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tv   7 News at Noon  NBC  October 11, 2016 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician and that puts us all at risk. narrator: independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> christa: first at noon: police at the home of a weymouth sex offender after learning h library without authorization. he was recently released from prison. and then moved in with family members in weymouth. >> kris: now his alleged actions have caught the attention of police. victoria warren is live in weymouth with the very latest here. >> reporter: yeah, kris, we don't know if this is going to affect his probation or release. we do know police were inside his home for about 20 minutes today. then they left.
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staying in the home. quincy police say he was also told he was trespassing at a homeless shelter. neighbors on edge in weymouth after a level three child rapist richard gardner was allowed to move in. he was convicted of kidnapping children, tying them to trees and assaulting them back in the 80's. last week he was released early on probation. and allowed to move in with his parents. >> it is shocking. it is hard with his youngest victim was six. this is my days because of this guy. it is just not right. >> reporter: quincy police say he was ticketed for trespassing at a homeless shelter. that trespassing ticket came on the heels of a quincy librarian calling police, say thing gardner was in the library using a computer.
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>> you are supposed to be fail in your own home. nobody feels safe. >> reporter: we don't know yet when that court summons is going to be. weymouth police also investigating a report from a neighbor who says they saw gardner peering over his fence and another report from guardser in's parents who say somebody threw something, breaking their front window. live in weymouth, victoria warren, 7 news. >> christa: election countdown: head to the polls. donald trump on a twitter tirade this morning over dwindling support from republicans. >> kris: this comes as new poll numbers show him falling further behind hillary clinton. we have the latest on the poll numbers. >> reporter: a new nbc news-"wall street journal" poll shows clinton 11 points ahead of trump. trump lashed out at the republican establish this. morning. in one post saying with the shackles off, he will fight
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taking to twitter. firing offer message this is morning meant for house speaker paul ryan. "despite winning the second debate in a land-slide, every poll, it is hard to do well when paul ryan and others give zero support." trump widening the growing divide between himself and the republican establishment. "our very weak and ineffective leader paul ryan had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty. disloyal r's are difficult than crooked hillary. they come at you from all sides. they don't know how to wivenlt i will teach them." yesterday, ryan announced he will no longer defend or campaign for trump. help did not pull his endorsement. >> i think i might in lindsay graham. he is a good friend of mine. a lot of people like him. >> reporter: republican senator john mccain withdrew his support. >> seriously, i can not vote for either one. report tt fallout comes after tapes were released on which trump can be heard making
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meanwhile, new revelations about the clinton campaign. e-mails released by wikileaks from clinton's inner circle showed they were worried elizabeth warren would endorse bernie sanders for president instead of clinton. warren did not formally endorse either candidate during the primary season but has been a fierce supporter of clinton on the campaign trail as she takes on trump. and most of those leaked e-mails were among clinton's campaign staff. only a few jennifer eagan, 7 news. >> christa: talk about the red sox. their play-off dreams dashed. and a storied career coming to an end. look at. that david ortiz saying good-bye. holding back tears after 14 seasons here in boston. and he clearly was emotional as he tipped his cap to the crowd at fenway last night. not the ending everybody was hoping for. certainly, memorable, to say the least.
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good-bye and questions about the future of the red sox manager as well. here is jonathan hall. >> reporter: hey, christa, good afternoon. well, david ortiz is 40 years old. he is ready, he says, to leave his playing days behind him. and his 2016 season was one of his most productive ever. right here at fenway park, quite a scene last night. after the loss to the indians, fans simply wouldn't leave. they cheered and cheered for over ten minutes until big papi came out. his cap held high, his eyes welling with tears, david ortiz came to the mound at fenway park last night to say good-bye to his cheering fans. it was a special moment. neither he nor those fans will ever forget. nor will he forget his love of the game. >> it is something that i'm definitely going to carry it the rest of my life. you know, those moments. they are always going to be special.
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>> reporter: as ortiz and the rest of the red sox clean out their lockers after winning the al east but fading badly in the postseason, number 34 is reflecting on his 14 years in boston. a city he has come to love. >> the most valuable player in the 2013 world series, david ortiz! >> what made me happy and proud about walking home the way i am right now is that played in front of the fans. i never take anything for granted. i give everything i have. to do something special while i play. and the fans respect that. >> reporter: manager john farrell will speak to reporters shortly. some called for his firing at times during the season. and though he brought the sox from a last-place finish in 2015 to an a.l. east title
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counted most will not sit well with him. the red sox players speaking to the media right now as they pack up their gloves and their personal items and head to points afar, as they get ready to spend the winter. then they will be coming back in february for spring training. we are live at fenway, jonathan hall, 7 news. >> kris: jon, thanks for that story. 7 news turning our focus to your forecast. a very s of sunshine as well. that is a good thing. chris lambert here with the forecast now. >> chris: that sunshine doing its thing, chris. it has warmed us up from the 20's and 30's in the suburbs earlier this morning to 44 in boston. now close to 60 degrees. in some cases, you are talking a 30-degree jump in, like, five hours. it has completely changed out there. one of those days where you dress in layers. take the jacket off this afternoon.
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an ocean breeze kicking in along the coastline. overall, i do expect a ton of sunshine throughout the day. we will hold steady close to 60 in boston. 62-64, 65 away from the coastline. the future forecast looking good. the pattern is quiet with lighter winds out there. and very little rain ahead. maybe a spot shower on thursday. late day or into the evening hours. we will talk more on that ahead. >> kris: we are learning this morning that suspects were arrested outside of a wal-mart in lexington, virginia. they were found inside of a u-haul. the victim's family reacted to the news. >> they get away with murder today. i hope they don't.
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searching for a motive behind this crime. >> christa: a man who left a copy of the koran on the steps of the state government building here in boston is being arraigned today on a fugitive from justice charge. as these... he is wanted down in washington, d.c., accused of making threats at reagan national airport and assaulting a police officer. he left that koran at the mccormick building in boston just yesterday. a wrong-way driver in newton on the mass. pike forcing cars to swerve out of the way suddenly. the 80-year-oldve among other violations. police believe the driver got on the pike at exit 19, allston-brighton going west in the eastbound lane. they same he drove that way for three miles before finally crashing. this was all happening yesterday afternoon. police believe the driver had a medical emergency. in fact, you can see him being brought out to an ambulance. although a few cars crashed to get out of the way. no one else was hurt during that incident. a shed in hingham going up in flames. this was scene on wanders
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the scene. you can see a fire ball here in this picture. the shed was completely engulfed in flames. no word yet on an actual cause. >> kris: the f.a.a. is updating its warning on the galaxy 7 smart-phones. they are urging passengers to turn off the replacement galaxy note 7's and not to store them in checked luggage. samsung is officially suspending sales and production of the phone after five replacement phones reportedly ca f the company is telling people to stop using the phone immediately and to bring them in for a refund. >> christa: coming up at noon, flooding still a major concern in north carolina. one town completely underwater. the worst could still be to come. >> chris: a lot of sunshine out there. a lot of sunshine in the 7-day
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when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump.
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the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state.
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>> kris: all right. it is 12:1. chily a decent day. >> christa: perfect fall day. minus the morning. the rest of the day is phenomenal. >> chris: we subtracted the wind we had yesterday, too. overall, this is fantastic. the sunshine warmed us up. look at some lows this morning. 26 in norwood. 31 in taunton. we were in the 40's in boston. 44 in boston. no frost or freeze in the city. a cry from that. it was the coolest day since mid-may.
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this chilly outside. this was the first time below freezing this fall. look at the bounceback, though. this is the characteristic of the dry air mass. you get these dry air masses. like, hardly any humidity. you watch temperatures tumble at night. but warm up quickly in the day. we have gone from 20's and 30's to near 60 degrees. there is hardly sky. from southern new england to northern new england. up across southern canada. that will be the case for the most part through the rest of the day. now, a couple of patches of clouds late overnight tonight. early tomorrow morning. otherwise, mostly sunny again on wednesday. do expect some more clouds to work on in late wednesday night. into thursday. i think we will start off thursday with clouds and patchy drizzling. mid to late afternoon, part little sunny. toward the end of the day, there could be a brief passing
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you are in the upper 60's to near 70 thursday afternoon. back into the upper 50's to near 60 on friday with the breeze. we will also have clearing skies once again. as high pressure works. in that is going to be the theme here as we go through the next several days. we will be high pressure dominating the weather. forecasting a hurricane off-shore. this one way, way off-shore. going to come close to we are mu damplt right now it is a tropical storm. for us, bottom line, limited rain ahead. gusty breeze on friday. a bright dry weekend ahead of us. here is nicole. a tropicst forecast to become a hurricane. likely will do so. very close to bermuda. as we get into thursday. then it continues to race off to the north and to the east. 60-65 this afternoon. coolest along the coastline with sunshine. not quite as cold tonight. i think some of the cooler suburbs, mid-0'ses if f mid-30's and upper 20's. then tomorrow, any patchy clouds we have in the morning will shake off. mostly sunny in the afternoon. there is the forecast.
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notice not too many rain-drops out there. just a spot shower late on thursday. >> christa: all right, thank you. hurricane math yum's effects are still being felt in north carolina this week. in fact, most of the city of lumberton is underwater. >> kris: such a serious situation. hurricane matthew caused rivers there to burst their banks. as the town of lumberton filled with water, desperate neighbors fled any way they could. 1,500 neepded national guard, and fema have all arrived. >> there is a significant problem here without a doubt. >> reporter: thousands of homes may be swamped. and more in danger. overnight evacuation centers were brimming. with no count of the missing, there is little sign of relief. the flood waters are rising and the death toll from matthew could also climb.
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by the rate that the water came up. and the force of the water. the moving water is relentless. >> reporter: this morning, lumberton has been declared a disaster. but officials warn it may not be the last place to flood. many rivers are still rising and a string of communities could be next. >> everything is gone. >> kris: a tough situation for them. lumberton is without power and basic utilities right now. it could be days, even weeks until that is restored. >> christa: still ahead, gloucester's police chief talking about the allegations of misconduct and his pending retirement. >> kris: an elementary student winning a class election with winning a class election with the promise to special interests that oppose question 2 claim district schools lose money to charter schools. that's "absurd," says the boston herald. "outright lies," reports the lowell sun. charter schools "don't siphon off state dollars"
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the truth is question 2 will give parents more choices and result in more funding for public education. please vote yes on question 2.
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in new hampshire, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, protected education... created jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done? voted to cut college grants, cut medicare. but kelly ayotte voted to protect tax breaks that's what the koch brothers and big corporate interests wanted. they're spending millions supporting ayotte. kelly ayotte's not working for us.
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>> christa: local town with chief concerns when the head of a gloucester police department was nearly fired. he has been recognized really across the country for his department'pr >> kris: now he is calling it quits. what went wrong here? >> do you think you did anything wrong? >> i don't think that i violated my contract or violated the trust of the people of gloucester at all. >> reporter: gloucester's list chief answering questions publicly for the first time about the city's investigation into his personal relationships with two women. last week, the city's mayor
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chief campanello should no longer be employed by the city of gloucester. three days later... >> i'm taking this opportunity to announce my retirement. >> reporter:... the city agreed to let him retire. >> do you think you were treated fairly? >> it's been a trying few weeks. report t public drama started weeks ago when leonard campanello was put on paid leave while the city looked into allegations of misconduct. >> as a result of these complaints, the city began an investigation of all allegations. ep campanello misled investigators about the whereabouts of his city-issued cell phone and deleted evidence in the form of text messages he exchanged with at least one of the women. but the city has now closed that investigation, saying campanello's initial termination had nothing to do with his personal relationships, but rather, with his alleged destruction of evidence. and while the essex county district attorney's office says it's still reviewing the
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criminal. >> we haven't been informed of anything going on with the district attorney's office. we have no among the of. that and i would be surprised if there was any type of action taken by the district attorney's office. last year, campanello was thrust into the national spotlight after starting the angel initiative. it is a program that advocates treatment over arrest for people struggling with addiction. the gloucester police became the first department in the country to adopt that it is a cause campanello says he is still passionate about. >> i am going to continue to push very hard for reform and addiction recovery. and how the system treats people with addiction as a moral, ethical failing versus as a disease. >> reporter: campanello has always believed in not judging people. he says he has nothing but respect for the members of the gloucester police. >> i think like any place you
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i'm going to miss terribly. then there are people i'm not going to miss at all. and so overall, the experience i had in gloucester, especially with the police department and the citizens of gloucester was fantastic. in the control room, cheryl fiandaca. >> kris: next up at noon, going solo: the duchess of cambridge hanging out on her first forei >> christa: a dorchester may the ty raising her voice on
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>> christa: kate middleton left prince william and the kids at home for her latest journey. >> kris: mom trip, right? she made her first overseas
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kate was greeted by well-wishers on her trip. she later expected to meet with the dutch king willem alexander. >> christa: rod stewart was knighted by prince william at buckingham palace today. the 71-year-old star will call himself sir roderick dave stewart. he was joined by his wife and two sons for the ceremony. stewart said it was a monumental honor >> kris: congratulations to him. daniel craig will return to play james bond. after the fourth film, craig was quoted as saying he would rather slash his wrist than play 007 again. in a recent interview, he said he has the best job in the world. and he will keep doing it as long as he still gets a kick out of it. and probably as long as those...
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something. >> kris: we all have them. right? sometimes. pulling the plug. what you need to know if you have one of these. samsung galaxy note 7's. >> christa: good-bye to baseball. big papi thanking fans as post-season play comes to an end early for the red sox. >> kris: and teaming up f this one you won't want to miss. joe plaia: every three days, someone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician
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is responsible for the
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>> christa: police at the home
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after learning he was at a quincy library without authorization. this man was recently released from prison and then moved in with some families in... family members in weymouth. >> kris: now his alleged actions have caught the attention of police. victoria warren with the very latest from weymouth now. >> reporter: neighbors on edge in weymouth after a level three child rapist richard gardner was allowed to move in. he was convicted of kidnapping children, tying them to trees, and assaulting them back in the 80's. last week he was released early on probation. and allowed to move in with his parents. >> it is shocking. it is hard with his youngest victim was six. this is my six-year-old here. >> it is just not right. >> reporter: already trouble for gardner. police checking to make sure he is still living where he registered after quincy police say he was ticketed for trespassing at a homeless shelter. that trespassing ticket came
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saying gardner was in the library using a computer. for that, the 49-year-old will be summonsed to court. >> you are supposed to feel in your own home. nobody feels safe. we don't know yet when that court summons is going to be. weymouth police are also investigating a report from a neighbor who says they saw gardner peering over his fence and also a report from gardner's parents who say somebody threw something, breaking r in weymouth, victoria warren, 7 news. >> christa: donald trump was on a bit of a twitter tirade this morning over dwindling support numbers from republicans. >> kris: he was busy on social media today. this was happening as poll numbers show trump falling further behind hillary clinton. jennifer eagan with the details. >> reporter: donald trump, once again, taking to twitter. firing offer message this is
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"despite winning the second debate in a land-slide, every poll, it is hard to do well when paul ryan and others give zero support." trump widening the growing divide between himself and the republican establishment. "our very weak and ineffective leader paul ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty." disloyal r's are more difficult than crooked hillary, trump tweeted. they come at you from all sides. they don't know how to win. yesterday ryan announced he will no longer defend or campaign for trump. he did not pull his endorsement. >> i think i might write in lindsay graham. he is an old good friend of mine. a lot of people like him. >> reporter: republican senator and former presidential candidate john mccain withdrew his support. >> seriously, i can not vote for either one. report t fallout comes after tapes were released on which trump can be heard making sexually explicit comments. meanwhile, new revelations about the clinton campaign.
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from clinton's inner circle showed they were worried elizabeth warren would endorse bernie sanders for president instead of clinton. warren did not formally endorse either candidate during the primary season but has been a fierce supporter of clinton on the campaign trail as she takes on trump. >> most of those leaked e-mails were among clinton's campaign staff. only a few e-mails were from clinton herself. in the newsroom, jennifer eagan, 7 news. >> kris: the red sox play-of papi both coming to an end last night. david ortiz has played his final game. after 14 seasons with the red sox, big papi saluted fans on the field after the game. and today players are cleaning out their lockers and there are some questions about the future of the red sox manager. we want to get out live to 7's jonathan hall. he was at fenway with the very latest on all of these topics. jon? >> reporter: all right, reasons fans. what do you think of this season in david price came to
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big papi had a great season. he is retiring. the red sox won the a.l. east. they get blown out in the play-offs. but bottom line, it is going to be remembered for this. saying good-bye to number 34, big papi. last night, the fans clapped and clapped and cheered and cheered. until he came out of the dugout. (cheers and applause) his cap held high, his eyes welling with tears, david ortiz came to the mound at fenway park last night to say it was a special moment neither he nor those fans will ever forget. nor will he forget his love of the game. . >> it is something that i'm definitely going to carry it the rest of my life. you know, those moments, they are always going to be special. they are always going to stay with you. >> reporter: as ortiz and the rest of the red sox clean out their lockers afterwinning the a.l. east but fading badly in
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boston. a city he has come to love. >> the most valuable player in the 2013 world series, david ortiz! >> what made me happy and proud about walking home the way i am right now is that as long as i played in front of these fans, i never take anything for granted. i give everything i have something special while i play. and the fans respect that. >> reporter: manager john farrell will be speaking to reporters shortly. some called for his firing at times during the season. and though he brought the sox from a last-place finish in 2015 to an a.l. east title this season, a sweep by the indians in the games that counted most will not sit well with him. so 2016 is in the books.
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will john farrell will the head of this team? we are going to find out. we will get some more information, hopefully, this afternoon. about how the general manager speaks this afternoon. >> kris: all right. turning our focus to the weather. all about sunshine today. don't let it trick you into thinking you are not going to need a jacket. chris lambert is here to let us know how chillies is going to get. >> chris: it was cold this many look at the bounce-back. sunshine doing its thing. temperatures up into the upper 50's to low 60's right now. we have wall-to-wall sunshine across much of new england. i think we will hold tight close to 60 along the coastline today. as the on-shore wind kicks on in. but norwood, 64 degrees after being 26 this morning. we are talking almost a 40-degree swing in temperature. attleboro, 65 this afternoon. lakeville, about 64. up through the merrimack valley, southern new hampshire, away from the coastline,
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into the mid-60's. low 60's through the worcester hills. we will be close to 58-60 degrees across the cape and the islands. prevailing much of this afternoon. i don't have a lot of rain in the forecast. in fact, quiet weather will continue for much of the 7-day forecast. including a bright-looking weekend right now. that forecast coming up. >> christa: also on 7: two suspects are behind bars in virginia in connection with a deadly home invasion that happened in orange. police say joshua hart and britney smith killed thomas hardy. and seriously injured his wife joanna. after breaking into their home last week. we are also learning that the suspects were arrested outside a wal-mart in lexington, virginia. and they were found inside of a u-haul. meantime, the victim's family react to that news. >> they get away with murder today.
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searching for a motive behind the crime. >> kris: man who left a copy of the koran on the steps of the state government building today in boston is being treated as a fugitive from justice. he is accused of making threats at reagan national airport and assaulting police officers. he left the koran at the mccormick building in boston yesterday. a wrong-way driver on the mass. pike in newton forced cars to swerve out of the way. this 80-year-old driver will be cited for negligent operation amoth police believe the driver got on the pike at exit 19 going west in the eastbound lane. they say he drove for about three miles before crashing. it happened yesterday afternoon. police believe this driver had a medical emergency. this is him in the stretch there are being brought to an ambulance. although a few cars did crash getting out of the way. no one else was hurt during this incident. >> christa: more news now: samsung and the consumer products safety commission
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stop using it immediately and turn it. in that includes any replacement phones. all of this means that the major cell phone providers are pulling the galaxy note 7's off of shelves. the message to anybody who owns a galaxy note 7, even if it is a new replacement, don't use it. samsung and the consumer product safety commission are telling customers to power them down and return them. the problem? the new replacement note 7's are also catching fire. southwest airlines plane in louisville last night. brian green says his phone got suddenly hot and started smoking. >> it was electronic smoke. brown, gray, green ugly stuff. it was pretty thick coming out of the device. >> christa: in minnesota, abby says it happened to her. burning her thumb. >> it was like burnt from hot metal or something. >> you could see the outer box bubbling and expanding off the
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his replacement phone also caught fire in a restaurant in houston. >> i set it down. it started spewing out smoke. it started leaking from all the battery, the volume. buttons. the power button. the charger. it was trying to escape the confines of the phone. >> christa: in kentucky, high tall clearing awoke at 4:00 a.m. last tuesday to find their bedroom engulfed in smoke. his replacement note 7 on fire. >> i look over at my phone in flames. you know, it is spewing smoke. it smelled awful. like, chemicals. >> christa: he went to the e.r. with breathing trouble. samsung says consumer safety remains our top priority. and all note 7 customers should "power down and take advantage of the remedies available including a refund at their place of purchase." >> they will take these phones back and replace them or give
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the risk. >> christa: samsung hasn't divulged how many were returned or how many replacement note 7's are out there right now. >> kris: it is by sarp clown trend sweeping the nation is now causing ghont a minnesota town. a high school soccer and basketball coach lost his job after he wore a clown mask to school. he says it was harmless and that he wasn't aware of the creepy clown craze. students shared photos of the costume on social media as a joke. the superintendent wt judgment. >> christa: ahead at noon, some politics on the playground. one fifth-grader won his election by taking a page out election by taking a page out of donald trump's playbook. in new hampshire, election by taking a page out of donald trump's playbook. maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses,
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done? voted to cut college grants, cut medicare. but kelly ayotte voted to protect tax breaks for millionaires and big oil. that's what the koch brothers and big corporate interests wanted. they're spending millions supporting ayotte. kelly ayotte's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. ?
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one half off all wood blinds and cellular shades. blinds to go. blinds for life. fifteen million sold in just the last 10 years and we're saying thanks during blinds to go's customer apppreciation sale! buy one get one half off your favorite products. we love our customers and we're showing it. blinds to go. blinds for life. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump.
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>> kris: lunch on the patio kind of day. >> christa: as they say, it is not the cold, it is wind. >> chris: we shook off the cold this morning. we have the sunshine. a little wind to blow away the napkins. the complaint department is closed this afternoon. we are not going to open it back up any time soon. 26 in norwood right now. 30 in bedford. 44 in boston.
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frosty start. many towns in the suburbs, the coldest start we have seen in quite some time. since last spring. and in boston, you have to go back to may 16. to see a start that was as cold if not colder than 44 this morning. 58 in reading. 61 lexington. bottom line. most towns either side of 60 after being close to 0's there morning. we bounced back a good 30 degrees with the sunshine. we will add about five more. plan on about 65 away from the coastline. we will hold close to upper
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coastline with the on-shore breeze. we will edge temperatures up a little bit more on wednesday a couple degrees. on thursday, a bit breezy out there. occasionally, gusts near 20 miles per hour. we start thursday off with more clouds around. and perhaps even a passing sprinkle in the morning. then a brief isolated shower in the evening. 95% of thursday to be on the dry side. just essentially a front we are going to track. this will sweep off-shore and kick out lingering moisture that is in place. you can see initially, it is a little bit of ocean low-level moisture that backs in wednesday night into thursday morning. the front comes through late in the day. if not into thursday evening. once that clears us, we are back to blue skies and sunshine for the weekend.
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into the 7-day forecast. coolest at the coast rhino. not quite as cold tonight. still cool in the suburbs. mid-0's there. near 50 in boston. the forecast for tomorrow, mid-60's on average. if we have any patches of clouds in the morning, it will be mostly sunny skies by the afternoon. there is the 7-day forecast. nice and quiet. could have a patch of drizzle earlier on thursday morning. a spot shower thursday evening. much of thursday will be dry and mild. on the other side of the front, the wind does pick up again. it will be breezy on friday. pressure building in on saturday and sunday. close to seasonal levels. >> christa: in california, real-life politics brought to the playground. shane harris wanted a seat on the student body government. so he promised if elected, he would build a wall to divide the playground. one side was for the fourth and fifth-graders. the other for the third-graders. of course the question was who is going to pay for it? shane said the third-graders
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>> they were screaming build a wall! build a wall! >> christa: well, the campaign actually worked. he beat out 61 other students to be elected as the treasurer. >> kris: tom brady and julian edelman finding another way to spend some time together. they are both appearing in a new aeld for uggs. >> i'm so bored. let's do something. >> no. i'm good. >> 632. >> kris: as you can see in the spot here, edelman is impatient. wants brady to do something with him. the quarterback likes to sit back and relax because he is wearing his ugg slippers. >> christa: all right. coming up here on 7: fall is here. so is pumpkin season. you probably haven't seen many like these. it is a way... weigh-off for
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>> christa: a pumpkin weigh-off in california. there were more than two dozen pumpkins from three different states in this year's competition. >> kris: a woman came away as the big winner. it is fall in half moon bay. foggy conditions and cool temperatures. but everything is a little brighter on the day of the world championship pumpkin weigh-off. big pumpkins bring big dreams
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have ever grown. and i'm real excited to be here. this is my ultimate pumpkin fantasy, to be at half moon bay with something really large. >> kris: top contenders arrived early. the winner gets six dollars a pound. that ends up being about $12,000 for a 2,000-pound gourd. organizers started small on the scale. >> all right. 47 pounds. oh. 90 pounds. good job. >> kris: one fam ri even wore pumpkin hats. >> mine is the one partest one. >> this is their sixth year at the weigh-offs. they have never won. but it is still a competition. >> and just like the top growers, there is a secret ingredient to their garden in the backyard of their home. >> well, we have bunnies. we use their poop as fertilizer. we put it in the soil. i think that helps. >> kris: well there, you have it. if you are looking to grow a
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saw in the video. she did, in fact, win this event. her pumpkin weighed in at 1rx 910 pounds. $6 a pound. she collected just over $11,000. >> christa: wow. up next, a dorchester native getting ready to take the stage on tonight's new episode of the voice. >> chris: lots of sunshine this afternoon. quite a bit of the sunshine on the 7-day forecast. another look at it ahead. ? at blue cross blue shield of massachusetts, we offer a variety of medicare plans to fit your budget and your lifestyle. with plans starting as low as $0, you'll have zero things stopping you from really doing what you love.
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's become another typical washington politician and that puts us all at risk. narrator: independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> christa: courtney wowed the judges during her audition sing "let it go." she picked team blake.
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tonight. in the next round. this morning, though, she is opening up about her journey. >> i would like to challenge myself here by singing songs i wouldn't normally take on. or maybe things they wouldn't normally, like, songs that are outside of what i would write personally to stretch me vocally. >> christa: she writes for stars like jennifer hudson and mary j. blige. >> kris: don't even need a remote tonight. just set it on 7. forget about it. >> chris: we have to dvr everything and then watch it the next afternoon. right? team blake and team boston. right? got to go with the local there. coolest this afternoon. take a look at the 7-day forecast. i don't have much rain here.
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of rain on sunday over the weekend. most towns picking up close to one to two inches of water. we are not going to get any or hardly any over the next 7 days. could be a patch of drizzle here on thursday morning. a spot shower on thursday evening. with a front. we are talking less than a tenth of an inch of rain over the next 7 days. the weekend looks good right now. keep the sunshine around. >> christa: all right. enjoy your day, everyone. >> kris: have a great afternoon. see you at 4:00. in new hampshire, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, protected education... created jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done?
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for millionaires and big oil. that's what the koch brothers and big corporate interests wanted. they're spending millions supporting ayotte. kelly ayotte's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" out suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools.
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which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. join them in voting no on question two. vo: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump: trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. vo: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that - defund planned parenthood. ayotte: i certainly think that roe should be overturned... trump: ...there has to be some form of punishment. matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. vo: ayotte and trump: wrong for new hampshire women. senate majority pac is responsible for the
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? ? >> gabi: here you go. >> paul: what is this? >> gabi: well, the st. luke's sodality ladies have been taking over the kitchen because caroline can't be working around the clock. i'm pretty sure it's mrs. wilkerson's chicken surprise. >> paul: hmm. >> gabi: it's good? >> paul: the surprise is that it's not bad. >> gabi: yeah, wel because of the roadblocks. i really miss that chowder. >> paul: hmm. well, i know that the pub's feeding the fbi guys and the cops, and you're here most of the time according to them. i mean, they think you're an angel. >> gabi: oh, i'm not-- i'm not an angel. you know, with these three convicts trying to bring down the whole town, i think i'd just--i'd rather be busy, especially since arianna's being looked after at the hospital with the rest of the kids. >> paul: can you sit down for a minute? >> gabi: uh, yeah,


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