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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  September 4, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT

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students in chicago head back to school... but a possible teachers strike is just one week away. good afternoon. i am steve sanders. and i'm dina bair. wgn's nancy loo has our top story.... there is concern that things could come to an abrupt halt if schools go on teachers go on strike next week ... chicago bears
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jmarcus webb and chicago bulls jimmie butler were on hand with schools ceo jean-claude brizard @ clemente high school to ring in the new year ... it appears that both sides are beginning to budge in the negotiations ... >>my hope is that they stay and keep talking to each other so we can get this done before the weekend to remove the stress >>teachers are adamant about higher pay because the new school year includes the mayors signature plan for a longer school day the city's sights budget constraints in its ability to offer anything more than a 2 percent raise >>if that is the case and why would you impose a longer school day and a longer year when you do not have the money to pay ... >>the students and the athletes
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in particular are concerned about the strike that would affect their ability to participate in championships ... >>i would like to get more experience before i moved to college ... >>there's a waiver from the i h a s a to allow the players to continue in the event of a strike that is possible ... they'd negotiations are continuing and both sides are confident that a strike can be averted ... the democratic national convention kicks off in charlotte, today. party leaders will make a case for president obama to spend another four years in office .. despite the sluggish economy. wgn's frank holland is live in charlotte with more.
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at the delegates meeting this morning everyone was looking forward ... 4 illinois speakers on the agenda and in november they believe they have the right candidates to sweep the congressional election ... no punches were polled during the illinois delegate meeting this morning they believe they can sweep the congressional races ... tammy duckworth and joe walsh are where democrats are most confident ... congresswoman jan schakowsky led the charge against controversial congressman was a fishwalsh ...
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>>he is an embarrassment to congress and an embarrassment to the republican party >>it is also believed that mrs. obama is crucial to this election ... tammy duckworth well addressed the delegates between seven and eight central and that's followed by other members of the delegation including the governor and the mayor ... it is important to remind democrats and independents of the accomplishments of this administration and the first four years osama bin-laden ...
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we are live at the convention it officially gets called to order 4:00 central time ... the illinois delegation has prime seating on the floor ... the governor the mayor and tammy duckworth will speak tonight along with the first lady ... the the the latest polls on the presidential relection show a close race ... with republican nominee mitt romney not getting much of a boost from the gop convention. a new gallup poll shows independent voters are split when asked if the republican convention made them more or less likely to vote for romney. 36% are more likely ... 33% percent less likely ... and 30% said they don't know. heading into the democratic convention, a reuters-ipsos poll shows president obama and mittt romney tied ... with 45% supporting the president and 45% backing the former massachusetts governor.
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some of chicago's finest are lending a hand at the dnc. 50 chicago police officers afe in charlotte to provide extra security for the convention. the officers are using vacation time and are being paid by the city of charlotte. charlotte police officers helped out at last may's nato convention here in chicago. we have set the gold standard in how to police these events given our experience with the nato summit we have a blueprint and we have an obligation and the law-enforcement community to share it with our partners the defense in the drew peterson murder trial is now delivering their closing arguments. the prosecution already gave theirs... insisting right-off- the-bat peterson murdered kathleen savio. w-g-n's tonya francisco is live at the courthouse in joliet with details. >>the prosecution is coming out
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pretty strong ... " he said i'm going to kill you " and the prosecutor pointed to drew peterson and said it was clear that he killed kathleen savio ... the defense is promising an equally powerful closing argument. >>it will be one for the books. joe will be informative and entertaining and it will be compelling all free ... joe lopez is one of the defense attorneys he will make closing arguments that his co counselors say will lay it all out for the jurors ... >>they will understand why the witnesses aren't believable and that really was an accident >>five different well-respected pathologists were presented to the jury three for the
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prosecution to for the defense they have laid out their theories as to how kathleen savio died ... drew peterson is charged with drowning her in 2004 and was initially ruled an accident until stacy peterson the fourth wife disappeared in 2007 officials reopened the investigation into the death of kathleen savio exhuming her body and determining later she had been murdered ... the defense argues that it was nothing more than a household accident is slip and fall in the bathtub prosecutors they say have not produced enough evidence and built a circumstantial case relying entirely on hearsay and statements that the victim made to family and friends that drew peterson printer with a knife saying he would killer and make it look like an accident and statements that stacy peterson made to a divorce lawyer ...
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there was also testimony from a former co-worker of drew peterson saying that peterson offered him $25,000 for a hit on his third wife ... defense attorneys say their client is prepared mentally and emotionally for what the jury decides ... >>he hopes to go home but he is prepared to either way the closing arguments included guilt beyond a reasonable doubt statements as well as examining the evidence ... coming up next, the crisis in syria continues...
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a child is playing in her mothers lap when she's shot by stray bullet in the cheek - her family wants answers. also ahead: a controversial new book about the raid that killed osama bin laden goes on sale today. [ male announcer ] this is rudy. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches.ncwi ot sfilodour
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more violence in syria today... a little girl was shot as she sat on her mother's lap in their home. she was hit in the mouth and rushed to a hospital. doctors say she will survive. also ... the u.n. says more than 100,000 syrians fled the country last month. that's the most of any previous month in the civil war. a suicide bomber blew himself up at a funeral in afghanistan today ... killing at least 20 people. the bomber struck in eastern afghanistan near the pakistani border as people were gathered at a graveyard. authorities say the regional governor was the target of the attack. he was wounded. an interior minister blamed the taliban for the bombing. the book written by a former navy seal involved in the raid that killed osama bin laden goes on sale today. "no easy day" was supposed to be released on september 11th under the pen name mark owen. but former seal team six member matt bissonnette's identity has
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been revealed. he talked to "60 minutes" about his version of the raid, which includes new details that conflict with earlier official reports. the pentagon has threatened legal action because it didn't get much time to review the manuscript. several navy seals have been pulled off active duty.. to deal with the fallout from the release of "no easy day." according to the daily mail: an expert and former navy sea a storm among military leaders; they have moved men away from combat posts as a precaution. later: organic versus conventional produce... which is better? we have the results of a new study. still to come: the new accessory apple may introduce when the new iphone makes its debut! and ahead in lunchbreak: combining sweet and savory -- barbequed peaches with a pork shoulder confit.
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questions? anyone have occasional constipation diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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[ female announcer ] with swiffer dusters a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back. i'm deborah kostroun live from the new york stock exchange with your bloomberg "on the money" report: american airlines will try to terminate its pilots union
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contract ... its integral and restructuring is out of bankruptcy according to the company ... the number of food stamp recipients has climbed ... because of hard times and food expenses and shortages it is difficult to cost the program ... soft lighting and music while dining in his something that fast food restaurants are considering they are saying that people eat more slowly and less with ambien lighting and music ...
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apple will have smaller and more comfortable had phones for its new i-phone and ear buds ... it will remain to be seen if that gets released with the new version of its i-phone ... the expansion in the economy might be a risk of losing steam according to some of the research driving the market numbers today ... in today's trib u: kids and the quirkiest things they do.... like putting things where they don't belong! tribune "lessons for life" columnist jenniffer weigel is here now. my 6 year-old put a lego peace up his nose ...piece up his nose...
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there are some tiny pieces that can go undetected ... it got me wondering why do children do this ... i spoke with the experts and got answers apparently this is very normal behavior ... some kids are just trying to get the attention or go for a laugh or others are investigating with curiosity ... >>r. boyce more likely to do this than girls? >>it's equal parts boys and girls for ears and the nose is more so with the girls ... the
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barbie shoes are the worst and with the boys the tiny lego pieces koreans beadscoins and beads are other objects ... the children feel ashamed and sometimes don't tell the parents ... if the child has a magnet or battery oratory with lead paint it can cause serious damage ... >>a lego a wide of paper and a thumb tack ... is one report ... you can look for the
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symptoms sometimes there is a malodorous indication ... do not pretend to be a doctor take them to the emergency room or to an f professional ... >>so is somewhat normal for your child to use their nostrils pass storage lockers >>i myself am guilty. jenniffer weigel, thanks for joining us. to learn more go to: i wonder what if you have a 25 year-old bud holmes who still does this >>that's a problem steve ...
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[ female announcer ] over the years your mouth has sipped, snacked, ...yellowed... lived, loved ...yellowed... chatted, chewed, ...yellowed. and over all those years, your teeth...have yellowed. fact is, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest 3d white whitestrips remove over ten years of stains by going below the enamel surface. and, they whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. life opens up when you do.
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hi. ooh, that's so... i know what you're thinking. it's a hot white number, but what a hassle to care for! but i'm not worried... i use
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tide vivid detergent and boost. they keep my whites looking like new wash after wash. that's my tide.
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a former stripper takes the stand in the christopher vaughn murder trial. maya drake testified vaughn visited her several times at "a gentleman's club" on the near north side in 2007. she said he claimed he was going to leave his wife, and build a cabin the wilderness in canada. she stated he said he didn't have any children, and his wife was very materialistic. she also testified he paid for private rooms, but only talked. vaughn is accused of killing his wife and three children . a 5 year-old girl was killed when a car drove onto the sidewalk in highland park on monday. jaclyn santos-sacramento was walking with her mother and younger brothers on the 700 block of central avenue yesterday afternoon... when an 18 year old highland park resident drove her lexus onto the sidewalk and struck the family. a witness described the driver as driving recklessly just before the crash. >>she told the police that she did it she sat on the ground she was rocking back and forth and keeled over ... also hospitalized. the driver was treated and released. chicago police shot and wounded two people in separate incidents on chicago's south
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side. both shootings took place overnight. just before 4 a-m, police shot a man in the 7400 block of south wabash. several hours earlier, police shot and wounded a teenager who ran from them in the 8900 block of south union. no officers were injured. both shootings are under investigation. dogs on chicago's north side have been coming down with a dangerous infection. it's called blastomycosis it's a fungus infection that can cause fever, sores, coughing and wheezing, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss blindness and even death. the first reported case came in rogers park, and the dog is believed to have contracted the infection at the beach. if you suspect your dog has it, call your vet. have gone on strike at three german airports leaving 26,000 passengers stranded. flights to o'hare - as well as service to los angeles houston beijing and mexico city - have been canceled. the flight attendants' union wants a five percent pay increase and guarantees against outsourcing and use of temporary workers. lufthansa says it will not improve its offer to raise the pay by three and a half percent in exchange for longer hours.
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tom [ female announcer ] this is laura. laura's being healthy and chewing her multivitamin. introducing one-a-day vitacraves for women! finally, a great-tasting gummy multivitamin designed... for women with more calcium and vitamin d. it's gummies for grown-ups. new one-a-day vitacraves for women.noú]@?@ó@,ç?ú@ó@46ú?ñstú] ç@xúópç0ó né'húç@@o@oúw@émúó@w@? @ó@ç ñ0=úop2@ox?ú8ú2
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mvñ@x@7@[xvúy ÷xxñ÷7x ú@çññ@vñqpúpúuúçúó@w ?@vñ why let constipation slow you
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down? try miralax. mirlax works differently than other laxatives. it draws water into your colon to unblock your system naturally. don't wait to feel great. miralax. we are selling intoseptember settling into september after those storms last night ... >>this will be day #46 of the 90 degree temperatures this year ... we are looking at some photographs now from viewers ... this is taken and a place
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called rainbow rich alaska from david rose ... and there's a dramatic range shaft that was captured ... we will go from 90 tomorrow into the 80s thursday and we will get some of that humidity out of the air there's a big storm to the east over the weekend however ... we may get some backwash ... we had overnight thunderstorms that are scattered across our metropolitan area ... they moved out expeditiously with lightning ... they are making their way toward ohio and lake erie and extreme lower
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michigan ... to the area to the west of us is quiet now but there's possible severe weather happening there ... northeast illinois saw the stuff last night ... the democratic convention in charlotte is seeing those hurricane isaacs storm remnants ... the headline is the heat and humidity with an isolated thunderstorm this afternoon ... we are getting a reasonable amount of rain from those isaac remnants ... temperatures will be going from above normal to below normal as we move into this 6-10 day. ... we will be in
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the 90s through tomorrow some big storms may be happening ... here is today's forecast looking at this model: this barrelling storm from the northwest will pass through tomorrow afternoon we may get over 1 in. of rain in some areas. we are 85 degrees at o'hare currently it may reach 91 this afternoon and some other current temperatures in the area: the temperatures are on the way to warm enough
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western iowa will see triple digits we expect '90s tomorrow. we will cool into the 80s thursday '70s expected friday through sunday the coolest weekend weather we've had since mother's day. he'd advisory's in the southern states ... and high wind warnings to the west ... there's a huge storm coming from the northwest cold air from canada comes with
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that here is the front coming tomorrow there might be an isolated thunderstorms today ... we will see that high- pressure by thursday to clear us from the stormy weather tomorrow this could be a windy and rainy affair by the weekend late morning early afternoon tomorrow we will see it whirring through there's a jet stream overhead ... we have to watch these storms ... but the wind will
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assist this is the 20th warmest open to the month of september and 142 years of the record keeping ... we are partly sunny with an isolated thunderstorm ... a late lake breeze will keep the shoreline and to the '80s we will be 91 degrees today here in chicago ... strong showers and thunderstorms in the late afternoon hours tomorrow that will lead to a gorgeous thursday cooler and less humidity ... we will be down into the '70s for the weekend the first weekend in september
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... we have seen some autumnal conditions time now for today's trivia question: alchemy is the study or practice of turning base metals into what? a. gold b. silver
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era detergent once clobbered a stain made by a meatball. that meatball now lives in hiding, in constant fear that era will one day track it down too. ♪ ♪ twice the stain fighting power as the next leading liquid value brand. era, the only detergent that's chuck norris approved. [ male announcer ] research suggests the health of our cells plays a key role throughout our entire lives. ♪ ♪ one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. ♪ ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants to support cell health. that's one a day men's 50+ healthy advantage.
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time for sports: brian urlacher guarantees he'll play in bears' season opener on sunday, and after one practice back... it looks like he'll keep his word. urlacher returned to practice for the first time since surgery yesterday... along with chris conte and stephen paea urlacher did not talk to reporters, but his teammates said he looked really good and coach lovie smith was impressed. then he did everything we asked him to do ... he was one of those guys who forgot he was out ... we have been playing for so long together it was just back to normal routine ... the white sox honored the late kevin hickey before last night's game. sox and twins scoreless in the second, until gordon beckham gives the sox a 2-0 lead with his 13th homer of the year. they're up a run in the eighth when it's beckham again... his base hit drives in alexei ramirez from second. hector santiago gave up one run on three hits in his first major league start. sox win 4-2... the tigers lost so they regained sole possession of first place.
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cubs starting a 10 game road trip against 1st place washington. no score in the second... adam laroche hits a solo home run off jeff samardzija... it's the only run he allowed in seven innings. same score in the eighth... ryan zimmerman doubles down the line, and bryce harper hustles all the way from first to score what would be the winning run. cubs score once in ninth but lose 2-1. they are 17 and 49 on the road this year. that's a look at sports. your live illinois lottery drawing is next. afternoon ... here are the winning picked
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three numbers: 3 numbers: 5 4 2 here are the winning pick four numbers: 6 0 5 7 mega-millions jackpot is up to $93 million ...
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i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips throat or tongue stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks.
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common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer. i'm on break sweetheart. [ woman ] you know you don't have to put up with this. those annoying period symptoms. general pain relievers like advil, only treat cramps, but midol has three active ingredients to take care of that... and fatigue and bloating. because you deserve better.
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if you're paying more you should be getting more, right? a new study is shedding some doubt on that theory when it comes to organic food. it may be no more nutritious or benefical than conventional grown food. wgn's julian crews is here to tell us why consumers may want to save their cash. this has added more fodder to
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the age-old debate over organic vs. conventional food in terms of safety as well as nutrition from pesticide residue to e. coli bacteria a new study says you are just as a feeding conventional food as you are organic ... but will it change the psychology of the organic set? >>the food world is buzzing over the new study released in the annals of internal medicine when it comes to nutrition and safety including pesticide exposure there's no significant difference in terms of impact on your health ... >>and our study we found organic produce is 30 percent less likely to be contaminated by pesticide residue but there are differences in risk ... >>but people who buy organic food stick to their preference
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in spite of the study results >>i will still consider buying organic fruits and vegetables >>i think it's worth it in the long run >>you will still buy organic in spite of the study >>definitely >>those borderline people might just go back to conventional produce ... it's cheaper ... >>you might see a slight shift in the $27 billion organic food industry with 45 years in the produce industry lincoln park produce manager says in today's tough economy he expects that some people will shift to a conventional even if it's from ... nutritionist at the lehman said that she expects the debate to continue
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in medical watch.. new research shows a prenatal blood test is highly accurate in screening for down's syndrome early in pregnancy. the harmony test can detect down's syndrome without risking a miscarriage. it was made available last month at a chain of u.s. clinics. the test looks for chromosome abnormalities in cells from the unborn baby found in the mother's blood. in a new study.. british researchers report the harmony test detected all cases of down's syndrome among more than 2,000 women in the 12th week of pregnancy. the false-positive rate was one tenth of one percent.. meaning only one woman in a thousand was offered an unnecessary invasive test. it's not too early to get your yearly flu shot.. in fact, you may want get it as as soon as possible. even though there's very little seasonal flu going around right now.. health experts say you never know when the flu will hit, and it's best to be prepard. this year's flu vaccine is already available.. and it provides full coverage for the entire flu season.
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the cdc recommends everyone six months and older get a flu shot each year. flu season traditionally lasts from october to may. lunchbreak is next. slow-cooked pork shoulder with barbeque peaches. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] almost nothing can dampen a baby's mood when he wakes up dry in pampers. unlike other diapers, pampers has 3 absorbent layers, for up to 12 hours of protection overnight, and more beautiful mornings. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] pampers. peaceful nights. playful days. [ female announcer ] this is laura. laura's being healthy and chewing her multivitamin. introducing one-a-day vitacraves for women! finally, a great-tasting gummy multivitamin designed... for women with more calcium and vitamin d.
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it's gummies for grown-ups. new one-a-day vitacraves for women. every load of laundry is worth about $200. really? one cap of downy protects $200 worth of clothes. prove it to me. ultra downy softeners protect fibers. there's no comparison. nice downy's pretty much saving our clothes. yeah, ultra downy saves loads.ncwi
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in today's "lunchbreak".... pork prepared with barbequed peaches. curtis gamble is the executive chef of bread & wine... he's joined by owner jennifer wisniewski. curtis and jennifer, thanks so
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much for joining us ... this sounds like a complicated meal ... >>not necessarily ... we have an heirloom hog with the meat slow cooked in large ... you end up with a pulled pork texture. we grind it overnightbrine it overnight we take the shoulder and we press it into a mold ... and when we take that cooked pork this is what the molded version looks like
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... you will adjust and you can do this with your hands pressing it into the mold ... the meet literally falls apart ... we are going to cut a rectangular portion ... as for the barbecue peaches we blanch them to get the skin off and we use smoky barbecue spices brown sugar salt to polled by powder vinegarchipoltle powder and maybe
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some vinegar ... we also service with green beans ... we cook that tempura style ... the better consists of flour corn starch baking soda ... the oil is between 340 degrees and 350 degrees ... we are using brown cherries...
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for the garnish we go out of our way to serve unusual things that get foraged that are edible ... we get a caramel color on the pork shoulder ...
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the pork is a fatty dish so we get small portions ... we have a slow food dinner working with an organization that supports farm to table dining ... much for joining us. bread and wine is partnering with slow food chicago for a dinner and wine pairing. it's wednesday september 12th at 7:00 p.m. at bread & wine, at
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questions? anyone have occasional constipation diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. time now for the answer to today's trivia question. we asked: alchemy is the study or practice of turning base metals into what? a. gold b. silver c. iron the answer: a) gold we have a severe weather
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situation for tomorrow today is sunni it is warm it is you mads humid.. we can see some pop up storms or showers later today. tend20 at 1020 tomorrow we will see it reach the city ... we will be in a beautiful high pressure system thursday with low humidity we will see significant rainfall from thesethe temperatures are already into the 90s across the
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metropolitan area if we hit 90 degrees today it will be the 46th day of 90 degree days ... the record is 47 ... we will be in the '70s this weekend... thanks for joining us today. we hope you have a great afternoon. remember we are back at 5:00 this evening and again at 9:00.


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