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tv   Morning News 6  FOX  January 22, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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3 we're talking a live look at the piedmont interstate fairgrounds in spartanburg. where there is also some snow on the ground.we've been talking a lot about ice with this storm which brings the threat of power you can see duke energy trucks and crews are on standby ready to deal with outages should they happen. happen. 3 rain and sleet will transition into freezing rain at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains. ice, sleet and rain will continue through the day,
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winter storm warning for our area continues until 7pm saturday. 3 ((wrap up)) 3*********hold****** *********hold******3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic advisory: snow covered road north of i-85.
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3 our team 3 our team coverage on this winter storm continues now.the northern part of the upstate is already seeing snow. carolina's joe gagnon is live is in travelers rest this morning.and joe you said the roads were pretty bad..
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conditions.. tow truck comapnies are ready here in the fact we spoke with john hawkins of hawkins towing..he says they get calls like crazy throughout the day.. and if they aren't able to reach someone who need help because they are busy..they will even get them in contact with their competition to make sure they make it out safe.. the state dot towing service is also available and it's free.but only during daytime advice may be- to heed the advice and stay home if the roads are hard to travel. 3 3 shep - the state dot towing service is also available and it's free.but only during daytime advice may be- to heed the advice and stay home if the roads are hard to travel. travel. 3
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3 it's a similar scene in north carolina. carolina.our team 3 our team coverage continues now with fox carolina's ashley minelli.she is live in asheville, ashely? 3 3 --
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3 "we're all coming together so that if a situation occurs we step it up a notch we all come together and we work together to make sure that we keep the citizens safe in asheville need us." 3 3
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3 time for weather 3 time for weather and traffic
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3 rain and sleet will transition into freezing rain at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains. ice, sleet and rain will continue through the day, turning to snow tonight. the winter storm warning for our area continues until 7pm saturday. 3 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold******
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3 we're watching this:travel advisory: snow covered road i-85.
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3 and this is a live look at...greenville county.. pelham road.. no snow in that areayou're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 you're watching the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole papay, chris scott with pit crew traffic 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look
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3 we are getting a ton of snow pictures coming in.many people are seeing snow and sleet in the can post yout pics to our fox carolina news facebook page or email them to fox carolina news at fox carolina-dot-com. 3 emergency crews say they're ready to go.we spoke with the director of greenville county emergency management about their plan for the next couple of days. days.the director says preparations are in place to account for the call load that they know they'll get during the brunt of this winter weather system - much more than usual.they say they anticipate four or five hundred more calls than normal - as road conditions worsen and ice poses a threat for accidents. they are once again roads if possible.
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3 "when there's weather, rain or ice is even worse, we just ask people to stay off the roads they can, that causes a delay in response to emergencies for stranded vehicles that are on the roadway but also it puts the occupancies at risk." risk."3 city leaders say to call 911 strictly for emergencies only. 3 time for traffic and weather
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3 the winter storm warning for our area continues until 7pm saturday. rain and sleet will at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains. ice, sleet and rain will continue through the day, turning to snow tonight. saturday begins with scattered snow, and slowly tapers off through noon. some melting will begin with afternoon highs near 40. sunshine returns with a high of 48 by sunday, but overnight re-freeze will remain a concern through early next week. the winter storm warning
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7pm saturday. rain and sleet will transition into freezing rain at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains. ice, sleet and rain will continue through the day, turning to snow tonight. saturday begins with scattered snow, and slowly tapers off through noon. some melting will begin with afternoon highs near 40. sunshine returns with a high of 48 by sunday, but overnight re-freeze will remain a concern through early next week.
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3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this:travel advisory: snow covered road north of i-85. i-85.
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traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 we are getting a good idea of what it looks like all around the area thanks to your can post yourpictures to our fox carolina news facebook page or email them to fox carolina news at fox carolina-dot-com. 3 here a live look at...spartanburg county... franklin street... you're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina--we're taking a live look at...spartanburg county.. usc upstate
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in your car---- in this winter weather or even stuck without heatexperts want *you to know the signs of hypothermia. hypothermia.experts at g-h-s say the best thing you can do to prevent hypothermiis to wear lots of layers when outdoors.some of the symptoms to look out for are a slowed heart rate.... slurred speech... slow movements... confusion... and shivers. officials say if you do find yourself stuck in your car-- don't leave your vehicle and
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3 now to weather with nicole 3 rain and sleet will transition into freezing rain at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains. ice, sleet and rain will continue through the day, turning to snow tonight. the winter storm warning for our area continues until 7pm saturday.
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3 chris is in the traffic center. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're watching this: 3
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3 more winter weather pictures as we head to can post yourpictures to our fox carolina news facebook page or email them to fox carolina news at fox carolina-dot-com. 3 we head to break with a live look at... clemson .. school closing.. check ticker at the bottom of your screen. you're watching the morning news on fox carolina. 3 you're watching the morning
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i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do.
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3 3 everyone is preparing for what this winter storm could're taking a live look at spartanburg county. this is franklin street where power crews are set up at the fairgrounds.we have several schools closings this morning: greenville, spartanburg anderson county schools are out as well as laurens, oconee and pickens--most schools in western north carolina also closed. 3 good morning, thanks for joining us on this special edition of the morning news.we are in all parts of the upstate and western north carolina as we cover this winter storm. storm.we have team coverage. coverage.ashley minelli is live in asheville...where the snow's been coming down for several hours. hours.joe gagnon is in travelers rest...where the
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roads.and of course we start with nicole papay who is tracking this all from the weather center. 3 rain and sleet will transition into freezing rain at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains. ice, sleet and rain will continue through the day, turning to snow tonight. the winter storm warning for our area continues until 7pm
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3 let's send it over to chris.
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*********hold******3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center: center: 3 you're looking live at: 3 as nicole 3 as nicole mentioned we could sleet and snow with this storm--depending on the time and where you live. carolina 3 ashley minelli is live in asheville, where they've already seen a good bit of snow.hey ashley. 3 3 --
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3 3 there are already a couple inches of snow on the ground in travelers rest and this is just the beginning. beginning.the beginning. beginning.and this is just travelers rest on the ground
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couple there are there are 3 there are already a couple inches of snow on the ground in travelers rest and this is just the beginning. carolina's joe gagnon is live near downtown travelers rest with the latest on how their roads are looking.. 3 adlib current conditions conditions 3 but here in t-r.. they have some serious help..the police
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their hum-v to use..for anyone who has a job that requires them to go to work..those who work in hospitals.. emergency rooms.. or they are first responders..they will come and pick you up..t-r police also say they've been buying all wheel drive vehicles like the hum-v for the past few years... specifically for weather events like this...
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you.. 3 if the area starts to ice over today--power outages could become a huge issue.that's why this large fleet is set up in spartanburg at the fairgrounds ready to go at a moment notice
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a power outage in your area-- we've got the numbers on your screen for all the power companies. you can also head to foxcarolina.comthere you'll find a link on the homepage with a list of contact numbers to reach out to. 3 remember--for all of the business... school and government closings...make sure you have the fox carolina weather app. we've got radar, live cams, weather alerts .. event flight information on the app.just text carolina weather to 23765 to download! 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes.
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into freezing rain at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains. ice, sleet and rain will continue through the day, turning to snow tonight. the winter storm warning for our area continues until 7pm
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3 ((weather hit)) 3 now to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we're watching this in the pit crew traffic center: center: 3 3 you are taking a live look at: 3 more winter weather pictures as we head to can post yourpictures to our fox carolina news facebook page or
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news at fox carolina-dot-com. 3 we head to break with a live look at... greenville county... pelham road... we'll get a check on what things are looking like along i-85 after the're watching the morning news on fox carolina.
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3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina---we're taking a live look rest 3 3 we are continuing to monitor conditions across the upstate and western north carolina. keeping an eye on the roads is really important. my co-anchor ben hill is live outside our station at i-85 and pelham road.and ben we talk so much about that i-85 line being an
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may not's it looking? 3 ben, things looks quiet right now...we are starting to crews have been moving through here treating the roads.back to you.
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3 3 3 3 time for traffic and weather
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3 the winter storm warning for our area continues until 7pm saturday. rain and sleet will transition into freezing rain at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains. ice, sleet and rain will continue through the day, turning to snow tonight. saturday begins with scattered snow, and slowly tapers off through noon. some melting will begin with afternoon highs near 40. sunshine returns with a high of 48 by sunday, but overnight re-freeze will remain a concern through early next
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for our area continues until 7pm saturday. rain and sleet will transition into freezing rain at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains. ice, sleet and rain will continue through the day, turning to snow tonight. saturday begins with scattered snow, and slowly tapers off through noon. some melting will begin with afternoon highs near 40. sunshine returns with a high of 48 by sunday, but overnight re-freeze will remain a concern through early next
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3 now to pit crew traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold****** 3 we are watching: watching:3 3 you are taking a live lookokt: pit crew traffic sponsored by 3 kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac 3 more winter weather pictures as we head to can post yourpictures to our fox carolina news facebook page or email them to fox carolina
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3 we head to break with a live look at...asheville.. snow3 3 but first let's 3 take a look at last night's numbers.
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doctor: oh yeah... right there. oh! you got a nickel back there! heh heh! when we say a health care company should treat you like family, we mean more like this. operator: it's gonna be ok, and i'll be right here if you need me. member: really? operator: really. you deserve compassion. you deserve molina healthcare, your extended family. to learn more about our medicaid plan, visit
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3 we're taking a live look 3 rest.. snow in some parts of the carolinas this morning. 3 now to weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 rain and sleet will transition into freezing rain at times in the northern upstate and nc piedmont, while snow and sleet will fall in the mountains.
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continue through the day, turning to snow tonight. the winter storm warning for our area continues until 7pm saturday. 3 3 let's send it over to chris with traffic. 3*********hold****** *********hold******we're keeping an eye on: on: 3 you're looking live at: 3 3 spartanburg.. snow.. usc upstate3 be sure to stay with fox we're bringing you the days
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throughout our four hours of news you can catch live reports from the field, plus
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minutes.? _v/3 down in parts of our area right now.we're watching conditions from the upstate to western north carolina.. coming up. up. 3 some serious snow has been falling in the northern part of the upstate.we're live in
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