle riding on the expressway "operation rogue rider" target stretch of 94 running from skokie and the lincoln would also "saturation patrols" mainly in the evening and late night for motorcyclist changing lanes improperly and riding the shoulder penalties include up to one year in jail fines up to $2,500. plan approved for tribune co. out of three and a half years of bankruptcy transfer of ownership of chicago company to a group of hedge funds and banks based in new york and los angeles first time in the tribune history control outside of chicago. after objections by junior
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creditors and others junior creditors pledge to appeal the judge's decision when final wgn television and media properties tribune all odds. still to come handful of cps principals and hot water over free lunches later white pad and paper could hold the key to weight loss.
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[ feedback ] attention, well, everyone. you can now try snapshot from progressive free for 30 days. just plug this into your car and your good driving can save you up to 30%. you could even try it without switching your insurance. why not give it a shot? carry on. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today.
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every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ wgn news @ 9 campaign headquarters president obama downtown staff member died collapsed alex okrent worked with obama 2004 run for your on
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the state senate president called alex okrent family today to offer condolences spoke with other staffers and conference call. cps school principals and assistant principals removed from jobs charged with giving students not qualified free lunches. inspector general says principles and assistant principals much higher salaries than qualify for free lunches. names of the 12 principals and assistant principals and the schools not being released yet. chicago-based burnsbreast cancer organization closes its doors after 45 years "y-me" chicago-
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based not-for-profit organization and "y-me" financial issues for some time in more than 30,000 people participated in the breast cancer walk last may group $3 million at the time it bigtime rain fall this afternoon those are around here a rarity this summer serious drought prior to the day half inch of rainfall over the past month not nearly enough to sustain plant life also concerns city parks chicago park district officials say signs of stress. >> next spring we will lose tree's branches off trees worst- case scenario losing a couple of thousand trees to the crowd. city leaders warning residents to be careful while smoking or grilling by dry grass. write this down coming up medical watch why a journal could help you shed the pounds and locally
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based website that saves lives donation to stranger why researchers say more needs to be done to inform women about the risk of a certain type of breast surgery.
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medical watch write this down to let it go keeping a food it journal of everything you eat will help you lose weight according to a new study of women who kept the food it journals lost 6 lbs. more than those who did not other weight- loss tactics no meal skipping keep an extra 8 lbs. and resist calling out to restaurants for lunch adding an extra 5 lbs.. considering breast surgery
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after cancer diagnosis when men have another consideration one out of five require another surgery doctors say those figures based on study of 45,000 women should be given to new patients to make informed decisions about their breast cancer surgery more than half patients choose to have portions rather than the entire breast greater risk to the caps will return on other operations. beauty products may lead to diabetes sounds like a stretch but reputable study links personal care products with increased risk for diabetes disrupt the and a consistent top in moisturizers hair sprays and perfume women highest level up to 70 percent more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes people with diabetes higher levels because certain medical devices in medicine for diabetes contain the chemicals as well sadly
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companies not required to disclose whether items are in their product but anything that contains fragments has the chemical. back to you. >> moving to whether more heat and rainfall kicking off the week that tom skilling many more 100 degrees in the immediate future. with hotwire's low prices, we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ bell tolls ] so, why are we up here? because farmers offers a new-roof discount? [ thudding ] oh, boy. yep. and it's an agent's job to help people find new ways to save. there's some cool stuff up here. there sure is. [ man ] look what i found. it's a fiddler on the roof. ♪ [ up-tempo country ] what are the chances? [ announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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ngrede even with all of that rainfall
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>> does help a little bit of the slick you have the water at all the rest we did a double the rainfall talking more about that we may do this again a great pictures from the downpour captured and the middle of and the another from wind damage county southwest of chicago and storm chaser captured town or rank cumulonimbus clouds with a range shaft underneath. and interesting shop captured back yard rainbow st. charles rainfall coming down more conventional rainbow captured and this shot. we will take any and all of the rainfall we can get afraid some of the damage has been done. what a storm this afternoon might do this again
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time lapse looking to 0 airfield fascinating go to do website and weather service website coming out from each of the thunderstorms on the radar animations here is the history of the storms marching across the area collapsed coolness of the night tops coming down at one point these things reached up into the atmosphere 45,000 ft.. the temperature today are around 90 degrees below zero how these storms pool the cool air down to the surface nation's great air conditioners. nocturnal storms tomorrow daytime heating pulling these things back up again clip 50% coverage perhaps weather disturbance here easterly waves traveling from the tropics across the southern states producing thunderstorms down in
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the gulf coast area the storms came with the full array of whether including wind 55 mi. per hour wind gusts. here is how this looked on the satellite interesting these things exploded tonight the air cools storms hoping that process mixing down cooler air still and that upper trough relatively unstable area daytime heating all it takes blazingly hot dome of their comes into the area on sunday-tuesday caps the atmosphere turns the brand fall off and temperatures take off perhaps close to record 100 degree record high temperatures monday and tuesday. doppler radar showed heaviest rainfall of course this thing today and
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not everybody was involved. if you were involved you probably got too much in some places. fantastic right there at 0 airfield up to 1.46 in. for the entire summer 30% to normal rainfall for that time frame. still way below that not a drought buster for sure. some of their rainfall totals later on. how bridgwatching each rainfall
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situation averaging above normal first five days a huge anomaly 9 above normal out to 14 days might be a shower tonight. showers or thunderstorms on the shoreline awakening in tucson cloud banks daytime heating by noon can have thunderstorms today any one of these could tower into the atmosphere. sunday high temperature of 96-98 degrees chicago opera ids tuesday if not near 100 cloudy hazy warm and humid tonight
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still tense a chance of widely scattered showers or thunderstorms. win it will go a southerly tonight tomorrow son and building clouds scattered up to 50% coverage thunderstorms lower at the lake warm and muggy 76 partly sunny hazy hot and humid if thunderstorm very isolated high temperature of 94 at least. going to get hot all- time record way ahead of the pace the drought is more expensive this year than 1988 when it was a big story. happy friday >> people beyond the website help those in need to pay for
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life-saving surgery one of chicagos very own and later why it did not get too close to the art institute lions downtown. >> with hotwire's low prices i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ ♪ it goes something like this ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand out. tonight introducing you to to bury a forward thinking people
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chicagoans can up with their website lets other people help them in need. helping to save lives. jessica amy cowin sister's best friends they say they cannot live without one another statement became reality doctor said need a kidney transplant >> at the end of 2008 jessica needed a new kidney her best friend's sister volunteered hers become an organ donor came at a hefty price. everything included well over $100,000 and i did not know what to do no money and no transplant >> looking for some way to raise the money website "give forward"-not within three hours
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over $500,000. i cried because how did they get this how did they know so quickly and who donated $5,000 about creating a sense of community we do that through providing emotional and financial support >> desiree vargas wrigley is the ceo of "give forward" began the website to raise money for anything honey mode and money for college but this website grew into something much bigger website people help one another raise money for overwhelming medical bills really opened partner and i up to how big of a problem this is across the country of middle-class americans. that may first big success story raised more than $30,000 for jessica kidney transplant
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both are now find back to normal baking in the kitchen without medical bills they say a lot of the money they received friends and family much from complete strangers >> of italy and shock cannot be beat people were so generous and nice >> to use the "give forward" website create your personal page write a short paragraph describing the illness and what the money will be used for social media donor sees this uses a credit card to donate to page looking at it belongs to devoy paraplegic >> shot as a bystander drive-by shooting 17 years ago. devoy 17 years old when shot on the back city's south side the bullet paralyzed them since then in and out of hospitals battling various health conditions cousin
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devoy tiffany green-abdullah turned to "give forward" to help ease the burden >> about making it easier we can take care of things >> since this started "give forward" is to more than $60 million to people around the united states best part about the website "give forward" and spires people like jessica amy cowin do just that >> and spiring donated to other fundraisers out and not necessarily have done that you kind of get a different perspective when somebody doesn't it like that for you >> give forward tipples itself as for-profit social venture which means they take 7 percent of each transaction about four and half percent goes to help
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sustain the company remaining percentage of credit card transactions more information on the by site >> new way to deter unwanted visitors outside of the art institute of chicago might give it a scare to people who get too close to the big clients at the white sox starter off the second half of the season with a band highlights from kansas city [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day.
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towo big blonde lions outside of art institute protecting their turf more ferociously now museum's security department now plays a new recorder whenever somebody climbs on the lions for pictures and it warning security will call the police. about 12 ft. tall sitting on top 12 ft. above the sidewalk cement we do not want people climbing up there to not want the alliance to be damaged or people to be damaged >> art institute started playing the during the nato summit. tom
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skilling with the seven day forecast >> the heat could research by next weekend after a brief turn of the wind off of the lake on wednesday and thursday right now widely scattered showers and thunderstorms those in our area have largely stayed out to one or two might pop tonight tomorrow building heat during the day new thunderstorms could produce a downpour aerial coverage 40-50% flood watches and arizona southern california and utah monsoon's acting up there pushing the hot dog out of the southwest into the midwest red flag warnings how the heat will expand the weakness between the hot air in the plans and the east coast trough produced today's thunderstorms watch how this is overtaken by the warm air expanding into the area of
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the warmest colors up to tuesday through time heat continues to build by later next week could cover a lot of the country and the downturn in temperatures will be amenable midweek 91 degrees high temperature we hit 93 degrees look at the 90's up to the arctic coastline 81 degree high temperature today. pretty amazing comfortable in chicago '80s out west here is what happens the next few days hundreds in kansas and missouri sunday hundreds into south dakota minnesota east toward mid 90's there is the heat on monday hot spell coming out. rainfall cooling our greetings adding moisture the 2.69 degrees
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it was near 50 s today humidity 85% pace in the air all of the pollen years are low close but that the '90s forecast tomorrow outflow boundaries of thunderstorms back into the '90s thunderstorms very isolated during the day sunday there is a monday understated there is the weather map cloud cover scattered thunderstorms. bathtub warm swimming in lake michigan this weekend 92 degrees tomorrow and 98 degrees monday night did 9 degrees on tuesday 100 degree record high temperatures wind turns off the lake wednesday and thursday nine days away from the lake. warming
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to the 90s on friday through next weekend heart of summer have a good weekend. see you later >> think you are missing cash or assets state treasurer new options. be treasurer dan rutherford announced and cash stashed program full of cash 800,000 names are not on the unclaimed property database state has one and a half billion dollars in cash and items from safe deposit boxes need to be turned over to rightful owners if you want to see if your money or items identified check out website. we will link you to the state database chicago cubs' starting to hold start the second half like the first high lights at wrigley field and
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changes for chicago bulls the tells who is going goodbye next season. with hotwire's low prices, we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪
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heals. [ feedback ] attention, well, everyone. you can now try snapshot from progressive free for 30 days. just plug this into your car and your good driving can save you up to 30%. you could even try it without switching your insurance. why not give it a shot?
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carry on. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today. this is the plan that revolves around you. introducing share everything. unlimited talk. unlimited text. tap into a single pool of sharable data and add up to 10 different devices including smartphones and tablets. the first plan of its kind. share everything. only from verizon. now add a tablet for only $10 monthly access.
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good news on one side hopefully good news on the other first- place white sox second half with a three game lead rough road ahead white sox kansas city 10 dain 3 city road trip royals never easy on the white sox the case again this evening things began well the person hitting adam dunn nelles won high pitch long gone to run shot three nothing lead kansas city tied the game before in the fourth down the line stays there jose quintana off and then it down 5- 3 when dayan viciedo put them right back on top tower and shot gone for big three run home run white sox lead to 6-5 in the eighth inning and the indians won tonight ready to start the second half chicago cubs 40 minute rain delay did not slow down alfonso soriano. game tied
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at 12-1 lead for chicago cubs and again alfonso soriano alfonso soriano 4-417 home runs for the year. chicago cubs safety squeeze by paul maholm chicago cubs went 8-1 to have won eight of the last 11 games. chicago tribune reports chicago bulls worked out a deal to send to the aanta hawks pending a physical pave the way for chicago bulls to bring back to chicago kirk hinrich back to chicago after trading kyle korver to the atlanta hawks. johnnie's ice house impressed with the men might be a man of the future including tayvo tarovinen just 70 years old head and back overseas said stan bowman is pleased with everything he saw. round two of
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john deere classic troy matteson is leading but it to steve stricker finding chapin very much in the picture later on a better shot at 2 audra 22 yd to the seventh and watch what happens across the green setting up a birdie. 67-10 under par all of the pace. chicago fire hoping
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to rebound after two-month loss fire taking on the vancouver has not scored a goal in the last two games. looking for firepower taking the field saturday night. and pretty big nfl news drew brees agrees to five year-$100 million contract new orleans saints $60 million nfl record guaranteed.
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every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there?
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♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ [ bell tolls ] agents, say hello to the biggest hailstone in u.s. history. oh, that will leave a dent. which is exactly why we educate people... about comprehensive coverage. yep. the right choice now can pay off later. looks like a bowling ball. yeah. oh! agents, say hello to the second-biggest hailstone in u.s. history. [ announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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