tv WGN Midday News CW August 19, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT
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child as he was carrying his bike into his house. >> we heard the gunshots and by the time we got to the corner, weird people on the porch screening and we saw the boy laying on the porch >> the child was rushed to the hospital in serious to critical condition. he was later upgraded to good condition and eventually released. neighbors described him as a sweet little boy. >> he's a sweet just normal 7 year-old boy who rides his bike and climbs trees and plays with baseballs and stuff like that. very sweet >> the shooting happened and what neighbors described as a quiet uneventful neighborhood. the few homes on the block said across from the science and community academy, a pride and joy of people in the neighborhood. so many are baffled by what happened last night >> we don't have problems. we don't have a bike stolen. the only thing they steal around here is garbage cans. and what they do with them, i don't know
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but no shootings. never. bu >> police say no arrests have then made and no suspects are being questioned. >> some residents in the southeast side are looking for a new place to get fresh fruit now that a neighborhood convenience store went up in flames. >> we are not sure what started the fire but the damage it did was extensive, not just to the building but to the community. this grocery store was a place everyone seemed to shock and was one of the only options around. >> this south chicago grocery store went up in flames at about 230 this morning and that fire crews working to put out the blaze for about two hours. it is now a total loss with no injuries but very little left. >> did more was saddened to see this on his route to the bus this morning in the 2000 block of
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east 79th. he shops here every night after the bus ride home to buy dinner for his family. >> that could produce and meats and stuff like that. that was the neighborhood store >> those in the neighborhood say they will miss the convenience. there are few fresh options nearby. >> walgreen's has taken our grocery store away from us. they had neat and butchers and walgreen's took them away from us. now the closest store we have is further away >> this area is a food desert extensive retail research into the grocery industry with food options being a vital social is issued as a core retailing arm like this one could lead to lower quality of life lower length of life and debilitating disease >> this area has historical than an underserved neighborhoods. at least over the last
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10-30 years to come not a lot of retail options-there are some of restores. i would say generally it's an underserved area in terms of healthy food options. so losing the store does not help that area >> this fire comes days after the mayor announced the number of living in tto deserts' has lessened by 20 percent. the fire is a setback along 79th streets, we can only choose healthy if we have access and the need to take two or three buses, every don't have a car or travel so very far, especially relative to all the very close on healthy food choices, it's going to make that difficult for anyone. >> they are temporary and irregular in nature. farmers' markets and produce cause of have contributed to easing the problem. the mayor is proposing five new buses with 32 weeklies stops. his
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goal is to eradicate food desserts here by 2020. >> the chicago police to prevent this morning one of its sergeants today after he suffered an apparent heart attack while riding a motorcycle off duty. a hero's so greeted the ambulance when it arrived at the medical examiner's office late last night. the department does not releasing the name but says the sergeant was 44 years old and a 21 year veteran. he was able to stop his bike without colliding with anyone before collapsing. efforts to revive him at a hospital failed. >> the superintendent of evanston elementary school district abruptly announced his resignation two weeks before the start of classes. murphy had been superintendent for 13 years and two years left on his contract. he did not give a reason for his leaving. the president of the school boards as they were planning a new long-term strategy for the district and murphy didn't want to design a plan that he wouldn't be around to implement >> the governor must decide today whether
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to raise the speed limit on the rural interstate highways 7 mi. an hour. 34 other states now allow drivers to go 70 or faster. supporters of the higher limits say it would allow truckers to deliver their los faster. critics argue higher speeds would mean more highway deaths and injuries. whatever the decision, the current chicago limits would be 55 mi. an hour >> the governor signed new legislation to protect consumers to buy animals. the puppy lemon law is designed to put pressure on pet stores that get dogs from, emails >> we want to make sure that we don't have a emails that are taking advantage of people in our state or any other state. so this law that i'm signing today is all about protecting our pets and protecting our families who love their pets. >> law allows pet owners to get a full refund or replacement. consumers could also be reimbursed for
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better anfor veterinary bills if they decide to keep the pet >> anyone who uses the ride free reduced fare or 88 transit cars will get the new card. both pace and the chicago transit authority are on the new system. they face a 2015 deadline to enable commuters use the same payment system has others. attendance took a dip at the air and water show this weekend. we are sure most folks at the crowd didn't mind. the show went out witwent on without a military fighter jets. the city bought new acts including a squadron of world war two era planes. 1.7 million turned out to catch the three show. last year about 2 million attended. next year the navy blue angels are expected to return. >> how much longer the former egyptian president will be detained after being cleared of some
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>> he rocky authorities have executed 17 more people including an egyptian man and two iraqi women. the ministry of justice says most of the prisoners were convicted of terrorism. the executions were approved by the presidential council. cnn says nearly 70 people have been executed in iraq this year despite a united nations call for restraint. >> the lawyer for x egyptian president says he will be released from jail, after an egyptian court acquitted him of misspending public money to renovate his lavish presidential palace. he was overthrown in an uprising in 2011. he also faces a retrial on charges in the murder of protesters during a 2011 revolt. his two sons remain in prison on separate charges. meanwhile egyptian prosecutors have ordered the
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ousted president be detained for 50 more days while he is investigative hero the move expands the previous 15 day detention order. an ambush attack in egypt that killed 25 soldiers in the sinai peninsula, the crossing into cause i has been closed. nearly 1000 people have died since the government crackdown on islamic protests. 79 people were killed last night during an escape attempt in a prison convoy north of cairo. observers are warning the violence in egypt may spread as supporters of the president challenged the new military government. saudi arabia's foreign minister had assured of international aid. >> the colombian accused of murder will stand trial. the day was set in south africa where prosecutors issued an indictment for premeditated murder. charged with killing his girlfriend on valentine's day. today would have
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been her 30th birthday. he maintains he shot her mistakenly thinking she was an intruder. he has been free on bail since february. >> this afternoon a military jury begins weighing the sentence for sergeant robert bales who pleaded guilty in june to murdering 16 afghan civilians in a rampage of last year. the plea keep him from facing the death sentence but could still be sent to prison for life with no or parole or the jury could make him eligible for release in the future. the sentencing hearing is expected to take all week >> authorities detained a partner of a journalist with close ties to the u.s. security leaker edwards naughton. the guardian says the brazilian didn't read the was questioned for nine hours after passing through heathrow airport. noranda is a partner of guardian newspaper columnist blend greenwald who was interviewed snowden and used thousands of documents past and to reveal details of the u.s. national security agency's surveillance at the. ran out was released
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without being charged. snowden has been given asylum in russia. efforts to recall the san diego mayor are under way with a petition circulated yesterday to remove the democrat from office amid a sexual-harassment allegations. 16 women have accused the mayor of inappropriate behavior but the seven year-old democrat has given no indication he plans to quit. hundreds want to see him leave held a rally outside city hall. they need to turn in more than 100,000 signatures by september 26th to get the recall on the ballot >> heavy rain and high winds battered much of the southeast is again present flash floods and record rainfall. gulfport, mississippi got hit the worst receiving roughly 6 in. of rain. the rising rotor's covered roads, stalled cars and stranded drivers. the airport reportedly received more than 4.5 in. of rain in one hour. the heaviest rain has moved out and more showers are in the forecast. well for that reason for central idaho is now
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blocking more than 100,000 a.. lightning ignited the beaver creek fire almost two weeks ago. weather has helped firefighters but by last night it was only 5 percent contained. 2200 homes had been evacuated >> prison authorities examining information relating to the death of princess diana and her boyfriend. scotland yard is not saying what the information is, only that officers are assessing the relevance and credibility. the telegraph reports detectives were looking into claims princess diana was murdered by a member of the british military. the couple was killed and a high-speed crash in paris 16 years ago well, what he was chasing them. prince william set down for his first official interview since the birth of his a son prince george. williams says his son is not a great sleeper and if the good part some fatherly advice it would be to sleep more. he and kathryn our hands on parents getting up in the middle of the night
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for feeding and changing plenty of diapers. william also talk about how becoming a father has changed the way he looks at the world and a nervous moment when he buckled his son into the car seat for the first time. >> i had to practice. i was terrified i was going to-it was going to fall off for-i had to practice. i think the last few weeks before me have been just a very different emotional experience, something i never thought i would feel myself and i find it's only been a short. but a lot of things affect me differently now. >> william is wrapping up his final tour as a search and rescue pilot for the british royal air force. he said he's looking for to going back to work to-in his words-to get some sleep. it's what every parent finds, asleep at work >> got to have a staff? >> just ahead the
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>> live at bloomberg headquarters in new york. president obama turning his focus on the economy today. in about an hour he is scheduled to sit down with the fed chief and other financial regulators for an update on the dock frank reform act aimed at preventing a repeat of the financial crisis. also the consumer protection act. americans are falling short on life-insurance. nationwide financial says only 2 percent of people in a couple or with that
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have enough life insurance to replace their income and the average policy replaces just 16 percent of the income. we're not doing much better when it comes to saving money for retirement. only 18 percent of working americans say they are sitting more for retirement now. also 17 percent of workers are actually sitting last, meaning they will be spending even longer on the job. stocks are trading mixed today although we are seeing gains in the tech sector. those are fueled by those intel and apple that's business news, live from new york. back to you >> i had in sports the bears have a quarterback while webb takes a big pickup center kirk outlines his plan for fighting gang violence in illinois, it went to chicago drivers about a new disabled parking placards and what you need to do to avoid a ticket. to avoid a ticket.
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what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive.
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that your mouth is under attack, from food particles and bacteria. try fixodent. it helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it. >> illinois senator mark kirk once a chicago-based atf orbiter to head up and fighting efforts across illinois, it's part of a bigger strategy to undercut and bounced around the country. robert jordan is live in the loop with details. >> the new bank saw our that the senator wants to put in
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place will have about $8 million at its disposal to fight crime, as this against in chicago. kirk says that per- capita chicago has more street gangs and any other city in the country. surrounded by sheriff's it local counties and the superintendent of police in chicago center kirk made it clear that fighting against is a major priority. kirk is asking for more money for the atf, which will take a leading role in the new effort u.s. marshals and the department of justice will also work in this multipronged plan to fight gangs and the drugs they sell. kirk said that gangs in recent years have grown so much that they are larger than the lawn for the agencies which are putting them. >> when you talk about their size, but they far eclipsed the size of the police forces involved and that's
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why we need federal back up. that's why we pull all of the resources of the federal government in on this problem >> crime doesn't no boundaries. they don't know if they are in chicago or another country so we worked it in all those levels at the end of the day we receive much better cooperation based on the way we are policing and that's been a sea change in the way we are doing business. we are not set out to try and do a quick fix for something that's been a long-term problem in the city of chicago and the center's support for what we are doing i think is enormous. >> center kirk calls the current afghan situation in chicago intolerable and says that it must be fixed right away. in the localoop, back to you >> the governor signed a new gun law on lost and stolen guns. the
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illinois gun safety and responsibility act says affected immediately it requires all owners to report lost or stolen guns to law enforcement within 72 hours and starting january 1st private parties to sell or transfer firearms have to confirm with the illinois state police that the buyer hold a valid identification card. >> you need to have background checks to make sure that guns do not fall into the hands of the wrong people. >> we are closing a loophole that can deter some of the gun traffickers from transferring guns to people we know will do harm with them. >> illinois joins seven other states and the district of columbia and requiring gun owners to report missing firearms to law- enforcement >> city hall officials have a greater weight to the word about a change in parking lots for some disabled drivers. chicago finance department employees will attend as downtown streets looking for cars in the meter zones which also have
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disabled parking placards. the sun- times reports they will be putting flyers which resemble parking tickets on the cars just to get the attention of the drivers. these wires are actually warnings about a new state law which eliminates free parking or some disabled drivers. those who want free parking after january 1st will have to apply for a meager exempt permit. still to come we have the full forecast. full forecast. you deserve a multivitamin that supports your efforts. newly reformulated one a day men's has more of 10 key nutrients than centrum men under 50. we've stepped it up. newly reformulated one a day men's. but then it goes to the die. so try new glow unstopables. they fill your closet with scents so fresh they last for 12 weeks!
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area. and a lot of folks like that because we have not had a lot of warm weather. it's amazing the phenomenon with these high clouds with the prism of color is it always captures people's attention and we had someone driving through downstate illinois. they said what in the heck is this? is a circle horizontal or, direction of sunlight through some high clouds leads to the array of colors. the thought it looks spectacular and this shot, look at that. and we can enjoy that in this court is whether off of it beautiful weekend. for mary, this shot of the moon taken from indiana, you could plan and landed with this beautiful shot. check this one out. from jeff, this close of the moon which was out beautiful over the weekend. with clear
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skies we could see it. jeff says he shot this to a 70mm telescope with a web camera attached to the eyepiece. grapeshot. and from dave, a beautiful- actually this comes from a shot of precipitating clowns. james and as long and this is a's shot of fog over lake geneva. it's quite interesting, if-refraction of light in the morning and rising sun. beat the shot and thanks to all of our photographers in the area. thanks to mother nature for this gorgeous job. we've got a beautiful day, out paprik we just come off the warmest week in a mop with highs of 81, saturday and sunday. just a tad below a high of 82 in a month that's running 3 degrees below normal but we will start eradicating some of that deficit as this goes on in the
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temperatures get warm. here's something that hasn't happened much this summer with a parade of clean canadian pressure. in response, the illinois epa has issued in their portion action hit 81 at the o'hare and midway yesterday. about this and we saw saturday and as we said a tad below 82 degrees which is average. we've been seeing the sun like and it shrinks out slowly. that's accelerating a little bit as we had to autumn and the summer matures. we've lost about 92 minutes of daylight and we also have the sun moving across the sky a little lower which is why the day shorter. it's down 11 degrees for more it was. if it were overhead it would be 90 degrees above us. in july is about 70 degrees above the horizon and now it's about 60 above the horizon. when you
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ankle be some light you get less energy with the sun into the area but a big reason for the warm- up, the jet stream that had buckled and blew in from canada is now in his own configuration across the country and continent from west to east. this moves of warm weather and high pressure like this one hand you see the thought that will come at us later in the week. brief cooling of the weekend before we warm up again next week. it might also bring some much-needed rain. we've had only about a third the normal rainfall. the highs today go with the mandatmid '80s. a light bulb up to 90 in the spot or two and you could see the one hour west. we will be flirting with 90 degrees around here on wednesday and by then at the humidity will have come up as well. you see the warm air moving from the west where it's been in control
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since july. that's where the warm air backed out. it's moving into collapses just a little brought it pushes the rain up north over the weekend and early next week. so this is a warm pattern, warmer than the one week been an all summer long. the next five days will average about five degrees above average, about 6-10 days out and 11-16 days out but what's significant is every one of those temperatures above normal and that's a change from what we've been seeing. we've had a couple of thundershowers developed to the north the bus and what's left of high clouds will be coming into our area. but the big rains over the weekend have been in the southeast, gulfport mississippi have upwards of 5 in. of rain over the weekend, the florida panhandle and alabama got in on that. for us, just
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a scattering of showers northwest of us, probably will not affect the chicago area today and tomorrow. we start the day sunday with a couple of fog patches in the morning and see the fair weather cumulus clouds developing in the afternoon. nationally there are flood watches in the southwest, southeast and advisories for wildfires and fire out to the west with blood advisories: in the monsoon thunderstorms, expected to go into utah. they could use some of those farther north to put out some of those fires in idaho that have been burning and sending smoke through the air there. here's our forecast. the podgy bob byrd of this morning with a little haze in the air with mostly sunny skies and a high of 85 today. winds will become a light easterly of the lake in the afternoon. little like the breezes but 85 expected as a high. fair, warm and pettifog tonight. low is 63. a little haze in the air and light winds.
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tomorrow air pollution at she day with his the sunshine and moderate humidity, high of 88. southwest winds takeover and increasing in strength on wednesday and the temperatures will move up close to 90. clouds, warm and humid. may be an isolated thunderstorm but less than 10 percent of the area will see it. we will talk more about rain later. you might have noticed the front yard looking for in doubt. it's been tried. >> happy monday. >> for today's trivia, feature president was born today. which two justices to the point to the supreme court? kennedy and o'connor, ginsberg and prior or thomas and scalia? the and pri[ female announcer ] you've always got a new accomplishment in sight. and now you've got new one a day women's proedge. a complete multivitamin with 8 essential b-vitamins that help convert food to energy.
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>> just a week after getting demoted, webb has taken a massive pay cut. he will go from 1.3 million a year to the minimum of 630,000. he could make the most of it with incentives but he's still fighting for a roster spot. the bears have also signed another quarterback, a friend at words. he is 14 and 19 as a starter with 26 touchdowns and 30 interceptions. edwards will compete with palmer for the third quarterback spot since blanchard went down with a hand injury. cubs
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hosting the cardinals in the finale, already down 3 nothing in the vessel in the pop- up heads before the end but a reach over from the dugout for a great catch. still down in the seventh. james russell pitching and john j. it's a three run homer to left. this is his sixth of the year at the bottom of the inning, don murphy with a checked swing. the ump called that a strike. he voices his disagreement and that's ejected. cubs lose six to one. >> easily the worst checks when call i've ever seen and that's why the other umpires either to get him out. he said he thought he got it right. >> the stock's going for a series win in minnesota. it's tied at one and the third. ramirez doubled down the line and scorn. ramirez was 3-4 and
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a triple south at the second. stocks of the fed santiago during a wild pitch but josh tracked down and the runner is out. at home. santiago wins his first game since june 21st. the sox take 3-4 of the twins with a 5-2 victory. they are off today and is a kansas city tomorrow and that's a look at sports. live lottery drawing is next.
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>> some potentially promising news on alzheimer's disease. researchers say they found a way to detect alzheimer's 10 years before the first sentence. they say there is a plaque that forms in the rat that out of waright now. most tests for alzheimer's involves memory evaluation but by the time symptoms show up in person has already lost half of their brain cells. children exposed to common chemicals in food packaging could be more likely to become obese. researchers studied the levels of thalade a chemical used in soft plastic containers and bpa
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used in the lining of the aluminum cans. they were more likely to go obies and showed signs of diabetes. one and six u.s. teenagers is considered obese by government standards. >> some homemade ravioli. we are making some help the italian meals with a lighter meet all, and little pizza. can't wait. anhey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!
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of the italian restaurant celebrating its 30th anniversary. congratulations. i love this. you make the ravioli 4:00 p.m. every day and those are the ones you serve the following day >> we serve them that same day, you guys are best. this must be a fairly easy recipe >> it is an ego on our web site the trick is to make sure you have a little bit of water on the bill so as you are feeling and putting the increase in the middle. that's the trick to it but otherwise if you don't have time to make it at home you can go to touch a lot of folks come and pick up our daily maid ravioli in a ticket home and they put it at home. >> wonderful. what are you putting in? >> the meat and cheese, the ricotta. sometimes we fill them with a seasonal, mushroom ravioli, but not squash. it's a great dish before seasonal. that's why it would be fun
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because it's at your favorite local italian restaurant >> you did was the recipe for today on our web page but you but the recipes on the web page. if i want the butternut squash i could go to your web page >> absolutely >> i love you make them for us but i'd like to try them at home. these meatballs are wonderful. but they are chicken meatballs. tell me about the ingredients? >> it's basically a typical meat, recipe for veal or lamb or those sorts of things. much healthier for you and lighter you can put these-you can have them on your paper tossed out or put them into a dish like we have here and put them in the oven and brown them up with your favorite cheese. nothing synthetic, of course, and you can have this as a main course your side salad and ice creams out and you
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are eating for 500 and calories. >> the chicken doesn't has as much labor so the spice it up >> i can guarantee, those are as little as you will get >> what are the things you put in there to give the flavor >> a little push to go, herbs and spices >> i love the idea of the grill for. i know the pizza is a traditional wonderful piece out but let's talk about the desert here. how did you make these? >> we took some time ripened peaches and we grow them up so the natural sugars can come forth. same with the fresh pineapple and we have some garnish options, fresh blueberries and raspberries grow them to the point where the natural sugar comes out so you don't have any corn syrup, just a natural sugar of the effort but it brings a christina's to it and you can top it with either
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homemade whipped cream or and little yogurt. today we made this whip cream this morning and we put a little lemon zest on and so you could have a combination of pineapple, peach, blueberry, strawberry. >> how did you know when it's finished? you said just a point of the natural sugars-how would i know that? >> once the sugar starts to brown the crew will try out a little bit and dependent on how crest you want it, and has a little more sugar in it in the middle but we like it so that it is crisp on the outside with brown sugar. >> it's really up to you. you could brown and more if you wanted it crunchy but we brought it right to the point of sugar coming out >> that's the trick. now a piece of because that is of course one of your signatures >> today we have our stuffed spent peacand spinach pizza. >> don't burn your
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fingers! you are used to this i guess >> we will let you try your hand at cutting it. this is are stuffed spinach pizza. made with 100 percent real cheese and nothing synthetic. let's get this out of the way. there you go. >> i have sort of mental because of but that gives me a piece to pull off. thank you so much for bringing all of this in here. you can learn more check out the website and if you want a recipe pour some of the items that we talked about today, the chicken meatballs, the ravioli or our grow fruit called on to our web site and we will link you up with their website. one more slice. we with their website. one more slice. we wa[ indistinct conversations ]
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supreme court of anthony kennedy and sandra day o'connor? ginsburg and the answer, he appointed again spurred in 1993 and steven briar in 1994 to the supreme court. >> are you wondering where is summer " it's here >> in a little bit of late summer weather in the chicago area after what a delightful and fairly moderate summer. a couple of clouds out west produced a few thunderstorms. those are falling apart as they come east. and we are in high pressure as you concede. we are right in the middle now so the winds are fairly late today which allows a light breeze to come in but as this drift off to the east, better organized wind flow comes into mop. and by the time we get to wednesday, those southwest winds will be tapping the gulf moisture and bring an isolated thunderstorm late in the day but the cold front that goes to understand, showers and thunderstorms and high pressure
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comes in and briefly cools us down later in the week and we warm up again after that. here you could see our model forecast showing a couple of returns in the form of some scattered showers but north and west of the city today, tonight clears out and winds are light. it's easy. we have pettifog in the forecast and there are the temperatures warm and out in the plains states right now. this is a fairly stagnant air mass that in the area and as it heats up it is growing hazier and dirtier and the air pollution has-and air pollution action de has been declared by the illinois epa for tuesday. last month at 8 and the dew point is 60 and coming up slowly. it will be 40 with 70 by mid week. humidity is 47%. the mold is moderate with ragweed moderate with sunburn at 21 and 51 minutes at one and 4:00 p.m.. here's our seven days ago was like at
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90 and hold at the nine thursday. cool briefly friday and saturday but we are back in the '90s again by sunday, monday next week. warm weather. >> late summer. thanks. >> thank you so much for joining us >> remember we are back at 5 and 9. well, here we are... the texas ranger museum and hall of fame. cool.
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it was built in 1974 to commemorate excellence in law enforcement for the last 150 years. how many texas rangers have there been? oh, there's been hundreds, mike, but only 26 are honored in the texas ranger hall of fame. did you know any of them? yeah, i know one. right over here. c.d. parker, a good friend. who's the most famous? well, that's hard to say, charles. they were all great men. charles: how'd they get to be texas rangers? well, they came from all around: war veterans, army scouts, bounty hunters. in fact, some were even outlaws. really? mm-hmm. yeah, back in those days, to be a texas ranger, you had to-- ride like the wind, track like a comanche, shoot like a kentuckian, and fight like the devil. that's right, mike. well, could you tell us a story about one of them? ok. how about hayes cooper? he left a journal before he died.
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