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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  September 12, 2016 3:30am-4:30am EDT

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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation brought to by lift by sono bello. what do you dislike about your face? >> you know, i look in the mirror and i put on makeup and i would think, it's the best we can do, girl. >> i'm hugely an optimistic person. i'm "the glass is half-full." i'm not an angry person, but that's what shows on the outside to other people. >> i usually take a picture with or whatever, so that the focus won't be on me. >> i always look like i'm scowling. i'm a friendly, outgoing person but my appearance doesn't match it. >> you know, you try creams. you try neck exercises. you try everything that they say is gonna work, but nothing works. >> announcer: like it or not, our face plays a powerful role in how people view us and how we feel about ourselves. but what if you could simply
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version of yourself? people just like you are taking years off their appearance with lift by sono bello, a fully customized facial rejuvenation procedure that delivers amazing natural-looking results. so no matter what your signs of aging are, lift by sono bello is one of the fastest and most affordable ways to help you put your best face forward, and the results can be life-changing. >> first impressions are everything. i think we all want to put our best face forward, but aging can make it difficult. you know, it often feels like we live in a society where we're not supposed to get old, and yet we're really not supposed to do anything about it, either. and then even if you do decide to do something, you are absolutely not supposed to talk about it. so, why is that? what if it was okay to look and feel your best and not feel guilty or ashamed about it?
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younger, fresher version of yourself? i'm lise simms, and today, we're gonna see and hear real stories from people who finally decided they wanted to look on the outside the same way they feel on the inside, and it's all thanks to lift by sono bello. >> i feel like i'm 20, and then i look in the mirror and it's kind of like a cruel joke. because, inside, i feel 20, and it's obvious that it's not that way anymore. my eyes make it look like i'm always angry, and i'm not an angry person, but that's what shows on the outside to other people. it's frustrating because i'm hugely an optimistic person. i'm "the glass is half-full." and i know first impressions are huge, and i don't want to give
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old lady. >> hello. how are you? >> when i did a little bit of research on the sono bello company and found out that all their surgeons are board-certified, that gave me a lot of peace of mind. i want be able to be confident that when i do this and commit to this, that i'm gonna be completely satisfied. >> as a birthday gift to herself, shirley had the lift by sono bello. >> the resultsak themselves. i wanted to make sure i had the best of the best, and everything i read about sono bello was amazing. i saw that the stats said that they've done over 60,000 procedures and that made me comfortable. you are absolutely one-on-one with the doctor and they make sure that it's your structure and just a better, younger-looking yourself. it is. i feel amazing and i get constant compliments.
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everybody was worried that i was going to look different, and i explained to them i wanted to look just better, fresher, younger. thank you! >> so good to see you. >> you, too. as the transformation has happened, in the last few weeks, people are just looking at me going, "oh, my god. you really look alive, younger, and just happy." sono bello changed my attitude, i was hoping that this procedure would give me maybe 10 years. i think i got closer to 20. they changed my life! >> joining us now is sono bello's dr. brian machida. dr. machida, my girlfriends and i are always talking about getting older, and it seems like we seem to have the exact same complaints about the exact same parts of our bodies. so, i want to take a look at some of the before-and-afters if we can, and i'd like you to tell me the problem areas and how
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so, this is shirley. and tell me what we're looking at here. >> well, in this case, she didn't want to keep looking angry. she had excessive jowls, so after, you can see that she has a nicely defined jawline, her neck is very nice and refined, and the jowls and the folds are much less noticeable. >> it's dramatic to me. it's really beautiful. >> yes, it is. >> i'm gonna pull up dina here. i think this is amazing, what i see on dina. can you speak to what we're seeing here? >> well, you see here, what's skin and muscle. they call it a turkey neck. and you can see the result. the result's fantastic. >> it looks like dina's mother on the left and dina on the right. >> right, this is our mother-daughter transition. >> [ laughing ] it really is. >> that's right. >> okay, let's take a look here. this is carol. also very dramatic. >> right. you can tell there's a lot of loose skin just in her neck and in her jawline. you can see the wrinkles there. so this is another "wow" result. this is fantastic.
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you've followed the natural line of her own jaw. >> that's right. >> the skin was sagging beyond that. >> that's right. all of that in combination is the result that you get. >> all of the results are truly inspiring to me. thank you so much for talking me through them. >> thank you very much. >> what's surprising about lift by sono bello is that these are natural-looking results where people don't need to worry that they'll be unrecognizable to their friends or loved ones or even to themselves in the mirror. life-changing. >> i was like 42 pounds heavier than i am now. after i lost the weight, you know, my neck started hanging. it really showed and it really bothered me. after the procedure, my husband and i went out to dinner, and i noticed that he's sitting across from me staring at me, and i go, "what are you staring at?" and he goes, "i really can't believe you look like that." and that was nice.
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in fact, i immediately texted my friend and sent her a picture. it was fabulous. i thought, wow, why didn't i do this a long time ago? you know, you try creams. you try neck exercises. you try everything that they say is gonna work, but nothing works. i, you know, if i had been smarter back then, i'd have went to sono bello back then. it's great. i i i look great! >> announcer: do you ever find yourself snapping picture after picture and never being happy with what you see? as we get older, sometimes we look in the mirror and we don't even recognize the person staring back at us. >> i was noticing that my jowls were growing. >> i'd look in the mirror and i
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get firm, lifted skin that looks completely natural? what if it was actually affordable? and what if you could simply reverse the signs of aging to take years off of your appearance? lift by sono bello is a fully customized facial rejuvenation procedure that delivers amazing natural-looking results. lift is performed in an in-office visit using local anesthesia, so there's less down time than with traditional facelifts. it's easy and it's affordable on almost any budget. sono bello is a trusted, accredited leader in total body transformation and has performed over 75,000 procedures. with a nationwide network of nearly 100 board-certified doctors, sono bello provides a facial cosmetic procedure that is customized to meet your specific goals, ensuring a natural and refreshed look. >> there are no two people that look alike, and our doctors, having done thousands of procedures, do what is necessary
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>> i really felt that they took my feelings and my concerns and customized the whole experience for me. >> announcer: for sagging skin, lift by sono bello can enhance your jawline and neck to create a more natural and youthful appearance. and for sleepy eyes, bags, or drooping brows, sono bello doctors can customize a solution to diminish that tired look. >> sono bello has changed the way i look, the way i feel, and how i feel about myself. >> i feel good inside and out >> announcer: call now for your free, no-obligation consultation to find out how easy and affordable it can be to take years off your appearance with lift by sono bello. call...for your free consultation right now. >> they changed my face. they changed my confidence. they changed my life. >> announcer: lift away the signs of aging to reveal a younger, fresher version of
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no-obligation consultation right now, you'll also receive $250 off your procedure. and payment plans available to meet most any budget. call...for your free consultation right now. >> i had the opportunity to hear some people speak about their sono bello experiences directly, and i think of it as just a visual and how important is the visual in your life. and then to discover it's much deeper than that, that people were hiding out in their lives -- they weren't taking pictures of themselves, they weren't enjoying the world around them. so it hit me emotionally that people were changed in bigger ways than just their looks. like faye... >> i have four children, 13 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, so you're constantly giving. so when you finally get a chance to do something for yourself,
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but what makes it feel good is when the people that you've sacrificed for are happy for you. i've always had bags under my eyes, and my eyebrows -- it's hard to put on eye shadow because i have that hood. it gives you a sad look, almost, sometimes, you know? i think the one thing that i'm really looking forward to, is to be able to take a picture alone. you know, i usually take a picture with somebody, you know, with my kids or whatever, so that the focus i'm just looking forward to being able to give people what i feel inside, let them see it on the outside. that's what i really want. >> with the support of her family, faye had the lift by sono bello. >> i feel wonderful. i feel good. i feel like i look good. i'm excited. i mean, i feel good inside and out now. hi, y'all! come on in! we're having a barbecue.
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>> oh! >> being a mother of four, i just never thought that i would be able to afford that. so it never crossed my mind. no matter how i looked, it was just something i had to live with. and i'm sure there's a lot of women out there feeling the same way. it's something they would like to do, but they feel like that they can't afford to do it. and at some point, you have to get a little bit selfish. with sono bello, it's affordable now. >> ...2, 3. >> happy face day! i just really -- i feel pretty. for once in my life, i feel like i can just put on makeup and have a good time. i feel good. i may have lost 10 years on my face, but i gained confidence, i gained freedom. admiration from a lot of people. now i'm ready to go out and experience things that i never would have thought i would, i didn't have the confidence to do before.
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>> joining us now is faye thompson from atlanta, georgia. hi, faye. >> hey, girl. [ both laugh ] >> you and i are gonna get along great. what was it like to watch your video? >> it's eye-opening, really. >> how do you feel? >> i feel great. [ both laugh ] >> how you have you friends and family reacted? >> they love it. >> really? >> my children are so happy with it. it's like i'm like another person. they say i used to frown a lot, and now i smile a lot. you know? i think they've enjoyed this as much as i have. you said it's not just -- it's feeling good. i don't think of that in terms of a cosmetic procedure. >> well, it turns over everything. you want to do things that you haven't done before. you want to try -- >> like what? >> you don't really want to know. >> oh, i want to know. [ both laughing ] i think we all want to know.
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>> i get a lot compliments. and when i tell people my age, they don't believe it, so... >> oh, that's wonderful. >> it's going real well. [ laughs ] >> you look really happy. >> thank you. >> i think that's been the most impressive thing to me about lift by sono bello is that it's so natural-looking. it looks like you. >> that's what everybody says. like, i've had people see me and they don't know that i've even had it. they just say, "girl, you look like you -- what have you been doing? and that was one of the concerns, is that i didn't want to look stretched or tight, you know. but i look like me. i just look like a better version, a more-rested, a healthy faye, so... >> exactly. thank you so much for sharing it with us here today. >> thank you for having me. >> when i saw the before-and-afters of sono bello, i was stunned. i was -- actually, i was impressed. i was impressed with the restraint.
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just do enough to refresh. i don't want to look like i looked 40 years ago or 30 years ago. and frankly, the people i know who have had a lot of work done don't even look like they looked 30 or 40 years ago. these doctors are using great restraint. they're not trying to erase a life or change anything. they're trying to take what is, and refresh it. >> as we get older, a lot of times, our self-image doesn't change too much but when we look in the mirror it doesn't match the way we feel on the inside. the great thing about what we do at sono bello is we can address aging changes, and of course, we all experience those as we get older. i decided to become a facial plastic surgeon because i loved helping people reach their aesthetic goals. it's a very artistic field, so it takes an aesthetic sense and a sense of balance and proportion. when patients come in for a consultation, one of their main concerns is that they don't want look like somebody else. they like the way they look, they just want to look younger. they want to look like a more youthful version of themselves.
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make sure that they look natural. i think one of the benefits of sono bello is we've done so many cases. we're able to offer that experience and that expertise to our patients. doug, how are you? >> hi, doctor. >> it's good to see you. our patients come in for a private consultation. they also meet with a physician to formalize the plan, and it's important that we're both on the same page in terms of what we're wanting to do. and once those relationships are established, that really goes a long way in alleviating patients' fears and concerns leading up to a procedure. >> my pleasure. you look so great. a lot of times patients come in for a consultation before surgery and they say, "i hate my neck," and my favorite thing to hear after surgery is, "i love my neck." and i hear that many times a week from my patients and it never gets old. i love hearing that. i think authenticity is what patients are looking for. they want be their true selves. they look in the mirror and they see someone that they don't recognize anymore. if it's something that can make you feel better about yourself and give you a renewed sense of self-confidence, then i say go
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>> before my lift, you know, i was concentrating on my kids and my job, really wasn't doing enough for myself. and that was part of the motivation. i really wanted to do something for me. i felt that i had earned it, i deserved it, and so that's why i started looking into the lift. what was particularly impressive for me with the sono bello doctors and the whole experience was i felt that i was important to them. they listened to my concerns. i never felt at anytime that they were trying to do more than what i really wanted, and that was really impressive about them. my lift by sono bello has really changed my life. it's made me feel more confident, more beautiful, and it's just amazing. i'm so excited about getting on with this new phase of my life and getting out there and doing all the things that i've really wanted to do and knowing that i look amazing while i'm doing it. >> announcer: what if you could get firm, lifted skin that looks completely natural? what if it was actually affordable? and what if you could simply
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take years off of your appearance? lift by sono bello is a fully customized facial rejuvenation procedure that delivers amazing natural-looking results. lift is performed in an in-office visit using local anesthesia, so there's less down time than with traditional facelifts. it's easy and it's affordable on almost any budget. sono bello is a trusted, accredited leader in total body transformation and has performed over 75,000 procedures. with a natio nearly 100 board-certified doctors, sono bello provides a facial cosmetic procedure that is customized to meet your specific goals, ensuring a natural and refreshed look. for sagging skin, lift by sono bello can enhance your jawline and neck to create a more natural and youthful appearance. and for sleepy eyes, bags, or drooping brows, sono bello doctors can customize a solution to diminish that tired look. >> now when i look in the
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on my face. it makes me happy. >> announcer: call now for your free, no-obligation consultation to find out how easy and affordable it can be to take years off your appearance with lift by sono bello. call...for your free consultation right now. >> now i'm ready to go out and experience things that i didn't have the confidence to do before. i feel pretty. >> announcer: lift away the signs of aging to reveal a younger, fresher version of yourself. and when you call for your free no-obligation consultation right now, you'll also receive $250 off your procedure. and payment plans available to meet most any budget. call...for your free consultation right now. >> it's a common misconception that facial procedures are only
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look good and feel good no matter what their age or gender. >> i feel like i'm in my 50s. i really feel good, but my external appearance, i'm a little disappointed with. age has caught up with me, and i've lost all self-confidence in myself. i retired approximately 14 months ago. i am bored and i want to get back. i'm concerned that i'm gonna be working with a youthful crowd, a much younger crowd, and i don't think i'd fit in the way i look right now. i always look like i'm scowling. i'm a friendly, outgoing person but my appearance doesn't match it. >> in order to gain some confidence before jumping back into the job market, doug went for a consultation.... >> i'll let him know you're here, okay? >> ...and decided on the lift procedure by sono bello.
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before this procedure, i felt like a grumpy old man. now i'm re-energized. i'm exercising with a weight-loss program, so it's meant a lot to me mentally. >> after the procedure, doug found the confidence and energy he was looking for, becoming more active with his grandchildren and pursuing a new career. >> you know, i had reservations 'cause it's not a manly thing. until when i sat down with a friend and he admitted that he had a procedure and he looked terrific, so i said, you know, "i'm really going to pursue what really impressed me was when we discussed the procedure, it was done specifically for my needs. >> for men, it's more often about something external. a lot of times, it's about work, it's about being competitive at work, and sometimes it's to find a new position. that was the case with doug. he was looking to find a new job, and in fact, he did. and he is now working as an ambassador for a major league
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the organization. >> i used to hate to smile. now, i do that for a living. it was remarkable how natural it looks and the compliments that i've received as a result of the procedure. additionally, it was my wife. she couldn't believe she had this young guy as a husband again. it was remarkable. she couldn't believe it. >> a recent survey found that people's top concern is finding the right doctor whom they can trust. joining ow dr. brian machida. have you noticed a shift in demographics of the people that are doing facial procedures? i think were seeing a younger and younger segment of population having this type of procedure done. >> really? >> yes, and as well as having more men, too. before it's mainly been restricted to women in the past. and i'd say more and more men are having it done, too. i think one of the most striking things for me were seeing the before-and-afters and that's what stood out the most. this looks like this person maybe 10 years ago or 15 years ago.
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patients that i have dealt with after procedures, they go "wow. this looks fantastic." but yet, when friends see them, they can't really tell that they've had anything done like a procedure. >> i wonder what you would say to someone who's considering whether or not they are a candidate for lift by sono bello. >> i'd say just come in for a complimentary consultation, and we'll take a look at it. >> announcer: when you call for your free consultation right now, you can receive $250 off your procedure. lift by sono bello. >> i looked in the mirror, and i see myself that i was getting old. i have all the hanging skin. you know, i looked like a turkey. and my nephew used to play with it. he used to go, "gobble, gobble!" and that's when i decided to go to sono bello. when i got there, they treated me like they know me, like, forever. i never met a doctor so happy
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he told me from the beginning what was gonna happen, how it was gonna be done, and i feel so comfortable because he explained to me, one by one, every step. >> when dina came to see me, she had a lot of extra hanging skin. i think that she was literally weighed down by this extra skin in her neck. it bothered her, you could tell. it was affecting her outlook and afterwards she just seemed so much lighter and brighter and really more herself. >> my granddaughter even made she said, "grandma, cut it out. you're not a teenager." because i feel good, not only in my face, in my heart, too. >> isn't it crazy that a simple visit to sono bello can actually change peoples' lives? and clearly it's not just about looking better. it's always about feeling better. it is to me. you know, that feeling that i want to get out in the world. i feel good about myself. i want join the workforce again.
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or honestly, it's really best when the people around you turn and say, "what are you doing? you look great. what's happening?" with lift by sono bello, now there is no reason to wait anymore to be the you that makes you happy. >> when i looked in the mirror before the procedure, i saw an angry, crabby, tired old lady. as the transformation has happened in the last few weeks, people are just looking at me going, "oh, my god." >> i have so much more it's great. i love it. i look great! >> i feel like a kid again. before this procedure, i felt like a grumpy old man. now i'm re-energized. i'm exercising. it's meant a lot to me mentally. >> my lift by sono bello has really changed my life. it's just amazing. you know, i feel so good. i've had so many compliments. >> if somebody looks at you, you think, "yeah, they're looking at me 'cause i look good!" >> i feel good.
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pretty. >> announcer: like it or not, our face plays a powerful role in how people view us and how we feel about ourselves. it can be the difference between feeling timid or confident, self-conscious or self-assured. what if you could get firm, lifted skin that looks completely natural? what if it was actually affordable? and what if you could simply reverse the signs of aging to take years off of your appearance? lift by sono bello is a fully customized facial rejuvenation natural-looking results. lift is performed in an in-office visit using local anesthesia, so there's less down time than with traditional facelifts. it's easy and it's affordable on almost any budget. sono bello is a trusted, accredited leader in total body transformation and has performed over 75,000 procedures. with a nationwide network of nearly 100 board-certified doctors, sono bello provides a
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is customized to meet your specific goals, ensuring a natural and refreshed look. >> there are no two people that look alike, and our doctors, having done thousands of procedures, do what is necessary for what the patient wants. >> they don't have a just "out of the box" procedure they use on everyone. they look at you, they ask you what you're looking for, and they customize it just for you. >> announcer: for sagging skin, lift by sono bello can enhance your jawline and neck to create appearance. and for sleepy eyes, bags, or drooping brows, sono bello doctors can customize a solution to diminish that tired look. >> sono bello has changed the way i look, the way i feel, and how i feel about myself. >> announcer: call... for your free consultation right now. >> they changed my face. they changed my confidence. they changed my life.
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signs of aging to reveal a younger, fresher version of yourself. and when you call for your free no-obligation consultation right now, you'll also receive $250 off your procedure. and payment plans available to meet most any budget. call...for your free consultation right now. the preceding was a paid
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>> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for green tea cr, brought to you by purity products. >> one of my favorite guests is on the program with us today. we're gonna get to him in just a moment. i'm talking about chris kilham, known as the medicine hunter. cnn calls chris the indiana jones of natural medicine because he's constantly for natural remedies. you may have seen chris on "the dr. oz show" or maybe on pbs or cbs. he's been on fox news, where he does a health segment. he's been featured in the new york times, also on abc's "20/20." he's an author, he's an educator, he's written 14 books. he's joining us today to talk about not one but three of the hottest nutritional ingredients out there in the market today. and better yet, he's teamed up with purity to give away a
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today. chris kilham, welcome to the show. >> well, thanks so much, mark. it's always a pleasure to have a great conversation with you. >> now, chris, most of us are just super-busy these days. we want to stay healthy, and quite frankly, it's tough to do. it's daunting -- you know, all the different supplements out there. everybody has jam-packed schedules. you've traveled all around the globe, chris. you've learned about so many different natural remedies, so you really know what to look for. you know which ingredients are best. so, tell me, besides a good some fish oil for those omegas, maybe a few other things, talk about the three super-hot nutrients you're so jazzed up about these days. >> the three super-nutrients, as you called them, are, first, a concentrated green tea extract, then a turmeric root extract called curcumin, and lastly but certainly not least, an extract called resveratrol. and apropos of what you said about my traveling around the world, i've extensively
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countries. so, i've roamed the green tea plantations of china and india and southeast asia. i've worked with top researchers of this highly beneficial ingredient in those countries. with turmeric, i've worked extensively with turmeric researchers throughout india, and i've seen the cultivation and extraction and harvesting of this plant. and with resveratrol, i've worked with top scientists in europe and also in california, chile, and south africa, all of red-wine-producing areas. so, i've had the opportunity to investigate these botanicals in the field and learn from the top scientists. and my conclusion is that green tea extract, curcumin from turmeric root, and resveratrol are remarkable health-enhancing agents that everybody can benefit from in a very substantial way. >> now, chris, let's talk more about these big three. it's interesting that all are found in our diet.
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superfoods -- the green tea, the curcumin, the resveratrol. so, how did you come to combine all three? i know there's always a method to your madness, if you will, and you combine these three things together because they complement each other. this is a real game changer, right? >> well, when i look at these three, there actually isn't a good reason to put them in separate products, mark. these three super-nutrients go together very, very well, and as you said, they're all food-derived. so, in a way, it's similar to how u' variety of fresh vegetables. >> sure. >> you wouldn't just have a bowl of lettuce or cucumbers. and while that may sound a little bit simplistic, the fact is that all three of these are highly concentrated in groups of protective compounds that are powerfully antioxidant. so, they actually help to fight the age-related damage of the cells in our bodies, to protect our organ systems. in addition, they also help to maintain a healthy inflammatory
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breakthrough. i also like the idea that people can get a concentrated supplement with a green tea extract, curcumin extract, and resveratrol all in one product. and so you don't, basically, have to go out and buy a shopping cart full of, you know, supplements. >> yeah. all right, chris. let's delve into the headlines here, dive right in, and especially the research on green tea. this is really amazing. i know that, in asia, they've used this for thousands of years for healthy aging, but, chris, what are you seeing recently in someth and all the media? i know you told me before the show that in the nutrition research journal, i think it was july around 2012, that article reveals that green tea significantly increased plasma antioxidant activity in whole-blood glutathione. so, can you recap some of that, break it down for us so it's understandable for our viewers here? >> yeah. sure, mark. what you said about increasing plasma antioxidant activity is really critical. there are many antioxidants in
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don't actually wind up in the body. so, they don't, you know, help us in any significant way. but the green tea antioxidants, which we know are among the most highly beneficial of all the antioxidants in the world, are very well-absorbed. they improve plasma antioxidant activity, which means the blood concentration of antioxidants. so, what happens is you get this concentration of antioxidant substances floating around in the body, protecting the cells organs. and they protect every part of your body from premature destruction due to exposure to things like environmental pollutants and bad items in the diet. so, with regard to the whole-blood glutathione that you mentioned -- and i know it's a mouthful. >> sure. >> when we take in the right antioxidants, and not all antioxidant compounds are the right ones, our bodies produce more of its own super-protective compound, and that's called
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extract, you build the antioxidant activity of the blood, and you also cause your body to produce this enormously beneficial, very well-studied, super powerful protective substance called glutathione. so, this really is quite remarkable. it isn't something that most high-antioxidant food or supplements do, but it can happen with a concentrated, properly made green tea extract. >> all right, chris. let's switch gears and talk about this curcumin. now, this is number two on you c-u-r-c-u-m-i-n. now, most people haven't heard about it, but i know scientists and researchers all know about it. they know it's one of the most powerful superfoods on the planet. it can positively influence our dna, maintain joint comfort, and support brain function, and so much more. can you break down the news here, share some of the incredible headlines on curcumin and tell us why, chris, that you use this in the formula? we talked about this, i know,
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of curcumin. that's some terrific information right there. >> well, yes, it is, mark. first of all, i think that, while people might not know the term curcumin, they may well know turmeric root, which is the yellow spice that shows up in curries. it's also part of the 5,000-year-old indian ayurvedic system of natural medicine. now, i've been studying turmeric and its derivative, curcumin, since the 1970s, and i'll say right off the bat -- there are almost no plant materials in the world as extensively studied as this. we know that curcumin is powerfully antioxidant. we know that it has a remarkable capacity to protect the liver. and the liver is our primary detoxifying organ. it greatly supports joint health, as well. so, if people are experiencing joint discomfort due to overuse, this really helps to relieve that. and it's also what we call cardio-protective.
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it helps to maintain a normal, healthy cholesterol level. and one last thing that's really kind of amazing is that curcumin actually causes your body to produce what are called neuroprotective factors in the brain. so, it causes your body to produce agents in the brain that specifically help to protect and maintain the tissues of the nerves in the brain itself. there's almost nothing else we know of that does this. extract that you mentioned does, in fact, offer better absorption. i personally recommend doubling the dose to get a full 500 milligrams, which is the dose used in most of the studies on this exact same extract. so, this, in my opinion, is one of the most life-enhancing, protective, totally beneficial substances on earth. and it has decades of scientific and medical studies to back it up. >> we're talking to chris kilham,
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and, chris, i know we talked already about the green tea and the curcumin, as well, and the new green tea cr liquid soft-gel formula. purity is giving that away for free today. but let's talk about this third nutrient. a lot of discussion about this in recent years, as well. there's new news about resveratrol, super-hot issue right now all over the place. talk about some of the headlines and the science behind resveratrol. i mean, most people have heard or they know, to some extent, it's from red wine and the french love it, but what else is it on your list? >> well, you're right, mark. this is one of the hotter topics in health over the past few years. resveratrol is one of those remarkable compounds. i'm actually amazed at how many different things it does in the body. now, it's found in grapes -- wine grapes, specifically. and interestingly enough, it's also in cranberries. >> hmm. >> what we know about resveratrol is that, like green tea and like curcumin extract, it's powerfully antioxidant.
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significant properties. when you look at some of the events in the body that occur, such as fat accumulation and insulin sensitivity, resveratrol helps to protect against these factors. it's a powerful immune supporter, and as you well know, the immune system is responsible for keeping us healthy. additional research suggests that resveratrol can be remarkably beneficial for the heart, and this is largely why it became associated, years ago, paradox. and this is one of those unfair things in life. the french, you know, generally speaking, they drink a lot of red wine, they eat a lot of fatty cheese, they smoke cigarettes, they're skinny, and they have good cardiovascular health. i mean, where's the justice in that? >> yeah. >> so, there's been a lot of investigation into the role that resveratrol, among other compounds found in foods that they eat or are in wines, plays in this factor. and additionally, there's a
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flow to the brain. so, when you take resveratrol, you can help to maintain healthy brain blood flow. so, i think you can understand why this is on my short list of super-nutrients for all these reasons and for a lot more that just take too long to explain here. >> all right. we're talking with chris kilham, known as the indiana jones of natural medicine. and chris, let's zero in. let's laser in, right now, on this wonderful formula that you created in conjunction with purity pro come together and come about here. and now, purity has been in the business for, what, more than 20 years now. people can get a complimentary bottle of this green tea cr today. what's the "cr" part of this green tea cr, chris? what's it stand for? and explain, too, how you designed this formula in a liquid soft-gel. why do you like it this way, this kind of technology, chris? >> well, first of all, mark, the formula's called green tea cr, which is short for green tea,
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the three big ingredients in the product in meaningful, protective amounts. now, the reason it's in a liquid soft-gelatin capsule is that, for many people, breaking down pills is difficult, and this may be better in absorption and bioavailability. that means your body can utilize more of the ingredients in the supplement. so, green tea cr is green tea, curcumin, and resveratrol, as we previously described. and the reason for a liquid soft-gel is that it's a great dosage for them, especially for the combination of these three ingredients. >> tell me this. if you wanted to buy this -- okay, the green tea plus the patented bcm-95 curcumin plus the resveratrol -- all of that, you'd have to spend, what, close to 75 bucks or so, at least, for all three bottles in the store. yet today, purity products is giving away a complimentary bottle. how are they able to do this, chris? >> well, mark, you know, purity's a big company, and they
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but more than that, they're strategic. they know that if a person is listening and will pick up the phone and will call in, they're gonna get their free bottle -- and by the way, when i say "free," i mean it's free as in free as in you don't pay anything, okay? >> so, you mean f-r-e-e free? >> yeah, like free -- you don't pay. there's no catch to that. >> got it. >> okay, now, if the person will try the product and take it as recommended, and that's the important part, they're gonna feel it. and when they feel it, they're gonna say, "you know, i like this. i like the way i feel. i want this as part of my daily regi" so, purity's really betting beyond the free bottle. i don't actually think there's any risk to this on their part. they're betting that people will have a positive experience, that they'll say, "i like this. i like the way i feel on green tea cr," and they'll order more. so, from purity's standpoint, it isn't really much of a risk. >> here's how to take advantage of this great, special free offer right now. >> announcer: purity products, a leading provider of cutting-edge nutraceuticals for over 20 years, has an incredible free-bottle offer today on
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three-in-one super formula, combining green tea with curcumin and resveratrol, formulated by chris kilham, the medicine hunter. now, here's the deal. be one of the first 1,000 callers from today's show, pay only $6.95 for shipping and handling, and as a part of this special tv offer, purity products will rush you a free bottle to put it to the test. that's right. purity is so sure you're going to love green tea cr, they want to send you a free bottle. it's that simple. even the shipping is 100% absolutely nothing to lose. even better, you'll also get a free bottle of purity's amazing b12 energy melts for a delicious burst of energy you can use every day to feel great. green tea cr is the little pill power-packed with big health benefits. each liquid soft-gel delivers a powerful triple-action combination of antioxidant-rich
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curcumin, plus heart-healthy resveratrol. green tea cr powerfully supports your energy levels, cardiovascular health, metabolism, joint comfort, antioxidant defense, and so much more. you won't believe what these three superstar ingredients can do for your health and vitality. don't miss out on this limited-time tv offer. now, green tea cr is not offer is not available online, only directly through this special tv order line, so call now and don't miss out on this incredible, double, free tv offer.
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chris, talk about some of the other headlines just out there now on this green tea subject alone. some we haven't gotten to yet because there's just so much information out there. i know that dieters just love green tea because it supports healthy fat metabolism. that gets everybody's attention. so, what about that? what's the research saying about this? >> yeah, this is definitely one of the things that gets people pretty excited about green tea, mark. we know that green tea has thermogenic properties, and what that means is heat-generating properties in the body. so, it actually causes your body to burn more calories. >> mm. >> you're gonna burn more calories from a meal as a result of taking a good, well-made, concentrated green tea extract. in addition, it has specific fat-metabolizing properties. and i'm not suggesting that you're gonna lose 20 pounds in a week or any of that. but i am saying this is gonna help your body to more efficiently metabolize fat. >> ah.
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standpoint, this is very good news. additionally, green tea helps to support normal blood glucose, or blood sugar, and this has a direct relationship to healthy weight management. so, when you maintain a healthy blood sugar, it can have a positive effect on weight management, so it's pretty remarkable stuff. and the science is certainly there for overall healthy weight management. >> all right, now, chris. you say that, with purity's formula, it provides you with about three cups' worth of green tea ac in these cutting-edge liquid soft-gels. so, you get all of green tea's concentrated benefits for energy, for heart health in just two soft-gel caps, plus you get the curcumin and the resveratrol, as well. it's all easy. it's all together right now. you call it your daily shortcut. now, explain this idea of a healthy shortcut and then talk about some of the top benefits here as well, chris. >> well, mark, if you wanted to, you could drink three cups of
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you could certainly eat at least one large, really rich curry made with a lot of turmeric root, and you certainly could drink a couple of glasses of red wine. i mean, people like to do that. but most people aren't going to do that whole combination of things. they still want the benefits of the three big, superstar, protective, health-enhancing nutrients, so when i call this a daily shortcut, what i mean is that you can get, in a capsule -- in a good liquid soft-gel capsule -- what you'd otherwise have to get by eating at least one large, turmeric-laden curry, and drinking a couple of glasses of concentrated red wine. so, it really is a true shortcut. >> ah. again, we're talking with chris kilham, the medicine hunter. you see him on tv. he's all over the internet. you can google him. you'll learn more. chris, this new green tea cr formula from purity -- really, it's all about the science. it's all about the research. talk to us a bit more about some of your favorite studies and the headlines on curcumin.
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the program. so, let's break it down just a bit. i know it's one of your favorite ingredients for joint comfort and even brain health. talk about that. >> it definitely is, mark. i like the liver-protective and heart-protective and joint-promoting properties of this extract. you start with the liver. that's our greatest detoxifying organ. we know that we're constantly bombarded by toxins in the environment, so we need a good, healthy, strong, functioning liver. we know that curcumin protects keeps it strong. from a cardiovascular standpoint, curcumin is highly beneficial to the heart. it's very good for maintaining healthy cholesterol and healthy platelet levels. and from a joint standpoint, we have innumerable studies, an enormous body of literature showing overall support for joint health, maintaining normal function and mobility as a result of taking curcumin. i also like the brain-protective
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so, i do regard it as one of the single most important things you can put in your body. >> all right, chris. i want to remind people they can call purity right now. they can get started with a free -- i said free -- bottle of green tea cr from purity. this is the unique green tea formula with the curcumin, with the resveratrol. get your free bottle today. here's how. >> announcer: purity products, a leading provider of cutting-edge nutraceuticals for over 20 years, has an incredible free-bottle offer today on chris kilham, the medicine hunter. now, here's the deal. be one of the first 1,000 callers from today's show, pay only $6.95 for shipping and handling, and as a part of this special tv offer, purity products will rush you a free bottle to put it to the test. that's right. purity is so sure you're going to love green tea cr, they want to send you a free bottle. it's that simple. even the shipping is 100% refundable, so you've got absolutely nothing to lose.
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free bottle of purity's amazing b12 energy melts for a delicious burst of energy you can use every day to feel great. >> welcome back. i'm mark larson. we're here with chris kilham. now, chris, these antioxidants in green tea are classified aspo powerful and well-respected by scientists. but in this green tea cr formula, there's even more. you have the green tea, you have curcumin, the resveratrol we talked about plus grape seed extract, pine bark, bioflavonoids, vitamin c. talk about this array of really super antioxidants and polyphenols you put into this formula. it's great stuff. >> well, i won't say that we completely went overkill, mark, but i will say that we developed
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both grape seed extract and pine bark extract contain a group of highly specialized antioxidant compounds called opcs. they not only do a lot of what i've previously described from a protective standpoint, but they also actually enhance the physical integrity of tissue in the blood vessels and in the skin. so, we put those in for an extra boost in antioxidant and protective activity. the bioflavonoids enhance the of vitamin c, and vitamin c, as you know, is one of the most important nutrients in the whole world. so, i would say that we were very thorough in designing this product. and just to reiterate, mark, i want people to experience dynamic health. i think a lot of people have never had that opportunity, and i want them to have it. so, with green tea cr, this is something that will make you feel great, and that's the purpose of doing it in the first place. >> all right, chris.
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offer today. our viewers can start for free. they can put the product to the test. they can be the judge. it's a tremendous opportunity. what would people expect to pay if they went out and went to all the trouble, bought all of this, got all these products, bought them separately down at their neighborhood store? what are we talking about here on the bottom line? >> think beaucoup bucks, mark. if they actually bought these high-quality products containing these major ingredients in the quantities that we have them in green tea cr, they'd be for at least $75, $80. but they still wouldn't be getting the grape seed extract, the pine bark extract, the bioflavonoids, the vitamin c. they'd be in it for well over $100 in that case. >> wow. well, chris, what kind of results? let's get into the bottom line results here. what can people expect, what are they gonna see, what will they experience, and how are they going to feel once they start taking this formula? >> i'm absolutely confident that people will enjoy greater support for joint mobility and comfort.
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also help to maintain healthy blood-sugar levels already within the normal range. and i suspect that people will have a better experience of overall vitality. when you detoxify the body, you just feel better and more energetic overall. >> now, chris, the green tea cr. let me get this straight here. this provides about three cups' worth of green tea in each two-capsule serving, plus you get the antioxidant equivalent of several servings of fruits and vegetables. that's a big dl. equivalent of several servings of red wine, the joint comfort and brain function benefits of the curcumin, all in one formula. well, in the last couple of moments here on the program -- time's flying by, chris -- talk about this shortcut to better health, why we want everybody watching us today to call for their complimentary bottle of green tea cr. >> well, mark, the good news these days is there's now an immense body of science that's been steadily growing for the
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and it's really rich, world-class science. green tea extract, curcumin extract, and resveratrol -- they're all at the top of the list of protective, vitality-enhancing, overall health-promoting compounds. there really isn't anything else like these. they're in the green tea cr formula, "cr" standing for curcumin and resveratrol. people will take the product. it's in a great liquid soft-gel caplet, and they're gonna feel the difference. you're gonna support your energy. vitality. you're gonna feel it overall. you're gonna feel more fluid in that kind of flow state. i want people to experience that. given that listeners can get a free bottle, as in free, i'm not saying, "put yourself at risk and spend a lot of money." i'm saying, "try green tea cr free, as in free." let the product speak for itself. >> chris kilham, medicine hunter, the indiana jones of medicine, all these accolades. i understand why they call you that -- all of it there, chris. thanks so much for the
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program. >> thank you, mark. it's always a pleasure to speak with you. you take good care. >> now, here's how to get started with your free bottle. >> announcer: purity products, a leading provider of cutting-edge nutraceuticals for over 20 years, has an incredible free-bottle offer today on green tea cr. this is their amazing three-in-one super formula, combining green tea with curcumin and resveratrol, formulated by chris kilham, the medicine hunter. now, here's the deal. be one of the first 1,000 callers from today's show, pay only $6.95 for shipping and handling, and as a part of this special tv offer, purity products will rush you a free bottle to put it to the test. that's right. purity is so sure you're going to love green tea cr, they want to send you a free bottle. it's that simple. even the shipping is 100% refundable, so you've got absolutely nothing to lose. even better, you'll also get a free bottle of purity's amazing b12 energy melts for a delicious burst of energy you can use every day to feel
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green tea cr is the little pill power-packed with big health benefits. each liquid soft-gel delivers a powerful triple-action combination of antioxidant-rich green tea, joint-soothing bcm-95 curcumin, plus heart-healthy resveratrol. green tea cr powerfully supports your energy levels, cardiovascular health, metabolism, joint comfort, antioxidant defense, and so much more you won't believe what these three superstar ingredients can do for your health and vitality. don't miss out on this limited-time tv offer. now, green tea cr is not available in stores, and this offer is not available online, only directly through this special tv order line, so call now and don't miss out on this incredible, double, free tv
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the preceding was a paid advertisement for green tea cr,
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? ? scare on the trail. at first complaining of being over heated, hillary clinton was unsteady and clearly needed support to enter her van. she'd been treated for >> yes, thank you very much. thank you everybody. >> but donald trump has been curiously quiet on the issue. after a weekend of war fare, a monday night syrian ceasefire hangs in the balance, but will all sides respect it. d a moving 9/11.


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