tv WGN News at Nine CW September 10, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT
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day one of the chicago teachers strike. thousands of teachers take to the picket lines thousands more working parents left scrambling to find alternatives for their kids locked out of the classroom. 350,000 students are ready to go back to class. >> we are live with negotiations. it was indeed a full day of negotiations so there is no end to the local school strike. it certainly made national news as teachers filled
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the streets today and march students were filling alternative school sites looking for something to do well negotiating teams fill the board room upstairs here to have showed details that have derailed the chicago public school year. we believe we are close enough to get this resolved. shortly before 7:00 p.m. school board president david vitale was hopeful that tuesday is the last day teachers will be away from the classroom he agrees with mayor emmanuelle, the strike never should have happened. it's taking them out what appears to us as more time than it should. >> it was totally avoidable. the
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ripple effects of the contract breakdown are already surfacing for starters close to 400,000 students are simply killing time until the strike ends until then this cta is offering them free buses in train rides in the meantime. a two day strike is hardfar from ideal and everyone knows it could get much worse in 1987 teachers walked out for 19 days class's didn't resume until october back then. the offer was a 3 percent raise in the first year in 2 percent raises in years two, 3 in. bore. c a t u is focusing not on the money anymore but teachers do not like the evaluation process proposed. we should not be
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keeping kids out of school. david vitale the school board president went home tonight of round 7:00 or so and while others remained here on site going over a lot of the technical things he and other big bosses have gone home for the evening his office making it very clear to us tonight that there is no deal on the table unless david vitale is seated at that table. negotiations resume on tuesday. >> thousands of teachers packed the streets outside sepias headquarters we are catching them walking and protesting the streets of chicago. the chance for a date to of the strike has become more of a reality. if anyone wonders if organized labor remains relevant, they
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needed to look no further than chicagos shores today. in the center of the city public-school teachers were not working instead walking out on the job and into the streets they bought traffic to a halt in downtown workers to their windows and out of their doors to see what was happening. we want support when we are teaching them in the classroom. the rally today in their first strike and a quarter century they were bred and waved signs many of them directed at the mayor and many of them personal most here say the strike is not about money but when asked most mention the negotiation sticking points that there union continues to fight for. >> it's about quality education
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not being in the classroom in a 100 degree weather in the summertime. others say it's about respect and almost everyone says the kids come first. we're not doing this because we're greedy and we want more. it doesn't look like it will be the last day tomorrow. as a senior she is worried this could impact college admissions. i would rather be in school and my teachers happy. >> ray turner says the lessons of students can be found right here on chicago's side. tempers are running high on both sides of the strike but spoke with
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civilians who are dealing with it. >> this is a difficult situation for a lot of families working parents expect their kids will be in school this time of year so for them to have to come up with a backup plan on child care on such short notice has been very stressful for some of them. others have had to take off work we have even heard of people who had to take their children with them to work even stay at home moms have had to rearrange their schedules but whatever the situation parents i talked with today are trying to make the best of it. on a date when they usually would be in a class from these kids enjoyed a day at the park their parents are doing their best to keep them occupied while school is on hold. we tried to do some things at home that were not all play a little bit of work. she has a solid backup plan during the strike she plans to centers on
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to one of the dozens of free programs being offered in the city but it's the impact this strike may have on her son when they return to school that has her concerned. my two boys are actually at a good new school this year. so i think this really affects them getting situated. about 30 kids showed up here today, they got to enjoy it arts and crafts and injured breakfast and lunch. the need to be in the classroom we all know that. the longer that we are away from that it makes our job a little tougher. believe it or not several kids we talked to said they want to be back in class 2. for me it's hard
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because we have to add it to our christmas break or at the end of school so i want to get back to school so we can get out sooner. i kind of want to get back in school so i can see my friends. parents tell me they hope this is all over soon. i hope that this will come to an end as soon as possible i think it's really a sad situation for everybody involved so hopefully this will come to when and soon we are hoping the kids are back in school by the end of the week. if you are still trying to figure out what to do with your children during the strike there are several options still available the chicago park district is offering free programs and several public libraries are prepared to handle
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kids as well so for more information on what exactly is available you can check it out on line. be sure to stay with us for continuing coverage of the strike we will have the latest updates into contract negotiations as they are going on in a confined information on special section of our web site. the suburban teacher that fell on hard times is learning a lesson in congress. also video from inside police crews are showing the assault on the sikh temples in wisconsin. significant rain heading into the weekend. >>
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citation for failure to yield. 22 of the students were released by their parents by 11:00 in the morning, the school bus was canceled for the day. newly released video from the sikh temple shooting, it shows a police officer in countering the gunmen murphy was shot a total of 15 times he survived the attack page shot and killed himself after another officer shot and killed him in the abdomen. lawmakers in washington are back on the job after a summer recession. 57 days remain until election day, republicans and democrats have already struck a deal but now the legislation has to pass before funding expires before the end
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of the month. two lawmakers from illinois are not pleased. no word on when a congressman jesse jackson jr. will return. he suffered a stroke last january and has missed every vote this year. senator kirk did released three videos updating his condition the most recently shown at the illinois delegation at the republican national convention in florida last month. the gop presidential nomination fund-raising tonight in the president's backyard mitt romney visited chicago land touching down at o'hare not long ago. he is raising money for the election campaign he expects to haul $3 million. president obama raising over $140 million last month romney not far behind with 111 million. it's the first
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time since april that he has had a fund-raising edge. there appears to be a bit of a convention bump for the president, to polls out tonight show the president opened with a slight lead against mitt romney. both polls are outside of the market however the romney campaign, a post convention sugar high is what it was called and they hope the number will come down. back in afghanistan and already being targeted by the taliban. nato secretary general responded his first
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tour was in 2000 and eight. still to come, he touched their lives and now they are changing is a suburban teacher gets a helping hand from some of its former students then later why parents should feel guilty about letting their babies cry it out in the middle of the night sometimes. 4g lte has the fastest speeds. so let's talk about coverage. based on this chart, who would you choose ? wow. you guys take a minute. verizon, hands down. i'm going to show you guys another chart. pretty obvious. i don't think color matters. pretty obvious. what's pretty obvious about it ? that verizon has the coverage. verizon. verizon. we're going to go to another chart. it doesn't really matter how you present it. it doesn't matter how you present it. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. ♪ you do ♪ ♪ something to me ♪ ♪ that nobody else could do ♪
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[ female announcer ] with swiffer dusters a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back. [ rock playing ] flo: every driver is different. we've got great news for them all. you can try snapshot from progressive before you switch your insurance. [ horn honks ] just plug snapshot into your car, and drive like you -- to see if your good driving could save you up to 30%. so try the way to save that's as unique as you are.
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now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today. >> with hotwire's low prices i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ these are my polar bears. he used to wash them in hot water. he didn't get the irony. i'm not the tree-hugging type. but i am the saving money on energy type. so we switched to the cold cycle and with tide coldwater his teddy bears are clean. polar bears. that's our tide for conserving energy. we're talking about teachers a lot tonight and this is a teacher who touched the lives of many students and now they're returning the favor. the chicago land teacher on how his
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students helped him when he fell on hard times. 66 year-old henry has been substitute teaching in chicago for over 25 years for nearly 20 of them he has been filling in the cracks in middle school recently he fell on hard times. with no other alternatives he look to a local shelter because he was not making enough to pay his rent. when april 30th is came, i knew at least theoretically i called the director of the shelter and told him i'm going to move in there now. despite his recent troubles he continues to teach. his dedication has made quite an impact on his students. if you
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are in middle school and the teacher asked who do you prefer as a substitute teacher everyone asked mr. winston mr. winston. growing up i didn't even know he was just a sub i thought he was a teacher, he was so good i didn't even know. an article in the chicago tribune proof of mr. wilson's former students they banded together to form an online fund raising group. as of the time of this interview the total had grown even further nearly $30,000. we're going to make enough money and help him get back up
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on his feet. the students are focused on helping put the money to good news, their efforts have left him speechless. what else can i say? it's just so wonderful what they're doing. thank you for making this world a better place. >> you can check out a fund- raising website he says he hopes all of his attention will put more light on substitute teaching for all of the work that they do in this small amount of money they get paid. next the story in your medical watch, why you may want to let
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let babies cry it out, it will not hurt them and it will help the parents studying the effects of streepsleep training revealed that emotional health is the same in children whether they were picked up and decried at night or left to themselves one thing different is parents were less anxious, sleep deprived and depressed when they let the babies cried out. they found that babies who underwentyou can give kids a boost in their reading ability by adding all may guthrie's to their diet children improved reading abilities and behavior naturally it's found in fish and
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sea weed the treatment dose for this british study in seven-nine growth was 600 mg per day of omega 3 smoking marijuana may lead to testicular cancer a warning and the journal of cancer for men who recreational use marijuana or use it for therapeutic purposes, men with a history of use double their risk for testicular cancer the most common form of cancer in men ages 15-45 smokers also had a more severe prognosis once diagnosed. >> hour stretch of cool days are coming to a close. we will be heating up for quite a bit of rain. copd makes it hard to breathe but with advair, i'm breathing better.
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so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire,
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this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm done! "are you a cool mom?" i'm gonna find out. [ female announcer ] swiffer wetjet's pads are better than ever. now they have the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser so you don't have to get down on your hands and knees
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to scrub away tough, dried-on stains. hey, do you guys think i'm "momtacular" or "momtrocious"? ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer. now with the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser. we have a beautiful weekend but we will warm up again. there is some evidence that el nino is to cool autumns and we will talk more about that. did you see the water spots over the weekend? we also have a photo from gen who is on the 20th floor of the children's hospital and she managed to photograph a couple of these things. from
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indiana dunes park, these were captured, the rough waters and the spray going up in the air of course the northerly wind that produced these waves so beautifully photographed also at indiana dunes are responsible for the waterspouts spitting up today. assign usually that there is a weather system way upstream but it will not bother us any time and a short while. they have been running up for arizona from mexico and producing hail and some flooding look at the hill reports here out on the radar this will sweep up at us and bring us our next rain but days away. for the moment we're looking at beautiful high pressure. it was those clear skies that allowed to stay cool
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skyline. this is from tucson arizona and this is what those monsoon the showers looked like there. about half of the winter were that follows a hot summers are warmer than normal. seven out of 10 of them and we looked at the top 20 el nino years since 1950, seven out of 10 of them tended to be cooler than average so maybe these spells will be a little more frequent it would be a big change from this summer. in pretty good amount of rain may be coming. 75
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year vs 100 at rapid city. you can see how we are warming by double digits out to the west of us. at the moment we have a two. of 52 which means it's going to cool tonight. the lake is still plenty warm in the '70s. frost and freeze advisories' out west. you will see that reflected in this forecast. we expect about a
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57 at o'hare. sunny, windy but warmer tomorrow. 582. we had a 75 today by comparison. los 62 tomorrow night and 86 degrees on wednesday, mostly sunny we have breaking news to go to right now karen lewis is about to speak at sea to you headquarters let's have a listen. so they didn't have anything to offer us that was any different.
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it's pretty important that we maintain cordial relations. it's pretty important that we try to get this settled, we have been working all day so forgive me if i'm cranky there is a truth issue on the question of evaluation. first of all the meier are claiming that somehow it's been legal for us to bargain our evaluations that is not true. on a common-sense basis why not trust the educators who actually know how school works to have input into evaluation? it doesn't make any sense not to. we actually had some insight into how to make this curriculum work this proposal and i have it on my phone that cts gave us during the negotiations over the new evaluation that they produced,
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showed that if you use the test scores that they have proposed in negotiations that those scores will result in 30 percent of our members falling into the category that will lead them to dismiss them in one or two years. and so you multiply that by 30 percent and the number of teachers we have and the in the district and its $36,000. we are not making this up because we wanted to go for a walk >> talking about the state of contract talks between chicago teachers into the city of chicago. we got him in just the right time because karen lewis
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approaching the podium saying essentially they did not offer us anything new. tempers are frayed right now. from what we have just heard it doesn't sound like an end is anywhere near in sight. moving on the story behind the provocative sign and next the inspiration behind the campaign aimed that keeping you alive. and the hollywood memorial service were actor and chicago native michael clark duncan. go ahead you risk takers... you time misplacers... you magnets to mud... you shovers of covers, and lucky shirt lovers... pile it on. after all, kenmore is in the lives of over 100 million americans. that's why our newest large capacity front load has over 35% more speed to clean clothes, faster. we put more in so you get more out. kenmore.
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you know, i was once used for small jobs. yeah, and i took on all the bigger, tougher ones. but now that mr. clean's got this new select-a-size magic eraser i mean, he can take on any size job. look how easily he gets things cleaned. it's enough to make you cry. you, specifically. not me. i'm just happy we don't go near rex's mobile home as often. because it's hard to clean or because you're scared of an itty-bitty doggy? [ dog barks ] aah! oh! [ clears throat ] yeah, that was a sneeze. i think i sprayed myself. [ male announcer ] new mr. clean select-a-size magic eraser. lets you pick the right size for every job.
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traffic deaths are up on the illinois roadways. an eye- catching campaign that hopes to reduce traffic related fatalities. you have seen them, the digital message boards that hang over the expressway warning drivers not to talk on cell phones and obey traffic signs and now something new. to kyle harris he lost his younger brother in a fiery crash earlier this year, he was on i 57 when a man rammed into the back of his suv cause in his car to
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explode, jimmy tragically died. he had a blood alcohol level of 0.16 when he was driving two hours after the crash. in an instant, jamille . executive fide and music producer by night left behind a wife and three children. >> every day i look at bat signed. they posted the numbers after noticing a 17% increase in traffic fatalities. a large number of them involve motorcycles. the uptick is part of a national trend that is partly over the unusual weather that has led to win increase in the number of drivers on the road. they use digital message boards in a sort of shock and odd campaign. we want to grab people's attention in show them when they are driving out there
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on the roads they are in essence operating a lethal weapon. it's easy to forget how much damage a car can do. >> she lost her elderly parents to a drunk driver five years ago. they were crossing the street heading to a prayer service when and as he became speeding out of nowhere hit them and kept going frank fought for five weeks but lisahis wife was killed instantly. lee said it made the most difficult decision of her life, to remove for father from life support. >> i thought only if that man was in that room and could see what my dad went through, he would never drink and drive again. the driver was convicted of dui he is now serving 12 years at a correctional center while lisa is still coping with the loss of her parents works to help others who share her pain for the advocacy group game, the
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alliance against intoxicated motorists. the digital message boards are updated every day and list all traffic fatalities throughout the state not just drunk driving deaths into not just debts on the expressway's but all roadways and streets when this campaign started on july 5th there were 479 deaths the number is now up to 671 and growing. yes fatalities have increased but people can do their part to see that that number does not go up. they say it's too early to tell if the billboards are making a difference but he hopes that people will at least realize that they are not just numbers their lives that have been lost that will forever be missed. it's not only a consequence for
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the victims but for the people that will have to live with this for the rest of their lives. >> coming up in florida business owner did not exactly follow presidential protocol in this meeting the moment that is being shown all over the world tonight. four games that will go a long way in determining the a.l. central champs ♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ ♪ it goes something like this ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand out.
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copd makes it hard to breathe but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair
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may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at with hotwire's low prices, we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ era laundry detergent once stomped a stain with such power, even chuck norris could respect it. twice the stain fighting power as the next leading liquid value brand. era, the only detergent that's chuck norris approved.
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private funeral service today for michael clark down again. chicago native died last week after suffering a heart attack in july, he was a gauge to the reality tv star amraosa two were planning to get married next year. he was only 54 years old. president obama stopped by to surprise a fan while he campaigned in florida yesterday but it was the president that ended up getting a surprise. that's the owner of big apple peet said its italian restaurant after the president commented on the cuisine, the 46 year-old bear hug president obama lifting
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him right off the floor he said he is a republican who voted for president barack obama in 2008 and plans to do it again in november. our president is the kind of human being who would take that and have fun with it. it was cold this morning but we're going to warm up in the next couple of days, it is 81 at this hour in rapid city. 65 is the reading here in chicago. this is a wind forecast tomorrow morning. up to 81 tomorrow and back in the mid '80s during the
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[♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. buying this juicer online was unbelievable. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal.
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but bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo one sheet of bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? bounty. the clean picker upper. excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. [ male announcer ] most people tend to think more about how they brush than what they brush with. they think all brushes are the same. they're not. that's why i tell my patients about the new pro-health clinical brush from oral-b. unlike an ordinary toothbrush, it has pro-flex sides that individually adjust to teeth and gums. it truly provides a better clean. trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. the new pro-health clinical brush from oral-b. two flexing sides, one
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superior clean. with oral-b, life opens up when you do. the sox looking to build a lead over detroit. the sox ticket to a game lead a chance to put the tigers in their rearview mirror the socks is calling everyone's good luck charm it james f. klein to throughout the first pitch he stayed ahead and made the big pitches all night. the sox were still down 1-nothing in this 6 when this happened, a three run shot the socks up
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three-one and a.j. pierzynski, this one flew right over second base their lead over the tigers could be up to three games. in the sixth inning that cubs plan on a 2-1 lead over the astros. the bears five preseason games are over. yesterday's win over the colts was not a practice game it only seemed like it. everyone got to play. the bears' offense was very good, jay cutlers rating just shy of 99.
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you know they do not want to start off 0 and 2 at home. i wish we had a little bit more time to prepare. we saw the 40 niners beat them up there yesterday so we got a chance. >> we have a lot of stuff to improve on from this past week. it's time for us to go up there and get ready for another big game. we do know each other well and we have done some planning against them in the course of the past so we should be good to go. >> posting cincinnati tonight. and he picked off by the great ed reed and another pick six for the future hall of famer. a good summer for in the murray. he has
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been making very good with the u.s. open championship tonight. one hour and 27 minutes and murray the winner, he was up to and when all the way to a fifth set and finally joke of etchjovovich , they are on hiatus for chicago public schools. no football teams would be able to qualify for the playoffs. finally the many controversies at soldier field yesterday barris fans were too loud for jake color to get a play called in the first quarter. please
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please let's calm it down a little bit when we are down and the 20. you can do what ever you want to do after the score but please let's quiet the stadium down, thank you. quite a request. that is the news for this monday night, we are happy you shared your time with us. have a great night everybody.notaxe
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[ male announcer ] did you know that four out of five dogs over the age of three have gum disease, and that tartar buildup can be a contributing factor? now there's a solution. doggie dentures. [ ting! ] [ dog ] you're kidding, right? just get me dentastix. the treat with the unique "x" shape that's clinically proven to reduce up to 80% of tartar buildup. and introducing new dentastix fresh, with added ingredients to fight dog breath, too. from pedigree. ot sfilodour (bell rings)
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hi. good morning. big news. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry... and banana/blueberry. we're telling everyone. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy. four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better.
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