tv Today NBC October 28, 2015 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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good morning. please stand by. technical problems knock game air. >> we have lost -- we have lost our picture. >> the broadcast interrupted not once by twice for minutes at a time, delaying a dramatic game that ended in the wee hours of the morning. >> here comes escobar. the royals win game one! battle in boulder. the next republican presidential debate just hours away with ben carson the new national front-runner, so how is donald trump handling being number two? >> what the hell are you people
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>> and florida senator marco rubio gets dealt a tough blow from one of his state's newspapers. green strike. >> a green laser hit. >> another passenger plane hit by a laser, this time over san diego's airport. the second incident there in recent weeks. and they are kind of hot. one of pop music's biggest acts, 5 seconds of summer heating up the fall and we have a huge crowd counting down to a live concert on our plaza today, wednesday, october 28th, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. 5 seconds of summer, or as we might say in an hour 5 seconds of soggy.
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crowd out on our plaza, they will play rain or shine in just a little bit. >> no umbrellas out there right now. that's a good sign. meanwhile, big debate tonight. we'll talk more about that, but we'll start with our top story. plenty of drama during the opening game of the world series between the kansas city royals and the new york mets, both on the field and in homes all across the country. that >> you said, it matt. it was a long night filled with because of the game. millions of fans were watching the royals take on the mets last night when technical difficulties brought the opener of the fall classic to a halt. >> we have lost -- we have lost our picture. hi. we're having some technical difficulties. >> in the middle of the fourth inning for mets and royals fans it seemed like it was game over. >> i don't think it was a weather problem because it wasn't raining at the time of this. we lost power to the truck, we're being told, but as soon as we regain power we will get it
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>> reaction on social media was instant. this is what happens when you don't pay the bills. dear fox. did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in? for four minutes technicians scrambled as analysts stretched. >> all right. i hear our music. does that mean we're going back to kansas city? >> the broadcast resumed with fox sports international coverage forced to take over. >> and the u.s. broadcasters of this event are having a broadcast issue. >> for another nine minutes everything seemed to be fine until it happened again. >> once again, we're having some technical difficulties in kansas city. once we regain power to our there. are we heading back there now? >> it's not the first time things have gone wrong with all eyes on the big game. >> half the power is out. >> remember when the lights went
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out during super bowl xlvii or when an earthquake hit during game three of the 1989 world series in san francisco. as for this technical difficulty, fox released a statement overnight saying in part that a rare electronics failure cause the both the primary and backup generators inside the fox sports production compound to lose power. and as the fall classic finally got up and running, turns out it was only the beginning after the royals tied the game in the bottom of the ninth. it went on for another five innings past 1:00 a.m. >> into right. granderson back, escobar tags and here comes escobar. >> when the royals beat the mets 5-4 in the bottom of the 14th, the longest game one in world series history. the longest game one and the longest night for the poor fox announcers who had to do a mean tap dance. >> we've all been there. it's no fun, and our hats go off to them for trying their best. >> i know.
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in a truck somewhere saying this wasn't for the coffee pot, no, okay. >> exactly. >> and, you know, the internet was not kind, that's for sure. one other thing getting attention, the father of the royals starting pitcher edison volquez died in the dominican republic prior to the game. his wife told the team and asked her not to tell her husband until after he finished pitching. the team also asked fox not to broadcast it so he wouldn't have to hear it in the clubhouse and eventually his wife did tell him after he was taken in the game after pitching six innings, and he left the stadium with his family so our hearts go out to him as well. >> absolutely. >> natalie, thank you very much. >> we move now to politics, the presidential race, big night tonight. the republican candidates set to debate in colorado with a new front-runner in place. ben carson has now inched ahead of donald trump in national polls. this is just the late twist in an already volatile race. we've got it all covered for you this morning. we'll start with nbc's national correspondent peter alexander. he is in boulder as t the debate
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peter, good morning. savannah. this is debate night just ahead of us right now, and it will be the first real showdown between the top two republican candidates, two men with polar opposite personalities, donald trump and ben carson. how will trump respond for falling out of first for the first time? well, we may have got a clue overnight in a rally that pep talk. iowa, please. this is ridiculous. >> reporter: donald trump for the first time in months dealing with life somewhere other than first place. >> i mean, i am second, it's not like terrible, but i don't like being second. second is terrible to me. what the hell are you people doing to me? >> reporter: republicans remain deeply divided. only 48% say they would support ben carson enthusiastically if he's the nominee, just 29% for trump and only 18% for jeb bush. still, trump quickly cast a potential loss as a campaign win.
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>> it's certainly a possibility that i won't make it. i'll still be proud of my effort because i think i've done very well. >> i've about had it with these people. >> reporter: lagging behind in the polls ohio governor john kasich who stayed out of the fray until now ripping into his republican rivals, trump, carson and bush. >> i'm done with being polite and listening to this nonsense, and it's time we educate the american people about the consequences of very bad choices. >> reporter: after huddling with his family in houston, bush will try to kick start his campaign gearing up by hiking with veterans here in colorado but with weak poll numbers he faces a tough climb tonight. marco rubio's advisers telling nbc news they know he'll have a bullseye on his back. one major newspaper slammed the candidate overnight for his record of missing more roll calls than any other senator this year. the "sun sentinel" writing you are paid $174,000 per year to represent us, to fight for us, to solve our problems. you are ripping us off, senator. earlier this month rubio spoke
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out about the issue, defending himself on "today." >> everyone that's run for president in the past has faced this. there are times when you're not going to be there. my visions are for the country and for florida, and that's why i'm running for president. >> reporter: and it turns out the first debate battle may have actually started last night over green rooms of all things. after a walk-through here at the site yesterday, chris christie and the rand paul campaigns complained that the higher polling candidates received preferential treatment from the republican national committee. here's what the green rooms looked like. trump you can see with a spacious room, plush chairs, that flat screen. another tweet showed rand paul's with a white concrete set of walls and a toilet in the back and then for rubio, quote, check out marco's theater, all sorts of plush chairs in there for him and his team. all is well apparently thaernds well. the paul campaign tweeting out overnight they have finally upgraded their quarters and they are satisfied with the way things ended up. >> everybody wants a first class seat, right?
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peter alexander in boulder, thank you so much. let's bring in our panelist, nicole wallis, msnbc analyst and former white house communications for president george w. bush and steve kornacki, msnbc political correspondent. >> is it fair to say that donald trump is a guy who depends a lot on confidence and bravado and now that he knows he's no longer the national front-runner, steve, i'll start with you, how is this hit to his ego going to impact his performance tonight in your opinion? >> it's interesting. i think we got a good tees last night of what to expect that. bravado and swagger, he thinks he has to crank it up a little bit in the situation where the national numbers are starting to fall but interesting thing is this. the fact that it's carson of all people who has overtaken him. carson has to be his target. when you look inside the numbers, there is no republican candidate who republican voters respect, like and really you could use the word revere more than ben carson, so there's a big risk there for donald trump in turning his fire on somebody like that. >> nicole, if you're ben carson you're now the front-runner
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nationally how does name pact your performance? >> i heard something comforting from a doctor of all people who said he was an excellent doctor which doesn't surprise me, but back to trump's numbers. inside the polls it does reveal that people still think trump is more electable with carson, while they are having a love affair with carson, love his civility and demeanor and love his record as a physician, who doesn't love their physician, but i think that the political awards for chutzpah still go to trump and i lost way he answer the the questions in your town hall and he asked about humility and he said i can't show that side of myself so i think supporters will really like what they are seeing. >> i bet if you polled this group you would say jeb bush needs a breakout performance. he's been training his fire on marco rubio as of late and rubio was dealt a break. "the sun sentinel" said resign your seat. if you hate the senate, leave. how much might that affect what happens? >> that's one of the questions, too, because what jeb bush has to show in this is something he
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hasn't shown in these debates it's life, energy, that knock from donald trump that i think has haunted jeb bush the last few months, the low energy knock, so he's got to show up tonight, and he's got to show some energy, but he also has to deal with the fact that he's been overtaken by marco rubio and overtaken by ted cruz. he has to draw a contrast and the challenge there he's got ammunition to go after marco rubio but when it comes to glibness, the performance aspect of politics, marco rubio so far has been much stronger than jeb bush. if you're jeb bush and start that fight, have you to make sure you can win that fight because marco rubio can parry with you. >> others that need to turn it up, john kasich and carly fiorina who was boosted up after the last debate and dropped back down and we'll be talking about hillary clinton, and we'll talk about her in a second. how often do you expect her name to come up given last week because last week he she had a
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>> i think bush will show the voters he can be the nominee. hillary clinton is experience and her asset is confidence. that's what she will sell to the electorate next fall. he needs to present himself as a guy that can best go toe to toe with her experience in government. >> all right. nicolle wallace, steve kornacki, good to have you both here. thank you. >> more on the front-runner on the democratic side, hillary clinton, nbc's kristen welker is in new hampshire where clinton is campaigning today. kristen, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning to you, that's right. secretary clinton will be far from the debate stage, instead courting voters here in new hampshire, but she's got her own battle plan heading into tonight. with republicans set to go on the attack tonight, secretary hillary clinton is preparing to counterpunch releasing four sleek new ads during tonight's gop debate in iowa and new hampshire, 309-second spots aimed at prebutting the republicans by painting clinton
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voters touting equal pay and college affordability. >> i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. >> reporter: new ad campaign comes as clinton is gaining strength. a new poll in iowa shows she's trouncing vermont senator bernie sanders by a whopping 41 points. 65% to 24%. it's the first poll of its kind conducted on the heels of clinton testifying before the benghazi committee, and after vice president biden announced he's not entering the race. part of clinton's strategy, distancing herself from some of the obama administration's more controversial policies, such as bailing out the banks, on display tuesday night when she appeared on "the late show" with escole sigalert if you're >> yes. >> and -- and the bakes -- and the banks are failing, do we let them fail this time? >> yes, yeah. >> we let them fail this time? >> yes, yes, yes. >> wow. >> they will fail, and the if they are too big to fail, then under my plan and others that
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to be broken up. >> reporter: all this while trying to connect with voters on a more personal level, letting people in on what she's binge watching. cards." it took a while because we were -- >> reporter: while clinton is firmly in the lead in iowa, the race gets much tighter here in new hampshire where one recent poll shows her running neck in neck with vermont senator bernie sanders. she will try to gain more traction during a politics and egg breakfast a little later today. matt, savannah. >> thank you very much. a reminder you can catch the republican debate, "your money, your vote the" tonight at 8:00 eastern on cnbc. now to a surprising shift out of washington. defense secretary ash carter saying the pentagon will step up its attacks on isis in syria and iraq, including the possibility of, quote, direct action on the ground by use troops. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel has more on this. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. this administration has long
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strategy against isis, and it's struggling again with the white house insisting nothing has change the, even as the pentagon is considering an expanding role for u.s. troops in both iraq and syria. when american and kurdish commandos stormed into an isis prison last week freeing hostages, it was the first time the world saw u.s. troops in combat against isis. defense secretary ashton carter told congress there will be more missions like this. >> we won't hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against isil or conducting such missions directly, whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground. >> reporter: but direct action on the ground sounds a lot different from what the president has repeatedly promised. >> the american forces that have been deployed to iraq do not and will not have a combat mission. >> reporter: the white house seems to want it both ways,
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in combat, only small numbers of special ops forces will do that. to some it's washington double speak. >> anybody in combat is boots on the ground. the white house has been trying to play politics here and try to convince everybody that special operations forces are not boots on the ground. >> reporter: u.s. has already lost one soldier, master sergeant joshua wheeler, in close combat with isis. the pentagon says there will be more dangerous raids to come, so the u.s. admitting it or not appears to be getting deeper into the war on isis. and to make it even more complex, an iraqi official, a government spokesman, told nbc that his government does not want american troops on the ground engaging in direct combat unless there is specific approval from the government. savannah, matt, back to you. >> richard engel on that big headline, thank you. yet another laser strike on a passenger plane is under investigation this morning. this late incident overnight
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near the airport in san diego. nbc's tom costello covers aviation for us. tom, good morning. >> reporter: hi, matt. this is a growing problem across the country. these lasers start out with a small point of light, but as that beam travels it widens out and can light up an entire cockpit and blind the crew this. late incident, as you said, happened last night, 9:00 in the san diego as an american airlines flight from phoenix was landing at lindbergh field. we can tell you the plane was four or five miles out when the pilot radioed air traffic control to report they had been hit by a green laser. >> a laser just south of a two miles inbound, about two miles from the ground, a green laser 563. >> reporter: san diego airport representative says the pilot american airlines says that's not true. the crew declined medical treatment. we've seen previous cases that the pilots have actually suffered temporary blindness, including retinal damage when
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both the fbi and the faa take this very seriously. the fbi says there were last years almost 4,000 cases of lasers hitting planes, targeting federal crime. the penalty is up to 20 years in prison and a quarter million dollar fine. matt? >> tom costello in washington, thank you very much. in other news, former house speaker dennis hastert is expected to plead guilty today in his hush money case stemming from improprieties committed decades ago. >> an indictment that hastert alleged to pay $3.5 million to an individual to hide a past wrongdoing. the indictment didn't specify, but a.p. has reported the payments were meant to conceal claims of sexual misconduct. a plea agreement would allow the 73-year-old hastert to avoid trial and perhaps keep the details of the case secret. the storms tied to the remnants of hurricane patricia are said to intensify today, the threat expanding to include most of the east coast. dylan is here and is in for al and talking about rain and
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damaging winds. >> yes, that's what we're going to see. not raining here in new york and might actually hold off until the concert is over. that's a good thing, and the heaviest rain right now is back through ohio and the eastern great lakes and later on this afternoon this area of low pressure is going to intensify. that's what we're going to seat heavier rain take hold of the east coast and then eventually move up to new england as we move into tunnel. we could see wind gusts up near 55 miles per hour and some isolated stronger storms once this whole thing intensifies, and that could lead to an isolate the tornado. so here we go through 7:00 tonight. that's when the heavier rain really starts to fall from new york city down to philadelphia into washington, d.c., and then as we go into tonight and tomorrow the heavier rain moves up into boston, up through downeast maine and on thursday the whole thing will start to pull away. the winds could linger. could see major airport delays from boston into new york city and washington, d.c. later on this evening. how much rain will we see? looks like a widespread inch or two with some isolate the the higher amounts up near three inches.
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also looking at a lot of onshore flow and that could lead at coastal flooding right through the beaches with minor beach erosion. doesn't look like that will be all that significant. that's good. very good. you see something moving off the shelves and your first thought is to investigate the company. you are type e . yes, investment opportunities can be anywhere... or not. but you know the difference. e trade' s bar code scanner. shorten the distance between intuition and action. e trade opportunity is everywhere. >> reporter: good morning. grab the rain gear. we have rain in new york and pennsylvania. heads into new england this afternoon. around 3:00, 4:00 p.m. light showers. steadier rain toward the back end of the evening commute. then we'll have rain overnight tonight. that's with us up until about 6:00, 7:00 tomorrow morning.
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this storm? most towns around an inch of rain. some locations close to 2. that might lead to minor street flooding where you have forecast. >> all right, dylan, thank you very much. coming up, the fbi and justice department open investigations into that violent arrest of a high school student in south carolina. this morning one her classmates who caught it on video is speaking out. >> and prince harry goes to washington. the
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beautiful shot as the sun comes up. jeremy, what are we anticipating? >> reporter: saying good-bye to the sun. temps now 20s, 30s and 40s. here is the rain. you will need the rain gear at the end of the day. showers arrive around 4:00 p.m. with wind increasing this evening. temps between 55 and 60 today. rain overnight tonight. wind, as well, winds down tomorrow morning. >> anchor: an intense fire tearing through an apartment building in lynn. some people were rescued from the three-story building. more than 30 people were on a home. we are expected to learn what role if any dcf played in the death of two-year-old bella bond. the office of the child advocate is expected to release its report on the case later today. bella bond's body was found on deer island in june. her mother and her mother's boyfriend are facing charges in her death. we'll be back in 25 minutes with another update for you, everybody. hope you're having a great start to your morning.
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7:30 now. it's wednesday morning, the 28th of october, 2015, and fans of 5 seconds of summer have taken over our plaza this morning because they are here. they will give us a live concert. share your excitement use the the #5sostoday. share your photos. >> so cool when i to it. >> so cool. >> hardly. >> let's see what's making headlines before the third republican presidential debate, boulder, colorado with a focus
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it on our sister network cnbc. >> and an american airlines plane was hit by a green laser on its approach to san diego airport. the plane had 174 people aboard and landed safely. no arrests have been made. >> and the kansas city royals beat the new york mets in a 14-inning thriller overnight and take game one of the world series. a lot of fans are also talking about the power outage that knocked out fox's broadcast for several minutes during the fourth inning. game two is tonight. coming up, just how secure are your passwords? i think a lot of us string together a few letters and numbers, but should your password be much longer? why one expert wants to you break out your favorite song lyrics lyrics. >> let us start this new half hour with a police deputy's violent arrest of a female high school student in south carolina. this morning the fbi and the u.s. justice department are investigating as we hear from one of the other students who
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was in that classroom. "today" national correspondent craig melvin has the story. craig, good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. this is the latest case raising questions about excessive police force. the 16-year-old female student was tossed to the floor in her math class monday behind me. the deputy who did that, as for his fate, the sheriff will decide whether to keep him or fire him by the end of the day. mean while lawyer representing the girl tossed to the floor says she's hurting. across the country growing outrage this morning of the video now viral social media still lighting up, school resource officer ben fields called in when a student refuses a teacher's request to leave the classroom. >> she was tossed like a weight doll by a 300-pound weightlifting man. >> reporter: this is the lawyer who represents the student seen in the video and he says there's no way she's going to be okay. >> she has a cast on her arm and injuries to her back and
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injuries to her neck and to her forehead and injuries to her arm. >> reporter: tuesday night a tense school board meeting. >> you do not treat a child like that. >> that student was given ample opportunity to do the right thing and she chose to not do that. >> please stop blaming victims when they are victim of excess excessive force. >> reporter: ben sfeelds a senior deputy and received a culture of excellence award from one of the district schools last year. nia kinny shot one of the video. >> i just told my class, y'all, get your cameras out, get your cameras out because we already know his reputation. >> reporter: what was his reputation? >> known as officer slam. >> reporter: kinny was arrested for disturbing schools and is out on bond and other students have a different view of fields. >> he's a really good officer, and sometimes he can be like pretty mean, but he can also be a really nice office sneer sheriff lyon lott say some witnesses say he did what he had to do. lott is reviewing the video shows.
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>> it shows the student hitting the school resource officer with her fist and striking. what she does is not what i'm looking at. what i'm looking sat what our school resource officer did. >> reporter: nbc news tried melt multiple times to reach fields unsuccessfully. what would you say to those she's clearly resisting arrest? >> i would say that this officer had no business in the classroom. multiple things that he could have done. nothing justifies what he did. >> reporter: sheriff lott insists that his officers are taught to de-escalate situations before using force, especially in school settings. additionally officer fields has been placed on leave with pay while investigation continues. he's been banned from school grounds. there is one thing that the sheriff and the attorney for the girl thrown to the floor agree on. cases like this aren't necessarily becoming more common. it's that everyone, even in classrooms now, have these and when they see police interacting they start to roll video. matt, savannah?
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>> all right. craig, thanks very much, walking around yesterday crossing in front of television sets, that video was on over and over again all day long. it will be very interesting to see what those investigations turn up. >> as craig mention the the video is really a game-changener those investigations. moving to another topic, new online. we all have been told to change our passwords on a regular basis but are the ones we're picking too short, too obvious? nbc's tom costello is back with more of our "hacking of america" series. tom, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. do you use the same password for most of your online accounts and apps, bad idea, cyber criminals, listen to this, are offering $7 to $20 per passwords so using your kids' name, street you grew up on, maiden name, that can leave you very vulnerable. there's some of the easiest passwords to remember but experts say some of the worst possible choices. a favorite sports team and a number, your high school or
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college and graduation year, a child's name and birthday, and maybe the worst password password even with a series of trailing numbers. >> we picked up 2,372 passwords in a matter of seconds. >> reporter: that's james line, he have of security at sophos, passwords on the internet like candy. he's fed them into a common wednesdayite used by hackers. >> these are people's passwords right here that are available on the internet. >> a lot of them are passwords that people would assume are secure. >> reporter: not so much. password cracking programs are constantly targeting banks, insurance companies, retailers and any place that stores your personal information. how easy is it, let's just say thankfully james is one of the good guys. >> you can see this has popped up on the screen. >> reporter: you've already got my password on your screen.
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>> costello123, very original. >> reporter: while most websites run sophisticated security software to protect customer passwords it only takes one breech to compromise you and most of us use rather weak passwords like any word found in the dictionary followed by numbers so here's what you really need to know. forget eight-character passwords. security pros say you need at least 14, even better 28 or 36. how do you remember 36-character passwords. >> why not take an easy-to-type sentence. take the lyrics from a song that you can remember, you take we built this city on rock 'n' roll. >> reporter: 34 characters when you include the spaces. combine that are some numbers, some symbols and we have something that would be an astronomical amount of computer and trivial for me as a human. >> reporter: use phrases, song lyrics or gibbery you remember and mix english words with another language, add special characters and numbers and use
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typing and what if you forget your password. how should you answer the security passwords, mother's maiden name, street you grew up on, favorite color. >> you get questions, if you forget your password, should you be honest in the. >> lie through your teeth. if you use honest details the cyber criminals will be able to find that on your social media page and numerous other pages. >> reporter: not all security pros agree with jails. some say it's better to be honest about the challenge questions because you never know if you're going to forget your fake answers but everybody does agree that using a password manager is a very good idea. you may already have it on your computer. it stores all of your passwords automatically. that way you only have to remember one password, not two dozen or so. guys, back to you. >> hope that one doesn't get hacked. what if they get that password, like the rosetta stone. >> tom, thank you very much.
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>> let's get at check of the weather from dylan who is in for al. >> it is going to be a windy day today, not just in the northeast but also back through the northern plains as well where we do have some wind advisories from north and south dakota, winds could gust up to 40 and 50 miles per hour and in the northeast this could lead to some airport delays, especially later on in boston. we're looking at winds to gust up to near 55 miles per hour, but today, right now, this area of low pressure is still back through the western great lakes. that's where the windiest conditions are, but then as it moves to the east we'll start to see those winds gusting again, up near 40 to 50 miles per hour, so it's a powerful storm, and it's also producing a lot of rain, too. again, isolated amounts up near 3 inches or so and could see isolated severe storms through the mid-atlantic. on the back side a couple inches of heavy wet snow possible through west central parts of minnesota. >> reporter: good morning. grab the rain gear. we have rain in new york and pennsylvania. heads into new england this afternoon. around 3:00, 4:00 p.m. light showers. steadier rain toward the back
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then we'll have rain overnight tonight. that's with us up until about 6:00, 7:00 tomorrow morning. and then things will settle down after that. how much rain is to be way with this storm? most towns around an inch of rain. some locations close to 2. that might lead to minor street flooding where you have clogged >> and that's your late forecast. >> dylan, thank you. a young woman vanishes in the middle of the night and is found nine miles away at a relative's home. the question this morning did she sleepwalk there in. plus, the prince and the president. the big plans on harry's agenda as he heads to washington today. but, first, these messages. guapo doesn't know that he's eating natural food made with real quality ingredients, and no soy, no wheat, and no corn. all he knows is, there will be no crumb left behind, and you're to thank for it! petsmart has a wide selection of natural foods and knowledgable associates to help you
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back now, 7:44, prince harry's quick trip to the u.s. today. >> he's here to promote an event he's championed for wounded service members and has packed a lot into a very brief visit. nbc's keir simmons joins us now from virginia. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. good morning, everyone. prince harry arrived yesterday night and leaves again tonight so women of america you have less than 24 hours to meet prince harry, plus he has to fit in a visit to see the president. he's being chaperoned by michelle obama and dr. jill biden. they will be here to see wheelchair panel and how terrific it is to see them together championing the interests of our injured service men and women. prince harry in london monday night for the premier of the latest bond movie.
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he's in washington this morning to witness real life courage. specialist sydney davis suffers post-traumatic stress, ptsd and at times she's been suicidal. playing sports helped. >> pulls you out of that hole that you're in, and you start to see your depression lessen. >> reporter: seeing prince harry today may lift her mood, too. him. >> i know. i'm trying to contain myself. >> reporter: sergeant blake johnson served in afghanistan in 2012 like prince harry. >> the american guys have been really nice to us, had a service with thanksgiving. didn't have turkey, chicken instead but still it was really nice and just the importance of working together. >> reporter: since then harry has been flying around the world, helping those in need, spending summer in africa, working on conservation and
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meeting sick children and even admitting he'd like his own little ones. >> of course, i would love to have kids right now, but there's a process that one has to go through. >> reporter: next year florida will host harry's games for wounded warriors. >> this is something that we owe them. we owe them this day. >> reporter: later today the british ambassador will host a launch party. >> harry has a particularly strong sense of commitment to the guys, the people with whom he fought. >> reporter: but guys may not be the ones fighting to get in. >> come for dinner tonight. >> i'm always very touched by the level of interest that young ladies have for the british royal family. >> reporter: particularly harry. hair is here for just 24 hours, but maybe -- he's still a bachelor. he's still single. >> no, he's not. >> reporter: yes. >> no, he's not.
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that. >> reporter: sydney expects to compete in these invictus games in may. harry actually got the idea from the department of defense at warrior games, guys, so he got the idea here and don't you lost way sydney, must be one of the few women in america who doesn't know that harry is single. >> because these three do, i'll tell that you. >> we're aware. >> beard or no beard. >> beard, definitely like it. >> whatever, i like it. >> i like anything, so, yeah. >> the dirty harry look. >> here, thank you. good to talk to you, good to see coming up. where do you celebrate your birthday if you're one of the biggest stars in the world? katy perry's choice might surprise you. >> and carson is here with your reaction to the world series johnson's believes that bath time is more than cleansing and moisturizing, it's a time for development. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his growing mind.
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crispy m&m's are back. not those fans! did you mean this fan? z(annoyed there's a fan in the break room, the....(trails off) so good, they're back. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini. look at you, saving money on your medicare part d prescriptions. at walgreens, we call that "carpe med diem." that's almost latin for "seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d." from one-dollar copays on select plans... now reward points on all prescriptions, walgreens has you covered. so drop by and seize the savings!
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>> this is 7 news now. >> anchor: good morning, everyone. 7:57. let's get over the j.r. and talk about some changes in the forecast. >> reporter: jadiann, right now temps 30s, 40s. boston up to 51. norwood 32. we have rain heading this way. not until about 4:00 or 5:00 p.m., so dry until then, but it will be with us this evening. with developing wind out of the southeast, temps this afternoon 55 to 60. >> paul: thank you, j.r. later today we could learn what life is like for the convicted marathon bomber. the judge in the case is expected to release information about dzhokhar tsarnaev's living
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conditions in a supermax prison. it can also show if privileges such as mail and in-person visits are being restricted. rescue teams in sherborn saved a horse after it got stuck in the mud. the horse belongs to the town's deputy fire chief who says the animal wander booed that muck. rescue crews worked for almost two hours to lift the horse out of the mud with backhoe. they were able to get it out safely. we're back in 25 minutes with another update, everyone. hope you're having a great morning. who's toughest on spending? fox news did the analysis and jeb bush had the best record. billions in pork, vetoed. eight budgets, balanced. and tax cuts every single year. right to rise usa is responsible for the content
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, redefining fat. >> fat girls can wear horizontal stripes, run marathons, dance. >> one woman's mission to empower women of all shapes and sizes. plus barrymore by the book. hollywood a-lister drew barrymore talks about her life, not so traditional upbringing and how it shaped the mom she is today. >> if i hadn't had such an odd childhood i don't know if i would be this voracious to be traditional.
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>> and hey, everybody, the plaza is packed for a live concert from one of the host bands in the world, 5 seconds of summer, today, wednesday, october 281th, 2015. >> we've been waiting a whole here to see 5 seconds of summer! summer. >> came for 5 seconds of summer. >> 5 seconds of summer! [ cheers and applause ] >> and we're back now on a very noisy wednesday morning. noisy and chilly, but look at the crowd that we have gathered on our plaza this morning. all these folks got here early.
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they are waiting for a concert in our next half hour from 5 sos. >> 5 seconds of summer. >> you're so cool. >> and also, by the way, we're counting down to our big halloween extravaganza friday morning on the plaza. it was all about "snl" last year. remember, we recreated some of our favorite characters, so how will we top ourselves this year. have to tune in friday to top out. >> my ears -- from all my years at trl i'm trained for this. >> doesn't even faze you. >> thousands of screaming girls here, and i feel right at home. also coming up treats here to get you in the spirit. you may have seen these on your local news this morning. >> that's right. everybody getting ready for halloween. let's get a check of the top stories. we're not allowed to give candy out to these people, by the way. natalie is inside with a check of the top stories. natalie. >> hey, guys, good morning once again. donald trump and ben carson have switched places in the polls
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republican presidential debate. cnbc's carl quintanilla is one of the debate moderators, and he's in boulder, colorado. carl, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. it is a big night for the candidates, and as you said it is the first debate to take place since ben carson really threatened donald trump's lead in the polls. we'll be watching closely to seat interaction between those two and then, of course, jeb bush and carly fiorina as the race begins to tighten, it's more important than ever that those candidates are seen as having had a strong performance. the debate centers around the economy. we'll talk about taxes, jobs, maybe this new agreement to rates nation's debt limit, but lots of topics can be seen through an economic lens. the set is constructed. the lecturns are in place and the candidates will have their walk-throughs later today and cnbc's coverage begins at 5:00 natalie. >> carl quintanilla, we'll all be watching an watch the debate tonight at 8:00 eastern time on cnbc. hillary clinton meanwhile is campaigning in new hampshire today. she's also gone on the offensive
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a champion of working class women, touting support for equal pay and college affordability. meantime, a new poll in iowa shows her widening her lead to 41 points over bernie sanders. it's the first poll of its kind conducted after her benghazi testimony, and vice president biden's decision to stay out of the race. the u.s. military will step up its attacks on isis, including direct action on the ground in both iraq and syria. defense secretary ash carter told congress tuesday there will be more missions like the hostage rescue last week that claimed the life of master sergeant joshua wheeler. however, the obama administration insisted tuesday that it has no intention of long-term ground combat. police dashcam video released tuesday shows a south carolina police officer fatally shooting a teenaged boy during a drug sting back in july. a state prosecutor decided this week that the officer, lieutenant mark tiller, will not face criminal charges.
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officials say the target of the undercover operation was the female passenger in the car, but the driver, 19-year-old zach hammond, was shot as he drove the car in the officer's direction. philadelphia police are looking for the public's help to catch two robbery suspects who stole a bag from a man sleeping on a subway train. surveillance video shows the couple grabbed the bag and they take off through the door. the man wakes up and chases them down the subway platform. he catch eds them and there's a struggle, but at some point the victim was hit with a stun gun. he falled backward on to the train tracks. the couple then picks up the bag and runs away. the victim was taken to the hospital where he was treat the for non-life-threatening injuries. and a happy ending in the search for a missing sleepwalker after the 19-year-old woman was found safe nine miles away from home. it all unfolded near denver tuesday morning. taylor gammel's father called police when he realized his
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daughter wasn't in bed at 6:00 a.m. so police brought in bloodhounds and after an hour long search taylor's cousins found her barefoot sleeping on the couch nine miles away and still unclear how she got there, but witnesses say they saw her near a bus stop. her father says taylor has a history of sleepwalking but not usually to this extreme. time to make sure she gets checked out for that. that's dangerous. >> used to sleepwalk a little bit, never least house. >> catching the bus? >> that's wild. >> that's scary. >> natalie, thank you. shifting gears, we'll talk about a new campaign now focusing on body image. it's got a title that's getting a lot of attention. here's nbc's morgan radford. >> today everyone seems to say fat is horrifying. >> reporter: jess baker is on a mission to redefine a word and all that it can mean. >> the word fat isn't inherently negative. she's saying enough is enough.
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and it ruined lives. first made headlines in 2013 her attractive and fat campaign, an attack on abercrombie & fitch's exclusive sizing. and she's written a new book "things no one will tell fat girls," a book for all girls, applies to everyone. >> reporter: in it she writes 81% of 10-year-olds are afraid of being fat. 40% of 10-year-old girls have tried to lose weight and 91% of all women diet because they are unhappy with their bodies. you're not a better person if you eat carrots and you're not a messup if you eat pie. but what about critics who say, look, it is better to eat carrots than pie. are you ignoring a larger health message here? >> that question is so much bigger than a body size. you can't take care of something that you hated. loving every single part of yourself is the first step towards your version.
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of a happy, healthy and when i say healthy i mean mentally, physically and emotionally lifestyle. >> reporter: her message is going viral with her campaign fat girls can. >> fat girls can wear horizontal stripes, run marathons, dance, find love. >> reporter: her words have struck a chord, from celebrities like ashton kutcher to everyday women. >> nothing needs to change in order for you to go out and live your life. >> loving who you are in this moment is huge. >> reporter: are there every days where you wake up and you don't feel like the most confident woman in the world? >> i always try to tell people that you're going to have bad days in the middle of trying to learn to love your body because that's just the way it is. you brush yourself off, and you just keep going. >> reporter: because happiness, she says, isn't a size, it's a sanctuary you build for yourself. for "today," morgan radford, nbc news, san francisco. >> i like how she puts that. >> absolutely. all right.
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your kids to say i'm sorry? why it might be time for you to stop doing that. >> all right. plus, drew barrymore opening up about her unusual upbringing and when she plans to tell her own kids about it. and today's fear factor gets you ready for halloween. >> reporter: good morning. you've seen a horror movie where you're shouting don't go in there. well, i'm about to go into frankenstein's castle. find out what happens coming up on "today." there's not dudes... you know... been a couple of a plus roommates. i hate to do this because you guys have been cool with everything. you were cool with my band. you were cool with that english accent phase. remember that? that theater troupe. hey, could you give me a second please. but state farm's helping me be really smart with my money and i've got my own pad now. oh, no big deal. mom, dad, my new place doesn't allow pets. dylan's gonna have to stay here. one love pops. start out right in life. with everything from renters insurance to your first bank account, state farm is there. you get a cold. you can't breathe through your nose. suddenly, you're a
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stains, reduce pet odor and easily release pet hair. so get petprotect, and let your pets be pets. the citi double cash card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. earn once when you buy, and again as you pay. that's cash back now, and cash back again later. it's cash back d\j vu. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. p with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided.
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>> is that a kazoo? >> maybe some kazoo in there. back now, i'm not sure. time for "trending" and here's something you should know while you're out driving. you're driving down the road and see a homeless person standing by the side of the road and sometimes they hold signs and it actually might not be a homeless person as all. it could be a police officer. authorities are now going extra miles to catch distracted drivers. in maryland an undercover cop held a sign that read i am not homeless. i am a montgomery county police officer looking for cell phone, texting violations. some drivers, to prove the point, were so distracted they didn't even read the sign because they were busy holding their cell phones and texting. >> my gosh. >> officials said experiment the lasting two hours and during that time they issued 35 traffic citations to drivers who simply got caught doing what they shouldn't have been doing. >> if i saw that sign i'd give that person money, that's the
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person has ever made. >> hold on, let me text someone about this. >> take a selfie. let me show you a picture and ask you what this looks like you to. >> aftermath of a party. >> big party. >> champagne bottles and streamers everywhere but it's not that. it's actually an art installation at a museum in rome, or at least it was. get this, guys. a new janitor who started at museum saw it. >> yes. >> he thought, oh, there was a party here, it's garbage left behind so he cleaned it all up. >> that's hilarious. spic and span, it's gone. >> whoopsy. >> that is great. >> love this. >> i can't blame him. i would have cleaned him. >> you can't fire him for that. >> the museum says it's going to be able to retrieve everything except for the 309 bottles of sham pain. by the way, carson, you were mentioning this to me, obviously the installation was meant to be a commentary on italy's politics politics.
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the 30 empty champagne bottles. >> all right. when your kids misbehave, it's your instinct to do something like say you should apologize, right, and make them say i'm sorry, but a child psychologist says you should never force them to say that. she argues most kids don't mean it when you force them and you could be shaming them and only making them feel worse. so what is a parent to do? well, you're supposed to help them figure out how to fix the situation. the psychologist laura markham says give your child some ideas, but ultimately let the child choose what he or she should do to make things better. >> what do you think in. >> i can understand that. >> case-by-case better. >> but if the child did something a little egregious and something. >> isn't that what you're teaching them. something. >> i say sorry for everything. someone walks into me, it's like i'm sorry, so i guess i don't
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>> i guess i was forced to say i'm sorry when i was little. >> good person, good heart. >> 6-year-old who gets it, my 3-year-old, i feel like she might feel a little bit of that shame. it's an interesting point. >> it is would. it be better if it came from the heart but at some point you have to teach them. earlier natalie was talking about the major disruption at the world series. and the on twitter people vented about the so-called technical difficulties when the world series went out for a couple of minutes. of course, people had some time on their hands. >> right. >> if the game wasn't on so they came up with fun meme sze, exclusive image of the fox sports broadcasters during the outage. a look inside the fox sports control room, and when the game resumed, of course, sources say this is the man who brought back fox's world series. >> that's the hero. >> love it. >> yay. >> the griswolds. >> bad karma for us to be pulling up. >> i know. >> at their expense. >> exactly. >> all right. now to khloe kardashian speaking
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what stunned "the voice" coaches into silence? carson? "pop start." >> the my original room hit. first, khloe kardashian speaking out for the first time since lamar odom was hospitalized and setting the record straight about their relationship. khloe is on the cover of "people" magazine just out this morning responding to rumors that their divorce is off following his hospitalization. khloe saying that while she still loves lamar the two are not getting back together. there you go. jimmy fallon had a bit of a roller coaster week, we all know, that celebrating at harvard he injured his other hand so the news he broke on his show last night is pretty fitting. jimmy is getting his own roller coaster ride at universal orlando resort called race through new york starring jimmy fallon. it will open in 2017. jimmy saying it will be just like the harry potter ride except it's new york city, maybe they will be sitting in little yag mifrter bottles. >> next to the hospital. >> and you're one of the biggest
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pop stars in the world and where do you celebrate, guys, anywhere you want. >> paris. >> you have it at the coliseum. >> if you're katy perry you go to your local olive garden. the katy and her crew marking the big day with endless pasta, there in the back room in the original dress and posted this image on instagram with the #thosebreadsticks. >> that explains it all, seriously with the bread sticks. >> and finally "the voice," and had a great time with the coaches last night and matt could barely get a word in and last night they were stunned into silence from one performance. a contestant sang adele's "set fire to the rain" and could not believe what they were hearing. here's what they were watching. sometimes i wait by the door i can't help looking for you
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cause the fire of the rain into the plains and the last time, the last time >> that is jordan smith, 21 years old. needless to say jordan won that knockout round. what a voice, coaches were stunned. >> incredible. >> i don't remember. >> still a blur. >> more of that in a minute. >> ladies and gentlemen, back to you. >> just lost the signal. can't go wrong. >> we'll be naming that coach tomorrow. carson. that. they did not write that in that script. >> google it. >> there you go. >> dylan, how about a check of the weather. >> you'll never hear about it again, don't worry. >> i watched, it too, and i
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>> we've already shot season 12. >> i know. >> let's take a look at the weather with -- i don't have a weather map either. >> technical problems. >> we zoom right into the world series forecast there. we go. we are looking at a pretty decent evening tonight. the first pitch it should be clear and breezy and temperature at 5 degrees. the last pitch should be 47 unless the game goes until after 1:00 in the morning and then it will be a whole lot colder. a lot of rain moving through parts of the great lakes region and extending up into buffalo where there's downpours and this area of low pressure that will intensify through the day. it will kick up winds from 45 to 55 miles per hour and all the major airports in the mid-atlantic up into new england. also the west coast is dealing with some rain from seattle all the way down into southern california. temperature-wise, we're looking okay. for the southeast actually pretty >> reporter: good morning. grab the rain gear. we have rain in new york and pennsylvania. heads into new england this afternoon. around 3:00, 4:00 p.m. light
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steadier rain toward the back end of the evening commute. then we'll have rain overnight tonight. that's with us up until about 6:00, 7:00 tomorrow morning. and then things will settle down after that. how much rain is to be way with this storm? most towns around an inch of rain. some locations close to 2. that might lead to minor street flooding where you have clogged >> and that's your late forecast. >> i don't mean to interrupt but i just want to say young man jordan myth is on team adam. >> just kidding. >> you knew it all along. >> we have the following sentence. >> this is -- >> "the voice." >> dylan, thank you very much. now today's fear factor as we count down to halloween by taking a closer look at the real life roots of some of your favorite monsters. >> this morning, it's all about frankenstein. nbc's keir simmons got a chance to visit the freely frankenstein castle. >> it's alive!
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>> reporter: a monster. a demon. a creature. >> oh, my god. the frankenstein monster! >> reporter: from the imagination teenage author mary shelley who 200 years ago dreamed up frankenstein in this house in switzerland. her inspiration was across europe in a place of horror. >> we shall create a life out of death. >> reporter: in fiction, like in the new movie "victor frankenstein," a scientist raised the dead. >> that's rather obvious. >> reporter: in fact, it was based partly on a true story n.1813 mary shelley traveled through germany where in a remote village she may have heard a dark history.
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castle frankenstein? >> yeah. >> can i come in. >> welcome to castle frankenstein. >> reporter: walter has spent 1 years researching this decaying castle. >> this is the area that mary shelley looked around. >> reporter: the castle was once home to a noble family. so these are the frankenstein s s. and one of them was a real mad scientist. so this is him. >> he's the real father of the monster. >> reporter: he experimented on bodies dug up from a nearby cemetery. >> he made his experiments with the parts of the body and this electricity, and this tower was the place where a flash of lightning gave electricity to the body. >> reporter: and made it come alive. unlike in the classic universal movies, no monster was ever brought to life. >> frankenstein.
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walking dead terrorizing the village. but -- >> a lot of people around here, they say this is a very bad place to stay during the night. the devil is playing. i don't know, i've never seen him. >> reporter: you've never seen the devil. >> never. >> reporter: i'm glad i'm with you. >> maybe i'm the devil. good night, my friend. >> reporter: okay. let's not hang around here. >> good night. bye-bye. >> reporter: for "today," keir simmons, nbc news, castle frankenstein, germany. >> by the way, the castle preparing to throw a huge halloween party. the yearly tradition started 40 years ago by u.s. airmen stationed nearby. >> now outside to carson. >> mother nature must be a 5
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>> anchor:. >> anchor: 8:27, jeremy, how are we looking out there? >> reporter: temps right now 30, 40s, 50s in boston. you need the rain gear later today. steadily rain overnight tonight. temps this afternoon warm into the upper 50s to around 60. >> anchor: an intense firing tearing through an apartment building in lynn. firefighters had to rescue some people from the three-story building and more than 30 people are without a home this morning. no word on how the fire started. an we're expecting to learn what role if any dcf played in the death of two-year-old bella bond.
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release a report later today. bella bond's body was found on deer island in june. later today we could learn what life behind bars is like for the convicted marathon bomber. the judge in the case is expected to release information about dzhokhar tsarnaev joe's living conditions at a super max prison in colorado. it could also show if privileges such as mail and in. >> person visits are being restricted. today in new england returns at 9:00, everyone. we'll see you then. hey mom, i could use some basil. oh, sure thing sweetie. life is loving nature. wait, where' s the... i can' t remember... and a place to grow it in. got it. we love, love,
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it is october 28th, 2015. i was just apologizing that these poor folks have to look at our behinds. here for 5 second of summer. >> the concert is about to come up. dylan has promised these people it will not start raining until this is over. >> and it's not raining yet. >> their new album burning up the charts and some of these fans have been waiting out here for days. >> and also this morning, drew barrymore talking about her childhood and her relationship with her mom that's sometimes turbulent and what she learned from being on her own since 14 years old that's now helping her as a mom. >> also, natalie embarks on another big adventure visiting one of the most well known landmarks in america and got to do something very few people got to do. is the there a height that you are afraid of? >> you know, i definitely put it to the test. i was about 630 feet above st. louis, the gateway arch. we'll have more on my travels coming up, but i got a unique look that very, very few people
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actually get to have. >> that is cool, beautiful. >> dylan, a check of the weather. >> no rain until after this concert, but we will see some heavy rain move through later on today. we are looking at also very gusty winds. gusts up to 45, 50 miles per hour from the mid-atlantic and great lakes today. tonight this whole storm system moves up into new england where we will see heavier rain into boston. gusts could be as high as 50 to 60 miles per hour, and then tomorrow we're also looking at some snow to develop back through the northern ro >> reporter: good morning. grab the rain gear. we have rain in new york and pennsylvania. heads into new england this afternoon. around 3:00, 4:00 p.m. light showers. steadier rain toward the back end of the evening commute. then we'll have rain overnight tonight. that's with us up until about 6:00, 7:00 tomorrow morning. and then things will settle down after that. how much rain is to be way with this storm? most towns around an inch of rain. some locations close to 2.
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flooding where you have clogged >> and i think we've found the best seat in the house. how excited are you girls? >> very. >> very excited. >> what song are you hoping they play next "she's kinda hot". >> and i think there's a chance that that could be the next song coming up. guys? >> dylan, thank you very much. now to our revealing conversation with drew barrymore. her journal frechild star to hollywood a-lister is filled with interesting chapters and opens up with some of them in her new autobiography called "wild flower. ". >> the life is when you remember it is not in order so i thought these stories would be better like a shuffled deck of cards because that's truly how we remember our lives. >> drew barrymore has lived a fascinating life, famous by age 7 7.
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>> thanks for this award. >> and after starring in the hit film "e.t." >> aghh! >> at 1 she was e mancipated from her mother, one of the chapters in her life and new autobiography "wild flower." >> the one of the sentences that stood out to me in your book when you talked about your mom you said zero protection, zero consistency. >> yeah. >> and that's a haunting sentence. >> yeah, and i hope, you know, that she knows when she reads it, because we've talked about, you know, the book and she's going to read it, but i think she will understand, and, you know, she will read in the next sentence that i give her a compliment, but, yeah, our lifestyle together was not traditional, so putting it mildly. like walking away from my mom and shaking hands and saying we need to emancipate. that was the facts, where our journey led us to and we were actually okay with that that's where we needed to go at that point.
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>> i just want to focus for a moment on the literal fact that as a young girl. >> yeah. >> you hadn't been taught how to do the laundry. >> yeah. >> or you need to clean out your fridge. >> yeah. >> all those foundational elements were missing which i find to make it all the more impressive what you've made of yourself. >> thank you. ikea furniture will also send one into a very dark spiral. >> that little wrench. >> yeah. i feel like i could run a company but that ikea furniture still to this day i'm like how is that going to erect itself? >> do you ever think about how much different things could have been for you had you had these exact same set of experiences in this age where everything is so public and it's so unforgiving? >> well, i did have that, like in the '80s, you know, i was like on the cover of the "national enquirer" and that's the worst feeling ever, but, on
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the other hand, having a very public experience when i was young taught me a lot about responsibility in a weird way. it definitely gave me a wake-up call of like, okay, if, you know, everyone is going to run your business, maybe you would like your business to be really classy, and that's a hard lesson, but it was a very good lesson for me. >> drew's life has been full of lessons which have helped her as she and her husband raise their two daughters 3-year-old olive and 18-month-old frankie. the book, drew says, is a love letter to her girls. >> i do think i have a responsibility to tell my daughters why i feel the way i feel about things, why i've become this person, how i became the person i am, the truth and nothing but the truth. >> do you ever think about them when they get older looking at some of the crazier past, parts of your life in. >> sure, when people are like aren't you worried that people
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b, i hope in some ways they do now, in the later years and in the younger years like they are not going to have my life, you know. not going to studio 54 at 7 years old will probably make them a lot more normal than i was. >> drew's book is full of personal and sometimes candid details. she reveals that she had post-partum depression following the birth of her second daughter writing i just felt like a failure on every level, but she overcame those feelings and says parenting is something she has dedicated her life to. >> i'm glad i did it when i was older, because i got to be a lot more willing to be selfless and turn it all over to them. if i hadn't had such an odd childhood i'm not sure i would be this voracious to be traditional and, you know. >> i remember once as a little girl asking my mom, you know, why didn't you have any other kids after me, and my mom said, well, i just knew after you came my family was complete, which i actually think is a great hall fame mom response.
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>> so i guess that's my way of sort of asking like do you feel like your family is complete? >> i feel pretty complete now. i feel like certain things are settled. certain things still feel, you know, like they are constantly garden. i think things are good. >> we could have sat and talked all day long, cameras or not. she's amazing. >> and she says, you know, you ever think about what happens if your daughters turn out like you, i think they would be really lucky to turn out like her. i think she's an impressive, impressive lady. >> and all the more impressive when you think about what an unorthodox childhood she had. truly a self-made woman and she writes a lot about her friends and career, including some great stories, really cute stories from the set of "e.t." and read an excerpt were "wild flower" at our websited a >> up next, it'slmost time.
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5 seconds of summer live on the plaza, but, first, this is "today" on nbc. my name is 208 ridge road. and i've...seen things. like the sock rampage of 2010. the sleep eating of 2012. and the babysitter make-out of 2014. gross. but now with nest cam, these guys can check in 24/7. so they can see all the crazy things i see. hey, ya little thief! did he have thumbs?! okay, now i've seen it all.
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>> all right. we're almost ready for our 5 seconds of summer concert, but first a look at how these guys from down under became global sensations. standing there in my american apparel underwear >> they burst on to the scene back in 2014 with their hit song "she looks so perfect" which helped sell more than 3 million copies of their debut album. and they made their u.s. morning show debut right here on "today." she is ekinda hot yeah, she's kinda hot though >> and now the guys are back,
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food feels good" just released and the single "she's kinda hot" disabilitying number one on itunes. >> they have millions of fans worldwide and the guys are just getting started, gearing up for a new tour but not before taking to our concert stage. their performance just five seconds away. >> ladies and gentlemen, here they are, 5 seconds of summer. if my girlfriend's bitchin cause i always sleep in she's always screaming when she's calling her friend she's kinda hot though yeah, she's kinda hot though just an itty bitty little bit hot my shrink is telling me i got
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she's also saying i got low self-esteam she's kinda hot though yeah, sheet's kinda hot though she put me on meds, she won't get out of my head she's kinda hot throw all right, one, two, three, go my friend left college because it felt like a job his mom and dad both think he's a slob he's got a shot though yeah, he's got a shot hoe not really when you've got bigger plans that no one else understands knott you've got a shot though >> sing it out. they say we're losers and we're all right with that knott we're the leaders of the mott-come backs snout but we're all right
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yeah, we're all right though we are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene yeah, we're all right though >> go solo! sometimes i'm feeling like i'm going insane my neighbor told me that i got bad brains but i'm all right though we're all right though yeah, we'll all right though we're all right though cause we either kings and the queens of the new broken scene and we're all right though
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new york, one, two, three, four they say we're losing and we're all right with that we are the leaders of the not-coming-backs but we're all right though we're all right though yeah, we're all right though we're all right though we are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene yeah, we're all right though. let's go na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na but we're all right, though na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na yeah, we're all right though we are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene yeah, we're all right though >> 5 seconds of summer. they will be back with more
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[ cheers and applause ] welcome back to "today" in our city concert stage. 5 seconds of summer is here and hotter than ever. the band just released its sophomore album "sounds good feels good" and the they are heading to number one on the billboard charts. >> let's say hello to chris hemmings, michael clifford, ashton irwin and calum hood. welcome back. you were here about a year ago, debut album, back now sophomore album. how is the music different on this one from the first one? >> i think the music is different. we've grown up a lot, 16, 17, 18 first album and this one we're 19, 20, 21, you know, so it's
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up with us. >> actually, get a nice shot of ashton up here. >> there he is. >> you guys have just had an exhausting tour. ashton, how is touring with these guys? having fun? >> i hate these guys, i'm exhausted. we're touring again next year. going to be good. we're going out in the u.s. again, north america, going to see all these lovely, lovely faces one more time >> you bet. >> you mentioned you've grown up a little bit. how has life changed for you in real terms in the last year? >> i think, you know, we've kind of grown up in secret as well, you know. just done a world tour, a headline world tour so that kind of change our perspective on life and we want to may to as many people as possible and, you know, doing this is fun. >> and you've written a lot of songs on the new record and had
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>> we worked a lot with others, very inspirational people for us. i think the kind of album we made is very personal so that's why we chose them. >> we're trying to beat the rain so you want to play again. >> yeah. >> all right. >> ladies and gentlemen, 5 seconds of summer. all righty then she's walking up and up to the bus knott and he needs a dollar but he ain't got enough
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so we're talking this looks like a new super group except some of us can't sing or dance. can we go on tour with you? >> sure, yes. >> what should we know before we head out on tour? >> i'm sorry. >> do we need to know anything special before we go on tour? >> don't wear pants. >> oh. >> got a lot of support for that.
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tears through an aparment scene. she was known as baby doe. now a report on the death of bella bond set to released. a shake-up in the polls as the candidates get set to debate. series. the mets and royals playing for more than five hours. mainly cloudy skies now. we're tracking rain. i'll let you know when it arrived. those story and man it's amazing. this is amazing. real people are discovering surprising things at chevy.
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