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tv   WGN Morning News  CW  April 17, 2014 4:00am-5:01am CDT

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a 12-year-old boy is killed in a hit-and-run in northwest indiana. we'll have the latest on the investigation. as the search for survivors continues, there is new information about the lifeboats on the ferry that capsized off south korea. and the union looking to represent northwestern players responds to the school's case for appeal. good morning. i'm nancy loo in for dan. and i'm erin mcelroy. thanks for joining us on the wgn morning news at *4 a-m. demetrius ivory has a check of our weather. >> nice weather today. a front coming through is kind of a wimpy one. we will knock it out in the first round. maybe some light showers may lead to the south but it's fairly nice day. let's take a look at what's happening in your neck of the woods. i think i might have
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stolen the line. partly sunny skies-years 60. showers are possible. nothing too heavy as the weak front moves through. it's 44 at the lakefront. 39 in joliet. down in decaled it is 40 degrees. satellites composite shows light showers moving through portions of southern wisconsin. nothing to write home about. pack your umbrella, you probably won't need it but bring it anyway. 57 degrees by 5:00 p.m.. 9:00 p.m. down to 50 degrees. we will be cooler than normal. so far this month we have been slightly cooler. tomorrow we will be up to 54. cooler along the lake. 64 degrees and sunshine for the weekend. construction this morning we are seeing the exit ramp closed on the eyck just at
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the circle. also some work around morgan. most should be picked up by 530. the try to take advantage of these early morning hours to get the resurfacing work done. in particular, the pothole repairs. we will let you know exactly where they are and when they will be picked up. >>we're following breaking news this morning... the search is on, for two brothers, apparently abducted by their mother. chicago police say, jamie duignan and her ex-husband share custody of 11-year-old daniel and his 9-year-old brother owen. she picked up the boys near 107-th and campbell, and hasn't returned them to their father. police say the family is traveling in a gray honda odyssey minivan, license 513- 8379. a 14-year-old boy is recovering from a gunshot wound he received in the west pullman neighborhood. jeremiah sanders was playing
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basketball outside his home near 120-th and perry last night, when three young men walked up, and asked if jeremiah was a member of a particular gang. when he said "no," he was shot in the arm and legs. but his uncle says jeremiah is already alert and talking. a nine-year-old boy was hospitalized after he was attacked by two pit bulls in east chicago, indiana. the pit bulls escaped their enclosure yesterday afternoon and approached the boy, who lives in the neighborhood. police say he tried to avoid the pit bulls, but at least one of the dogs bit him in both legs. the owner of the dogs got the animals under control after the incident, and brought them back home. the boy's condition is not known. police have not said if charges will be filed. police are questioning a truck driver in connection with a hit-and-run accident that killed a 12-year-old boy in whiting. angel villafuerte was crossing the street in the 19-hundred block of south indianapolis yesterday afternoon, when he was
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hit by a semi. he died instantly. his older brother, who was with him, says he saw the truck ... and tried to keep his brother from crossing. >> i take care of him. to protect him. i would always protect him. but today it wasn't the case. >> he was hysterical sitting on the curb. just apologizing end i kept saying it wasn't his fault and he said he tried to stop him. he was pretty traumatized. >>the driver of the truck kept going, but was stopped a few miles from the scene ... and is now in the custody of indiana state police. nearly 300 people remain unaccounted after the ferry disaster in south korea. now there are reports that only one of the ship's 46 lifeboats was deployed. andrew spencer has more. somewhere inside this capsized ferry, rescuers hope to find pockets of air, pockets of
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survivors. >> difficult to tell which are flooded and which are not. there was enough flooding to make it capsized. it will be determined where the air pockets are. >> they watched the updates in south korea hoping with the rising death toll and many people and accounted for that their loved ones will be found alive. some parents are furious that officials have called the efforts an investigation into the rescue. >> if the government cares for our people, risking our families and our children. >> others question the evacuation or lack of. >> we were told to stay where we are so we kept staying bullied around the water level came up. >> i was staying put but suddenly the water was up to my face. i think it was a narrow escape. >> nearly 500 people were on the ferry when it capsized in the yellow sea. because the water is so cold the chance of survival
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for anyone who did not find a dry pocket may be slim. >> there's no way to survive in those temperatures for hours much less days. there's probably not anybody still alive. the issue is if there is anybody trapped inside an air pocket. >> with each passing minute the possibility of rescues is smaller and smaller. >>the president of the company that operates that ferry is now in the hospital. the company says he was on his way to the site when he collapsed from shock. the ship's captain is hiding his face, as he faces possible charges. >> and the words for the family members? >> i am sorry. i am at a loss for words. >>south korea's president has arrived at the scene. she says they can't waste any time since there's a chance that survivors are still on the ship. officials in malaysia say they may soon be forced to review the operation in that search for flight 370, if no debris is
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found in the indian ocean. meanwhile, investigators are intrigued by a new lead. it seems, the plane's co- pilot turned his cell phone on, after takeoff... and it was detected by a cell phone tower near the city of penang. it's still not clear whether any *other towers picked up the phone's signal... or whether co-pilot fariq hamid made any calls. a plane typically has to be below ten thousand feet, to make contact with a phone tower... and at flying speed, it should have contacted several towers within seconds of one another. fishtaking a look at the *other top stories this morning. this man is wanted for trying to kidnap a woman in the albany park neighborhood last week. the woman was walking near ainslie and karlov when a man grabbed her and tried to force her into his van. the woman was able to run away. the van had a ladder tied to the roof with yellow rope and clear windows on the back door. the mayor of lake station, indiana, and his wife are expected to surrender to federal authorities this
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morning, to answer charges of stealing from the city. an indictment yesterday charged mayor keith soderquist and his wife deborah of taking money from the mayor's campaign account, and from a local food pantry account. they're believed to have used the cash to gamble at casinos in indiana and michigan. southbound lake shore drive was shut down for several hours because of a suspicious item on the road. bomb squad robots opened a blue duffel bag, but they only found a sleeping bag inside. the bag appeared to belong to one of the homeless people in the area. the union representing the northwestern players is picking apart a ruling. the ruling allows players to vote on forming a union on april 25th. the board found the players were actually employees of the school. northwestern is appealing by saying the board's regional director mayor ignored
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relevant facts. the union says the university's accusations are not grants for review. it says northwestern is just completing that unionization would be bad for the business of college football. >> there's a new push to bring a casino to chicago. mayor emanuel and governor quinn support a casino. house speaker mike madigan has been the roadblock. but now, madigan is floating a new plan to his house colleagues. a stand-alone bill would separate a city casino from a plan to add five *other casino licenses across the state. it could be owned by either the city or state... and the city and state would share the revenue. businesses and activists disagree on the merits of a casino here. >> how do not sign a bill with some a jobs? >> we think the truth will win out. >> we want to make sure that every opportunity for government corruption and organized crime that can be closed is closed. >> neither mayor emanuel nor governor quinn has commented on
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the new proposal. owners of the state's existing casinos, all oppose it. first lady michelle obama will meet with students in washington and take them on a college for. dozens of sepias juniors and seniors are participating in a program called escape to mecca which inspires african american students to attend college by immersing them in campus life. mrs. obama will take them are around howard university and talk about the importance of higher education. they will stay on campus with students from the chicago area. >> the vice-president is helping democratic candidates. he made his the debut yesterday or instagram. he posted this picture yesterday. he said thanks for following, stay tuned. look at those big smiles they have going on.
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>> lots of teeth. >> it's all about ankle. the right ankle makes the picture. >> that's the first selfie with two men. >> you just feel lonely without the other males here today. >> we don't do that. talking about temperatures today are mild. 44 right now in downers grove. in gary it is 44. hillside at 43. we've: numbers elsewhere. this morning you might need to have your coat. if you want it this afternoon will make 60 degrees. very light sprinkles. much of that is not hitting the ground near kenosha. there is cloud cover across the area. expect considerable cloud cover to the day with the chance of a shower. that could develop tonight. 59 tonight. 39 tonight.
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a fairly nice weekend we make 70 on easter sunday. >> coming up, dr. tony joins us to talk about a potentially dangerous time for your pet spirit the first state to *ban micro- beads, found in soaps. we'll tell you why. >> i'm on the set for the first original drama for our national cable channel. coming up i talk to the cast and take you behind the scenes of salem. yesterdayo
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"salem" -- wgn america's *first original drama. today, he introduces us to some of the witches and witch hunters from this sexy, graphic look back at 17-th century massachusetts. >> precious salem caught up in the stinking which a panic. >> they have souls. >> the story is centered on a damaged woman seduced by darkness when her childhood love is assumed dead. >> i think at the heart of this story is romance. between john
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and marion. he has to go away to war and he comes back. not only has salem change but the love of his life has changed. >> she thought that the person she was a was lost and she had to bury that person. along with the loss of her child and with thinking john was dead she buried all of that. with him coming back, there is a spark of pushing once was. >> country of their own ... >> the men of the cloth will stop at nothing. also a regular at the brothel delivering some of the sexiest scenes in episode 1 them out what its like to shoot some of the scenes that are more than you would expect? >> it's scary in such an edgy and racy show you are worried it's gratuitous and not necessary and not part of the story and you're just exploiting the media to get attention.
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what's so great about the show is that anything that is extreme and over the top greasy, it is driven by stories and by characters. >> in episode in memorable character could be mercy louis, the young girl possessed by something paraded through the town square on all fours in search of others like her. what was that like for the actress? >> it was intense. i scared many animals. i was expecting that i would have bruises everywhere and i would have blisters. because i knew in order to make it authentic and real and scary you have to go into it rather than just going through the motions. >> it may have gone 210%. >> you can see more in my interviews on my page of the web. just outside of shreveport,
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louisiana, back to you. >> let me out. anyone anyone? >> what ever it takes to get off a morning show. >> he is alive and well. i saw him in the newsroom. >> "salem" premieres this sunday at *9 p-m central time. in chicago, wgn america is only available on directv channel 307, and dish network channel 239. both wgn t-v and wgn america are owned by tribune broadcasting. that means we can leave him there as long as we want. >> note to self. don't take that kind of assignment. 43 degrees right now. wind of south at 16. yesterday it was breezy but today we expect a gusty conditions. wind could cost up to 30 mi.. we're up near 40 mi. per hour yesterday. it is 40 degrees in joliet. 43 at o'hare
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and midway. 37 degrees in valparaiso. temperatures are in the upper 30s but as you travel out the west not much of a temperature range. only 42 in rockford. satellite composite shows like rain will miss us later today into tonight we expect a cold front. this could moderate our temperatures and bring in a few showers but with each new set of data, it looks weaker than the set before. maybe some isolated showers tonight but that's about it. a fairly nice day. more rain potential is on easter sunday. today we are at 59 degrees. partly sunny 10-20 mi. per hour wind. cloudy isolated showers possible tonight. 54 degrees on friday. saturday is a keeper at 64 degrees. >> i don't think al broker will
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mind you guys could just walk your tag lines. >> we could switch the paychecks as well. >> that would work well. we have a map out here this is barely meadows. from all gone when we have this intersection shut down for work through july. it's a squeeze to get through. this is the resurfacing work. eastbound state road 58 eloquent down to a single lane. even a tighter squeeze their. the season for construction has begun. this nice weather means they are working out there early. volume is still light. not a big deal. we will have updates coming in the next few minutes. >> the construction season never ends. coming up after 4:30 ... we'll check in with marcus *live in ohio. he's testing out a record breaking roller coaster. >> he has been talking about this for months. and next in sports -- an
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unlikely arm takes the mound for the sox, while the cubs gets blanked in new york.
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idea that his team will try to pound the blackhawks into submission. while the hawks are wary of that they think the
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lessons learned in winning the couple have a greater effect on the series. >> it helps a lot in the playoffs. it's a different animal as they say. everything is increased, the speed and physicality, the crowd noise and everything. some of us have followed this through a few times. hopefully it serves us well. we have to look at the point, they have played in the playoffs a lot and they are a top team. >> we are fortunate to have that type of group, great leadership, a great experience and playing the big games in big moments on the big stages. i think that the bigger the challenge the bigger the test and these guys are excited. >> everyone skidded wednesday. they are as healthy as they have been, well prepared and well groomed. >> this is a mix between myself and macklemore and anything in
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between. a lot going on. >> the playoff beard may be short but they will be long on confidence and experience when they drop the puck in game 1 thursday night. >>the white sox went through their entire bullpen last night, so they turned to an infielder who had never pitched before, just to finish the extra- inning game. the sox looking for a third straight win against boston. tied at one with two outs in the sixth... alexi ramirez hits the go- ahead, two- run homer... he ties frank thomas with a 15- game hitting streak to open the season. boston ties it so larry garcia takes the mound in the 14-th inning and gets the first two outs, but after a couple walks, he gives up a two- run double to jackie bradley. after more than five hours, the sox lose 6-4. the cubs failed to score a single run in a double- header for the first time since 19- 62... they lost to the yankees three- nothing and two- nothing.
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the bulls lost the season finale in charlotte 91-86 in overtime... they'll face the wizards in the first round of the playoffs, starting sunday night. >> we had good weather for baseball coming up today and into the weekend. 43 degrees right now. our temperatures are going to be in the upper '40's by 10:00 a.m.. no rain early today. tonight there is a chance of a shower. highs in the upper 50s. warmer days are ahead this coming weekend. >> we have some construction. here's another stretch addison from route 53 heading south bound from for dell to army trail. this is in place and through june. on top of that, we of ongoing work on 83 from st. charles to thailand. that is the bridge work that has been not there. this will stretch out for a few months. not going anywhere anytime soon. the rest is looking good in terms of the numbers. we will have more of
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this commute times coming up. >> much more to come, details on the abduction of two children on the south side. >> the crisis in the ukraine escalates when deadlleaders meen switzerland. >> and how you can buy the world's most haunted ireland. why? why? >> detai
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i'll just press this, and you'll save on both. ding! ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, llllet's get ready to bundlllllle... [ holding final syllable ] oh, yeah, sorry! let's get ready to bundle and save. now, that's progressive. oh, i think i broke my spleen! home insurance provided and serviced by third party insurers. a developing story ...
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police are looking for two young brothers abducted on the south side. a 12-year-old boy is killed in a hit-and-run in northwest indiana. we'll have the latest on the investigation. as the search for survivors continues, there is new information about the lifeboats on the ferry that capsized off south korea. good morning, i'm nancy loo in for dan. and i'm erin mcelroy. let's go to demetrius ivory for a check of the weather. things are finally looking good? >> this is not just caffeine to let you know. >> you might need to take that back. >> let's go to the graphic. we're looking at temperatures that will continue to warm up. today we have a warmer start.
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has saved ... it's 43. st. mary's is 43 as well. cooler in plainfield at 38. sure would at 40. take your jacket with do you probably won't need it this afternoon as our highs climb near 60 degrees. we are try on our satellite radar. a weak front could come tonight bringing us the potential for an isolated showers. nothing to write home about. just a light sprinkle spirit 57 degrees by 5:00 p.m.. 9:00 p.m. down to 50 degrees. most of the kids are off tomorrow. 54 degrees on good friday into saturday we are at 64. easter sunday slight chance of a shower in the afternoon. get your egg hunt down the early. but we do make 70 degrees. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> more construction to report. we have some work on pershing at
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halsted. it will be there until june. jane addams more of the same period to are down. that should be picked up by 5:00 a.m.. another 30 minutes on that outbound. the speed bumps are not impacting the flow of traffic just yet. we will have another update in a few minutes. >>we're following breaking news this morning... the search is on, for two brothers, apparently abducted by their mother. chicago police say, jamie duignan and her ex-husband share custody of 11-year-old daniel and his 9-year-old brother owen. she picked up the boys near 107-th and campbell, and hasn't returned them to their father. police say the family is traveling in a gray honda odyssey minivan, license 513- 8379. a nine-year-old boy was hospitalized after he was attacked by two pit bulls in east chicago, indiana. the pit bulls escaped their enclosure yesterday afternoon and approached the boy, who lives in the neighborhood. police say he tried to avoid the pit bulls, but at least one
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of the dogs bit him in both legs. the owner of the dogs got the animals under control after the incident, and brought them back home. the boy's condition is not known. police have not said if charges will be filed. a 14-year-old boy is recovering from a gunshot wound he received in the west pullman neighborhood. jeremiah sanders was playing basketball outside his home near 120-th and perry last night, when three young men walked up, and asked if jeremiah was a member of a particular gang. when he said "no," he was shot in the arm and legs. but his uncle says jeremiah is already alert and talking. police are questioning a truck driver in connection with a hit- and-run accident that killed a 12-year-old boy in whiting. angel villafuerte was crossing the street in the 19-hundred block of south indianapolis yesterday afternoon, when he was hit by a semi. he died instantly. his older brother, who was with him, says he saw the truck ... and tried to keep his brother from crossing.
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>> i take care of him. to protect him. anybody who would mess with him i would protect him. but today it was not the case. >> he was hysterical. sitting on the curb just apologizing and i kept saying it's not his fault and he said he tried to stop him. he was pretty traumatized. >>the driver of the truck kept going, but was stopped a few miles from the scene ... and is now in the custody of indiana state police. no survivors have been found since a south korean ferry sank in the yellow sea. there are nine confirmed deaths after the ferry capsized and went under. most of the passengers were high school students on their way to a resort island. many of them were rescued, but nearly 300 others are missing. it's possible that they're still in the boat after survivors said they were told to stay on the ship, when the disaster started. local reports say only one of
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we were told to stay where you are. we kept staying but later on the water level came up. so we were beside ourselves. kids were screaming out of terror shouting for help. >> i stayed put but suddenly the water was up to my face. i think it was a narrow escape. >> local reports say only one of the ferry's 46 lifeboats were deployed. this video shows white capsules onboard that hold lifeboats inside. we still don't know what caused the ship to go down so quickly. south korean officials say the boat did not veer off course after it was delayed because of fog. three people were killed after hundreds of russian separatists attacked a military base in eastern ukraine overnight. at least 13 others were wounded, and dozens more have been detained. the clashes come on the same day leaders from the u-s, russia, ukraine and european union are meeting in geneva. it's their first gathering since the crisis escalated. the u-s claims russia is aiding pro-russian activists who are occupying government buildings in ukraine, which
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russia denies. taking a look at the *other top stories this morning. this man is wanted for trying to kidnap a woman in the albany park neighborhood last week. the woman was walking near ainslie and karlov when a man grabbed her and tried to force her into his van. the woman was able to run away. the van had a ladder tied to the roof with yellow rope and clearthe mayor of lake station, indiana, and his wife are expected to surrender to federal authorities this morning, to answer charges of stealing from the city. an indictment yesterday charged mayor keith soderquist and his wife deborah of taking money from the mayor's campaign account, and from a local food pantry account. they're believed to have used the cash to gamble at casinos in indiana and michigan. the union that wants to represent northwestern football players is picking apart the school's argument for appeal. the players get to vote on forming a union on april 25-th after a ruling declared them school employees. northwestern is appealing that, but the union says the school's reasons are not grounds for review. officials in malaysia say they may soon be forced to rethink the search for flight 370, if no debris from the plane is found in the indian ocean. meanwhile, investigators now say the plane's co-pilot turned
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his cell phone on, after takeoff... and it was detected briefly by a single cell phone tower. it's still not clear whether any *other towers picked up the phone's signal... or whether co-pilot fariq hamid made any calls. the remaining boston bombing today is the last day of testimony before a two week break in the blade runner trial. on trial for the murder of his girlfriend, he says he shot her by accident. after five days of being cross-examined, the defense is now trying to discredit the prosecution witnesses. right now the prosecution is attacking the credibility of the forensic expert for the defense who disputed findings by a pathologist for the state. the trial will be postponed until may 5th after today's session. the prosecution is avoiding scheduling conflicts with other cases. >> the remaining boston bombing suspect couldn't convince a federal judge to throw out some of the charges against him. dzhokhar tsarnaev still faces 30 counts, in connection with
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two pressure-cooker bombs that killed three people and wounded hundreds more. the judge rejected defense lawyers' claim that some of the charges are duplicates. but the judge will let the defendant see autopsy photos of the victims. tsarnaev could face the death penalty, when he stands trial in november. this year's boston marathon is facing a new security challenge. some of the 36 thousand runners who registered, and received their numbered running bibs, are selling them online. in some cases, a runner who is injured, is just letting someone else take his place. other people are selling their spots to raise money for charity. some of the bibs are being offered for as much as 5 thousand dollars. race officials say, selling spots in the race, makes it hard for them to identify who's running. illinois could become the first state to but banned a popular ingredient found in many facial cleansers and soaps. some lawmakers say that micro beads, a tiny plastic particles meant to cleanse and smoothes can also pose environmental danger. they
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claim they are piling up in waterways where they can suck up the toxins and harm wildlife. the measure advancing through the general assembly in springfield would phase out the sale of my kirby's by 2018. >> we are thrilled since they are not biodegradable, we have been able to work with the industry, the personal-care industry has come together to really negotiate this. >> for other states are considering similar bills. some cosmetic companies have begun phasing out the micra beets are grown using ground seeds or not since dead. >> and a year-old suffering from a rare disease causing his muscles to deteriorate, doctors say he will be in a wheelchair by the age of nine. before that happens he asked the make a wish foundation to let him fly in a
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vertical wind tunnel. and they made his wish come true. he even dressed the part of the super hero. that is super cool. look at that. super max can fly. >> good for that little kid. he will probably be off school friday as most of the kids will be. we have nice temperatures and nice weather coming our way. today's high in the upper 50s. cooler tomorrow. 43 at o'hare. 40 in joliet. 42 in aurora. bartlett is down at 41. a bit cooler down to the south and on the flip side of lake michigan. dry conditions across our area. there will the cloud cover. the of the lookout for that. not much sunshine as a friend comes our way. the front will bring the slight chance of showers. just a small chance. here is the 3 day forecast here tomorrow,
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54, sat. we make 64 was sunshine. >> still ahead, a popular hollywood director is being sued for sexually abusing a teenage boy. >> a look at a haunted highland that up for sale. and what christ bearer did and has a lot of people asking why. >> good morning. it's me. here i am in ohio at kings island. this is my super bowl today because i am going to get on this ride. the record-breaking roller- coaster here at the island. we will tell you about it and talks to everybody here will have that in just a bit.marcus is living
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>> he has been talking about this for like two years. >> now he is there at kings island in ohio. >> i have never seen you smile so big. >> i have never been so excited to wake up with the alarm went off at 3:30 a.m.. we are just outside cincinnati in mason, ohio. five hour drive from chicago. i stopped and a bunch of places along the way. i think we have some general video to
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show you. to have about nine roller-coaster spirit the cool thing is that they have a roller coaster from every generation. from the old classic wooden coaster, how they use to make them, then you can move up through the heiress. they have the beast which is celebrating 35 years. it's the top of the wooden roller coasters of the world. but today is about the new ride. this is the inverted coaster. it's one of those rights were you hang underneath the track. 167 ft. tall. top speed of 68 mi. per hour. seven in versions. everybody here is very excited and ready to go. we have a ton of roller-coaster enthusiasts. the interesting thing is, is 35 degrees. everybody is waiting for it to warm up. nobody has gone on the ride yet but we are all very excited. where are you from?
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>> i'm from louisville. >> you have been here before. >> many times. >> what are you most excited about? how big a deal is this? >> it's a big deal. we've been waiting for a big inverted coaster here and they have delivered it. i have not taken a ride yet but i am looking forward to the surprise. i can't wait to see what's in store. >> you have been here many times and you said ... explain the rise and tell me about the beast. you been on the beast? >> it's a game breaker. 79 ft. up. it still is the longest wooden coaster in the world. it's incredible. >> you look pretty bundled up. >> i am a bit cold. >> you are going to go 68 mi. an hour in 30 degrees? >> i am. i'm ready for it to steal my soul. have i written
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the ride like this before? i have. i love it here. >> i'm going to go on with them as soon as they allow us on the ride. hopefully in the next hour. i want demetrius to do something. and going 68 mi. per hour in 40 degree weather. what is the windchill factor? i want to know what the wind chill will be? >> is stumped him. pop quiz! >> you should have asked me before we went on the air. >> that some homework. >> we will have that for you later. tell everybody back their zero h that's for ohio state. everybody loves that. them aware of the crickets? nobody said anything. >> i have to look up a windchill factor. amoco gets more real fast. >> 38 degrees is our temperature down towards valparaiso its 37.
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satellite's radar shows we are dry. looking at some cloud cover. there's a bit of cloud cover over where marcus is. not too much. the rain will ruin that live shot soon. 57 degrees is the temperature at 5:00 p.m.. here is the seventh day. temperatures go up to 64 degrees by saturday. easter sunday we make a 70. >> new accident at 83. two left lanes out. right lane squeezing by. the rest is just construction. more details in a minute. but >>the director of "x-men" has been charged with sexually abusing a teenaged boy. police in los angeles say, back in 1999, bryan singer offered a movie role to the teenager in exchange for sex. and he told the teen, he would destroy his career if he refused. the alleged sex happened in california and hawaii, when the accuser was 17. with the newest "x-men" movie set to debut next month, singer's representatives claim that the new civil suit is just a play for publicity.
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singer denies everything. a few stories trending online. andre johnson, a rapper affiliated with the wu-tang clan, cut off his penis before leaping from a building, according to reports. also known as christ the bear, he reportedly cut off his penis and then jump off the second story building in north hollywood. he survived and is now hospitalized. this video was posted on youtube hours before that happened. >> do you want to buy a haunted ireland? the government of italy wants to swell you one. it's called poveglia. and it was once used as a dumping ground for the mentally ill, and for people dying of the plague. italy will sell it, to help pay off its debts. >> who would want to buy that?
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>> that was the creepy news block for the day. let's go over to dr. tony. maybe he could help us. >> @ know where to go but up.ean
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be a dangerous time for your pet spirit >> dr. tony is here to explain. he brought chocolate. >> the chocolate is already gone. >> it will be gone shortly. >> white chocolate? >> one thing i want to point out, we all seek chocolate as an issue with pets. but at easter time it's more of a problem than any other time because the easter bunny is hiding his basket at a level for children but that a great area for our pets to find it as well. many of these baskets are found by the pact would be for the kids find it. we have to make sure we are prepared that we think ahead and make sure we keep our pets supervised and make sure they don't get into it. another thing is that at easter, is really common for rabbits and live
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animals to get them as gifts. it's cute to give them as a gift but giving the gift of pets is not a good idea. many of them wind up in the shelter. my thought is, if you are thinking about that, make it a chocolate rabbit. giving that money is a lot better than giving a live animal. and those little chicks went up to the big checks. it's very common. lots of pet stores have them as a novelty. avoid that because if you're going to get a rabbit think about it. think about rescuing a different pet. the other thing is with the baskets, there's lots of hazards. not just the chocolate. number one we put chocolate inside of the spirit it looks like a dog toy. the problem is that the dog will to that up and it could cut up their interest and steered it requires surgery. the fake grass inside there,
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cats love that. it sparks their curiosity and eat it. it can tie their intestines in knots. we do lots of surgery to get that stuff out of them. >> it becomes very expensive brass. >> you even point out that even dinner can be an issue. with ham. >> easter is a busy time. or not necessarily paying attention to the pets. we throw things into the garbage like foil and stuff that has food on it and that could obstruct the animals. and when the family is at your house they may think giving one tree to the pet is ok but when 20 people do it it could be a big problem. they could get bad upset stomachs. keep the pet safe. >> happy easter to you. thank you dr. tony. you can find him at dr. tony dot com or on twitter. >> i can take that chocolate from you if you need to pass it
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around. >> good morning. early today we will have nice weather. today's high of 59 degrees. tomorrow we make 54. saturday we are at
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