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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  August 28, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm CDT

10:00 pm
peacefulness outside as delegates indoors send the reublican message they wt ear aundhewod. >> w, thiek sebig nasonc agiiitg the ilnoielation during their daily breakfast together. house speaker john boehner is on the schedule for tomorrow and on thursday a k republican for decades now. by doing so both gentlemen acknowleding the iortce o llins en i meso biggericturen wasngon th lectyear e'reve i taa, wgn news. back to you. >> thank you so much. live from tampa still ahead, a story that affected the rnc. big trouble at the united ermina >>marklud ot%oooowgn wgn ws anine%oooowgn h@h@oooowgn ws anineh@oooowgn nine
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with hotwire's low prices i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. becae whoooos ha unsdh@ ♪ ♪ ng more comfortable.% h@ @@h@h@tribe brdcasngh@wgn ws anine%oooowgn
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tribe broadcastingwgn h@wgn ws anineh@tribe brdcash@h@tribe brdcasngtribe broadcastingh@tribe
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brdcasngtribe brdcasngh@wgn ws at nine unlimited talk. unlimited text. p in a sgle ol otribsheabldata wgn d adtribe brdcasng wgn azr.tribe brdcasngwgn ws anineooooh@tribe brdcash@%oooowgn h@tribe brdcasng
10:09 pm
thinry!e brdcasngh@ urn so you can enjoy a this great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. at nineh@wgn ws a if tribe brngwgn nine oooo h@withtribe brdcas wgn ws age oooowgn ♪ oooor ] th it ric silre's
10:10 pm
[♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford h@i ju tribrriedcasngh@wgn nine oooows anine see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels tribe brdcash@wgn ws anine>> m♪ oooowgn ws a schedule. you can't overestimate the impact over these areas. >> for little categy one rricane -- is amazg. t rain irngdown. th win areowg. ere a srmsue. ecan levs hve risen. waves to 33 feet. i've seen far weaker storms produce numbers tt look less
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impressive than this stormight now so we'll be hearing a lot from the area there are 100,000peoe ithout ectrityt let night, an th's jt hebegiin histormhe going timpt usefoe i'sall e too. but it certainly didn't today. a beautiful day and 86 was the high before the le breeze came in. you know something one of the things that storm will do an we've een tellin y ts righ alg i wlleats . teperaresaye within rking stan of0 degre here by the end of the week and part of that will be air sinking out ahead of the remnants of isaac that could sweep i over the labor day weekd. a cpe of fla cumuls cud theig torys dow on he gu cot he rar i qte impressive. these cloud towers the tower up to 52,000 feet at this hour, and look how concentric the bands have become right here. ts thinghas delop a full-bln e ll and tey it rigthere, tt'the ltive ca hereando can seeow i's driing slowly staying out of the water as it does along the louisiana coast tonight. here's the radar view.
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it is just pouring in cet ate arringrin mbs we'lsharsom whyo from easrnflid tindes ha aea had 1 inch of in even though west florida, where the conventionis missed out on a lot of that. the same moisture pool is fueling this system tonight which looks pretty impressiven thesatelle. yoseeanye fhin to sho up the ormille trackng ik is through thursday at midday. so you realize that means all day tomorrow, all night tomorrow night and int the day on thursday, folks down here under these hurricane warnings will be under the gun in terms of heavy ath a ra ookt sefthe win gusts f or sensor. at grand isle louisiana, boothville, louisiana, new orleans has gusts at 61. metairie, 62 mile per hour gusts. wis stain at52 and ustg to7 at gradle. eres another rortih susinedindsat 46 gufrtingsting at 71 at boothville.
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there is one wild gulf of mxico whe arey t storm srs hav bee meared aroun 10 feet ave nmal le ik raising lke mihign's level 10 feet and putting incredible wave action on top of it. the rain numbers are coming up as well. new orleans, about an inch and a half already down while in our area we had uppr 80'stoday. eauiful unsn. d ptty ce eater acrs thhiago ara. his storm will go ashore and then go north slowly losing intensity in terms of winds but its prolific rains will continue in a band tha could be heavy in a wath all theaypnto ilino that could ilu he cicago ovever the weeknd. this is annteresting graphic. we see the wind gusts the storm is producing. that's the forecast by tomorrow at no. winds gusting to 70 plus miles per hour in new orleans. game force wind back to the floridapanhan theris titure tmorow eni. 65on or - preictedy o mod new orleans until. midnight, near 60. raining, as you can see, from the bands all along the way. so the rain numbers on this will be extraordinary.
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sakin ofanues, t ist ai astwnt nto lodit tat coas ike bang busters and ran itself out. royal palm beach, florida has had 15.86 inches of rain. boynton beach over a foot. green acs, oida, ove a foo samatlingt hugeumbe ofai n theeas coastof forinthe last couple of days from this storm. and here's where the tropical storm force winds will be. now for our area we've got some beautiful weather, but it's going to grow hot in the next couple of days th estimen wkend rainfll i arund 2.18 ihs ut mbs aquit red ere' howhatigwork the system will come north it builds this high pressure ridge that turns hot before this thing comes into the area with some rains over the weekend and here's that corrido of heavy rai if not over sey lose sothisoulde -- have a real impaton erught andparts of the midwest. and look at the extensiveness of the heat. 100 day at rapid city. 98 at williston. huge hot air dome that will be spreadin eawa. he are ac' renan
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mpssio eati u thisir mass. well into the 90's. look into the temperatures. they will going into the 90's and 100s tomorrow once again out in the plains and the 90's reach us the day after torrow and continue into rid. tnig ptltomosy cud. somligt ind seasoable emperates. lo fro 60o 67 and those east wis light tight at 2-8. during the day tomorrow partly sunny. warmer but moderate humidity keeps that heat under ntl. 87with akerez an he sorelin into e mid-'. frnd warand 6 toro night. and then turning hot by the afternn. south winds 10 to 22. that may e he war-upor 98-egre fdawith t humitydde t th mi. s friywil brttyan. then bring isaac's remnants in and you get a saturday that clouds over with rain and thunderstorms developing that could persist into sunday and security, we hope on labor day mnda. biclyn th 80s over t cong weken arod he. t perp some pttgoo
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infl anwe'l berain the numbers on that in the days to come. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> all right. mike and tom. >> ergy drink makers are facing an investigation. according ton insider, n rk' ttory geralissd suoen to fiveournrgy moste a the probe is examining how the drinks are made. a source says they are vetting whether the company has violatedle from law in promoting the drinks as dietary supplements rather than foods which wod be regulator strtly >> t chiagoea re addng theiraybo nw cance to build their fan base. it's partnering with the spanish radio station lale. the station will do play-by-play for bears games starting this year and will also host 30-inu sho on ndys. 107.9 f.m. >> we're so happy to do these for the passion of the football and try to give this to our hispanic commity. hank ou,everybdy, nd
10:17 pm
goodbye. >> sunday september 9. >> and coming up chris sale call it a disgrace. unfortunately for the chicago white sox, he could have been describing his own perfrmae, or t otheox ofense >>whi t cub loc castr or long lng me next in sports. confidence happens. ♪ ♪ when skin meets goddess, anytng can happen. introducinvenus & olay matcmaden sk hean. olayoiste ba relee sk contions hellockn moture d bot yo sha. while five blades get venus close. revealing smooth. renewing beauty. and goddess skin begins. only from venus & ol. %oooo%oooowgn %tribe brdcash@tribe brdcasngh@wgn ws anineooootribe brdcasngh@wgn
10:18 pm
ws anineoooowgn ws aninewgn ws anineooooh@%ooooh@%oooo%oooowgn h@%oooowgn h@wgn news at nineh@wgn
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10:21 pm
brdcas era tergt onnineered staiwgn ♪ ♪ tribe brdcaswe gbecause they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game.
10:22 pm
and with the money we saved, we took a trip tobroaasting trib everday e brdcasngh@ws anine ♪ ♪ ♪ len: it' a real nice night for asell on t norside. oco no great ot gatbaltmor. a rough night. in the wake of a tough loss tonight, in baltimore insead a rockyuing forlea dden-2 sato eoad rip. tw otso one on in the second,before a single and two walks loadedhem up for nick markakis who drives one to the wall in center. this will clear and suddenly
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's 3-0 orioles the sx gohing goi agnst ris. e ot, man o ihe tird, bu ordon beckham goes down swinging. an in the bottom of the inning lew ford, who hit his first home run in five years last night, hits another one. this makes it 4-0 orioles, they g on t w it0, to wi jus to sile the aso cedp axelrod to replace ford. tonight they are tied 8-8 in the eighth inning. cubs have made it loud and clear that they are rebuilding plans doncd shortsp stalin cstr heyormall anoue ael or e 22ear-dwo te all-star. it mea they won't have to worry about castro going to arbitration or testing free agency for most of the next decade. castro doesn't have to worry ither. >> wanto bhe. wking ha to help my teammates. this is important right now. play hard and elpthe tm to
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w. >> a y sa they had a seat in the bleachers. a better than usual view of this. the first big league homer for milwaukee, a three-run blast off travis wood 3-0 brws wou ler hit oe o but at's it. he brewe bt t cubs1. the last gasp is at hand for some of the bears. one more chance to impress the coaches and game conditis in thursday's pre-season finale at cleveld. smi hassom dcisns t mak. he utdwnfrom 7to 53 du o friy. the ars guretogiva lot of guys a long look on thursday but noturcereainsur and thas te w his ca was it >> i's set up that way it wouldn't do me any good to talk about this since we don't want you to see an awful lot. he's making progress i'll l you know that about him. and just like we sid ll alo iexpct oee nmber 54
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o n thefield. nt week in practice and playing. >> at the u.s. open djokovic and andy roddick among the winners along with the williams sisters butorme rnr u alsana woiak s ou onay two. mayb t pl oheweek i baeall the giants pablo sandoval and crawford. sandoval keeps it alive and lets his bdy make the sprawling tch >a ltluglig act. nbad. > beholeyball liket the olympics. >> without the bikinis. >> without the bikinis. >> we're thankful for that. >> thank u. an pdat nco he a eat ght. bybye.
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