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tv   Asian Focus  NBC  February 21, 2016 6:00am-6:30am EST

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coming up on asian focus...advancing asian women's health and and a young pianist dazzles us with his prize-winning performance. i'm mary sit. all this up next on asian focus. good morning, everyone, and welcome to asian focus. i'm mary sit. asian women for health is a peer-led, community-based network dedicated to advancing asian women's health and wellness. here to tell us more is executive director and founder, chien-chi huang, a skilled and passionate community advocate. she's joined by a board member of asian women for health - selena tan. selena brings more than 10 years of organizational management experience and is the founder
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services. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you for having us. >> tell me, first of all, how did you decide what caused you to form this organization. >> so i am a breast cancer survivor and when i was in treatment i realized there are very little resources dedicated to women and i was in the treatment i hoped to reach out to other women with similar culture and language background but i couldn't find any and i was surprised to learn that some of the asian women i know and work with had breastance caer but nobody talked about it #. >> and that's the asian cultural thing, you don't talk about your illnesses especially cancer, right. >> exactly. >> so before i started asian wall 41 health i formed the asian breast cancer women
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events and educational workshops for woman and train asian women to do the workshop in mandarin, cantinese and vietnam ease and we have a # support group that meets monthly. we don't want to be bound to be a specific project so there are several asian women, we got together and we decided we wanted to expand the program to become a non-profit organization. >> so how did you get involved with the asian women for health? >> so about three years ago i think i was here on behaf of project bread walk of hunger and jenny was being interviewed after us and she heard what i did and decided
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>> and she recrueltied you to "asian focus" on the set. i'm very happy, feel like i'm part of it somehow. tell me what are some of the different services you provide for asian women in particular. >> so we, the three key things we do is education, advocacy and support so we have annual conferences that we do to highlight the health disparities and health trends that asian women are encountering and also use the econvenient foster cross sector collaboration. >> and this is in multiple languages too. >> this is in english but it is you know the audience are researchers coming to organizations, people and providers. >> and policy makers too.
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health issues that asian women have, selena? >> the top areas once we got started we figured out are the most challenging i think for asian women is cancers, mental health issues and also diabetes. and so we decided those are the areas we would like to focus on and we wanted to be sure that the programs are evidence based, so. >> so these three areas are based on research and what's out there? >> so for example cancer is the leading cause of death for asian americans. >> what kind of cancer, because it's so broad. >> but the things for other population heart disease is number one killer. so there is a disparity for asian americans. >> but for asian american women or asian in general? >> asians in general is cancer. >> that's the number one killer. so the disparity is that cancer is something that's preventable, if you get the
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early detection it is something that's preventable. >> before when you say all kinds of cancer all kinds of cancer? or breast cancer? >> for example breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed for asian woman and also korean and vietnamese have a cancer. scary. >> and one thing we learned, for instance is that even though asian-americans have the highest insurance coverage but they actually have the lowest utilization rate so they actually don't get the screening, the preventive care that would help them lower the mortality rate and so that's another.
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why do asian americans not go get the screenings if paid for by insurance anyway, right, the wellness stuff? >> that's what we're trying to find out. actually at the current time we're working with a top university to do a focus group study. we're looking at the largest three asian groups. we are trying to compare the chinese, vietnamese to the asian group ask them this question, how did they get the health information and who do they go to for health information, how do they make health decisions. because like selena says we have the insurance coverage so clearly access is not the issue it's maybe something! do you think it is a cultural thing? like if you're not feeling pain, doesn't hurt just keep going and making the money. doing your business, do your career and if you have pain then you go to the doctor? >> right, you're absolutely right. when we did the pilot focus
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people are saying well i don't feel sick and i feel fine so i only want to go to the doctor when i'm sick. and so i think the prevention comes. >> i bet it is a time issue too. because you know a lot of asians are very focused on our career, our jobs, family, or if you're young, if you're an immigrant it is going to be your business in chinatown and you're working seven day as week. i don't have time to go to the doctors. they don't go because everything feels good. >> and also for certain tests, for example mammogram or pap mis-information. we heard people say you know i thought that you can only get pap smear test after you were married. >> oh, really, okay. >> or if you do a pap smear test you may lose your thing.
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generation? >> no. it's cultural. and we don't talk about this to our daughters or family members. and then for mammogram i heard people don't do it because well it hurtsance right. hurts, right. >> not very much, a couple seconds. >> and i think another issue that we are wondering about is whether the sort of the cultural and possibly religious beliefs actually leave some asian american groups to avoid getting the tests because of the sort of fatalistic approach to disease, which is oh, if you catch it you're dead. >> you mean like it is meant to be. >> it is meant to be, possibly. so those are definitely some of the issues. >> ic a cept the fate, accept thing. >> or i've heard we don't do screening because we didn't do
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to be okay. we're protected. so is that what you mean? i want to ask you about this. i read through your website and making sure people get cultural appropriate health care, what do you mean by cultural appropriate health care? what does that mean? >> for example, the first thing is if you are serving different asian popples populations you know you want to have it in different languages and then the example must be cultural relevant. using diabetes as an example, if you talk to asian americans and talk about the servings of the bread and whatever, we don't have a concept of how that correlates with rice, not bread. and you wouldn't think eating rice would have an impact on diabetes. >> but it can. so then you talk about how
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many servings of bread or something like that. >> that's very interesting. do you teach like breast self examination? >> yes, we do. >> and what kind of reaction do you get from the asian community when you do that? >> we had this breast model, i wish we had a picture here. >> oh, yes, you should have brought it. >> so we did show them how to feel and what it feels like and that the difference is between the breast tissue, the lump. >> oh, do you have a model that has the lumps tin? >> it has a tumor in it. usually if it is a tumor it is hard schdoesn't move, and feels like a frozen fee and is really hard. >> frozen pea, that's good.
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to don't really know so there is a lot of work that needs to be done. >> and is it hard encouraging this to do it once a month? >> it's not hard to convince them to do it they don't know to do it. we just did a breast health care workshop for the students in north eastern university and i'm surprised to find out that most of the students don't know. >> were these asian students or just students? >> asian students. >> so they were immigrants coming from different countries? >> asian american born students! and they didn't know to do a monthly exam? >> yes. and two out of the 16 students got clinical exams by their doctors and i don't remember any of them are doing breast exams. >> so there is a lot of work to be done even among the younger generation too. tell me about the volunteer work and who funds your organization and you guys need
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[laughs] >> yes, indeed. so every year we have a benefit fashion show and all of the models are cancer survivors, or trauma survivors and so the event we rely on the volunteer to help us put together the event and all of donated. >> so anyone can volunteer or you have to be a breastance caer urissive-- breast cancer survivor. >> you don't have to be asian or woman. >> just go to your website, asian women for health dot org and find out all of the effervents and services you offer. thank you so much for coming on and telling us about this. >> thank you. >> coming up next, a young pianist who started playing at the age of four and has since won first prize inthe chopin
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our next guest taking piano lessons at age 4. since then, kadar "kwan" has given more than 100 concerts in the u.s. and china in venues such as carnegi hall, boston symphony hall, jordan hall and sanders theatre. at age 11, he debuted with t he quincy symphony orchestra performing chopin's concerto no. 2 and age 15, debuted with the boston pops performing prokofiev's concerto no. 3 pretty impressive. and now you're 17? >> 18. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> so you're a senior in high school and what are you doing with colleges, applying now? >> yes, just working on
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few places for early. thinking for colleges trying to find colleges that offer the good stellar music program and academics as well, so i can pursue both paths. >> have you figured out what you're going to major nin. >> i know for sure i want to major in piano performancance and the other probably something math and science related. >> so you really like math and science. >> yes, for sure. >> so when you're playing a piece and learning it, how much 58 science and the rhythm, and keeping and you want the measures, does that come into play or is it all subconscious. >> i think it's mostly subconscious dealing with math and science there is a structural foundation on how you approach a program, i think that also applies to music, how you approach the structure of music and perceive it. in terms of analysis and approach they are pretty similar. >> when you talk about the structure of music what are you talking aboutner first move; second movement, third? >> no. more like there is something
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and there are lots of different ways you can mold different themes and repeat them in different ways throughout the piece. so just one example. >> you mean a, b type of thing. >> there is like rondeau form so i think sunod form goes exposition, development, recupitchialation and coda, so that's one of the forms that was really used by beethoven and mozart and showpen. >> math and science and also musical performance. where do you see your career? more as a performer or doing both, or can you do both? is it possible? >> a lot of people say it's not possible to do both because they seem very separate and they never seem to intersect but i really want to give it a shot because piano is something really near and dear to my heart, something i've been doing since the age of four and i
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math and sciences, so i would definitely try to continue doing both. >> good for you. i'm sure you can. you're very dedicated and focused. i met you when i think you were 15 or 15 it was amazing. so tell me you got started at four years old, did you do the # zuki piano then? >> my brother started playing before me. >> how much older is he than you? >> four years. i think there was a little competitive nature to it. >> you said i can do better than that. >> i think maybe a little bit. [laughs] but there was definitely competition. being the ungier sibling, wanting to stand out. so at a certain point i was begging my parents if i could start playing the piano and finally they gave in. when i first started playing as you know my grandmother rewarded me with chocolate so there was that impotence. >> she was looking out for your health. [laughs] >> and then at what point did you fall in love with the music yourself so there weren't these outside
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inside you wanted to learn for your own sake? >> i think that real paradigm shift for me was when i learned learned the chopin in e-minor, this really expressive piece and that's how i fell in love. i think at that point i realized classical music is awesome and something i want to continue in the future and something that i want to embrace. >> what did it do for you playing that chopin piece? did you feel a sense of accomplishment, get lost in the music and the melody? what was going on inked? >> there was definitely a sense of accomplishment but also i think the nuances and feeling of chopin. i remember this one part a croshen dough where you get louder and softer and after i got it right that was best feeling in the world. >> you must have had really
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the way. >> my former teachers have all had a huge impact on the way i approach music? when you get a new piece of music, something you've never played before what did you do? do you site read, look through the whole thing? look at it and play it flow do you listen to it first through someone else? how do you approach it? >> i like to sit down read it, look at the structure and the themes. there is one place i'm playing with melrose symphony coming up in two weeks on november 7th called the rachmaninoff's rhapsody on a theme by paganini. one of the first pieces where i completely didn't touch it on the keyboard and just looked at it first and i think that was a key moment because it helped me understand how the piece worked before i approached the on the piano. >> if you were going to give advice to # someone else, another kid learning learning to play
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you've given 100 concerts, you don't seem to be getting nervous. you love doing it? >> i would definitely say patience is a virtue and good to stick to what you know and also on top of that just stay true to the score and what you see in there because a lot of times as pianests we feel the need add extra things. >> a little drama, emotion. >> more of that, but i think that comes out naturally in a concert because you're in such an exciting environment with so many people around you so i think at all times it is really important to just stick to what you see in the score. so that would be the advice i would give. >> and don't your own personality in it? >> i think the personality part of it will come in by itself, but i think when trying to figure out what exactly or how exactly to play the opinion and the interpretation should also be justified by the score, so it
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you know, arbitrary or just emoting. >> so to do what the composer wanted to do and reproduce what the composer wanted, right? >> yes. and you've trained conducting. so you like to conduct and you also have conducted and you are an assistant conductor at your high school orchestra you were telling me. so tell me why you like conducting and # how you do? >> yes, for conducting it's just a really wonderful experience because as a pianist i work by myself, it gets lonely, in front of 88 keys just working. but working in an ensemble is just a wonderful experience. conducting is unique because you have to have the courage of your convictions to clearly communicate what you see in the score on top of the orchestra and on top of that the orchestra gives you
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feeling of community. >> what is it like to conduct your peers, how did you get that respect as a conductor? >> i think in school it is a little bit different because we all collaborate more of an opsomble rather than a conductor or orchestra. we'll throw out an idea, someone else will throw out an idea and we'll see what's the best idea. in school we're based on what's the best idea and in that way it makes the group really special. >> are there any challenges for you? what's something you'd like to do and you haven't done yet musically? >> that's a good question. just performing more and more and showing classical music today is still relevant and bringing it to a wider audience because there is a lot of, you know, perceived fogs that classical music is boring. >> right. >> it's irrelevant, it's resoteric but i think my
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to show people that there is a strength and power to classical music that is very, very relevant today. >> and it is true throughout all of the ages, it just doesn't go out of style. the next segment you're playing, tell us about it. >> this is rachmaninoff's rhapsody on a theme by paganini. a wonderful piece bailsler really interesting because rachmaninof's takes the team from paganini. and he takes the theme of the 24th piece and he plays with the theme in lots of different waifs and just amazing to seal all of the comsitional techniques he employs to really bring out his own musical style from a theme that's from another composer. >> what is it like playing a solo piece on stage versus playing with a whole orchestra next or behind you? >> an amazing feeling to know there is so much sound behind
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what you're creating and what everyone else is creating. so yes, it is a surreal experience. >> it must give you a lot of energy to have that. >> yes. >> stay with us. right after this we're going listen to a clip of kadar kwan perform rachmaninoff's rhapsody on a theme by paganini.
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we've been talking with the young pianist kadar "kwan," a amazing pianist who has given more than 100 concerts throughout the united states and china. let's take a listen now to him performing rachmaninoff's rhapsody on a theme by paganini. we'll leave you with this concert. that's all for this addition of "asian focus." i'm mary sit. i'll see you again in four weeks. [music]
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melrose symphony orchestra i the melrose symphony is one of the oldest continuously performing all material orchestras in the nation and we are starting our 98th season. the reason you should come to our concerts is that we have enormous amount of fun, excitement and also i don't want to say this in a pu pudantive way but there is also an educational element to it too. >> my name is kadar kwan and i'm playing
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theme by paganini. rach does a lot of things with this theme augments it and inverts it and creates this gorgeous melody in the middle of the piece and amazing to see how he takes this sumpal tune and expands on it and makes this gorgeous work. >> it is like this preconceived notion that classic music is this esoteric thing that only pertains to a few people but it is relevant today and something that can still be made exciting and i definitely encourage anyone my
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>> what is it about classical music that's exciting? there is a mistake in notion that classical music is not very exciting, it's kind of boring and something that happened in the past but the truth of the matter is that when it's done well it is very compelling and should be exciting and vibrant and relevant even in today's world. we have enormous audiences. they are incredibly enthusiastic and i always say it is kind of like playing at a rock concert when you go to our concert. to childhood has not heard it come try us out because i promise you when you leave
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