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tv   Today  NBC  October 29, 2016 2:08am-3:00am EDT

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45 years on the air? >> 45 years that shoppe been on the air. ut in version. an old version on nbc with bill cullen. >> called "the price is right"? >> yeah. came back at the new "price is right." went to an hour in 1975. >> we love it. i just want to say, one dollar! >> something magical about that. >> a little competition coming up and drew will be the guy who ke also get ready for country stars and married couple, single climbs country charts and they're going to sing with us. >> and lilliana, purpose with a puppy, first visit to the groomer's. >> nothing cuter than a dog and a bath. >> share tips and tricks, if you have your dog or want your cat groomed to do it perfectly. sometimes can be scary for dogs. >> what about cats? >> do you groom your --
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>> she does? >> yes. looks cute. wears boots, tail puffy but body sleek. speaking of lion cubs, mila is a doughnut, and, sorry i don't have a picture of poppy. is that what happens to the four-second child? poppy a doughnut hole. >> and you and your hubby? >> henry a starbuck's worker and i have yet to figure out my costume. >> are you going trick or treating? hopefully trick or treating with savannah and vale. >> oh, that interesting costume. >> yes. what is it again? >> i don't remember. it was too high brow. no, going to be like a cool,
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as a little girl. like -- i think i'd have to google. >> is my not high brow? doughnuts are right in par for my personality? >> yesterday we showed you a picture, instagram page. two golden doodles apparently dressed up as us. i love it except one thing my hair is curly and it doesn't look like me. the golden doodle listened. >> we do what kathie lee says. >> those dogs aren't eating spaghetti. >> should have a big bowl of spaghetti like in "lady and the tramp." >> that could be good. they do have a big thing of skittles in between them, all playing the skittle game. >> playing this yesterday. guessing how much skittles -- >> wait. i said drew could do it. drew. come on, you're on "price is right." >> how many skittles are in here? >> we don't have a game called
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>> give us a number. >> more or less than 2,000? >> got to be more. >> i didn't ask you. i asked drew. >> how many, about? >> a couple thousand. >> three, four, five? >> come on, drew. >> let me look at it. i have to put it down, work it out on grids, figure how many secrets in each grid. >> so you know, your guess? >> my guess was i think 4,007. >> 5,000. >> i say 5,001. >> verdict, 5,192, and a woman guessed the exact amount. her name, patricia woosik you guessed it. wrote, my guess, 5,192 love your show. oh, my gosh. >> patricia, you get a prize. $200 worth of mars fun-sized candy.
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>> and a $200 gift card. >> we need her to guess lottery numbers and everything else. a smart cookie. i can't believe she got it exactly right. >> i wonder what she did? got to find out. >> people were buying a vessel, some like this, buying skittles and mushing them in a gallon jug. how many are in there? wanted the mars. >> how many times were you allowed to enter? >> only once. >> oh. probably could have entered 1,000 times. you know? day. >> cheers. >> the way we like to do chocolate in a glass with red wine. this is called red wine hot chocolate. >> i didn't know it was a big thing. ingredients, milk or almond milk for those who need it. red wine, dark chocolate chunks and coconut whipped cream. >> by the way -- >> oh, no thank you. >> you don't like it? >> no thank you. >> it tastes kind of goo. if you like dark chocolate.
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wine, i don't think it should you mixed. >> as you swallow, it changes. chocolate initially. >> she really likes it. >> that's from awesome website. >> that was -- fun. >> congrats to jennifer lopez. another job. you know, in "shades of blue" on >> and looks like j. lo, too. >> so now she is going to be in an nbc next music the "bye, bye birdie" airing december of 2017. this musical inspired by headlines when elvis presley was drafted into the army back in 1957. >> perfect role for her. >> i can't believe -- she never slows down. saw her dot vegas show. incredible she keeps this up and does other jobs, too, and now
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>> your best night ever. wasn't it? singing -- >> does she get to sing "a whole lot of living" what is that number. >> told from sources, no. >> no. >> what do you think of her cast in that? >> it's -- i mean, i like the musical. so -- whoever. i don't care who's cast in it. >> nice to have an opinion. >> good for her. >> good for j. lo. >> okay. so -- >> yes. >> what el >> dump a bunch of wine into the skittles thing and try it out. >> what i would do. >> since you're experimenting. >> good luck trying to get that off. oh, you did it! >> do you know what i would do? >> these are good, by the way. >> skittle wine. >> this always makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. australian firefighters, drew, every single year came out with a calendar. this year decided to do it
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>> that is just -- >> video. >> i don't feel warm and fuzzy. tell the truth. >> jeff leech. not only handsome, spent his last holiday rebuilding an orphanage in -- >> can't tell a joke. >> not only handsome, added puppies to the mix. i'm going to throw up. >> this year a documentary series about -- >> bye, everybody. i'm outta here. >> please, don't leave. selected for this year's calendar. by the way, the calendar raises money for charities. >> look at this one, drew. >> so what? >> look. there's a dog and a man. >> so what? >> big deal. i don't care. so what? >> >> if you notice, go trick or treating with your kids some
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>> for kids with allergies. it's a house not serving any candy. >> but you will get things. like a spider ring, or glow stick or whatever. >> maybe tattoos. my kid loves tattoos. >> if you see that. >> like a, don't come to this house, kind of a thing? >> we with inning it but didn't say it. >> a warning? >> that's it. an effort nation wide to help kids with allergies. play a quick game. shall we? >> we shall. >> if you want to know your relationship is going la >> a little nervous about this. >> play in your head. >> sure. >> relationship expert kate claims created ten questions to reveal in your relationship will last. >> a little nervous. >> yes or no. >> first one. >> here we go. >> are you -- >> your best possible version of yourself. >> are you best possible version of yourself. >> i think that means are you the best possible version of yourself when with the other hume. >> no. >> you don't say yes -- >> do you trust each other?
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the lucky one in the relationship and acknowledge it regularly? >> he's pretty lucky. i'll say yes. he's lucky, i will say. >> can you both imagine the long-term future of getting old together? >> yes. >> are you best friends? >> yes! >> i have a lot of best friends. a lot of best friends, too. you can have multiple. >> doesn't mean the most. are you friendly? >> do you support each other's decisions. >> not always. you don't always support his. not always. >> don't write no on mine! you put a little no. >> do you do things apart? >> yes. definitely. >> do you have interests together? >> yes. >> medium. >> do you agree on the big stuff? >> yes, definitely. >> okay. if you answered yes for eight or more times then kate says your relationship will last. how many questions were there? one, two -- >> there were ten. eight out of ten. >> counting. each said no once. >> yeah. i mean, truth is, some of them were more, i think, a little
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>> too honest. >> gray areas. do i love all of his interests? like to go fishing, no, i don't, and i'll say that out loud. do i think he's funny and fun? absolutely. >> yeah. probably thinks you're hysterical. >> again, he's the lucky one, baby. >> get ready for the showcase showdown. >> hoda and i go head to head to find out when the host is right with drew carey. >> play along with us. we're coming right back, after
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all right. can you believe the iconic game show the "the price is right" is celebrating an anniversary this week. give contestants $1 spins and buy a chance to be in the showdown. >> tenth season as host stand-up comedian drew carey.
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for some reason all the way over here. what's going on? >> we have to do this game. do the game you can't be over there. i can't be over here. you have to come on down! >> yeah! >> over here. >> i don't want to trip. careful. >> they gave me this fake microphone. >> oh, they did? >> one over there. hoda. don't we need to be over here? >> at the showcase? oh. we're over who? what we're doing. do this first. >> here's what we're going to do. i got the card right here. >> wait. before the game. >> hear >> talk about you. >> sure, sure. >> hi. how are you? you look so good. >> thank you. you, too. >> how's the ten years been for you? >> great. i can't believe it's been ten years. it's gone by so quickly. >> your favorite part of the show? >> my favorite part, meeting the contestants. the best part and talk to people during the commercial and people in the audience. absolutely my favorite part of the show. hanging around all the fans that come to the show. >> how about hand-selecting the contestants?
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>> a guy named stan blitz working on the show 32 years who goes out into the line, everybody waiting in line and finds them. >> really, really quickly. >> brings back a list. figure out the fine people from the people in the audience. >> went with my friends from college, wore the college shirts. >> how did you do? >> i didn't get called, but now i think i will get called right this moment, right? >> are you going to play a game with us? >> yeah. go over there. >> showcase showdown. >> which is not really the showcase showdown. stick microphone, which you gave me -- >> a little bit of a low-budget show. >> all miked up. i don't really need this but they want me to use -- >> ready! >> okay. so i'm going to show you some items with the price and you have to tell me whether -- buzz in. tell me whether the actual retail price is higher than lower than the price. >> we're ready.
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more or less than $9.99. >> less! >> who buzzed in first. >> i did? >> i did. >> more. exactly. >> less. >> thank you. one point. >> next, please. kathie and hoda wine glasses. thank you, andrew. >> those are cheap. >> more or less than $5.99. >> i think you were in there. >> less. >> it is more. >> how much more? >> 30 -- it doesn't say. >> $39.99. >> we charge $40 for a -- >> a crystal wine aerator. $12.99, more or less? >> definitely more, drew. >> less. only $11.32. >> ooh! >> you can aerate your wine. and a glass wine decanter. >> how much is it? >> $29.99, more or less. >> more? >> less. >> we are so bad!
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>> you guys obviously have people serve you wine but you don't buy your own -- >> we do, but -- i thought it was expensive. >> stainless steel wine stopper. >> gosh. >> stop the wine from going in your mouth. >> what? >> is this a tiebreaker? >> this is the tiebreaker. >> it is definitely, drew, more than $8.99. >> thank you. >> $9.99. >> what do i win, what do we win? >> you get a chance -- >> play that later. guys, back more with drew and hoda gets to try to win this prize. a hole in one. if you're excited, going to a halloween party and don't have a costume. >> last-ment ideas to make from around the house, right after this. i'm here in bristol, virginia. and now...i'm in bristol, tennessee. on this side of the road is virginia... and on this side it's tennessee.
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dreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i'm in virginia... i'm in tennessee... virginia... tennessee... and now i'm in virginessee. see how much you could save on car insurance. or am i in tennaginia? hmmm... i love my shop, but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back.
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carey, host of the "the price is right." >> a chance to win big on this hole in one game. we're calming it -- >> hole in wine. >> brilliant. >> if you get this hole in wine you get a chance to win. >> what? >> a new car! >> what? oh my gosh. does she really? >> about 20 miles ou and right reverse steering, batteries no the included. all you have to do to win this -- >> how many chances? >> as many as you need. we really want you to win this remote ferrari. >> ah! >> ah! >> that was amazing! you got it -- >> where is it? >> there it is. >> oh. it's so little. >> that's it? >> wait a minute.
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we should point out drew -- >> a spine. >> we should point out you are a cleveland fan for the series? >> cleveland indians. excited. watching the game tonight on tv. >> and there he is. look. >> good luck. where are you? >> there you are. >> dressing room watching -- >> this is, by the way, jenna, see if you can hit one. i bet you can. >> we'll have the production office buy you another -- >> is there a living room set? a boat! a cruise to alaska? >> you got it. try again. try again. you got t. take the other golf ball out of the wine glass to have a chance to get it in there. >> come on. you're not aiming. you got it. come on. >> are you trying -- >> we'll count that one. >> that is -- >> broke the glass. what do i get for that? nothing. >> don't miss the "the price is right" celebrating its 48th anniversary season. >> and look at -- grooming tips to help you keep your pet
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>> and last-minute costume ideas just in time for halloween, after your local news. wahhhh... right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid.
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(coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. i love my shop, but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am.
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it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100% flake free. try head & shoulders instant relief.
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that was pitiful. it is try day friday. jenna bush hague sir in for kathie lee and the countdown is on to all of your halloween fun. >> whether invited to a halloween party tonight or your kids still need one for monday. don't panic. >> we can make your kids look boo-tiful. >> and jj is with us. >> boo tiful? >> i like that one. >> and memphis, last ten years. >> that was college. >> all right. >> let's start. >> start with our kids. first up, a young man named taylor. taylor, step right up. looks like an olympian to me. >> and we have our gold medal mike phelps.
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last-minute. right? you don't have a halloween idea, know all we did was 28 gold medals. had to get it right and then simple swim shirt, swim trunk. american flag. he can give away. the michael phelps goggles, michael phelps earphones and if cold where you live, simply put his warm-up over it. >> our towel. >> thank you. >> taylor, awesome job. >> thank you. >> and the face. mean michael phelps face. >> and now -- >> sibling costume. brother. if you don't have an idea. >> i can't handle the cuteness. >> so cute. >> older brother just football player. eye patches from a party store. football jersey. >> and the little brother -- >> the little brother's the foot ball. finn. >> hi, finn! >> take any brown felt and create lace with wide tape and use ribbon. ultimate sibling boy costume. football player and football. right? >> i can't handle the cuteness. you look adorable.
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love you. >> a group of adorable girls. one belongs to jeanine, fantastic wardrobe, gianna and darin, cameron and quinn, all sisters. >> and -- they're the -- four seasons! >> how cute! >> that's so cute. >> i can't handle it. >> so winter, spring. >> summer and fall. >> and let's start. winter, all we did, whites. faux furs, crystallized diy headband. everything we had in the closet and then spring through fall, >> you made those? >> make them for poppy. >> i don't know if i can. >> elastic waistband with just tulle. slip knot it in the colors of the season. hand-made all of those. >> everyone looks so cute. >> i like your looks. each doing a little look with your arms. change your poses. >> and a diy headband from the craft store. faux leaves on for fall.
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summer, we have our, of course, starfish, like she's at the beach and spring rain jacket and rain boots. >> and fall, i like fall's boots, too. >> and fall's boots, too. >> just use what you have. okay? >> oh, that's the whole idea. look, it's friday and this is for this weekend or monday. >> girls, excellent. >> good job, guys! >> do a little pose on the way out. >> shake it a little bit. we got one. got one. >> and this family, which i love. >> and how popular? >> emojis. >> our emojis. >> who do we have? >> let's start -- how about we start with dad and the glasses on the glasses. this was just yellow cardboard, paper and felt. that's it. bought yellow cardboard paper, fishing hardware, black and red felt and choose your emotion. how you want to feel that night. >> look at the -- >> taking flowers off and throwing them. >> 2-year-old angel.
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>> love her. >> adorable. >> and johnny and jesse. are you guys having fun? do you like your costumes? >> yeah. >> what are you? what are you, johnny? >> she winked her eyes. >> oh, my -- cute. >> you got it, yes. >> thank you so much. we got to bring out our guy alex. >> favorite guy. >> yellow cardboard and felt. >> if you like "fifty shades of grey." >> are you going to wear this monday? >> yes. >> so totally, totally, no cost on this. samples. all grey samples from the paint store. >> and the casey and suzanne. >> smarty pants, can you believe it? here of smarty pants. black outfits. double stick tape smarties, smarties and glasses, books.
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>> jj, thank you. >> so glad to see you. >> taking our dog charlie to the groomers and showing you tools and techniques to take care of your pooch. >> and the bride and groom who go by the country stars. ready to perform their new hit. >> can't wait. ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery.
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"whatcha doin?" "just checking my free credit score at credit karma. "what the?" "don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it." "actually, checking your own credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all." "i guess i could just check my credit score then."
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if you could have a pet that could use grooming probably a good time to take him or her on a road trip to the groomers. >> taking our own puppy with a purpose charlie for his first
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charlie and i spent the day together with a couple of friends from america's vets dogged and learned why it's important to get your dog professionally groomed and you what you can do to keep your puppy pretty happy and healthy. >> hi. welcome to petsmart. how are you? >> hi. >> i have charlie and our adorable puppy friends all about 4 1/2 months old. >> awesome. >> why is professional grooming so important at this age? >> something they'll do the rest of their lives and we want to starting them younger is beneficial for them. >> what we all want is happy puppies. >> awesome. >> let's get started. >> perfect. ? >> and what are we going to do with charlie today? >> so we're going to start with nails. the important thing with nails, too, is that there's actually a nerve in the middle of the nail called our quick. so when trying this at home, be very cautious of that vein on the inside. just keep going little by
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why the dremel is great and you'll see a damp, dark center. you know you're close to the quick and it pull off. >> good boy! you were so good. yes, yes. give the camera a kiss! >> ah! >> what do you use to clean the ears? >> i'm going to use a gentle ear wash and you can purchase that in any specialty pet store. non-alcoholic. put it in the ear canal and wipe it out. the great thing about this toothpaste, it's a treat for tastes really good and enzymatic, breaks down the plaque for you. >> people should not ever use toothpaste for humans on their dogs. >> right. for all products, make sure it's formulated for dogs. >> now, buttercup has gorgeous fur. >> yes. >> how do we take care of it? >> golden retrievers are known for shedding. a de-shedding formula is great.
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>> good girl. >> our furminator comb and what this does, actually a tool that helps pull out some of that undercoat for us. gently run your comb through. notice the undercoat will come out. >> next up is gorgeous ellie. >> how often should people be taking care of a dog that has hair as opposed to fur? >> every four to six weeks a great timeline. dogs like this c g or really, really tight. important avoid that is daily brushing. ? >> any don'ts for bath time? >> don't use non-puppy formulated shampoo. you want to make sure it's for dogs and try really hard not to get water into their ear canal. can't stress that enough.
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that can cause a lot of ear issues. >> charlie, you look so handsome and your lady friends, buttercup and ellie, gorgeous gals. time to get outta here. ready? let's go! >> oh! >> charlie! >> i did not want to leave work that day. i wanted to spend the night at petsmart with these dogs. not joking. now in the spirit of ambush makeover, a little before and after of all three dogs. >> you did? >> there's the before, all of our beautiful dogs and look at this after. we added a few bows, groomed them up so cute. >> they look gorgeous. >> they look shiny and lovely. >> you have pets. bernadette and blake. brought you a few treats. >> you did? >> yes. >> oh, thank you! >> for you are guys. >> by the way, this -- >> this brush. >> talk about the fiend stealer of this entire segment. lilliana's shoes. get a tight shot of lilliana's shoes. >> and the dog -- >> charlie wants to eat them. thinks they're his toys. >> yes, but adorable.
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coming up, a newest single burning up the country charts and about to sing for us. >> ready for a sweet song after
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zquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain,
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series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. they are the husband and wife duo making sweet music together. keifer and shawna known to their fans as thompson squ >> this one you are listening to "are you going to kiss me or not". >> parents to a little boy named cooper and a new single. "you make it look so good" y'all have been together how many years? >> oh, my gosh. >> a bunch. >> 17 years. >> and your baby's here. the cutest thing we've seen. >> thompson cubed is what we're switching your name to. >> headphones.
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writings, your songs? >> reconfigurated our life. even songs we had hits on. so different. >> that video with him is the cutest thing we've ever are seen. >> adorable. what will you sing for us today? >> brand new single. "you make us look good." >> okay. thompson square. take it away. ? stretches out in my big, old bed putting both pillows underneath mine ? tv blaring all night long nothing but espn on ? picking up my buddies on a wednesday night dollar bills,
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the way you're gonna be ? but you, you look so good ? yeah, you got me wondering what it might be like being there every night and waking up on the other side of the bed ? and i never thought i let anyone get close enough to make me fall in love ? but, ooh, you look so good ? ? lately you've been taking up all my time i used to talk with my friends drinking wine love everybody really on my list ? baby now you're showing me what i missed ? ooh, you make it look so good
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be like knowing every night who i'm waking up with on the other side of the bed ? and i never thought i'd let anyone ever get close enough to make me fall in love ? but, ooh, you make it look so good ? whoa-whoa ? you make it look so good ? ? you make it look so so good ? ? you got me wondering what it might be like wondering every night who i'm waking up with on the other side of the bed ? and i never thought i'd let anyone ever get close enough to make me fall in love ? but, ooh, you make it look so
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you make it look so good ? you make it look so good you make it look so good so good ? so good ? maybe you've been taking up all my time ? taking up all my time ? ? i don't i don't, i don't mind ? you make it look so good ? ? so good so good ? so good ? >> whew! [ applause ] >> we love that! >> okay. that rocks. that was great. >> i want to be in a duo! >> that was awesome. we're so -- where's cooper? >> cooper loved it, too. >> we have to bring -- careful.
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>> come on, buddy. >> cooper, that was so great. >> cooper! all right. we'll be back in a moment. >> first, this is "today" on nbc.
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jack be nimble, jack be quick, jack knocked over a candlestick onto the shag carpeting... ...and his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. because all his belongings went up in flames. jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. visit and see how affordable renters insurance can be. wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. "is that credit karma again?" "just wanna see if my score wanna check yours?" "scores don't change that much. i haven't changed." "oh really?"
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"i love summer weddings!" "oh no." "yeah, maybe it is time. maybe i should check my credit score." "try credit karma. it's free." "oh woah. that's different."
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for being here today. >> so much fun.
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>> and take one of my puppies, too. >> and revealing costumes. epic. you're epic, we're all epic. you don't want to miss it. >> and the action behind the scenes. the country music awards with the country music awards with carrie >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. do you remember your first dance... >> ? sherry ? >> announcer: ...your first kiss, your senior prom, and falling in love for the first time? what wonderful memories they are. >> ? sherry baby ? >> ? sherry baby ? >> ? sherry, canou tonight? ? >> ? tonight the light of love is in your eyes ? ? but will you love me tomorrow? ? >> ? goin' out of my head over you ? ? out of my head over you ? [ "stand by me" plays ] >> announcer: it was a simple and more innocent time.


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