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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  August 6, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT

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] live the regular life. phillips'. police say an army veteran - and possible white supremacist - was behind a deadly shooting spree at a sikh temple in milwaukee. and now ... investigators are looking to question another man in the case. good afternoon. i am steve sanders. and i'm dina bair. we welcome our viewers who are watching us around the country on wgn america and on the web. wgn's judy wang is live in oak creek, wisconsin with more on our top story.... 40 year-old wade michael page and ex army soldier it is
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believed he was the lone gunman the fbi is seeking a second person of interest to attend possibly no more ... the gunman served 1992-1998 he finished his tour at fort bragg north carolina he was discharged for " patterns of misconduct " he was a psychological operations specialist when he left the military ... agents did not reveal the name of the person of interest is reportedly caught on video watching police conduct their investigation on the scene after the shooting ... people were shot inside and outside of the sikh temple ... police attending to victims outside were ambushed the officer was
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shot at close range between eight and nine times he was 51 years old he was with the department for over 20 years and the officer remains in critical condition another officer was wounded ... witnesses reported that the shooter had a september 11th tattoo on his arm five men and one women were killed inside the temple ... officials here are trying to reassure this community that they are on top of this investigation >>oak creek wisconsin is secure the people here the people in the state and the people of this nation ought to know that we are continuing to do everything we can do in our power and beyond to ensure this remains the case oak creek is a diverse and welcoming city with 23 places of worship the sikh community as part of this and helps us to be
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strong ... we will recover from this and i want to assure everyone we are doing everything we can cooperating with all agencies involved to get the answers we need to resolve the situation and begin this healing process police spent time at the shooter's home north of oak creek and cudahy wisconsin ... neighbors were not allowed to go back to their homes until midnight police showed them pictures asking for information about him neighbor say that he was a new resident to the complex there only for a few weeks ... ask whether not this
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man had ties to white supremacist group officials would not comment ... a lone gunman x army soldier has been identified as the shooter and there is a person of interest being pursued ... just like during the aftermath of the auroroa shootings in colorado -- we're hearing about the heroism of those killed in the shootings in wisconsin. family memebers of the head of the sikh temple -- talked to wgn's tonya fancisco -- about his last moments of life. he came to this country in 1982 and did not have a dime to his name working hard to provide for his family while people in the temple ran for cover he ran into the heart of danger trying to protect his family losing his life ... >>multiple people and the fbi came to shake my hand and tell me that it was good to know that
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i was here for my dad and that he was a hero ... >>he also remembers his father as a protector of his family has community and church and that's exactly what the 65 year-old president of this sikh temple did when he ran toward the sound of gunfire in his temple ... >>he wanted to protect people that day ... he had already shot four people by the time he caught up with the gunman in the lobby he fought with the man and was shot in the lake and heads and most likely bled to death ... >>he was selfless he was a protector he left this world the way he lived ...
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>>our doors are open to any religion and culture ... this is what happens when we leave the doors open and there is no room for hate ... >>now i have to think about this horrible act ... as people are not here anymore ... people who wear these turbines are not terrorists we are good people arrangements for the funeral are pending ... members of the family felt the need to come and
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speak to the public about this ... stay tuned to wgn and our 24- hour news channel cltv, for the very latest on the temple tragedy throughout the day. you can also get updates online at: once again, the illinois appeals court has denied a motion by former governor george ryan. ryan's attorneys tried to get his convictions overturned after a u.s. supreme court ruling that affected his case. but the appellate panel said the supreme court ruling curtailing "honest services" laws didn't apply.. since ryan's case clearly involved bribery and kickbacks. the former governor has been in prison for the past five years. he was convicted of steering state contracts to friends and accepting cash and free vacations in return. today's ruling means ryan will not be released or granted a new trial. we are joined on the phone by wgn legal analyst terry sullivan. >>george ryan was due to be released in one year it looks as
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though he will serve the entire sentence >>yes except for the fact ... that the law moves very slowly he may not have another shot at getting anything done in this circuit ... >>can you explain how the door might still be open ... and the basis for this current appeal >>the honest services lot is more confusing now than it has ever been the supreme court sent this back to the seventh circuit and told them to look at the jury instructions ... there was another opinion but the seventh
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circuit court of appeals in chicago toward the end said there were other counts that they addressed ... in the last two paragraphs they said they do not consider the other four counts ... and may uphold the district court's analysis ... it seems to say to me that ... they later say that the supreme court " did not instruct them to reconsider a certain portion of this decision? >>the only thing the governor can do is try to get the entire seventh circuit to hear this but the chances are slim ... he
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needs to just try to go to the next phase of his penalty and get on with his life ... i will read one part of this opinion with the government discusses the awarding of contracts and leases they said in closing that he had a duty to provide honest services to the people of the state of illinois who elected him and they said he sold his office ... honest services have gotten reworked in certain appeals and that's why the government in other cases
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has been grappling with this for a long time and they have taken a second look at how they charge people under this statute ... >>when might he be eligible to go to a halfway house? >>i do not know for sure based upon his time served he does have that much longer before he will be moved to a place like this and may have to stay for a few months ... he would like to have left now but things did not go his way in the seventh circuit court of appeals ... coming up...
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the first pictures from the rover that just landed on the surface of mars overnight... and... mitt romney is headed to chicago later this week. and more pain at the pump...gas prices continue to rise for chicagoans. ahhh, now that's a clean mouth. i just wish it wouldn't fade away so fast. let me show you something. [ dr. rahmany ] as soon as you leave here... plaque quickly starts to grow back. but now there's a way to keep the clean longer.
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introducing new crest pro-health clinical rinse. it's a clinical breakthrough that actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque at 2 months after a dental visit. plus, it gives you these key benefits. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. crest. life opens up when you do. also try new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste. [ female announcer ] what's a powerful way to cut through everyday greasy messes? [ male announcer ] sponges, take your mark! ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] one drop of ultra dawn has twice the everyday grease-cleaning
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ingredients of one drop of the leading non-concentrated brand... ♪ ♪ [ crowd cheering ] you the strength of two in every bottle. [ sponge ] gimme some suds! [ female announcer ] p&g -- proud sponsor of moms.
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a nasa mission to mars had a "make or break" moment early this morning. mission control in los angeles cheered when they heard that the rover curiosity landed on mars. curiosity lifted off in november and traveled hundreds of millions of miles to get there. experts say this rover landing was much more complicated than other ones. >>this fork over is so much biggerrover is bigger had a complex and untested landing sequence that was very intricate ... the curiosity rover is already sending images of mars. nasa plans to have it explore the planet for at least two years. republican presidential
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candidate mitt romney comes to chicago tomorrow to raise campaign cash and deliver a speech on the economy. romney will speak at a factory in elk grove village about the need to restore manufacturing jobs. he'll then head downtown for a pair of fundraisers - one for his campaign and one for the republican national committee. president obama will be in town this weekend to attend three fundraisers. today .. he's campaigning in connecticut. he speaks at a hotel and then a private residence before returning to washington. the president also signed a bill designed to help veterans and their families with health care ... housing ... education and memorial services. just ahead: a computer glitch causes ticket woes for southwest airlines customers.
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...time for the bloomberg "on the money" report, live from the n.y.s.e. aaa says that chicago gasoline prices average $4.23 per gallon ... it is worse in the city $4.40 per gallon across the nation the average price for a regular gallon of gasoline $3.62 ... american families are reducing their debt burden ... it's fallen 84 to 84% today's retirees are far apart on social security taxes and benefits ... it will get worse
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for future retirees ... south west airlines is apologizing for a facebook sale they blamed a technical glitch they are issuing refunds and reimbursements to people affected ... still ahead what you want to keep the kids from watching if you want them to go to school ...
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advantage. you know what i love
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about this country? trick question. i love everything about this country! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all this great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddings. so if you're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day, block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. a boy was killed in a fire in
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the little village neighborhood. fire crews arrived at a home in the 2400 block of south lawndale avenue at 10:30 last night. firefighters found the boy-- 11 year-old, sergio pedroza-- near the kitchen. authorities did not find any working smoke detectors. no one else was seriously hurt in the blaze. the cause of the fire is still unknown. a chicago doctor is being hailed as a hero. he gave up his own life to save two children from drowning. wgn's randi belisomo is live at the university of chicago comer children's hospital. randi? >> dr john liu was the go to person in pediatric surgery they said he had lots more left to do but no one was surprised he died trying to save children ... he was with his wife and children on a small beach in michigan he had spotted children knocked out of their kayak by heavy waves
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they were in trouble and he immediately went into the water to save them they'd made it out but he was taken away by the repip current he is survived by his wife a pediatric surgeon here at the chicago children's hospital and three children ... he had an impressive resonate he was internationally recognized for advances in minimally invasive surgery and was recently honored with a distinguished clinicians award here at his hospital ... >>he was completely devoted to his patients and would do anything for children ... >>we take care of children with advanced of domino or chest tumors requiring many hours of surgery he was able to take care
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of those tumors and prevented many of the side effects ... >>besides being gifted as a surgeon he was always there no matter what time of day he was there if we needed him or more importantly if our patience needed him ... colleagues say that they will need several people to fill his shoes here a few hours after dr. liu's death.. a 41 year-old man from west suburban montgomery drowned in lake michigan off tiscornia beach in st. joseph. the unidentified man drowned in 12 feet of water.. in a rip current about 350 yards offshore. he was last seen in waves nearly seven feet high. his body was pulled from the water by the u.s. coast guard.
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chicago park district officials say the damage isn't as bad as last year.. following this weekend's lollapalooza music festival. more than 270,000 festival-goers flocked to chicago for the three day music event. on saturday, a massive storm forced about 60,000 people to evacuate grant park... and suspended the music for about three hours, before fans could head back to the mud-covered grounds. and you have a year to rest up for next year, because we told that that the overall lollapalooza effort will be even bigger next year. it's even expanding to israel next year. still to come this midday: tom skilling has your full forecast. every load of laundry is worth about $200. really? one cap of downy protects $200 worth of clothes. prove it to me. ultra downy softeners protect fibers. there's no comparison. nice downy's pretty much saving our clothes. yeah, ultra downy saves loads. i'm on break sweetheart. [ woman
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at liberty mutual insurance, we understand. that's why our auto policies come with accident forgiveness if you qualify where your rates won't go up due to your first accident and new car replacement, where if you total your new car we give you the money for a new one. call... to talk to an insurance expert about everything else that comes standard with our base auto policy. [ tires squeal ] and if you get into an accident and use one of our certified repair shops your repairs are guaranteed for life. call... to switch, and you could save hundreds. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy?
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>>i have then sniffling and sneezing ... >>the mold countyt is off the chart... how about those weekend storms? here are some pictures sent in by our viewers ... ... the portage indiana lakefront ... and the ground lightning
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and montrose beach ... this was also a scene repeated out at lollapalooza before the storm which caused an evacuation ... it ran over 1 in. at midway airport ... it rained heavily but not everyone saw that accumulation ... we have a great day today ... but we have a 125,000 plus a small account it's more than our experts have
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seen in a decade ... people with mold allergies or to stay indoors today ... for the coming week except for in the 90 degree temperature tomorrow we will have more moderate conditions ... there could be a good rain system coming ahead of this ...
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we see amplification developing within the jet stream later this week ... so the hot air dome will get pushed and we will see the flow of cooler canadian air reach our area there's a potential for heavy rain wednesday into thursday ...
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we are looking and wind gusts over 30 mi. per hour here in town it is currently 77 degrees at soldier field the rainfall this weekend was not universally distributed. today we remain in the '80s tomorrow we will be 90 degrees
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back to a's on wednesday80s on wednesday ... we are also looking at tropical storm ernesto that's expected to become a hurricane by the time it reaches belize.... the water in the caribbean is very warm this is what fuels the hurricane's
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we will be warm this afternoon and the mid to upper 80s it's a beautiful day with sunshine ... tonight scattered clouds the low temperature will be down to 66 degrees ... partly sunny tomorrow it will be more human and much warmerid and much warmer there could be nighttime thunderstorms wednesday into thursday ... thursday's expected to be a wet day here in chicago ... we will have a break from the hot weather by the end of this week ... time for today's trivia:
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on this day in 1993 the movie the fugitive was released... what was the name of harrison fords character in the fugitive? a. charles nichols b. ri questions? anyone have occasional constipation diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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[ female announcer ] letting her home be turned into a training facility? this mom has been doing it for years. she's got bounty. in this lab demo one sheet of bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. bounty. let the spills begin. i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems,
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or trouble emptying your bladder do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips throat or tongue stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer. time for sports: breaking news from bears training camp.. the team has brought back veteran receiver rashied davis to fill the special teams void left behind by receiver devin thomas. davis, who played with the detroit lions last season, signed a one-year contract. and the latest from the summer
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olympics in london: in the medal count .... china has pulled ahead of the u.s. with 64 medals ... compared to 61 for the americans. china has 31 gold medals .... the u.s. 28. great britain continues to climb in the standings with 17 gold and 39 overall. that's a look at sports. your live illinois lottery drawing is next. here are the winning pick three numbers: 4 9 1
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the power ball jackpot is $212 million ... here are the winning pick four numbers: 6 9 9 9
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♪ i dare you to dare me ♪ what's today's dare? erase the damage of 100 blow-drys [ female announcer ] with daily moisture renewal from pantene. the pro-v system nourishes to lock in moisture erasing the damage of 100 blow drys for a silky, soft touch. think only salon brands can do that? i took the dare...will you? [ female announcer ] daily moisture renewal from pantene. hair so healthy it shines. noú]@?@ó@,ç?ú@ó@46ú?ñstú] ç@xúópç0ó
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ú[l÷@úñú%úfú÷w@pl0l@f@oúñ@i@/@r@[x@ó oxqúp÷úñ÷.p;ú?@cñú+ xyú=nw v @ñ 0úkññú?p@kúwúz0(ú?(> né'húç@@o@oúw@émúó@w@? @ó@ç ñ0=úop2@ox?ú8ú2 mvñ@x@7@[xvúy ÷xxñ÷7x ú@çññ@vñqpúpúuúçúó@w ?@vñ
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in medical watch.. a new look at why cancerous tumors become resistant to chemotherapy. researchers now believe it involves what's known as the "tumor micro-environment". in addition to targeting cancerous tumors.. chemotherapy also damages the d-n-a of some healthy cells called fibroblasts. the researchers say this can cause firoblasts to increase production of a molecule that helps cancer cells to grow, invade neighboring cells and resist chemotherapy. the finding could help fine new ways to overcome drug resistance and improve cancer cure rates. changing the type of tv shows and dvd's young children watch during the day may help them sleep better at night. a new study in the journal
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"pediatrics" finds when parents of pre-schoolers replaced age- inappropriate media content with more suitable programming.. there were long-lasting, significant reductions in the children's sleep problems. the researchers did not attempt to change the amount of tv the children viewed.. or the time of day they watched. previous studies have linked tv and video game violence to poor sleep in older children and teens. lunchbreak is next. we are grilling up and eating cactus.
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♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ ♪ it goes something like this ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand out. i have never encountered such a burning sensation... until i had the shingles. it was like a red rash. like somebody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck. i had no idea it came from chickenpox. it's something you never want to encounter. for more of the inside story visit
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it's time for a lunchbreak... javier placencia joins us today. we are preparing cactus.... and some great drinks you have nearly one dozen restaurants in california ... >>we are excited to be here in chicago we have some simple and wonderful recipes from home ... these are barbecue recipes served with tequila drinks ... this is a salad. >>is this prickly cactus something i want to eat ... >>this is from mexico nopales is
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the name... you want to cut this this way ... you see old ladies at the markets in mexico doing it this way what i like to do with this is to cook this over an open flame or weekend salt cure this for 1/2 hour....rinse the salt frequently and marinate 15
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minutes in tequila add jalapenos and tomatoes and onion and white vinegar... keep the lovely bright green color. add lemon juice and it's done... >>i'm going to taste this because i am very curious ... >>what do you think? >>it's very good and the tequila is not too strong it's very refreshing ... what a nice
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surprise. >>whenever we barbecue we have to have a cocktail this is called the paloma we use our favorite type of tequila for this ... i also want to say that people need to please drink responsibly. add club soda to the tequila with some pink grapefruit
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juice... >>this is a chicken barbecue dish i remove the skin and eye marinade this with barbecue sauce ... i had some tequila so i'm using that in the marinade you put this on the grill and it comes out very moist ... the basic barbecue sauce has mole
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you can purchase this and a specialty store and the tequila really makes a difference.... for a recipe or to watch the segment again, log on to: thank you very much for coming here ...
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time now for the answer to today's trivia question. we asked: on this day in 1993 the movie the fugitive was released... what was the name of harrison fords character in the fugitive? a. charles nichols b. richard kimble c. samuel gerard the answer: b. richard kimble great movie.
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>>i was doing the st. patrick's day parade when they shot one of those scenes here in chicago ... well it is a gorgeous monday here in chicago ... the mold spore counts are off the charts today however ... and tropical storm ernesto will become a hurricane as it heads toward the yucatan we are looking at the cooler weather that came in here over the weekend currently it's 82 degrees here in chicago ... there will be a spike into the '90s tomorrow. the wind is, the moment ... the mold counted is
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the highest in more than one decade ... that's more than two times the normal amount needed for an alert ... high pressure dominates so that's why we have beautiful weather today ... there will be a friend coming through late tomorrow with isolated thunderstorms high pressure will settle wednesday the showers gather strength and that can be a big grain system arriving wednesday ... the high temperature will reach
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86 today tomorrow and we will be into the low 90s ... 80 degrees wednesday we will be cooling down toward later in the week ... we are looking at the front coming of the rain system and friday will be the coolest reese seen in 11 days 77 degrees thanks to the cool air coming from canada. thanks for joining us today.
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we hope you have a great afternoon. remember we are back at 5:00 this evening and again at 9:00. we leave you with more music live in the studio, from the band: "the dirty heads"


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