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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  September 19, 2016 1:30am-2:30am EDT

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? ? you know i think about money kind of a lot. money is freedom. money's always on my mind. car insurance. credit cards. preschool. mortgage. debt. it's tough. it's not easy. i'm not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i'm a spender. i would love to learn more about finances. savings. investments. retirement. man: the more educated i am, the better decisions i can make in the future. ? ? having dominated the world of sports and entertainment, no one could have guessed arnold schwarzenegger's next move. in 2003, amid a failing economy
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held a recall election to remove governor gray davis. in august, schwarzenegger announced his candidacy on "the tonight show" and went on to win the november election, serving as governor from 2003 to 2011. he credits his political interests in part to the family of his estranged wife, maria shriver, the niece of john f. kennedy. but it was an earlier encounter with former president richard nixon that first put the idea in his head. expl to him actually being the first person to seriously suggest you one day run for governor. >> yeah. i can't remember exactly the year it was, but i was invited down to come to the nixon library, and i always felt kind of like he was the one that made me become a republican because when he was campaigning in 1968,
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was the one that really turned me on and that really articulated it the right way. and so when i was invited to the nixon library, of course i jumped at the opportunity. and so i went there, and it didn't take long. they brought me over to him, and they introduced me to him. and then he started talking to me very enthusiastically and he was excited to meet me. then he talked to me for another five minutes office. and it was a fantastic conversation. then he said to me, he says, you know, you have instincts. you have run for governor. i don't know where. like i said, this was way before i ever thought about doing anything in politics. and then afterwards, he came to me and said, i'm telling you, arnold, if you ever run, i would
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i said to myself, this is unbelievable. >> explain how the narrative within your family changed from the first time you brought up the possibility of running with your wife when you both were the in the jacuzzi to then day of jay leno. >> i did not know after all of the years of knowing maria, how much she, in a way, despised politics. so all of this started unfolding kind of when jacuzzi. i said -- i said, what do you think about the idea of me running for governor? and she said, you know -- looked at me like the bottom just fell out. i said, i feel like i can do a better job than they do. she just freaked out. but the bottom line was that, you know, maria then, you know, changed her mind, and she
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and i remember that morning before i went to do "the tonight show," she left a message and says, you know, if you want to run, it's okay. i understand. here's what you should say if you want to run. and here's what you should say if you don't want to run. >> and had you really not made up your mind? >> no. the whole thing -- i went on "the tonight show," and there i announced exactly what was really in me, which was that i have to run. so she had no idea which way i'm going to go. and by the time i came home, she s so i said to myself, this is beyond me. beyond my comprehension. but i was only thinking about the one dimension. but the other dimension that i did not think about was that she, as a child, was dragged along to all those political campaigns if she wanted it or not. so she hated it. so then later on, as time went
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articulated that much better, and then i understood why there was pain. but at that point, i felt like quite the opposite. at this point, i felt like it's all or nothing. and i felt so convinced that i need to be and have to be the governor, and this is exactly the way it all played out. but i would not ever exchange it with anything else. it was the most challenging, but pleasurable thing to do out of all of the things, even body building champion and then movie star and all this kind of stuff, but that i was able to serve, you know, almost 40 million people in california. that was like unbelievable. >> man, to be able to do 10% of this. hey, it's been crazy with school being back-
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more on car insurance. our visit to hong kong coincided with the debut of the arnold sports festival in asia, the sixth and final continent the event has reached since starting in 1989. the weekend featured 5,000 athletes in 28 different sports from nearly 50 countries and continues schwarzenegger's mission to spread fitness and nutrition awareness throughout the world. what's most impressed you about the growth of the arnold clas o vision and promoting body building, but then out of that, the vision got bigger. i said i should not just promote body building. i should promote fitness. i should promote health. but the work has to continue on because those fitness festivals have to get bigger and bigger and, you know, i always say too big is not big enough.
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>> this is really so exciting for me and for the arnold classic to be here in hong kong and to finally be here in asia. >> what do you think of the first one in hong kong so far? >> well, it's great. the idea is what's the different sports and the different exhibitors are doing because it makes you feel good. i'm aware of what they're doing. it's all part of >> watch this arms and the shoulders. look at the technique. >> go! come on! >> yeah, come on. come on. nice. [ applause ] ? [ applause ]
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around and show what you're doing and whatever the sport is. let's see a pulse. come on, indulge me a little bit here. look at this. nice. >> can you believe that? how quickly those guys are? look at how agile. man, i would be love to be able to do just 10% of this. >> wow. >> okay. you can do it. faster. yes. you're going 30 miles an hour. you're going up to 40 s hour. unbelievable. fantastic. >> congratulations. i hope that you say, i'll be back. very nice. thank you very much.
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every time a new charter school opens in massachusetts, it takes funding away from regular public schools in that area. this year alone, charter schools will take more than
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instead of draining even more money from neighborhood public schools and giving it to charters, let's devote public resources to all of our students... not just a select few. don't lift the cap on charter schools. vote no on question 2. alex: coming next, helping mule deer survive. plus, saving disabled animals. and, skunks, skunks, skunks! this is "animal rescue." [captioning made possible by
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thanks for joining us, i'm alex paen. the story you're about to see is truly an example of compassion and dedication by animal rescue heroes. watch. in northwestern colorado, scientists from colorado parks and wildlife, and colorado state university, are investigating the causes of declining populations of the mule deer. chuck: mule deer populations here and pretty much throughout the range in the western united states have declined anywhere from 50 percent to possibly 70 percent in the last 20 to 30 years.
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a lot of factors that have been related to that decline. alex: mule deer are found in western north america and named for their large ears, similar to mules, and unlike the related whitetail deer. the scientists believe a number of factors are affecting the mule deer population, including human expansion and urbanization, fire suppression efforts in the area, and energy development. chuck: we suppressed fire over long periods of time, and that's created this--this primarily timber-dominated area. and i think historically, it was more patchy. we just basically tried to remove the over story, 'cause it looked like this before it was treated, and now it's been opened up. and what we've benefited from from that treatment is we get a lot of this new growth coming in, these lighter-colored stems, like here and here. that's all late winter deer forage. without the habitat treatments,
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heavily timbered area. ultimately, we're attempting to evaluate whether or not these habitat improvements will actually provide a benefit to mule deer. this is a gps collar. it collects locations. uh, we get five locations a day from this collar. and then it's programmed to release april of the following year. so it'll be out for 16 months. the most efficient way to capture deer, you know, to collar them and get the information that we need is to use helicopter net gunning. so we hire a helicopter crew so they'll have a net gun and they'll fly over these deer and shoot the net over
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chave: the most challenging thing is trying not to shoot the helicopter. after that, it's trying to figure out the holes in the brush where you can get the net in where the deer won't roll out of the net or the net get hung on it. and net gunning it in a place where the deer won't get hurt. [indistinct yelling] chuck: once we catch the deer, we actually give them a sedative to kind of relax 'em and minimize that stress. we probably handle them maybe 30 minutes at the most. once they leave and return to where they came from,
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we caught 'em, and we know that because we have gps collars on those deer. it disturbs them a bit for one to two days and then after that, they're fine. we've done five years of pre-treatment monitoring before we changed anything, basically monitoring existing conditions. and then two yearsag improvement projects in two of those areas. and then we're going to evaluate how the deer respond to those habitat improvements over the next six years. how they use the area and how they use those sites, and also how their condition improves. 4.5 bcs. and ultimately how that may, uh, translate into their reproductive success. the piceance basin is our largest migratory deer herd
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contains one of the largest natural gas reserves in the country. we're learning a lot about how deer interact with energy development activity, which activities are more invasive than others. if deer actually use the habitat treatments in the developed landscape, that's our best way to go. 'cause then we can benefit those deer right there, maintain their use of those landscapes, and enhance their condition. he might come straight into you over there. like that. most folks' definition of wilderness is areas that basically are in a pristine, natural setting without human influence. i'm not sure that totally exists. and i think there's a place for wilderness. i think it's important to protect, you know, these natural areas and keep 'em as natural as possible. but there's a place for development, too. so how can energy development be implemented in a way that's least detrimental to wildlife
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alex: the scientists will monitor the mule deer until those collars automatically fall off in about 16 months, collect them, and digest the information, all trying to determine how often these critters use the habitat improvement areas, and if they do, what benefits they derive from them. we'll have more of "animal rescue" right after
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giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy... kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase.
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alex: animal rescuers are special people, as you'll see in this next story. alex: located in the remote beauty of western montana, you'll find the rolling dog ranch animal sanctuary, founded by steve smith and his wife alayne marker. steve smith: we met and married in seattle in 1994, and at that point, alayne had a dog and i had 6 cats that i brought to the marriage. but i wanted to have a dog of my own. and so we adopted dolly, who was a special needs dog in that she had been terribly abused as a puppy and was scared to death of people. and we started at that point adopting animals who had
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trauma like that, abuse victims. and that sort of led us to start thinking about who are the animals who are most vulnerable in our society? and from that point, we kind of ended up gravitating towards disabled animals because we found that there was almost nobody out there focused strictly on rescuing and sheltering disabled animals. alayne: and we used our own funds to get the ranch started. and, uh, our feeling was if you believe enough in what you're doing, you should be able to put your own financial assets out there first to get started, and then you go forward with the generosity of the supporters, which we've been doing ever since. steve: this is our first barn, lena's barn, who we actually named for the very first animal that arrived, which was a blind horse named lena. and when alayne and i started the sanctuary in 2000, we actually thought we were gonna do disabled dogs and cats, and the very first animal that arrived
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lena. and she was a quarter horse who went blind from training abuse. and she was the very first animal that arrived, and that's how we ended up doing blind horses. she taught us everything we needed to know. here she comes right now. and, uh, she's just the sweetest, calmest horse you could imagine. and she was a perfect first-time blind horse to have. she taught us everything we needed to know. this little girl is blind brynne. and she actually has multiple birth defects. she has a hole in her heart, she's missing a kidney. she's got ectopic ureters, which means basically her plumbing is screwed up. um, she has a malformed vertebrae in her neck, so her neck is so short, she can't actually reach the ground to graze. but she's happy, and she loves life. and she gets out and runs around and kicks up her heels and bucks and, you know, just has a wonderful time.
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you can tell they're all feeling frisky. they're bucking and kicking and whirling around. they love being turned out every morning on the pasture, but it's funny. at the end of the day, they're ready to come inside, too, and go into their corrals. one of the things we enjoy the most is being out here and looking out across our 160 acres and seeing all of these blind horses dotted across the pastures, heads down, grazing. or, just like you saw with the running around, having a great time. because most people assume blind horses can't go out on pasture, they can't have a good quality of life. people think they're dangerous, they're gonna hurt you or they're gonna hurt themselves. and all those myths are absolutely just flat wrong. and every day, these horses-- these blind horses of ours demonstrate that. i mean, they just want a chance to be a horse. and that's what they get to do here. alayne: we have visitors that will sometimes tell us that they've put off coming here to visit the ranch because they
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pathetic. and they get here and they see them having a great time, being happy, enjoying life, just being a dog, a cat, or a horse, and just wanting to love and be loved. and it's just a great experience when you have people come and they see this. and it also serves as an education for the public. steve: this is baron, who is blind and deaf. and he came to us a few weeks ago from the grant's pass, oregon animal control shelter. and just found as a stray. and he can't see or hear a thing. his eyes were never developed, so he technically has something called microopthalmia. but he's absolutely fearless, totally self-confident. i mean he has, because he was born this way, he has no idea the world isn't dark. he has no idea that the rest of us can see and hear things. and so he just gets out and goes exploring. and it scares us to death sometimes, 'cause he can actually-- he's small enough that he gets through our fence and
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drive. doing this has actually taught us quite a bit. not only about the animals and the various sort of medical conditions and needs that they have, but also about people. because we see--we see the full range of people and the var--the values that people bring to life. because we have animals who have been terribly abused or mistreated or neglected by people, and we have animals who are here only because somebody has intervened in their life to save them, rescue them, and so we've learned not to-- not to focus on the negatives that we see with the people who mistreat animals, or the people that just want to get rid of the animal because it's got a disability, but to focus on the people that have made a difference in all of the lives that are here with these 80 animals. alayne: you know, when you work with animals, you can sometimes see the absolute worst in the human spirit. but when you have the people that come in and intervene on behalf of an animal, then you see the
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alex: visit our website,, to learn more about other rescue groups. don't go away,
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every time a new charter school opens in massachusetts, it takes funding away from regular public schools in that area. this year alone, charter schools will take more than
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instead of draining even more money from neighborhood public schools and giving it to charters, let's devote public resources to all of our students... not just a select few. don't lift the cap on charter schools. vote no on question 2. alex: welcome back. here is another great animal rescue. cheri: i like eating on my own now. alex: meet cheri bond, who runs a skunk rescue operation in southern california. cheri: we get a lot of calls, and we pick up these animals and take good care of them until either they need vet care--we give them flea baths and pick ticks off of them, and i get them on good formula and
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these guys are already used to people. the skunk is really misunderstood. i really believe that the rumors about skunks really started to justify killing the animal because people didn't want to get sprayed. their tails are up a lot of times just because--that doesn't necessarily mean anything. they play that way, too. the first defense, that people don't think of, is that they're not a camouflaged animal. they're very bold-- black and white, their tails are big bushy plumes, and it's like a flag saying, "in case you didn't notice me, i'm a skunk." and they just wave that flag at you. and then people see them, and the key thing with skunks is be very quiet and very slow. if you see a skunk, you don't throw anything, you don't scream, you don't scream and run, you don't shoo it away. you just stand still when you see it and just slowly back away. now, certain signals that they do, they do a
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couple stomps on the ground, and their tail will go up, and maybe they'll point their rear end at you a little bit, and that's the ready. now, if you continuously come at them, like a lot of dogs do, or if you don't know that that's the signal, then they'll stomp the ground furiously, like this, and they'll have their rear end at you and just look over their shoulder like this, and you'll see their little nose go up and their teeth showing. you probably won't hear it, but it's a snuff-grunt. it's like "phnph!"t' they'll stomp, and they're really getting perturbed. they're giving you every chance to let you know that they don't want to spray you, and if you keep coming at them, they're going to let you have it. an adult skunk can spray 12 feet. a little one, depending on its age, it could be just a whiff, or it could be maybe six inches or a foot, and then it progresses until they're about five months old. here, little one, mama's
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releasing a family of skunks back into the wild after rescuing and caring for them for several months. alex: and now this "animal rescue" safety tip. singer: ? keep your pets happy healthy and fit with this animal rescue safety tip ? alex: fleas and ticks are almost everywhere, and can carry diseases that are dangerous to both you and your pets. even if you haven't seen these tiny pests on your dog or cat, make sure you check your animal if he or she starts scratching a lot, or if you notice some irritated skin. do check your pet's skin and hair coat regularly. groom your pet with a flea comb. and if you have seen small bites around your ankles, you could have flea bites. and always check with your local vet. singer: ? it's your animal rescue safety tip ? alex: "animal rescue" returns
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alex: time now to honor this episode's "animal rescue" heroes. chorus: ? because they care because they care woman: by reaching out and bringing comfort to all creat e chorus: because they care woman: because they care chorus: because they care many more are living strong because they care woman: oh chorus: to one family we belong because they care
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alex: time now to check our "animal rescue" mailbag. singer: ? animal rescue mailbag ? alex: dawn from scott county, iowa, writes... karen from charlotte, north carolina tells us... and aaron from oxford,
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and that's this edition of animal rescue. thanks for watching. join us next time as we showcase those caring individuals who help the various creatures in the animal kingdom. i'm alex paen. alex: on the next "animal rescue," amazing rescues and extraordinary efforts. watch compassionate individuals learn about different critters and the dedicated people who care for them. plus, animal safety tips, and information on how to better care for your lovable pet. all this and much, much more, next time on "animal rescue." don't bring that mess around here, evan! whoo! don't do it.
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it's okay, big fella. we're gonna get through this together. [ baseball bat cracks ] nice rip, robbie. ? raaah! when you bundle home and auto insurance through progressive, you get more than just a big discount. i'm gonna need you to leave. you get relentless protection. [ baseball bat cracks ] [captioning made possible by telco productions, inc.] follow us on facebook
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every time a new charter school opens in massachusetts, it takes funding away from regular public schools in that area. this year alone, charter schools will take more than 400 million dollars away from neighborhood public schools. that's not right. instead of draining even more money from neighborhood public schools and giving it to charters, let's devote public resources to all of our students... don't lift the cap on charter schools.
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every time a new charter school opens in massachusetts, it takes funding away from regular public schools in that area. 400 million dollars away from neighborhood public schools. that's not right. instead of draining even more money from neighborhood public schools and giving it to charters, let's devote public resources to all of our students... not just a select few. don't lift the cap on charter schools. vote no on question 2.
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feel warm inside. feel our big beautiful candle. feel glade. sc johnson. in march of 2016, jason payne faced a jury for the second time. he had already served six years behind bars for the murders of his wife and her son. but his lawyer, doug parks, said this time there was a significant piece of new evidence. >> i had a lot stronger case from the science standpoint the second time than the first time, because by now, the dna had been done. i told the jury this case was about the science. and that the science would show that our client was innocent.
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tested. this time around, it was. and the results showed only taylor's blood was on it. >> all of the blood on the rifle barrel was taylor's. it's consistent with taylor having been shot with that gun last. there was none of nichole's dna found on that rifle anywhere. >> reporter: so that shows you that -- >> nichole was shot first. >> reporter: -- nichole was first. >> taylor second. >> reporter: parks says if taylor used the gun last. that would mean the prosecution's timeline was wrong. >> it was critical for the state's case, absolutely critical, that taylor be shot first. if he was not shot first, their case falls completely apart. >> reporter: and while most of the evidence in this trial would be the same as before, parks insisted a lot of what the state presented was based on opinion. remember, investigators said nichole was warm to the touch
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the prosecution formulated its timeline of the murders. but the defense said there was no science to back that up. did any of the deputies take the temperature of the bodies? >> no. >> did you feel like those tests should have been done? >> certainly if they were going to rely on that as evidence to try to convict someone of capital murder, they should have done it. >> reporter: parks told jurors investigators also failed to take into account where the bodies were found that cool december morning. >> nichole was killed inside the he was shot in the garage. one wall was just a metal door. you could see outside in parts of it. >> reporter: but the defense felt its strongest evidence in this trial came from the sheriff's own crime scene investigator, the very person who was on the scene the day of the deaths. he concluded that taylor killed his mother, and then turned the
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is this a seasoned investigator? >> yes. it made no sense to me that the very person that they called to work the scene, because he's the most experienced man in -- in east texas, at that, and for them to not listen to what he had to tell them was really astounding. . >> i'm a physical evidence person -- >> reporter: larry renner was part of the defense's team of forensic experts. you believe taylor shot himself? >> yes, that's what the physical evidence tells me. believed taylor killed himself. we placed a mattress on the floor. it's at the approximate height of taylor's bed. the rifle we provided was a similar, but somewhat longer one than the murder weapon. show us what you believe happened. >> okay. taylor was sitting at the head end of the bed. >> reporter: renner said the gun could have been as close as four inches from taylor's face when it was fired. >> he was holding the barrel
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and he then had the length to release the safety and pull the trigger. the bullet entered just to the left of the mouth, exited out here on top of the head. he drops the gun. his hand drops. he goes on over here as he's collapsing back to the position that he's found in. >> reporter: renner argued it would have been much more difficult for jason to be the killer. he believes, based on the trajectory of the bullet, jason would have had gun on or near the floor, which would have been extremely awkward. >> if it was another individual shooting him, would basically have to be on the floor, shooting up. >> reporter: renner said he couldn't find anything that pointed to jason as the shooter. >> was there any evidence indicating a struggle, that taylor -- >> no. >> reporter: -- was trying to fight off jason? >> no. there's no indication of a struggle at all in the room. >> reporter: as the defense came to the end of its case, it called a crucial witness, nichole's own son daniel who
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a lot has been made of jason and nichole's relationship. and you had a front-row seat. >> yes. >> reporter: what did you see? >> they were happy. i mean, they were always together. they did almost everything together, and they were just a typical marriage. >> reporter: was jason controlling? >> no. >> reporter: but the prosecution had its own new evidence, possibly a bombshell. coming up -- the tale of the tapes. >> i'm talking about the tapes now, and there was one that was, me and nichole. i want you to just tear those up. >> a different take on the
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in that area. this year alone, charter schools will take more than 400 million dollars away from neighborhood public schools. that's not right. instead of draining even more money from neighborhood public schools and giving it to charters, let's devote public resources to all of our students... not just a select few. don't lift the cap on charter schools.
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. the defense was confident that new evidence would free thomas payne. thomas cloudt, who prosecuted the second trial, was just as confident payne would remain behind bars. are you trying to get everything you can for this second trial? >> yes. we want evidence. evidence tells you the truth. evidence tells you what happened. >> reporter: cloudt felt he had a powerful piece of new evidence for this second trial. he played co of mysterious jailhouse phone calls made between jason and his mother. >> i'm talking about these tapes, and there was one that was me and nichole. >> reporter: the phone calls were made about three months after jason's second trial was granted in 2013. jason asked his mother to find tapes, stored at her home. >> i want you to just tear those up. >> you don't want them anymore? okay, i can do that. >> like, pull the insides out, and then throw them on the leaves and just burn it or
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>> reporter: do you know what was on them? >> no, no, i never heard them. >> reporter: his mother, faye payne, says she never did find those tapes, but to the prosecutors, it didn't matter. because they wanted to leave jurors with the impression jason was trying to destroy evidence. >> whatever was on those tapes was obviously something that the defendant did not want anyone to know about. >> reporter: prosecutors still needed to counter the sheriff's own crime scene investigator who concluded this was a murder/suicide. and they had a second opinion. back during the initial investigation, lieutenant tucker had those doubts about taylor's suicide. so he brought in another forensic expert. tom bevel testified for the prosecution that this was a double homicide. so, this is a similar rifle, the exact model? >> it is the exact model, yes. >> reporter: of the one used in the crime? >> it is. >> reporter: we asked bevel to demonstrate how he believes
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stepson, taylor. >> you would be sitting on the front edge of the mattress here. >> reporter: bevel placed a ten-inch wooden dowell in his rifle. that is the distance from -- you believe from where the gun was fired to taylor's face? >> yes. >> reporter: bevel's theory is that jason was standing in front of taylor when he killed him. he didn't have to be on the floor, as the defense said. bevel also believes that taylor was leaning back when he was shot. >> the head would have to go back as if you firearm. >> reporter: which one might expect if they were being killed? >> if you're looking at the end of a muzzle being held by somebody else toward your face, the natural reaction would be to move backwards. >> reporter: as for taylor committing suicide, can you show us why you believe it's not the case? >> i would be sitting -- >> reporter: remember, bevel said the gun was about ten inches from taylor's face, not as close as four, which the
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be very tough for taylor to pull the trigger. >> if you get the correct trajectory, which is here and out the back of the head, to reach the trigger with your finger to do it, you really can't. >> reporter: but which expert would jurors believe, prosecution or defense? after six days of trial, both sides rested. did this really come down to experts, in your opinion? >> in my opinion, it came down to the science of it, absolutely. >> reporter: a jury would finally decide if an innocent mad imprisoned since 2008. or whether jason payne really was a murderer. after about eight hours, there was a verdict. the jury comes back. what do you hear? >> the judge say guilty again. i at least thought a hung jury. never would i have thought guilty again. >> reporter: in march 2016, jason payne was sentenced to
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>> reporter: daniel remains convinced his stepdad is innocent. what would you say to those people who truly believe jason payne is a killer? >> it's wrong. it's not the truth at all. >> reporter: to keep his mother's memory alive, daniel now has a dove tattooed on his arm. as for nichole's mom, she feels justice was served again. after more than eight years and two trials, she hopes her grandson's good name has finally been cleared. >> it was just heartbreaking to think that not only did a monster take taylor's life at 16 years old, but he also was trying to take his whole reputation and brand him as a murderer. >> reporter: sherry hawthorne is raising nichole and jason's younger children. >> ready, guys? >> reporter: she says remington and jackson are both thriving. back in quitman, the payne house
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time since that dark december day back in 2007. after the deaths, it was abandoned. the christmas tree still stands today in the living room. nichole's prized garden, just weeds. but her mom tried to hold onto one piece of her daughter's memory. right after nichole's death, she took some rose clippings from her garden. >> she said that this rosebush represented life, hope and beauty. i took seven cuttings off of it. and i took them home. and one by one, they all died. >> reporter: but in what she considers a gift from god, one bush unexpectedly came back and lived. >> and now i have this big, giant rosebush in my regard. it's huge. it's covered in blooms. >> reporter: do you think of nichole every time you see it? >> absolutely. it's just amazing, that one cutting, it survived. >> reporter: it should be called the nichole rose?
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maybe so. we can rename it. yeah. it was a miracle. >> that's all for now. i'm lester holt. thanks for joining us. this sunday an explosion in new york city injures dozens. another device is founded blocks away. >> it sounded like a million pianos claim. >> president barak obama w born in the united states, period. >> and embraces new ones. >> hillary clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. i finished it. >> did he end it? or did he just revive an issue that's bound to hurt him?
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trump campaign manager kelly ann conway. margin of panic. with the polls tightening, that's one way to describe what hillary clinton supporters are feeling. what's behind clinton's sinking numbers? joining me for insight and analysis are alex castellanos, maureen dowd, cornel belcher and katy tur. welcome to sunday, it's "meet the press." good sunday morning. americans woke up with yet another reminder that we're all living under the threat of violence and terror. an explosion rocked lower manhattan around 8:30 last night wounding more than two dozen people. later, a second pressure cooker device, a pressure cooker bomb like the one in the boston marathon attack was found two
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be on the scene last night, joins me this morning. richard, what can you tell us what we have learned about this incident this morning? >> reporter: well, it was a loud explosion. it didn't cause a great deal of damage. it shattered a lot of windows and apparently went off incitsia dumpster. some windows up to the fourth story were shattered. we're not seeing a lot of scorched ground, we're no it seems to have been a crude explosive device. a few blocks from where i am, an unexploded device was located in a pressure cooker. it looked very homemade, the thing you could find the recipe for online. the investigation right now is focusing on the linkages. who may have been responsible. was it a group of people? is it linked to a pipe bomb explosion that went off earlier yesterday in new jersey?


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