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tv   7 News at 11 PM  NBC  January 28, 2016 11:00pm-11:34pm EST

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before we get to the issues, let's address the elephant not in the room tonight. >> kim: donald trump sits this one out. what does it mean in the race for the white house? >> jeremy: a big warmup for the end of the wildcat. >> adam: kids hurd when their school bus crashness framingham. >> kim: and a kerry was honor. and not before she made the guys from hasty pudding make a realtime closed captioning provided by u.s. captioning. tonight on 7, a dangerous diagnose, a boston man with a mosquito-bourne virus spreading concern across new england. >> adam: the world health organization says the zika virus is spreading explosively. >> kim: and state health officials have found a case in massachusetts. details.
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patient will make a full recovery but local health officials and mat health officials are concerned with how spreading. it has arrived in boston and health officials confirms one case in the city, they say the patient who is a boston resident contracted the virus while traveling to the country where it is wide ved. the world health organization saying it is spreading fast. >> last year the virus was detected in the merings where it is now spreading, as of today, cases have been reported in 23 countries and territories in the region. the level of alarm is high. >> reporter: the zika virus is ved by mosquitoes and big concern is it can cause birth defects if it is contracted bay pregnant woman. the cdc is reporting 31 cases in at least lev love state,
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>> we might see a major outbreak. we don't think it will occur but we will be prepared for it. swroo why the optimism? there is far less standing water in our urban areas and americans use air conditioning and window screens to keep mosquitoes out. and clinical drug trials could start this year but a vaccine could be years away. tonight,... >> this is like the academy award. wild election season. >> if you ask one more mean question i may have to leave the stage. taking you twists and turns. live from the iowa caucus tonight, caucus chaos. >> kim: more than 30 years since a presidential candidate skipped
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ronald reagan did it in 1980. dan hausle is live in iowa with the story. >> reporter: a different dynamic in the debate hall without drum trup there. five miles away on another stage, where he was joined by some of the candidates. but at the same time, it looks like the few that started his boycott may already be over. >> i'm a maniac. and everyone on this stage is stupid fat and ugly. and then you are a terrible surgeon. and now that we have gotten the donald trump portion out of the way. >> it is in the about donald trump. he's an entertaining guy, the greatest show on earth. this is about the greatest country in the world and a president who has destroyed many of the thinkings that made america special. >> reporter: donald trump was far from forgotten.
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little teddy bear to me. >> reporter: donald trump was raising money for veterans and to take the spotlight away from the debate's sponsor, fox news. trump said they treated him badly in an earlier debate. >> have you to stick up for your right. you have to do it. >> reporter: but tonight trump says fox news called and apologized to him. >> they have been very nice and wanted me to go and apologized and they did, and they could not have been, but once this started, there was nothing i could do. >> reporter: candidates rick santorum and mick huckabee joined him after appearing at the former debate. >> really great people, i got to know them very well. on the trail, as they say. >> reporter: back on the main stage with trump out of the way it was ted cruz's turn to take aim at the moderators. >> if you ask one more mean question i may have to leave the stage. >> reporter: and many of the candidates turned their attacks
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>> he's the king of saying oh your for amnesty. but it is a falseness, and that is an you a ten-- authenticity problem. >> reporter: and nows up to caucus-goers to decide if trump hurt himself or did he help himself and did any of the other candidates improve his positions in his absence. >> adam: the iowa caucus days away who made the most of tonight's big stage. andy hiller has tonight's winners and losers in the hiller instinct. >> reporter: donald trump is smart, smort enough to outsmart every obvious overer but tonight i think he outsmarted himself. donald trump was chickening out. to me that is enough to make him tonight's biggest loser by
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run out the clock, trump revealed once again how unpresidential he is. plus he humiliated his party. maybe he is right and i'm wrong, it wouldn't be the first time. but trump's move makes me wonder what, whether he wants to be president. the winner was florida senator marco rubio, continually attacked but never seriously wounded and the others talks like candidates talks above them, like a president. the loser was the republican party because party appears to be broken. when you can't get all the candidates to a debate, all you can do is be embarrassed and the gop should be. i suppose the tv rightings will decide who count the showdown, and if you wanted to watch a future president, then i think you would watch the debate, and if you wanted to see a
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live in the newsroom, i'm andy hiller. that is andy's take and let us know what you think, leave a comment on facebook or twitter and check out >> kim: on the democratic side the bernie sanders campaign releasing his medical records. a one-page leter from his long time physician says he is in overall very good health. among the ailments listed, gout, high cholesterol and acid reflux. hillary clinton spoke in a middle school in iowa today. this after meeting with the group every child matters. she spoke with childhood education and the importance of afford ablg college and touched on the ires of equal pate for women and raising minimum wage. don't forget dan hausle is staying in iowa and we will be there through the caulk-- caucuses next week. the ride home takes a
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>> something happened to them. >> reporter: young students hurt when their school bus goes on a crash course. >> adam: thirteen kids injured when their school bus slammed into a car. the nightteam's tim caputo is in framingham where how they are doing tonight. tim? >> reporter: adam most the kids were treated and released from the hospital within a few hours. but for parents there to pick up their kids it was unnerving not knowing how seriously their kids were hurt. a sudden stop for a bus packed with elementary school kids and the bus and sedan collided in framingham, and i'll let the kids describe what happened next. >> there was a white car that came zooming and bumped our car. >> i saw the car crash it and there was a bunch of pieces on the floor. >> and all the kids just hit the
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heads and knees. and i hit my hip also. and i like hit my neck. >> the neck and head. we were all crying and some missed their mom and dad. and everybody was like, the bus driver said everybody should just calm down the police will be here in there 5 minutes. >> reporter: police were there faster than that, and planses, too, their down of the 40 kids were taken to local hospitals as precautionary measure and parents said it was minor bumps and bruises. >> he got medicine to help with the pain and luckily he only has a bruised rib probably. >> he will be fine. sheets fine. she looks totally fine. >> reporter: none the kids were so seriously hurt that they have to miss school tomorrow. tim caputo. >> kim: from the nightteam a man
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today. barton mcdonald beat and taebed his 34-year-old wife to death in front of four young children. when their 11-year-old daughter tried to call police he allegedly punched her before rushing out of the home. police say he crashed his pickup into an oncoming car on 495. a woman in that car from road road had to be rushed to the hospital. she has been released. and police arrived at the house, they say they found julie meade bleeding to death. her young children three of them and a these were crying around her. the judge ordered mcdonald held without bail and ordered a psychological evaluation. a man arained in a hospital bed. dorchester native faces felony charged from a violent home invasion yesterday. one other man is in the hospital put not well enough to be arraigned. the teen and two other men broke into an apartment and attacked
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the door dr hand was left with stab wounds and two people were shot and stabbed. two people got away and police want to find them. >> adam: 30 years since the tragic "challenger" explosion, receive men died, and christa mccallive died, and we are live where a memorial was held. >> reporter: the family ended their neeng a special ceremony and today is a somber one but also a day of celebration. >> a little bit different, it is hard to believe it is 30 years. >> reporter: it may have been 30 years ago but it done get any easier, for this woman honoring her sister, christa mcauliffe
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university hosting this event and inspiring the future. the be loved teacher remembered at the school where she inspired young minds and still does to this day. ("taps" playing) >> a big legacy, and part of why i want to become a teacher. she was more than an educator, but one who was truly passion in the about what she did. >> reporter: the mission ended after it started with an explosion and the shuttle crashed into the ocean killing everyone on board. until this day her legacy lives on. numerous educational centers continue to inspire and educate those with a passion to learn a passion bristol says her sister would have been proud to see. >> her light still shines. >> she was chosen automatic of thousands to teach kids from space across the country, and for that the family says they are so proud. live in framingham tonight, 7
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>> kim: up next, we may track a little trouble. before a warm weekend. >> jeremy: a few snow showers possible tomorrow and heading to the 50s by the end of the weekend. >> adam: she knocked them dead, picking up a hasty puding a ward. big laughs and a message ahead. >> kim: and walking the red carpet in boston, we will hear
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baby! weekend together. stuff?
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she accepted the hasty pudding pot. and talked to the student about diversity and inclusion. >> reporter: year's hasty pudding of the year. its started with a parade around harvard. everybody let's have fun. a toast, a roast... >> she does not drink coffee, the reviews of the twirt film keep her up at night just fine. >> reporter: and even singing by the scandal star. when the wind blows >> reporter: and some hollywood heavyweights may have used the stage for fun and games the emmy nominated actress made it a point to talk about the importance of acceptance and diversusity. and when i give up on acting after fire years and run by father's hedge fund.
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pay men >> i just wanted them to know as they were honoring me, i'm honoring them, and the power that they leave here with. >> reporter: he asked hershberger thourts on that she would do about the boycott of the oscars and she says while she's grateful the conversation is happening she personally would hot boycott. susan tran. >> i have say i love that pledge. that is funny. >> adam: seems like a nice evening. dresses really cool. attractive. >> adam: you don't have be in a cold condition. >> kim: beautiful, like a spring day. >> jeremy: last year a different situation a come of showers coming at us tomorrow. rain and snow showers, nothing significant and warmer to the weekend. 20s and 30s, city at 33, worcester at 32.
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that is huge, this time of year, a winter day without any wind. two weather systems on the map, this here blows up to a big storm and stays offshore, this one here will come out of the great lakes states during the day, a cool front but not an arctic front and that will generate clouds and a couple of isolated rain and snow showers. 29 to 34 and tomorrow morning the commute is dry. especially on 128 to the coastline. a few peeks of sun in the worcester hills and as we work through the day again, a scattering of couple of rain and snow showers midday and through the evening. this is our storm timeline, and again, a storm in the academic sense that it will generate clouds but not much. here we are at noon tomorrow. a couple of showers near the cape and snow showers, and temperatures upper 30s and even if we are seeing snow in midafternoon i don't think it will amount to much. certainly on the main roads and as we step through the afternoon, here's the evening commute.
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wet snow showers, lingering will you southern new england and there may be a coating to an inch, and i think i would lean to that more north of us and up through the north shore isolated in nature. 38. and as we work to the weekend, morning sun on saturday and clouds in the afternoon, seasonal a nice day for sking with temperatures on saturday in the 40s. more front, you see that go by and that lives up to it name, heading for the 40s and low 50s, 7 on 7 forecast, sunday near 50, and monday a mix of clouds and sunshine, mid50s, the first day of february, are you kidding me? tuesday partly sunny skies and temperatureses near 50s, and groundhog day, last year he had 16 inches of snow. not doing that again. and spring like with temperatures on wednesday approaching the record high of 59 with periods of rain. and winter is not over, will
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midfebruary, but enjoy the break. >> adam: and stars in boston tonight. casey affleck and chris pine on the red carpet for their new movie about a daring coast guard rescue off the cape. brandon gunnoe is outside the theater with the story right now. >> reporter: casey affleck from cambridge and chris pine said it was an hon for play these members of the coast guard and they said to do it here in new england, was the only way. based on a true story from new england they came out for the screening of the finest hours. >> it is an honor. we made the movie here, i'm from here. the best. two or three hours and we sank. >> reporter: starring casey a fleck the film retells the story of the most daring rescue in the history of the coast guard, more than 30 sailors on a ship ripped
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sink. ed star of the film walks the red carpet but says the real strars the men and women of the coast guard. what they did daily, and have been doing since the beginning of their organization, is incredible and inspires us, it is really a privilege. >> two shots of cape cod in 1952 and i grew up on the cape, every summer we could go there and seeing its transformed back in time, it's touched me. beautiful. >> reporter: affleck says he comes back to boston a lot so it is just like home. we are live in downtown boston, brandon gunnoe. >> kim: local boy with a great project. alex talking about the red sox again in sports? we will get dave dombrowski's
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thomas is officially an nba all-star for the first time,
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of the game under 5-10 have been named nba all-stars. one is isaiah thomas, bringing in a big honor for a stellar season in green. he sat outed to with an ankle injury and he says it's fine and he will play tomorrow against the magic. he earned his way to toronto with the league's best, tied for ninth in assists and he was last pick in the 20 lev draft. >> i feel like i deserve it, not just the individual success but as a team. we have been winning lately. and we are playing at a high level. so i feel like, on top of that the numbers don't lie. you can stack them up against anyone in the nba and also a team we are fit and playing well. >> alex: in three short weeks
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catchers are going to sit down in around table discussion, dave dombrowski was asked if he has built a championship team this season. time will tell i don't think we are happy with the offseason moves that we made. that is determined on the field. still the building of a championship club in many ways are similar. you need a real strong minor leg system and scouting department and have to made good trades and signs for reagents. and hopefully it all works out. >> reporter: nfl films, and cara caught peyton manning telling bill belichick this might be a last year in the nfl. but if you are expecting the quarterback to open up about any retirement talk don't hold your breath. >> we are familiar with the comment that you made to belichick about this being your last rodeo.
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confirmed. what happened to private conversation other 50-yard-line. they don't exist any more. no confirmation on that whatsoever. we are on to carolina. >> alex: nhl on their break and the flames defenseman and former henderson. he said he was distracted and just trying to get off the ice. and a offensive line coach catching on with the chargers to help san diego out in the trn muches. i'm alex corddry, and that is receive sports. >> adam: thank you. 7 news will be right back. >> this is this week's class act. the hardest working student in the school and let me tell you everybody agrees.
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>> adam: as you head off to bed with the angels, tomorrow morning there could be some chances of snow or rain. be prepared for that. very small chance. nothing major. >> kim: everybody will be here in the morning at 5 am. and it is friday. and uphill from there. all good. >> adam: jimmy fallon is next.thank you for staying up late with us on thursday night. i'm adam williams. >> kim: i'm kim khazei. have a terrific tomorrow everybody.
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today in america, the top 1/10 of 1% owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%
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and our governmeelong to a of us.
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