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tv   Morning News 6  FOX  January 19, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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3 sunny with highs in 3 the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and light snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low
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3 ((wrap up))3 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center. are looking live at: 3 the brutal cold doesn't just affect us- it can mean big trouble from everything from your pipes to your cars. cars.before you pull out for work today- experts say there are a couple of things to check. carolina's ashley minelli is live in downtown greenville- ashley- how are you holding up out there? 3 ad lib about how it is out here
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pressure3 check your fluids:- windshield washer fluid- oil- antifreeze levels- check your battery, make sure the alternator is charging it properly 3 3 3 20:50:26 "let's say for instance, your wiper blades.
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haven't put a de-icer on the windshield and they are stuck, it could potentially break your wiper motor." motor."pipes:- keep garage doors closed, where supply lines are located- open cabinets where pipes are located- let water drip- make sure thermostat set to at least 55 3 hat, scarf, gloves
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3 and dont forget for weather updates 24/7 you can download our weather appjust text carolinaweather to 23765. 3 3 in an overnight development: greer firefighters say they were able to stop a fire from spreading to a home.a small building next to a mobile home caught fire on "reece avenue" late monday night.we're told a generator exploded and that started the fire.luckily no one was hurt. 3 3 in a developing story --it's news no family wants to hear.
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anderson county over the weekend and this morning -- we know who they belong to. to.on monday --the coroner says they were able to identify the remains as gary burton -- who was reported missing last summer. his remains were found sunday in a wooded area between river and leader roads. roads.we spoke with burton's wife off camera -- and she says his heart problems took a huge toll on him mentallygshe says they were separated -- but after she hadn't heard from him in weeks, she knew something was wrong. the coroner says burton's heart defibrillator helped i-d him. 3 3 "during that processing time, we found an external defibrillator and it has serial number and we were able to trace it back to greenville victim mr. burton." burton."the coroner says they should have a cause of death within the next couple of days. 3 3 in a fox carolina follow up -- a seneca baby who was at the center of a horrific child abuse case is **now in foster care. 3 we're told the six week old is continuing to recover after what the police chief
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abuse cases he's ever seenthe accused attacker-the mother's boyfriend "leroy morris" is behind bars. bars.the child's mother, whitney barnwell, was also arrested and charged with child neglect. police say she knew that morris was abusing alcohol and drugs while caring for her baby and two other ccldren. 3 3 covering our counties --in buncombe county -- asheville police say they need your help finding the person who shot a man. 3 the victim told police he was shot in hillcrest around on monday. he was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay.anyone with information is asked to call asheville police. 3 in spartanburg county--police are looking for the robbers who held up two restaurant delivery workers. 3 spartanburg police say a marco's pizza delivery woman was robbed at ensington manor" friday night.they said the guy had a gun-- took her money and the pizzas too. then on saturday night, police say a guy delivering chinese food was robbed at the prince hall apartments. the robber was armed with a gun and took money and the food. right now,
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3 in greenville county:police say they have two robbers behind bars after they were found hiding out in a waffle house.'s a look at the duo- david dozier and deveon hall- both were said to be armed and wearing a mask- police say their spree started at the b-p on laurens road early monday- 3 officers say the duo stole cash, cigarrettes and the clerk's cell phone-they took off but police say a shoho time later they ran into a semi- so, they jumped out and ran to a nearby waffle house- they were captured a short time later. 3 time for weather and traffic
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3 sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and light snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low 40s. 3 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: this: 3 you're taking a live look at
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3 it's ______. ______.another successful year in the you can celebrate ice on main later today in greenville. 3 we head to break with a live look t...clemson you're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning
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in my business i can count on my i.t. guy bailing me out all the time... i'm not the i.t. guy. i'm the desktop support tech supervisor. and my customers knowing right when their packages arrive. introducing real-time delivery notifications. learn more at hershey's miniatures. we pour 'em! we pass 'em! we pick 'em! delicious fun for everyone.
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at...usc
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3 3 upstate.. coldlive look at...usc we're taking a carolina--news on fox the morning welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina-- we're taking a live look at...usc upstate.. cold 3 music fans around the world are mourning one of the members of the legendary rock group: "the eagles". 3 3 take it easy, take it easy easya publicist for the band confirmed glenn the band a publicist for a publicist for the band confirmed glenn frey passed away on monday in new york city.he was suffering from several health issues including complications from pneumonia. the eagles released hit after hit in the 19-70s -- when frey played guitar and keyboard.he also took lead vocal duties for the band and went solo for awhile in the 80's.fellow eagle don henley said in a statement -- quote -- "he was like a brother to me... the bond we forged 45 years ago was never
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3 the panthers will likely be without defensive end "jared allen" for sunday's n-f-c championship game. ron rivera said last night that an m-r-i confirmed allen broke a bone in his foot."kony ealy" would likely slide baba into the starting lineup to replace allen -- who's a 12 year veteran.n.this will be the panthers fourth trip to the nfc championship game.and their first time hosting the matchup. 3 we'll be taking a closer look at the panthers journey to the super bowl bid. join us this sunday for "panthers' pursuit of a title" -shannon sommerville and aaron cheslock will have all the coverage from charlotte -sunday at 5:30. 3 fox carolina will also have game coverage starting at 6 p-m.kickoff is set for 6:40 pm this sunday in charlotte. 3 3 skating is no more in downtown greenville..because ice on main is wrapped up until next year, year,fox carolina's joe gagnon is live from downtown greenville with how city
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3 today at three it will be a final goodbye to ice on main for this winter season... season...3 there will be a closing ceremony - mayor knox white and sponsors will celebrate the close of a special anniversary season at united community bank ice on main. join us for remarks from the mayor and michelle seaver of united community bank and a donation preseseation to camp courage and other donation recipients. plus, the winner of the skate your way to broadway sweepstakes will be announced!
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3 back to you..
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3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. 3 sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and light snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low 40s. little to no accumulation is expected. thursday brings mostly cloudy skies and a few showers, with heavier rain on friday. highs will be in the 40s both days. friday late, a changeover back to snow is possible, with spotty slick roads by saturday morning. sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze mountains and 30s in the 20s for the sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and
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will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and ligg snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low 40s. little to no accumulation is expected. thursday brings mostly cloudy skies and a few showers, with heavier rain on friday. highs will be in the 40s both days. friday late, a changeover back to snow is possible, with spotty slick
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3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: this: 3 you're looking live atpit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 3 news you need to know..the university of cincinnati will pay 4-point-85 million dollars to thfamily of "samuel dubose".dubose was shot and killed by a campus police officer back in july after a traffic stop.ray tensing is charged with murder.he is out of jail on bond, awaiting trial. 3 in tennessee the search for a missing two year old continues
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say noah chambers went missing during a hike with his grandmother and older sister on thursday. the sheriff office says the family is cooperating - and there is *no criminal investigation. 3 clemson is continuing to honor martin luther king today. a commerative service will be tonight at six oclock in the brooks center.trayvon martin's mother will be the keynote speaker. 3 we head to break with a live look at...spartanburg.. cold.. you're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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?3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at... downtown greenville.. ice on main is wrapped up until next year... closing ceremony today. joe is live this morning with more. 3 fans of the new rams team in los angeles are already paying for season tickets -- and
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yet.the rams are offering fans to pay an early deposit .. just for a chance to buy tickets.according to the team's website, tickets will not be on sale until this spring.the 100 dollar fee is to make sure you have a spot in line to buy tickets.. but it is refundable.the rams will be playing in the same stadium they played in from 1946 to 1979.. until a new stadium
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3 now to weather with nicole 3 sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and light snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low 40s. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 chris is in the traffic center. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this: 3 3 you're looking live at:
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3 it's ______.a greenville county deputy shot in the line of duty is heading home--but the road to recovery isnt over yet for deputy dave dempsey. we've got new details after the break. 3 we head to break with a live look at...clemson you're watching the morning news on
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3 the morning news at 6:30 starts now.. now.. 3 today will be sunny with highs in the 30s.but tomorrow there could be a chance for brief flurries for upstate along with accumulating snow in the mountains. mountains. 3 with the south carolina's primaries just a month away. we want to make sure you have all the information you need to vote. the details. straight ahead. 3 good morning.... it's tuesday, january 19i'm lauren elise eliseand i'm ben hill, with traffic reporter chris scott and meteorologist nicole papay. thanks for joining us on the morning news. 3 with this week's cold temperatures -- we're
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pets.. outside.astro kennels in simpsonville is actually offering cold weather boarding and doggie daycare.they say if your pet is typically outdoors and you don't want to bring them can bring them there. your pet will get their own kennel with heated flooring plus four walks a day. we have more details on fox carolina-dot-com.
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3 sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and light snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low 40s. 3 let's send it over to chris. 3 3 to chris.let'send it over 3 let's send it over to chris. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center:
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3 you're looking live at: 3 a greenville deputy shot in the line of duty is expected to be released from the hospital tomorrow. tomorrow.deputy dave dempsey's wife wrote on his gofundme page that he will be leaving roger c. peace hospital to come home on wednesday. wednesday.deputy dempsey was shot in the head on december 10th while responding to a robbery call in taylors.the family of the man who shot him says they believe charles rosemond thought robbers were returning to his home and opened fire on the deputies. rosemond was shot and killed by a deputy who returned fire. dempsey will keep up his rehab routine once he gets home. according to the go fund me page, he still has quite a lot of work to get back to 100 percent. 3 3 u-s navy ships are helping in a underwater search this morning for two helicopters that crashed off the coast of hawaii last thursday.
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those marines is from right here in the upstate. 3 on monday the community in woodruff gathered to pray for comfort and answers during a difficult time. after 22 year old sgt. jeffrey sempler and his comrades disappeared after two helicopters collided off the coast of oahu during a training exercise. search crew have found three life rafts but no signs of the marines. the coast guard says they are still hopeful they will find survivors.sempler's father says his son has a generous sprit and is very smart...he family says he was a graduate of woodruff high school in 2011--when he enlisted in the marines.his father says throughout this difficult time... both the marine corp and the community have been extremely supportive. 3 3 we now know the name of a lady who died in an oconee county crash. crash.troopers say the car was on i-85 near the south carolina border and it veered off the slammed through the cable barrier and ran into a vehicle traveling the other way.according to the coroner -- "lam le" was killed and her husband was taken to the hospital along with the driver of the other car.the
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6:30 yesterday morning. 3 a man from the coast is out of jail this morning after deputies say he punched an elderly man in spartanburg county. county.this is a look at "charles whitaker".deputies say they arrested whitaker outside the upward star center sunday afternoon.they say he was waiting for a handicap parking spot when another car cut him off.investigators say whitaker started verbally abusing a 79 year old man.the driver says he went to move his car but whitaker punched him in the parking lot. 3 a cherokee county home is **destroyed after a massive fire burnt for hours. hours.this is "hidden acres drive" outside of gaffney on monday.six different fire departments were called out to the home to help out and bring water supplies.the gaffney fire chief says there was damage to about half of the home.fortunately the homeowners were able to get out and weren't hurt.the cause of the fire is under investigation- 3 in a little more than a month- voters in our state will head to the polls for the first primary elections in the south. south.and if you want to cast a ballot... you've got less
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you're registered in your county. carolina's ashley minelli is live in downtown greenville-- ashley what's the 3 must be registerd by january 27th 27th- sc is an open primary state- if you're registered to vote, can vote in either greenville county:- name or address update by mail, online or in person at county offices - absentee ballot: fill out app in person or mail mailimportant dates: - deadline for registration again: feb 27th- deadline to
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pm, four days before election- republican: feb 20th- democratic: feb 27th 3 3 - need valid license or id- look at the form form 3 this is a look at the 12 republican candidates running for the nomination.
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side, hillary clinton, bernie sanders, and martin o'malley are all leading the democratic can find everything you need to know about the debate on fox carolina dot com. 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and light snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low 40s.
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3 now to chris with traffic.3 now to chris 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center: center: 3 3 you are taking a live look at: 3 3 it's ______. ______.another successful year in the you can celebrate ice on main later
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3 we head to break with a live look at... cold spartanrbug.. john b. white sr.'re watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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are company should treat you like family... [phone rings] operator: health care customer service caller: hi this is patricia ramirez. operator: oh, patricia! colleague: i love patricia! colleague 2: when is she getting married? operator: it's about time, lady! this is the real question: how's that man you're dating? where's the ring? ...we mean more like this. operator: we can do this together. i'll schedule an appointment with the diabetes specialist, ok? member: thank you. you deserve compassion. you deserve molina healthcare, your extended family. to learn more about our medicaid plan, visit
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina---we're taking a live look at...downtown greenville.. 3 a senate committee is set to vote on a bill wednesday that would revise lunch standards in public schools. schools.the bill would allow school leaders more flexibility in what they serve students for lunch.for the past two years, many administrators have complained federal lunch regulations are too strict.if the bill is passed, the agricultural department would have to revise their sodium and grain standards with in 90 days. 3 3 it's time to hang up the on main in greenville is packing up for the rest of the winter... winter...and today city leaders are holding a closing ceremony. carolina's joe gagnon is live from ice on
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3 today at three it will be a final goodbye to ice on main for this winter season... season...there will be a closing ceremony - mayor knox white and sponsors will celebrate the close of a special anniversary season at united community bank ice on main. join us for remarks from the mayor and michelle seaver of united community bank and a donation presentation to camp courage and other donation recipients. plus, the winner of the skate your way to broadway sweepstakes will be announced!
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3 back to you..
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3 time for traffic 3 and weather every ten minutes. 3 sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and light snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low 40s. little to no accumulation is expected. thursday brings mostly cloudy skies and a few showers, with heavier rain on friday. highs
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friday late, a changeover back to snow is possible, with spotty slick roads by saturday morning. sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and light snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low 40s. little to no accumulation is expected. thursday brings mostly cloudy skies and a few showers, with heavier rain on friday. highs will be in the 40s both days. friday late, a changeover back to snow is
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roads by saturday morning.
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3 now to pit crew traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we are watching:accident with injuries/blockedunion hwy @ i-26 i-26 3 you are taking a live look at: pit crew traffic sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 3 cadillacchevrolet kevin whitaker sponsored by pit crew
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chevrolet cadillac 3 3 time for news you need to forces in iraq are searching the streets for a group of missing americans. leaders in iraq say three men were kidnapped from an apartment known to be a brothel.a local police officer says the men were grabbed from a car while driving to the airport. 3 a group of protesters temporally shut down one side of the san-francisco- oakland bay bridge in a police brutality protest on m-l-k day. protesters chained themselves and cars together to form a line.traffic was backed up for more than a half hour. 3 fans of "the eagles" are mourning the loss of founding member "glenn frey".reps of the band posted online that he was battling several health conditions including pneumonia. he passed away in new york monday at the age of 67. 3 if you shop at trader joe's -- you may want to check your pantry. pantry.the company posted on their website friday.. that they're recalling all store brand raw cashew pieces. inspectors found possible traces of "salmonella" in one
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being recalled as a precaution. no one has reported being sick. you can bring the cashew pieces back to the store for a refund or just throw them out. 3 3 it's ______.coming up ... chipotle is making sure their stores are clear of salmonella after multiple out breaks last year.we'll tell you what they're doing next month. 3 we head to break with a live look at... greenville county 3 but first let's take a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. numbers. 3
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marco rubio. he ran for senate saying he opposed amnesty... then he flipped, and worked with liberal chuck schumer to co-author the path to citizenship bill. he threatened to vote against it. and then voted for it. he supported his own dream act and then he abandoned it. marco rubio. just another washington politician you can't trust. jeb bush. he's a leader, so you always know where he stands. right to rise usa
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3 welcome back--we're taking a live look at... 3 chipotle continues to get back on its feet after its salmonella outbreaks. reps say they will open late at all stores nation-wide on monday february 8th.the day will be dedicated to learning new cleaning practices and thanking workers for their hard work. many stores were shut down last year for outbreaks of salmonella
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more than 500 cases were connected to chipotle and several people sued the chain. 3 team usa will have to fight for an olympic gold medal in basketball this year with out super star kobe bryant. bryant.bryant ruled himself out of the olympics on saturday.he's played for team usa during the last two summer games winning a gold each time. kobe announced last year this season is his last.this year's summer games will be held in rio and are less than 200 days usa leaders announced their roster is down to 30 players but will have to cut the roster down to 12 players before the games start. 3 now to weather and traffic
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3 sunny with highs in the 20s for the mountains and 30s in the upstate. a breeze will make it feel colder. tonight, clouds increase with lows in the teens and 20s. a chance for wintry mix and light snow comes wednesday, with highs in the 30s and low 40s. 3 3 let's send it over to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're keeping an eye on: accident with injuries/blockedunion hwy @ i-26 i-26 3 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 it's ______.its cold outside! coming up, find out what experts have to say about preparing not only yourself.. but your cars and pipes ahead of the chilling temperatures, next. 3 downtown greenville be sure to stay with fox carolina all
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nine o'clock.throughout our four hours of news you can catch live reports from the field, plus weather and
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minutes. i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth.
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it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. the morning news starts now. now. 3 it's brutally cold this morning and this is just the beginning of the winter weather.i'll tell you about two chances of some snow we could see before friday. friday. 3 bundle up the kids and turn on
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to want to prepare for that
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