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tv   Morning News 6  FOX  January 4, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold temperatures with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s. 3 ((wrap up)) 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center.early accident clearing on us hwy 25 @ sc hwy 414 414 3 you are looking live at: 3 3 a man accused in a high profile murder case in western north carolina is expected to
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go before a judge this morning. morning.jason owens is facing several charges including murder and destroying remains to conceal death. death.investigators say owens killed j-t and christie codd back in march in leicester. christie who was a former food network contestent was five months pregnant.buncombe county deputies say owens robbed the couple, killed them and then destroyed their remainsowens was supposed to be in court last week but the district attorney said the hearing was delayed to allow crime labs more time to process the large amount of evidence.we'll let you know if that hearing happens today. 3 3 covering our counties--the red cross is helping families in several counties after numerous house fires over the weekend. weekend.ashley minelli is live at the red cross location in greenville county... and ashley several people made it out ok but sadly- one woman did die in a fire at here home here in greenville county. 3 - coroner: 51-year-old barbara kern died at the hospital hospitalfire broke out at her home saturday evening on aberdare court in greenville
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countykern's father also lived in the home... he is now staying with relatives... 3 he's now one of several people displaced after fires broke out at this home in spartanburg county... and two other homes in anderson... wade hampton assistant fire chief... have an idea what *might* have caused blaze in greenville county 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 we found ashtray and cigarettes at the bed and we also found a lot of electrical plugs at the bed. 3 red cross: - blow out candles. - put out fires before going to bedwith colder weather moving in, another reminder:- don't overload electrical outlets- space heaters: 3 foot radius, nothing touching them 3 - red cross 3 currently helping 3 families displaced by the fires in anderson and spartanburg- right now all of them are under investigation... 3
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3 the countdown is on for clemson fans -- we're just one week away from the tigers playing in the national championship. 3 clemson-- still holds a perfect record after beating oklahoma 37-to-17 in the orange bowl thursday night. q-b- deshaun watson lead the team *and they maintained control of the game **even after losing star defensive end shaq lawson to a knee injury. it's been 34-years since clemson had a chance to win a national championship. they face alabama next monday in arizona at 8:30. 3 we'll have complete coverage right here on fox carolina of the national championship game. our crew will be leaving for arizona in the next couple of days.**today coach dabo swinney is expected to address the media ahead of the big game. you can find out what he has to say on fox carolina
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3 in the nfl--the panthers will have home field advantage for the playoffs...the first time in franchise history. the team clinched the spot on sunday against the newton ran for two touchdowns and threw for two more to beat the bucs 38-to-10. that gave the panthers their 11th straight win at home.newton *also tied the n-f-l record for most career touchdowns rushing by a quarterback with 43. 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes with nicole. 3 sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph. tonight, lows drop into the 20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold temperatures with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s.
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3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this:we're 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 with to chris 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this:early accident clearing on us hwy 25 @ sc hwy 414 414
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3 some future filmmakers will be kicking off the new year in a special way in buncombe county, county,the asheville school of film held a grand opening on sunday night. potential students and the local film community got the chance to meet the co-owners --as well as some guest instructors.the school will offer several classes and seminars this year --for screenwriting and film history.organizers say its a great way to kick off your career -- or even pick up a new hobby.the school tells us students will get real-world knowledge of filmmakingwhile using high-tech industry equipment. 3 3 it's ______. ______.if you've resolved to lose weight this year -- i'm live with the perfect group to help you accomplish your goals. 3 we head to break with a live look at... usc upstateyou're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 you're watching the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole crew traffic 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at..reenville county.. pelham road 3 in oregon -- an armed protest at a federal wildlife refuge is going into its third day. the group says they're protesting government control over land.'s happening as two ranchers face jail time on an **arson conviction and are expected to report to prison today.investigators say they torched public land to cover
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because the protesters are carrying weapons. 3 in california-- the county building in san bernardino where 14-people were killed is expected to re-open today. 3 city leaders say there will be tighter security as the six- hundred empoyees s the inland regional center return to work, the center has been closed since december second-- when "syed farook" and his wife tashfeen malik went on their shooting rampage. 3 both suspects were killed later in a shootout with police.farook was an inspector for the county's department of public health.police say he worked with many of the victims--who were at the center for a training session and holiday party. 3 the president says he is making gun violence a top priority as he enters his final year in office. office.the white house says president obama will meet with attorney general loretta lynch today to talk about ways to regulate guns. the preredent has asked congress to tighten gun laws -- after several deadly attacks in the u-s. 3 3 "a few months ago, i directed my team at the white house to look into any new actions i
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3 "because i get too many letters from parents, and teachers, and kids, to sit around and do nothing." nothing."on thursday -- the president will participate in a town hall meeting with cnn's anderson cooper.gun control is also supposed to be a main topic in the president's final state of the union address next week. 3 a new survey is showing there's a group of doctors who don't think pre-teens needed vaccine against h-p-v. p-v.the results of the study was published in "pediatrics" -- showing vaccine rates for h-p-v are lower than recommended.h-p-v has been shown to cause cancer.the vaccine is recommended to be given to kids before they're about a third of teens in the u-s are sexually active by the age of 16. 3 3 more than half of americans have a new years resolution.. to be losing weight... weight...and if it's yours.. this weekend.. carolina's joe gagnon is live from the travelers rest y-m-c-a who is
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putting on the resolution run.. 3 this saturday you can start the year off on the right lots of people are set to head here in the morning and go for a run..'s the 13th resolution run held right here at the family y....where you can at the family y....held right here resolution run it's the 13th it's the 13th resolution run held right here at the family y....where you can run for a half marathon or a 5-k as according a study by the journal of clinical psychology..while half of people u ually make a resolution...only 8 out of a hundred people actually complete it through the entire if you want to at least let it last the week.. just go to fox to sign is 30 dollars for marathon.. 3 3 back to you..
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3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. 3 sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph. tonight, lows drop into the 20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold temperatures with highs in the
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40s and lows in the 20s. wednesday will stay below normal with sunshine and highs back in the 40s.the next chance for rain comes late thursday into friday, with highs back in the 50s, followed by a dry, milder saturday. sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph. tonight, lows drop into the 20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold temperatures with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s. wednesday will stay below normal with sunshine and highs back in the 40s.the next
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thursday into friday, with highs back in the 50s, followed by a dry, milder saturday.
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3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: accident clearingus hwy 25 @ sc hwy 414 414 3 you're looking live atpit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker cadillac 3 3 news you need to know..former u-s senator and arkansas governor dale bumpers has
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passed away.his family says the 90-year-old suffered from alzheimer's and a broken hip. bumpers is most well known for defending president bill clinton during his impeachment trial. 3 republican candidate for president marco rubio is expected to reschedule a visit to the upstate after canceling at the last minute over the weekend.his campaign office said he couldnt make it to easley saturday after his plane experienced technical exact date hasnt been given. 3 federal investigators are looking into how blue bell ice cream handled it's listeria outbreak last year.three people died and at least 10 people got sick.federal authorities want to know when the outbreak started and how long they knew about it. 3 today is the last day for you to file for flood relief from the federal government. government.fema and the small business administration are offering financial assistance for those hit by the historic flooding our state experienced in october---you have until today to register with both organizations.the money can be used on any assistance with short-term rent, repairs and property losses. 3 3 it's (time).could johnny
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once?what workers at a casino said about the quarterback -- coming up. 3 we head to break with a live look at...clemson you're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at... greenville.. eye-85 3 leaders with the cleveland browns say they're trying to figure out where quarterback johnny manzeil was this weekend. weekend.medical staff say manzeil missed the last game of the season sunday and also missed concussion testing after being knocked out of last week's game.however -- about a dozen workers at las vegas' planet hollywood claim manzeil spent saturday night eating and gambling with them. when word spread online -- he posted a picture on instagram with his dog and hash-tagged it "saturday nights" with a geo-tag in leaders
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say they don't think he was in vegas on saturday. 3 now to weather with nicole 3 sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph. tonight, lows drop into the 20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold
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temperatures with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 chris is in the traffic center. 3*********hold****** *********hold******3 we're watching this: 3 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 it's ______.he's been there before and knows the feeling of bringing home the national title to clemson.coming up, we hear from danny ford about the team's trip to the national championship game. 3 we head to break with a live look at...ab-tech you're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning news.
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news at 6:30 starts now.. now..the mother of clemson student tucker hipps' is speaking to fox carolina-- about the university's response to a civil lawsuit filed by the hipps' family. what she has to say, straight
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3 the red crossing is helping families this morning--after being displaced from their homes after fires broke out here in the upstate-- even clamming the life of one woman. i'm live with a report. 3 3 grab your jackets this morning--today will be sunny with temperatures in the 40s. 3 good morning.... it's monday, january 4i'm lauren elise eliseand i'm ben hill, with traffic reporter chris scott and meteorologist nicole papay. thanks for joining us on the
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3 sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph. tonight, lows drop into the 20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold temperatures with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s. 3 let's send it over to chris.
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3*********hold****** *********hold******3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center: center: 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 this morning -- only on fox carolina -- we're hearing from the mother of tucker hipps about *clemson's response to a civil lawsuit. lawsuit.19 year old tucker hipps died in 2014, after falling off a bridge near clemson university, while on a run with his fraternity. fraternity.his parents filed a wrongful death against three members of the fraternity, the fraternity itself - sigma phi epsilon - and clemson university. cindy and gary hipps allege in the suit -- sigma phi epsilon had a long-standing tradition that
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required pledges to jump off the bridge and swim to shore.a report states clemson denies *any knowledge of the fraternity's tradition. 3 cindy hipps talked to fox carolina about the university's response -- saying in part--"i was very angry but not surprised...we are ready to move forward in our legal case and get the facts." 3 cindy hipps also said she was disappointed tucker was not protected by the university he loved and spent his life charges have been filed in the case so far.we will keep you up to date on what happens in the civil suit. 3 3 in pickens county --we're working to see if charges will be filed .. after deputies say a husband and wife were involved in a stabbing. stabbing.deputies say they were called out to a home near pendleton on highway 88 sunday night for a domestic dispute. the chief deputy says they found a man with a cut to his back.he was then flown to the hospital but we don't know his condition this morning. 3 a third person in laurens county is facing charges after
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month.deputies say michael hudson ran away from his aunt's home in fountain inn last month. his aunt has custody of michael--but his parents found him on the night he disappeared -- and say michael jumped out of their car and ran off. that teen was found saturday. saturday.both of his parents-- michael hudson and kelldon hudson are facing charges including unlawful neglect toward a child. child.deputies arrested shelia neves saturday. authorities say they believe the teen was staying with her. 3 this morning- the red cross is helping several families out after several fires broke out in the upstate over the weekend.... one of them claimed the life of a greenville county woman. 3 ashley minelli is live at the red cross in greenville county... and ashley -- the red cross is sending out some reminders as colder weather moves in... 3 don't know the cause of the fires- but red cross: some ways to help keep you safe this winter winter 3 - don't leave food cooking on the stove.
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3 - blow out candles- and put out fires before going to bed. bed.- do not overload outlets- and use space heaters with care. 3 cause of all fires under investigation... in greenville county- where that deadly fire happened, wade hampton fire chief: did everything they could to save her 3 3 3 they did an excellent job like i say, the first truck in attacked the fire. the second ttck in which was right behind the first truck, did the search and rescue and they actually did do cpr on the victim and had a pulse and had the scene. 3 - coroner: 51 year old barbara kern died inside home on aberdare court- cause of fire still under investigation 3
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3 - another fire happened in spartanburg over the weekend- on charlie mae *campbell lane- two other fires in anderson county displaced two families there as well 3 in total: - red cross is helping four morninggreenville - told barbara also lived at the home, staying with relatives 3 after proving experts wrong -- the clemson tigers are headed to arizona for the national championship game. game.despite being the number one team in the country for months.. with a perfect season, many experts are still picking alabama to win next monday.clemson beat oklahoma in the orange bowl thursday to get to the title game.. while alabama beat michigan state in the cotton bowl.the tigers take on alabama next monday at 8:30 in arizona.. for a shot at their first title since
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3 the last time clemson played in a title game -- coach danny ford was calling the plays for the tigers. tigers.he won the tigers their last title against nebraska in his fourth season at clemson. fox carolina spoke with him by phone about the win on thursday--and the hopes for *this year's national title game. 3 3 it could only do great wonders for our state, our school and our football team. 3 ford says he will be watching the tigers take on alabama next week.greenville native reverend jesse jackson also praised the tigers on sunday and says he'll be pulling for them. 3 we'll have complete coverage right here on fox carolina of the national championship game. our crew will be leaving for arizona in the next couple of days.**today coach dabo swinney is expected to address the media ahead of the big game. you can find out what he has to say on fox carolina both on-air and online. 3 now -- while you've heard plenty about tiger's coach dabo swinney, there's another dabo who's helping people.
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people.this one year old chocolate lab is also named: dabo.he's currently training to become a diabetic alert dog where he can sniff out if a diabetic is suffering from high o olow blood sugar.the dog's handler says dabo is a huge help and never leaves her side. 3 3 3 "dabo the dog and i are togehther 24/7 - he never leaves my side - we go everywhere together if i get up to walk otu of the room he follows me - that's his job to be with me and concentrate on me." me."coach swinney even got to meet coach swinney even got to meet dabo the dog.he says he's proud of the work the dog and his handler are doing foror diabetics. 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph. tonight, lows drop into the 20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold temperatures with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s.
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3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center: center: 3 3 you are taking a live look at:
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3 it's ______.a north carolina pastor might have avoided a new year's eve tragedy.what he says happened when a man walked into his church with a gun. 3 we head to break with a live look at...usc upstateyou're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina---we're taking a live look at... eye- 85 greenville county 3 3 a north carolina pastor says his faith helped a gunman who walked into his service on new year's eve. eve.according to pastor "larry wright" -- the man walked into his service with an assault rifle in one hand and ammo in the other.wright says he confronted the man and thats when he asked the pastor to pray for him.he was eventually taken to a medical center.the pastor says the man was veteran struggling with p-t-s-d but eventually turned his life over to christ. 3 a chapel hill family says they hope three men get the justice they deserve. deserve.the three men are accused of a christmas day **shooting that **killed 1
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year old "maleah williams."her funeral service was held saturday.. with hundreds gathering inside the chapel hill bible church to remember her life.the family says it hurts to lose maleah.. especially since she's so young. 3 3 "nobody deserves to lose their life to some crazy gun violence. it makes it worse, because it's a baby." baby.""shaquille davis, ramone alston, and pierre moore" are all **behind bars** .. facing murder and attempted murder charges. 3 diplomats and embassy staff from iran are moving out of saudi arabia this morning after the two countries announced they have cut ties. ties.the two countries ended relations after iranian protesters set fires in the saudi embassy.leaders in saudi arabia executed nearly 50 people saturday --including a prominent shiite cleric -- causing an out cry.iran's president called the executions disrespectful to his nations and must be stopped.political analysts say the decision to part ways between saudi arabia and iran will likely affect surrounding
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3 the nation of india is bracing for tremors after a massive earth quake shook the country sunday morning.india's meteorological department says a 6 point 8 quake hit the city of imphal about a half dozen people have been confirmed dead with dozens of others injured.rescue crews say the tremors cracked walls and collapsed high rise buildings. witnesses report the quake lasted up to two minutes in some neighborhoods. 3 now that the nfl regular season is officially over and the post-season begins--many coaches are waking up uncertain about their future. is called "black monday" in the nfl--the day many coaches who didnt do so well this season get their walking papers.the browns, 49ers, and eagles have already fired their coaches..reports show coaches with the colts, lions, dolphins, giants, and titans are also in danger of losing their jobs today. falcons coach "dan quinn" has not been named in reports after ending the season 8 and 8.
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3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. 3 sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph. tonight, lows drop into the 20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold temperatures with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s. wednesday will stay below normal with sunshine and highs
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back in the 40s.the next chance for rain comes late thursday into friday, with highs back in the 50s, followed by a dry, milder saturday. sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph. tonight, lows drop into the 20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold temperatures with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s. wednesday will stay below normal with sunshine and highs back in the 40s.the next chance for rain comes late thursday into friday, with highs back in the 50s, followed by a dry, milder
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3 now to pit crew traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we are watching: watching: 3 you are taking a live look at: pit crew traffic sponsored by pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker
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chevrolet cadillac 3 3 time for news you need to know..a survey in the publication pediatrics shows many doctors arent recommending pre-teens get vaccinated against h-p-v.the virus has been shown to cause cancer.researchers suggest doctors need a better understanding of the reasons to vaccinate. 3 president obama says he's going to try and reduce gun violence in his final year in office.he's scheduled to meet with the attorney general today to talk about a plan. he'll be at george mason university to talk about gun violence in a town hall meeting thursday. 3 midwest communities are dealing with flooding this morning even though most rivers are receding.the body of an illinois teen was found this weekend -- bringing the total flood related deaths to 25.rescue crews are focusing on clean up efforts this week. 3 if you're feeling like the new year is bringing you new luck -- you may want to try for the powerball on wednesday. wednesday.the drawing will be worth 400 million dollars.. after no one won saturday's drawing.that's the **largest
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pot since september of 20-13 when someone from south carolina won.lottery officials say the new powerball rules that went into effect in october are helping bring 3 3 it's ______.a deaf man comes to the aid of a deer in trouble.the amazing story and its happy ending--next. 3 we head to break with a live look at... paris mountain.. 3 but first let's take a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. numbers. 3 you're watching the morning
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3 welcome back--we're taking a live look at...greenville county.. pelham road exit.. 3 basketball legend michael jordan owns dozens of nba records and countless records for the bulls -- but one of those records is no more. 1989, m-j set a record for points in a half with 39. last night, in toronto, bulls shooting guard jimmy butler broke that record.he shocked everyone by exploding for 40 points in the second half. butler only scored two points in the first half.butler's 42
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total points helped the bulls beat the raptors 115 to 113. 3 a deer in minnesota is alive this morning thanks to the daring efforts of a deaf man. man.steven peterson says he was driving home when he spotted a deer floating in an icy river.peterson says he debated calling 9-1-1 but was worried he couldn't hear them because he's deaf.he pushed a log out towards the deer and put a trailer strap around it and pulled it to safety. peterson says he named the deer miss ice river. 3 now to weather and traffic every 10 minutes.
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3 sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph. tonight, lows drop into the 20s area-wide. tuesday brings more sunshine and cold temperatures with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s. 3 3 let's send it over to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're keeping an eye on: haywood county accidents i-40 east &; west @ 18 mmhendersonville rd @ irwin st/i-40/ disabled/18 wheeler wheeler 3 you're looking live at:
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3 it's ______.several fires broke out across the upstate over the weekend. leaving many families without a place to stay.ashley minelli is live for us this morning with how the red cross is lending a hand and what they are warning people about--coming up. 3 paris mountainbe sure to stay with fox carolina all morning long.we're bringing you the days top stories until nine o'clock.throughout our four hours of news you can catch live reports from the field, plus weather and
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everyone needs a bff. even your smile. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. in fact, it whitens more than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff.
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the morning news starts now. now. 3 firefighters and the red cross are urging you to be careful.. after a series of upstate house fires over the weekend. we're live in greenville with the details. details.if you have damage to your home or business after last fall's historic flood.. today is the last day to ask for federal aid.what you need to know.. coming up. up. 3 you'll want a coat and gloves as you head out the door this morning.we're looking at sunny, cold and windy conditions to start your week. 3 good morning.... it's monday, january 4.i'm lauren elise.... 3 and i'm ben hill.. here with nicole papay and chris scott. thanks for joining us on the morning news. 3 sunny, cold, and blustery today, with highs only reaching the 30s and 40s, and wind gusts up to 25 mph.
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