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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  March 25, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm CDT

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>> soldier field is the second small stadium in the nfl and is not filled legal requirements to hold the super bowl. cold weather is also an issue even though the last one was in new jersey on an unseasonably warm evening last month.
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executives say they did not plan on bidding for it because of the obstacles. they say more studies need to be done before they can have any seats. coming up next a new lawsuit filed against general motors. it alleges a second defect. walgreen's announces their closing 76 stores. healthy and satisfying. we're making zucchini cakes.
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new details from court depositions showed that general motors knew about the ignition switch problems 10 years ago. an engineering manager said general motors made a business decision not to fix the problem. at the time the company believed the vehicles could
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safely coast the problem is linked to 12 deaths. faulty ignition switches could disable power power steering. a spokesman says the vehicles are safe to drive. >> albans plans to close 76 stores. as part of a plan to save the company $40 million a year. it is not known which locations will close. they currently operate more than 8200 stores across the country. five former employees are convicted of fraud for helping him carry out a bonds scheme. his longtime secretary was among those convicted in federal court. the defense attorneys had argued the employees were also victims of the scheme. he pleaded guilty to fraud in 2009 and is serving a 150 year prison term. grub hub is giving investors something to chew on. the chicago- based company
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announced that they will offer more than 7 million shares at $20 each. putting the value of $1.7 billion. the largest on-line food delivery service in the united states. plans to extend service to more cities across the country. planning to list stocks under the symbol grub. >> it is called the ms project. he is joined by the director of the illinois department of public health. thank you for coming in. this is the latest lottery drawing. tell me how that works. the reason we have a lottery is to raise money for the common good. one of the decisions that the legislator made is to make the common good to fund research and illinois to discover the cause and prevention of multiple sclerosis. you buy them at any
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lottery retailer for $2. you come up to $20,000 instantly. the money goes to something very specific that you have made a decision that you want to support. >> you can collect prizes up to $600. if you and $20,000 you have to come to one of our claim centers. we will give you a check. >> how do you distribute that money? >> 100% of the money goes to us the department of public health. every year it has been escalating. in 2012 and had about $400,000. the following year 900,000. this year won by $8 million. we take that money and we process that money. we transfer it to the ms society. they do competitive grants
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for researchers who continue to take that money and study what is the latest. >> it is a great cause a great partnership. this is one of several lottery drawings. >> or hear a few months ago to introduce our veterans cash came. this game is on sale now. we'll come back with a game that funds breast cancer research. we have an aids awareness and prevention campaign. these major diseases or afflictions which affect everyone of us through the department of health they fund research to prevent and everyone of us is neither a veteran or knows a veteran. we thank you for letting us make people aware. >> how much money will this raise?
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>> if it sells out we will raise $1 million. it is a fantastic opportunity. you can win money. if you cannot win money know it is going to something that you specifically wish to support. >> thank you so much for being with us once again. the proceeds go to help fight multiple sclerosis. if you want to learn more go to illinois >> what managers might want to bring to work to get more productive employees.
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this is for you. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor
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before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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oops paul george. * gibson is there for two of his game-high 23 points. the bulls are up 10 with 2 minutes left. drive through everyone for the light up. he scored 18. the chicago bulls 189- 77. they split the
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season series with the pacers. >> i thought everyone was terrific to start the game. the energy was good. when you play them is a high- intensity game. there are to play against. i thought were very good in the second half. >>the blue demons took the lead in the second. drains one of six three pointers. depaul up 6. she scored 18 points. >>notre dame also advanced. johnson pitched well in his final start of the spring. sox up by
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2. konerko hits his first hr of the spring. >>tom skilling has spring. >>tom skilling has your fulltoy,ist iv marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies.
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they're delicious, and a good source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips.
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and then into a truck. you own in boxes and then take everything out of the truck and out of the boxes? you know the answers to questions like that, so you're the best person to do your taxes. intuit turbotax. it's amazing what you're capable of. and have some warmer shots of error in our future. we will fill you in on that. as early as thursday and might hit some showers and thunderstorms. some enterprising squirrels in her beverly neighborhood. they came through the three-quarters of an inch of snow. sends
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us the shot of footprints. >> half an inch of snow that fell there. sends us this early morning shot from south suburban. 410 7 in. of snow came down. sunsets in the country are the best and she proves it took the shot taken the night before last. he was of here fishing on sunday. he is a hearty soul. spring is in full bloom in arizona. >> a beautiful photo from scottsdale arizona. >> that does look beautiful. figure we would get a warm shot. tucson arizona as well as lost a is have the warmest winter on record while we had the third coldest. what a range in weather across the united states. but it is a
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gorgeous day. have the sun shine out. some puffy cumulus clouds that have been increasing. a few of these are producing snow showers. a popcorn look to these. they're producing little towers of clouds that might split a snow shower at you. you could see the line of snow that came through. spotty snow showers in our area. the big story in the country as far as stormy weather is on the east coast. both coasts have storms going. they will talk more about that one out east. they can really rip through eastern new england with blizzard and hurricane force one anwind. you see the
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other totals. half an inch to six tenths of an inch. this is kind of interesting. at midway airport which was the official station. the snout is now at 86.8 in. for the season. there's certainly a possibility. the latest reenforcing mass of cold canadian air to come in off with a big reservoir of chilly and that is shrinking and weakening. we are at 27 at midway 27 at lansing. keep in
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mind this is the time of the year when the normal high is 51. we're way below normal. that has been so often the case. >> producing a windchill of 13. across the metro area here are some weather temperatures. it feels like it is in the teens. and dodgers in the upper 20s except at lake geneva. and those areas the code there is running off of a heavier snow pack. we will have a cold high-temperature today at 28 than any of the normal high temperatures that we see in january which is our coldest month. >>
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>> the 28 degree high compared to the normal high of 50. it is occurring because the steering winds in from canada. it will not be for long. this is some good news. the flow will turn westerly. that will bring a big storm that one just up. problem is there of the wind off until late on friday. this next wind mass sets up another storm. day as the data could produce the warmest temperature so far this season. here's our high pressure.
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>> the and see the clouds and showers and thunderstorms expected to come in. this depiction shows cold air and retreat during tomorrow. pretty mild up around 50 on thursday. a shot of cooler air comes in on friday. the real warmth begins to blossom and come here on sunday. they might hold part of the day. it appears to a least open the day with a temperature well into the fifties. there's a storm on the west coast producing the one coming our way. look at all of the frost and freeze warnings as to send our cold air into the deep south. yves in northwest florida under those. storms
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blossom and off the east coast. there's a lot of wind: on in the east coast. for ossicle there this afternoon with partial sunshine. >> cream and unseasonably cold tonight. 20s with teens and land. late night train possible thunder. no rain and high of just 38. a real spike to 54 a day thursday. he'll turn the windchill lay. >> if we had a 60 they'll be the warmest day of the year so far. and may happen. >> this week in 1874
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and magician was born. what was his given birth name
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>>moving on to fireball. your pick3 7-3-6 fireball is 0. moving on to pick4. join us tonight for mega millions. >>lotto 18.75 million dollars. purchase your ticket today. >>first pick4 number
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fireball is 9 moving on to lucky day lotto. today's jackpot 250,000 dollars. that number is 26. third number 23. fourth number 22. to recap 26-29-
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23-22-37. again tonight megamillions. have tonight megamillions. have
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a japanese mushroom extract can kill the human papilloma
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virus. the lead author of in the study says it also appears to slow tumor growth. the discovery could be a step towards a new treatment strategy. high school student do more than three hours of homework each night on average. for some that is enough to literally make them sick. more than 4200 students in the upper middle-class areas of california were surveyed for a new study. more than half said the primary stress in their life was homework. >> eat chocolate and laugh and you'll be smarter and more productive. giving people chocolate and showing them videos of stand-up comedy grazed their work output by about 10%.
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about 700 study participants were divided into two groups. the other group was shown a placebo video and given no food. both groups were asked to solve math problems. >> we are making something healthy to eat today for lunch. it is in the light meal. you can make a four months or meal. you can make a foceisonths or e atel ng t resanhyo,an thym
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e atmarge: you know, there's a more enjoyable ng t resanhyo,an thym way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and a good source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips.
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i think it would be more satisfying. wonderful. let's get started. >>it is important to make sure you squeeze off the excess. same thing. it adds a lot of flavor. get all of your ingredients
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ready. it is cooked already. we keep a container and keep it in our fridge. here is the rice flour. basically we are adding black pepper and a little bit of granulated garlic. >>a littl ebit of salt. we have some grated carrots. some fine chopped scallions. take the time and mix it all up together. add one egg and more moisture. you can
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add regular flour. >>with the gluten problem, choosing to be gluten free. it makes sense. >>not only for people with sensitivities. >>glutenlack of gluten is all the rage. >>it is combined. we will move over here. it is very classic greek sauce. we
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will pan fry them. we have shredded cucucumber. somber. on this you can adjust all the flavors you want. nice fresh and light. this is the perfect dish. mix this all together. >>this batter can be made a day in advance. make it the next day. is there any benefit? just the convienence. >>a little bit of olive oil. it is very light. >>basically we like to take a scooper. i
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think this is a little bit hot. >>set it down. make a nice patty a half inch thick. get a nice little sizzle. the way they look when they are done. serve it with a salad. very simple to make a meal out of this. this will be very simple. jsut ust a little olive oil. you can use any green. whatever you like. a little bit of salt and black peperper. fresh
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squeezed lemon juice. >>695 deerfield road. >>you can look at their menu. we will put the recipe at >>look how lovely that looks.
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[ female announcer ] juicy, white grapefruit, with fresh mint. new herbal essences naked shampoo. no silicone, parabens or dyes. [ wind whisping ] bare your softest hair with new herbal essences naked. [ woman ] ahh. even the ends of my hair are tingling. [ female announcer ] herbal essences. [ ding ]
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houdini was born, what was his given birth name? >>he was born in hungary. >>we would like to do a houdini and escape this weather. >>it is cooling today. if there is
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one positive, this cold air mass is sandwiched between storms and dfelectineflecting them. we are right in between. >>a big storm going up the east coast. >>
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wind will be formidable. kind of makes you not feel so bad about our weather here which will be around 38 tomorrow after an unseasonable 28 tomorrow after an unseasonable 28 today.
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in the criminal justice system the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. these are their stories. mom, i need lunch money. i made you a sandwich. but i hate peanut butter. since when? since now. ( sighs ) ( cookie jar lid clatters ) here. bring me some change. now, move. ( chuckles ) mom! you're going to be late for school again. there's a guy here. ( sighs ) i got to get to work. a white guy. what does he want? get inside... now.


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