tv Meet the Press NBC October 3, 2016 3:30am-4:30am EDT
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we'll be back next week. becau >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for omax3 brought to you by prevention pharmaceuticals. today on "medical discoveries," we're exposing america's fish oil scam. doctors everywhere are recommending americans take fish oils daily because over 8,000 clinical trials support what have been called miraculous health benefits. so why aren't you seeing the benefits from your store-bought fish oil? coming up, you'll discover the truth about potency, purity, and the missing-link ratio between epa and dha that researche affiliated with yale university have discovered, which is the key to unlocking all of the health benefits of omega-3 fish oil. you'll also be introduced to a specific formula called omax3 ultra-pure, used by pro athletes and top doctors to achieve amazing results in just one week. join nutrition physician dr. melina jampolis and neurosurgeon dr. joseph maroon as they lead our discussion. it's all right here on "medical discoveries." >> welcome to "medical discoveries." i'm thrilled to be here today
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>> thank you very much, dr. jampolis. i'm excited to be here. >> now, as a practicing neurosurgeon, why do you believe so strongly in omax3 that you're willing to put your reputation behind it? >> several years ago, i had a major midlife crisis. my father, a relatively young man, died suddenly of a heart attack. a marriage came apart, and i ended up, because of the stress, leaving neurosurgery, quitting my job. >> wow. that's big. >> it was big, and it really caused me to go into a pretty steep and deep depression that i strongly believe that physical activity is the best antidepressant. but what happened is i continued to run, run, run, and i was like forrest gump running through wheeling, west virginia, until my knees and my ankles and my joints really started to hurt. i started taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories... >> of course. >> ...the kind i gave my patients. discovered that i got an ulcer from that... >> wow. >> ...and subsequently was told about omega-3 fatty acids and
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i started taking them, and, sure enough, i had a major improvement not only in my mood, but also in my joints, my knees, my ankles. i became sharper, more focused, and actually was able to get back to neurosurgery and the most exciting part of my career. >> and being better than ever, i can imagine. >> well, i also discovered that cross-training helped me stay much more fit, and i discovered triathlons and began competing. ani' finished my eighth ironman world championship race last october -- i don't like to say -- at the age of 74. >> well, your secret is safe with me. >> i have to say that exercise and omega-3 fatty acids -- fish oil -- really helped restore my mind, my mood, my joints, and i became a sharper doctor, as well as an athlete. >> well, that's definitely inspiring. thank you so much for sharing.
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he's a guinness world record holder for completing 30 ironman distance triathlons in 30 days. yes, you heard me right. and he'll tell us all about the remarkable benefits of omax3 in his own life as a 50-year-old ironman. dr. maroon, let's explain to the audience, who maybe hasn't discovered the anti-aging power of epa and dha, why omega-3s are so vital to get into our bodies every day. >> well, dr. melina, 3/4 of the population in the united states is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. and that's according to the most recent statistics. >> and this is at a time when health food stores and even grocery stores have omega-3 supplements. so they're readily available but we're still deficient. and more importantly, what is this deficiency doing to us? >> well, there are many possible signs of an omega-3 fatty acids deficiency. these include dry skin and eczema, fatigue and moodiness,
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frequent colds due to immune system problems, and many others. and if you're trying to lose weight on a low-fat diet, you're likely to be deficient in these essential fats, as well. >> as a doctor, i've seen many of these conditions improve when patients get the right dose of high-quality omega-3s. but to be honest, with the wrong omega-3s, many of my patients can't tolerate the fish burps or swallowing so many pills. >> great point, dr. melina. purity. and i want to challenge your viewers to do a simple test on the fish oil they have and they're taking now in terms of the freezer demonstration that i'm going to describe to you. what i'd like you to do is to take your capsule that you're taking now, place it in the freezer overnight. the next morning, look at it. what you'll discover is that if it's not pure and it probably contains unhealthy fats,
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it may even contain toxins. >> wow. that's pretty surprising. and if your pill turns cloudy or white when you freeze it, you're wasting your money and your health. >> as a physician, i get sent supplements all the time. >> me, too. [ laughs ] >> when i received omax3 in the mail, i tried it and noticed there were no fish burps or repetitions. that alone told me it was very pure. and then i found they're individually packaged in blister packs which prevents oxidation and the rancidity that leads to the burping. the 4:1 ratio and the 1.5-gram dose told me it was very effective. but then i noticed the difference in my joints within a week or two, which was even more impressive to me. >> i definitely noticed results that quickly, too. and those are impressive and it makes perfect sense, really, because omax3 is providing 1.5 grams of omega-3s, which is an optimal dose. and the 4:1 ratio is key for
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really at the root of many critical health issues in the body, don't you agree? >> totally. >> dr. maroon, we also need to talk about the research conducted by yale university- affiliated doctors on omax3, as well as some of the case studies. and we'll do that in just a moment. >> with the omax3, i feel a lot better, a lot stronger, more energetic. i'm able to stay on my feet longer. it's 12 hours a day. in between classes, you're still on your feet. a lot of joint pain. i'm working out a lot. and i feel my workouts are a lot better on the omax3. >> my major complaint was severe, severe joint pain. the thing that i've noticed the most since taking omax3 is that that joint pain is pretty much all gone. >> announcer: the following is an urgent alert for anyone
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supplement. omega-3 fish oil can help alleviate joint discomfort, aches and pains, support heart health, and help promote normal triglyceride levels. the problem is most supplements do not have the right quality or quantity of omega-3. some brands contain as little as 9% omega-3, the rest made up mostly of saturated fat and byproducts that can turn rancid. just look what happens when we put the store-bought brand of omega-3 in the freezer overnight. it's cloudy, almost a solid white, because is unwanted saturated fat solidifying. imagine this happening in your body. it's time for you to make the switch to omax3 today. omax3 offers a full 90-day money back guarantee from the date of your first order. call now and get a free box of omax3 with your first order. plus, call in the next 20 minutes and we'll add two free bonus gifts to this incredible offer. there's no financial risk, and we'll even ship it free. with omax3, you can banish inflammation and joint pain,
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nails, stop dry, itchy skin, forget about focus and concentration problems, and never worry about a lack of energy again. omax3 ultra-pure is delivering these benefits to people just like you every day in just two easy-to-swallow liquid gel capsules daily. >> my skin was not dry and scaly and itchy anymore. my hair started shining again. >> and i was getting bad pains in my legs and everything, so that's really, you know, helped >> i found that my joints were not as achy. >> all kinds of effects were improved. my joint pain's diminished when i exercise. memory improved. and, you know, at my age, memory's very important as well as mental sharpness, and as my wife can tell you, my mood is better. >> announcer: developed by physicians associated with yale university, omax3 ultra-pure delivers a high concentration of omega-3s, proven to have many times more
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in fact, you'd have to swallow 16 of these store-bought pills to get the same concentration of omega-3 that you'll get from just a single dose of omax3. omax3 is packed in individual blister packs to guarantee freshness and prevent spoilage. with omax3, there's no fishy smell and no fish burps. >> i find that omax3, which is an omega-3 fatty acid, is one agent that i use, among others, to reduce inflammation in my shoulders, from swimming. i find it very effective. it's palatable, small pills, easy to swallow, and it's something that i take on a daily basis and i think makes a significant difference for me in my training regimen. >> announcer: every batch of omax3 is tested twice for purity and concentration. that's why, when you put an omax3 softgel in the freezer overnight, it remains clear. stop wasting money on products that don't live up to their promises. imagine how revitalized you'd
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triglycerides, and sharper focus and concentration. with healthcare costs exploding out of control, you can't afford to ignore your body's nutritional needs. omax3's patented delivery system ensures a 4:1 epa/dha ratio that helps support healthy triglyceride levels and heart health while helping your joints feel younger. with omax3 ultra-pure, you get ultra health benefits that you can see and feel in the first free box. and this incredible offer just you'll also get two free gifts with your order. first, a 30-day supply of vitamin d3 to help boost immune function and support strong bones and muscles. this $29.95 value is yours free just for trying omax3 today. your second free gift is a pair of omax3 circulation sport socks in your choice of black or white, perfect for keeping feet cool and energized during your favorite activity. this $19.95 value is also yours to keep just for trying omax3
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and bonuses. you'll get it all when you call today and receive a free bonus box with your first order. call now and make the switch to omax3 and experience a higher level of omega-3 for a higher level of health. >> the normal ironman distance is, you know, the 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, and then you run the marathon, so a 26.2-mile run at the end. and this race consisted of doing the body took a tremendous amount of pounding -- crashes on bikes and marathon running and everything you can imagine from joint pain and inflammation. i took two per day in the morning, and it did have a dramatic effect, there's no question, on reducing some of the inflammation, and the joint pain was big. i mean, those were the two things that really helped being loose when you barely can get out of bed in the morning. you can feel the effect of it
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key to it. you need to use it every day. >> wow. what an incredible story and a testament to how powerful the benefits of omega-3s are when you get that key 4:1 ratio at the right dose and the highest purity. >> this speaks back, again, to wayne kurtz, who's one of the most phenomenal athletes in the country -- in the world, actually. 30 triathlons -- ironman triathlons -- in 30 days. it took me six years to build up to doing just one. he's certainlyeg also, i have to say, i relate to the fact that he uses omax3 daily to help with his inflammation and also with his training. remember, dr. melina, i had been taking omega-3 supplements for years because i knew it was the healthy thing to do. >> i think that's pretty common, yeah. >> and the problem was, i never experienced the full benefits until i discovered the 4:1 ratio of omega-3 fatty acids.
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seen a very significant increase in my energy levels. i've noticed joint and muscle pain that i've had at a low grade for years really diminish and markedly disappear. and i've had the same stamina and staying power to work out like i did in my 20s -- well, maybe my 30s. >> [ laughs ] i was gonna say, "20s might be pushing it a little, right?" >> maybe my 30s. this is unlike any omega-3 supplement you can take. that's why we are so confident some degree of results with their very first box. >> if you're just joining us, we're talking about omax3, the only omega-3 formula available direct to the consumer with a true pharmaceutical dose of high-potency epa/dha fatty acid and without the fish burps. >> as a neurosurgeon, i'm enthusiastic about this 4:1 ratio of omega-3s and its ability to keep your arteries clear, which can improve brain
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>> and i think a lot of people like that it's natural, because a lot of people don't want to take all these medications to improve their mood, so that's an excellent point. and tell us a little bit about the ratio. >> well, the 4:1 ratio of epa to dha -- this makes it superior in suppressing two specific cytokines in the brain that are actually linked to depression. in fact, a study showed that omax3 given to patients with normal blood lipids actually reduced overall cholesterol, reduced triglycerides, reduced ldl, which is the bad cholesterol. >> right. >> and by reducing ldl cholesterol, this is a big deal for a fish oil, because most fish oils may actually increase your ldl cholesterol. overall, this helps improve your heart health. >> now, dr. maroon, let's focus on pain and inflammation for a moment. so many of my patients are turning to nsaids for pain relief from joint stiffness, back pain, and all types of
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of epa and dha into your body every day help with pain? >> a few years back, i took 250 patients who came into my office complaining of neck pain and back pain. all were on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, and i gave them and put them on a therapeutic dose of omega-3 fatty acids. and within six to eight weeks, 60% of the patients returned and were able to get off and get rid of the nonsteroidals, which we potential side effects. these include gastric ulcers and other major problems. so that for joint pain, i'm absolutely convinced, and i rarely use nonsteroidals in my practice anymore. as a neurosurgeon and as a triathlete, healthy aging is extremely important to me, and keeping my heart healthy, my joints limber, and my mind sharp are absolutely critical for me in my profession.
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that a neurosurgeon is no longer using nsaids in his practice for the most part. i'm a believer now. i already was, but i'm even more of a believer hearing about that study. we were able to catch up with your co-author, jeff, and get his insight on the subject. >> as a healthcare worker and an author of a fish-oil book on the benefits of omega-3, i get asked a lot about people having joint pain. jill approached me -- one of my co-workers -- about having joint pain for a number of years, and she had been on nonste and other medications without much improvement. and we gave her a box of omax3, and she, about two weeks later, came up to us and said, "my joint pain is completely gone. i don't have any stomach upset." and she was ecstatic on the use of omax3. >> you know, dr. maroon, let's take a quick break and hear about dr. lang's experience with omax3. take a look. >> we know that essential fatty
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are essential for normal brain function and that people with dementia tend to have very low levels of these essential fatty acids. so we do know that it can affect the brain function, including memory and mood. and, in fact, there are studies now showing that high-quality fish oil, such as omax3, can effect an improvement in depressed people. >> announcer: the following is an urgent alert for anyone currently taking an omega-3 supplement. omega-3 fish oil can help alleviate joint discomfort, aches and pains, support heart health, and help promote normal triglyceride levels. the problem is most supplements do not have the right quality or quantity of omega-3. some brands contain as little as 9% omega-3, the rest made up mostly of saturated fat and byproducts that can turn rancid.
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omega-3 in the freezer overnight. it's cloudy, almost a solid white, because it's filled with unwanted saturated fat solidifying. imagine this happening in your body. it's time for you to make the switch to omax3 today. omax3 offers a full 90-day money back guarantee from the date of your first order. call now and get a free box of omax3 with your first order. plus, call in the next 20 minutes and we'll add two free bonus gifts to this incredible offer. there's no financial risk, and we'll even ship it fre with omax3, you can banish inflammation and joint pain, eliminate dry, brittle hair and nails, stop dry, itchy skin, forget about focus and concentration problems, and never worry about a lack of energy again. omax3 ultra-pure is delivering these benefits to people just like you every day in just two easy-to-swallow liquid gel capsules daily. >> my skin was not dry and scaly and itchy anymore.
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>> and i was getting bad pains in my legs and everything, so that's really, you know, helped me quite a bit. >> i found that my joints were not as achy. >> all kinds of effects were improved. my joint pain's diminished when i exercise. memory improved. and, you know, at my age, memory's very important as well as mental sharpness, and as my wife can tell you, my mood is better. >> announcer: developed by physicians associated with yale university, omax3 ultra-pure delivers a high concentration of omega-3s, proven to have many times more omega-3 than standard krill oil brands. in fact, you'd have to swallow 16 of these store-bought pills to get the same concentration of omega-3 that you'll get from just a single dose of omax3. omax3 is packed in individual blister packs to guarantee freshness and prevent spoilage. with omax3, there's no fishy smell and no fish burps. >> i find it very effective. it's palatable, small pills,
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basis and i think makes a significant difference for me in my training regimen. >> announcer: every batch of omax3 is tested twice for purity and concentration. that's why, when you put an omax3 softgel in the freezer overnight, it remains clear. stop wasting money on products that don't live up to their promises. imagine how revitalized you'd feel with reduced joint pain, better flexibility, healthier triglycerides, and sharper focus and concentration. with healthcare costs exploding out of control, you can't afford to ignore your body's nutritional needs. omax3's patented delivery system ensures a 4:1 epa/dha ratio that helps support healthy triglyceride levels and heart health while helping your joints feel younger. with omax3 ultra-pure, you get ultra health benefits that you can see and feel in the first free box. and this incredible offer just gets better and better because you'll also get two free gifts with your order. first, a 30-day supply of vitamin d3 to help boost
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this $29.95 value is yours free just for trying omax3 today. your second free gift is a pair of omax3 circulation sport socks in your choice of black or white, perfect for keeping feet cool and energized during your favorite activity. this $19.95 value is also yours to keep just for trying omax3 today. that's nearly $100 in free gifts and bonuses. you'll get it all when you call today and receive a free bonus box with your first order. omax3 and experience a higher level of omega-3 for a higher level of health. >> dr. maroon, we're running near the end of the program, and i want to talk about weight loss, 'cause that's on everyone's mind most of the time. i recommend omega-3 fatty acids as a useful tool in any weight-loss program to help fight the inflammation that's often associated with obesity. do you agree? >> absolutely.
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almost everyone is deficient in omega-3s. everyone could benefit from this supplement to look and feel their best. in my experience, the store-bought brands simply don't have the purity and the patented 4:1 omega-3 ratio to truly change your life. >> science now proves that the right dose of omega-3 daily at this patented 4:1 ratio will have benefits like the following -- it can lower triglycerides, it reduces inflammation, it increases joint muscle pain, which was particularly of interest to me. >> me, too. [ chuckles ] >> [ chuckles ] and it enhances mood and memory, it helps to manage stress, it actually can improve vision in some cases, and it keeps hair, skin, and nails looking great. >> maximum concentration and purity to lower triglycerides, optimum epa/dha balance to support healthy inflammatory response, high potency for
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concentration -- it's like a trifecta of health benefits that each and every one of us needs. dr. maroon, thank you for being on today's "medical discoveries." we've truly shared valuable information with our listeners. >> dr. melina, it was truly my pleasure joining you today to tackle this life-changing topic. >> that's all the time we have here on "medical discoveries." stay tuned for your final opportunity to try omax3 completely risk-free today. i'm dr. melina jampolis, wishing through nutrition. >> announcer: the following is an urgent alert for anyone currently taking an omega-3 supplement. omega-3 fish oil can help alleviate joint discomfort, aches and pains, support heart health, and help promote normal triglyceride levels. the problem is most supplements do not have the right quality or quantity of omega-3. some brands contain as little as 9% omega-3, the rest made up
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just look what happens when we put the store-bought brand of omega-3 in the freezer overnight. it's cloudy, almost a solid white, because it's filled with unwanted saturated fat solidifying. imagine this happening in your body. it's time for you to make the switch to omax3 today. omax3 offers a full 90-day money back guarantee from the date of your first order. call now and get a free box of omax3 with your first order. plus, call in the next 20 minutes and we'll add two free bonu offer. there's no financial risk, and we'll even ship it free. with omax3, you can banish inflammation and joint pain, eliminate dry, brittle hair and nails, stop dry, itchy skin, forget about focus and concentration problems, and never worry about a lack of energy again. omax3 ultra-pure is delivering these benefits to people just like you every day in just two easy-to-swallow liquid gel capsules daily.
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my hair started shining again. >> and i was getting bad pains in my legs and everything, so that's really, you know, helped me quite a bit. >> i found that my joints were not as achy. >> all kinds of effects were improved. my joint pain's diminished when i exercise. memory improved. and, you know, at my age, memory's very important as well as mental sharpness, and as my wife can tell you, my mood is better. >> announcer: developed by physicians associated th yale university, omax3 ultra-pure delivers a high concentration of omega-3s, proven to have many times more omega-3 than standard krill oil brands. in fact, you'd have to swallow 16 of these store-bought pills to get the same concentration of omega-3 that you'll get from just a single dose of omax3. omax3 is packed in individual blister packs to guarantee freshness and prevent spoilage. with omax3, there's no fishy smell and no fish burps.
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an omega-3 fatty acid, is one agent that i use, among others, to reduce inflammation in my joints and my knees, my shoulders, from swimming. i find it very effective. it's palatable, small pills, easy to swallow, and it's something that i take on a daily basis and i think makes a significant difference for me in my training regimen. >> i took two per day in the morning, and it did have a dramatic effect, there's no question, on reducing some of the inflammation, and the joint pain was big. i mean, those were the two things that really helped being loose when you barely can get out of bed in the morning. you can feel the effect of it if you use it on a consistent basis, and i think that's the key to it. you need to use it every day. >> announcer: every batch of omax3 is tested twice for purity and concentration. that's why, when you put an omax3 softgel in the freezer overnight, it remains clear. stop wasting money on products that don't live up to their promises. imagine how revitalized you'd
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better flexibility, healthier triglycerides, and sharper focus and concentration. with healthcare costs exploding out of control, you can't afford to ignore your body's nutritional needs. omax3's patented delivery system ensures a 4:1 epa/dha ratio that helps support healthy triglyceride levels and heart health while helping your joints feel younger. with omax3 ultra-pure, you get ultra health benefits that you can see and feel in the first free box. and this ire gets better and better because you'll also get two free gifts with your order. first, a 30-day supply of vitamin d3 to help boost immune function and support strong bones and muscles. this $29.95 value is yours free just for trying omax3 today. your second free gift is a pair of omax3 circulation sport socks in your choice of black or white, perfect for keeping feet cool and energized during your favorite activity. this $19.95 value is also yours
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today. that's nearly $100 in free gifts and bonuses. you'll get it all when you call today and receive a free bonus box with your first order. call now and make the switch to omax3 and experience a higher level of omega-3 for a higher level of health. the preceding has been a paid advertisement for omax3 brought to you by
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>> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for tai cheng, brought to you by beachbody. >> wow, joy, look at these people! they love you! [ cheers and applause ] thank you! it's regis, joy, and i've got big news for you. if aches, pains, and poor balance are slowing you down, keep watching this show because we're gonna tell you about an incredible new program that's gonna fix everything. [ cheers and applause ] yeah! >> announcer: the facts are frightening. 1 out of 3 people over 65 fall each year, resulting in expensive hospital stays, loss of independence, or worse. >> i broke my hip. "oh, my god. what in the world am i going to do now?" >> announcer: the major cause -- aches and pains, which lead to immobility and poor balance. >> i am really afraid of falling again. >> announcer: but falling and losing your independence doesn't have to be a fact of life. did you know medical experts around the world have been
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like tai chi for years to help reduce aches and pains and to improve balance and mobility? the problem is, most americans find it difficult to learn -- until now. introducing tai cheng, the breakthrough new program specially designed so anyone at any age or fitness level can master the most fundamental tai chi moves, plus amazing health-boosting routines right in their own home, step by step, in just 90 days. these gentle movements will help mobility, reduce your aches and pains, while strengthening your muscles and joints, making you feel younger and more agile. >> i started doing the exercises, and in the first week i could see the improvement. >> i've gotten stronger. my posture is better, and my balance is a lot better. >> announcer: tai cheng was created by this man -- dr. mark cheng, a world-renowned martial-arts master and a doctor that specializes in modern sports science. >> what tai cheng does is it retrains your muscles to move
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you can move better, feel better, and get a more responsive, stronger body. >> i do it every single day because it makes me feel healthy. it makes me feel like i can move, like i'm not gonna walk down some stairs and trip and fall. >> announcer: today america's most beloved tv personality -- regis philbin -- will not only prove tai cheng works by showing you amazing success stories... >> this program gave me back my life. i can do whatever i want now. >> i feel so good about myself now that i'm gonna try something [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: ...regis is also going to show you how tai cheng got him off the couch and back on the court even after painful hip-replacement surgery. >> i feel great. i really do. did you see that? that's what you get when you do tai cheng. >> announcer: if you're ready to feel younger, feel stronger and more confident, then keep watching for a special tai cheng offer that will make today the day you take the first step
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now here's regis and joy philbin. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. never had an audience this good, joy. >> i've never seen such energy. they must be on tai cheng. [ laughter ] >> well, we all know everybody's living longer these days, but here's the problem -- a lot of us start to have issues with balance and mobility, and that makes it hard, if not impossible, to stay fit. >> you know, it's sad when somebody works hard all their life... >> mm-hmm. when they finally have the time. or even worse, they fall and break something. and then forget it. they stop moving forever. >> yeah. you've seen those commercials where the old lady falls down and she can't get up. >> yes. >> so they sell her a speed dial... >> that thing that they wear around -- it's not attractive. >> she wears it around her neck. >> mm. >> well, we didn't want that. we wanted to find something that would keep us strong and improve our balance, and that's when we discovered tai cheng. we were shocked at how easy it was to master.
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teaching method that really explains things in a way we can understand. >> and now you're holding a ball. don't hold this to your body like so, but hold it off your body. >> he really americanized learning tai chi. >> and because you get three viewing angles and an ingenious, simple foot-placement grid, you always know where to put your feet. it's foolproof. if regis and i can do it, believe me, anyone can. >> what dr. cheng has created here is truly amazing. tai cheng makes you more flexible. it takes away your aches, your pains. it makes you feel younger, stronger. it works! joy and i love it. but the big question is, why does it work? to help us with that, please welcome emergency-room physician dr. steve salvatore. welcome to dr. steve! [ applause ] dr. steve. >> how are you? >> good to see you. >> great to have you here. dr. steve, i got to tell you -- tai cheng worked wonders for joy and i, but why does it work so well?
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tai chi has been around for literally hundreds of years. it's helped millions of people with flexibility and balance problems, make them feel younger and stronger. in fact, it's been clinically proven that doing these gentle movements will not only help strengthen your muscles and joints, it'll help improve your balance and mobility. tai chi is also proven to help relieve pain from arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain, many different types of joint pains. >> well, how did dr. cheng come >> all right, so, dr. cheng is a tai chi master. he's a martial-arts expert, and he has a phd in sports medicine. so he knew about tai chi and he knew the benefits and he thought, "i want to put all these things together." he americanized it and put that into tai cheng, a simple, easy way to learn tai chi. >> here's the bottom line -- tai cheng worked for joy and i, and it could work for anybody. take a look at julie's story.
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nothing seems to help. my balance has gotten a little precarious over the years. and i took a fall, and i really hurt my lower back. i want to be more mobile and flexible, and i'm hoping that tai cheng will do that for me. it's amazing, the difference from the first week to now. i've gotten stronger. my knee doesn't hurt at all. and my posture is better. i also think my balance is a lot better. the tai cheng program is really well thought out. there's a reason for every move. the wonderful thing about dr. cheng -- i feel like i have a personal instructor that's standing right across from me. >> as you turn the foot in, this turns into a fist, and then you start sheathing a sword as you bring the feet together. >> the best things about tai cheng is it makes you feel better about yourself. now i can get books off the shelf, and i'm not worried about wobbling. i can walk my dog and not worry about his pulling me over. i can run around with my goddaughter. i feel so good about myself now that i'm gonna try something i haven't done in 20 years.
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this is my time to shine, to really do the things i've always wanted to do. i think i will be doing tai cheng for the rest of my life. >> wow! say hello to julie, everybody! yeah, here she comes! julie, how do you feel? >> i feel wonderful. >> yeah? >> and so much more active since tai cheng and i'm flexible and i've got my youthful figure back. >> so, what was your favorite part of the program? >> well, i really liked the fact that i could do it, you know. program, i noticed that i was improving as i went along. and i guess maybe the best is that i got my confidence back. >> oh, confidence is important. >> it sure is. >> and that's a big part of the program, regis. as you get older, we all lose our confidence. we're worried that we're gonna fall. we lose our balance. we're not steady on our feet. this is a huge problem. 1 in 3 adults over the age of 65 falls every year. half of all adults over 80 -- that's half -- a huge number --
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to fall again. and here's the worst part -- 95% of all hip fractures are caused by falls. this is such a great program. tai chi is recommended by the cdc as a great activity for older people. so, tai cheng simplifies it for you so you can do tai chi in your home, just like julie did, and get those kinds of results. >> julie, thanks so much for coming to our show. you look wonderful. >> i feel great. [ applause ] stopped doing because of pain or immobility or poor balance? i'll bet it's more than you can think. if you're wondering if tai cheng can help you get back into the game, i'll give you the answer -- yes. it worked for me. i'll work for you. so keep watching for an amazing offer, available today on this incredible program. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] >> tai cheng gave me balance.
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>> this program gave me back my life. i can do whatever i want now. >> announcer: introducing tai cheng, the breakthrough new program specially designed so anyone at any age or fitness level can master the most fundamental tai chi moves, plus amazing health-boosting routines, right in your own home, step by step, in only 90 days. the gentle and low-impact moves in this program will help strengthen your muscles and joints, improve your balance and mobilihe pains, and help reduce your risk of falls and other injuries so you can keep enjoying the things in life you love. it's so easy to get started. just put in the dvd and follow along. it's that simple. that's because dr. cheng created a special foot-placement grid and shows you each move from three viewing angles so you always get great visual cues. >> one of the best things about tai cheng is that it's easy to follow. he goes slow and he explains it so well. >> you're gonna pull in towards
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if you're closing a rolltop desk. >> announcer: and because there's always a modified option to follow, no matter your age or fitness level, anyone can follow along. >> if you have an issue with something, there are modifications that he gives you to use. that was very good for me. >> announcer: dr. cheng is also including over $100 in free training tools to help maximize your results. he created an "easy does it" guidebook that helps ease you into the program and tells you everything you ever wanted to know about the heang tai chi. you also get a tai cheng wall calendar that shows you which routine to do each day so there's no guesswork. dr. cheng's even created a feel better food plan that's filled with delicious meals and snack recipes designed to promote healthy weight loss. you also get a free quick-relief foam roller. this roller will gently release kinks and knots in your muscles and joints like you just got a massage right in your own living room. and these $100 in training tools are yours free.
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order the entire tai cheng program, plus $100 in free training tools for only 4 easy payments of $19.95. but wait. be one of the first 200 callers that order from today's show, and you'll also get 4 more free bonus gifts. bonus number 1 is a 10-minute workout dr. cheng designed to help you get better at the game you love and keep golfing for decades, plus a special 10-minute workout for travelers or anyone who wants to feel refreshed fast. strength-training resistance band to help build your strength and balance even faster. you even get free 24/7 online support from our dedicated team of fitness experts and coaches whose job it is to help you succeed and reach your goals. and these bonuses -- a $240 value -- are all free when you order now. so call now and get the entire 90-day tai cheng program, plus over $240 in free bonuses.
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$19.95. but hold everything. order now and dr. cheng will knock off one entire payment. so now tai cheng can be yours for only 3 easy payments of $19.95. plus, when you call in the next 18 minutes, we'll even give you a free upgrade to express delivery. that's a $15 value free. and while most programs only offer a 30-day money back guarantee, we're going to extend ours to a full 90 days. that's right. you're not satisfied for any reason, you'll get your money back, no questions asked, guaranteed. but you get to keep tai cheng for travelers and golfers, his special strength-training band, plus his feel better food plan as free gifts just for trying tai cheng. that's a $60 value free. and because tai cheng is not available in stores and never will be, you must pick up the phone now to save $20 on
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>> i've always been active all my life, and now the last couple years i did something to my neck. and it is sore, and it is stiff. the lower back -- it's sore. and even my ankle's acting up. i love playing golf. i can't play anymore. i've used everything -- medication, heating pads. nothing works. i hope tai cheng is my answer. so, i started doing the exercises, and the first week, i could see the improvement. you can feel the stretch in all parts of your body. he works out your whole body, from your feet all the way up to your head. >> shifting in, raising the glass, making the toast. >> i am free and clear of neck pain now. my back feels great. the food plan that comes with this program is great. it gives you a balanced diet. and i lost weight. [ chuckles ]
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life. i can do whatever i want now. i've been out about three or four times at the golf range, and now i can hit a regular golf shot like i used to hit when i was young. my grandkids are -- they're movers. let's put it that way. but now i chase those little buggers around now, and i'm back with my grandkids. i'm having fun with them. now i do it all. i'm back to where i was. [ applause ] >> and here's dave, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] yeah, dave! congratulations! to play golf again and play with your grandchildren? >> the fear i had when i got older was, you can't do the activities you did when you were younger. now i can. it gave me back my life. i mean, i was giving everything up. >> and that's a key thing to remember. just because you're getting older doesn't mean you have to get achy and stiff and become immobile. we know that by staying active and doing activities like tai cheng, it keeps you younger. it revitalizes you. it re-aligns your spine and helps with your balance and your mobility. >> i just wanted my flexibility
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it really did. >> well, congratulations, young man. >> oh, thank you. i feel great. that's our dave right there! [ cheers and applause ] if you're still not convinced tai cheng can work for you, take a look at this. >> i recently fell and hurt myself very badly. i am really afraid of falling again. it's very frightening going into very, very crowded places. i've lost confidence with my balance, and i'm really hoping that tai cheng can help me. one of the best things about tai cheng is that it's easy to follow. dr. cheng is an excellent teacher. it's very smooth and slow. it doesn't hurt your body. in the beginning, there were things i couldn't do at all. i had to modify. >> if you need to modify, remember -- use a chair. >> and now i don't need to modify as often. and it's really working for me. i felt great. it's helped me with my balance. i feel confident walking down the street. i don't feel like i'm gonna topple over. i look at other people who have retired, and they're just staying home all day, where
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enjoy my life more. [ applause ] >> please welcome renee! [ cheers and applause ] boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, you've been through it all. >> yeah. >> you really have. >> it must have been very scary for you when you fell. >> yes, it was. >> were you in a big crowd when it happened? >> i was in the street. and i fell, and i messed up my face. and then i continued to keep falling. i fell down the stairs. i fell in the tub. and it was very frightening. and it, like, ended life as i knew it. i was afraid to go out. i felt like, "oh, my god, i'm gonna be walking with lk or a cane." >> but you made the comeback. >> yes. >> that's really terrific. >> you know, guys... [ cheers and applause ] ...she did make that tremendous comeback, but what she really came over was that fear. >> as an emergency-room physician, do you treat people that are there because they've just fallen for no reason? >> all the time. it's so critical for seniors to stop and listen right now. that's why i'm here today. 1 in 3 adults over the age of 65
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at an alarming rate -- half of all adults over 80 -- half! now, once you fall, you're 2 to 3 times more likely to fall again. and that's what happened to renee. >> yes. >> and now, knowing that there are programs that can help them, makes me feel better as a doctor 'cause i can refer people because you can't hurt somebody with tai cheng. >> yeah. >> there's no -- this is a program that's so simple, so easy. >> and it has made all the difference in the world. it really has. it has really worked. >> well, you look terrific. >> thank you so much. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> there it is -- renee! big hit! >> i feel youthful again. tai cheng has helped me become the person i was before. >> my balance has improved. my strength has improved. my posture has improved. tai cheng has changed my whole life. >> announcer: if you're ready to improve your life, then pick up the phone now and get the entire 90-day tai cheng program. that's a $500 value for only 3 easy payments of $19.95.
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along. it's that simple. the gentle and low-impact moves in this program will help strengthen your muscles and joints, improve your balance and mobility, help relieve aches and pains, and help reduce your risk of falls and other injuries so you can keep enjoying the things in life you love. order now, and dr. cheng is also including over $100 in free training tools. his "easy does it" guidebook tells everything you ever wanted to know about the healing powers of tai chi. you also get a tai cheng wal calendar that shows you which routine to do each day so there's no guesswork. and his feel better food plan is filled with delicious meals and snack recipes. you even get a free quick-relief foam roller that gently releases kinks and knots in your muscles and joints. and these $100 in training tools are yours free when you order right now. but wait. be one of the first 200 callers that order, and you'll also get 4 more free bonus gifts.
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help you get better at the game you love and keep golfing for decades, plus a second 10-minute workout he created for travelers who want to feel refreshed after a long trip. you're also going to get a free strength-training resistance band to help you build your strength and balance even faster. you even get free 24/7 online support from our dedicated team of fitness experts and coaches whose job it is to help you succeed and reach your goals. and these bonuses -- a $240 value -- are all free when you order now. plus, when you call in the next 10 minutes, we'll even give you a free upgrade to express delivery. that's a $15 value free. tai cheng even comes with a 90-day money back guarantee. that's right. try the entire program, and if you're not 100% satisfied, you get your money back, no questions asked. but you get to keep tai cheng for travelers and golfers, his special strength-training band, plus his feel better food plan as free gifts just for trying
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and because tai cheng is not available in stores and never will be, you must pick up the phone now to get tai cheng for only 3 easy payments of $19.95. ? >> because of tai cheng, my courts and feeling great. what i like about tai cheng is, i can get a complete workout in 30 minutes. >> and i like being able to do it at home. i like the fact that it's on the dvd. >> i can stop it, and i can go back, as opposed to at a class. >> tai cheng has been a lot of fun. i enjoy dr. cheng's instruction. he looked like he was having a good time. >> seeing as how you guys are having so much fun, i'm gonna jump in, too. >> i'm noticing a difference in
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coming down the stairs. >> tai cheng has helped everyone move better. it has helped my arthritis. >> tai cheng has been wonderful. >> all: we're back thanks to tai cheng. [ applause ] >> here they are, all four of them, from south carolina. what do you think? >> well, you know, regis, this is a classic sad story with a happy ending, right? you get a group of people that play tennis all the time together. they play hard, and they have a great time. and then, because of aches and pains, they start to cut back and cut back and cut back, and then they wind up not playing like they used to. and it's all because of that feeling of imbalance and the weakness and the pain in the joints. you get a program like tai cheng. it gets them back to feeling where they are. and now they're playing again and they're stronger and they feel healthier and their joints don't bother them. it's those simple, easy, repetitive movements. anybody can do it in your home. and the results are dramatic. >> tai cheng is the best way to help you move better and feel
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take a look. >> i broke my hip just walking down the street, and i thought, "oh, my god, what in the world am i going to do now?" they put pins in it. i had to do physical therapy. and then afterwards, i heard about tai cheng. i've just had a wonderful experience with doing tai cheng. it gave me balance. it gave me strength. and i'll tell you something -- my hip doesn't bother me at all. the more i paid attention to what dr. cheng was doing, the straighter i walked. >> remember -- this may feel straight. this is straight. >> every single day, i do the stretching, the shoulders, the neck, the back, the feet. i do it every single day because it makes me feel healthy. it makes me feel like i can move, like i'm not gonna walk down some stairs and trip and fall. i'm 80 now. i do not feel my age.
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i go for walks. i swim. i ski. i even tried surfing. and i play tennis two, three days a week. i'm the one that runs all over the tennis court to get the ball. my friends -- some of them that are younger than i am -- they will say, "oh, my god, how did you do that?" my grandson said he's going to be president of the united states in 2040, and i thought to myself, "if i keep up with all this exercise and tai cheng, i just might be there for that." [ cheers and applause ] oh, boy, gloria. that was incredible, the way you hit that tennis ball, the way you did everything. >> and you ski, too. >> yes. >> and you ski, too. wow. >> i have so many friends that -- that trip all the time. but ever since i've been doing tai cheng i don't have a problem. >> that's why it's so important that you continue to be active -- because a program like tai cheng keeps you strong, keeps you healthy, keeps your joints moving, keeps those
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right direction, low-impact, the right way so that she can continue to be -- i have a feeling you're gonna be active no matter what. nothing was gonna stop you, but this just helped that much better. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, gloria. oh, my gosh. >> if aches and pains are slowing you down and keeping you from doing the things in life that you love, if you're noticing you're having balance and mobility issues, don't wait for something bad to happen. do something about it right now. >> tai cheng works. you've seen the proof. it worked for me, and it will work for you, too. it's never too late to get started. get up off that couch and make the call right now, okay? thanks, everybody. thanks very much. [ cheers and applause ] >> tai cheng has truly given me back the life i used to have. i'm more alive. >> i don't have to say no to anything anymore.
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getting my life back. >> announcer: pick up the phone now and change your life and order the complete tai cheng program. altogether, that's a $500 value for only 3 easy payments of $19.95. the gentle and low-impact moves in this program will help strengthen your muscles and joints, improve your balance and mobility, help relieve aches and pains, and help reduce your risk of falls and other injuries so you can keep enjoying the things in life you love. it's so easy to get started. just put in the dvd and follow along. it's that simple. that's because dr. cheng created a special foot-placement grid and shows you each move from three viewing angles so you always get great visual cues. >> with tai cheng, i feel like i have a personal instructor that's standing right across from me, and he'll tell me to adjust my posture or do something a little different, and it's wonderful. >> again, shoulders down, head up. and again, make sure you're not leaving your hips behind. tuck in. >> announcer: and because there's always a modified option to follow, no matter your age or
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along. >> if you have an issue with something, there are modifications that he gives you to use. that was very good for me. >> announcer: order now, and dr. cheng is also including over $100 in free training tools to help maximize your results. his "easy does it" guidebook tells you everything you ever wanted to know about the healing powers of tai chi. you also get a tai cheng wall calendar that shows you which routine to do each day so there's no guesswork. plus, his feel better food plan and snack recipes to promote healthy weight loss. he's even including a quick-relief foam roller. this roller will gently release kinks and knots in your muscles and joints. and these $100 in training tools are yours free when you order right now. but wait. be one of the first 200 callers, and you'll also get 4 more free bonus gifts. bonus number 1 is a 10-minute workout dr. cheng designed to help you get better at the game you love and keep golfing for
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workout he created just for travelers who want to feel refreshed after a long trip. you're also going to get a free strength-training resistance band to help build your strength and balance even faster. you even get free 24/7 online support from our dedicated team of fitness experts and coaches whose job it is to help you succeed and reach your goals. and these bonuses -- a $240 value -- are all free when you order now. so call now and get the entire 90-day tai cheng program. altogether, that's a $500 value for only 3 easy payments of $19.95. when you call in the next 5 minutes, we'll not only give you a free upgrade to express delivery -- that's a $15 value free -- we're even going to extend our regular 30-day money back guarantee to a full 90 days. that's right. try the entire program, and if you're not 100% satisfied, you get your money back, no questions asked. but you get to keep tai cheng for travelers and golfers, his
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? ? hurricane matthew unleashing winds up to 145 miles per hour. packing torrential rainfall and unleashing devastating flooding. late breaking details just ahead. and more details about he mocks hillary clinton's past pneumonia. >> and she can't make it 15 feet to her car. give me a break. give me a break. >> breaking overnight. reports that kim kardashian was robbed at gunpoint right inside her paris hotel room. plus "saturday night live" with a ratings smash as the new
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