tv Today NBC January 13, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EST
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if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. r it's what you do. where are you?r it's very loud there. are you taking at zumba class? good morning. breaking news. those ten navy sailors detained by iran released this morning. the navy now investigating how their patrol boats drifted into iranian waters. we're live at the pentagon. return to hope and change. >> that's why i stand here as confident as i hav ever been that the state of our union is strong. >> president obama uses his last state of the union address to tout his accomplishments, set some lofty goals and take a veiled shot at donald trump. >> we need to reject any politics that targets people because of race or religion.
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surprising republican response from south carolina governor nikki healy. >> during anxious times it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. we must resist that temptation. >> this morning show's with us live, and democratic front-runner hillary clinton joins us as well. best seat in the house. new speaker paul ryan talks about the job he took reluctantly. you've been in the job a little more than two months now. what's surprised you the most? >> that i like it. >> and how he has to practice his poker face for last night's state of the union, and tonight's the night the powerball jackpot at an unthinkable sum of $1.5 billion, the largest ever. are you in it to win it? make sure you check the numbers right. >> 63, yes! >> one mistake that had this group of co-workers thinking
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wednesday, january 13th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. our dreams of staying and living at the white house squashed. we're back in new york. >> not that i don't like this desk, but can we agree the white house balcony was a little bit better than the spot we are this morning. of course, the state of the union was last night. we'll have all the latest on that and the republican response as well. >> let us start with our top story, iran's release of that group of u.s. navy sailors after holding them overnight. the incident adding a new layer of tension in the relationship between our two countries. nbc's jim miklaszewski at the pentagon. what can you tell us. >> reporter: good morning. the navy sailors are back at their base in bahrain this morning in good condition. u.s. military officials say there's no evidence they were harmed during their captivity.
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iran show the ten sailors, the nine men and one woman, in fairly stark conditions, but in relatively good shape. now, the ten sailors were in two riverine boats headed to bahrain yesterday when the boats apparently experienced some kind of navigational problems, drifted into territorial warts of a farsi island, were quickly captured by the iranian coast guard and taken ashore and handed over to the revolutionary guard. now the rev guard initially accused the americans of snooping, but today said their investigation found no evidence of espionage. what's more likely to have happened here, matt, is that iranian leadership in tehran ordered the rev guard to release the americans. secretary of state john kerry was on the phone with tehran yesterday and no doubt told them that if those americans were not released iran stood to lose billions of dollars in that nuclear deal with the u.s. which
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end of this week. a satisfied -- a satisfying ending to this but a reminder to many here in the pentagon, at least, that the iranians still cannot be trusted. matt? >> jim miklaszewski at the pentagon, thanks very much. president obama did not mention that incident with iran during his final state of the union address. it was a speech that was, as promised, big on his visions of the future of america with a lot of focus on the race to succeed him at white house. we'll talk about all of it with south carolina governor nikki haley who delivered the republican response and democratic presidential hopeful hillary clinton in just a moment, but first to nbc national correspondent peter alexander at white house with the latest on the speech. peter, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. i stuck around when you guys left. this was the first of many lasts for president obama, and he really sounded liberated last night. for months more than 20 presidential candidates have framed his time in office. last night it was the president's turn. it sounded a lot like a campaign speech, attacking the politics of pessimism and carving out
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forward for democrats. leading off his last state of the union a presidential pledge everyone could agree on. >> i'm going to try to make it a little shorter. i know some of you are antsy to get back to iowa. >> reporter: less than three weeks before the first contest to pick his replacement to without naming names president obama repetedly rejected the republican campaign rhetoric. >> when politicians insult muslims, whether abroad or our fellow citizens, that doesn't make us safer. that's not telling -- telling it like it is. it's just wrong. all the talk of america's economic decline is political hot air, and our answer needs to be more than tough talk or calls to carpet bomb civilians. >> reporter: seven years and plenty of gray hair removed for his calls for hope and change, the president highlight the his greatest hits and offered
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putting joe biden in cool of what he called a moon shot to cure cancer. >> i'm putting joe in charge of mission control. >> reporter: while ignoring the topic of gun violence at home, the president also forcefully rebutted criticisms that he's been weak abroad. >> in you doubt america's commitment or mine to see that justice is done, just ask osama bin laden. >> reporter: and, again, defended his strategy against isis. >> over the top claims that this is world war iii just play into their hands. >> reporter: punctuating his speech, a call to fix our politics and a concession. >> it's one of the few regrets of my presidency, that the rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better. >> reporter: in his final address a soaring conclusion. i believe in change because i believe in you. the american people, and that's why i stand here as confident as i have ever been that the state
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>> still, the republicans were unimpressed. ted cruz. >> sadly i think it was less a state of the union than it was a state of denial. >> reporter: and donald trump, this time blasting the president as low energy dismissin the speech as boring, slow hand lethargic. south carolina republican governor nikki haley tasked with responding to the president made news for also taking aim at her party's front-runner. >> during anxious times it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angryiest voices. we must resist that temptation. >> reporter: republican party right now trying to re-brand itself as new, young and diverse and what was really striking is that contrast on display between the party of nikki haley and paul ryan and the party of donald trump, already haley though is getting significant backlash from some conservative members within her own party. matt? >> peter alexander, thanks very much. we are joined now by south carolina governor nikki haley. governor, good morning. >> good morning, matt.
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they are in. prominent democrat david axelrod tweeted, really effective speech by nikki haley, avoided the response to the state of the union curse. paul ryan, jeb bush, both said you hit it out of the park, but as peter just mentioned some very conservative voices in your party were not so happy. anne coulter tweeted donald trump should deport you, laura ingraham said the country is lit up with a populist fever and the gop responds by digging in on the candidates dominating the polls. >> look, i respect all of those people and understand their opinion but, you know, i disagree. i think a lot of what we're trying to do is saying the angriest voices are not helpful. if we have citizens who are law-abiding, who love our traditions and do everything to be productive citizens in america, they should feel welcome in this country. i am not saying that i believe in illegal immigration. i don't. i've always sailed that, but i
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and understand the reason that this country is so great is because of the fabric of america is made by immigrants. >> when you were talking about the loudest voices, those angriest voices, in that context, were you referring to donald trump, correct? >> he was one of them, yes. he was one. there's other people in the media. there's people in my state. i think we're seeing it across the country, but, yes, mr. trump has definitely contributed to what i think is just irresponsible talk. >> some people on the far right of your party wanted you to deliver a full-scale partisan political attack. you didn't see that as your mission, did you? >> that wasn't me. that's not me. i think that it's important for us to look in the mirror. i think republicans need to understand that they, too, are responsible for the status of where we are in the country. look, president obama has divided our country in ways we've never seen before. we're seeing disastrous things with health care, education, the economy, the national security. >> right. >> but republicans need to
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that we could do bet their would help strength err own country, and i think it's important that republicans look in the mirror and realize we're also to blame. >> the attention you're getting in the wake of this speech is making you or cementing your place as a leading candidate for vice president in your party. on a scale of 1 do 10, governor, how interested are you? 10 being the most? >> i really haven't thought about it, and i know that people in the media don't believe that, but i was given an opportunity to say what i think and i appreciate that from speaker ryan and senator mcconnell. >> you mention speaker ryan. speaker ryan didn't really want the job as speaker, but for the good of his party he took it. you're saying you really haven't thought about the position of vice president. for the good of your party would you accept it? >> if a candidate wanted to sit and talk. decision. it's a family decision. it's a state decision. it's something i'd have to think about, but i absolutely would sit down and talk with anyone. >> when will you endorse a
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you know, right now i'm trying friday. i've got my state of the state address next week. we're dealing with the debate. a lot going on, so i'm not sure see. >> south carolina governor nikki haley. governor, thanks for spending time with us this morning. >> thanks so much, matt. savannah. >> with the iowa calkuses fast approaching what we heard last night is sure to take center stage in the presidential election and things are getting interesting in the 2ke789ic side of the race. according to a new national poll just out this morning hillary clinton's lead is now just seven points over bernie sanders. it was 20 points just one month ago, and sanders actually leads clinton in two key battleground states, according to some polls. 49% to 44% in iowa and 53% to 39% in new hampshire, results that have the vermont senator sanders feeling confident. >> as we have gained momentum, i think it's fair to say that the clinton campaign has become very nervous. >> and secretary hillary clinton
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secretary, good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. >> are you nervous? >> no, i'm notner vougs at all. i'm working hard, and i intend to keep working as hard as i can until the last vote or caucus goer expresses an opinion. i'm excited about where we are. >> you've called this as recently as yesterday the get real season in politics, and i wonder there's a lot of passion bernie sanders. are you telling those voters to get real, he can't be elected or to get real, he can't do the things he says he can do. what does get real mean to you? >> well, i think we're in that stage of a campaign where we've each been introducing ourselves. we've been talking about our particular views on issues, and now it's time to draw some contrasts. now, look, the contrasts on substantive issues between me hand senator senators pale in comparison to, you know, between us and the republicans, but there are substantive differences, and i think it's only fair that voters know what
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one of the big ones, as you're aware, is on gun safety where senator senators has been a pretty reliable vote for the gun lobby, and i have been standing against them for a long time, voted against them when i was a senator, so these are the kinds of differences that people deserve to know about as they make up their minds. >> you've gotten pretty tough on sanders, as you said, in the recent days. bringing up contrasts, as you put it, on a variety of issues. did you underestimate him? why are you only going on the attack now? >> no, not at all. i had a very different sense of the rhythm of this campaign. there was a lot for me to do to go around and meet with people, listen to them, put out my ideas. i've been laying out, you know, very specific policies for months now and telling people how i would pay for them. i'm asking that senator sanders does the same thing. we need to move now from generalization to specifics so people can see what the differences are.
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do and that is what i'm doing. >> you said recently that you -- you wish we could elect a democratic president who could wave a magic wand and say we shall do this and we shall do that. that ain't the real world we're living in, and there it is again, that word real. are you suggesting that bernie sanders is out there promoting a fantasy that can't come true? >> no. i'm going to let him speak for himself, but, for example, we have a difference on health care. i want to build on the affordable care act. we've got to make some changes because we have to improve it. he's been talking very generally about a single-payer system. he's introduced legislation nine times that have laid out a very specific plan to take everybody's health care and roll it will into a great big bundle and hand it to the states, but my view is we shouldn't be ripping up obamacare and starting over. we should be building on it. >> you called bill clinton your not so secret weapon, but donald trump recently went on the attack saying because you accused him of sexism you opened
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president clinton's past misbehavior. was that a tactical mistake on your end? did you open the door to those attacks? >> you know, donald trump can run his campaign any way he wants. what i've been pointing out is that a lot of the policies he's proposing would hurt working americans, and he doesn't seem to believe that americans need a raise. that's at the centerpiece of my campaign. >> but he's saying that you played the so-called woman card and that you called him essentially sexist and when you did that you opened the door to these attacks about bill clinton's past misconduct. >> oh, you know, i'm -- i'm not going to engage with him on these matters. the voters can make up their minds. i am going to continue to point out what his proposed policies would mean to our country and to hard working middle class families across our country and he has been very dismissive about equal pay for equal work, about raising the minimum wage
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wage workers being women and some of the other, you know, changes and kinds of policies that he trumpets, so i'm going to let him answer for himself. i'm not going to respond to his personal attacks. if that's what he wants to engage in, that's what he can spend his time doing. >> in a word does he undercut the effectiveness of bill clinton as a surrogate for you? >> oh, i am so proud my husband is out on the campaign trail. in fact, in new hampshire and iowa in the last week where he has now been to both states, people are asking me when was he coming back, when could they see more of him, so he carries a message of peace and prosperity under his presidency, and i think a lot of americans would like to get back to those days. >> hillary clinton, thank you for your time this morning. we really appreciate it. >> thanks hey lot, savannah. >> polls are tightening and getting to be a very interesting race on both sides. >> no question about it. looking back at the state of the union for a second, the man sitting behind the president last night, not vice president
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new speaker of the house paul ryan, and we're going to sit down and talk to paul ryan, speaker of the house, coming up in our next half hour. but right now let's talk about some big news from the nfl overnight. the st. louis rams moving back to los angeles, a city they once called home for almost 50 years. last night league owners approved the team's relocation to l.a. starting next season. the rams expected to play in the l.a. coliseum for three years until a new stadium is built in 2019. as for the other two teams that had wanted to move, the san diego chargers have been given the option to join the rams. they have at least a year to decide if they choose to stay in san diego, the oakland raiders will then have the option to move to l.a. big news. >> should have diagrammed that. >> need a football. >> got a blast of cold air, snow sweeping across parts of the east. >> that's right. in fact, big, big snow, lake-effect snows firing up.
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and warnings, lake-effect advisories from ashtabula and ohio and winter weather in northern maine. we look at what's happening now for today. these snow bands will return as that clipper moves away. the winds are coming across the great lakes so low visibility. dangerous travel. you can see there are those lake-effect snow bands and you can watch the winds come across the lake and pick up the moisture and as it cools off it falls in the form of snow. as we get to brewerton, syracuse, oswego, we are looking for more snow making its way through the region. snowfall amounts basically, the heaviest stuff is going to be what we call the tughill plateau. 24 inches of snow or more, and just to the south of buffalo about a foot of snow that will be making its way in. let's turn now to dylan dreyer. she right now is making her way through central new york. dylan, where are you right now? >> hey, al. we're just north of syracuse. you know, this is my first time out in the snow so i had to ease into it this winter, that's why i'm in the comfort of the blue
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through lake-effect snow, the best way to show you what it's all about. take a look at what we're driving through. most of our ride -- you get stuck in the lake-effect snow bands and you're in near whiteout conditions and the roads become snow-covered, visibility very poor and this is the type of situation we'll see today. what indiana saw yesterday. they had several multi-car pileups involving several tractor trailers in south central indiana yesterday. it closed a three-mile stretch of the road. just to the north of that on i-70 there were nine tractor trailers involved in an accident along with four cars. there were no life-threatening injuries, but you do run into very -- this will continue in western new york today and tomorrow. >> we've had a little bit of problems there. you can literally have what we call snow fades when it's snowing so hard you can't get that signal through, but dylan, as you can see, driving through
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we're going to get to your give extra. get extra. >> chris: good wednesday morning. we do have snow and cold off to the northwest now. in its wake is sunshine, but a strong wind out of the west. gusting at times 40 to 45mph, driving down the wind-chill factors into the teens. that will be the case all afternoon long. high temperatures bouncing mid to upper 20s. not much of a change from the low to mid-20s early this morning. 7 on 7 forecast does feature dry weather through friday.
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saturday, we'll get system rain in here, some wet snow and >> and that's your latest weather. savannah. >> all right. a thanks. coming up, the countdown to tonight's still growing powerball jackpot. the biggest ever. it's at 1.5 million. what you should consider before you jump into that office pool. >> and we're going to go one-on-one with new house speaker paul ryan. what surprised him about the job he reluctantly accepted and how he feels about the front-runners in the presidential race, but,
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at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it' s a fact. kind of like working from home equals not working. numbers look pretty good, how' s it on your end dave? oh, the numbers look so good. dave, dave' s on it. (vo) your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. delicious entr\es, crafted to the last detail. flaked tuna, white-meat chicken, never any by-products or fillers. purely natural tastes
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forecast. >> chris: nice to see the sunshine this morning, sarah, but temperatures are cold, low to mid-20s, and wind is howling out of the west, gusting over 30mph. for many towns close to 40. down through the cape and the islands. feels like 10 in the city of boston right now. feels like 4 in worcester. that's not going to change much throughout the day. temperatures mid to upper 20s. wind-chill factors down into the lower to middle teens. >> christa:. >> sarah: patriots' fans waiting for more information on why chandler jones needed medical attention monday morning. the pro bowler showed up at the foxborough police station and needed medical sis assistants and was taken to norwood hospital. he was released monday and has participated in all team meetings and practices. icy roads causing a cruiser crash in new hampshire. poice are searching for a truck driver who slammed enter a state police cruiser in warner and then just took off. police say the driver was going way too fast for the road conditions.
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hope she's always stood strong... get the job done. hillary clinton. she stood up to china... ...and spoke out on women's rights... ...went toe to toe with russia on human rights. the drug and insurance companies spent millions against her... ...but hillary didn't quit until eight million children got health care. i've never been called a quitter and i won't quit on you. she's got what it takes to do the toughest job in the world. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. incredibly long hours. median family income today --
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we're back now at 7:30. a look at white house on the morning after the state of the union, also the morning after our big morning there. we still can't believe they let us in the front door. >> neither can they. >> there we we are with bo and sunny. matt trying to make a basket on the white house basketball court and al, did you take that cup with you? >> i did, oh, yeah. >> carson's still got a couple presidential napkins in his pocket. >> i do, yeah. >> take us behind the scenes of that morning in just a few >> yeah. what did you steal other than little cocktail napkins? that's what i wanted. i couldn't find it and this had
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>> i got the smaller version here i'll keep in my pocket, this one. >> you found it. you literally went into cabinets looking for it. >> did you find the m & ms? >> they exist. >> let's take a look at some headlines right now. president obama offered a hopeful outlook for america's future in last night's state of the union address. while downplaying the threat from isis. he also took swipes at some republicans in the race to succeed him. >> we need to reject any politics politics, any politics that targets people because of race or religion. >> other news, ten u.s. navy sailors taken into custody by iran after their boats drifted into iranian waters have now been released. the navy says the nine men and one woman were safely returned earlier this morning and it it will now investigate what led for the boat to get into iranian waters. and the nfl is coming back
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league owners voted overwhelmingly to move the st. louis rams back to los angeles next season. the deal also gives the san diego chargers the option to join the rams in a new stadium there. >> all right. this morning, the national fever over, yes, the powerball. it is rising even higher along with tonight's historic jackpot. $1.5 billion up for grabs, and with ticket sales soaring the top prize could grow even more before the numbers are drawn. nbc's kerry sanders on powerball duty once again. kerry, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning. i'm at the treasury on the plaza here in st. augustine, and this might be a good place to put your money if you win. this safe was built in 1928 and it is tested. the rockefellers once had a good portion of their vast wealth here. the railroad baron henry flagler put a lot of his money in here and so if you win, and especially if you're part of an office pool, you might want to store your money here while you
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cut of this big take. >> 62. >> yes, 6 3 3. >> powerball everything. >> reporter: tonight this could be you and your colleagues at work. at offices across the country. >> knock, knock. you want to join the powerball pool? >> reporter: this scene has been playing out. >> hi, i need your money for powerball. >> melissa, are you in big? >> for sure. >> awesome. >> reporter: seems like everybody has been jumping into the pool and this is why. >> it will be three years in march that we hit the powerball as a group and how much money did you win? >> 1 million big ones. >> reporter: who else is playing powerball with us? >> the real torsion at the keller williams office in plantation, florida, got lucky and now with more than $1.5 billion on the line they are hopeful again snow believe lightning strikes twice. >> i believe it strikes as many time as your karma allows. >> reporter: karma here should be good. >> i said, well, i'll -- i'll get the next one.
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million, they all agreed to include the one colleague who did not play. >> they are such great people. >> reporter: but do you trust your leagues to do that for you? as someone tweeted always buy into the office lottery pool. if they win, you don't want to still be broke and doing all their work when they all quit. and always double check your numbers and the date. those folks we told you about, they were looking at the wrong jackpot. >> i need to call my wife. >> and didn't win a penny. >> reporter: so if you're part of an office pool, a few tips from the experts. first of all, name a leader, somebody is in charge of this. second of all, have a written agreement so everybody knows how it's going to work in case you win. of course, make copies of the tickets and distribute them to everybody, and finally, put those tickets in a safe place. now, i'm going to open up this safe here, this door is 20 tons, i want to give you an idea of what you can do if you win this money as it opens.
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we'll come in here and surprisingly you can enjoy your money with a bar guy. there's no powerballs here, but there are high balls. >> good luck. >> nice, very well done. >> very well done. >> still a little social experiment here. okay. >> did you do it again? >> i did it again. >> wow. >> wow. >> wow. >> for you, one for you, one for you. >> you get a powerball ticket. >> 75% take. >> i want to see something. >> do you still get 75% of the winnings? >> well, we're going to find out here. guys, i'm giving you all a ticket. are you going to pool your resources or are you going to go it -- well, just take it easy, guys? >> or are you guys going to go it alone? >> going it alone. >> going to use my resources. >> yeah. >> what would you guys do, carson, savannah, would you pool your resources? >> i would go with the group. >> i would do whatever the group wanted to do.
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would go it alone because kerry sanders says you have to call like 1-800-lawyers if you're going to go into the office >> okay. >> listen, by the way. >> are you demanding something for buying this. i'm going to go out this morning and buy tickets for tonight's drawing. kid, these are for tonight. if these guys win, i want to show you what our program will look like, that's it. that is it. that's for sure. you'll see nothing but tushes and elbows. >> the highest rated morning show. >> good morning. >> good luck. >> thanks, matt. >> thank you, matt. >> well done. mr. roker, how about a check of the weather. >> my gosh, that's pretty fantastic. dylan's cameras, the blue ma mobile is in cicero, new york, as it looks like they have come out of that one snow band. that's the thing about lake-effect snow, you come in and out.
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problems and road delays and we'll also be looking at airport delays in the northeast because of the winds. colder air is making its way east and as it does, look at the temperatures right now. feels like 6 below in detroit, zero in buffalo and 12 in portland. here in new york 11 and feels like 10 below in chicago, and as we look ahead it's going to stay cold today but then the good news is we'll start to see a moderation saturday. boston's 41. 47 new york city and 59 in norfolk. that's what's going on around >> chris: good wednesday morning. we do have snow and cold off to the northwest now. in its wake is sunshine, but a strong wind out of the west. gusting at times 40 to 45mph, driving down the wind-chill factors into the teens. that will be the case all afternoon long. high temperatures bouncing mid to upper 20s. not much of a change from the low to mid-20s early this morning. 7 on 7 forecast does feature dry weather through friday. late overnight friday into
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in here, some wet snow and >> all right. that's your latest weather. >> wrangler just ate your lottery ticket. >> that's my excuse, my dog ate my ticket. coming up, fugitive fashion watch. the el chapo shirt is now officially a thing. >> and our day with house speaker with paul ryan. how he feels about the job two months in, the presidential race and the big changes he had to make to that office right after this. this helps me to manage my chronic pain. but it came with some baggage. you're not the only one. opioids block pain signals by attaching to something called mu-receptors here but they also attach to mu-receptors in the bowel. and that can cause opioid-induced constipation... or oic. i could struggle with oic the whole time i take my opioid? maybe not. there's movantik. movantik can help reduce oic by blocking opioids from binding
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do not take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. serious side effects may include a tear in your stomach or intestine. and can also include symptoms of opioid withdrawal. common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, vomiting, and headache. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take as movantik may interact with them causing side effects. so, go on, talk to your doctor about opioid-induced constipation. and ask if once-daily movantik is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. erin: dear freshpet, when i first got max, my main goal was to feed him a quality diet. i decided to give freshpet a try. dexter: there's real chunks of vegetables and chicken in it. raul: and, if the food is in the fridge, you know it has to be fresh. patrick: he's a happy guy when he has his freshpet. welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... and free of things i don't. just like chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free.
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what's in your wallet? back now at 7:42. as you know we all spent the morning at the white house on tuesday and when the show was over i headed to the capitol where i caught up with republican paul ryan as he prepared for his first state of the union as speaker of the house. when the door opens and the sergeant at arms makes his announcement he says -- >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states. >> do it the way he does it. >> mr. speaker -- >> mr. speaker, am i doing it too loud, the president. united states. >> you're going to be sitting right behind the president, and you're presiding over the event. what do you think? >> i'm practice my poker face. and i'm not very good at that. >> i'm asking you if you have a very good poker face. >> your face will be seen during the entire speech.
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better work on that poker face because you're not really good at it the. >> he says something that you don't agree, the face i'm going to see is what. how is that, is that good? >> elected to the speaker's office after house republicans ousted john boehner, this was a job ryan initially said he didn't want, given its demands on his time as a parent. >> you've been in the job a little more than two months now, what surprised you the most? >> that i like it. >> you really didn't think you were going to like if? >> it wasn't my plan. kind of like the dog who caught the car and wasn't chasing it in the first place. i was actually able to redesign the job and actually able to do it with my own circumstances, family weekends at home with my family. >> away from the family his days in washington are a blur of meetings, briefings and shepherding his party's agenda through congress. high on his priority list health care. >> the house and senate last week passed a bill that would have repealed the affordable care act. i think it's the 62nd time
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the president vetoed it. did you put out what you consider to be any kind of alternative? i talked to the president yesterday, and i talked to him about that veto, and he said, you know what, it's very easy for the republicans to come up with bill after bill to repeal something but when are they going to come up with a plan that is better? >> you're exactly right. we do have to show what we would replace it with. >> when are we going to see it? >> this is the process we're going through this year. we oat country, by the end of this year, by time we're talking about this in the summer and the fall and i believe we oat country here's what we should replace obamacare with. >> all this amid a contentious election, even just within his own party. right now the front-runner in the presidential race on the republican side, you're smiling at me already, is donald trump. this is a guy who has said that some immigrants coming here from mexico are rapists. he's called for a ban on muslims entering this country. is that the kind of idea you can live with?
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about how we shouldn't have a religious test on people coming to america. we should defend the first freedom. >> when donald trump offered or proposed his ban on muslims coming into the country said this. this is not conservative. it's not what the party stands for. you didn't mention stands for. >> that's right. >> so if he becomes the nominee him? >> yes, i will. is. as speaker of the house i'm the chairman of the convention, so i don't agree with him on that -- >> how do you get your arms around that? how do you square that? >> because you don't agree with everybody on everything. >> let me read you a quote and if you can tell me who said this. >> vince lombardi. >> you go to the packers every single time. i don't agree on priority with speaker paul ryan but i think he's an honest broker. who do you think said that. >> a prominent democrat. >> i
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>> i don't know that. >> give me a quote about hillary clinton. >> she's a very smart woman, a determined woman and she will be a greater former flailedy and senator from here on out. >> presidential politics and the demands of the speakership aside, paul ryan seems to be embracing his new job if not the office space his predecessor left behind. >> you get to redecorate the place so talk to me -- does it. >> there was a rumor there was an overwhelming tobacco smell. >> two packs a day for five years. what did you do to get rid of it? >> everything, new carpeting, upholstery and i had to repaint the walls. couldn't get the smell out of it. >> we left his brand new digs for a better view. >> do you ever have time to ask yourself how a kid from wisconsin, humble beginnings. >> still don't believe it. >> hard working parents, worked
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on this perch in this town with this kind of power? >> only in america. only in america. >> and he did have the best seat in the house last night. how do you think he did with his poker face during the speech? >> we're not reading anything about funny faces. >> kind of nice, you could see there were a couple of moments he exchanged with joe biden, seemed very genuine. >> i like how he said he likes the job and that surprised him. coming up, we'll do "pop start" and you won't believe what one fan just asked hoda on live television.
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cordes: most nurses are tough. they're problem-solvers. they like making things better. people don't have access to healthcare because they just can't afford it. bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and major medical companies are ripping us off. bernie tells the truth, he understands and he's the only one who can bring real change. i'm bernie sanders,
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>> this subpoena r 7news. >> this is 7news now. >> christa: good morning, everybody. we're in a bit of a cold snap with that arctic news blowing out there. >> chris: the biggest problem is the wind. that's really cutting through you. we have wind-chill factors single digits and lower teens this morning. 26 the temperature in boston. 20 in worcester. winds gusting 30 to 35mph. 45. we have a wind advisory through the day, as well. wind-chill in boston 13. feels like 6 in windsor. forecast. stay dry through friday. saturday.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, dream come true. >> no more tubes. no more hospitals. no more -- >> no more chemo. >> hoda joins us with an update on 5-year-old leah still, 5-year-old daughter of devon still, whose public battle with the field. plus, el chapo fashion icon. why this paisley shirt is all the rage right now. >> and it's going down for real in studio 1a. >> hold on.
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>> it is a force of habit! >> kevin hart and ice cube are teaming up again to take us for a ride to preview their new movie, today, january 13th, 2016. >> good morning live on the >> hi. >> good morning, chicago! >> here at the "today" show. >> love you, mom and dad. >> we got the winning ticket! >> we're back now at 8:00 on this wednesday morning. 13th day of january, 2016. it's cold. >> here in new york. >> 22 degrees out. >> nice people gathered.
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>> a bunch ever hardy souls out here. coming up, how to lighten up some of our meals for january when we're trying to be good. >> and i love kevin hart and ice cube as a comedic duo. they are fantastic. they are like the martin and lewis, abbott and costello. >> lauer and roker. >> ben and jerry. they are like all that. we look forward to talking to them about "ride along 2" but first let's go inside. we've got sheinelle jones in for natalie with the headlines. sheinelle. >> iran has released ten navy sailors one day after they were detained in the persian gulf. u.s. officials say the americans were aboard two patrol boats that may have drifted into iranian waters. they were allowed to leave iran this morning aboard their own boats and appear to be unharmed. the incident comes days before the controversial nuclear dole between the u.s. and iran goes into effect. in his final state of the union address president obama looked towards the future, defended his foreign policy and weighed in on politics in this country.
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alexander is at the white house. peter, good morning. >> reporter: hi, sheinelle, good morning. a lot like a campaign speech for the president, confident and upbeat and framed the progress he believes he's made over seven years. fittingly he'll hit the road forward. the state of the union was the first of many lasts for president obama, trying to return to that message of hope into office. >> i believe in change because i believe in you, the american people, and that's why i stand here as confident as i have ever been that the state of our union is strong. thank you. >> reporter: still less than three weeks before the first votes to pick his replacement in iowa, of course, the president repeatedly rejected the republican campaign rhetoric and attacked in effect the pessimism punctuating his speech with a fix our politics as well as a concession that he regrets not being able to break the partisanship here in washington.
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>> peter, thank you. south carolina governor nikki haley delivered the republican response to the president's state of the union speech. earlier on "today" matt asked if she was referring to donald trump when she urged republicans to resist following the siren call of the angriest voices. >> he was one of them, yes. he was one. there's other people in the media. there's people in my state. i think we're seeing it across the country, but, yes, mr. trump has definitely contributed to what i think is just irresponsible talk. >> governor haley also said she would be willing to sit down and listen if a candidate wanted to talk about her being a running mate. this morning on "today" hillary clinton spoke with savannah about the presidential race. she said it's time to get specific about policy severances between her and the surging senator bernie sanders. but she said the differences between her and donald trump are clear. >> what i've been pointing out is that a lot of the policies he's proposing would hurt working americans, and he doesn't seem to believe that
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that's at the centerpiece of my campaign. >> secretary clinton also shade despite trump's personal attacks on her husband the former president remains a powerful weapon for her on the campaign trail. candy, decorations and party favors covered the floor after seven aisles of shelving fell over like dominoes at a party city store in west boca raton, florida. three people suffered minor injuries. investigators are still trying to figure out why the shelves toppled. rescue hers to bring in dogs and thermal imaging cameras to make sure no one was trapped beneath the debris. look at that. and a lullaby with a dark side. wait until you hear which piece of music soothes a crying baby from texas. >> yes, the imperial march from "star wars" most closely associated with darth vader.
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son eli whenever he starts crying. let's just hope the whole dark side thing is a phase. >> eli, i am your father. this is not the bianchi you are looking for. >> that's cute. >> sheinelle, thank you. >> hilarious. now some remarkable news for a little girl whose story we've been following. >> hoda is going to deliver that news. hi, hoda, good morning. >> you know how much i love, love, love this little girl leah still. leah was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma and giving her a 50-50 chance and she's more than a survivor. the greatest victory for the cincinnati bengal lineman devon still happening off the field with news that his 5-year-old daughter beat cancer. no more tubes, no more hospital. no -- >> no more cancer. >> leah telling me last month she had only one more treatment
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>> she's almost at that finish line so she's running hard now. >> reporter: that final sprint taking leah across the finish line tuesday when devon proudly announced on social media his daughter left children's hospital of philadelphia cancer-free. the football player breaking down the stats, 41 days of chemotherapy, 40 days of antibody therapy, 19 days of radiation, a 7--hour surgery and 1 win. >> you ready to get this cancer out of you? let's do it. >> america fell in love with leah as devon documented her inspiring year and a half long battle on social media. since her diagnosis she's helped raise more than $1 million for cancer research, won an espy award for courage, and she's become one of my good friends you know i'm all about that bass, about that bass >> even participated in today's
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the video with cyndi lauper. bravery allowing leah to tackle the odds and cans we are her father who is now describing her clean bill of health as a dream come true. >> sure is. leah is now back at home with her mom and is doing so, so well and good news for devon, too. he wasn't working in football, but he just got picked up with the texans, so now he has a job. his daughter is bert, and i'm just so happy for them, having like the perfect time of year. >> happy to hear that. >> hoda, thank you very much. up next, a little bit of a behooind- behind-the-scenes look at the nation's most famous home. >> and a question that sparked this look from secretary of state john kerry. >> who are you wearing, i think. >> and simple swaps when it comes to your diet that to the woman in the mid-90's showstopper... you're right.
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on social media. oh that' s interesting. i - i started social media. oh! it was in our house, imagination runs wild. but at my table, i keep the food real. like country crock's new recipe. made with real simple ingredients and no artificial flavors or preservatives. real country fresh taste from real ingredients. welcome to crock country. 8:12. good time for what's trending today. a little explainer here. hoda is explaining because she also has some explaining to do.
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>> sit right there, sweetie pie. by the way, sheinelle has a little laryngitis and that's why she's not sitting at table. we've all heard with the mid-life crisis, the time in your 40s and 50s, reach a low, some people buy a sports car, wear tight clothes, have an affair and a new study says the mid-life cries sis a myth, it's fiction and doesn't exist. this is from the universities of alberta. researchers say we're actually happier in our mid-40s than we were at age 18 and one possible reason is stability. in middle age people are more set in their relationships and careers. i would agree, happier in my 40s than my teens. >> do you remember your 40s and how was in a? >> oh, nice. >> guess what. >> that hurt. >> those were the olden days. >> i agree, i think had a much happier day. however, it has not stopped me from every once in a while seeing a car drive by that i never would have looked at. >> what is it is a car you looked at. >> just checking.
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>> i still look at the minivan and say i love that car, fantastic. >> you can borrow mine. >> mid-life crisis. >> i was much happier in my 40s. can't believe i'm 51. i was insecure when i was younger, right. >> 18, 20. >> you're at your happiest now. >> i think -- >> you really are. >> by now you've probably seen that photo of el chapo and sean penn, the drug lord sporting that flashy paisley shirt. >> wow. >> carson, you've been asking where you can buy it. well, good luck this morning. >> i like it. >> a website based in california is now selling its own version that have shirt with the banner most wanted shirt. the company calls the shirt the fantasy. it's 100% cotton. not that cheap though, selling for $128 >> you like it. >> that meeting took operation deep in the mexican jungle so maybe that's his camouflage, maybe that's what the mexican jungle looks like.
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>> he was found in the paisley jungle. >> exactly. >> well, we are still in the after glow of our big show from the white house yesterday. the #whitehousetoday was trending within minutes of us going live and carson, he's been break down the highlights. >> so much fun. >> let's get through this. had an unbelievable time. thanks for everybody who followed along. let's go through the numbers. we brought 79 nbc staffers into the white house. >> you couldn't bring me and kathie lee. >> there's a background check. >> they actually said no. >> 13 cameras were positioned throughout. give you an idea of what that looks like. that's the white house east room and that's what it typically looks like. here's that it looked like after >> wow. >> you go back and forth and get a sense. >> we returned it. it's back to its original form there. >> by the way, go to "today's" facebook page and control your own 360-degree tour of the blue room and beyond, pretty cool. brittany is in the original room to show you how can you go in the blue room and scroll in and lock at all the beautiful
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our fans on social media. "today" has officially reached 1 million followers on instagram. thanks, everybody, who helped us reach that milestone. >> it was really fun. >> now to the surprising style star at the state of the union and hoda had some fun with men of "today." carson, why don't you "pop start." we'll get to you in a second. first up first lady michelle obama. being websites saying she stole the show tuesday night after her husband's final state of the union. mrs. obama grabbing attention in a sleeveless yellow dress by narcisso rodriguez and the internet quickly tracked it down on sale at neiman marcus, marked down from two grand to $628. it is now sold out. the first lady wasn't the only one turning heads. check out john kerry's reaction when a report asked him about his style. >> secretary, who are you wearing? >> we'll take that as a no
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>> that's awesome. >> next to actress olivia munn, she found a great way to shut down rumors, articles claiming she's engaged to her boyfriend nfl quarterback aaron rodgers so instead of denying those rumors olivia shared a text message conversation she had with her mom kim. her mom asked hey, why don't you tell me first. >> olivia, oh, my gosh, mom, no, the internet. if i was engageled i promise you'd be like the eighth person to know, maybe the ninth but definitely way before the internet. >> that's good. here we are, how are you? >> not so good. >> you were on "watch what happens live" and a caller asked you to play a little game called shag, marry and kill and see what happens. >> my question is for hoda, marry, shag, kill, matt, carson and willie. >> oh, god. i'm going to have -- oh, man. >> oh, you've got to, come on. >> here we go. >> shag matt, marry willie, kill
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i'm sorry, and i love carson. i love carson. oh, wow. >> she kills the young guy. >> hi, darling. >> wow. >> somebody had to die. >> wait a second. don't hug the woman i'm shagging, all right. >> yeah, we need to talk about matt, by the way. >> wow. >> you want to shag him and marry him so bad that you have to kill me? >> i wanted to shag two people. >> at least you got mentioned. i wasn't even listed. i got nothing! >> wow. >> forget the powerball. i just hit the jackpot. >> the it's been nice working with you. good night, everybody. >> do you want a recount? >> do you still want me to fill in for kathie lee. >> bye. >> how do you feel about the old guy comment now? >> touch e e. >> all right. carson, thank you.
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>> mr. roker, how about a check of the weather. >> i'm walking but you're the dead man walking. let's show you what. how about a little light, guys. >> it's been said i'm in the dark a lot. anyway, i'm looking at some wet weather making its way through the pacific northwest and some snow as well. we're going -- this is first system that moves through. we'll be watching a couple over the next several days. basically el nino-inspired storm impacts from washington to california, but the big storm comes in tomorrow. this one moves onshore with more rain and snow. gusty winds going to cause some problems. rainfall amounts, anywhere from 5 to 7 inches in northern -- northern california into southern oregon and we'll be watching the jet stream fueling these storms as well. that's what's going on >> chris: good wednesday morning. we do have snow and cold off to the northwest now. in its wake is sunshine, but a
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gusting at times 40 to 45mph, driving down the teens. that will be the case all afternoon long. high temperatures bouncing mid to upper 20s. not much of a change from the low to mid-20s early this morning. 7 on 7 forecast does feature dry weather through friday. late overnight friday into saturday, we'll get system rain in here, some wet snow and weather. savannah. >> all right, al, thanks. it's week two of our start today series, just enough time to make a resolution and, yes, fall off the wagon, but you can still get back on today. "today" nutritionist joy bauer is here to help with more on her diet cleanse. >> hi, savannah. >> remind us the four things we're not supposed to do this month. the four things, totally simple. white starches, fally meat, sugary beverages and excessive salt, and today what i'm going to do is focus on how to
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first let me say i'm incredibly impressed because so many people are following along and the overwhelming response is they are feeling amazing and this is simple. >> okay. >> simple. >> last week we had chloe cleanse. this week we have get fit frank. >> there's frank. >> so he got a little bit of a late start, wasn't really ready to dive in january 1st but he is ready now, and i'm going to take him through a transformation with my three tips and you're going to be amazed at how he totally transforms inside and out, so the first thing i'm starting with is a household staple, white rice. when it comes to while rice, if you eat one cup cooked, that's about 220 calories. now, of course, you want to go for the whole grain varieties like brown rice and wild rice, so much better for you, but they also will cost you about 220 calories, so i have a really clever trick for people at home. you can make cauliflower rice for just 35 calories.
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>> break it into florets and on the largest hole grate or pop in the food processor gently pulse and ten to 12 minutes, put it the in a skillet and add whatever seasonings you want, have unbelievable starchy feeling rice. if you do that this week at the end of the year you'll save more than 29,000 callries. this is the calorie equivalent of 20 loaves of bread. >> is that bread or bricks. >> it's bread. >> actually not sliced, but it would be 440 polices, and our get fet frank has done this and he's lost eight pounds so with a subtle change, he mobilized belly face, no more acid reflux and no more sleep apnea. well worth it. >> what's the next idea. >> now we're going to tackle a breakfast favorite, careeria. people are notorious, myself included, when you pour from the box you wind up with two to three times the serving size
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the easiest trick is to stash a one-cup measuring scooper right in the box for dry cereal and half a cup for your oatmeal because when you open it up you will be reminded that this is the amount that you pour in. also, you can take a sharpie you want, inexpensive bowl and make a line in your morning breakfast cereal bowl. if you do this most morning during the week you'll save the year. >> wow. >> wits equivalent of literally a bathtub filled with cereal! >> wow. >> this is 390 cups. i'm going to put the scooper in here just in case. >> just so we can see. >> can we get some milk, please. that's amazing. what happened to frank then? >> frank now has lost an additional 15 pounds hand now down a total of 23. his cholesterol is going down, his blood pressure is going down. he feels and looks amazing. >> i can't get over the bathtub with rasin bran, amazing.
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so finally when it comes to mexican food, swap out your burrito for a bowl because when you do this, you'll automatically save about 300 calories from the oversized tortilla wrap and ask them fill it with all of your favorite goodies, the beans, the cheese, the salsa, the gawk, and go easy on rice so you're minimizing the rice and also losing the tortilla tortilla. >> did you put any dressing on that salad. >> there's salsa and gawk. >> whatever you put inside. >> i don't think you're going to find cauliflower rice on the menu. >> fair enough. >> but if you did this a few times each week with lunch or dinner when you order a burrito, go bowling, you'll save yourself at the end of the year 72,000 calories which is saving yourself the equivalent of, are you red for this, 440 standard tacos. >> wow. >> just from this one simple swap. >> i can't stop looking hat
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>> and how does it work with frank? >> he's now lost a total of 43 pounds from three simple tips, and to put this in sper perspective. let's look at his before and after. going to bring that up. >> wow. >> out of shape hand unhealthy to start with. he's fit and fabulous and i think he looks younger. >> i do, and i love his outfit. >> feels terrific. >> show my start today takeaway for everybody is pretty straightforward, you want to minimize the-s can, want experiment with whole grains like quinoa and farro and brown rice and use that measuring cup to make sure that you're reigning in the portions. >> don't eat your cereal out of the bathtub. >> definitely not. >> the in case you've got a scooper. >> got a taker. >> carson, come back, you've got to share. >> more on her cleanse and tips go to and coming up steals and deals. >> ice cube and kevin hart, wished you could have heard kevin's running commentary on
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>> this is 7news now. >> christa: good morning, everybody. it's 8:27. we have made it to wednesday. here's chris lambert with a check of your forecast. >> chris: we have sunshine. that wind not helping us at all. cold wind out of the west. gusting at 30 to 40mphs. air temperatures low to mid-20s. wind chills in the single digits and lower teens. feels like 13 in the city of boston and wind advisory throughout the afternoon for winds at times gusting up to 45mph. we do have the sun with us. keep that around during the day. however, those air temperatures into the upper 20s. feeling more like 10 degrees throughout the afternoon. >> christa: chris, thank you. now to your headlines, new hampshire state police are searching for the driver that
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cruiser and then took off. police say a tractor-trailer was speeding on route 89 in warner. couldn't slow down in the slick conditions and then slammed into the cruiser. the trooper was treated for minor injuries. and a firefighter recovering this morning after getting injured battling flames in mattapan. it happened on the highway last night. officials say seven people were forced out of this three-family home. the cause of that fire under investigation right now. questions this morning surrounding patriots' player chandler jones' trip to the hospital on sunday. jones apparently showing up at the foxborough police station and was later admitted to norwood hospital. since then the pats only saying he's been at all team meetings and practices. don't forget, today in new england comes back at 9:00. you got people working incredibly long hours. median family income today -- $4,000 less than it was in 1999. the bottom line of this economy is that it is rigged. what this campaign is about is to demand that we create an economy that works
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8:30 now. it's wednesday morning, 13th of january, 2016 and it's a cold and chilly one in manhattan as we say hello to the folks who hung out here on the plaza this morning and we say thank you to them. >> coming up, we're going to spend a little time with kevin hart and ice cube. they are the stars of the first
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talked about forever. now they are back with "ride along 2" and we're going to spend some time. i don't even know what that is. >> kevin says that's the tease. >> look alive. >> also coming up, we're going to lighten up your diet while still showing your favorite foods. this morning a healthier twist on a takeout favorite. >> all right. and everyone's got powerball fever with tonight's jackpot at $1.5 billion. coming up, don't want to burst your bubble but we'll use canned toe demonstrate the fraction of your chances. >> at least it's cannedy. >> let's get a check of the weather. >> let's show you what we've got, first of all starting off, looking today at more snow and rain in the pacific northwest. lake-effect snow around the great lakes. windy conditions and snowy up through northern new england, sunshine and fairly mild through the gulf coast and very chilly in the plains and then for tomorrow we look for more cold air around the upper great lakes and the plains as well. that snow moves inland in the pacific northwest.
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together in the gulf which may cause some problems for the northeast later this week and on into early next week and look for lake-effect snows hanging around from northeastern ohio into upstate >> chris: good wednesday morning. we do have snow and cold off to the northwest now. in its wake is sunshine, but a strong wind out of the west. gusting at times 40 to 45mph, driving down the wind-chill factors into the teens. that will be the case all afternoon long. high temperatures bouncing mid to upper 20s. not much of a change from the low to mid-20s early this morning. weather through friday. late overnight friday into saturday, we'll get system rain in here, some wet snow and >> and that is your latest weather. >> all right, al. thank you very much. when ice cube and kevin hart teamed up for "ride along" the result was box office gold. now they are back together in "ride along 2." this too many rookie cop ben
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to become a detective like his future brother-in-law, and as you can see the pair is a little like oil and water. >> "star wars" the original trilogy, name them and make them. >> episode 4, episode 6, "empire strikes back." >> "empire strikes back." >> oh, my god, the ewoks. >> the ewoks are what made "star wars." >> so annoying. >> james, mayia, james realia. >> james, james, james. >> biggie small, is he slightly overrated? >> knows sir mix a lot. >> maya, maya, maya. >> james. >> shut up! >> ice cube and kevin hart, good morning. >> how you doing? >> let me sum up the plot of this. a top hollywood star throws the red carpet at the golden globes into chaos and creates a traffic jam because he forgot his tickets to the golden globe and has to run after the limo down the road. does that sound familiar? >> a very true story.
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the good news is i had shoes on with no socks so it was easy to slide to my car. >> funny to watch you running after your limo. >> wait, wait, wait. >> my tickets, my tickets. >> let's talk about what you guys have already done to promote this move, okay. driven with a student driver and smoked marijuana with her. >> allegedly. >> allegedly. >> showed up on the program "the bachelor" and jumped into a hot tub with him and one of his dates. >> that happened. >> yeah, that happened. >> in the nude. >> in the nude. >> with some nasty water. roker in miami. >> al, thank you, al. man, thanks for taking us to that spot. >> we didn't know al knew our spots. >> where is al's spot? >> al took to us a strip club. al, first of all, al had about $700 in ones. i've never -- i'm like where did you get all these ones, bro. >> when i'm in miami, i just hold it down. promote this movie?
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i think we have a great movie on our hands, you know. we wanted to go bigger and better with the comedy and action and i think we over -- we outdid ourselves, is it safe to say that, cube? >> we had to go big, to go better. that's what people expect. taking it to miami, you going the ante with kim jong and olivia munn. had to go bigger. >> being completely serious, the chemistry you two have on screen is perfect. >> thank you, man. >> it's amazing. last time you were year kevin admitted when he started working with you it was love at first sight. >> yeah. >> you had trouble saying the word love back to kevin. >> yeah. >> have you done some work on this? >> i still can't get it out. >> who can love a face like that. got to be a mother to love a face like that. >> say it. the people want to hear you say interest? >> kevin. >> i -- >> shut up. >> kevin.
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>> i love you, look at that. i love you. i love you. >> what was your question, matt. >> just say i love you. >> take his hand. >> come on, man, it's like -- come on, best friends. i don't understand. it's tough love. it's love. >> you love him. >> there's so much love in this guy. >> there's so much love. >> look at that face right there. look at 9 emotion. look it, yeah, look at it the that's the laugh face. >> that's all love here. >> i love you too, cube. >> we're going to play a bowl. this is a fishbowl called things i've done and no idea what the question. >> if you've got a question about miami with al i'm not >> look at him. >> he's got his ones. >> take a piece of paper out and say whether yes you have done this or no you have not done this. >> let me see. >> go ahead. what does it say?
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>> ah, honestly, to sleep, but i woke up because i was still crying. no. there was once upon a time where a female hurt me before i became a sex symbol that i am today, and i did cry myself to sleep one time, yes. it hurt that bad. >> but you got the last laugh. >> more than that, who's laughing now, keisha? >> huh? >> oh, this is an easy one. fell asleep in class. >> yes, drool down the mouth. >> >> cheated on a test. >> yeah. i'll take it a step further, not only did i cheat, i became so good at it to where i used to make it look like i was tapping my guy who used to sit in front of me, hey, man, good luck with my test and i would put my answers on his back and that way it would look like he cheated,
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>> went skinny dipping. >> we don't need to know that. >> the world wants to know. >> you lie. >> the world wants to know. yes. raw, in the buff. >> you want to see more of this kind of thing, check out "ride along 2" from our sister company universal. it opens friday. >> friday. >> yay, yay. >> go seat movie in theaters friday. do not want to miss it, bigger, better, sexier. >> up next, one of the hottest new names in music, jenna bush hager catches with grammy nominee tori kelly. >> was her name really keisha. >> 110, her name was keisha.
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hager caught up with her in nashville. got an unbreakable smile >> if you don't know the name tori kelly, you will soon will. that don't mean i'm living in a bubble >> armed with only her guitar and powerful voice the 23-year-old performed tuesday night. i'm still the same >> it's likely that most of these fans first heard tori's music online. that's all i think about >> a modern day demo tape the singer posted this youtube video and it's been viewed more than 24 million times. >> the first time i felt like, wow, people aren't just say. overnight. >> we've been working at this for a decade or more. >> yeah. gratifying? >> i think it does.
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times i was really down and, you know, got rejected from like every single label. i'm definitely thankful for all the negative stuff that happened in the past. >> growing up in southern california, music is in her blood. >> i didn't realize until around kindergarten that, you know, when i actually went to school, oh, kids don't just like sing all day. >> that little girl has come a long way. call me boring, call me cookie cutter >> winning the billboard breakthrough artist of the year award, heading out on a tour and scoring a grammy nomination for best new artist. >> someone asked me the other day how do you top last year? you don't. you don't top it. you keep it moving. that's not even like about the done. it's about like the people you meet along the way and the experience. >> so you're enjoying the ride? >> oh, yeah, enjoying all of it. >> even though it took tori a
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town girl is enjoying life in the bright lights, one performance at a time. >> i really try just to stay much. my first show was 50 people. that was like, okay, i am cool doing this for the rest of my life, like i just want to write my songs and perform them and not happen big dreams >> for "today," jenna bush hager, nashville. >> i saw her perform live. >> she's fantastic. >> amazing voice. just ahead, good food and it won't ruin your diet. how to lighten up a takeout favorite but, first, this is
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all week we're making your food a little lighter so we don't wreck your diet. billy, good to see you. love to see you. >> love seeing you. >> what are we makeing? >> crispy vegetable and sun rolls. my grandma used to make this in the philippines. >> what's on the ingredient grid? >> mango, papaya, garlics, onion, shrimp, cabbage, carrot, celery, eggs, tumeric and all sorts of wonderful things, especially fish sauce that we're using today and it's new. first we have to make the crepes is my favorite part. >> i feel a little intimidated by it. >> mix up the flour, salt, and a little corn starch. i'll put in the sparkling water. >> why sparkling water. >> it makes it a little fluffier. use regular water by the way but that's kind of like a little trick of the trade and here are some eggs. you're doing really well. >> i've whisked before sfla. >> a little pinch of tumeric and
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a lot lighter thanou usual kind of batter. >> we have all the freaks downstairs at the tasting table. >> what, what? >> and brooke shields is there, too. >> look who is here, brooke shields. >> hi, brooke. >> of course brooke shields is there, that's amazing. >> are we going to eat them with a knife and new york. >> knife and fork or fingers. >> well, fingers traditionally but you can always use a knife and new york as well. it's up to you. we'll make the crepes and we'll do so in a very special way. you'll tilt the ban so that the batter gets evenly distributed throughout to make a nice balanced crepe. >> did you put a little cooking spray on in a? >> i did. i had a lot and the as soon as you see the edges pop up like that, that's key and that's when you flip it over. >> and when you're done you'll put wax paper out to lay them out on so they don't stick, okay. >> and then we get to make the insides. shrimp, we cooked off four to
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in the same pan, onions, stir these around and we'll add garlic, some leeks. >> smells good. >> and cabbage. >> this is going to be crunchy, can you tell. soften it up a little bit but not too much, and while you're doing that, i need you to keep spreading that around. we'll work with fish sauce. incredibly savory, awesome to season with. >> is it hard to find fish sauce? >> it's popular in southeast asia but now in america people are starting to flavor with it a ton. okay. you're ready and perfect for the rest rast vegetables. >> this is so healthy. >> i know that's the point. >> here's the thing, it's hardy sweet. stir this around for four to five minutes and then with all the sweetness we'll add the savory portion of fish sauce and then we're ready to go. >> the fish sauce is the last longer.
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then we put it in a colander. >> lay out a piece of lettuce. scoop of vegetables. >> don't be stingy. >> oh, my god, yours is really big and take as many shrimp as you like, three or four with this size crepes. >> can i get a verdict from downstairs? >> great bold flavors. >> i like it because it's healthy. >> a little spicy, too, which i love. >> nice. >> and then you just sort of roll it will into a little roll. >> you're doing taco style and i'm doing a little burrito. >> oh, there she goes. that's totally okay, too. garlic and soy, peanut sauces. >> i was supposed to go for it. >> you can go for it and do whatever you want. with the ingredients, mix and mingle different ingredients in. >> what sauce is that? >> a little garlic and soy and a peanut sauce which is really wonderful.
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>> kerry sanders has that story. >> crazy eyes. >> reporter: the wilkinson family. >> that's a good one. >> reporter: on a fun-filled four-day vacation in chicago, making memories that have nothing to do with kristen's four-year battle with cancer. >> me in a carriage. >> reporter: alissa with younger sister jena and their dad jack and mom, enjoying life the way it was before. for just a few days on this vacation the reality that comes with the stage 4 diagnosis was to sigh. >> there's not a day that goes by that i don't think about having cancer or what our future is going to hold. >> reporter: and the moment you worried? >> no, nope. we were just the wilkinsons and laugh. >> i feel like a princess. >> reporter: a family making memories instead of living the dread they have faced for the last four years.
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wish that they like wish, and mine personally was to like go back four years and this weekend took it away. >> one of the neatest things for me, too, is just to be able to have those memories and focus on those memories instead of how bad it hurts and how scared i am. >> there is her favorite shot. >> reporter: this family knows what it means to take a vacation from cancer. five years ago they went to orlando. terry passed away two months later. >> it seems almost like every time we go to the coffee table, the photo album is right there, and we'll pick it up and we'll look at it and we'll sit and laugh and talk about all the things we did there, just magical things. >> reporter: it's in that moment that you realize that a vacation was so much more? >> definitely.
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stage foundation made the family possible for thousands of young families with kids over the past ten years. >> it's all about the time together. the most measurable impact is the family's reaction. their sheer joy, their gratitude, their relief. >> to give my children those memories not knowing what the future hold for us is priceless. >> reporter: and in the battle against cancer time with family a treasure. for "today," kerry sanders, nbc news, sun prairie, wisconsin. >> such a great organization, and every one of those trips, the jack and jill trips is free, paid for by donations. for sure. hour? >> brooke shields will be joining us, and it will be kind of fun. we'll be looking at powerball. kevin hart will be joining us again. he's got more. >> we'll hear more about your trip to miami.
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is increasing. republicans and some democratsp came up with a brilliant idea for cutting cost-of-living we said, "it will be over our dead bodies as president, to extend the solvency of social security and expand benefits for people i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. flakes fall across massachusetts and this morning
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wind. and ice. plenty of cold air and plenty of wind across new england. take a look at the forecast, ahead. ten american sailor being held in iran now frayed. we have the breaking details? here's your chance of making a billion dollars in a day. the chances that we'll see a power wall winner tonight. plus a patriots star rushed to the hospital just dayed before the play off. what happened to chandler jones. >> we have all that and give me miles, lots
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