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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  September 14, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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>> it's not over but it looks promising, union delegates hopeful after learning details of the unofficial agreement between the teachers' union and the school board. some sort of deal has been reached but isn't enough to put kids back to school on monday in chicago? we are live for negotiations took place this morning. the keyboard and all of this is hopeful school leaders are telling us that kids should be back in class on monday but there is a lot of time between now and then wording needs to be figured out and vote needs to go to the union to end the strike.
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we are hopeful we will have a complete agreement the sentiment today is one of optimism both sides weaving negotiations confident that this could be the end of the five day teachers' strike. the heavy lifting is over the framework is in place and we're down to what we believe are details. both sides will spend the next 24 hours or more ironing out language into specifics but the specifics are not being released to the media just yet. the board responded favorably to a proposal advanced by the union last night and police think that that may have broken the logjam in negotiations. most of the court issues are ironed out. meier
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romijn emanuel calls the proposal an honest and principled compromise that is about who we all work for our students. it provides more support for teachers and gives principals the latitude and responsibility to build an environment in which our children can succeed a sentiment echoed by the school chief sean clark brizard and says: we look forward to our kids getting back to the classroom. officials say parents can be ready for it soon. they are basicallyshould be prepared to have their kids back in school on monday. this time last week on friday the cpu and the cbs did a 180 and were coming back
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to square one and we had five days left of the strike a lot still needs to be done here we have language that needs to be worked out tomorrow and possibly some day before this goes to the union delegates possibly for a vote. the strike does continue and it will until at least sunday when the union house of delegates more than 800 members get to that vote. we are live at the c t u strike headquarters. teachers are preparing for another solidarity rally tomorrow as far as they're concerned the strike continues into union president karen lewis is being very cautious with her language until the final contract language is hammered out. the framework is one thing we think it's this framework that can get us to the agreement but we are not quite there the chicago teachers union house of delegates convened for a meeting this afternoon but instead of diving into details with
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delegates union officials cautiously weighing and waiting until sunday to present the finalized language of the contract proposal. we are all pleasedplease we cannot say much but they did release some of the terms of the tentative agreement teachers on average would get a 16 percent raise over four years the longer school day would remain and principals would have freedom to hire their own teachers. another major sticking point is the teacher evaluation system which would be updated for the first time in 40 years to exceed state standards in student test scores will count in evaluation. we believe on some level we will stage some of the issues that we have had.
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after five days with no school for students, teachers walking the picket lines delegates are hopeful that the end is near. many of our kids joined us on the line so that was encouraging. we are ready to go out and ready to teach and it was disappointing that we had to take time out to do all of these things. i know all lot of us would like to get back to work but i am optimistic. but being a teacher we just want a fair contract. tomorrow after new teachers will gather for a solidarity rally. and on sunday the house of delegates will meet again to hear the details of the final contract proposal there are nearly 800 delegates at the majority of them it's expected that school will be back in session on monday. >> parents of chicago public
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school students are more than anxious for school to resume monday. we take a look at the parents' readiness the second time around it was an interesting week. tonight parents in old town say the strike cannot and soon enough. there has not been a lot getting done this week, this second grader wants to be in school right now. it's been sad because i have been missing homework and stuff and i really like my teacher, she's really nice. parents have had to scramble to find coverage for their kids they have made it work but one week is enough they say. i think we definitely need to get back by monday it's been a week of juggling and rearranging stephanie was grateful for the children's first program but it was hard on her second grader. she definitely was a bit stressed out being out of
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routine and go on to new places it was emotionally draining. i miss not having homer and not doing art and other things like that. in humble park its the same thing she is lucky because she is a stay at home mom and she is willing to hang in there as long as it takes i think it's great that they will be under strike i just hope the teachers get what they actually want. maria's children haven't even gone to school yet into their preschoolers. i'm just waiting for the school to open. if the strike goes much longer parents tell me their patients and their resources will start to wear thin. am i going to have a choice? every day gets more
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difficult. stay with us for continuing coverage of the strike or perhaps the close of it will bring you updates as they become available. you could always get information on our web site. lake forest high school officials say if teachers there remain on strike into next week that school will reopen monday. the school will have all day academic programs, buses will be running into most athletic events will be held as well. the union says they have provided a written counterproposal and they're hoping to continue talks saturday to reach a fair and equitable contract. the bodies of four american diplomats killed in an attack on the u.s. embassy in libya. but a chicago
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group receives a congressional gold medal decades after heroic action in war and we are in for a great weekend but much cooler temperatures are coming our way. [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married
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in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. útpúmp1@ñ@íñuóhñpw?÷o3ól?xñnop]ñ÷?v?@g;í0óíúúç0loíúk6@uvmxwúçktxwúññéçp÷ó
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♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ ♪ it goes something like this ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand least two americans
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are reportedly killed in a television attack. britain's prince harry joined along with two marines there are reports of others wounded and the assault was launched by militants armed with rockets several military jets and it said to be major. the bodies of the four americans killed that the u.s. consul in libya tuesday have been returned to american soil today seven marines carried each of the caskets of of a cargo plane taking them into a hangar inside president obama and numerous officials in washington turned up to pay their respects. the
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united states of america will never retreat from the world. both killings of americans in libya and even more demonstration today at other u.s. embassies in the mideast are results of a backlash from an obscure california made film that they say insults' the prophet muhammed. intonation to people are dead 40 others injured the results of violent protests outside the u.s. embassy there. the school was empty and there were no reports of injuries. faith based
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organizations are urged to report suspicious activity that could indicate pre operational plotting against faith based communities in the u.s.. and two marines received the congressional medal of honor today they were part of a group known as the montfort marines who trained at a base in montfort north carolina. today they were honored for their contribution the marines and the wider american society. it's
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a beautiful after all these years to be recognized it makes you feel great. >> president roosevelt gave african-americans the opportunity to be recruited into the marine corps. at long last,
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this is a wonderful thing. >> even though my father cannot be here today i am so honored to receive this for our family. >> those who cannot attend this ceremony today largely due to health reasons. >> if you were looking to get your hands on the iphone 5 p patients, why you have to wade in a little longer and a long night in green bay later in sports by the monsters at midway were turning on each other instead of the packers. ot sfilodour
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[ rock playing ] flo: every driver
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is different. we've got great news for them all. you can try snapshot from progressive before you switch your insurance. [ horn honks ] just plug snapshot into your car, and drive like you -- to see if your good driving could save you up to 30%. so try the way to save that's as unique as you are. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today. hi, i'm amy for downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters, here with my favorite new intern, jimmy. mmm! fresh! and it's been in the closet for 12 weeks! unbelievable! unstopables! i'll show you how! ♪ ♪ just shake them into the washer i can't believe this lasts 12 weeks! neither can they. so you're going on tour to prove it. downy unstopables. follow jimmy's unstopables tour for free samples on ♪ introducing free layaway at kmart.
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it's a great time to get shopping. chicago police had to clearer a funeral on the southwest side and interrupt a service for this late robert lil joe joe coleman, inside a group of people bombarded the casket nearly knocking over and officers escorted several hundred people out of the parking lot. they have been looking to raise awareness of the inner city gun violence. we have to continue to work hard in our efforts and not forget that everyday people in
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chicago are dying by gun violence we have to collaborate and communicate with one another we have to gang up on the problem and not on each other he was shot while riding his bike in the englewood neighborhood last tuesday police are investigating if his death is linked to a gang war within the chicago hip-hop community. an attack at 7:00 last night on the 200 block of west diversity parkway the unidentified prosecutor under the right arm the state attorney office spokesperson said he lost a lot of blood but would be ok now rests as of tonight. a former neighbor of itfound guilty of murdering a seven year-old girl in 1957. she and the child were
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playing on a street corner when he walked up and introduced himself as johnny moments later he gave maria a piggyback ride and she was never seen again her body was found months later an ex-girlfriend cast doubt on his alibi in 2011. a bomb threat forced a campus wide evacuation. some students were left a bit shaken. i have never felt on safe here there has never been a time where i was questioning my security so this is really the first time it's scary. a second bomb threat forced the evacuation in austin authorities later determined there was no threat at that campus either. pain free vaccines, new technology that could pave the
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way for a needle free evacuations and a cancer survivor getting back to the hospital to save her life and the royal family is fuming tonight over a topless kate middleton that surfaced in a tabloid magazine.
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needle's free vaccines are possible in getting medicine under the skin using ultrasound waves mit researchers found they could make the skin more.more permeable than medication. cholesterol lowering drugs may offer another benefit helping patients stay cancer free, scientists have discovered a
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cholesterol cancer link multiple studies verify people taking cholesterol medication and they reduce cancer risk and people with the highest levels of cholesterol have a greater incidence of cancer the connection has long been suspected and not documented through genetic evidence. there is evidence that stem cells may be the key to curing better for the first time ever scientists used human embryonic stem cells to improve the hearing of death animals, they were grown into amateur nerve cells which are transplanted into the ears of 18 death gerbils than 10 weeks later they're hearing ability improved by an average of 46% the experiment outlined in the journal nature provides hope for auditory neuropathy in humans. >> a warm weekend ahead but don't get used to it. we could see a double digit temperatures drop next week.
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with hotwire's low prices, we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪
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i know what you're thinking. it's a hot white number, but what a hassle to care for! all that pre-treating and chlorine bleach. and don't even think about working up a sweat in the club! ♪ ♪ i use tide vivid detergent and boost. they keep my whites looking like new wash after wash. tell me... yes. you sell a matching jegging? that's my tide, and that's how i
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break the rules of white. [ female announcer ] tide plus bleach is now tide vivid! new look. same powerful clean. útpúmp1@ñ@íñuóhñpw?÷o3ól?xñnop]ñ÷?v?@g;í0óíúúç0loíúk6@uvmxwúçktxwúññéçp÷ó >> big change is coming next week. here in our area, what a beautiful sunset. this is from polo illinois. and this is a
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beautiful shot from the rush university medical center. this was a beautiful day around the chicago area. we are nine degrees warmer than we were 24 hours ago. most of the cooling is off to the east of us. on our
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whether but systems you can see the gusts that cayman. camp pendleton north of san diego approach to 70. same at santa barbara. local it's getting in our area tonight. 67 in lincoln
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park. in the northern midwest there are actually some frost advisers in effect. these are red flag warnings. it's interesting they pushed the warm water away from the coast. the upwelling of nutrient rich waters usually a good sign for fish out there. in our area you can fish in lake michigan tomorrow under beautiful sunny skies there will be some 90's and the dakotas. we tied the
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record for the most eighties set back in 2005. i think we will just miss that this weekend. our last '80s typically don't occur until the last week in october. with current temperatures in the mid-60s and the city, 54 out west. very little wind to start the weekend. and they do point of 46 was the mold countdown today. we may just missed that 80 degree record. good news for
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the hay fever sufferers. one of four days this year that have prompted air quality alerts. the forecast is sunny and warm. as we get into tuesday next week when highs will probably get up to 60 it will warm again for thursday and a stronger cool air mass comes in friday and next weekend. tonight it will be the lowest temperature in three-five months scratch that line that says a shower is possible because it's not. sonny tomorrow
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and seasonably mild. sunday will distinguish itself from saturday. more on that big cool down coming up next week. repaving kindness with kindness thousands of dollars for hospitals that saved her life disappointing news for iphone fans, when the iphone 5 is being delayed. era laundry detergent is a black belt stain fighter. it once stomped a stain with such force, the results could be felt around the world. [ explosion ] [ alarm buzzing ] [ rumbling ]
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[ people screaming ] it was such epic stain fighting even chuck norris could respect it. twice the stain fighting power as the next leading liquid value brand. era, the only detergent that's chuck norris approved.
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♪ you do ♪ ♪ something to me ♪ ♪ that nobody else could do ♪ every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with the 2-in-1 swiffer sweeper, a great clean doesn't have to take long. i'm done. are you thinking what i'm thinking? ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ okay. all right. oh!
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[ female announcer ] the 2-in-1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to clean better than a broom. and its wet mopping cloths can clean better than a mop in half the time so you don't miss a thing. mom, have you seen my -- hey! hey! he did it. [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. glamour magazine made her one of the top 10 college women in the country raising thousands of dollars of donations for the nation's sickest children. 21 year-old german spends all of her free time giving back to the hospital this saved her life. >> i know how important it was for me to receive the care for these nurses and have them as a
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source of support and in turn i want to emulate them. she was diagnosed with leukemia at for years old and had a more serious reoccurrence at age 10. the doctors have now relocated to the new children's hospital in chicago and she said they poulterer through a tough time. >> even in my darkest moments they found a way to make me smile and to make me better. and she has someone else to think for her recovery. her brother. >> i was her transplant donor. a fourth year medical student on rotation here. i get to see her when i'm working and she gets to see me when she's working. but working wasn't enough she wanted to give inspiration to sick children here the same way she was inspired by doctors and nurses so she designs artistic handbags and sells them and
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everything she makes she donates to the children's hospital. we raised over hundred and $50,000 for the hospital. and it has been extraordinarily satisfying for me because i've reached my monetary gold and beyond and because every time that i am present for a bag sale i hear a story. this is one of the over original bags. the first idea came from a bandanna she was given at the hospital to cover her balding head as a result of chemotherapy. nothing is really normal when you go through childhood illness but for me i tried to normalise the experience. the paisley pattern is reminiscent of the bandanas that the children's wear when they are losing their hair going through chemotherapy treatments. and she set up a workshop just for kids. everyone is participating enter story
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inspires them to work on creating art of their own with different materials. >> she is an inspiration for a lot of these patients, they look to her and say that's something that i can be and do when i'm older. >> she is one of chicago's very own. and if you would like to purchase one of her bags to help a benefit the children's hospital go to our web site. also she received the glamour magazine top tina college women this year and got a free trip to new york as a result. >> nude photos of the princess kate middleton that pop up in a magazine. rich king recaps of last night's big loss to the packers coming up in sports. where's
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dave? it's almost 10:00. should we get him up? i'll get him up. [ sizzling ] ♪ ♪ i think i hear something. hi dad. hi mom. [ female announcer ] oscar mayer bacon. it's naturally hardwood smoked for hours to be the best. and the best way to wake up your family. [ snoring ] i didn't say i could keep him up. ♪ it doesn't get better than this ♪ these are my polar bears. he used to wash them in hot water. he didn't get the irony. i'm not the tree-hugging type. but i am the saving money on energy type. so we switched to the cold cycle and with tide coldwater his teddy bears are clean. polar
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bears. that's our tide for conserving energy.
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so, we all set? i've got two tickets to paradise! pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month actually... eddie continues singing: two tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. the law that pretty much divided wisconsin over the past year was struck down by a judge it effectively ended collective bargaining rights for most public workers. it's not clear
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if the law is going to be immediately suspended but it will be in effect for over one year. the judge ruled that the law violates both the wisconsin and u.s. constitution. it was boughtbrought forth by the madison teachers' union. apple customers will have to wait three weeks before they see the iphone 5 the initially promised it would be delivered september 21st for customers to pre ordered the phone but they had to push that date back two weeks pre orders one live at midnight and after just one hour sold out of phone carriers include at&t, verizon are still showing phones available on their web sites. our very own dean richards has reviews for this guilty pleasure
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film. >> you are not my partner! >> a sleazy corporate rip-off and so much more, and arbitrage his a hedge fund trader the pillars of the financial world but behind the scenes he is juggling the spreadsheets to hide the illegal dealings just before he dunst the company and profits even more but a horrible accident takes place that plays out like the classic film double indemnity. it has one twist after another in a fantastic cast to play an all-out. susan sarandon plays the all supportive wife who may not be so supportive after all. it's a
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thinking person's movie about a guy who will stop at nothing and step on everyone to triumph keeping you wandering into hoping that the mighty will fall, the end of the movie is a jolting and falls to me just a little but it's a minor flaw and a great movie for grown-ups, a dean's list b +. you could look at my a list interviews with the stars like with bill murray from the toronto film festival. if you like my weekly movie review her grades send directly to your phone just text the word dean to 97999. >> market is going to be growing
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for all of us over the weekend a great week for grilling outside. tomorrow will not be far from 80. we have a dry weekend on the way. high pressure is right over us. the winds will increase and there is a cold front along which the showers flare-up in iowa and it comes through here on monday and then a real cool down and it's very interesting why that is going to happen. that is headed for alaska, 100 mi. per hour winds not far from anchorage.
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that brings a big win the mass of warm air onto the continent it then crashes down here. and in the center of the country. we sit in tow is cold there so we warm up this weekend it should be beautiful cool mornings in school nights but mild afternoons. it moderates a little bit wednesday and thursday. he conceived a big reservoir of chilly air. you can see the big reservoir of chilly air. cold and windy with a few scattered instability
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showers by afternoon on tuesday temperatures go back down toward 60 later next week again. autumn begins late next week. >> william and kate middleton tour in malaysia but in the meantime a back hand scandal brewing over her topless pictures she was sunbathing topless while on vacation in france, she said that she is very upset that their privacy was invaded in it a totally
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grotesque manner. heavy sanctions over the photographs we will see. will the white sox are one game ahead in the a.l. central. the cubs are playing the role of spoiler at wrigley rich king has highlights next in 4g lte has the fastest speeds. so let's talk about coverage. based on this chart, who would you choose ? wow. you guys take a minute. verizon, hands down. i'm going to show you guys another chart. pretty obvious. i don't think color matters. pretty obvious. what's pretty obvious about it ? that verizon has the coverage. verizon. verizon. we're going to go to another chart. it doesn't really matter how you present it. it doesn't matter how you present it. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. útpúmp1@ñ@íñuóhñpw?÷o3ól?xñnop]ñ÷?v?@g;í0óíúúç0loíúk6@uvmxwúçktxwúññéçp÷ó
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>> with hotwire's low prices i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ [ music box plays ] multi-policy discount. paperless discount. paid-in-full discount. [yawning] homeowner's discount. safe driver discount. chipmunk family reunion. someone stole the nuts. squirrel jail. justice! countless discounts. now that's progressive. call or click today. a speed bump! [ wife ] a beached whale! lawn clippings! a mattress.
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a sausage link. mermaid. honey!? driftwood. come on, you gotta help us out here a little. [ male announcer ] febreze eliminates odors and leaves carpets fresh. ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing free layaway at kmart. it's a great time to get shopping.
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>> they have just 19 games left in the regular season. he has no runs and three hits. two-nothing in the sixth and aleksei ramirez comes up they lead a six-nothing in the ninth. a score of for-
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nothing. bases loaded in the fourth. this gave the cubs a 3- nothing lead. the cubs were on their way they began their weekend series. the bears got wiped out and lambeau last night. the bears had a chance to get an early to game run with
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the tigers but they didn't come close. j. cutler was sacked seven times. the packers also fuld at the bears' special team. but they were caught off guard. color was picked off four times and never took advantage of a double team with brandon marshall. i am not doing this for my health, i am trying to win football games. the bears
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will bring in the running back tomorrow a sighting of the michael busch. the players association has been rejecting a bid for the expected walkout by the owners. and finally there is an intruder at the nascar qualifier in joliet. he was racing down the speedway and he held up things for an hour and half the finally put him in the garage and picked him up. kind of embarrassing but the guy had fun. that is the news for this
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friday night we are happy you shared your time with us. have a great weekend everybody. ot sfilodour la nota
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