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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  September 11, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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let's put it this way, there has been centimeters and we are still kilometers apart. no sign the chicago school bells will ring soon. that is not sitting well with the thousands of teachers conversion on the loop to rally for a new deal. it is our top story see all around the country again tonight no school tomorrow students teachers move onto a third day of the strike.
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live in the loop where talks are racked up with an ultimatum. some harsh words as well as the school board essentially saying that the teachers' union should come back when i have a comprehensive proposal in hand. the result is what can only be described as a stalemate. this is not the behavior of a group of people that are serious about the interests of our children. it's time for us to get serious. so we have gone serious again this evening. >> at the end of the day they basically dug in their heels and told us if we don't have a comprehensive proposal then we don't have anything to talk about. >> while there was movement, a lot of it was this kind... the school board president ducking away from reporters after
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expressing optimism yesterday. both sides spending this story the mayor gathered at the south side. i cannot imagine being told to need to work with my kids. you cannot be held accountable if you cannot select the people you work with. if you select the teachers form, here are the keys to the office, you run it. i'm sorry that i'm in chicago today i'm sorry because this city is better than having this struggle. while the city says this is really about a new teacher evaluation system and the ability of principles to
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hire the people they want, teachers say at its core this is a strike for job security. we want an evaluation system that gives us the opportunity to actually develop and grow as teachers that's extraordinarily important to us i want to make sure everybody understands that but this system is not the one. the chicago teachers union says what exists now puts 28% of its teachers at risk for termination so tonight they're going back to the drawing board to work on the comprehensive proposal to come up with something new. chicago police say the number of striking teachers filling the loop today it smaller than yesterday. kretz we have been half the size but the message was allowed on the two of the teachers' strike. two and half
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years ago people said to us... brothers and sisters they were wrong. encouraged by their union president they welcome to the rock star status outside of cbs headquarters thousands of teachers winding their way around the loop for two and a half hours not once but twice. stopping traffic outside and working inside as their footsteps bounced off the walls of skyscrapers around and the city streets they will not give up the state until they get what they want for their classrooms. last week 41 students in a room with no air-conditioning we want our kids to have a birthday just like every other kid did without
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going home sick. our class's are overcrowded we have 39 students in a room. we have 48 articles in our contract, we have agreed to six, so to say that this contract will be settled today is lunacy. everywhere you look hostility towards the mayor. >> romijn emanuel has taken this too far. they headed east and north towards federal plaza before hitting the route again and finishing big buckingham they were their red carried their signs and called for action, two days is too many they claim they tell their students sometimes it's not easy to stand up for what you believe
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in. i think it's a live example about what they learn in a history book, they never get the experience they often think it's in the past and now they can be here and live through this and they know that working together you can achieve great things. >> students say they not only want to be back in class to learn but to also play varsity sports. a ruling from the illinois high school association says that when teachers are not in the classroom competitive sports games with other schools will be cancelled. >> without striking teachers outside, clemente high school sat quiet the only action on the practice but ball field. this student is a senior football player and looks to his teachers on strike and to his senior year now stalled
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including the football season itself in wonders why. >> we go out into our own thing without our coaches. we have six or seven more games left and we do not have another shot at this. >> college is the key for him and this quarterback ervin blake. >> we cannot practice because the teachers are going on strike. >> formal practice cannot happen because of the strike and games until the strike is over, don't happen either. the
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kids move out on the opportunity to expose themselves to a college recruiter or to express themselves in the classroom whether it's writing an essay or practicing on a football field. acp has requested the illinois high school association to continue games was denied, the iahsa said: it is an on enviable place to be for student athletes. >> the personal issue is reasonable but we really need to get back in school because right now we don't have anything to do, kids might be out on the street. >> today's in and now see if he
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has already expanding the plan for parents the children's sites will now be open extended hours, nearly 150 units are open providing some more for parents to take kids somewhere during the strike. most of our games are memory games, there is some math and multiplication so there is not necessarily instruction but it's something. teacher union reps have criticized the plan saying the people staffing the children are not qualified to work with kids. teachers in chicago are not the only ones teachers at ... school scheduled to walk off the job tomorrow night they're telling us the district is running a budget surplus in fear of teachers' salaries to remain competitive with surrounding
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schools students will fall behind. if we took that pay freeze in essence to have a show of support with the school into the community we are willing to make the sacrifice this year we start from square one and what happened was the school board came back again we feel that we need to be treated fairly and with respect. >> 1700 students go to lake forest high school. stay with us for continuing coverage of the c t u strike as they happen and you can find information in the special section of our web sites, wgn marking 11 years since the september 11th terror attacks.
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we will have the mayor's plans for more speed cameras.
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ot sfilodour
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[♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day.
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the bells and bagpipes remember the fallen heroes at 911 ground zero in new york. families reading the names of 2753 loved ones killed when hijacked planes took down the world trade center and tonight to towering beams of light recreate the image of the twin towers as part of the observance. there was a moment of silence where flight 93 crashed in pennsylvania, it was the only hijacked plane that did not strike its target because the passengers fallback. vice president joe biden completed the family is saying that the actions of those patriots are forever etched on the minds of millions of americans
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remembering 911. the president and mrs. obama with ceremonies at the white house and that the pentagon 125 people lost their lives at the pentagon. his message for all of those touched by the attack. >> this is especially difficult for all of you the families of nearly 3000 innocents who lost their lives mothers fathers husbands and wives wives and daughterssons and daughters. >> romney was in chicago this morning and stopped by the fire station at o'hare while catching a flight for nevada at the fire
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house he shook hands with some of the fire men and women who gave a moment of silence is a tribute to those who died in the attacks. people across the chicago area participated in public events to remember those killed in that horrific event in our nation's history. >> on a bright morning much like september 11, 2001 a couple thousand students from low charter schools on west 47th held up american flags as the larger school flag was lowered to half staff just part of the fervent patriotism displayed during a ceremony to remember 911. the day terrorist crashed passenger planes into four sites around the country, this was a day to honor the 3000 people who lost their lives during the
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painful violence spawned by rabid terrorists. while most of the 1800 students gathered here today have no vivid remembrances of 911 the hope is that programs like this will help them learn about the ignorance of hatred so that they can grow up to be better adults and prevent tragedies like this from ever happening again. >> i was only about five. it's still important to me because so many people died that day. and are remembered throughout america. >> local first responder is standing by to represent those who lost their lives during rescue operations in new york, students were given cards with the name of the victims said they could personally paid tribute to a real person. i don't remember much i was young
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but at school i have been learning and i found out how manyit happened and how many people died. it's important to remember our history so that we can prevent it from happening again. >> smart girl. she entered classmates may not remember much about 911 hopefully they will learn about the events that shaped the world at that time and cost such an awful day to take place. >> the construction of the 911 museum is back on track tonight stalled for one year because of the funding dispute in the stage. state. he expected to open in time for the 12th anniversary next year. the mayor's plan for more speed cameras took a speed
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bump next was holding up that bidding and the death of the cook county correctional officer. later a drop in estrogen is being led to a potentially dangerous medical condition. [ male announcer ] we got a real mom and the family car to do an experiment. we put a week of her family's smelly stuff all in at once to prove that febreze car vent clips could eliminate the odor. then we brought her family to our test facility to see if it worked. [ woman ] take a deep breath, tell me what you smell. something fresh. a beach. a clean house. my new car. [ woman ] go ahead and take your blindfolds off. oh!! hahahaha!!! look at all this garbage!!! [ male announcer ] febreze car. eliminates odors for continuous freshness so you can breathe happy. every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco.
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you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with swiffer dusters a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places
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without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back. útpúmp1@ñ@íñuóhñpw?÷o3ól?xñnop]ñ÷?v?@g;í0óíúúç0loíúk6@uvmxwúçktxwúññéçp÷ódrew peterson fires of defense attorney steve greenberg convicted last week of killing his third wife and he still remains a suspect in the disappearance of his fourth.
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peterson notified greenberg of his decision just days after jurors led to peterson's conviction when perry smith kathleen savio divorce attorney tipped the scales. greenberg told us he would work on the case again if peterson wanted him to but he said as long as brodsky represents some people have the same results as the hindenburg in titanic. tonight a defense request for a mistrial this afternoon an expert witness improperly testified that christopher bond shot his wife and three children and their suv. blood splatter experts testified evidence and
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said that the three children were shot before long, bond claims that his wife shot him outside the vehicle and then their children. next what is causing an increased risk of an aneurysm. mark zukerberg opens up about facebook is disappointed ipo. it belongs in a museum but was found in a flea market, an amazing $7 purchase.
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another potential problem for women as they crept towards menopause, an increased risk for menopause, a chicago doctor
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explains and provides a possible solution. >> every day the heartbeat relentlessly powerful sending blood through the body if it sounds strong that is good news but what about the arteries? strong and supple when we are young but as women age esther johnestrogen drops off wreaking havoc. week artery's began to buckle, look at this picture the artery wall weekends and balch's blood pools in does not continue to feed the road map of arteries serving the brain this is sandy skinner's scan despite the growing aneurysm she had few symptoms until... >> i had numbness from my gum line down to my left side and i thought that's weird, i could
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still walk and everything but i thought i'd better go real fast. she was diagnosed and treated coils were inserted to shore up her carotid artery. but this is the goal of a study at rush university medical center. >> trying to understand specifically why aneurysms occur much more commonly in women and why the peak age of rupture happens to be age 52 which happens to be the average age of menopause in north america. a premature exit of estrogens from the body, those at risk our . we are actually looking at the perry menopausal period around the ages of 40-52 to see if we can catch the changes earlier and maybe mitigate the severe drop and estrogen to keep a more
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balanced which may then allow or prevent this type of formation or this casket from starting. this cascade from starting. she hopes like she joins the segments of a " her doctor will piece together the clues to spare other women the experience of aneurysms. dr. chen is looking further study participants. if you have a family history of aneurysms or have a small one that is being monitored or had one and the past blogger on to our web page to find out how you can change the course of history that lead so whenso many women to suffer.
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i do think our members are very concerned about what's going on but they also want to express their frustration and i think that's the way they feel right now there are a lot of problems that people do not want to talk about we don't want to talk about the working conditions feeling extremely vulnerable in this environment and it's a problem but thank you very much. glacial. >> to recap what happens in the last couple of hours at about 245 talks wound down then resumed again and then they cut off when the school board president said he is not coming back until the union answers
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their latest proposal, but the counterproposal he said otherwise i am not coming back. you hear karen lewis the president saying things are moving at a glacial pace. one more warm day then the bottom drops out. up next we will be getting rain along with cooler temperatures. ♪ introducing free layaway at kmart. it's a great time to get shopping. copd makes it hard to breathe but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve
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lung function. unlike most copd medications advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at
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the bottom is about to drop but not right away. tomorrow will be nice day #100 over 80 today and won more tomorrow. we see very cool patterns taking shape for the next two weeks and we have some pretty good rains on the way. this came to us from dave whose cousin took the pitcher there is a rainbow buried in there. 7:00 in the morning. this flight was in route from
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portland on to chicago. that is just one of many that are burning from california, oregon and washington and wyoming here in chicago no fires although there was one that went up to mchenry county after the western suburbs earlier today we to have wild fire issues but we may have some relief on the way in that department as these rates are the vanguard and they could bring us some pretty good names in the bake temperature drop later in the week it probably will be here till thursday.
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nothing in our area tonight nor do we expect any tomorrow. temperatures had the mid 80s today a nice recovery from cool morning lows preconceived and in lows. we will tell you a lot about cool air that is taking shape here. warnings in
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the upper midwest. red flag advisory is in the plains. these are frost and freeze warnings into these are flood advisories for the monsoon rains that are coming into the west. tomorrow one more day and well over 1 in. of rain may come down. here is the average rainfall for past and look how the temperatures are all below normal. let's enjoy this warm weather while we've got it. six degrees warmer than 24 hours ago but here is the cool air drop in our temperatures out to the west. look how warm it was today across our parts of the midwest.
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here is this cool air that is dumping into the country temperatures only made in the 30's today we are in the seventies tonight with '60s out in the suburbs. winds are south at 11, due points just 55. a high mold spore count. these are current temperatures. the fact that the warmer air is out to the west means that we have some warmer air yet to go. this is what lifts the air and makes the rainshowers develop you can see how rainshowers will be developing in our area where the
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northeast wind flow is expected to develop around the region. you know we could get over 1 in. of rain out of this even though we have had some recovery we need a little bit more rain fair breezy and milder tonight. 61 at o'hare. tomorrow mostly sunny breezy and warm. thursday extensive cloudiness and heavier more widespread rains. we will have a 73 late in the morning on thursday until the winds turned northeast. friday could be very wet day. the defense secretary's
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harsh words for the navy seal that wrote a book about the death of osama bin laden's. . copd makes it hard to breathe but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair.
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if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at la útpúmp1@ñ@íñuóhñpw?÷o3ól?xñnop]ñ÷?v?@g;í0óíúúç0loíúk6@uvmxwúçktxwúññéçp÷ó
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>> with hotwire's low prices i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪
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for the first time defense secretary leon panetta is commenting on the book written by the navy seal about the assassination of osama bin laden's. he said that we have a right now however people who were part of the operation and promised not to reveal sensitive information should stand by that promise. the defense secretary stoppedhort of saying that no one should be prosecuted but he should be disciplined so others do not repeat what he did. >> facebook stock became available in may about $38 per share the stocks are now trading at about half that amount. mark zukerberg acknowledged he was disappointed about his company's share but he argued that wall street did not grasp the full
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long-term potential of it. but over the long term there's a huge amount of interesting stuff that we are working on there are all of these long-term projects that i cannot get into right now we are halfway through the cycle and that's the stuff that keeps me going i just want to build good stuff. facebook was the first company in the u.s. to debut with the stock market value of more than $1 billion. also a classic treasure in the trash was $7 earned one person at a flea markets. and don't expect much in the way of old-fashioned football monday night 4g lte has the fastest speeds. so let's talk about coverage. based on this chart, who would you choose ? wow. you guys take a minute. verizon, hands down. i'm going to show you guys another chart. pretty obvious. i don't think color matters. pretty obvious. what's pretty obvious about it ? that verizon has the coverage.
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verizon. verizon. we're going to go to another chart. it doesn't really matter how you present it. it doesn't matter how you present it. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. ot sfilodour era detergent once
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head-butted a tea stain so hard... a cup of tea on the other side of the world felt it. twice the stain fighting power as the next leading liquid value brand. era, the only detergent that's chuck norris approved.
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♪ introducing free layaway at kmart. it's a great time to get shopping. an officer was killed in a hit and run accident. as a result cook county officials are adding more visible signs, new sidewalk ramps and eliminating street parking to improve the lines of sight and building a new sidewalk between california avenue and california boulevard.
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one decade ago putting the brakes on mayor ron emmanuel's speed cameron installation, they decided children must be visibly present for speed limits in school zones before they can be enforced. this pump is slowing down the bidding process for the multimillion-dollar contract for those cameras. look at this weather but camera out in las vegas today you get an idea of the weather system coming our way. it's that warm air pool
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that is being compelled in our direction. until that happens we go up to the mid '80s tomorrow. we see showers and thundershowers coming into our area of from the rockies. as far
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as the long-range picture, there is the warmth. it warms up a little bit sunday afternoon and early monday. this is a decidedly cooler pattern. 86 changes to 73 and that can drop into the '60s heyday with clouds and a couple of showers but heavier rain thursday night and friday. saturday and sunday look beautiful. all in all a a masterpiece found
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in western virginia free-market has the art world clamoring a woman paid $7 for a box of items that included that work of art it could fetch between 75,000- $100,000, the auction house is getting news all over the world because that was last heard about in 1926. it will go up for public auction on september the 29th. the white sox get some power from the few on likely sources. a scary night in houston after this collision down in houston. excuse us, while
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we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. [ female announcer ] what's a powerful way to cut through everyday greasy messes? [ male announcer ] sponges take your mark. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] one drop of ultra dawn has twice the everyday grease cleaning ingredients of one drop of the leading non-concentrated brand... ♪ ♪ [ crowd cheering ] clean 2x more greasy dishes. dawn does more. so it's not a chore. with hotwire's low prices, we can
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afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ detroit has pretty much owned the stocks over the course of the entire season and apparently they're not quite ready yet. a pretty big crowd tonight. sox rabbit one-nothing lead in the double in the third. gordon
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beckham now holding the oval previously held by adam done. alston jackson got him good. miguel cabrera finally gets on the board with a home run that put the tigers in front. in houston, somewhat proud to be a cubs fan. they collided in first base. he had to leave the game. he is ok. he didn't care down the line, why would he? no rana
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and the cubs are down 1-nothing in the eighth. the bears have a pretty good idea about what they're going to get from the packers thursday night a big joke of aaron rogers when green day has the ball. they are off to cheese land on wednesday. green bay's defense wasn't very good against the forty-niners. we invite press coverage our guys outside have to make the play. if they want to get
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physical, i do welcome that. he may not have greg jennings at his disposal on thursday. he's tried to put the bears back on their heels. obviously he has one of the strongest arms in the league. they have a lot of weapons hopefully we will be ready for that. the bears are 6. underdogs. the sky tonight still
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on the hunt for playoffs. let me take a picture of you for twitter. that's the news for this thursday nights, see you later. notaxe
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