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tv   Revista Hispana  NBC  November 8, 2015 6:00am-6:30am EST

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[music] buenos dias y bienvenidos a otra edicion de revista hispana. good morning and welcome to another edition of revista hispana. i' m alberto vasallo. on the show this morning, the 25 most attractive latinos in massachusetts - well, at least the publisher of the magazine that recently named and honored these beautiful people. also on the show, a unique an unprecedented event looking to unite both the dominican community of massachusetts and the cuban-american, as they share a common history. and, we will also talk to the organizer of runway for mom - a unique event that combined high fashion, motherhood and the fight against breast cancer. and in just a few moments, the baseball legend and global humanitarian roberto clemente will be honored here in boston by puerto rican veterans.
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on revista hispana. # now, as veterans day approaches, the puerto rican association will host several important events. on november 11th, it will host its annual veterans day ceremony at noon with members of the community and boston mayor marty walsh. in addition, a special celebration will take place on thursday, november 19th in memory of baseball legend and humanitarian, roberto because many people do not know that clemente enlisted in the u.s. marine corps reserve spent six months on active duty. he actually served until 1964 and was inducted into the marine corps sports hall of now, to tell us more about this year's festivities, we have invited the association's
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president, tony molina, welcome to revista hispana... >> thank you. it is a pleasure to be here with you once more. >> yes, you've been here when the set was different, many years ago. you've been here many times. >> little dominoes in the back. >> ivaseva, your friend donated those dominoes we've got there. >> like i say, we're going to have a special evone 19th of november honoring roberto clemente as a veteran. >> why are the veterans doing this, well he was a veteran. >> and we didn't find out until three months ago he was a veteran. we started looking around at the fenway and couldn't find it and said what happened to happened. so we decided we're going to do it for roberto clemente, the veteran in the southeast of boston. >> for those who don't know the history there was a bust,
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one of those bronze statue at the loburto clemente park. now guys come a few years back, now you're going to incorporate roberto clemente there and i think that's a great idea. >> again we're incooperating roberto clemmen tail as a vetera he was humanitarian, he received the congressional gold metal, the first latino to receive the congressional gold metal. the presidential citizen's medal and the presidential medal of freedom. he is a human ferry, he died bringing food to nicaragua and we decided to let's honor someone who deserves to be honored and who better than roberto clemente known worldwide. >> excellent choice and i love it because it's taken place here in boston. we're a big baseball town and
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little leagues and they have that roberto clemente name, but to have something like this here in boston is very unique. >> it is unique. boston has been making history since the inception of the country. boston was the first one who dedicated the monument to the 56th reg minute, the first to redidate to puerto rican veterans including the female. >> we're going to put a picture for the november 11th event. now have an event every year. last year, i seen charlie baker last year. this year you're going to have the mayor, mayor walsh. but that's what you're talking about, the man and the woman honorred the. >> the only monument with the female in the country and only monument dedicated to puerto rican veterans in the country. >> and that's going to take place november 11th. our mayor will be there, he's already confirmed. and we hope that the public will be there. i think it's important to have
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the events with their presence. >> absolutely. now let's give the information on the roberto clemente one because that one is almost a week. same place? >> same place, 12-noon at the roberto clemente park also, at the monument square association, we'll be there. 12-noon until 2:00 p.m. we will do an unveiling of the bust, also an unveiling of bricks. people are honoring other fallen heroes. >> just want to make sure people write it down right, november 19th at 12:00 noon, right across from the holy cros cathedral. now your people said make sure tony doesn't forget to mention the end of the month.
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that's going to be given the -- as we say in spanish. [native language] >> i'll kick the king off the holiday season. >> kicking off the holiday season. >> we've got christmas music and we've invited edwardo from puerto rico and he'll be here. feliz navidad, dancing music, hope when people go wear your dancing shoes. >> you've got a busy month, tony. i'll see you on all three 50s god willing. >> it is an honor to have you here and see you next week. thank you, tony. >> thank you. >> when we return a unique when we return, a unique event that combined high fashion, against breast cancer.
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ok. en honor y homenaje a las ts magazine" cierto comenzo rhode island, presento por runway for mom" fashion show donde las modelos principales fueron damas de la comunidad. pasado sa el moseley' s en dedham. que resalta la gracia y ndolas en modelos de un original fashion, que a su vez aporta ca
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s sobre el e xito de este primer evento anual, tenemos a una de las organizadoras paola garcia, y dos de las lindas modelos, maria sanchez y jeannette pizzaro.
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[native language] [spanish] let's give our audience a little taste. [native language]
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[native language] all right ladies, i'll see you next year. good job. don't go away. when we come back the woman who has the tough job of selecting the top 25 most attractive latinos in massachusetts. we'll have her right here on revista hispana. realized.
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fulfilled. won. leadership isn't given.
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magazine" que ya lleva 7 aos en la ciudad de boston ha nominado por segundo ao consecutivo a los 25 ma atractivos. en esta edicio n especial y divertida, no so lo se resalta la belleza exterior sino, que tambie n las cualidades personales y profesionales de los finalistas. 25 ma s atractivos" del 2015 , el equipo de candela magazine realizo un evento nocturno en candibar en boston donde ma s de 200 vip'
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[native language] all right. we'll return and talk about an event taking place later today to highlight the strong bond between cubans and dominions here in massachusetts. all of that right here on
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s longest standing latino social club, in association with two leading dominican organizations, banilejos unidos and fundoarcu, will be hosting an event with great historical significance as they celebrate the bonds that link cuba and the dominican republic through a shared history. now, over 200 are expected to attend later today as the idea is to highlight an already strong bond between cubans and dominicans right here in massachusetts. to tell us more about the event, we have dominican fatima breton and cuban-american alberto calvo - both of whom worked on the organization of the event. welcome to revista hispana. >> this sounds exciting and this is a clip we're going to
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see and watch from years from now and say this is the first time this has happened because i can see this grow nothing to massachusetts. >> it definitely has the potential to grow and become something of a tradition in the community. so we're very, very excited about the event. we're very, very excited that it is the brain child coming to life. [laughs] but this is exciting because uniteling two communities who have a shared history and a lot of the shared customs, a lot of shared similarities,. >> that's right. the history goes back to the revolution when cuba deliberated from spain and there were two heroes that are
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mow womis born in sant odomingo and his mother was dominican and his siblings too fought in the cuban war of independence. and they were, jose mar tease, usually the person because of the poetry, considered the martyr of cuba, but these two gentlemen were, without them i think cuba would not have been independent from spain. >> and they are dominican descent. >> dominican. >> and at the event later today it will be fair to say that half of the folks there are dominican and the other half are cubans. >> and it has such a relevance because between the two cultures, as you mentioned a while ago, it is so important to keep alive. and for the younger generation also for them to learn and
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know about the culture because that's sort of fading and we want to maintain, we want to may want that, we want for them to know about their roots and their history and the linkages between the two cultures. >> i want to give the information because i know it's later today and i know lola, our intern is ready to put this information up on the screen. today, november 8th and it's from 1:00 to 7:00. so we've got to get out of here. table a shower and get ready. >> we do. get ready, changed. you're going to see us totally different and head over to american legion post 440. and this is important because i know part of the deal is not just raise funds for cuban cultural center but membership, you need new blood, right. what's the number. >> as you said the cuban center was formed in 1975 as
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latino center and because cubans essentially moved to miami eventualqually this was formed in 75, some has passed away. our membership is dwindling from the cuban side. now it's open, now we have a columbian, which you know these treasurerrer and we have a puerto rican and a member of the director. so we're opening the ubwhich, the center, to other -- so we're opening the club or the center to the caribbeans. >> you'rageively recruiting people from all backgrounds. >> exactly, because latin americans we have so many in common, obviously the language the first thing, but so many other traditions we share, the food, a lot of similarities, so this is very important. and it is open to pretty much anyone who wants to support and be a member. >> well you're going to be surprised at how many cuban
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dominicans are in massachusetts or across the country. so cubans who have married or had children with dominicans. >> yes. >> so my daughter, alex, who is 17 is cuban, dominican and ecuadorian too, so she is a big mix, but it hits home because it is that fusion. >> it is the fusion. >> there was a long-time member, she live said in east boston and she called us and says i have four friends that all from sant odoming joe i would like to bring them and she never misses a cuban center, show, so we were excited. >> this is the beginning of something great. >> as you mention cuba, puerto rico and domingo has several ing thes in common.
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>> you'd need a biggerm roo, the is good. like the movie jaws we'll need a bigger bowl. [laughs] that's right. >> for the three islands we share so much. there is so much history between the three culters and in the carotene so it will be very impactful and something
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