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tv   Morning News 8  FOX  January 20, 2016 8:00am-9:00am EST

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the morning news starts now. now. 3 winter weather moves into our area.i'll have a timeline of when you could see snow.. coming up. up. 3 a greenville county deputy still has a long road to recovery after he was shot on the job.but he's taking a big step today.we're live in greenville with all the details. 3 good morning.... it's wednesday, january 20.i'm lauren elise.... 3 and i'm ben hill.. here with nicole papay and chris scott. thanks for joining us on the morning news. 3 greenwood district 52 schools are closed today because of a water line break in ninety six. we're told the break was repaired.. but schools are being closed so the water can be can see a full list of school closings and delays running at the bottom of your screen. screen.
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mountains 3 today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing.
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3 now lets send it over to the pit crew traffic center. 3 we're watching: grove rd @ hospitalmcdaniel ave @ woodland way/black ice ice 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 3 happening right crews in pickens county are back on the scene of a fire where one person was killed on tuesday.'s a live look-- we're told the house fire on ann street re-ignited early this morning.the pickens city fire department is out there now. 3 this house also 3 caught fire just before 1:00 yesterday afternoon.
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was found dead in the home.the coroner has not released their name.several agencies, including the police department and sled are's not clear how the fire started. 3 3 it's a big day for family and friends of a greenville county deputy.. and the sheriff's department. department.deputy dave dempsey is set to be released from the hospital today - after being shot the line of duty. 3 fox carolina's ashley minelli is live at g-h-s this morning- and ashley, do we know where his recovery will go from here? 3 3 expected to be a long road ahead: ahead: underwent a few surgeriesdempsey's wife:- physical capabilities up back
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60 percentnext up:- physical therapy- occupational therapy- speech therapy- outpatient care at least twelve weeks weeks dempsey:- suffered critical injuries back on december 10th- shot in the head while investigating a robbery at a taylors apartment complex- man who shot him "charles rosemond" died after another deputy returned firere- rosemond's family: believes he thought officers were robbers returning to his home- dempsey is a 30 year law-enforcement veteran 3 dempsey being released from roger c. peace rehabilitation
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todayhas family said 3 anything 3 recently?go-fund me page? 3 3 all new this morning.. the pakistani taliban is taking responsibility for an attack at a university that killed 20 people. people.officials say gunmen stormed the school shortly after classes started this least 20 people were killed... and several more are hurt.pakistan's army says the attackers were contained.. and four of them were killed.a leader from the pakistani taliban tells the associated press.. the attack was revenge for the deaths of
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months. 3 it's a tough morning for an upstate family... after the u-s coast guard suspended their search effort for 12 missing marines. marines.among the missing is 22 year old sergeant jeffery sempler.he's a woodruff high school graduate. graduate.sempler and 11 fellow marines went missing last thursday off the coast of's believed their two helicopters crashed during a training mission.searchers have found four life rafts from the choppers.. along with some debris.but there's been no sign of the missing marines. 3 3 tonight --governor nikki haley will deliver her "state of the state address". address".governor haley will deliver her speech from the statehouse in front of the general assembly.she is expected to talk about the removal of the confederate flag, october's historic flooding and domestic violence. state representative mandy norrell will give the democratic response to haley's address. begins at seven tonight.we will be streaming it on fox carolina-dot-com. 3 3 your south carolina tax refund may come a little later than your used to this year. year.reps with the south carolina department of revenue
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refund checks until march 1st at the earliest.the delays is to check documents with the i-r-s in an effort to cut down on fraud and stolen refunds.if you file after march first, you can expect your check in two to three weeks of the date the return is received.. 3 now for weather and traffic every 10 minutes. minutes. 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing.
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3 let's send it over 3 to chris. 3 we're watching:gibbs shoals rd @ e suber rdgrove rd@ hospital mcdaniel ave@ woodland way black ice ice
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s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 good morning, joe-- joe-- 3 some of you will see some snow later today.we're live in western north carolina seeing how things are this morning. 3 here's a live look over clemson-- you're watching the
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3 you're watching 3 the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole papay, chris scott with pit crew traffic. 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox're taking a live look over greenville 3 3 covering our counties--an attempted murder suspect who's been on the run since november is expected in an anderson county courtroom this morning. morning.deputies say clint moore turned himself in on tuesday. tuesday.investigators say moore shot his girlfriend's estranged husband outside the l-a pour house back in
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carolina he and his ex were in a bitter r stody battle. battle.that woman-- katlyn gottbeheat-- is facing an accessory charge.she surrendered last week and is now out of jail. 3 a spartanburg county woman is out of jail after deputies say she left her eight month old in a car while it was near-freezing outside. outside.deputies arrested victoria skripchenko on monday and charged her with child cruelty. cruelty.investigators were called to the kohl's store on franklin avenue.. where someone reported a baby had been in a car for up to 20 minutes in 36 degree weather. the woman says she had just gone inside to exchange an item.deputies handed the c cld over to relatives, and contacted d-s-s. 3 3 as nicole has been saying.. there's a chance some of you will see some winter weather today. carolina's joe gagnon is live in brevard. how's it looking, joe? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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3 time for weather and traffic. traffic. 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. thursday will be mostly cloudy with a few showers, and highs in the 40s. friday starts with rain and possible mountain ice, then
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as the system moves out late friday, overnight light rain could turn to snow briefly before moving out on saturday. light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. thursday will be mostly cloudy with a few showers, and highs in the 40s. friday starts with rain and possible mountain ice, then transitions to rain all day. as the system moves out late
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could turn to snow briefly before moving out on saturday.
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3 chris is in the traffic center now: 3 3 3 we're watching:
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3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on--pit crew traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac! 3 3 3 news you need to know..the state election commission says ***today is the last day to register if you want to vote in the republican primary on february 20th. the deadline to register for the democratic primary is next wednesday.we have more information on fox carolina-dot-com. 3 the president will be in detroit today for the north american international auto show.his tour will highlight the auto industry's turnaround during the past 7 years. president obama is also expected to address the water crisis in flint. 3 millions in the north-east and in the ohio valley are preparing for a big snow storm this weekend.forecasters say up to two feet could hit areas. computer models show the storm is still forming over the ocean.
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today is your day to celebrate. it's national cheese lover's day.the usda recognizes more than 2-thousand varieties of cheese.they estimate consumers eat more than 31 pounds of cheese per person each year. historians estimate cheese making started in poland around 55-hundred b-c. 3 and here's a live look at usc upstate--you're watching the
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3 welcome back to theheorning news on fox carolina.we're looking live over pelham road in greenville. 3 firefighters are thanking a spartanburg woman for saving the life of an elderly man.
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spealist with the spartanburg city police.she was off the job last friday, when she noticed smoke while driving.porter followed the smoke and found two cars on fire - burning very close to a home.firefighters say if she hadn't called 9-1-1, the house would have caught on fire. porter says it was just instinct. 3 3 "being a first responder and being an advocate when we see help or when i see someone needs help i need to help them that's kind of what i'm thinking all the time." time."porter says there was a elderly man inside the home who had no idea the cars were burning so close and she's glad she helped out. 3 time for weather with nicole. 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoooo
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shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing.
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3 time for traffic. 3 we're watching: gibbs shoals rd @ e suber rdgrove rd @ hospitalmcdaniel ave @ woodland way/black ices batesville rd @ e shallowstone rd rd 3 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 here's a live look in brevard --you're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 the morning news starts now. now. 3 a greenville county deputy still has a long road to
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the job.but he's taking a big step today.we're live in greenville with all the details. details. 3 winter weather moves into our area.i'll have a timeline of when you could see snow.. coming up. up. 3 some of you could see some snow this morning or later today.we're live in western north carolina keeping an eye on conditions. 3 good morning.... 3 it's wednesday, january 20.i'm ben hill. hill.and i'm lauren elise .. here with nicole papay and chris scott.thanks for joining us on the morning news. 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light
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western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below
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3 ((wrap up)) 3 time for traffic with chris. 3 we're watching: accidentsgibbs shoals rd @ e suber rdhwy 101 @ summer valley ct ct 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 3 happening right crews in pickens county are back on the scene of a fire where one person was killed on tuesday.'s a live look-- we're told the house fire on ann street re-ignited early this morning.the pickens city fire department is out there now. 3 this house also caught fire just before 1:00 yesterday
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person was found dead in the home.the coroner has not released their name.several agencies, including the police department and sled are's not clear how the fire started. 3 3 there is good news for both the greenville county sheriff's office and the family of an upstate deputy. 3 deputy dave dempsey is expected t tbe released from the hospital today -- more than a month after heheas shot in the line of duty. 3 fox carolina's ashley minelli is live at ghs this morning with the latest. 3 - recovery has been slow- 30 year-law enforcement veteran... - big step today today deputy dempsey:- shot in the head during possible burglary on dec. 1010- taylors apt. complex- "charlie rosemond" *shot dempsey*- died after *another* deputy returned fire- rosemond's family: believes he *thought* shot at deputies believeing they were burglarsdempsey lot of recovery left to due- at a minimum several weeks of physical, speech therapy-
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3 doctors:- hope full recovery is at home, familiar surroundings could help brain function- expected to be released from rehab at 11 this morning
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3 3 covering our counties--in anderson county--two former police officers are facing misconduct charges after an incident from more than a year ago. ago.sled has charged robert shaw and john bell with misconduct in office.the two were fired last year, after authorities began investigating an excessive force complaint. november of 2014.. the family of b-j hatcher says he was severely beaten during a traffic stop. investigators say hatcher had a knife.. and tried to run away before the two officers took him down.his family says he was left in critical condition.a lawsuit was filed against the department last year. 3 a man is set to spend nearly six years in prison for a crash in henderson county that killed his passenger. passenger.the accident happened back in june of 2014 on highway 25.investigators say angel diaz crashed into a guard rail... killing "luiz ruiz."troopers say diaz got out and walked away from the wrecked car.he pleaded guilty to felony death by vehicle and was sentenced to 70 months in prison. 3
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there's a chance some of you will see some winter weather today. carolina's joe gagnon is live in brevard where he's seen a few flakes. hey joe. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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3 time for weweher and traffic every 10 minutes. minutes. 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing.
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chris. 3 we're watching: piney mtn rd @ hwy 291gibbs shoals rd @ e suber rdhwy 101 @ summer valley ct ct 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 the carolina panthers are getting closer to another trip to the super bowl.and fox carolina is following it all for you. you.coming up this weekend..
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sommerville are going in depth on the panther's season. "panthers' pursuit of a title" airs sunday at 5:30. 5:30.then.. you can watch the panthers host the cardinals in the nfc championship.pregame coverage starts at 6:00. kickoff is at 6:40... right here on fox carolina. 3 3 it's ______.he's fighting for first place in the republican presidential donald trump's newest supporter could give him a big advantage. 3 here's a live look over clemson university-- you're watching the morning news on
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3 you're watching the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole papay, chris scott with pit crew traffic. 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox are looking live in brevard.
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3 republican presidential candidate ben carson is temporarily suspending his campaign after the death of one of his volunteers. volunteers.25 year old braden joplin died after a car crash tuesday afternoon.he and three other campaign volunteers were riding on an icy highway in iowa, when their van spun out of control and was hit by a truck.carson was in south carolina at the time.. but flew out to omaha to visit joplin's family.carson has canceled his campaign events today.other candidates, including donald trump and bernie sanders, have offered their condolences to the victim's family. 3 donald trump is getting support from a well known member of the republican party. party.sarah palin announced her endorsement of trump on tuesday.the former alaska governor made it official during a campaign rally in iowa.trump and ted cruz are in a dead heat in the iowa polls right less than two weeks.. voters in iowa will be the first in the nation to vote in the presidential primary. 3 the nation's largest l-g-b-t organization is endorsing
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the human rights campaign announced its support tuesday.. saying "she stood with us, and now it's our turn."clinton has praised the legalization of same sex marriage.. and has made l-g-b-t equality part of her campaign speech. 3 here's a look at the democratic candidates for president.if you plan to vote in south carolina's democratic primary... you must be registered by next wednesday. wednesday.and for the republican primary, **today is the last day for you to register to vote on february can find information carolina dot com. 3 3 today through friday the peace center is hosting a play honoring the life of baseball legend "jackie robinson". robinson".the play is called "jackie robinson: a game apart".it highlights his career on the baseball field when he helped break the color barrier for major league baseball.the play also looks at what robinson had to deal with off the field as well.the performer who plays robinson says the production explains the importance of role models. 3 3 3 3 "i play jackie but i also play a number of other characters throughout the play, again
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all." 3 "if a role model is willing to put their life, physically, on the line then clearly young people, today, can see how they can do something much smaller to make a change" change"tickets are sold 3 out for today's performance. according to the peace center's website -- tickets are still on sale for tomorrow and friday. 3 time for weather and traffic.3 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become
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upstate towns could see a 3 snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. thursday will be mostly cloudy with a few showers, and highs in the 40s. friday starts with rain and possible mountain ice, then transitions to rain all day. as the system moves out late friday, overnight light rain could turn to snow briefly
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light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing. thursday will be mostly cloudy with a few showers, and highs in the 40s. friday starts with rain and possible mountain ice, then transitions to rain all day. as the system moves out late friday, overnight light rain
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before moving out on saturday.
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3 let's send it over to chris for traffic. 3 3 3 we're watching: piney mtn rd @ hwy 291hwy 101 @ summer valley ct ct 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on--pit crew traffic sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac! 3 3 3 and time for birthday shout-
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-robert and wanda are sharing a birthday. birthday.if you'd like us to mention a birthday on the air, send the name, date, and hometown to *birthdays at fox carolina dot com.*and let us know if you'd like to see it in either the 7 or 8 o'clock hour. 3 we'll be right back.but first... a look at yesterday's winning lottery numbers. numbers. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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doctor: oh yeah... right there. oh! you got a nickel back there! heh heh! when we say a health care company should treat you like family, we mean more like this. operator: it's gonna be ok, and i'll be right here if you need me. member: really? operator: really. you deserve compassion. you deserve molina healthcare, your extended family. to learn more about our medicaid plan, visit
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3 we're back with news you need to know...the pakistani taliban is taking responsibility for an attack at a university that killed 20 people.officials say gunmen stormed the school shortly after classes started this morning.pakistan's army says the attackers were contained.. and four of them were killed. 3 rescue crews have suspended their search for 12 missing marines off the coast of hawaii that included a woodruff native.multiple agencies were not able to find any wreckage or survivors after nearly a week of searching.reports of two helicopters crashing thursday kicked off the massive search. 3 governor nikki haley will deliver her "state of the state address" tonight.she is expected to talk about the removal of the confederate flag, october's historic flooding and domestic violence. it begins at seven tonight.we will be streaming it on fox carolina-dot-com. 3 light snow will move into the mountains today, then become heavier by the afternoon. upstate towns could see a snow shower or rain/snow mix. light accumulation limited to western nc. highs in the mid to upper 30s. tonight dries out with lows just below freezing.
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3 let's get one last look at
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3 we're watching: watching: 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 a new jersey cat that social media users say looks like an actor from star wars -- now has a new home. home.a picture of this cat -- named corey -- was tweeted out saturday.the user said she thought the cat looked like star wars actor "adam driver" who plays kylo media users picked up on the tweet and it exploded with meme's and parody accounts.the local animal shelter that corey was staying at -- posted on twitter monday that he had been adopted. 3 thanks for joining us for the morning news on fox 3 the morning joining us for thanks for
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3 thanks for 3 joining us for the morning news on fox carolina.don't forget to join diana, cody and
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