tv Urban Update NBC November 1, 2015 11:30am-12:00pm EST
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>> byron: good morning everyone and welcome to "urban update." i'm barn ban. stepping up, one of the most highly anticipated events of the season. and we will talk about inter-faith dialogue and how you can help change live business having a fun night out with the ymca. first, it is move, and the political season is in full swing. tuesday, boston voters are being asked to elect members of the city council. statehouse is abuzz with
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legislation ranging from the opiate epidemic to charter school expansion and shifting into gear for republicans and democrats. our guest is here to talk about politics, he's kevin c. peterson, he writes a column for the boston herald and hosts a talk show in boston, he is a senior fellow at the center for collaborative leadership at umass boston and founder of the new democracy coalition. welcome to "urban update" kevin. thank you for coming again. let's start with the boston municipal elections on tuesday, what is at stake, another couple of pretty significant races here? >> this election, non-mayoral election and city council is up. most exciting race this tuesday will be the one between city council and the incumbent and
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iansy is an outsider after being this office, and campbell is an insider. campbell has the advantage, she beat yancy by a thousand in the relimn nary runoff. a tight race, the hottest race in the city. ron run how did that happen, 32 years and she's a hat pan attorney and she comes along, wouldn't ann close, she got 59% of the vote. >> combine nation of two things,iansy fatigue, he wab there for two decades and some are looking for new blood. and campbell has raised a ton of money a lot from outside the district for which he has taken hits. >> any other races to look at here? >> city council at large, five candidates running for four seats, one of the emerging stars is george, he came in fit out of a field of 17 two years ago.
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mercury perceive have had as a weakening candidate, battling with and if he she wins she may be the first arab-american woman in boston city council in recent history. ron run, that is something. charlie baker completing his first year, a couple of quick thoughts on that? >> i think he's doing well. he came in with the snowstorms back in january, and that was really a disruption this terms of transitioning this. and in terms of spoil he is, well, i was full disclosure an adviser to his campaign, one thing that he set out was creating an urban agenda and he is doing well with reentry programs that are robust and into interesting work with the faith based community. kbad first year. >> byron: and we have to say something about the national
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the democrats, hillary clinton, you were at the event, what is your assessment of the whole clinton bernie sanders and governor o'malley? >> ihink clinton is coming on strong and beyond the benghazi scandal and the e mail scandal, so-called, and i think she is really catching her stride and doing much better in iowa and kg well this new hampshire against bernie sappedders who is considered a native son. bernie has been a wonderful candidate who is interested and added very interesting agenda items, progressive, that i think hillary has adopted and it will make hillary and party stronger. >> byron: we can't talk about all the republican candidates but we have donald trump and ben carson and jeb bush in there? >> i will be honest, i think the republican party is totally
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some in ways a circus. i think you know mr. trump is begging iowa votetories up his campaign in a very condescending way... ron run he changed his tune when the numbers started to fall. >> he did. and ben carson, i don't think it will take him to the nomination. i think donald trump may take the nomination but i don't think he will fare well in the general election. ron run what about jeb bush, he is the hand with the name? >> he was deenergized and show frustration over the last few weeks, saying for example that the better thinkings to do instead of being president. this was something that will harm him in the long run. >> byron: could you think it looks like hillary clinton has best chance of winning the whole jackpot? >> she certainly is the mom knee
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for the democratic party and if she is up against someone as unserious if that is a good word as donald trump she will be the next president this-- in 2017. >> byron: two hot issues on beacon hill, the hole opiate crisis that we are this the midst of of and the whole situation on charter schools. what is your take? >> opioids is a serious epidemic in massachusetts and spreading across the country. president obama has mentioned it as a crisis, and charlie baker did well, by addressing this issue, early, set up a task force, and i witnessesed him at a press conference where they addiction. i think he has been sensitive to a very serious urban problem and getting his hands on it.
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national scene here, new hampshire, iowa and new hampshire start to kick things off, could you have any opinions on these two states, they are not as ki verse as the entire country, having a big impact on the presidential campaign? >> i don't like it. i think there should be some way integrate an urban focus into the early primary states. there are 20 urban centers, major centers around the country, with over a million more people, and they don't get a real say in terms of shaping the early agenda of either campaigns, republicans or democrats until late in the process and that is a loss for our urban centers. ron run we will leave it there, kevin c. peterson more to talk about as the weeks moontss move forward. and-- and months however forward. when i come back the need for huttual respect for entire favorite dialogue here and
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fruitful dialogue by facilitating a form of mutual respect and collaboration. peace island institute acts as an island of peace for all people in a soviet different ethnic and cultural and religious backgrounds. the alliance for shared values is a in profit organization serving as a voice for civic and culture organization in the u.s. dedicated to promoting community service and enter faith dialogue. to tell us more about the need, we have invided burham kaya the director for the petitions island institute senior for global affairs and dr. alp aslandogan, the president for alliance for shares values and also with us, bill jackson, an active member of the revere office for the newly arrived. thank you for coming in, welcome to "urban update." burham kaya, let me start with you. tell me more about the peace island institute and what it is about and how you go about your
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mission. >> thanks for having us. our main philosophy is sharing. ron run what is the focus in your organization, and that is your objective? >> our main philosophy is service for humanity. and throughout the years, our main objective is focusing on local and global issues, and in that sense we have been organizing academic events, confidences, and also inter-fate chatterings with the old faith groups from jewish and christian and buddhist and muslim. our main focus is the mutual conflict. >> byron: middle east in particular, a hot spot?
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>> it is, a big turmoil there, but in the only there but throughout the world. >> byron: dr. alp aslandogan, alliance of shared values, how do you collaborate and what are your, what issues do you collaborate with peace islands on? >> we are both part of a larger social movement that started in turkey by a turkish preacher and there are many, some are specializing in human tarrian work, like doctors' organizations and business associations and we bring together organizations who have common interest and help them celebrate with each other. ron run bill jackson, what is the role of the revere committee for newly arrived and why it was established? >> actually i met burn at a meeting of the office of newly arrived residents at the turk cultural center in revere and he came over and we started talking
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organization, i highly respect that organization. sfarz the office of new revere residents is concerned it was set up by mayor rizzo four years ago, the purpose is to help to make the newly arrived immigrants feel at home, and more importantly to answer specific questions that they might have about what do they do, what about the schools, what about the mayor, what about everything, they come in and they are really brand new and they need help, and that we are trying to do it open the door and make them feel welcome and to help them. >> a welcoming committee. >> byron: how important is it that the work of the peace islands have embarked on, what is your endgame, what are you trying to do?
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events? >> that is a great question. first of all we come from different backgrounds and ethnic and religious and cultural. but we all have our differences, but they are a treasure. we want to create solution for these problems, >> byron: we can move along. i have several questions here. we will ask dr. alp aslandogan. what would you like to see the alliance of shared values expand, some of specific goals? >> as our name indicates we have a prem that is we have shared values, bev different backgrounds and we can work around common concerns. we will passenger witness to the fact that they are humans despite their differences.
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for all three of you. what have you learned from this work that should give us all hope for inter-faith and entire cultural relations in the future. >> i will relate that back to the office of new revere residents. i was newly arrived immigrant, in the peace corps, and there were four of us that community, and the people there were so kind to us, so welcoming, so helpful, that the our office of newly arrived immigrants were trying to do the same thing byron, to make them feel welcome. with respect to this organization, i mean, they are working for peace, the midstle east and around the world. and i don't know too many organizations that are doing that. >> byron: dr. alp aslandogan, how confident or how much faith
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do you have that we are moving forward in terms of inter-fate communication and dialogue. we see the some of the violence and the going on in the middle east and the polarization in the united states, what gives you hope i guess when it comes to inter-faith dialogue? >> we are going through tush lebts times but in our field work we have people who are hopeful want to work together and those interactions or experiences give us hope. >> byron: i will leave it there, burham kaya and dr. alp aslandogan and burham kaya and good luck on the work thatter doing. one boston's most highly anticipated events of the season, when we come back.
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>> byron: ten time grammy award winner chaka khan will headline the dimock center stepping out gala with dj spinderella of salt and pepa spinning the after-part beats. this is one of the most highly anticipated events of the city and this year's black-tie will be held on november 7th at the newly renovated cher tan boston hotel. this is held to support the dimock's center to restore and transform and uplift the road to well these for many of boston's residents. to tell us more about the event, we innighted myechia minton-jordan, president and ceo of the dimic center, and dayla
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let's get to the it, stepping up, right around the corner. how excited are you for another year at this great event? >> we are thrilled and we can't believe in 28 years of this amazing event and gives us the opportunity to focus in on the dimock's services and having a great time with the best dressed people in boston. >> dayla arabella santurri, i see big names? >> all you have to say is chaka khan, an exciting time to have her and she's excited to be here. a lot of people know that she has her own foundation that helps women and children and that ties in well, and the breaking news with she is up for the rock and roll hall of hall of fame and she was just on dancing with the stars, so it is an exciting time. >> byron: what is behind this event is what gets people out there. for those not a quaintsed with
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tell us about it, what this event really means? >> it means a lot to the underserved communities, the dimock is a community health center, second largest in boston serving over 17,000 patriots a year. three main program areas, be child and family programs and behavioral health and every dollar that is raised is used to support the programs and services that go to underserved communities. we are excited about the opportunity to raise the visibility and bring the communities' need to the forefront while people are having an amazing time at our event. ron run the fun factor is a plus. how would you describe the experience everyone will have and the fun, who comes, and the atmosphere, what is that like? >> greatest thing about stepping out is that everyone talks about it all year-long, whether it is last year's presentation or what will happen this year, everyone thinks from the governor to everyone you see, it is a
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dolled up and having a good time and great artists and new ones, too, a journey and one of the best things that is you see generations of event-goers. a lot of people bring their adult children. a lot of fun. ron run i have been and it is fun. -- >> byron: i have been there and it is fun. the road to wellness that is important to your organization? >> we think about dimock and our 9-acre campus in roxburies as of programs and services that are all designed to committee the community's needs and it begins at the kim okay and partnership with the community, focusing on mental health and physical health and education and we use the road to wellness as daniel inouye to plin spla thain we are with people on the journey. >> we are expecting a big crowd, a lot of supporters? >> we are expecting over 1100 people each year and we are sold
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opportunities to thank our corporate partners likes beth israel, and liberty mutual, and stepped up and supported the community and all the that the dimock center serves. it must warm your heart to have support and the sellout every year. >> i think it is an amazing multicultural event to see our ceo's of our corporate partners with our donor base and the community members, a once in a lifetime event ar for us it happens every year. >> byron: to what do you attribute the success? >> the attendees and the mission, we never leave that behind. we make sure, you come and understand why you're there. very meaningful. >> byron: a couple of final
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words, what do you want everyone to know, who is coming out and for people who won't be able to get tickets to come back next year? >> it will be the great event and say thank you for express more gratitude, and look for us next year, get ready and we will come up with something bigger and better. all in support of the dimock center and what we do. sold out now for about two month in advance or so, and i think getting tickets early is key and understanding why we do what we do and why we have stepping out is the other message. >> two months that really says something. dayla arabella santurri, how to get more information, naig that they need to know for this year or next year? >> you can alleges support the center. and great things that they are doing, other initiatives to support and we want to see everybody next year
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this past summer the greater boston association provided more than fourteen thousand teens with free ymca memberships but initiatives are not possible without the support of the communities. here to talk about how you can help change lives and make a difference by having a fun night out, are thomas menino executive director scottie biggers and marilynne smith quarcoo, and teen leaders club representative keith tavares. welcome to "urban update" and thank you for coming in. scottie, how important of a role does the ymca play in the lives of families and by the way, you are located here in hyde park. >> talk to me about the role that the ymca plays. >> the ymca plays a pivotal role in the lives of our youth and
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families that attend our branch. we are definitely committed to strengthening our community by youth development and healthy living and social responsibility. >> byron: you are in hyde park but serve surrounding communities? >> mattapan and west roxbury, yes. and roslindale. i'm sorry. >> byron: marilynne smith quarcoo, what is it about the services that cause you, member? >> pretty much what scottie refered to, the values of the y. the values around cultural responsibility and youth development, resonate with me. as an educator. i am very much vision driven and the y packages it all in the community.
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so it was easy to say the day i retired i walked to the y and volunteered. because knew i have the time. >> byron: keith tavares, talk to me about your personal experience with the y and what impact it has had on roar life? >> it has impacted my life, it dpramted me my first job, associated with them, and my day to day life, i do my morning routine and i get ready for school and by the end of school i tend to do an activity or i used to play football with my friends and that have the i head to the ymca where they have a teen program where you can do your homework and meet people and stuff like that. so i just go over there and after my homework i go to a quick cardioworkout and head over to the gym. >> byron: okay. the work thank you did is very important, but it depends on the support of others.
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how can pep help? >> a fair question. we have the 30th gala and auction on friday the 13 of november at lombardo's and they can go to our page and purchase tickets or getting support information for the event. >> marilyn, talk to me br about the event and that people can event, the 30th anniversary? >> yes, making a departure, typically it has been neighborhood bound. so this year we are extending our footprint, and moving in randolph. but we are going to have mrs. menino as our hand orary host and a fabulous host committee, the sisters that you
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a variety of people, to honor the mayor, at this time they last our mayor last year. a little damper on our event last year and we won't to celebrate all that he means to our community. >> byron: and scottie, wrap it up with when and where? >> friday, november 13, lombardo's 7 pm, it will be great. i hope everyone comes out to support it. >> okay, scottie biggers, marilynne smith quarcoo and keith. good luck with the he event. i'm byron barnett, have a great sunday everybody! realtime closed captioning
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