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tv   7 News at 11 PM  NBC  February 1, 2016 11:00pm-11:34pm EST

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the race for the white house. plus we' seeing milder temperatures, but big changes moving in later this week. >> a local firefighter feeling the heat after posting controversial comments on facebook about rescuing drug addicts. >> a horrific accident. a woman dragged for miles through the streets of boston. the driver in court after police say she didn't stop. >> and aaron hernandez pen pal shares his letter from the inside. what he's saying about brady, gronk and pats owner robert kraft. revealing words now from the night team. 7 news at 11 starts now. first at 11, big breaking news tonight, on the republican side senator ted cruz wins the iowa caucus. live pictures as we wait to hear from candidate cruz beating out donald trump ahead by every poll going into tonight. and on the democratic side, a tie. but it's not over former secretary of state hillary
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vermont senator bernie sanders. meanwhile former governor of maryland martin o'malley announce just a little over an hour he suspended his campaign also republican mike huckabee is suspending his campaign. what settled in iowa right now gop race. again texas senator ted cruz the projected winner there. this is huge for the cruz campaign. and here's the breakdown of the numbers for you. senator cruz won with a 28 percent of the vote. donald trump coming in second with 24 percent. and florida senator marco rubio with a late surge coming in just behind trump with 23 percent. dr. ben carson 9 percent, senator paul rand 5 percent jeb bush coming in 3 percent. everyone got two percent or less. again, mike huckabee announcing justing moments ago on twitter he's suspending his campaign. let's give you better look what's happen with democrats tonight a very close race there. in fact tied with 90 percent of the vote in.
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sanders split 50/50. third candidate martin o'malley as we said out race now he didn't even register southeast adroping out of the race for president. we have teams in both iowa and new hampshire getting reaction from the candidates, bringing you analysis about what tonight's vote means for the new hampshire primary. so let's get started with night team's dan hausle. dan's in iowa. >> well this has got to be some of the most incredible iowa caucuses in years when you consider both the great races on the gop side and on the democratic side. on gop side, ted cruz the winner tonight. he released a statement showing strength of conservatives, they obviously led him to this win. donald trump showing a much worst than expected by the polls. and moments ago, trump's spoke out and a still thanked the people of iowa. >> certainly we finished sicked, and i want to tell you something i'm just honor.
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congratulate ted i want to congratulate all of the incredible candidates including mike huckabee who has become a really good friend of mine. so, congratulations to everybody. we're leaving tonight and tomorrow afternoon we'll be in new hampshire. and that will be something special. go going to a greek week. >> florida senator marco rubio may be just as big a winner as ted cruz despite fact he came in third he was within a point of donald trump. he spoke just moments ago. >> tonight here in iowa, the people of this great state event sent a very clear message, after 7 years of barack obama, we are not waiting any longer to take our country back. and so tonight i thank you here in iowa. i thank you. because tonight we have taken the first step, but an important step towards winning this election.
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senator ted cruz headquarters when he does we will bring that to you live. donald trump falling well behind ted cruz. trump hoping that iowa would be a spring board for his campaign. now he's hoping it's only a hampshire. on democratic side this one alcs photo finish. less than 3 or 4 tenths of a percentage point separating well. we've got about 10 percent of vote left to come. so anything could happen at that one. that one will still bear watching live in des moines, iowa, dan hausle. so tonight really could catapult some campaign helping them gain momentum as we head into new hampshire primary arnd hiller is in new hampshire with some analysis on tonight's numbers. let's start with republicans. who on that side is walking away from iowa feeling pretty good tonight? >> oh, we have two. the first is texas senator ted cruz who had a great night.
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if he had lost effectively he probably would have been done. and remember, he was second in in the polls so he out performed expectations. this is quite a coup for cruz. people who don't take him seriously are making a mistake. >> but biggest smile may be on marco rubio's face he got many more votes than expected and by coming in third he established himself not only as a major candidate, but potentially as the alternative to donald trump if you watched rubio you saw him act as if he won because when it came to expectations and potential, and growth, he did. >> andy so now to the democrats, tonight's vote is so close in iowa we still don't even know whose going win. so does that mean that the democratic party is split right down the middle just like the votes are? >> i don't think so. because in the democratic party way i see it is you have
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very progressive. progressive hillary clinton, very progressives bernie sanders. but when they come against someone like trump or rubio or cruz, they will come together and it's one of the reasons why nationally hillary clinton who may lose iowa still has a significant lead in the national polls. once we get past new hampshire, even if she loses in iowa and loses in new hampshire, the whole design of the primaries is going to benefit her and not bernie sanders. seven news political editor andy hiller action live in manchester tonight. all right on just one station we're doing something we've never done before. and that no other boston station is doing. for the next week we're going to track day by day what new hampshire voters are thinking. our exclusive 7 news umass lowell tracking poll. night team's ryan schulteis is here to walk us through our exclusive umass tracking poll shows exactly where the candidates stand as they get ready for new hampshire.
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trump looks like he's headed for a big win in new hampshire. with 38 percent. ted cruz is second with 12 percent. after that john kasich and jeb bush with 9 and marco rubio with 8 the rest of republican field chris christie a 7 and rand paul with 3 apiece. carla fiorina. one more over here only eight percent undecided. over on democratic side a clear front runner bernie sanders with a solid lead at 61 percent. more than double hillary clinton who is a 30 percent. martin o malregister of course he dropped out tonight with 8 percent still undecided. this is the start of our exclusive tracking poll for new hampshire. democrats with bernie sanders well ahead every day this week we will get new information and see how things change leading up to primary next week on gop side trump well ahead, we'll able to see how tonight vote in iowa everything else that happens will affect results as primary day approaches. you won't see these numbers anywhere else. in newsroom ryan schulteis.
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>> and we just want to let you know we're keeping our eye on ted cruz' headquarters here in iowa. he is the last of the three top candidates to win in the caucuses tonight. obviously the winner of iowa caucus. and we're winning to speak. when he does we will bring it to you live. and remember, we will have a latest numbers from our exclusive 7 news umass lowell tracking poll tomorrow morning political editor andy hiller will have them every day this week 6:45 on today new england. now from the night team, a local firefighter's facebook post burning up the internet. awful. awful. details on his controversial comments. a weymouth firefighter is off job for now suspended without pay because a post on personal facebook page that a criticized use of narcan that's drug given to help reverse effects of drug yoefr does.
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adam town officials containing this punishment very seriously. they say know how many families deal addiction, in fact they heard from many of them tonight. >> my son he overdoughs january 16th, 2014. 19 years olded opoid addiction is personal to every one of these people. they showed up a weymouth town hall after officials decided to suspend a firefighter for 90 days without pay for posting on facebook that narcan, shot that revives people who overdosed as the worst drug ever, those who needed it as losers and an implied they should be left to die. >> there are boundary that is come with job he has clearly in this case, he, he exceeded those boundaries. mayor fire chief and union say when the 12-year firefighter returns to the job he will no longer work a first responder. he will also get sensitivity training. while they say heist sorry for his post they say it has reflected badly on town that had 183 overdoses last year using
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william hill's 23-year-old son was one of those addicts. >> i picked him up from my basement one time with needle in his arm. and he told me he'd never make me cry again. and he lied. hill says he'd like a harsher punishment but not everyone agrees. i think he should be fired. i think we should give him second chance just like narcan. give people a second chance to live. >> and right now the town does not have a strict social media policy. they say they plan to implement one beginning with the fire department. reporting live in weymouth team. also from the night team, a woman facing a judge covering her face in court. she's accused of going on a dangerous drive and dragging a woman she hit for three miles. three miles. investigators say that she hit a couple on china town street and just kept ongoing. they say she dragged one of
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street in china town down i-93 and finally through columbia road in dorchester. tim caputo is there with more on a horrifying accident, tim. >> you're absolutely right, kim. this afternoon prosecutors laid out some of the details some of those disturbing details that witnesses both heard and saw as that woman was trapped underneath the early this morning. >> she drove more than two miles on the highway, while dragging a woman underneath her suv. >> in court she covered her face with jacket as she pleaded not guilty to a charges related to horrifying hit and run. witness heard what he believed to be a car alarm and that turned out to be the victim screaming. prosecutor say around 1:00 a.m. monday more than xia ying zhou hit a man does woman who were crossing street woman end upped stuck underneath the suv but xia ying zhou kept going. the 48-year-old victim was dragged from downtown boston to dorchester. into the area of columbia avenue
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even when highway is empty it's still at least a 5 minute drive. multiple witnesses did see the victim's legs poking out from the car. prosecutors say xia ying zhou finally exited 93 after driveing nearly three miles. the attorney says she pulled over once she realized something was wrong. she was driving, thought the car was operating in a strange way. she pulled out to exit and at that particular point in time saw the person tried to assister her. prosecutor say one witness saw much different reaction a xia ying zhou after she realized someone was under her suv get back into her vehicle hit the gas and drive away a high rate of speed the woman is in critical condition, xia ying zhou told her attorney she's innocent. she denied everything and we'll see what happens with it. the bail was set a $5,000. she was also ordered to surrender her passport and refrain from driving. live tonight in boston, tim caputo, 7 news night team. three-year-old in roxbury is in
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rushed er after having trabl breathe and some aparents injuries there crime tape around home as investigators continue to search for evidence. the department of child services now has custody of the boy. >> the world health organization is taking action declaring a global emergency over the spread of the zika virus calling it an storied event. this disease as linked to serious birth defects in babies. and group says there could be as many 4 million cases of zika in americas in next year. in the last time we had an emergency declared like this was in 2014 over the ebola break out. much motor come on even is news at 11. coming up next, harsh words aaron hernandez has for robert kraft in letter penned in prison. plus caught on camera a wild wipe out in some huge hawaii waves. and hang ten, dude a mix of clouds and sunshine tomorrow. not as warm, but still above normal.
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in iowa a live like a ted cruz's headquarters. when senator speaks we will bring it to you donald trump coming in second one percentage point ahead of senator marco rubio. and democratic race is still too close to call. hillary clinton and bernie sanders in a dead heat with 91 percent of precincts report it's
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building a better bank starts with looking at something old, like this... and saying, "really?" so capital one built something new - caf\s. where you can unwind with free wi-fi and banking advice, without all the mumbo jumbo. free checking accounts. no minimums, fees or gimmicks. and a top-rated banking app that lets you handle your financial needs... right here. that's banking reimagined.
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convicted killer aaron hernandez opening up about his former team. in fact he's putting it all in writing. today we got chance to see letter from former patriots star written behind bars. in the letter hernandez writes about his love for tom brady and gronk but he mention owner kraft. jadiann thompson in our news roomy to show us exactly what he wrote. >> well kim adam that newly released hand written letter
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he sounds angry at the person he's writing and then he launches into his opinion about the pats. >> this letter obtained by a tmz now shows what aaron hernandez thinks of the patriots. he writes i have a tv in my cell. and yes, i still root for my squad and still love all of the ones i loved. in the three pages he is writing to a woman he's sxhanged letters with before. he convicted killer says, the closest i was with was probably brady and whom i love to death. and only hope for the best for them. but was cool with jules, branch, and at best tight end ever to walk on a football field, gronk. the then tone changes when it comes to robert kraft. writing, fake expletive, nonloyal kraft who told me he loved me every time he see me but obviously shows his word ain't expletive. and he doesn't stop there. he tells the female pen pal he's writing that he is angry at her for criticizing him in past
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explaining how he thinks she should kill herself by right writing buy most powerful fire cracker in world, tie it to your face with a duct tape and wait for your head to explode. >> well that letter was written on december 10th that 2015th. eats currenting a serve a life sentence for state maximum security prison. jadiann thompson 7 news night team. back to iowa and cruz campaign the texas 7 senator about to speak after winning iowa caucuses republicans just behind 4 poins business man donald trump and then a point behind donald trump florida senator marco rubio. so it was just a four-point difference between first and second. there's texas senator giving hugs and about to step up to microphone hoping this will certainly propel, excel and generate his campaign as we are a week from tomorrow just getting closer to the new hampshire primary. this big day in iowa. they've had turn out like no other.
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to caucuses and waiting in line candidate. as senator cruz should speaking momentarily you will hear his remarks in their entirety. all along we've seeing polls and donald trump was ahead in virtually every poll leading up to this night in iowa. and of course as we look a senator cruz we will just mention keeping a watch on democratic race because, sanders and clinton bernie sanders and hillary clinton are still tied for the democratic side in iowa. so it is a big night as we get the presidential, road to white house under way. officially starts here tonight. >> big embrace there i believe that's senator's wife and we should mention as they come to new hampshire, probably will be tomorrow through all of next week until primary. numbers are much different. but that's not what matters here tonight for the winners of the different caucuses. again democrats still undecide 50/50 between hillary clinton
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it's a tie right now. but a clear winner 4 percentage points ahead of donald trump texas senator ted cruz. let's see what he has to say tonight. iowa. [ cheering ] >> let me first of all say to god be the glory. [ applause ] [ cheering ] >> tonight is a victory for the [ applause ] [ cheering ] >> tonight is a victory for courageous conservatives across
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[ cheering ] >> tonight you have spoken. iowa has said notice that republican nominee and next president of the united states will not be chosen by the media. [ applause ] [ cheering ] >> will not be chosen by the washington establishment. [ cheering ] >> will not be chosen by the lobbyists. [ cheering ] >> but will be chosen by the most incredible powerful force where all sovereignty resides in our nation by we the people, the
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[ cheering ] >> tonight, thanks to the incredible hard work you're listening to live to ted cruz as he wins iowa gop caulk caucus if you would like to return to go to we're streaming has live. and we're also watching the democratic race for you tied between clinton and sanders. we'll continue to update you. >> now seven weather with meteorologist jeremy reiner. >> i'll say this there are up against in iowa a snow storm heading that way overnight tonight. right now boston 45. beverly a 42. plymouth 44. 30s in worcester hills near record warmth temperatures made into mid 60s a sde lad a high of 65. record 66. that's it, no records tomorrow. here's a cool front moving through southern new england as we speak. again actually kicked off a couple of rain showers down through cape islands.
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no bitterly cold air behind this cool front. like you'd normally find end of january early february. 20s and 30s. so that's what will slowly work into new england later on tonight. clearing skies. cooling off not bitterly cold when you wake up tomorrow morning numbers will be in the low to middle 30s. which keep in mind our normal high is 36. so coming out front door tomorrow. temperatures close to normal. a much cooler day tomorrow. but still above normal with mostly sun skies. temperatures tomorrow between 41 and 46. boston around 45. and then on wednesday cloudy skies near record warmth on wednesday. record is in the upper 50s. about 59. with a rain on way wednesday afternoon i think rain gets in town about 2, 3 o'clock. there will be wind as well. a rainy afternoon that might slow your evening commute down on wednesday. no concern of snow or ice with near record warmth. in any event a mix of clouds and sunshine still warm near 50. friday only day i could fine where temperatures are close to normal even then upper 30s to around 40.
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you too, jr. still watching numbers and
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and now, time for 7 sports with joe amorosino. >> college hockey fans keeping a close eye on at garden tonight. wondering if this is the year northeastern finally wins the
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just 4 the 63 bean pot tournaments and haven't won it since 1988 compared to their opening round of opponent tonight b u won it 30 times. and it's the reigning champ that is strike first b u robbie knocks in rebound b u takes a quick 1-0 lead. 3 minutes later. terriers on the attack again. this time danny drops it off to charlie mcel voir a nasty wrister. b u build two-0 lead. they advance to a championship game again. 3-1 the final. b c head coach jerry york 2001 wins a crimson coach teddy's son ryan makes noise early on. chasing down that loose puck getting break away goal game tied a 1 score knotted at two in second eagle power play coal and whites eagle win it 3-2. it will be b c and b u in the
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wall street regulates congress. it's a rigged economy that sends most new wealth to the top 1%. and it's held in place by a corrupt political system where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is funded by over two and a half million small contributions. people who know you can't level the playing field by taking more money from wall street. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. join the fight to take back our government. flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. so go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. flonase. six is greater than one.
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as we told you texas senator ted cruz wins the gop iowa caucus. cruz addressing his supporters and thanking them earlier in iowa and is happening right now live as well. but it is a nail biter on democratic side. still too close to call. live pictures of hillary clinton
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now with her husband former president bill clinton right behind her. still sounding energized this race still close to call. 95 percent, people reporting hillary clinton with 50 percent and sanders with 49 percent. by way martin o'malley came in with one percent and he's suspending his campaign tonight. we'll have updated numbers at, follow us on our apps and a today new england our morning crew will have updates hopefully this cliff hanger of the democrats gets figured out. we will have first in morning andy hiller in new hamps the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. let hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today.
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