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tv   Morning News 6  FOX  January 20, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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morning news. 3 we're keeping an eye on the winter weather this morning. this is a live look at downtown brevard--- our crew is up there to try and catch some snow.we'll be checking in with them a little later.we do have some school closings:they are all running at the bottom of your screen. 3 3 and we want to mention that there will be no school for students in greenwood district 52 this morning. its after a water main break in the town of ninety six tuesday.the problem has since be fixed but school district says the results from water tests wont be back until later this afternoon. afternoon.
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mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. 3 ((wrap up)) 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're
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crew traffic center. are looking live at: 3 3 we're following breaking news in pakistan-- pakistani rescue crews say they're looking for survivors.. after armed militants **killed at least 20 university students.according to local media -- the attackers struck overnight at bacha khan university.military leaders says four attackers have been killed and they've taken control of the organization has claimed responsibility for the attack. 3 3 it's a big day for family and friends of a greenville county deputy.. and the sheriff's department. department.deputy dave dempsey is set to be released from the hospital today - after being shot the line of duty.
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minelli is live at g-h-s this morning-and ashley, do we know where his recovery will go from here? 3 expected to be a long road ahead: ahead: underwent a few surgeries3 dempsey's wife:- physical capabilities up back to 70 percent- mental at about 60 percentnext up:- physical therapy- occupational therapy- speech therapy- outpatient care at least twelve weeks weeks dempsey:- suffered critical injuries back on december 10th- shot in the head while investigating a
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complex- man who shot him "charles rosemond" died after another deputy returned fire- rosemond's family: believes he thought officers were robbers returning to his home- dempsey is a 30 year law-enforcement veteran 3 dempsey being released from roger c. peace rehabilitation hospital here at g-h-s11 am today today3 has family said recently? go-fund me page? 3 3 the coast guard is suspending the search for 12 missing marines off the coast of hawaii--which includes a young man from the upstate. upstate.the family of sergeant jeffrey sempler says the marine from woodruff was just shy of his 23-rd birthday. birthday.the search for the 12 marines lasted five days.last thursday -- two helicopters
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mission.all four rafts were found but there's been no sign of survivors.the coast guard announced on tuesday--- the mission will now turn into a recoery and salvage operation. 3 3 "we have not found the survivors, and this has a significant scope and impact.. stopping our search efforts. i know i speak for the entire coast guard when i say our thoughts and prayers are with marine corp helicopter squadron 463 and in particular the families and loved ones of those missing."more than 60 marines were involved in the search-the marine corp now has full control of any search effort moving forward. forward. we're told a memorial is planned friday for sergeant sempler and his fellow marines on the military base there in far there's been no announcement for a local memorial but we will keep you posted. 3 3 we are less than two weeks from the iowa caucuses and today frontrunner donald trump is hitting the campaign trail after a big endorsement. endorsement.former alaska governor and vice presidential candidate sarah palin announced on tuesday she is
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today she will join him in tulsa, oklahoma.after the big announcement trump said he was honored and proud to have palin's's what the two of them said during a campaign stop in iowa. 3 3 this election is more than just your basic abc's - anybody but clinton - it's more than just that this go around aroundthings are gonna change under president trump! trump!this is a woman that from day one i said i have to do this i have to get her support - she feels it she understands it better than anybody - and sarah on behalf of myself and my family and the country - i want to thank you very much. in south carolina. senator graham is endorsing jeb bushand congressman wdy is backing marco rubio. 3 here's a look at the rest of the republican candidates running for president. president.and there are four democrats battling for that party's nomination.for more on the candidates head to our dot-com. 3 and we want to pass along an important update.the south carolina election commission
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***today to register to vote in the republican primary on february 20th. if you want to vote in the democratic primary on the twenty seventh-you have until next wednesday to register. we have more information on how to register on fox carolina-dot-com. 3 tonight --governor nikki haley will deliver her "state of the state address". address".governor haley will deliver her speech from the statehouse in front of the general assembly.she is expected to talk about the progress being made in south carolina.she is also supposed to touch on the removal of the confederate flag, october's historic flooding and domestic violence.state representative mandy powers norrell will give the democratic response to haley's address. begins at seven tonight.we will be streaming it on fox carolina-dot-com. 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes with nicole. 3 light snow will move into the
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heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. 3 3 now to chris with traffic. 3 3 with to chris 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this:
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3 you're taking a live look at 3 we have a big game ahead of us this weekend. an as the panthers inch closer to a superbowl bid--we're taking a closer look at the journey to get there. there.join us this sunday for "panthers' pursuit of a title" sports anchors shannon sommerville and aaron cheslock will have all the coverage from charlotte this sunday at 5:30. 3 and fox carolina is the place to be this sunday.pre-game coverage starts at 6pm.kickoff is set for 6:40pm.tune in this sunday for the n-f-c championship. 3 3 it's ______.are you one of the many thats been waiting for a cheesecake factory to open in the upstate?coming up: when and whererehe restaurant is expected to open its doors -- next. 3 we head to break with a live look at... greenville county you're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--wewee taking a live look at...clemson 3 we are following some breaking news out of pickens where a fire that killed one person tuesday has rekindled.. rekindled..firefighters say the fire orginially started at a home on "ann street" tuesday afternoon around two oclock. the fire chief says crews are out there again this morning trying to put the fire out again.the cause of the fire hasn't been determined.the name of the person killed yesterday hasnt been released. we'll be sending a crew back out there and update you as we learn more. 3 3 covering our counties. an anderson county man accused of trying to kill his girlfriend's estranged husband is expected to go before a judge today. today.clint moore was on the run since november and then suddenly turned himself in on tuesday.he is now charged with attempted murder.
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pritchett outside the l-a pour house- we talked to pritchett -days later who said the shooting stemmed from a custody battle with his wife 3 katlyn gott-be-heat turned herself in last week but has since been released on bond. she's charged with accessory after the fact. 3 after years of rumors in the upstate.. we know when "the cheesecake factory" will actually open its first location in south carolina. carolina.the haood mall in greenville says the cheesecake factory will open this summer next to macy's where panera bread used to first discovered the highly anticipated arrival back in october -when city leaders told us the cheesecake factory franchise acquired a building permit at haywood mall. 3 3 folks in the mountains are keeping an eye on the skies for snow this morning -- so we decided to put joe gagnon on snow watch. far he's been unlucky.
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3 3 3 3 3 3 3 time for traffic and weather
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3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. thursday will be mostly cloudy with a few showers, and highs in thehe0s. friday starts with rain and possible mountain ice, then
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as the system moves out late friday, overnight light rain could turn to snow briefly before moving out on saturday. light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. thursday will be mostly cloudy with a few showers, and highs in the 40s. friday starts with rain and possible mountain ice, then transitions to rain all day. as the system moves out late friday, overnight light rain
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before moving out on saturday. 3 ((weather hit))
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to chris 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this: spartanburg deer accidentkist rd @ reidville rd rd 3 you're looking live atpit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 3 news you need to --you can see quite the sight -- if you look up at the sky. mercury, venus, saturn, mars and jupiter will all be
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it's the first time in more than ten years that all five of the planets have appeared together and will last through february 20. 3 actor jamie foxx is being called a hero -- after he saved a man who was trapped inside a burning happened near his home in southern california.foxx says him and an off-duty paramedic pulled the man out. 3 a new c-n-n poll shows that senator bernie sanders is beating hillary clinton in new hampshire.the poll shows sanders is up a whopping 27- percentage hampshire holds the country's first primary -- february 9-th. 3 in tennessee-- sheriff's deputies in memphis are revealing more information about the search for a missing two year old. old.noah chamberlain has been missing since thurday.on tuesday -- coordinators stressed they believe noah can be found and rescued. chamberlain's grandmother was with noah and his sister on a hike when he went missing.the f-b-i and state bureau of investigation are helping
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spanned more than one thousand teams are still looking in the woods near the home - speculating that he could have fallen into a sinkhole in the area. 3 3 it's (time).we all know college football means big bucks--but how much.coming up: the s-e-c os releasing their tax return to the public.we'll tell you just how much they made in their first year under the new playoffsystem. 3 we head to break with a live look at...greenville county pelham rdyou're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at...downtown brevard... main
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3 we now knonojust how much the s-e-c made in the first year of the college football playoff system. system.the conference released their tax returns on tuesday. it shows they brought in more than **527 million dollars through august of last year. last year was also the first year they were getting money from their own t-v network. their revenue is more than 60 percent higher than it made in 20-14.the tax return also shows the sec commissioner was
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3 now to weather with nicole 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 chris is in the traffic center. 3*********hold******
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watching this: spartanburg deer accidentkist rd @ reidville rd rd 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 it's ______.journalists may soon have to register with the government if they want to work in south carolina--but not all lawmakers are on board. we're talking about it next. 3 we head to break with a live look at...usc upstateyou're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 the morning news at 5:30 starts now.. now.. 3 the family of an upstate deputy is preparing for their loved be released from the hospital and come home today after he was shot in the line of duty. i'm live with the details. 3 3 3 a few flurries early in the mountains today, then some moderate snowfall by afternoon. the upstate will see some snow mixing with rain between later today. 3 good morning.... it's wednesday, january 20i'm lauren elise eliseand i'm ben hill, with traffic reporter chris scott and meteorologist nicole papay. thanks for joining us on the morning news.
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winter weather this morning. this is a live look as our crew heads up into the mountains to try and catch some snow.we'll be checking in with them a little later.we do have some school closings:they are e l running at the bottom of your screen. 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid
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out with lows just below freezing. 3 let's send it over to chris. 3*********hold****** *********hold******3 we're watching this in the pit we're watching *********hold****** *********hold****** 3 to chris.let's send it over 3 let's send it over to chris. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center:deer accident duncan on reidville rd@ kist rd/hwy 101 3 you're looking live at:
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3 there is good 3 there is good news for both the greenville county sheriff's office and the family of an upstate deputy. 3 deputy dave dempsey is expected to be released from the hospital today -- after being shot in the head.. in the line of duty. carolina's ahsley minelli is live at ghs this morning with the latest. 3 - recovery has been slow- 30 year-law enforcement veteran... - big step today today deputy dempsey:- shot in the head during possible burglary on dec. 10th- taylors apt. complex- "charlie rosemond" *shot dempsey*- died after *another* deputy
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family: believes he *thought* shot at deputies believeing they were burglarsdempsey lot of recovery left to due- at a minimum several weeks of physical, speech therapy- undergone multiple surgeries 3 doctors:- hope full recovery is at home, familiar surroundings could help brain function- expected to be released from rehab at 11 this morning morningwhat is his current condition now? current what is his morning morning3 what is his current condition now? 3 3 domestic violence will be one of the big focuses of governor nikki haley's 6th state of the state address tonight. tonight.governor haley will deliver her speech from the statehouse in front of the
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month the governor announced a 19 million dollar initiative put together by her domestic violence task force after south carolina ranked worst in the country.the governor is also expected to talk about the removal of the confederate flag and october's historic flooding. begins at seven tonight.we will be streaming it on fox carolina-dot-com. 3 3 covering our counties. in spartanburg county-- an inman woman is facing charges after the sheriff's office says she left her 8-month old in the car-- in near freezing temperatures. 3 deputies say victoria skripchenko is charged with child cruelty.deputies say a witness called 911... claiming the woman left her child for up to 20-minutes in the car... in 36-degree weather. weather.deputies say they responded to the kohl's store on franklin avenue on monday. that's where the child's mother said she went inside to quickly exchange an item.the child has been placed in a relative's care. 3 in buncombe county:an assistant principal at north buncombe high school is on administrative leave--after an alleged incident involving a student. 3 the school district says they
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between barry owens and a student following a basketball game on friday at the school. the district didnt elaborate beyond that.owens is also the school's athletic director.per protocol he is on leave pending the outcome of the investigation.owens has been the assistant principal and the a-d since 2004. 3 in anderson county-- a second former honea path police officer is accused of misconduct in office. office.john bell is now facing charges along with robert shaw. shaw. 3 both officers were fired last year after a man filed an excessive force complaint against them. the honea path police chief said he fired the two after talking with sled. the complaint stemmed from an incident in november--after a man failed to stop for police leading to a chase.police say that man..."b-j" hatcher... exited his car with what looked to be a knife.they say the officers used force to disarm hatcher.hatcher was taken to the hospital where his family said he suffered multiple injuries and was in critical condition at the time. the family later filed a lawsuit against the town and police department of honea
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3 a lawmaker from our area says south carolina journalists need to be registered by the government. government.representative michael pitts, from laurens, filed a bill called the "south carolina responsible journalism registry law" on would require anyone who wants to work as a journalist for the media to register with the state.a criminal background check would be required and journalists could be fined and jailed.local leaders say the bill is not legal. 3 3 3 "it's a ridiculous bill. it's totally unconstitutional." unconstitutional." 3 "journalists are journalists. you can't force them to register with the government unless you live in cuba or north korea." korea."the bill would also require journalists to renew their name in the registry every two years.similar bills have been struck down by judges in the past. can read the entire bill on our web site, fox carolina dot com. 3 time for weather and traffic
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3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing.
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3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center:accident free free 3 you are taking a live look at: 3 3 it's ______.3 good morning joe joehey guys,it's cold and that means chances of snow. i'm live near brevard where i havent seen anything yet. 3 we head to break with a live look at...greenville county you're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 you're watching the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole papay, chris scott with pit crew traffic 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina---we're taking a live look
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3 the supreme court will decide if president obama's executive action allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the u-s is constitutional or not. not.judges announced tuesday they will hear the "united states versus texas."that case blocked the president's executive actions on immigration and is expected to be heard in april and decided on in june.president obama's executive action protects about 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation.26 states filed suit against the president in february of last year. 3 federal investigators say nearly half a million foreign visitors are staying in the u-s after their visa expired. expired.the federal report shows visitors who stay past their visa's expiration date make up about 40 percent of illegal immigrants.according to workers with homeland security -- the number is actually just a small fraction of immigrants who are in the country legally.the department of homeland security will testify about the report on capitol hill later today. 3 folks in the mountains are
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few days of winter winter--so will they wake up to snow today? today?fox carolina's joe gagnon is live in downtown brevard...and for the people there--the answer looks like "no". 3 3 3 3 3
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3 time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. thursday will be
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showers, and highs in the 40s. friday starts with rain and possible mountain ice, then transitions to rain all day. as the system moves out late friday, overnight light rain could turn to snow briefly before moving out on saturday. light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. thursday will be
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showers, and highs in the 40s. friday starts with rain and possible mountain ice, then transitions to rain all day. as the system moves out late friday, overnight light rain could turn to snow briefly
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3 ((weather hit)) 3 now to pit crew traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we are watching: watching: 3 you are taking a live look at: pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 3 news you need to know..
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hopeful ben carson is leaving south carolina early.carson says he will travel to nebraska to be with the family of a campaign volunteer. hospital leaders say "braden joplin" was driving a campaign van tuesday when it ran off an icy road killing joplin. 3 former governor of alaska -- sarah palin -- is endorsing donald trump.she spoke about her support for trump on tuesday.trump says he's honored to have her support. the iowa caucus is less than two weeks away. 3 rescue crews have suspended their search for 12 missing marines off the coast of hawaii.a young man from woodruff is among the group involved in a chopper crash. multiple agencies were not able to find any wreckage or survivors after nearly a week of searching. 3 if you're pregnant and have been out of the country recently -- the c-d-c is recommending you get **screened for the zika virus. virus.they say the virus is transmitted by mosquitos in a list of south american countries.while health experts say you need to be screened if you show symptoms of the virus, 80 percent of infected people actually *don't show
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fever, rash, pain, and red eyes.the cdc says an ultrasound is the best way to detect the virus. 3 3 it's ______.coming up ...iwe all have computer passwords for everything and its hard to keep up..but there are some easy ones you need to avoid. coming up weve got the most common stolen passwords. 3 we head to break with a live look at...usc upstate 3 but first let's take a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. numbers. 3 3 you're watching the morning
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3 welcome back--we're taking a live look at...clemson 3 if you're looking to find a date online, researchers say they have the secret to success. success.according to the london school of medicine, your screen name may have as big of an impact as your picture.researchers say you should choose a screen name that starts with a letter in the first half of the alphabet. studies show several measures of success like education and income are associated with names that appear earlier in the alphabet.the study also
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and keep your bio short. 3 if you're looking to keep your digital information safe -- there are a few passwords you'll want to avoid using usinga security company called "splash-data" reviewed a list of millions of passwords that had been stolen last year.they said the number one stolen password was **1-2-3-4-5-6.** number two on the list was the word "password".the report shows sports references like **football** and **baseball** were also reps also say at least three references to star wars made the top 25 list. 3 now to weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon.
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shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. 3 3 let's send it over to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're keeping an eye on: traffic lightsoutjonesville rd @ woodruff rd hwy 86@ hwy 29 29 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 it's ______.a greenville county deputy is going home today.but, deputy dave dempsey still has a long road to recovery after being shot in
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3 be sure to stay with fox carolina all morning long. we're bringing you the days top stories until nine o'clock. throughout our four hours of news you can catch live
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weather and 3 the morning news starts now. now. 3 winter weather moves into our area.i'll have a timeline of when you could see snow.. coming up. up. 3 a greenville county deputy still has a long road to
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the job.but he's taking a big
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