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tv   WGN Morning News  CW  November 11, 2014 4:00am-5:01am CST

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a 92-year-old woman is cleared of assaulting an off-duty cop, in a deadly fight with her neighbors. and winter is coming. >>a ship captain avoided the death sentence, after more than 300 people died.. when his boat sank off the coast of south korea. good morning. i'm dan ponce. and i'm lourdes duarte. thanks for joining us on the wgn morning news at *4 a-m. >> let's get to the stories the first weather. >> winter is coming. dense from came up prunes. there is something called the wall. when side of building all is like minnesota and the other side in chicago. to date the wall will
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break a bit. sometimes it takes me awhile to get to that. >> maybe the other side of the wall is florida. >> i think it's the pink floyd will. let's take a look at our day. the fault of winter showers will be likely today. temperatures should fall quickly. our high temperature will be about 59 degrees that was actually at midnight. we will be shot falling through the 40 shortly. the wider view, in the morning and we have readings at 26. 34 in green bay. in kansas city you can almost see the wall of green air making its way through western illinois. some snow. that goes down into central missouri just north of 70. chance of a light shower. it won't stick but temperatures 38
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by 5:00 p.m.. today's high has already happened into the 30's through the day. 23 tonight. mars high 32 degrees. >> let's go over to traffic. work on 142 from indiana. down to one lane. this will last through november 26th. and great news for people who are stuck in the congestion outbound bishop ford where they were working on the stoney island off ramp. we flew over that is today if it is open and moving along. all those cars have no problems this morning. >> as mentioned, in winter like system is moving through the midwest. this is what it looked like in parts of minnesota and wisconsin. 16 in. of snow in northern wisconsin. the upper peninsula of michigan will have
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2 ft.. more than one-third of flights into minneapolis for canceled after they are making an effort to get rid of that snow. >> chicago, if i wasn't ready for this i would have moved a long time ago. >> around this time of the year i wonder why i still live here. >> i went south because of this. >> accumulating snow is not in the forecast unlike other parts of the midwest. >> a least six barrages a caught fire overnight. >> crews are still on the scene. and tonya and joins us live with the latest. >> good morning. board up crews are here trying to secure the scene. several crashes caught fire. it is so dark it is difficult to see the extent of
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damage. but six grosz's have either been consumed by the flames or damaged. we have some video taken by a neighbor he tells me around 130 a m they heard some noises in the back of the house and when they looked out they saw flames shooting from the home. another neighbor said his dog was barking and he looked out and saw someone running down the alley. a short time later the dog barked again and he saw the flames. all the neighbors say the fire department was here very quickly. apparently the fire department is only a few blocks from this area. but the cause and the origin of these fires still under investigation by the arson in it. from what we can see, this crash, it's difficult to see but this garage is where it appears the fire originated.
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it spread to fires on both sides and it crossed over to the alley and affected barrages on the other side of the alley. we had a chance to walk into the back of the houses here and there has been some damage to the siting of the house. but the good news is, no injuries. >>all 4 men charged in the september shooting of 2 niles north students pled not guilty. the 4 are charged in the death of niles north senior maxwell gadau and injuring a female senior student at that school. police say the suspects had a hand in luring the girl to her car for a supposed drug sale.. when the shooting happened. none of the 4 suspects are alleged to be the shooter. skokie police are convinced the shooter was a 17-year-old chicago teen who was arrested and released. a 92-year-old woman was acquitted in a battery case
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against an off-duty chicago police officer, after a long- standing dispute between neighbors turned deadly. hazel jones-huff was arguing with her neighbor last april when she reportedly started throwing rocks and dirt at the woman, and hit her with a broom. that woman's husband, the police officer, tried to intervene. then, 86-year-old joe huff came out of his house with a shotgun. police say huff shot the officer's wife, then the officer shot and killed him. get back from the car. if you pick it up i will shoot you. get back! >> the officer's wife lost her arm envisioned. jones-huff is now planning to sue her neighbors, the city, police department ... and, hospital for what she calls sub- standard care. congressional ethics investigators say, congressman
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bobby rush may be breaking federal and state law. the house ethics committee has revealed, rush has been using a rent-free political office at 34-th and king drive for more than two decades. it's in the lake meadows shopping center. and investigators want to know whether the landlord is getting special favors from rush. that would be illegal. rush says he's cooperating with the investigation. 36 years in jail... that's the sentence for the south korean ferry captain who jumped ship to safety... while hundreds of people died inside. lee joon-seok... was found guilty of violating "seamen's law" and abandonment... when his ferry sunk on april 16. prosecutors sought the death penalty for lee... alleging that he didn't attempt to evacuate the passengers. more than 300 people died after the ferry capsized on the southwestern coast of south korea in april. president obama meets with his chinese counterpart tonight in beijing. and they have a lot to talk about. obama wants china to stop using cyber-theft for commercial and political gain. he wants the chinese to respect
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trademark and patent protections on american-made products... and make it easier for foreign companies to access the chinese market. earlier this week, the two countries agreed to lengthen short-term tourist, business and student visas. a former illinois public servant is about to receive the government's highest civilian honor. the white house will award former congressman abner mikva the presidential medal of freedom. after five terms in the house, mikva served on the federal appeals court. he was also president clinton's white house counsel. at age 88, mikva is still involved in the political process. he heads the "mikva challenge," service. illinois drivers are supposed to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks, but what about a giant duck? that's what drivers in fort lee, new jersey saw last week. a police officer dressed up as donald duck and attempted to cross a busy street throughout the day. drivers who didn't stop, got tickets. police officials say the number of pedestrians hit by cars is going down.
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>> against that is one way to make a point. >> good morning demetrius. >> good morning. it is a good morning right now. temperatures are on the warm side. this will be the best part of the day. a very quick temperature drop comes later. right now it's 59 degrees in wheeling. it's 45 degrees in union. the wall, the cold air out to the west making its way through at the day. as the clouds moved through you can see snow into portions of central missouri. north of 70. slight chance of that light snow to mix with rain in the next few hours. temperatures will be dropping her the day. the kids need their heavy coat. sunny, but a high of 32 tomorrow. >> coming up, investigating mislabeled of food products. >> not all labels are as
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accurate as they should be a pyrrhic one family shares their struggle after a mislabeled foods put their daughter in the hospital. stay with us.
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just tell us your budget and the "name your price" tool helps you find a whole range of coverages. no one else gives you options like that. [voice echoing] no one at all! no one at all! no one. wake up! [gasp] oh! you okay, buddy? i just had a dream that progressive had this thing called... the "name your price" tool... it isn't a dream, is it? nope. sorry!
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you know that thing freaks me out. he can hear you. he didn't mean that, kevin. kevin: yes, he did! keeping our competitors up at night. now, that's progressive. a mistake on a food label sent a 10-year-old suburban girl to the hospital... her story led to a nationwide recall. w-g-n investigates more on what caused that recall, and why very little is being done to keep it from happening again.
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the >> it was the third team. >> always stressed the labels until a few months ago when he bought the exclusive brand archer farms chocolate hazelnut swirl. >> the next day around lunchtime, my daughter wanted some. >> that's where the journey begins. back in april, his 10 year-old daughter was hospitalized after a severe allergic reaction. >> she broke out into hives. she had red bumps everywhere. she had a hard time breathing pure tomato could have caused a perfectly healthy kid to have an allergic reaction? >> direct contact with peanuts. >> she was allergic to peanuts but not hazelnuts which is why he bought the product. hours after she was hospitalized they took another close look at the container. >> the top part of the product was covered in crushed peanuts.
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>> he kept it. you open it and you see it. >> it's mostly the smell that gives it a way. no word on the ingredients. not even the word may contain peanuts. nothing here about peanuts being in this product. >> what makes the matter even worse is how long it took to get this project off the shelves from the time they started to call. >> i thought it was getting out of hand. >> six days but eventually target did issue a nationwide recall. this is part of the problem, no required time frames on how quickly a product needs to be pulled off the shelf. >> maybe the supplier beat a mistake. or somebody supplied them with the label i don't know where the ball was dropped. >> nobody really knows target
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points to another group who said possibly it was cross contamination. we asked the fda about it they don't know either which is what may be the bigger picture. >> i think food should get as much scrutiny as pharmaceuticals. and from this experience i feel like it doesn't. >> the fda admits when food comes in from overseas other than random checks, nobody is looking to see if the ingredients on the label are accurate. they take the manufacturer at their word. in fact, mislabeling is the number- one reason for food recalls. sometimes two or three a day come in. when is clear allergies can be deadly. just ask the pietri allergist. >> luckily, they are not frequent when we do have the fatal reactions. but the potential is there with the problem. >> in 2011 a new law gave the fda more authority to attract overseas products requiring more paperwork. but even that has not
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been implemented yet. >> families rely on the labels. >> for this family, it has become harder and harder to deal with. >> that's when i thought we need to go take this to the people. >>target says it is no longer working with that specific gelato manufacturer -- and made that decision even before this recall. target, the supplier sinco, and the f-d-a refused requests for an on-camera interview. the vela family has not settled on a monetary amount with target or the supplier. there is pending litigation. >> there is. >> good morning. it was a good morning. temperatures early on were at 59. but temperatures are dropping. today falling with each hour. we're down now to 57 degrees. we won't even be close to that. probably 20 degrees but cooler in just a few hours. wind of the southwest picking up
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coming in at 12 mi.. the front is not quite true. you can make out the front very easy. 56 at the lakefront. 55 in bartlett. but its 43 in rockford and rochelle. you can almost make out the line by the blue contour. 34 and green bay. minneapolis and 23. that cold air is rushing in. this is not the temperature drop that you won't feel. you will notice this when it arrives early on. we have rain and the chance of showers mixing in with snow later today. it should not stick. the moisture will be in and out quickly. we do have snow into portions of central and northern missouri. but snow will come after this front edge of the cold air. the tail end into the afternoon. temperatures, all the way down to 23 by tonight. breezy
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conditions tomorrow. try for wednesday and thursday but we will be lucky to make freezing. >> the only thing i enjoyed about your forecast is that you show weather worsened hours prior to your report. that makes us feel a little bit better. we do have some work at 290 to watch. for left lanes closed until 5:00 a.m.. pretty much go whole roadway. all traffic exiting west bound to 90 and then entering again at the east bound for india ramp. watch for that. it will be slow especially when we get more cars out on the road. we will look at the other spots giving us trouble this morning coming up. >>coming up ... another edition of "hey demetrius". and next in sports -- derrick rose is back in the line-up and looking good... as the bulls try and take care of the pistons at the u-c. hey marcus! taking a look at how people are honoring our men and women in
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the military on the web. >> >> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write down this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, or if you misplaced it, call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. please stand by to learn more.
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>> i'm alex trebek and the announcement you just heard is for a popular and affordable life insurance plan with a rate lock guarantee. that means your rate is locked in for life and can never increase. did you get your free information kit in the mail? if not, please call this toll-free number now. in the last month alone, thousands have called about this plan with the rate lock guarantee through the colonial penn program, and here's why. this plan is affordable, with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in and can never go up, and your acceptance is guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. don't wait, call today.
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♪ the bulls had their complete starting lineup on the floor last night at the nine center.
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it will take time to figure it out but it's sure nice to have dark roast out there. ankle issues are over and he was in the lineup at the uc with detroit in town. having him back could only help. great start it can stay in front of that one. the three-point play. also shot from the perimeter. the bulls are up. double figures in the second. gibson finishes he was strong. and but we're always in there somewhere. this one the return to make a game of it in the fourth quarter. and then there crews working it over. he had 24 points in the game. the bulls win. a the bears are the only team plane nfl football today. given up 50 points in back-to-back weeks. other epic failed numbers but monday marc
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trestman insisted there are no issues of leadership or accountability or work ethic on his team. you have to wonder if he is watching the same game as everyone else. >> this team is in a good place at this time. we are in a position to work our way out of this. i think the team is focused. >> there are a lot of frustrated guys. all we can do is stick together and keep working and try to get out of this whole. >> the blackhawks at tampa bay at the united center tonight. >> time now for "hey demetrius"... >> you are not going to like this one. >>the question from jeff is ... "is the polar vortex coming?" what to say? >> everybody has been asking.
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let's explain what it is. a pool of really cold air sitting up by the polls. sometimes it can bring the cold. sometimes, like last in your id visits and it stays. we went right to the four text to ask how he feels about chicago and why he keeps coming back. why do you keep coming back? >> some of my favorite places, some of the best cities in america people say come here because there is pizza and italian beef. it gets boring with the north pole and the south pole. not much to see once you visit the workshop you have to move on. >> you can see he's a prettily kind of guy. but the polar board tax get so much notoriety, asked how he is doing with his new fame and notoriety. >> the big word is trending. i
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am trending. there is. it's pretty good to be popular. >> i have to be honest, it is good for my business. people always turn to whether to ask how the forecast will be when they hear about the cold weather. but we ask again, how do you feel about the fact that i get the credit? >> it's good for you. otherwise what else will you do? >> he's not a cool guy. >> we will have to check with him and through the winter. >> hopefully he does not come back. but we are expecting cold weather. if it's good for business, i will take it. >> you do need some job security. it's a tough world out there. >> tell him to shave necks time. >> and maybe where a heavy coat.
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>> center of your questions to chicago stories nine at g-mail dot com* or on twitter at d meterologist.* and then we go back right to you for weather. >> let's take a look at the day. it's veteran's day. good morning to the veterans. we are expecting the temperatures to be in the 30's. temperatures will fall quickly. some showers. it's changing over to snow before the afternoon is done. quite a different day later. >> still more to come. major- league baseball is investigating the cubs. >> and the latest on the ebola outbreak. the doctor who contracted the virus goes home. >> and law on the flow in hawaii.a half dozen grosz's cate
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overnight spirit will live with the latest. >> a ship captain of voids at the sentence. >> here it comes. the arctic blast drops across the midwest. unseasonably cold temperatures are just a few hours away from
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hitting us. >> too early to say polar vortexes. in case you are joining us stopped at thatgood morning, i'm dan ponce. and i'm lourdes duarte. let's go to demetrius ivory for a check of the weather. >> is going to be bad enough. no matter what you call it a, it won't be good. temperatures are going to drop quickly. looking back our high temperature today will be about 59 degrees. that was the temperature at midnight. but we can expect to be in for these very shortly even the low 30's by the afternoon as temperatures fall dramatically with cold air moving through. dry conditions at this hour. take your umbrella. also put the snow brush in the car. we're not expecting accumulations' but you may need it with all that cool air coming through. snow moving through portions of eastern iowa and missouri. rain will mixed with snow for the morning in the afternoon. it's 59 degrees right now. 43 by noon.
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38 5:05 p.m.. at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning it's only 23 degrees. that will be a morning low. deals like january. >> i'm getting cold and just thinking about it. dan ryan in bound from the merge, to remain closed. but it doesn't look like we are seeing heavy delays because of that. volume is light out on the roads. outbound at 4 dale, we have four lanes down meaning we are down to a single lane until 5:00 a.m.. this will get more caught up with traffic exiting west bound at cornell and it looks like you are going to be on the eastbound side. numbers, overall look good if you are heading out early you should be good. more traffic in just a bit. >> these are pictures from around the midwest. a winter- like system is moving through the midwest, and its about to make things colder around here.
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parts of minnesota, wisconsin, and michigan already have snow. northern wisconsin will have up 16-inches by the end of today. parts of michigan will have up to two feet by tomorrow. more than a third of the flights in minneapolis were canceled because of sleet and snow the system that's doing all this is expected to make chicago much colder all week. new overnight: bomb and arson investigators are on the southwest side, where six garages caught fire overnight. tonya francisco is live in the marquette park neighborhood with the latest. good morning. we are in the cleanup and the board up stage right now of this fire. you can see better now where the fire began. looks like it originated here behind me. this is where most of the fire damage took place. it then it quickly spread to either side. and actually
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crossed over the alley and affected three on the other side. we have some video that was shared with us. the fire began around 1:30 a.m.. a man said he was awakened by neighbors who were knocking on doors warning them about the fire. another neighbor said his dog was barking and he looked out the window and saw someone running down the alley. a short time later the dog barked again and that's when the man saw the flames. the cause of this fire is still under investigation but we did talk to one neighbor who lives right next door to where the fire started and his garage suffered quite a bit of damage. he described what he heard and saw. >> we were asleep and then there was a sound like an explosion.
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and then we got up and looked out the window and saw the fire and we got all the kids up to get out of the house. we needed to get everyone out. we got out and went to the neighbor's house is to make sure everyone got out. >> that is the good news. no one was injured. some of the houses did suffer some fire damage. the flames were so intense, now the cause of this fire is still under investigation. the bomb and arson in it is investigating. we did hear from least one neighbor that over the weekend, saturday night the fire department was out here for some teenagers who were lighting rubbish and newspaper on fire. at that time, nothing was catching fire. no word if that
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may have been the cause of the fire. that is still under investigation. taking a look at the *other top stories this morning. a woman and her dog died in naperville after being struck by a car. emily driscoll was walking her greyhound, quincy, when they were hit at the intersection of book and rickert on sunday night. the 74-year-old driver has not been charged, but police are still investigating the accident. a 92-year-old woman was acquitted in a battery case against an off-duty chicago police officer, after a long- standing dispute between neighbors turned deadly. hazel jones-huff was arguing with her neighbor last april, when it escalated ... and her husband got a gun and shot the other woman. that woman's husband, who is a police officer, shot and killed the elderly man ... then, shot and injured jones-huff when she reached for the gun. she was the only one charged in the incident. 36 years in jail... that's the sentence for the south korean ferry captain who jumped ship to safety... while hundreds of people died inside. lee joon-seok... was found guilty of violating "seamen's
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law" and abandonment... when his ferry sunk on april 16. more than 300 people died in the disaster. president obama will dine with his chinese counterpart tonight in beijing. and the table talk will likely turn to *trade issues. obama wants china to stop using cyber-theft for commercial and political gain. and he wants the chinese to respect trademark and patent protections on american-made products... and make it easier for foreign companies to access the chinese market. a meeting between governor elect bruce rauner and democratic leaders is in the works. rauner says he will meet with house speaker mike madigan and senate president john cullerton in the near future. no dates have been set. cullerton's staff confirmed they've been talking about setting up a meeting. rauner says he's already meeting with general assembly members, everyday. he says they will focus on building short term and long term budget plans. the chicago cubs will hand over all their records of the talks that led to the signing of joe maddon as the club's new manager. major league baseball is investigating whether the cubs illegally tampered with maddon
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while he was still under contract with the tampa bay rays. cubs president theo epstein says he welcomes the investigation, so the club can prove to everyone that it was entirely above board, and put the issue behind it. the investigation could take a month. for of five stone slabs near the village hall crack when they were pushed over early this year. the village says it will cost $50,000 to fix them. residents have been raising money to make repairs to have $40,000, a $10,000 donation was given. >> 12 people are being monitored for possible it will lead exposure not under quarantine but they need to take their temperatures. state health officials announcing where they are located each case has a low risk of actually having the virus. illinois has had zero confirmed cases. and a doctor in new york has been cured. he is virus free and leave the hospital today. diagnosed with a
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bullet last month after being returned from new guinea. he stayed in isolation would not shut and pain. he spent five days around york before he was hospitalized. the risk of him spreading the virus was low. no one else got sick. >>bono is jumping into the ebola fight. he is joining ellie goulding, one direction, sam smith and cold play's chris martin... in a revamped version of "do they know it's christmas". this will be the fourth version of the tune. sales of the celebrity single will raise money to fight the ebola epidemic. the track is set to be released on monday. lava has claimed its first house. it was destroyed yesterday after the law of broke out from the main flow and hit the home on the big island. in august residents had to start preparing for the evacuations. the home owner heard the lava was close and came to watch. the
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lava flow has been going since october 30th. >> an unexpected encounter with a short of the california coast these pictures are from that encounter. at 8 ft. hammerhead shark, two of the fishermen decided to jump in and swim with the shark. the shark try to buy them some the decided they had had enough fun? fun? and the scramble back to the boat. >> hope we not learned? it's not a good idea. >> but they have camouflage. should the sharks be able to see them? it's 57 degrees right now. at midnight 59. the temperatures are going down. falling very quickly. take your winter coat. you won't need it on the way in but as you head home you will know what i mean. it's 46 degrees in union. a 10 degree
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difference this morning. looking at light showers, light showers of the tail end of the rush hour. also snow winter portions of eastern iowa and southeastern minnesota and down into portions of central missouri. some snow potentially could move through the area of mixing in with the rain. today the temperatures tumble. down to 23 tonight. mark, 32. 33 on thursday. the seven days forecast in just a bit. >> still had, a look at how people are honoring veterans. >> and how you can be part of blue man group. details on the open casting call. >> details on that. t's the pro?
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bart said he'd give us our credit scores for free... then he asked for our credit cards. boo! and after 30 days he said it wasn't free anymore. people stop paying for your credit scores! but what should we do? go to credit karma dot com! you don't need a credit card and its always free. ooh credit karma dot com, where free is really free. stocks climbed to new highs on monday. the dow gained 39 points. nasdaq rose 19. s-and-p up 6, closing at record highs. here are a few stories that are trending online this morning ... president obama wants the federal government to regulate the internet, the way it
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regulates the phone companies. he calls it "net neutrality." some internet service providers want to add a new paid premium service with faster downloads. obama opposes it, and claims it would slow down service for *free internet users. texas senator ted cruz calls internet neutrality "obamacare for the internet," and says the internet should not operate at the speed of government. one of the creators of 'the simpsons' is giving away "100- million" dollars. sam simon has terminal colon cancer. he was told he had months to live, two years ago. so now he's donating his fortune to charity organizations like peta, save the children and feeding families. he also says that cancer has given him the most amazing experience because it's surrounded him with family and friends. and here's a video with a lot of heart... that went viral. a propmaker in north carolina... eric hart... wanted to do something for his son collier. he was born prematurely 4 months ago and has never left the hospital. so he made him an iron man costume. both his son and iron man's tony stark... need
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machines to stay alive. he said he made the suit in hopes that his son could come home soon. and >> that is awesome. >> also trending, the polar vortexes. >> i have heard of that. >> let's be honest, we talk about it all the time but we don't know that much about it. but we have reporters out on the scene. here is tonya with more. >> it's about it really cold were just wanted to talk to you about it because we are not going outside. >> you just want to make fun of me? making fun of my pain? >> how are you preparing? it's going to get cold and you are out in the field every day. how are you preparing? >> one word, layers. lots and lots of layers. seriously, you have to start with the long
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underwear, the turtleneck, the t-shirt underneath. then another layer, a light coat like this and then you have a scarf and another jacket. it's really just layers. also make sure you have a hat on to keep the heat in. gloves on, and also >> we are watching video of you. >> i also heard about electric socks. that's it. or that the battery operated. >> we are looking at video and it looks like you do not prepare well enough. you look cold. >> did you forecast the weather last year? outside? i can turn this around on you guys. let me say this, since you are in a nice warm studio not dealing with the elements, i don't see any anchors watching walking around in short sleeves or sleeveless dresses. that's like a slap in the face to us out
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here where it is cold. >> are you listening? >> she likes me. >> i do love her. it wasn't directed at anyone in particular. it was just in general. >> so when we talk to you and you are freezing and we are in the warm studio, what really goes through your mind? are there curse words in there that you can say? >> i like my four-letter words. but no. you know, we are out here having fun. we do enjoy it. one more time. i also believe think that that that >> keebeep. >> when you come in from the cold i will have coffee ready for you. >> i was hoping you had another
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word that began with see, maybe cocktail? >> we look for your reporting all winter long. we will be watching. from here. >> nice weather. >> i like how the crew caught me with my slippers on banks a lot. >> artur feet warm? >> up to the west temperatures are going the wrong way. tonya is smiling now but that smile will be wiped off her face before the day is over. we are going to drop into the mid to upper 30's by the afternoon with rain changing to snow. speaking of being outside, it's going to be bumpy outside. >> can't find me with the camera? i can direct you over here ... i'm over here! still on the weather. but we have a few
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things to talk about. we are so confused here. about 94 from 41 to have ongoing road work outbound edens. just going to be picked up quickly. was in place yesterday no big backups. the should pick this up by 5:00. bit longer before it gets picked up. still dealing with construction in bling from foreign for bail. this project is a major one they will be shifting traffic. working on the bridge. lots of significant work causing the delays. not picked up until late in the spring. they are probably going to have a long break for the winter and then pick it up again in the spring. we will break down the numbers coming up in just a few minutes. >> good morning. you know today is veterans day, we should do it all the time but there's just one day that we set aside to think the military for their service. lots of ways that you
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can thank them today. this is a coal project, and on wind museum of iraq and afghanistan the victims to tell their story of war through the tattoos on their body. it debuted today and it's an excellent design to website with all kinds of people telling their story through art on their body. this is an example. talking about the tattoos concede the emblem for the unit. the had been says make peace or die. we were at the grim reapers we brought death and destruction down on the taliban. this guide was except on an iud and was injured. he says one of his marines didn't step on it that's what he took it out. he's in the
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brotherhood. all kinds of stories and videos and audio of people telling stories about their tattoos. it's really cool web site called wort ink. also, military times asking people to tweet with my veteran. sharing photos of the veteran in their life. so proud of our son when he was in afghanistan in 2005. thanks to all the defenders. and proud to be able to call this woman mama. for all who have done for your country and me, thank you. this one says 18 when she made munitions during world war two. lost her in april. my mom and my best friend. one more, love my nine year-old pop, proud of his service. also proud of him as well. you can go to our website. to the veterans day section and confine all kinds of freebies. they are available all across the country. places you can go today to get free meals.
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there's a number of places offering those free deals. veterans get to eat free dying in only. and one more, this is the southern comforts cafe also giving out free meals for veterans day. more coming up in the next hour. >> they give for that. if you see a veteran, shake their hand. >> we should do that every day. >> coming up, details of the mistakes leading up to joan rivers death. >>
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the rain... the mud... ba bam! it's there. the outside comes in. [doorbell chimes] its a swiffer wetjet. oh, i love this! i could do this every day. sunshine is overrated. now we can get messy. a federal agency claims the
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clinic that treated joan rivers made serious mistakes and violations before her death. according to the report, yorkville endoscopy clinic failed to get rivers' consent for procedures, failed to identify deteriorating vital signs and provide timely intervention. the report doesn't mention rivers specifically... but refers to an 81-year-old female with a description matching rivers. the clinic responded saying all physicians involved in the case are no longer working at the practice. justin bieber is paying up big bucks after an egging incident
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in january. bieber paid 80-thousand dollars to cover the cost of damages to his former neighbor's house. over the summer, he pleaded no contest to misdemeanor vandalism for throwing eggs and wrecking the home. biebers attorney said he also completed one-third of his required anger management classes. >> temperatures are going to fall quickly. we started off in the upper 50s and we will drop into
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the following is a paid presentation for bosley: the world's most experienced hair restoration expert. bosley: prevention, retention, restoration! hi, i'm joey fatone. and as a member of the musical group nsync there's a side of me that most people weren't aware of. and do you know why people don't know me like this? one word. bosley. bosley was the right choice for me for three key reasons: prevention, retention and restoration. one, they prevented any more of my hair from falling out. and trust me, it needed to stop! they also helped me retain the hair i already had. and finally, they restored the hair i'd already lost. the results i have achieved from bosley have been exceptional, this is my


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