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tv   Today  NBC  October 1, 2016 2:08am-3:00am EDT

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now, now! >> come on! >> that's a really hot song. john cena is here today, had him on in the end with his brother-in-law, the bella sisters they're married to. a wild reality show. he is very uptight about his household. >> i had no idea. doesn't seem like the type, when you meet him. does he? >> regimented down to the minute. must be very difficult to live with. probably rewards, too. a big, handsome strapping man. >> yes, he is. >> leave it there. >> and only a country star a couple of years, burning up the charts, brett eldredge will sing a song for us a little later. that guy's dreamy. he's got those baby blues that you want to -- used to say there's a thing about blue eyes. blue eyes are for looking at. brown eyes are for looking into. what someone said? >> really? >> what someone said.
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>> exactly. >> that's as weird as its ever going to get. >> we've peaked. >> i love it. five number one singles. a great love song right there. >> yeah. >> speaking of music and country, i know brett is a fan of zac brown. zac brown today, official, 10:00 eastern, two minutes ago, he has got a new project, a side project, a band that zac is calling sir roosevelt, their first single is out. but in-studio speaker, please. up. sunday finest. what it's called. "sunday finest." crosses several musical genres. ? it don't matter what day it is -- >> what? ? jump on over let yourself in ? show that we want a melody ? do it again ? don't matter what day it is, don't matter what day it is ? don't matter what day it is,
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don't matter what day it is, don't matter what day it is ? don't matter what day it is ? ? don't matter what day it is ? ? >> oh, that's good! that is so good. >> love it? >> great. that is -- >> zac, you've done it again. ? no matter what day it is, no matter what day it is ? >> soul in there, new orleans. >> gets you going. shoulders go first, rest of the body follows. >> you're not telling me, the zac brown band still is as it is. another album that begins in a couple of months, just a little something he had to get out of his system. okay i love it. gwen stefani did it, they all do it. >> what is it? >> "sunday finest." >> "sunday finest." >> you'll be wearing yours on sunday. >> yes, i will. big deal. big announcement today. lady gaga will be the half time super bowl act. >> the rumor is now fact. >> i know. what did you -- i know you
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>> i think she can do it all. last year, coldplay, who i love, we got to bring out bruno, bring out some assists. she can sing girl power music and she can rock out with the best of the rockers. so she needs no one. >> i wanted to play her old songs. i mean, and by "old" i mean paparazzi. >> power medleys. >> yes. all of those things. a powerful voice. i love her. we say thumbs up here. >> totally. >> she has done -- >> did the last one. 2015. >> most watched of all-time. 118.5 million viewers, people were holding it in, not going to the bathroom, waiting around for katy. super bowl, february 5th, in houston, texas, airs on fox. when is it on nbc again? >> we want that. all right? >> have to wait. it's like the emmys. >> this is a little oddball thing we heard.
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we know the kardashians are very, very close. so rob kardashian did an interview with his pregnant while blac chyna. a new reality show on mtv. robert kardashian is six years younger than big sister kim. any way they were talking about childhood crushes. blac chyna's black crush was ricky martin's what rob had to say. >> pretty accurate. >> j. lo and kim kardashian. >> that is also pretty accurate. >> no. >> kim kardashian's your -- sister. >> he's joking. joking. >> but i looked up to her. not like, she can't be your crush? >> no, no. that was like, he was kind of -- definitely joking, because it's weird. all right? >> all blac chyna likes to speak for rob in the beginning. glad he got a word in. >> yeah.
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he said, uh-huh. she said kim, he said, uh-huh. >> who was your childhood crush? >> i had a poster of him up on the back of my door from a show called "c.h.i.p.s." >> erik estrada? oh, gosh! >> but i had him with the uniform on. with the, you know, the uniform he would wear, that tight -- i loved that for sure. >> he has not lost a step. i saw he looks exactly -- he has that beautiful butt cut. >> the what? >> butt cut, goes down the middle. isn't into a butt cut? >> never heard that. >> each side of the hairdo is a cheek. a butt cut and goes down the middle. >> i have never heard of that. >> i have never heard of a butt cut, ever! >> hoda? i'm coming back in the next segment with a butt cut. >> who was your childhood crush?
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>> let's begin with "the love boat" used to fake being sick to stay home from school and watch lauren tews. lauren. >> julie, the cruise director? >> julie mccoy. >> oh, yes, she was. >> always trying to get schtooping, trying to be schtupid. this is odd. katherine bach. tell you why. daisy duke. every boy -- now she's my neighbor and one of my wife's best friends. it l glass of cav and i'm like -- >> does she know she knows. i tell her. got to keep going. cheryl tiegs. used to date the national geographic reporter, they came to do -- used to lecture. in sixth grade. photographing animals in the wild and i -- i felt like an animal in the wild. i couldn't take my offs off her and finally -- >> who? >> kathy ireland has to get a
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>> she is -- by the way, gorgeous to this day. just -- are you friends with these women? >> i try to remain friends with them. yeah. [ laughter ] >> it's important we keep a, a friendly relationship after all that we've been through. >> okay. so -- a lot of, there are a lot of men who watch our show, and kathie lee and i are always talking about our spanx, how comfortable they are, how we have to wear them and you just have to get all squeezed in. so the "daily mail" wanted to see what would happen if two shapewear. take a look at what their reaction was. ? >> go there, big guy. >> oh, he looks like me. ? >> called him "big guy." >> why would you bother? >> why would you bother? [ laughter ] >> ooh --
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>> every day. [ laughter ] >> she feels good, though. you can see the sparkle in his eye. like, oh. >> i went in to get dressed and saw my dress hanging up. these for me? no. these are billy's. so -- billy -- >> you didn't even bat an eyelash. like, of course they are. >> moving on. >> these are not easy for any guy to get into, especially with those -- >> but guys where this right here, a man's version? >> no. that's a girls' vers >> i'm a large. i could get into that. >> could you? >> yeah. i could bring everything together. slide it on while in commercial break. those guys -- when you first cross-dress it is a very freeing feeling. both of those guys had to laugh. >> what are you talking about? >> when you cross-dress for the first time, it's a wonderful feeling. anyway -- [ laughter ] >> if you're ever over-tired at
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less than six hours a night. >> what happens? >> this is a fact. you take a one-minute nap during the day and don't even know t. zone out? >> you zone out, shut down and are taking a nap and you don't know it. ever lost it a minute, come back and where did i go? >> ever done that in the middle of an interview? >> yes! >> so weird. totally lost. a horrible feeling. >> this has happened. >> it happens. >> completely zone out. >> yes. >> and then looking at their lips moving, they go, right? >> and it's not that they're that boring of a guest. >> n you're just tuned out. bye-bye. bye! >> happened with angelina jolie one time. no it didn't. never would happen. >> calling all chefs, joy bauer spearheading a recipe contest. submit your most delicious original food recipe, not a beverage. you have to have wine as an ingredient. all right? what does the winner get? >> how fun. winner and their guest enjoy three fun-filled days in napa valley. >> isn't that night?
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"live in the vineyard." how great is that? hotel airfare included. go to you're going? >> i hope. >> enter, hit the connect button. >> gymnastics may have the final five, but wrestling has the fierce four. >> john, nikki, brie, daniel, wild new show. >> yes. >> and charlie. >> find out what happened when the family gets together and lives under onof >> all next. >> boom. boom. "is that credit karma again?" "just wanna see if my score wanna check yours?" "scores don't change that much. i haven't changed." "oh really?" "it's girls'night. ah huh." "they said business casual."
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h, maybe it is time. maybe i should check my credit score." "try credit karma. it's free." "oh woah. that's different." "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit." you bought a wig, a jersey, and overpriced nachos... icks sinex and get back in the game. sinex, the congestion, pressure, pain to clear your head...
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is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man!
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they are buff, beautiful and some of the fiercest competitors in the wwe ring. outside of it, john cena and nikki and brie bella. they are just like the rest of us. >> but when nikki had the neck surgery and needed her sister and brother-in-law to help out during the long recovery. >> so brie and daniel, retired wrestler, moved in with john and nikki for three months, and it was all caught on camera for the new series called "total bellas." >> first episode, they were already feeling a little unwelcome. >> so are you going to tell john
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about going back to phoenix? >> me? why me? >> because you're the man. >> no. you just don't want to do it because it's an uncomfortable thing to say. >> yeah, and a think, like, john hearing it from you will take it differently than from me. for me he will feel it's very emotional. for you he would think it's actually very serious. >> hmm -- i don't want to do it. you do it. >> you do it. >> listen, i'm not doing t. i'm going do it. john, they're not comfortable with the way you run the house. it's too -- right? >> it's too rigid. first episode, already thinking, we got to get out of here. what -- >> did you hear all the rules? no offense. >> do you remember them? >> of course i do. >> what are john's rules in his house. >> first thing you have to do in the morning, make your bed. everyone's like, that's easy. for me, i'm normal, right? >> shame on me. shame on me. >> i should roll out of bed, get a cup of coffee. not roll out of bed and make my bed. >> yes. >> then we ought to meet for morning coffee. that's a schedule.
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>> everyone has to meet together for morning coffee? >> yes. >> why do you have that schedule? >> so people can talk about their day. >> you have to keep in mind, john missed more morning coffees than anybody. >> just an early starter. my day started at 5:00 a.m. every day. >> sounded good, but you got a phone. >> i think the thing to take away from this clip is, you can see how intimidated they are about being in our home in our presence and through the course of "total bellas" it's really a stor c that isn't the way things go. we eventually come to grips with each other. what's great about the show and what i'm proud to be a part of, it brought some to life some of my shortcomings, that i'm difficult to deal with, valuate of rules, better the relationship with the love of my life's family and we all grow together as family and that's what's special about the show. >> nikki, when you first started living with john, you guys are probably similar, you and your sister. >> yeah. >> you had to get used to his
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>> at first it was difficult, because you just -- expect when he's the first man i've ever lived with. so it was just all new for me. just the little things about, oh when you're cooking, the floor got a little wet. yes, i'm washing dishes. i'll get to it later. little things like, oh, no. what am i doing? it was actually nice because i actually live a lot like john. >> you know who else lives a lot like you? kathie lee. everything's lined up. isn't that right, kathie lee? >> yes. >> she's here? >> kath? >> yeah. >> oh, there you are! i said -- >> good morning, everybody! >> good morning. >> i said there's someone else who lives like that. >> i'm watching. a perfect man. >> i'm a lucky woman. >> oh, yeah. the perfect man is right. >> you guys are too much. >> there's only one problem with that. and that's, that is that certain
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live alone. >> yes. and i think that's what i'm learning through the course of the show and certainly with my relationship with nicole. you have to be a little more open to everybody's suggestions and everybody's input. >> might have happened, actually. >> you've also got mom. mom is there? >> mom's there. >> what is this, you all love wrestlers and are wrestlers. is mom the only non-wrestler? >> no, but she married one and you're going to see that on "total bellas." >> our former boss. >> that's crazy. more to do here. >> yes, we're going to find out how well these fellas know their bellas. >> a game, plus a viewer's husband gets a style upgrade and we have advice to help you make over your fella. after this. >> likey! our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman.
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finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria.
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here we are. back with wwe superstars john cena, nikki bella and husband. who all have a new reality show called "total bellas." playing a game with them called "which fella knows their bella". >> love it. >> uh-huh. >> we're going to read a statement that accurately describes one of the bella twins, either nikki or brie. hold up one paddle when you've got it. easy enough. which sister had a boyfriend first? >> ooh. nikki? >> yes. >> you're both right. >> we are. >> which sister was the hollywood medium tyler henry referred to when he told nikki and brie one will have baby within the next two years? >> brie? >> ooh. dead heat. >> all right, billy. >> you're good. >> despite being twins, nikki and bella have different sized
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>> brie. >> oh, my god -- brie has smaller feet. >> deadlocked. here we go! >> academics are important in the bella family, but one might be a little smarter than the other. who did better on their s.a.t.'s? >> nikki! >> right back in it, gentleman, sports ran in the family. which sister played midfield in soccer growing up? >> ah -- oh! >> nikki was defense. >> oh, brian! >> oh, hold it. i got the edge. >> both sisters like to have fun, but which sister likes to be wined and dined? >> oh. [ laughter ] >> nikki. >> i can't even throw that one. >> you got to come back. which sister would rather stay in and binge on tv? who's a binger on tv? >> what do you say? nikki? >> you're both wrong. it's brie.
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>> still up one. >> finally. >> to clinch the victory. >> most important, which sister has a doughnut obsession? >> can you say, both? >> you win! [ laughter ] >> oh, no! no! victory was within my grasp. no! >> another "today" show game. >> a tie? >> tying is worse than kissing your sister -- unless you're rob kardashian. >> that was -- bringing it back around. >> on our sister network e! >> brett eldredge singing one of his biggest hits, live in our studio coming up. >> and an image makeover after your local news.
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? ? over and over again ? >> it is try day friday. billy bush in for kathie a few weeks ago, a shout-out for a man in your life who needed a little zhuszh up. >> husband tyler, called in a man who styled some of the best dressed studs in hollywood, andrew weitz is here. >> andrew. >> not so bad. >> an executive men's style consultant, creator of the white effect and worked with tyler to give him a new look. well, hello to you. this is perfect. >> yeah. >> resume, wearing his resume. >> you are wearing it. >> correct. your visual business card.
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change the glasses when you outfit, these glasses work with this outfit, maybe not every outfit? >> do you have another pair. >> i have plenty in case one breaks. >> what's your overall? saying to a guy walking down the street, this is my style philosophy in a nutshell, what is yours? >> my company's the white effect, we work with fields in a field that image has a direct impact on their success. >> your outfit had a direct >> we knew were you good. >> point proven. >> through style we increase confidence, business networks, personal relationships, income, career advancement and so forth. >> is it crew when you look the part and feel strong and you feel good, you do better? >> that is correct. when you look your best, you feel your best. >> it's true. >> we have "today" show staffers who would like to feel good and make some more money. so they want to -- how can they get that look so they can have that confident look? a picture of them before. >> can you help these guys? >> they need help. oh, my gosh. >> wow! is that jim gaines right there
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>> zimmerman. >> three tips off that photo. starts with the shirts. button up shirts, you should have collar stays in your collar so the collar sits perfectly. also -- if you can stick more than one finger between the button when it is buttoned to the top is perfect. sorry. stick more than one finger, too big. >> you went down a button. you're here. >> i'm talking want to button this, know if your collar is too big or small. as for the plants, slacks on jeans, fitted, tapered towards the bottom of the leg and fit just at the tongue of your. shoe. >> did a little makeover. >> take a look at taylor. his tape. >> hello. >> tyler, andrew white. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you.
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come on in. >> i'm 31 years old. originally from texas. came out here when i joined the marine corps at 19. >> what is making you interested in upgrading your style? >> just looking for something that will maybe give me the edge over anybody else that might be competing for the same job that i might be moving up into. >> we're going to check out your closet, which i have a good idea what's in there. my guess is you have that shirt in several different colors and a handful of jeans. lo and behold, the short sleeved, plaid, button up shirt, different colors. that's for spring-summer. they should come here for you. i notice you have plaids and heavier. i see it's a recurring theme of what you wear. most of the time you wear jeans. >> yes. >> tailor this to fit your arm. snugs it a little bit. i don't know what this is but i
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this to work. what is that? >> that's drake. >> hot lining bling. if we were to tailor or purchase new jeans, all right? something that either -- you should get rid of or keep in the closet forever. >> it's all this extra fabric back here. not need for it. after seeing this closet, i know what i want to do with you. we're going to have some fun. you're going to have some fun and i'm going to crush it for you. you good? >> sounds good, man. >> great. all right. >> see you in a little bit. >> so we're going to get you suited and booted today. suited and booted means for you upper casual, casual for your business and for your ek wear. and we're going to make you look like a rock star that you are. >> right on. >> i've selected, curated, looks for you. what we're going to have you do is, try everything on. see what fits. what makes the most sense and then tailor it. ? >> this isn't the blazer for you.
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you. you can see your body, you're good. >> i like it a lot. >> holly's here. >> his wife. >> son grady, here. >> yes. >> and here comes the man himself. the man of the hour. get out here, tyler. >> oh, my -- >> wow! >> whew. >> dude. >> what you got to, face your wife one second. she needs to soak that in. >> oh -- >> love. >> tell us quick what you did there, sweetie? >> we had to start with the basics. this, we upgraded. blue blazer, every man needs a navy blazer. it's fall. did a charcoal pant and what you're investing in shoes, always, men, always need to have a brown shoe. button up shirt. pockets square. guy looks honestly, i'm so happy. my passion is just transferred back into you. >> what do you think, holly? >> amazing. thank you. >> what do you think, grady? grady, is your dad a total stud? yes! >> you know what you did here? you said checks and stripes? absolutely.
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man. >> 100%. suits apply, you can get the designer looks for accessible price. favorite store, awesome for this guy. >> you look terrific. >> awesome. he's got a style all of his own. country cutie brett eldredge sings his number one song "drunk on your love." >> and the co-workers who wore one outfit for five days straight. find out what everyone wasn't saying that surprised them,
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>> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. all right, you two, i want a fair fight here. all right? no poking in the eye.
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>> brett eldredge has been on country music only a few short years. hard to believe. he's already on fire. >> racked up five number one songs, nominated for vocalist of the year. >> and busy on tour hitting the road with keith urban. so glad he took a detour and came by and said, hey to us. hey! >> come on. first time hanging with billy. >> first time? let's get a little man love. >> a little bro hug here. feel like his little buddy. >> back from europe. performing there. where's your next stop on the road? >> where are we going next? oh. lincoln, nebraska. see you there, lincoln. >> playing your number one song, which we all love. >> five number ones. >> five number ones. it's crazy. dying for somebody to hear one of my songs now.
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>> man! >> great look! >> "drunk on your love," let's go! ? ? the second she walked through the door i caught a buzz ? one taste from your lips knocked me out just like a drug ? the rest of the night's kind of blurry now the sun's peeking through the shades ? ? and i can't help but laugh, 'cause i kind of like feeling this way ? i woke up up still drunk, drunk ? on your love, love on your love, love ? love now i know why-why i'm feeling so high, high ? 'cause i'm still drunk, drunk on your love, on your love ? oh ?
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tequila or the wine ? it's all about the touch and the fire in your eyes ? that keeps me fumbling and always stumbling through a haze ? i got plenty to do just laying here with you all day ? i woke up, up still drunk, drunk ? on your love, love on your love, love ? ? now i know why-why, i'm feeling so high-high ? 'cause i'm still drunk, drunk on your love, on your love ? ah ? >> come on! ? ? wish i could bottle you up and
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yeah, i woke up, up still drunk, drunk ? ? on your love, love on your love, love ? now i know why-why i'm feeling so high-high ? 'cause i'm still drunk, drunk on your love ? ? on your love, oh ? woke up still drunk on your love ? strong on your love, on your love ? ? woke up still drunk on your love ? on your love, love, love, love ? woke up still drunk on your love ? on your love, on your love ? ? on your love get drunk on your love ? ? yeah ? ?, yeah ? i'm so drunk ? [ cheers and applause ]
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come on! >> that was -- bona fide right there. bona fide. >> check is out. by the way, christmas album coming, does a little "baby it's cold outside" with meghan trainor. >> you ready? >> i don't know if i'm ready. >> it's time. >> i feel like an elf. really do. >> would you wear the same outfit for a week every day? >> you won't believe reaction from others, like, hello. that's after this. it's amazing out there is the wow of weather. >> it could be anything. the smallest ice crystal, the biggest storm cloud. >> what it's amazing out there means to me, it means looking up
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blue sky. how beautiful is that. >> that little burst of red whether the sun comes over the ocean in the morning. >> watching lightning streaking across the sky from one side to the oefrmt. >> and the roll of thunder is just one of the most amazing things. >> that's what it's amazing out there is, and what it means to you mentally and the memories you take away from that weather. >> what are we going to we what's everything going to cost? all those things have, the weather has influences on. >> what it means for me, it lets the world know what's happening at the weather channel. >> we are meteorologists. we know what's going on with the weather. and that makes a tremendous difference. >> somebody walks up to you in the field and says thanks for
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take us through it. >> we have a charge. we have a responsibility. we have a drive to provide information to people, to help them, help the communities, help their families, say you matter so much. >> when you start linking the people side up to the weather and the importance of what we do. >> i love weather. >> i do love weather. >> i love the weather, and i love working with people who this is what we love to do. >> every single day is going to be something spectacular. it's truly amazing out there. it. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines
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hours. start the relief.
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all right. just admit it. there you days when you just want to put the same clothes you wore on the day before and probably have already done this before but are about to meet two people who wore the exact same outfit five days in a row to work, as part of reclaim the huffington post's ongoing editorial initiative, spotlighting the world's waste crisis, jamie of post fashion
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change what they wore for an entire week. >> now it's friday and they are wearing those exact same outfits. >> guilty. >> here they are. >> we didn't wash them either. >> you did not? today's the last day, though. >> feeling gamey? >> you don't want to get anywhere near me. i salute you for being anywhere close to me now. >> it's interesting, jamie, you're a fashion gal and picked kind of the loudest, boldest outfit out of your closet. why did you choose that? >> totally. so i am a new yo. i thought, if i did that, i would kind of blend in and i wouldn't really be challenging myself, and this is a challenge. we wanted to really put ourselves out there. so i picked the loudest dress in closet and really went for it. >> by day two felt relief because you were hung over? >> i was. >> if anybody watched the debate, which i'm sure we all did. >> as donald would say right now -- [ sniffing ] [ laughter ]
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as you can relate to. >> so i was thankful for having, not having to think about what i was going to wear. >> awesome. >> andy, did you care what you wore? did it matter you were wearing the same shirt and pants? >> i only have six iterations of this, anyway, a bunch of blue shirts and pants. i've been doing this for years anyway. mostly people didn't notice. i think for each of us, like 1% of us, for me. one person called me out in a meeting and said, did you wear that last night? it was clear everyone around us thought i didn't spend the night >> oh. walk of pride. >> either embarrassing or awesome, depending who you are. >> high five to -- >> and no one said anything to me. i was like, what about me? hello? >> could have been that. >> could have been me. >> and what are you trying to let people know? a serious tone, right? not to waste? >> totally. we have a textile waste crisis
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million tons of textile waste. and about 85% of that landed in land fills. this is not solving it but a challenge to see if people noticed if it really mattered what we wore every day. we get in our heads a lot about people noticing our outfits and judging us for what we wear. >> they really don't. >> nobody's paying attention to your daily get up, too. wear the same thing the next week. >> i do stuff like that. wear things over and over again. what happened to your pants on day five? >> d f but we reclaimed the pants. i sewed the but button back on. >> which one? >> the top one. >> "the" button. >> thanks. >> would you do it again? >> oh, about -- i do it all the time anyway, man. >> it's not that big of a stretch for the guys. >> a present for you. >> here it is. >> brought you -- >> thanks. >> air freshener, everything. you guys -- >> a lint roller, whatever you need there. >> trying to accessorize a
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>> all good. jamie and andy, thanks for coming to see us. >> this is "today" on nbc. >> what would you like from your bin? marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! "whatcha doin?"
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"what the?" "don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it." "actually, checking your own credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all." "i guess i could just check my credit score then." "check out credit karma today." i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm.
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for pain relief that can last into the morning. ? look up at a new day...? hey guys! now i'm back.
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billy, fun on this friday. thank you for hanging. >> you are so fun to hang out with. >> uh-huh. hoop next week? >> kelly clarkson. >> what? >> emily blount. and olivia newton-john, you're the one that i want. ashton kutcher. frankie valli. sherry! >> performances by rick ashley. having a good one. you guys have a great, great
3:00 am
we will see you back here next week. >> the following is a paid advertisement from star vista entertainment and time life. >> ? you're the meaning in my life ? ? you're the inspiration ? >> ? that's how much i feel ? >> ? feel for you, baby ? >> ? how much i feel ? >> ? well, i need your touch ? >> intimate moments, unforgettable romances, the language of love can be spoken in many ways. and nothing ignites your emotions like the power of love. >> ? i'll always love you ? ? for the rest of my days ? >> ? a one in a million ?


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