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tv   7 News at 11 PM  NBC  October 7, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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>> jadiann: 7news at 11:00 starts now. >> ryan: first at 11: 00, breaking news. >> i moved on her, and i failed. i'll admit it. i did try and [bleeped] her. she was married. >> ryan: a dratmatic campaign shake-up. donald trump in trouble after lewd comments he made about women come to light. tonight the republican candidate is facing backlash from inside his own party. >> jadiann: at this hour we're awaiting a video statement from donald trump who is in trump tower huddling with advisers. let's get straight to the latest gunnoe. >> brandon: you can hear trump making vulgar comments about women on the tape, even how he gropes them. republican house speaker paul ryan saying he was sickened by trump's comments. the two were supposed to campaign together tomorrow. ryan now saying trump won't be coming. ten years ago on an "access hollywood" bus headed to tape a cameo on "days of our lives," he was recorded on a hot mic. >> i moved on her and failed.
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months into his marriage to melania, tells billy bush how he tried to seduce a married woman. >> i moved on her very heavily. in fact, i took her out furniture shopping. she wanted to get some furniture. i said, i'll show you where they have some nice furniture. i moved on her like a [bleeped]. i couldn't get. there she was married. all of a sudden i see her. she's got the big, phony [bleeped]. she's totally changed her looks. >> brandon: t notice an actress from the soap. >> i'll have a tic tac in case i start kissing her. i'm automatically attracted to beautiful women. i just start kissing them. and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do whatever you want, grab them by the [bleeped]. >> brandon: trump released a statement, "this was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. bill clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course, not even close. i apologize if anyone was
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we cannot allow this man to become president. the numb beck of people denouncing trump and his words goes on and on. republican senator from mark kick called trump "a malignant clown." jeb bush said, "no apology can excuse away such comments." mitt romney said, "such vile degradations demean our wives and daughters." even the chairman of the rnc said "no woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. ever." some are sg the debate sunday night and the election just over 30 days away. in the newsroom, brandon gunnoe, 7news night team. >> jadiann: and trump and clinton go head to thed in st. louis on sunday. dan hausle will be live with all the action. look for his live reports coming up. >> tonight at 11:00, matthew in full force. sparking trouble with dangerous winds and severe flooding.
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threatening to get out or get ready. the night team is tracking hurricane matthew. >> ryan: the monster storm downgraded to a cat gray two hurricane. matthew is bringing fierce winds and intense rain tonight. you're looking at impeach. >> jadiann: more than 11 million people on the southeast coast are still under a hurricane warning. >> ryan: matthew is setting its sights on georgia and the carolinas. he's already hit parts of florida hard. >> tonight matthew continues his assault on the east coast. the first hit was florida. violent wind pushing sheets of rain sideways and massive storm surge moving the ocean inland and into homes. >> oh, my gosh. we should back away. >> jay: conditions have been brutal. floodwater swallowing cars. trees are snapped by the wind. homes and businesses across the strike zone battered and torn apart.
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that number expected to climb as matthew turns his attention to georgia and the carolinas. >> we still have hurricane warnings and storm surge warnings in effect for the entire south carolina coast. >> ryan: charleston could see some of the worst of it. >> fire department. >> jay: firefighters going door the door earlier today urging families to join the hundreds of thousands who have already moved to higher ground. but now the storm churning closer to the shoreline, the time the move out is running out. >> really the to just hunker down. stay in a safe place. don't move, don't try and move around. >> jay: the storm expected to hug the coast and wreak havoc across the region this weekend. jay gray, nbc news, daytona beach. >> ryan: rising concern as hurricane matthew churns up the coast, leaving behind dangerous floodwaters and fallen trees. the storm is still threatening communities from florida up to north carolina.
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conditions in savannah, georgia. >> the worst hurricane matthew is still several hours away, but we are already starting to see just what kind of damage and what kind of winds and rains it can pack. just a couple minutes ago, we saw or we heard a window come down and this is what's left of it. it came down right beside us, right beside this awning that we started taking shelter under. this is a sign for this tavern that it was attached to, the peop believe it or not, they are toughing it out. they say they're going the stay here. we'll see if that's a good decision or not. obviously officials saying it's not. also show you what the street looks like here in downtown savannah. you can see the water cascading into the street. you can can see how strong the winds are with this police tape that they put up to keep people away from the water frongtd. the mayor here says about 75% of people have left. obviously that's good news. there are plenty of people who
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savannah at this very moment. it is that we're at he tide. outside around 2:00 a.m., that's going to be high tide. that's also going to be when we're going to see some of the strongest bands of weather come through. the storm surge could be nine feet plus, and obviously that's what people are really worried about here. in savannah, georgia, scott mclean, 7news night team. >> jadiann: and the horror continues in haiti as the death toll rises from matthew. pieces after the storm ravaged the area. the bahamas was also ravaged by the storm, ripping off roofs and tearing down walls. people there are assessing the damage. we have details on that clean up effort. alex? >> alex: jadiann, hundreds have died in haiti, but the aftermath leaves many more vulnerable. low medical supplies and disease
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from the air, the damage from hurricane matthew in haiti is devastating. buildings were wiped away as the category four storm slammed the caribbean nation. on the ground, mud from the storm surge has inundated neighborhoods. 350,000 are in need of immediate aid. the high winds stripped trees bare of leaves, and the death toll is rising. it's climbed above 300. many more are injured. medical supplies are running lo is growing. an orphanage which houses over 100 children has been destroyed. >> right now most people lost everything, their clothing, their clothes, their shoe, their home, and so there's no shelter, and so that's why i've come back to see what can be done. >> alex: at the u.s.-mexico border, haitians who lined up are now more desperate the cross into the united states. but authorities have ended the humanitarian patrol after the earthquake and plan to
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in the bahamas, the clean-up is under way. >> we're coming out hire on the road and cleaning it up so everybody can get through. >> alex: but there is significant damage. some homes have been destroyed. >> we are trusting the lord to make a way. i know he will make a way. >> alex: there are lines now for gasoline. matthew's intensity leaving both nations reeling from the powerful storm. in the bahamas, there is no death toll yet, but it is expected to be much lower. than haiti. live in the newsroom, 7news night team. >> ryan: so hurricane matthew still hasn't made landfall here in the u.s. >> jadiann: and it is still taking its toll as it moves up the coast. there is a new advisory at 11:00. here's jeremy reiner. >> jeremy: winds at 105mph moving north at 12mph. category storm. also on the satellite picture here, the warmest colors here. that's where you have your strongest winds off shore. that's the good news there. and likely the stay off shore
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carolina, early tomorrow morning. at that time it's even weaker than category one storm. then it continues along the north and south carolina coastline. and then it loops back around and weakens significantly next week. it may find its way back into the bahamas next week, but it will be a shadow of itself, nothing like this. this is a powerhouse storm. again, it's moving just east of the georgia coastline heading up toward the south carolina coastline. there's the eyeball. that's where you have 105mph winds. that's off shore. going to be tissue. it will be inland flooding. upward of 6 to 10 inches of rain. then you talk about the storm surge, coastal flooding six to nine feet. brunswick, savannah, up toward charleston and north of charleston four to six feet. our weather, a few showers. i'll have more in a few minutes. >> jadiann: stay with 7news as we follow hurricane matthew. you can track the storm pi time on our web site or by using our mobile or tablet app. >> the red sox trying to make a
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the indians taking first two games of the alds. now the sox are face the face with elimination. a very familiar position. sports director joe amorosino is here the break it all down with the series coming back here to boston. >> joe: red sox coming back the boston in a deep hole down 2-0 in this best-of-five division series. the sox must now win three straight against a team that hasn't lost three straight all year. david price already in trouble in the second inning. tonight two on forra who bloops a single to center. carlos santana motors around the score. cleveland up 1-0. just getting warmed up. next batter is lonnie chisenhall. he smokes one to right. that gets out in a hurry, a three-run shot, his first against a lefty all season. indians throw a four spot on the board. price lasted just three and one-third, giving up those five earned run on six hits. on the other side, corey kluber showing no ill effects of hi quad injury.
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trey daerr reporting live in cleveland where the red sox have fallen into a 2-0 hole. trey? >> trey: joe, things going about as bad as possible here tonight. corey kluber pitching on ten days' rest and he did not skip a bit. seven shutout innings, scattering just three hits to go with the seven strikeouts as the red sox get completely shut down here in cleveland. >> i'm asking you. you seem upset. >> we got beat. >> trey: game two about as bad as it gets for the red sox. shut out in the playoff game after leading the league in runs scored during the regular season. >> we lost who we are. we lost some red sox. we need to go out there and play the game. you know, we should dictate the tempo of the game, how everything should be played. the last couple days they did that and we didn't. >> trey: david price brought in to pitch on the big stage,
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continue after getting run off after three and one-third. >> they had good things happen. those guys are playing well right now. and they're more confident. this is a very confident group. even though we're down 0-2 right now. this team has been there before. >> trey: after falling flat in cleveland, the red sox have zero margin for error. >> our back is against the wall. it's pretty clear what lies ahead of us. we go home down 0-2. clay buchholz on the mound on sunday. >> trey: the red sox going to have to have a lot of faith if clay buchholz to deliver in a do-or-die game three. meanwhile, the indians sending josh tomlin to the mound and their bullpen back to full speed for game three. should be a really tough matchup for the red sox to try to stay alive on sunday. live inside progressive field, trey daerr,en news night team. >> joe: winning three straight
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before by the red sox against the indians in the 1999 alds. much more on the sox coming up in sports. reporting live in the newsroom, joe amorosino, 7news night team. >> jadiann: and bad news for the patriots. jacoby brissett has been placed on injured reserve after getting surgery on his right thumb today. the rookie played against buffalo last week. he opened up for a veteran quarterback fresh off suspension. brady is back. tom hit the practice field. can i call him? gearing up for his return the action this sunday in cleveland, the four-time super bowl champ will take back the reins with the pats it is -- sitting there. john cuoco and trey daerr coming up for you this sunday. >> ryan: up next, a smashing surprise. >> jadiann: yeah, the library shattered with long with a wall when a car comes barreling through. >> jadiann: clouds and sun early tomorrow. sunday some showers, time line
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we're waiting for a video statement tonight, from donald trump. it's expected to stall from a video from 2005 making planned parenthood comments about women. that tape sending shock waves as the second debate between trump and hillary clinton looms this and hillary clinton looms this weekend. brian dreamed of and hillary clinton looms this weekend. flying to san francisco and pitching a startup idea. but with the jetblue card, he got there faster than expected. brian company. >>so you have no idea whatsoever? fly faster than you think. get three times points on jetblue purchases, two times at restaurants and grocery stores, and one time on all other purchases.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online.
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>> jadiann: a drive in belling ham going wall the smashing through a library and coping to a stop after hitting an interior wall. officials say this could have been much worse. >> ryan: where the car ended up is packed with kids. the night team's tim caputo is live with wellham with that story. the. >> tim: that's right. normally there are up to 50 preschool children inside this room behind me. almost every friday morning. they weren't there this morning when a woman was attempting to park in this spot here but hit the gas instead of the break. at place where talking above a
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this morning's loud bang got everyone's attention. >> we heard a loud noise. my first instinct was i thought a stack of books had fallen somewhere. >> the bellingham library was open, but not too packed when an 87-year-old woman drove through a wall and clear across the community room. >> i was in the back room working and heard this what sounded like an explosion of some type. >> jadiann: the call came to a stop when it hit a second wall inside the library. witnesses say theld and her husband are library regulars and she was pulling enter a parking spot when she sped up instead of stopping. >> my heart rate, i don't think it was ever that high in my life. >> tim: the two people in the car weren't hurt. >> very thankful it wasn't worse. >> tim: it would have been much worse if the children's librarian didn't take the day off. the room the car ended up with is packed with young children. >> on this friday morning we have kids here. , but not today. >> tim: no one was hurt.
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later. >> it was amazingly fateful that no one was in here. >> tim: the building inspector came out and said the library itself is structurally sound. it will remain open. although that community room will stay closed until they fix that big old hole in the wall behind me. live in bellingham tonight, tim caputo, 7news night team. >> jadiann: a woman in amherst faces a growing problem in her garden. the 81-year-old says police took a marijuana plant from her backyard. she says the plant was for medical purposes and she's been growing it for ten years. her son talking seizure. >> they said, "we're undercover. this is a drug operation. i'm here with the state narcotics division, and we're doing this with the d.e.a. did you know there's a marijuana plant on the property?" >> jadiann: that woman says she hopes the law surrounding marijuana will change. voters in massachusetts will decide whether to legaltize drug for recreational use come next month. ism we're tracking hurricane matthew. millions along the southeast coast are bracing for impact. matthew already tearing through
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georgia and then north carolina. >> jadiann: take a live look at myrtle beach. we know that storm is not letting up right now. let's get straight over the chief meteorologist jeremy rhiner with a check of what's going on. >> jeremy: here it is. a closer look from the doppler radar out of georgia. you can see the eye right here, the eye wall. and when we talk about maximum sustained winds of 130mph, whatever that is, tonight it's 105, it's usually right here in the eyeball. so thankfully that's off shore for the entire day. now, granted with that said, you still have a fire hose of moisture coming in from the ocean. savannah getting pummeled with heavy rain, down toward brunswick. where you have these heavy bands of rain that come in, that's when you get your winds to gust between 65 and 75mph. this will continue moving slowly
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thinking right now is the hurricane center. the eyeball does remain off shore overnight tonight. you can see a little moisture seeping out of the hurricane. some of the moisture coming up to west virginia and pennsylvania. at the same time, here comes a cool front through the great lakes space. i that will shove moisture toward the northeast. the holiday weekend starts with some sun early tomorrow. otherwise mostly cloudy skies. and there will be a couple showers coming at us tomorrow night, tomorrow's daylight hours dry. we'll have some showers on and off tomorrow night. at one time i thought this front would keep on cruising. that does not look to be the case. i think we'll have cloudy skies on sunday. a few lingering rain showers sunday morning in metro boston and probably on-and-off rain all day on the cape and the islands, the south chest and even the south shore and then we'll get back enter the sunshine on monday, columbus day. so monday will be the brightest of the three. sunday will feature a few
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lot of clouds. tomorrow is the warmest of the bunch. low 70s. this map shows where you have the best chance of seeing the showers on sunday. metro boston, cape ann might be able to move them out of there by noon on sunday. but they're going to continue on and off through the day. south coast through the cape. most towns less than a quarter of an inch of rain down there. red sox coming back home. they need to come back home. sunday first pitch at 4:08. first pitch at cloudy skies, no significant rain, temps in all sorts of clouds tomorrow and sunday, fall foliage quite nice. i've noticed myself that i meant gray skies. 7 on 7 forecast, columbus day, lots of sunshine, low 60s. tuesday and wednesday, lots of sunshine. have a great weekend. >> jadiann: all right, j.r. thanks so much. >> ryan: i go to ask, can we hit the panic button yet with the sox? >> joe: not yet. we've seen this team come back before. this is it, though.
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if they don't win, it's because the guy they brought in, the knock was he couldn't win in the postseason, still can't win in the postseason. that's next the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. join them in voting no on question two. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose.
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the north and the south are mine.
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>> and now time for 7sports with
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>> i think i was just saving all my postseason wins for the red sox. i think you guys will enjoy those. >> in right, it's a home run. an absolute bullet to right. >> joe: the red sox are paying david price $30 million per year to be their ace. what they got in his first postseason game is five earned runs in just three and one-third innings and a loss. price now 0-8 in nine career starts in the postseason, and the red sox are down 2-0 to the indians in this series. before the game tonight, in cleveland lebron james and the nba champion cavs coming out to pump up the progressive field crowd. after price got through the first inning on just eight pitches, everything was great. then this, the tribe roughed him up in the second. two on for brandon guyer who bloops a single to center. carlos santana motors around the score. cleveland up 1-0. they were just getting warmed up. next batter is lonnie chisenhall. he smokes one to right. that gets out in a hurry, a three-run shot, his first against a lefty all season. indians throw a four spot on the board. price lasted just three and one-third, giving up those five earned runs.
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quad injury. you know it's not your night when this happens. look at this. brock holt lines a shot off mike napoli's glove at first, but jason kipnis is there for that non-traditional 3-4-1 putout. kluber tosses seven shutout innings, holding the red sox to just tree hits. indians shut out the sox 6-0 to take a commanding 2-0 series lead. >> i take a tremendous amount of pride in what i do. and that i prepare myself. and i haven't had good results yet, but i... they're coming. i promise you that. >> jadiann:>> joe: let's hope se patriots take off for cleveland tomorrow. julian edelman was out there, i saw him a second ago. there he is again. he was limited again at practice today with his surgically repaired foot. he is one of nine patriots listed as questionable. a group that also includes rob gronkowski, who continues to work his way out of a hamstring
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brandon bolden and shane mcclellan have been ruled out. also absent from practice, jacoby brissett, the rookie landing on injured reserve after undergoing surgery on his right thumb. the move opening up a roster spot for a certain veteran quarterback fresh off a suspension. and in college football tonight, boston college loses 56-10 to third-ranked clemson. that's sports. >> jadiann: thanks so much, joe. >> ryan: and here's a preview of what's coming up next on "the tonight show." >> jadiann: tyler perry we have abigail spencer, music from van morrison. thank you notes and a phone call from donald trump.
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>> ryan: so major league cuts served up by a barber in worcester. the grand opening of the barbershop was today. to celebrate, they paid homage to big papi. he created this masterpiece in appreciation for all ortiz has done for the city. >> he's retiring and he's one of my favorite baseball players. i wanted to pay homage to him and give him the respect he deserves for all the years he was put on for us.
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haircutting competitions where bashers have to race against the clock to recreate images in people's hair. looks amazing. well, that's it for tonight. "the tonight show" starring jimmy fallon is next. i'm ryan schulteis. >> jadiann: i'm jadiann thompson.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online.
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[ cheers and applause ] ? >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- tyler perry. abigail spencer.
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and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 550! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ? ? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, hey! that's what i'm talking about. hi, hey! welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, everyone. welcome to "the tonight show"! [ cheers and applause ] this is it. you're here. you made it. thank you for being here. i'm your host, jimmy fallon.


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