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tv   WGN Morning News or Paid Programming  CW  December 18, 2014 5:00am-6:01am CST

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>> female announcer: today with joseph prince. >> zechariah said, "this is the word of the lord" to zerubbabel the governor. "shout grace, grace to your mountain and your mountain will become a plain." so whatever the mountain is, mountain of affliction, mountain of sickness or disease, shout grace, grace to it and it will become a plain. do you have a challenge today? is there something that has beset you and caused you concern, even fear?
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whatever it is, the bible says not by might, not by power, all the intellect of men and all the smarts of men cannot remove that problem, but it can be removed only by god's grace. >> dear friends, thank you for taking the time to tune into today's very special broadcast. i consider it a great honor to have the opportunity to share god's amazing grace with you today. as you listen to this message, i believe that you will experience freedom, joy, and great shalom peace. my friend, jesus loves you very much and he knows what you are going through right now. so get ready to hear a word that i believe will transform your life. god bless you. >> god wants you to reign! cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621 >> praise god. let's all shout, "grace, grace."
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shout again, "grace, grace." amen. this is what prophet zechariah told zerubbabel the governor of judah when the remnant came back from captivity. they had to rebuild the temple of god, and the enemies came and discouraged them. the bible tells us many years passed, and the temple was still not built. zechariah said, "this is the word of the lord," to zerubbabel the governor. "shout grace, grace to your mountain and your mountain will become a plain." amen? so whatever the mountain is, mountain of affliction, mountain of sickness or disease, shout grace, grace to it and it will become a plain. once again, shout grace, grace to your problem. do you have a challenge today? is there something that has beset you and caused you concern, even fear?
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whatever it is, the bible says not by might, not by power, all the intellect of man and all the smarts of man cannot remove that problem, but it can be removed only by god's grace if you will shout grace, grace to it. are you ready? all right, lift up one hand. this hand is an expression of that problem that you have right now, whether it's a sickness, a disease, whether it is lack in some area. maybe it is a credit card debt. well, you're about to shout grace, grace to it. are you ready? now look at that problem, lift it up before the lord. say, "lord jesus, not by might, not by power, but by your spirit. grace, grace. grace, grace. grace, grace into this situation. in jesus' name, amen and amen." and now what you do is you take
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a step back and don't worry about it anymore. you have shout grace, grace to it, all right, now the grace of god is taking over and he'll take care of it, okay? so you enjoy the rest of the service by not allowing your thoughts to go to all these worries and cares, amen, because if you take back the worries and cares, you are saying that you still have to handle it. god did not do a good job, okay? and actually unbelief is a high regard for yourself. faith is a high regard for god. amen? so demonstrate to god your faith by not being worried about it. amen? praise god. last week the lord showed us the importance of the bible, amen, the holy scriptures, this sacred volume. just before the bible tells us that all scripture is god breathed, the verses
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before that, paul was talking to timothy his son in the lord, young timothy was probably between 30s and 40s, scholars tell us. and he told timothy all scripture is god breathed. but before that he says, "timothy, do you remember that from a child, you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation?" salvation is not just saved from hell to go to heaven, wonderful as that is. salvation is health, wholeness, healing, preservation, provision. that is a mouthful. salvation is jesus walking by the shores of galilee, opening the eyes of the blind, setting those who are demon possessed free, bringing life where death has come in, loving children into wholeness. amen? that is salvation.
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when people are hungry, he multiplied loaves and fishes. that is salvation. and if you want to know the word "salvation" and study the word "sozo," get a good greek lexicon and study the word "salvation." it is not just saved from hell to go to heaven. so paul told timothy, "timothy, from a child--" and the word child brephos in greek is a very unique word. brephos is not nepios, the usual word for a child. brephos is actually fetus or baby. when i read that i used to wonder, how in the world can a baby understand the scriptures? and that's a word that paul used and paul told timothy, "from a baby you know the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise." so that tells me parents just need to sing god's word over their babies. parents just need to quote psalms 23 to your baby, and you will never know that the spirit
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of a baby will receive all this and in due course when harvest time, it will manifest. amen? and i shared a testimony of a man who was diagnosed with tumor of the jaw. he just kept reading the bible. he never read the bible with the intention of getting healed. he didn't even know he'll get healed. he just read the bible because he felt an urge to read the bible. he has not been reading his bible. all right, he has not been acquainted with the bible actually. he just had a desire to read it and the more he read it, the more he wants to read it. the more he read it, the more he read it. and then went back to the doctor, he says one time he was reading and he had a strange sense of happiness, strange sense of warmth. many of you have experienced that already. you don't even know why. it's not even pertaining towards happy story sometimes, all right, but you have a strange sense of warmth. well, that's healing. he went back to the doctor and they can't find his condition anymore. amen. there is a benefit. jonathan edwards says, "i found that when
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i'm in the best frame--" that means physically. they used this old english for their bodies in his time. "i find that i'm always in the best frame when i've read the scriptures the most." so friend, especially when you're down with something, all right, take that time. if the doctor gives you a, you know, m-c or whatever, don't run around the mall catching up on your shopping. amen? go somewhere. i mean at home when you go out, just go in your car and make it a sanctuary. open up the bible and start reading, start reading the story of how the father laid his son on the altar with a broken heart trusting that god is able from his ashes to raise the boy back. read the drama of the story of how david killed goliath. read the drama of the story of how a man loved a woman and served 7 years for her and they were like a few days, the bible says. then go to the new testament
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and the read the gospels, jesus in action. hallelujah. read the new testament and meditate on it. it tells you, "husbands, love your wives. wives, submit to your husbands." if husbands do their part in loving, submission is no problem on the woman's part. they are made to submit. amen. husbands love your wives, how? as christ loves the church. that means what? like this on the cross, self-sacrificial. amen. proverbs 4, verse 20 to 22 says, "my son, attend to my words. incline your ear, the ear gate, unto my sayings. let them not depart from thine eyes, the eye gate, all right? keep them in the midst of your heart." so everyone say, "ear, eyes, heart." so listen to god's word, see god's word. and the way you do that is imagine yourself like the tree planted by the waters prospering in everything that you do. every time--you know, the bible is actually faith pictures. when the bible says, "look at this woman,
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blessed is this woman." charm is deceitful, beauty is empty, but this woman, her husband praises her. her children rise up and call her blessed. see yourself as that mother, as that wife. amen? the virtuous woman who can find? it's all faith pictures. the bible is all faith pictures. amen? see yourself in that picture. so let it not depart from your eyes and then keep then in the midst of your heart. what's gonna happen? if the eye gate, ear gate and the heart is on god's word, the next verse says they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. that means there's no part of your flesh that the word of god will not touch with his healing and life-giving properties. >> announcer: stay tuned, joseph prince will be right back.
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>> truth has a ring to it, it has a certain ring to it that if you're a seeker of truth, when you hear it, you know it. and so when he started talking about jesus in such a magnified, beautiful, lovely way, you knew that this man was teaching life because jesus christ he is life. he's the way, the truth, and the life. >> four years ago, somebody introduced me to his book and i read that book. and just getting to see him in person just magnified even more of how god can take one person and make a huge, immaculate difference. >> he talks about jesus all the time. he doesn't spend his time talking about us. he spends the time talking about jesus, and i love that because it puts the focus back where it needs to be. >> i've suffered with rheumatoid arthritis since i was in my late 20s, and pastor prince has a prayer in his booklet with the lord's supper and so we began to pray that prayer and then add our own heart
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and spirit to that. and after about a week and a half of taking the lord's supper, i woke up one morning and i had no swelling in my hands and that was just miraculous for me. >> announcer: god wants you to experience and walk in divine health and wholeness and not be burdened by sickness, disease, or emotional distress, find out how in this dynamic new resource from joseph prince. as a thank you for your gift today, joseph prince ministries would like to bless you with joseph's new 4-cd audio series, "freely receive your healing" as well as the "health and wholeness through the holy communion" paperback book. through these powerful resources, you'll be amazed to discover that god is able and more than willing to heal you because of the finished work of christ jesus. be encouraged to boldly receive the health and wholeness god has for you. separately for a gift of $100 or more today, you will receive the "health and healing"
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power pack that includes the "freely receive your healing" four-cd audio series as well as the "health and wholeness through the holy communion" five-dvd series and paperback book. you will also receive the "healing promises" hardback book which contains inspirational scriptures and readings that will build your faith and help you experience your healing. to order these resources and learn how jesus has made a way for you to walk in divine health and wholeness, call us now toll free at 1-888-333-1203 or visit us at you can experience god's incredible blessings of health and healing. call or visit us today. >> jesus says, "come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest." just come to him as you are. i don't care whether you are diseased, all right,
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in a part of your body. i don't care if you are depressed in your mind or whether you have a chronic habit you can't seem to break. come to him as you are. one thing about our lord jesus is that you don't have to pretend in his presence. you just come as--you know why? he loves you. it cannot be explained. the source of the love does not lie in the lovableness of the one loved. the source of it lies with the one doing the loving. he just loves us. and the best thing you can do to bring joy to his heart is to come to him every day, all right, practice his presence with you and just allow him to love you. allow him to love you. our god is a god who is so strong, so mighty, so loving, so powerful and so rich that he has so many blessings that i think sometimes it pains god because love can be hurt. love can be pained. love can be grief. amen?
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when you open your heart, you know, with open arms, you can be hurt. but that's what jesus did at the cross. he rather be hurt in loving than never to love and not be hurt. i should say you will still be hurt and that hurt will be worse. so the thing is that, church, you know when you love, allow god to love you, let god bless you as well. let god love you. amen? god wants so much to bless his people that sometimes he looks around and people are so busy fending for themselves, providing for themselves, defending themselves, looking out for themselves, occupied with themselves, that god is looking for someone who will look to him for goodness. in a world that believes so much, unless you work really hard, you can't get it, there's no such thing as a free lunch and all that. in this world, all right, that is running around like chickens with their heads decapitated, a rat race that doesn't seem to end, everyone looking around,
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you know, to out do another, isn't it wonderful to sit back, let the world just pass you and look to jesus and receive all his goodness and blessings and all of a sudden open your eyes and realize you are out there in the front, waiting for the rest to come, you know, and rested and blessed. there is a place in god that when the lord brings you over, it's like a lot of ants are trying to cross the highway, the expressway in singapore, okay? and there's one of them that allows you to carry him on your little finger across the overhead bridge on the other side. guess who'll be in a better condition when the rest cross, if the rest make it. amen. it's like that. when you rest, your part is to rest. rest doesn't mean no progress. rest in him means you rest in his strength, his power that brings you to the other side. >> the bible says in the book of psalms that god brought the children of israel out
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with silver and gold and there was not one feeble person among their tribes. think about it, about 2-3 million people came out of egypt, not a single elderly man on a stretcher, not a single grandmother on crutches, every single one healthy and strong, not one feeble. what happened the night before? what cured their bodies and made them strong? the bible tells us that partook of the lord's supper, the passover. what they did was a picture, what they did was a type, a shadow. they partook of the lamb. the blood was put on the doorpost making the cross and inside the house, they fed on the lamb.
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the very next morning, not a single one of them sick. i say to you in jesus' name, when you partake of lord's supper today, tomorrow morning you're going back to work strong, healthy, young, ready. jesus says, "this is my body broken for you. take, eat." why do you think jesus gave us this institution? because he knew that in this world there'll be all kinds of sickness around us. i don't care what kind of new virus the devil brings, the answer is in his broken body. jesus said in john 6, "the life that i give--" and that word life there is zoe. it's not eternal life. eternal life is ionos zoe. this is just zoe. jesus says, "the zoe, the life
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that i will give to this world is my flesh, my body." so the more you partake, the more life flows in your body. the more you partake, the stronger you become. the more you partake, the younger you will be. amen. i'm telling you this, church, god chooses the weak things to confound the mighty. god uses a piece of bread to put to naught that tumor in your body, hallelujah. this is the greatest radiation there is. this is the greatest antibiotic you can ever take, the broken body of jesus. are you ready? lift it up to the lord. ♪ hallelujah, lord ♪ thank you, jesus say, "thank you, lord jesus, surely in your body you have borne away all my diseases, all my sicknesses, all my pains,
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all my aging and by your stripe, i am healed." and just tell the lord what you are healed of. whatever you are believing him for say, "by your stripe, i am healed of this." now say, "lord jesus, by your stripe, my youth is renewed like the eagles. by your stripe, through your grace, i will live to be 120. my eye is not dim. my natural force not abated, fully strong, completely healthy. thank you, lord jesus." now partake. jesus said, "this cup is the new covenant in my blood
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shed for the remission of sins." new covenant. say, "new covenant." the old covenant is based on "you shall not, you shall not, you shall not." the new covenant is all god. god says, "i will, i will, i will." in the new covenant god says, "your sins and your lawless deeds i remember no more." because of that god says, "i'll be to you a god and you will be to me a people." as we lift up this cup before the lord, we put the lord in remembrance that he is to us a god. if we are sick and god says, "i am to you a god," you are no longer sick because god is a healing god and god says, "i'll be to you a god and you shall be to me a people." if god is a healing god, then we are to him a super healthy people. amen? if god is a protecting god, then we are to him a protected
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people, completely protected. are you ready? say, "lord jesus, thank you for your shed blood. through your blood, the devil is overcome, defeated in my life. thank you, lord jesus, all my sins, past, present, and future, put away by your precious blood. thank you. in jesus' name, amen." amen. >> i've been a yo-yo dieter my whole life. i decided to put joseph's teaching to the test, and i thought, "okay, i can't do this. i can't lose weight. i can't do it by myself." and it was like i just went hands off, and i just walked out of it. i'm in peace, and i'm such a different person. i'm so happy.
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i'm so content, and it's like i'm excited; what's gonna happen next in my life? >> my wife was pregnant. she developed cervical cancer. we decided we are not going to believe the doctor's report. we were going to believe the truth about what god says about us. so we began to worship jesus and take communion at home. that same day the symptoms began to diminish, and within 5 days she was completely healed. i just wanna thank you. thank, pastor joseph prince, for the message that he brings. >> announcer: god wants you to experience and walk in divine health and wholeness and not be burdened by sickness, disease, or emotional distress, find out how in this dynamic new resource from joseph prince. as a thank you for your gift today, joseph prince ministries would like to bless you with joseph's new 4-cd audio series, "freely receive your healing" as well as the "health and wholeness through the holy communion"
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paperback book. through these powerful resources, you'll be amazed to discover that god is able and more than willing to heal you because of the finished work of christ jesus. be encouraged to boldly receive the health and wholeness god has for you. separately for a gift of $100 or more today, you will receive the "health and healing" power pack that includes the "freely receive your healing" four-cd audio series as well as the "health and wholeness through the holy communion" five-dvd series and paperback book. you will also receive the "healing promises" hardback book which contains inspirational scriptures and readings that will build your faith and help you experience your healing. to order these resources and learn how jesus has made a way for you to walk in divine health and wholeness, call us now toll free at 1-888-333-1203 or visit us at you can experience god's incredible blessings
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of health and healing. call or visit us today. >> beloved friends, thank you so much for tuning into today's very special broadcast. i believe that you've been blessed by today's word and receive a fresh revelation of god's love for you. i just want to encourage you right now to request the resources we are making available to you today. as you continue to listen and receive messages that are full of the person of jesus, all fears, guilt, and addictions will fade away in the light of his perfect love for you. thank you once again for tuning in. do know that i'm praying for you and i look forward to more opportunities to encourage you with god's word on a regular basis. >> probably about 4 years ago, i was just flipping through the channels and just came across a guy in a leather jacket preaching some truth and
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stopped and watched for a while and it literally blew my mind. >> 'cause he preaches the truth. he tells us about grace and he just makes you know that jesus is here for you and his grace is all you need. >> he just keeps you constantly wanting to grow more, and hunger for more, and go for more, but yet it's so simple and so amazing it blows my mind daily. >> my husband was an alcoholic for 18 years, got sober about 7 years ago and because of the grace message, no more condemnation, has really set him free. >> this is really good news. this is the good news that i've been waiting for all my life to hear. >> announcer: as a thank you for your gift today, joseph prince ministries would like to bless you with joseph's new four-cd audio series, "freely receive your healing" as well as the "health and wholeness through the holy communion" paperback book. through these powerful resources, you'll be amazed
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to discover that god is able and more than willing to heal you because of the finished work of christ jesus. be encouraged to boldly receive the health and wholeness god has for you. to order these resources and learn how jesus has made a way for you to walk in divine health and wholeness, call us now toll free at 1-888-333-1203 or visit us at you can experience god's incredible blessings of health and healing. call or visit us today. >> announcer: if you've been blessed by today's message, we would like to give you an opportunity to partner with us to impact the world with the gospel of grace. >> under grace god says, "i will be merciful to your unrighteousness and your sins i will remember no more." there's been a change, there's been a change, church, and it's all because of jesus. >> announcer: dear friends, together we can impact
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the world for jesus. partner with us and be part of this exciting grace revolution. call us toll free at 1-888-333-1203 or visit us at today. joseph prince ministries is a section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your gift is tax-deductible for the amount that exceeds any fair market value of the materials you receive from us. joseph prince ministries believes that your tithes belong to your local church. your donations to the ministry are received as offerings to support the preaching of the gospel of grace.
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>> announcer: the following program is paid for by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries. [music] >> joyce: only patience and nothing else allows us to enjoy the present moment that we have. if i'm somewhere and i don't
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want to be there, and i'm wanting to be somewhere else--let's just say i'm waiting at the airport. i don't want to wait at the airport, but my plane's late. i don't want to wait. well, too bad. the plane's not here, so i'm gonna wait. so i can either sit there and be frustrated, or i can say, "well, god, i believe my times are in your hands, so i'm just gonna find some way to enjoy this." i believe that one of the things that drives the devil absolutely mad--how many of you would love to give the devil a nervous breakdown? i think one of the things that just drives him mad is when we can learn how to enjoy every single thing that we do, no matter how mundane it is. a lot of you ain't so sure about that. you're like. i love it when you get three people clapping. >> [audience laughing] >> joyce: you know, god doesn't want us just to enjoy fridays and
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vacations and parties and when we're getting to buy something that we want. he wants us to enjoy every single, solitary moment that he gives us, every moment, because the greatest present that god ever gives is the present moment that we have, the present moment that we have. so i want to ask you to, not right now while i'm speaking, but later on today or some time in the next couple days, take the time and get really honest with yourself, and ask yourself, "how much of my life do i really enjoy?" >> [audience applauding] >> joyce: see, a lot of times, we don't even think about it.
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well, i've actually been on this journey for many, many, many years, because i got a real revelation out of john 10:10, "the thief comes only to kill, steal, and destroy, but jesus said 'i came that you might have and enjoy your life, and have it in abundance to the full until it overflows.'" so although jesus died primarily for our salvation, he also died that we might be able to enjoy every single, solitary moment of our lives. not just a few here and there, but every single, solitary moment of our lives. i believe that one of the greatest tragedies in life is not to enjoy every single moment that god has given us. i wrote a book a long time ago called "enjoying where you're at on the way to where you're going." my goodness, when i think about even my ministry, there was so much of it that i didn't enjoy,
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because i was so intent on trying to get it to grow. i recall one time being in a meeting much smaller than this. there were maybe 4 or 500 people there, and there were a lot of leaders there. and so i just thought, well, i would just pray for all the ones who weren't enjoying the ministry. and so i said, "i would just like to offer to pray for any person who's in ministry that you can honestly say you're really not enjoying it," and i could not believe it. there were literally hundreds of people in ministry, called to do to greatest job on the face of the earth, but they weren't enjoying it. you know why? because they were trying to get somewhere where they weren't. "if my church could just be a little bigger. if i could just have a new building." we're always gonna be happy "when," when we get married, when the man we married stops telling us what to do, when we get a bigger house, when we get a housekeeper to clean the bigger house, when we get
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a housekeeper that doesn't irritate us while they're cleaning the house. come on, anybody with me? when we get a different job, when we get a promotion on our job. no, no, no, no, if you can't enjoy life right now, you're never gonna enjoy it "when," because it's not about what we're doing. it's something in our attitude. >> [audience applauding] >> joyce: and i'm pretty intent at this point, and i would imagine a lot of the rest of you are. i'm pretty intent on really trying to glorify god in my everyday life. i can tell you, god is not so interested about who's in this church building this morning. it's not that he doesn't care that you're here or see that you're here, he loves the whole thing, but it's more about what we do when we leave here that god cares about than how we behave in here. and we can jump up and down and shout and clap to every song that we sing, but it's still
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about how i act when i'm in the line at the grocery store. how do i behave if god's not moving as fast as i want him to? what happens when i have somebody working for me that is a valuable person, but it just takes them longer to learn, and i have to tell them over and over? how am i gonna act then? am i gonna write them off because they're not as fast as me, or am i gonna make an investment and work with them a little bit more? am i gonna have enough wisdom to not compare one of my children to the other, because one of them actually suits my personality better than the other one? you know, we can love all of our kids and not like all of 'em. >> [audience laughing] >> joyce: come on, a lot of you wouldn't admit that, but i mean, my older son, i just didn't like him. and he knows it. i mean, he's 48 now, so that's all cool, you know. you're thinking, "my gosh, 48, how old are you?"
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old enough to know what i'm talking about, so that means to listen up. i've been there, done that. i've tried it every way you can try it, and i know what works and what doesn't. i know what's gonna make you happy and what's gonna make you miserable. let me save you about a thousand trips around the same, stupid mountain by just listening real closely this morning. you're not gonna rush god. you're not gonna change people. only god can change people. pray for people. they're gonna package stuff, so just learn how, joyce, to take it off and shut your mouth. i've got a cowlick here on the side of my hair, and i'm probably all my life gonna be doing this. so just do it and be quiet, amen? and whatever you do, learn how to enjoy the drive to work in the morning.
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learn how to enjoy sitting next to that person at work that you really aren't that crazy about their personality, but remind yourself that god loves 'em anyway. learn how to do that job that you're not real crazy about, and you just think, "well, i'd be happy if i could get a promotion." you know how many people are bed-bound and would love to have your job? you know how many people would love to be able to get up and go to the job that you hate and despise, or how many people have to walk everywhere they go, and they would not mind at all driving in the traffic that we have a problem with every single day? and you know what? you come to church on sunday and be reminded of these things, and everybody agrees. we all know it's right. but i'll tell you where you gotta remind yourself, when you're by yourself. have a meeting with yourself and talk to yourself. we read that scripture last
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night in ephesians 4 that says, "set your mind and your attitude every day." every single day, we have to set our attitude. you know, i believe that we are people that are anointed to live ordinary, everyday life in a very supernatural way. i don't think that we can expect something spectacular going on all the time. god is in the ordinary. he's there in all the simple, little things that we sometimes just rush through, and then we miss what god is doing or the opportunities that god is giving us to be a blessing to somebody else, because we're already hating the ordinary thing. let's look at james 5:7, "so be patient, brethren, [as you wait]," not if you wait. "be patient [as you wait] until
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the coming of the lord." now, watch this, "see how the farmer waits expectantly for the precious harvest from the land. [and how] he keeps up his patient [vigil] over it until it receives the early and the late rain." you know, we can just speed past that verse and never really get too much out of it. but through my efforts to study patience over the years, i've taken a lot of these scriptures apart and really dug into 'em. and so if you think about this farmer, he digs up fallow ground, he puts his seed in the ground, and he waits and he waits and he waits and he waits. what day is something gonna come up out of the ground? only god knows. so what does he do? he just keeps doing what he should do. he waters it. he pulls the weeds. he looks at it. he gets up. he goes to bed. he gets up. he goes to bed. it's monday, it's tuesday,
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it's wednesday, it's thursday, it's friday. nothing's happening. he starts the same thing all over next week, next week, next week. but there's a little word in here that i don't know if it's in the other translations, but it's become a huge, huge word in my life. and it says, "he waits expectantly." now, come on, you're about to get something here. the big reason why we're unhappy many times is not because of our circumstances. it's not even that we're having to wait. it's that we're waiting without expectancy. something amazing happens in my soul, and i believe it will in yours, too, when i start aggressively, purposefully, expecting that something good is gonna happen in my life at any moment. "today may be the day when my harvest is coming. today may be the day when i'm gonna see a change
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in my children. today may be the day when i'm gonna feel better. i've put up with this physical thing for yea and how long, but today may be the day." you see, the devil wants us to be hopeless. we sang that beautiful song earlier about hope. be full of expectancy. i've trained myself every morning, when i get up, i am not up 5 minutes--probably now it's down to a minute or 2 minutes. and this is what you hear me say now, "i'm expecting something good to happen to me today. i'm expecting something good to happen through me today. today i'm gonna be strong, i'm gonna feel good, i'm gonna be energetic, and i'm gonna be creative. i am excited about today. this is gonna be a great day." and i can tell you the absolute truth, if you will do that, your body will respond. your physical being will respond
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and you are gonna start to feel better, and life is gonna look better to you. we'll work on it a while till you get it. you see, passive people are just like, "i don't know. i don't know. we'll see." i taught a message recently called, "has your get up and go got up and gone?" and we all have times when we get tired of doing what we're doing, everybody. you think if you had a more exciting job, you wouldn't get tired of that one? yes, you would. you might sit out there and think, "oh, i wish i was joel. i wish i was victoria. i wish i was, i wish i was joyce." well, you know what? i get tired of doing what i'm doing. you know what i was thinking sitting down there this morning? it's not that i don't want to be here. i want to be here. but i thought, "i would love to get in a church service some time and have nothing to do." >> [audience applauding]
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>> joyce: you know how many years it has been that i could just go sit and have no responsibility? and see, while you're enjoying the worship, even if i'm in a service like this where it's not my own meeting--in my own meetings, i don't even get to really rest during the worship. but even in this, i still gotta be thinking about what i'm gonna say or what i'm gonna do. and you know what i get tired of more than anything, occasionally--and i'm anointed for it, i'm good at it--is always being responsible for something everywhere i go. "well, i would have just thought if i had your life." you never get one side of anything without getting the other side. if you get the promotion at work that you want, you're gonna have more responsibility. they're gonna expect more out of you. the higher you climb the ladder and the more people that are under your authority, the more people there are gonna be that aren't gonna like you.
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come on, now. do you know when you're the boss, i don't care what decision you make, everybody's not gonna like it. you know another thing that i get tired of, and i'm just being honest with you today. this is something i have to do by faith. i just wish that i could have this ministry and do it all and never have to ask anybody again for money. you just get tired of that sometimes when you're in our position. so let me tell you. when people start talking about the offering, smile, cheer, act like you like it, because it's not easy on us. come on. >> [audience applauding] >> joyce: you know, "well, i'll just be so glad when my kids are grown and they're gone." now, let me tell you, when they're grown, they just cost more money than they did when they were little. and then, you not only have the kids, you have the sons-in-law, the daughters-in-law, and then all the grandkids. it's like, "oh, my god.
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junior's gotta go to college, and sammy's gotta do this, and somebody else has gotta do something else." and you know, so anyway. i put a sign up in my house, "i child-proofed my home, but they keep getting in." >> [audience laughing] >> joyce: i love my kids. my kids are my life, but i'm just telling you that, you know, we're always wanting something that we don't have, and in the process, we miss what we do have. stop being so upset about what you don't have that you forget to enjoy what you do have. when somebody does something wrong, don't forget all they've done in your life that was right. how about if we start really celebrating what we do have, instead of being bothered all the time by what we don't have? expectancy. when i have one of those days where i feel like my get up and go has got up and gone, and i'm just telling you the truth. i'm letting you into my personal life. do with it what you want.
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i get up. i'm out in another hotel. you know, listen, i love what i'm doing. i'm so grateful to serve god, but i got a soul just like everybody else. you think paul and his family don't ever get tired of being in africa or somewhere for 3 months? i told dave this morning, i said, "i so admire them for doing that." you know, i'll go to the mission field, but i want to go and get back home. i want my stuff. i want my coffee. i want my water, you know. so i'm like a five-star missionary. i'll go, but we better, you know. >> [cheering and applauding] >> joyce: i'm not the tent type. it don't work for me. and i mean, i've been in these places where they're going and living, and i just want to tell you. you guys have my appreciation
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and my respect, amen? >> [audience applauding] >> joyce: when i have one of those days when i get up and i'm like, "oh, jesus. lord, do you know how old i am? okay." you know what helps me more than anything? "i'm expecting something good to happen today. i'm expecting god to show up and show out. i'm expecting somebody to be healed physically today while i'm preaching the word. i'm expecting salvation. i'm expecting to get to be a blessing to somebody today. i am full of expectancy." and you know what happens when i do that? i start to get excited.
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i start to get enthusiastic. you know, we need to have a little more fire. what looks better in a fireplace, cold ashes or a blazing flame, amen? i believe that we need to be more excited, and the way to do that is to live with expectancy. now, after i taught this in my chapel a couple weeks ago, i got a report the next day that one of the girls at the office was on her way home and she thought, "well, i'm just gonna try this," 'cause she has a son that just really gives her a lot of trouble. and she said, "i just have a tendency to dread going home." how many of you know sometimes, when you got trouble at home, you can just dread walking in the door one more time? it's like. she said, "so while i was driving home, i said, 'i am expecting something good to happen tonight with my son.'" she said she wasn't in the house very long, and her son looked at her and he said, "mom, i just want you to know i love you." she said, "i have not heard that in months and months, and possibly years." let me tell you something. what we think and what we say, the attitude that we live with,
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does affect our circumstances. now, i'm not gonna tell you that you can get anything you want just by saying, "i'm expecting it," but i will tell you that you can put up with so much more than what you can even imagine if you will have some enthusiasm, some fire, and be excited. and don't expect somebody else to come along and do this for you. paul told timothy, "stir yourself up in the lord." you stir yourself up. what i have given you here in the last 2 minutes is so valuable. i'm telling you, god has called me to preach the word, and i believe that i hear things from him for the body of christ, and this expectancy thing is not a little thing. it is a big thing. and god is waiting to bring your harvest. you may have to put your seed in the ground and get up and go to bed, and get up and go to bed, and get up and go to bed, and t up and go to bed, and get up and go to bed until you think you can't stand it anymore. but if you do it with expectancy, wow, some good things are gonna happen
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in your life, amen? come on, give god a praise. >> [audience applauding] >> joyce: i'm expecting something good to happen to me, and i'm expecting something good to happen through me. now, listen, everybody be real still for just a moment. you're here today. somebody brought you as a guest, or maybe you came because you see joel on tv, and you're a little disappointed that you got me instead of him. that's all right. you got exactly what you needed. or maybe you heard i was gonna be here, and you came to see if i really look like i do on tv. i don't know what, but the point is you're here. and if you're not right with god today, if you have not received christ as your savior, it's so easy. you don't have to do anything. you don't have to straighten yourself up before god will have you. he wants you right now. he brought you here today for this purpose.
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this can be the best decision that you will ever make in your life. all you have to do is say, "yes, i believe in jesus, and yes, i'm tired of living the way i'm living. i want peace. i want joy. i want to have a really good friend." jesus wants to be your friend. you know, becoming a christian doesn't just mean that you get this list of ten things you need to do now that are all religious things. it means that you're invited into an intimate, personal relationship with god through jesus christ, and that he wants to be involved in every single thing that you do. it's wonderful, just wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. so if you're here today and you've not received christ as your savior yet, and you want to make that commitment today, or you're backslidden. you've tried to serve god and fallen back into sin, just slip your hand up. let me see where you're at. come on, nice and high all over the place. let's see your hands. i see lots of hands.
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more, i see your hands over there, okay. this is easy. you don't gotta do anything. you're gonna get something. you're gonna receive. all right, now, i can't see where all the hands are at, and i'm gonna ask you to do something for a couple reasons. one, we got a book we want to give you, and two, i'm gonna ask you to stand right where you're at, those of you who raised your hand. come on, just be brave. give the devil a big black eye. come on, stand up. that's it, come on, come on, come on. come on, do it. don't be embarrassed. that's right, do it. you can do it. be bold. be bold for jesus. now, listen. you can stand up at any point if you decide that you want to join us. we're gonna pray this prayer, and something amazing is gonna happen. the book of life's being brought out in heaven right now, and you're about to get your name put in it. all your sins are gonna be forgiven. can everybody pray this prayer with them, please? nice and loud so they feel
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comfortable. "father god, i love you." >> [audience repeating] >> joyce: "jesus, i believe in you. you died for me. you were raised from the dead. you took the punishment i deserved. you paid for my sins. i'm so sorry for the way i've lived. but today i turn and go in a new direction. i turn away from sin. and i turn toward you. jesus, i receive you. come and live inside of me. you're my savior. and i'm your child. take me just the way i am. now make me what you want me to be. thank you. i'm saved. i'm loved. and i'm on my way to heaven." come on, give god a big praise this morning.
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amen. >> joyce: you know, as a believer in jesus christ, we all have the fruit of patience in our spirits. god has put it there as a seed. but we have to develop it. god wants us to develop that and to become strong in that fruit of patience, and the way that we do develop it is by having opportunities to use it. and you know, sometimes god wants us to wait patiently on his timing, so he doesn't do what we'd like him to do right away. he wants us to trust him in all things, and to really learn how to enjoy every single moment of our lives, and that's not gonna happen if we're frustrated and upset all the time because things aren't happening as fast as we would like them to. we're offering some wonderful teaching today. it's actually called our action plan, and it's about developing power thoughts in our lives. and it's 12 teachings that will teach you how to think things on purpose that will add power to your life. there are cds and dvds
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and a study guide and scripture cards, and i believe through all of these, it's gonna help you really to renew your mind and to learn how to really work with the holy spirit to see all the fruit of the spirit developed in you and be in full measure. now, stay with me, and i'll be right back after this. >> announcer: start enjoying your life when you receive, "developing power thoughts," two dvds, four cds, a booklet and cards with each power thought displayed to provide you with the action plan you need to change your thought life. it's available for your gift of... call us toll-free... or visit us at >> joyce: well, i really hope and pray that you feel that i am a partner in your spiritual life, that i'm helping you and partnering with you in being the kind of person that you know that god wants you to be.
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every day we're there, teaching you the word of god. and i enjoy doing that. and i hope that you will also see that you need to partner with us, with me and the ministry, in continuing to not only reach you, but reach other people who don't yet know what you know. and i believe as we partner together, we can do more than what we could ever even imagine. what is your part with us? we know what our part is with you. we're teaching you the word, we're praying for you, but what is your part with us? i believe that you need to consider partnership with our ministry. i want you to pray about it and if you feel that god prompts you to do that, what it literally means is that you agree to pray for us, say good things about us, hopefully come to some of our conferences when we're in your area, watch the program, let us be part of your life, and then also financially support the ministry on a regular basis. you know, i'm asking--i'm committed to you and i'm asking
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you for a commitment also. it's not what we do right one time that makes a big difference in our life, but it's what we do right over and over and over. so as you support us on a monthly basis or however often you feel that is right for you to do it, i believe that you're going to see even a big difference in how you feel about us. it's not really good for anybody to just do all the taking and none of the giving. and so i'm inviting you to join us in partnership. help us glorify god and share christ. help us help hurting people. help us feed the poor and get the gospel to people that don't yet know what we know. you can check us out on and find out all that you need to know about partnership, or you can call the ministry. god bless you and thank you for praying about this. cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621 >> announcer: the preceding was paid for by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries.
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>> welcome to gospel truth celebrating the good news of jesus christ, the coming of the savior of the world, emmanuel, god with us, and now, here's gospel truth bible teacher >> andrew wommack. welcome to our thursday's broadcast of the gospel truth. again today i'm teaching through a series that i've entitled don't limit god,


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